[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is

2007-07-02 Thread avbentem
"amitev" wrote : So the whole idea for rememberMe is just to remember the 
username and add it to the userName filed in the login form?
Based on your own report on the contents of the cookie, that's indeed what Seam 
can do by default. However, Seam also fires an event which your own components 
could use to do whatever you want -- see section "Component-driven events" in 
the documentation.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is

2007-07-02 Thread avbentem
"amitev" wrote : How is the "remember me" functionality working?
E... When a browser sends a request to a web server, it will also send any 
cookie it knows for that domain to the server. If that's new for you, then I 
guess you should read about cookies, and meanwhile also read a bit on HTTP 
sessions. Even reading about the HTTP protocol, though not Seam-specific at 
all, might be very useful. For example: search the net for an example about 
doing a HTTP request yourself, using telnet. Quite useful for anyone developing 
web applications, I feel.

Anyway, in this case: the browser only knows the username, as you noticed in 
the cookie. So it will send the username to the server, and Seam can preset the 
username in the login form. The browser does not send any password to the 
server. If the password is filled in as well, then your browser is to blame for 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to extract the page id

2007-06-28 Thread avbentem
"trekker880" wrote : Is there any sample code to test the pageflow transitions?
As in PageflowTest.java? This is currently not enabled in CVS, but it was 
enabled until recently. So, I guess that was not hard to find and you're surely 
able to get that code working again?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM or pages.xml overloading / extending / composition

2007-06-28 Thread avbentem
Oops, excuse me for my previous reply. I did not yet dive into the posts in the 
Seam forum, and apparently in that specific topic you and Gavin King decided 
that this question was better asked in the jBPM forum -- and you even linked 
here. Good!

So: I hope you'll find your answer here. At least my erroneous comments make 
your topic move up in the list of topics...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM or pages.xml overloading / extending / composition

2007-06-28 Thread avbentem
  | Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2007 08:52 AM
First of all: welcome to the JBoss forums. The subject of your question is 


I don't know about the other members, but in general I have a strong objection 
against posting the very same question in multiple forums. A usenet-like 
"cross-posting" might be alright to some, but is different than posting the 
very same thing as separate topics in multiple forums. The latter implies that 
people might spend their time typing the very same answer that someone else 
already gave elsewhere. Or, for your own benefit: it may also imply that wrong 
answers are not noticed by people who only read the topic in the other forum(s).

So, I guess this very topic should continue at the very same topic in the Seam 
forum, in which a few replies have already been given, posted Wed Jun 27, 2007 
23:35 PM.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: problem with 1.3.0 alpha

2007-06-27 Thread avbentem
> Now hitting something else

Don't forget to read seam2migration.txt!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam 2.0.0CR1 and 1.3.0GA

2007-06-27 Thread avbentem
"enzhao" wrote : In case someone do not want to bother accessing the CVS or 
having trouble accessing CVS, here is the migration guide I saw this morning. 
Written by Gavin King.
Just for your information: using the FishEye browser-based CVS access, one can 
always get the latest version of the migration guide (or any version of any 
file for that matter), without an actual CVS checkout.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Web service interface stable in 1.3.0 ALPHA?

2007-06-27 Thread avbentem
Not trying to criticize the good work that is being done with Seam, but just 
curious as ever: can anyone comment on the choice to add a conversationId 
element in the Soap header? This is documented as:
anonymous wrote : So how are conversations propagated between web service 
requests?  Seam uses a SOAP header element present in both the SOAP request and 
response messages to carry the conversation ID from the consumer to the 
service, and back again.
The downside is:
anonymous wrote : Unfortunately, because web services may be consumed by a 
variety of web service clients written in a variety of languages, it is up to 
the developer to implement conversation ID propagation between individual web 
services that are intended to be used within the scope of a single conversation.

The Sun JAX-WS reference implementation supports statefull web services by 
using a different endpoint reference for each client. The good thing about this 
is that, for example, .NET 3.0 clients seem to support this out of the box as 

It seems JBossWS 2.1 supports this through WS-Adressing as well; for example 
JBoss' Heiko Braun wrote: "WS-Addressing is the right way to build 
conversational web services".

