[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Service Unavailable

2004-12-21 Thread jerryp64
When I try to use the suggested URL I get the following exception
for a servlet and for a standalone application:

  |  [java] javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException: Error processing WSDL document:
  |  [java] java.io.FileNotFoundException: 
  | ssionService?wsdl
  |  [java] at 
  |  [java] at org.apache.axis.client.Service.init(Service.java:193)
  |  [java] at 
  | ctory.java:232)
  |  [java] at com.hott.client.WSClient.main(Unknown Source)
  |  [java] Exception in thread main
I have tried to enter the URL in the browser and it cannot find the file.  

The file is in the server/default/data/wsdl/mod07sol.jar path.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Service Unavailable

2004-12-20 Thread jerryp64
I have deployed a service using the Getting Started Guide, the Wiki, and some 
suggestions from these forums.  After I deploy the service I am able to use the 
following URL to see the service:

I have reviewed the service on the server and I saved the WSDL file to another 
directory.  I am trying to create a standalone client that can access the 
service.  I have used the Axis WSDL2Java program to generate the Java classes 
needed to access the server.

When I run the standalone application I get SOAP fault.  In the message it 
returns a 
anonymous wrote : 
  | 404-mod07sol/BookSessionService, the requested resource is not available.

Here is the WSDL file:

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=http://service.hott.com; 
xmlns:impl=http://service.hott.com; xmlns:intf=http://service.hott.com; 
  |   wsdl:message name=findByTitleResponse
  | wsdl:part name=findByTitleReturn type=xsd:string/
  |   /wsdl:message
  |   wsdl:message name=findByISBNResponse
  | wsdl:part name=findByISBNReturn type=xsd:string/
  |   /wsdl:message
  |   wsdl:message name=findByTitleRequest
  | wsdl:part name=in0 type=xsd:string/
  |   /wsdl:message
  |   wsdl:message name=findByPriceRangeRequest
  | wsdl:part name=in0 type=xsd:double/
  | wsdl:part name=in1 type=xsd:double/
  |   /wsdl:message
  |   wsdl:message name=findByPriceRangeResponse
  | wsdl:part name=findByPriceRangeReturn type=xsd:string/
  |   /wsdl:message
  |   wsdl:message name=findByISBNRequest
  | wsdl:part name=in0 type=xsd:int/
  |   /wsdl:message
  |   wsdl:portType name=BookSessionEndpoint
  | wsdl:operation name=findByISBN parameterOrder=in0
  |   wsdl:input name=findByISBNRequest 
  |   wsdl:output name=findByISBNResponse 
  | /wsdl:operation
  | wsdl:operation name=findByPriceRange parameterOrder=in0 in1
  |   wsdl:input name=findByPriceRangeRequest 
  |   wsdl:output name=findByPriceRangeResponse 
  | /wsdl:operation
  | wsdl:operation name=findByTitle parameterOrder=in0
  |   wsdl:input name=findByTitleRequest 
  |   wsdl:output name=findByTitleResponse 
  | /wsdl:operation
  |   /wsdl:portType
  |   wsdl:binding name=BookSessionEndpointSoapBinding 
  | wsdlsoap:binding style=rpc 
  | wsdl:operation name=findByISBN
  |   wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=/
  |   wsdl:input name=findByISBNRequest
  | wsdlsoap:body use=literal namespace=http://service.hott.com/
  |   /wsdl:input
  |   wsdl:output name=findByISBNResponse
  | wsdlsoap:body use=literal namespace=http://service.hott.com/
  |   /wsdl:output
  | /wsdl:operation
  | wsdl:operation name=findByPriceRange
  |   wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=/
  |   wsdl:input name=findByPriceRangeRequest
  | wsdlsoap:body use=literal namespace=http://service.hott.com/
  |   /wsdl:input
  |   wsdl:output name=findByPriceRangeResponse
  | wsdlsoap:body use=literal namespace=http://service.hott.com/
  |   /wsdl:output
  | /wsdl:operation
  | wsdl:operation name=findByTitle
  |   wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=/
  |   wsdl:input name=findByTitleRequest
  | wsdlsoap:body use=literal namespace=http://service.hott.com/
  |   /wsdl:input
  |   wsdl:output name=findByTitleResponse
  | wsdlsoap:body use=literal namespace=http://service.hott.com/
  |   /wsdl:output
  | /wsdl:operation
  |   /wsdl:binding
  |   wsdl:service name=BookSessionService
  | wsdl:port name=BookSessionEndpoint 
  |   wsdlsoap:address 
  | /wsdl:port
  |   /wsdl:service
  | /wsdl:definitions

