[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: IIOP.NET under SSL with SSL accelerator card

2005-04-20 Thread viguera79
Thank you very much, 
I'll wait your solution.
Best regards

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: IIOP.NET under SSL with SSL accelerator card

2005-04-20 Thread viguera79
Hi !!

I tried you said me and these are the results:

If I launch the server with ssl configuratin changing the factories, i.e., 

appear the following error:

12:41:25,578 ERROR [giop] 
12:41:25,593 ERROR [CorbaORBService] Starting failed jboss:service=CorbaORB
java.lang.RuntimeException: SSL support is on, but the ssl socket factory can't 
be instantiated (org.jacorb.orb.factory.DefaultSocketFactor
If I launch server with ssl configuration but with 

this error appears in the client side:
excepcion System.IO.IOException: no GIOP-Message

Server stack trace:
   at Ch.Elca.Iiop.GiopHeader..ctor(CdrInputStreamImpl stream)
   at Ch.Elca.Iiop.GiopTransportClientMsgHandler.ReadResponseMessage()
   at Ch.Elca.Iiop.GiopTransportClientMsgHandler.ReceiveResponseMessage(UInt32 
   at Ch.Elca.Iiop.GiopTransportClientMsgHandler.ProcessResponse(UInt32 
forReqId, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders)
   at Ch.Elca.Iiop.IiopClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, 
ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportH
eaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream)
   at Ch.Elca.Iiop.IiopClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage 
reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& 
msgData, Int32 type)
   at omg.org.CosNaming.NamingContext.resolve(NameComponent[] nameComponents)
   at clientedotnet.CMyClase.Main(String[] args) in d:\ejemplo jose 
luis\clientenfastultra\Class1.cs:line 84

With regard to 

In proxy host I write my IP server, but what port have I write in proxy_port?
The only one that don't throw an error message is 3528, with non ssl 
configuration but the client side throw the same error above.

Any idea?

Thanks and regards

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: IIOP.NET under SSL with SSL accelerator card

2005-04-19 Thread viguera79
Hi Dimitris,
Could you say in what file I have to change the connection factory, and which 
are the factories?


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: IIOP.NET under SSL with SSL accelerator card

2005-04-19 Thread viguera79
First at all, thanks
The ssl accelerator create a proxy with an external port and an internal port. 
SSL traffic enter to external port. The card desencrypts the traffic and moves 
it (now it's plain text) to the internal port.
I configured the proxy with 3529 (external port) and 3528(internal port). The 
key and certificate pair is created and stored in the card.

I'll try to use a plain connection factory with SSL configuration.

Do you have any other idea?

Thanks and regards

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - IIOP.NET under SSL with SSL accelerator card

2005-04-19 Thread viguera79
Hello everybody!!

I have an EJB application running on my server. It goes under iiop+ssl and all 
work. My client side uses IIOP.NET and it works too.
After that, I installed a SSL accelerator card to encrypt and desencrypt the 
ssl traffic. So, my server is liberated. The SSL card makes that SSL traffic be 
transparent to the server. Then, I configure Jboss like if the traffic is not 
under SSL. When I run my application the following error message appear in my 
client side:

excepcion System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: No se puede crear un 
receptor de canal para conectarse a la direcciÃn URL IOR: 
4001F00040003. Es posible que no se haya registrado 
un canal correcto. 

That IOR is the same that appear in Jboss when I deploy the server side of the 

I contacted technical support of IIOP.NET and they said me the following:

"The problem is, that your the profiles in your IOR don't contain the SSL 
tagged component (TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS). This component inside an IOR profile 
specifies, what's the SSL policy supported by the server, e.g. client 
authentication required or not. 
If this component is missing, IIOP.NET is not able to connect to the server 
with the SSL transport. (Other Corba IIOP clients would throw a NO_PERMISSION 
exception in this case). 
As a workaround, you could possibly try to add an IOR interceptor on the server 
side (install it in jacorb) to add this component.  
I'm not sure, how this problem is solved in the CORBA field. Are there possibly 
some CORBA aware SSL cards? "

Does anybody know how add this IOR interceptor?

Any help will be useful.
Thanks and best regards

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: Bad performance when deploying EJBs on JBoss 4.0

2005-01-31 Thread viguera79
I tried to download again and this time all was right.
Jboss4.0.2beta has a good performance even with interceptors enabled.

Thanks a lot

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: Bad performance when deploying EJBs on JBoss 4.0

2005-01-18 Thread viguera79
the command I used is:
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/cvsroot/jboss co -r Branch_4_0 jboss-4.0

It begin to download a lot of files, but comparing these files with its its 
webview, there are many differences.

The file build.xml reference to a non-existen file, for example 
Furthermore, in webview there are some folder that
they are not download with command above.
I'm running under windows 2000. When I execute build.bat nothing happend. If a 
try to execute build.xml with ant, an error message appears saying that 
buildmagic.ent file not found.

What am I doing bad?
Thanks and regards

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: Bad performance when deploying EJBs on JBoss 4.0

2005-01-17 Thread viguera79
Hi Francisco,
I downloaded Branch_4_0 from CVS but when I try to build an error message 
I think that I have to download fron CVS other addicional files. Is this 
correct or all I need is in Branch_4_0?
Best regards

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