Someone's question in the WS forum about future support for 
StatefulWebServiceManager has not yet been answered: JBossWS JAX-WS question 
using stateful. I cannot find any reference to this in JIRA either.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: URL in address bar

2007-06-22 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : This is just a normal HTTP redirect response from 
the server, triggering the client browser to send a new HTTP GET request on a 
given URL. 
...which might indicate that your WEB-INF/pages.xml is set up different than 
the one from the online demo:


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Why is core:process-definitions considered a development

2007-06-22 Thread avbentem
> The following will reload [..] the application is started

Better, I guess: 
We need to install jBPM:
  | [BEWARE: is it indeed enough to just include an empty  node?]
  | We also need to tell jBPM where to find the business process definitions.
  | The following will add a new version of the process definition in the jBPM
  | database tables each time the application server is started. This may be
  | very useful during development, but for production environments refer to
  | the jBPM documentation to only add a new version when the definitions 
  | are known to have actually changed.
  | todo.jpdl.xml

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam redeploying jBpm process definitions

2007-06-22 Thread avbentem
Just for the archives: as for documenting this issue see JBSEAM-1034.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Don't deploy a process definition when restarting

2007-06-22 Thread avbentem
Just for the archives: as for documenting this issue see JBSEAM-1034.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: where to find errata for Seam book

2007-06-22 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I will try to put together a list of "known issues" 
on the book web site
Please consider adding a warning about using  in a 
production environment. 

See JBSEAM-1034 and the topic Why is core:process-definitions considered a 
development tool?.

Thanks for a great book,

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Why is core:process-definitions considered a development

2007-06-22 Thread avbentem
I just noticed that Michael Yuan's book, JBoss Seam Simplicity and Power Beyond 
Java EE does not explain this issue either (page 265). So I feel it's really 
important to make this clear in the online documentation?

Can anyone think of a good text to add at Installing process definitions? Like 

We need to install jBPM:
  | [BEWARE: is it indeed enough to just include an empty  node?]
  | We also need to tell jBPM where to find the business process definitions.
  | The following will reload them into the jBPM database tables each time
  | the application is started, and can be very helpful during development:
  | todo.jpdl.xml
  | See the jBPM documentation for examples on loading the process definitions
  | into a production environment.
If you have any ideas then please comment on JBSEAM-1034. Maybe the 
components.xml XSD can be annotated to make smart IDEs show a tooltip that 
could alert people...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Implement VNC/RDP/NetMeeting-like desktop sharing for he

2007-06-18 Thread avbentem
> you can't see into other people's sessions

Ah yes, of course, Seam keeps its state in the servlet's session, not in some 
list that is otherwise accessible. Well, I had a nice dream for about 15 
minutes ;-)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Implement VNC/RDP/NetMeeting-like desktop sharing for helpde

2007-06-18 Thread avbentem
A Seam application user can have multiple concurrent conversations running 
within a single session. One can also use the same conversation in multiple 
workspaces for the same HTTP session. Seam knows how to tell those apart, so I 
guess at the server side one could get a list of all workspaces of all users. 
Now, what about making that list available to helpdesk personnel, and make 
selecting a single workspace show the very same screen on a totally different 

Of course, unlike with true desktop sharing, the two sessions would not share 
the mouse nor keyboard, and one would not know if the other user has entered 
some new values in form fields. In fact, or would not even know when the other 
user submits the page. Also, the actual views will differ due to using 
different browsers, different screen sizes, etc. But to assist helpdesk 
personnel in telling what the user is looking at, a read-only snapshot of the 
last loaded screen would be great! While on the phone with the user, the 
helpdesk employee can then refresh the snapshot to keep in sync with the 
workspace the real user is looking at.

No, I don't expect this to be easy -- at all... First of all one needs to 
somehow set the Identity to get a specific window act as if the other user is 
running it (this might include Hibernate filters) while, if possible, still 
running in the context of the helpdesk employee in the other windows. Most 
likely some Seam security mechanisms must be relaxed to allow for peeking into 
the conversation without invalidating it. Then, if doable for simple pages, 
pages that use Ajax may make things quite complicated. And when all is done 
then one might decide that on second thought helpdesk personnel should not be 
be allowed to see some specific views...