Thanks in advance.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Service Unavailable

2004-12-20 Thread jerryp64
Here is an update.  The Locator class I generated was pointing to the URL that 
was defined in the WSDL file generated by JBoss:

  | http://localhost:8080/mod07sol/BookSessionService

I modified the code to use the URL for the service on JBoss:

  | http://localhost:8080/ws4ee/services/BookSessionService?wsdl 

At that point the client application actually was able to connect to the 
service.  I was told in another message that the URL to ws4ee/services had 
been deprecated in favor the context path.  So which is it?  If I am supposed 
to use the path generated in the WSDL file what can I do to get it to work?


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Paths and Getting Started Guide

2004-12-17 Thread jerryp64
I am using the Getting Started guide to develop my own web service.  One of the 
questions I came up with that I do not see discussed in the guide is the 
classpath of the Axis files.  I created a sub-directory on my server that I 
copy the Axis JAR files in to, but I have to believe this is not the best 

Are the JAR files on the server somewhere that I can add to my classpath?  I am 
doing all of this in an Ant script and it works, but I don't feel like I should 
have to copy the Axis files to the server.

I have the service deployed and I can access it via the URL, but I am getting 
the following exception when I try to run my client.  

  |  [java] java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field 
  | client.Service.engine from class org.jboss.webservice.client.ServiceImpl
  |  [java] at 
  | Impl.java:255)
  |  [java] at org.apache.axis.client.Service.init(Service.java:185)
  |  [java] at 
  | va:99)
  |  [java] at 
  | ServiceFactoryImpl.java:112)
  |  [java] at com.hott.client.WSClient.main(Unknown Source)
  |  [java] Exception in thread main

I am using the exact code that comes from the Getting started guides files.

Here is my client code:

  | package com.hott.client;
  | import javax.xml.rpc.Call;
  | import javax.xml.rpc.Service;
  | import javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException;
  | import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory;
  | import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode;
  | import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
  | import java.net.URL;
  | import com.hott.service.BookSessionEndpoint;
  | /**
  |  *
  |  * @author  HOTT Instructor
  |  */
  | public class WSClient {
  |  /**
  |  * @param args the command line arguments
  |  */
  | public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
  | URL url = new 
  | QName qname = new QName(http://service.hott.com;,
  | BookSessionService);
  | ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
  | Service service = factory.createService(url,qname);
  | BookSessionEndpoint endpoint = (BookSessionEndpoint)
  | service.getPort(BookSessionEndpoint.class);
  | String byISBN = endpoint.findByISBN(99415);
  | String byTitle = endpoint.findByTitle(Little Women);
  | String byPrice = endpoint.findByPriceRange(0,100);
  | System.out.println(By ISBN: + byISBN);
  | System.out.println(By Title:  + byTitle);
  | System.out.println(By Price: + byPrice);
  | }
  | }


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Paths and Getting Started Guide

2004-12-17 Thread jerryp64
I wanted to add another question to this message.  

I have gotten the service deployed and I am trying to access the service from a 
servlet.  Here is the code in the doGet method of my servlet:

  | try{
  | URL url = new 
  | QName qname = new 
  | ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
  | Service service = factory.createService(url,qname);
  | BookSessionEndpoint endpoint = (BookSessionEndpoint)
  | service.getPort(BookSessionEndpoint.class);
  | System.out.println(It works to here);
  | String byISBN = endpoint.findByISBN(99415);
  | out.println(By ISBN: + byISBN);
  | System.out.println(Here I am 5);
  | String byTitle = endpoint.findByTitle(Little Women);
  | out.println(By Title:  + byTitle);
  | System.out.println(Here I am 6);
  | String byPrice = endpoint.findByPriceRange(0,100);
  | out.println(By Price: + byPrice);
  | System.out.println(Here I am 7);

The code works up to the System.out.println(It works to here).  When the code 
encounters the call to findByISBN(99415) it returns a SOAP fault.  Reading the 
SOAP fault it is telling me that the Service is unavailable and I get back a 
404 from the server. 

I can access the WSDL file using the URL.  Can anyone give me some thoughts on 
what's going on?  If there are any other deployment descriptors you would like 
to see please let me know.

Thanks again.

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