Nevertheless: any thoughts...?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: sessionId cookie: man-in-the-middle attack

2007-06-03 Thread avbentem
> browsers don't actually maintain two session ids,
> one for HTTP and one for HTTPS

Ohhh, good thinking...!

You might know that a cookie can be set to be secure, and should then not be 
used for plain HTTP. I guess all browsers support that and won't send secure 
cookies over non-SSL connections.

Of course we can also find specifications for the specific situation you 
describe, but I doubt one can rely on those being implemented alike by all 
browsers. Like what happens while switching, and while using HTTP and HTTPS 
simultaneously. Maybe some browser sends back two cookies for SSL connections: 
both the HTTP and HTTPS cookies -- but then how would one tell from the HTTP 
header which is which... And another browser or a future version might do it 
differently I suppose. So: that's not going to help.

I assume the actual session handling is not done by Seam, right? (thus: one 
cannot use different cookie names for HTTP and HTTPS)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: sessionId cookie: man-in-the-middle attack

2007-06-03 Thread avbentem
"fguerzoni" wrote : forcing a pre-login session invalidation and a new session 
creation   (request.getSession(true)) as soon as client authenticates. Old 
session data should then be copied to new session.
  | In this case a new sessionId cookie will be sent to client: client will use 
this ticket during next requests.
I think the changes for this JBSEAM-1361 cover Gavin's proposal in this forum 
topic, but note that existing session data might not be preserved. The session 
is invalidated using Seam#invalidateSession(), and I think at that point any 
old session data is lost.

But: I'm not sure; comments welcome!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: sessionId cookie: man-in-the-middle attack

2007-06-02 Thread avbentem

> your site is http, but post-login, it changes to https

Ohh, I guess you mean pre-login. Like one could be browsing a site using HTTP. 
Then, when clicking a login link or payment link one would get to a HTTPS page 
at which the credentials are entered. So, the credentials are encrypted as well.

Yes, I assume Gavin's idea to rotate the cookie whenever the protocol changes 
might be good.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: sessionId cookie: man-in-the-middle attack

2007-06-02 Thread avbentem

> your site is http, but post-login, it changes to https

...but then anyone sniffing would also have read the username and password, 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam-gen

2007-05-30 Thread avbentem
"cormet" wrote : I am not too sure about Jboss seam only support ejb3. if this 
is the case, then i shouldn't use it because i'll use hibernate.
You can surely use Hibernate along with EJB3; all Seam examples use it too. 

If the Seam Gen generated project gives you an EAR then I think you'll need to 
deploy that (and not just the WAR file that you might find within that EAR). 

Alternatively, you'll need to tell Seam Gen to generate a WAR-only project -- 
if it can do that (searching for "embedded EJB3 might help you to find the 
answer; but using EJB3 might be easier).

Your Could not create Component: org.jboss.seam.core.init without any further 
details will not be enough for people to tell you what's wrong.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Should Seam 1.3 (CVS) run on Java 6?

2007-05-28 Thread avbentem
"avbentem" wrote : So, apart from web services: should we report Java 6 
specific errors for Seam 1.3 -- if one encounters one? 
  | "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : If its a known issue in JBossWS, there is 
absolutely no reason to report it as a seam issue.
Of course. And maybe I shouldn't ask before actually running into any Seam 
specific Java 6 issue (especially as I'll probably stick to Java 5 to avoid the 
JBossWS problems). But I just wondered if Seam 1.3 is supposed to run in Java 6.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS: should jBPM work? (jbpm.function.mapper not de

2007-05-25 Thread avbentem
"dilator" wrote : I cant find a recent buildable distribution anywhere other 
than cvs and that doesnt seem to work...
Just in case it helps: the distributed 3.1.4 JAR works for me.

Of course one needs to ensure that any previous cached version of the JAR with 
the very same name is deleted, but I guess you've taken care of that. If Seam 
1.3 does not include jBPM 3.2, or if it needs some patched 3.2 version, then I 
hope that the name of any distributed patched version will be different from 
the names used in the jBPM/jPDL distributions.

What problems do you run into?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Should Seam 1.3 (CVS) run on Java 6?

2007-05-25 Thread avbentem
"avbentem" wrote : If so, then I'll report issues I find (such as a 
"[SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP request exception 
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be overridden by all 
subclasses of SOAPMessage" that I seem to get in the SeamBay example in JDK 
1.6, but not in 1.5).
This is in fact a known issue in JBossWS (JBoss AS 4.2.0.GA ships with 
jbossws-1.2.1.GA). A comment at JBWS-1439 claims "The reason for this is the 
SAAJ classes being used in Sun JDK 1.6.0 are not compatible with JBossWS since 
they use their own SAAJ jar named jboss-saaj.jar".

So, apart from web services: should we report Java 6 specific errors for Seam 
1.3 -- if one encounters one?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Should Seam 1.3 (CVS) run on Java 6?

2007-05-25 Thread avbentem
I wonder if Seam 1.3 (currently only in CVS) is supposed to be able to run in 
Java 6?

If so, then I'll report issues I find (such as a "[SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP 
request exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be 
overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage" that I seem to get in the SeamBay 
example in JDK 1.6, but not in 1.5).

I've seen few posts for older versions:

Building Seam CVS with ant build
The main problems that I have encountered are that JBoss unfortunately includes 
many JARs for packages that are now part of the Java 6 distribution.

Use JDK 5.0.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam Themes based on domain?

2007-05-25 Thread avbentem
"tim_perrett" wrote : If i needed each theme to use a different XHTML file 
within seam, as perhaps the HTML was different, is this even possible?
Yes. Your theme is basically a property file. It could set any property with 
any name you like. Often it would just be css and template (which you could 
also name "stylesheet" and "layout", or whatever you like). For example, 
assuming sub-folders stylesheet and layout:
css stylesheet/my-stylesheet.css
  | template /layout/my-layout.xhtml

The properties can be referenced in your views. And when you set up your views 
to use a template, like
  | xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib";
  | ...
  | template="#{theme.template}">

then Seam will use the template you've specified in the property file for your 
specific theme.

A side note: when using subfolders, such as /admin/admin.xhtml for your admin 
view, then you cannot simply use

For the admin pages, the above would make the browser try to find 
/admin/stylesheet/my-stylesheet.css instead of /stylesheet/my-stylesheet.css. 
Instead, use:

Good luck,

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Following Seam Pay example - Error

2007-05-24 Thread avbentem
"koriel" wrote : when goes to to cancel the handle.getTimer().cancel() I get
  | 11:29:40,533 ERROR [TimerImpl] Error invoking ejbTimeout:
  |   | javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  | any ideas?

Surely there's some "caused by" in the stacktrace to help you investigate?

Does this only occur during redeployment on the fly? Like: what if you 
gracefully shut down the application server without redeploying anything? Or 
does it happen wen starting after redeployment?

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: If I deploy more than one webservice I get

2007-05-24 Thread avbentem
Even when deploying only a single web service, this error may also be caused by 
some left-overs after refactoring without properly cleaning up.

I changed the name of my service using Eclipse, which left the old compiled 
classes in various exploded archive folders. Those were then still copied to, 
and loaded by, JBoss. This resulted in multiple services (same implementation 
with different class names) within the same application, and thus yielding the 
"org.jboss.ws.WSException: Multiple context root not supported" error. 

My stupid mistake, of course...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS: should jBPM work? (jbpm.function.mapper not de

2007-05-24 Thread avbentem
Great, I indeed just received the JIRA notifications.

Do the efforts to create a new patched 3.1.4 version imply that jBPM 3.2 will 
probably not make it into Seam 1.3?


1.3.0.BETA1 Seam/WS and jBPM asynchronicity
JBSEAM-1130   Upgrade to jBPM 3.2

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS: should jBPM work? (jbpm.function.mapper not de

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
Ok, thanks for the update!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to build Seam from CVS snapshot?

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
"tonylmai" wrote : Can someone show me how to build Seam + RichFaces from the 
CVS (including how to get the source)? Could not find the link from Jboss.com 
CVS is at :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam -- which is 
clearly stated at the wiki SeamRepository page, which you'll find linked at the 
main wiki. Any links you find to CVS at sourceforge.net are indeed obsolete.

When you do not want to build it yourself, get the latest build here.

Apart from running "ant" you may need to run "ant antlr" first.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: I can't build seam

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
What if you run
ant antlr


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Dropdown Lists in my seam application causing problem

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
anonymous wrote : ..seems it is a bug of seam.. 
If it is a bug, then it's more likely JavaServer Faces related. You'll need to 
show some code to explain what you're doing, and especially the difference 
between what works for you, and what doesn't. The samples from the Seam user 
guide work fine for me.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - HOWTO: web services in Seam 1.3 (CVS)

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
Though Seam 1.3 is currently only available from CVS, it shows a nice way to 
use web services with JBoss. This is based on standard Java annotations and 
JBossWS 1.2.1 GA, as packaged with JBoss AS 4.2.0 GA. Seam 1.3 adds (or, work 
in progress: hopefully will add) support for conversations working across 
multiple web service requests. Nice!

Though I have not used the Seam specific things, here's a start for a 
mini-HOWTO, of course calling for comments. And welcoming Seam specific 

If you need conversations you'll first need a Seam 3.1 snapshot from CVS  or 
get a nightly. This only runs on JBoss 4.2.0 CR1 or later (no need for any JEMS 
installer, just unpack the download). Again: I don't know the development 
status; when not using Seam conversations then the code below can also be run 
in JBoss without Seam at all -- but that's not what this forum is about...

The new SeamBay example shows how to define the web services. Here, 
AuctionService  uses @WebService and @WebMethod annotations (and implements 
AuctionServiceRemote to comply with the @Stateless annotation). No further 
configuration in, for example, web.xml, but an additional configuration file 
META-INF/standard-jaxws-endpoint-config.xml for JBossWS. The name of this file 
could be changed using a JBoss proprietary annotation, @EndpointConfig.

After deployment, one would see the web services listed at 
http://localhost:8080/jbossws/. For JBoss 4.2.0 CR1 this gives URLs such as 
/seam-bay-seam-bay/AuctionService; in 4.2.0 CR2 and GA one gets the newer 
jbossws-1.2.1.GA, which creates URLs like 
/AuctionServiceService/AuctionService. Heiko Braun explained this in another 
forum post. 

Heiko also explained why this new mechanism might cause "Multiple context root 
not supported" errors, and that one can change the context path using another 
JBoss proprietary annotation, @WebContext from jbossws-core.jar. This error may 
also be caused by some left-overs after refactoring. I changed the name of my 
service using Eclipse, which left the old compiled classes in various exploded 
EAR folders. As those were then still loaded by JBoss this resulted in multiple 
services within the same application, and thus resulting in the "not supported" 

Even when not running into errors it might be a good idea to somehow get a 
defined context path for the web service, as you do not want to have the 
clients know about a new URL when you upgrade the JBoss application server... 
Or maybe one should forget about the automatic deployment and simply go back to 
adding the web services to web.xml for better control. Any thoughts on this?

So, the following (which is not Seam specific) works just fine in AS 4.2.0 GA, 
if you include some  META-INF/standard-jaxws-endpoint-config.xml in your 

package my.package;
  | import javax.jws.WebMethod;
  | import javax.jws.WebService;
  | // The Service Endpoint Interface
  | @WebService
  | public interface DeepThoughtSEI {
  |   @WebMethod
  |   public String getAnswer();
  | }


package my.package;
  | import javax.ejb.Stateless;
  | import javax.jws.WebMethod;
  | import javax.jws.WebService;
  | import org.jboss.ws.annotation.WebContext;
  | @Stateless
  | @WebContext(contextRoot = "/guide/to/the/galaxy")
  | @WebService(endpointInterface = "my.package.DeepThoughtSEI")
  | public class DeepThought implements DeepThoughtSEI {
  |   public String getAnswer() {
  | return "42";
  |   }
  |   public String getUltimateQuestionToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything() {
  | return "sorry, not exposed in endpointInterface";
  |   }
  | }

This serves the WSDL at 

Note that when not specifying a value for endpointInterface then ALL methods in 
the DeepThought implementation would be exposed, unless at least one method is 
explicitly annotated in that class -- even though the interface explicitly only 
declares a single method to be exposed. In other words: the @WebMethod 
annotations in the interface are only honored when endpointInterface is used. 
But this is all not Seam specific.

More documentation at the JBoss JAX-WS User Guide.
CVS at :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss/jboss-seam


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS: should jBPM work? (jbpm.function.mapper not de

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
In fact, I get the same error for the Numberguess example, which uses jPDL 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam CVS: should jBPM work? (jbpm.function.mapper not define

2007-05-23 Thread avbentem
I've noticed that since last Friday, CVS holds a patched version of 
jbpm-1.3.4.jar, which supports setting the function mapper. This patch is 
invoked from seam.core.Jbpm#startup().

Trying to use the Todo List or DVD Store examples from CVS, I get 
org.jbpm.configuration.ConfigurationException with message:
  | "name 'jbpm.function.mapper' is not defined in the configuration
when a workflow is to be started. 

I wonder if this is just work in progress, or maybe I messed up something?

In JBSEAM-842 and JBSEAM-1130  it is also noted that a new (patched) version of 
jBPM 3.2 will be needed when upgrading Seam jBPM support.


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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: If I deploy more than one webservice I get

2007-05-22 Thread avbentem
Rick, can you confirm that your question in JIRA JBWS-1622 is solved (for you, 
but maybe not for the reporter of that issue) by Heiko's replies?

And for the archives: @WebContext is org.jboss.ws.annotation.WebContext as 
found in jbossws-core.jar


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-05-18 Thread avbentem
On May 11th, JBoss AS 4.2.0.GA has been released: download,  readme.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why doesn't work?

2007-05-18 Thread avbentem
Ok, stupid not to use the preview; some < .. > I used are hidden in my previous 


And the package name in the Java code does not match the name as used in the 
class attribute of the action element.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why doesn't work?

2007-05-18 Thread avbentem
And the package name in the Java code does not match the name as used in the 
class attribute of .

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JBoss 4.2.0

2007-05-14 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : The seam doco (getting started etc.) still 
recommends using the JEMS installer. 



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam-gen

2007-05-14 Thread avbentem
"cormet" wrote : I can't run the simple war file which is genereated from 
seam-gen code[...] 
  | Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/Entity
As far as I know, Seam Gen only supports EJB3, doesn't it? So: has JBoss been 
setup for EJB3, or are you using 4.2.RC1 or RC2?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-05-14 Thread avbentem
"tcavaleiro" wrote : can anybody send me the booking example (latest version)?
  | I'm getting the JBoss Seam through CVSGRAB 2.3 but the program throws a 
bunch of errors
While you're not specifying the errors: maybe you can try saving into the root 
of your disk, to avoid lng paths your OS might not support? You can also 
peek into the missing files using the fisheye pages.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: First JBoss Seam book released

2007-05-14 Thread avbentem
Got mine in print in the Netherlands on May 8th, but only started reading 
yesterday. Nice, so far, and hardly any margin, so packed with information ;-)

Publisher's site: JBoss Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java EE.

By the way: it's no longer the only Seam book, and I guess "Beginning JBoss 
Seam: From Novice to Professional" was the first to make it in print, see the 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Two war files with the same code base

2007-05-08 Thread avbentem
Just in case it helps: some time ago I had the following issue on my todo-list, 
to be posted here...

I ran into trouble deploying two similar codebases like you described (two 
quite similar versions of my application). When Seam was starting the second 
WAR, it complained that two components with the same name and precedence were 
found. Thus: it looked like Seam also found the components from the first  WAR 

However, when I got to the todo-item I could not reproduce the problem before 
posting here, so I thought I had just been imaging it... I don't know what the 
"flat classloader hack" is, so I did not use that, as far as I know...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: This IDE won't update?

2007-04-26 Thread avbentem
"ric1607" wrote : My personal advice is to use all modules except the JBoss IDE 
Core, and replace it by WTP functionalities instead.
When installing a WTP 2.0 milestone into an Eclipse 3.3. milestone, then be 
sure to manually include the depencies, as currently only EMF is correctly 
enforced during installation. When dependencies are missing then the 
Preferences, Server, Installed Runtimes, Add dialog is rendered incomplete 
(little red squares instead of server icons, and no JBoss servers listed). 

For Eclipse 3.3 M6:
Help, Software Updates, Find and Install
Search for New Features, Europa Discovery Site
Graphical Editors and Frameworks: Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)
Models and Model Development: Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), EMF Service 
Data Objects (SDO), XML Schema Infoset Model (XSD)
Web and JEE Development: Web Standard Tools (WST), J2EE Standard Tools (JST)
The choices at Preferences, Server, Installed Runtimes, Add should now include 
some JBoss servers. If your preferred version does not show in the list, then:
Download Wolfgang Knauf's WTP 2.0 Server definition for JBoss 4.2.0 or 5.0.0 
(see also WTP bug 128444)
Copy into eclipse/plugins
Restart Eclipse using the -clean command line option

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: This IDE won't update?

2007-04-25 Thread avbentem
"avbentem" wrote : The JBoss IDE feature.xml can be found here.
E, not really. Corrected link to FishEye: here...

Note that at JBIDE-471 Max Andersen has confirmed that JBoss IDE is not yet 
using WTP 2.x 

For whoever wants to get the code from CVS: get jbosside from :pserver:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss ...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: This IDE won't update?

2007-04-24 Thread avbentem

I'm with alexg79: unofficial roadmaps are appreciated!

> [...] That was fixed a long ago in the CVS

The JBoss IDE feature.xml can be found here. I'm not sure what version alexg79 
refers to though (see also the Feature manifest help).

Note that JBoss IDE 2.0.0 Beta 2 cannot be installed into an Eclipse 3.3 
milestone using the JBoss update site, yielding the errors below. See JBIDE-471.

JST Common Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--0842282_363739) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
JST Server Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--2PD88P8UBJx787) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
JST Web Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--87cMN7NRVeVWXd) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
JST Enterprise Core (1.5.1.v200609051533--2PD88P8YAGDADJ) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
JST Enterprise UI (1.5.1.v200608082030-pEBq_haA1H4sJf6) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
WST Server Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--1G955G5L7D) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.rcp (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
WST XML Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--3YIAAYAjGLENFH) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.rcp (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
WST Web Services Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--4hNDDhDvGTJSLf) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
WST Web Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--4hNDDhDvKRFXQM) requires feature 
"org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
WST Relational Database Core (1.5.1.v200608082030--3YIAAYAeEKFTFU) requires 
feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
WST Relational Database Adapters (1.5.1.v200608082030--Cq0bcpdJw4teC8) requires 
feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
JBossIDE JBossAS Adapter Feature (1.0.0.Beta2) requires plug-in 
"org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor (3.2.0)", or equivalent. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: eclipse 3.2.2 and GPD 3.x not compatible?

2007-04-24 Thread avbentem
What version of GPD are you trying to use?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Can I get to the parent process, given a sub-process?

2007-04-23 Thread avbentem
GraphElement#getParentChain is documented to return "this graph element plus 
all the parents ordered by age". However, this does not seem to work when using 
sub-processes: the parents of the parent process-state(s) are not returned. 

To me, the "ordered by age" in the documentation suggests that 
getParents/getParentChain return runtime information, knowing about how a 
specific process got invoked, and thus also returning that information... So, 
maybe either the documentation can be enhanced to make clear that any super 
process is not taken into account. Or, if we'd expect the super process(es) to 
be included as well, then the current implementation has a bug. 

Any ideas on this?

For example:
// NOTE: not thoroughly tested
  | public String getElementHistory(GraphElement element) {
  | StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
  | List parentChain = element.getParentChain();
  | if (parentChain != null) {
  | for (GraphElement parent : parentChain) {
  | if (s.length() != 0) {
  | s.append(" -> ");
  | }
  | s.append(parent.getName());
  | s.append(" [" + parent.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]");
  | }
  | }
  | return s.toString();
  | }
This prints
task1 [TaskNode] -> my-sub-process [ProcessDefinition]
...when invoked using
...from a task-start event in the example posted earlier in this thread: 

  |  ...
  |   :
Above, it doesn't matter whether my-sub-process is started stand-alone, or by 
some parent process: the code does not iterate into the parent process.

Of course, one could use getSuperProcessToken to iterate into the parent 
process, using the processInstance rather than a token from the taskInstance. 
// NOTE: not thoroughly tested
  | public String getProcessHistory(ProcessInstance instance) {
  | StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
  | Token superToken = instance.getSuperProcessToken();
  | if (superToken != null) {
  | ProcessInstance superInstance = superToken.getProcessInstance();
  | s.append(getHistory(superInstance));
  | }
  | List parentChain =
  | instance.getProcessDefinition().getParentChain();
  | if (parentChain != null) {
  | for (GraphElement parent : parentChain) {
  | if (s.length() != 0) {
  | s.append(" -> ");
  | }
  | s.append(parent.getName());
  | }
  | }
  | return s.toString();
  | }
For the example posted earlier, when passing the processInstance, this would 
my-process -> my-sub-process
It's a bit harder to get the detailed node information though...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assign a generic sub-process task in the parent process?

2007-04-23 Thread avbentem

The only option that seems doable is 

  | :
So, I've issued a feature request to allow for setting Actor or Swimlane on 
process level: JBPM-955.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Can I tell which event invoked my action?

2007-04-20 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : You can do this by querying the event from the 
I took me some time trying to retrieve the jBPM execution context from within a 
Seam application (which can inject things like JbpmContext, ProcessInstance and 
TaskInstance, in which I could not easily find a reference to the 
ExecutionContext), but it's really easy when forgetting about Seam's injection 
for a second:
ExecutionContext jbpmExecutionContext = 
  | ExecutionContext.currentExecutionContext();
  | log.debug("Event: #0", jbpmExecutionContext.getEvent());

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-04-18 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : Note that JBoss AS 4.2.0.CR2 is now out - CVS is running 
well on it :)
Actually, build.properties 1.13 in CVS suggests that 4.2.0.GA is already 
running on ebernard's computer right now... ;-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: HOWTO: override ThemeSelector (valueChangeListener, cook

2007-04-18 Thread avbentem
I tested with yesterday's CVS head, and it seems to work fine.

Please note that the current LocaleSelector#setLocale(Locale)  and 
setLocaleString(String) do not call the setter methods, which invoke isDirty. I 
can't find any problems with this, but don't know if the isDirty is important 

No problems at all using the new ThemeSelector#selectTheme(String).

As for the auto-submit:

First, for the archives, taken from MyFaces wiki: note that for checkboxes and 
radio buttons you will want to use onclick instead of onchange as IE6 fires the 
onchange during 'blur' instead of the actual change of these input controls 
whereas onclick is fired when the value is actually changed for all browsers.


"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I don't see why overloading should be a problem, 
but if it is, please let me know.
I guess I got confused due to (for testing purposes) using BOTH 
 and onchange="submit()" within the very same . So, I 
had two dropdowns, one with the button and another with the onchange handler:

which yields:

  | Default
  | Accessible
  | Print
  | Default
  | Accessible
  | Print

Seeing no Javascript above to somehow register which input the user touched 
last, I guess using two dropdowns (or three, ..., within the same form) to 
achieve the very same thing is not supposed to be supported (probably the 
reason why Apache Trinidad supports autoSubmit). Ok, no problem, ready.

But if it is supposed to be supported, then I can investigate further. I surely 
am no JSF expert though. First impression, using Firefox: JSF seems to know 
which method to invoke, probably because Firefox does not send the button name 
when using submit() to post the form. However, it sometimes seems to use the 
wrong value (like the value from another dropdown) to determine what the user 
has selected. In some quick tests I can simultaneously use both the 
 and onchange="submit()" for ThemeSelector, but only if the 
onchange-version is the first. This also applies to the LocaleSelector, but 
then the dropdown would still show the previous language as being the selected 
choice, even though the page would be rendered using the new language. When 
defining the onchange-version as the second dropdown, then the version with the 
submit button no longer has any effect. 

Changing the method names makes no difference. Also the value for immediate 
does not seem to change the behavior.

I also noticed that, when changing the theme, LocaleSelector#setLocaleString is 
invoked as well, even twice. But when changing the locale, ThemeSelector does 
not get called. If that rings any alarm bells then please let me know and I can 
debug some more. But I guess it's not an issue at all. Obviously, only using a 
single dropdown in the form solves all issues.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-04-17 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : "avbentem" wrote : How can we assure the "Important Note: If 
you want to use EJB3 or Seam, you MUST use the JEMS Installer" will be removed 
when Seam 1.3 is released? [..]
  | Yeah, add a JIRA issue if you like...
Ok, JBSEAM-1193.

I also noticed that the JBoss version is not yet updated in the documentation 
(like "2.1. Before you start", "Make sure you have JDK 5 or JDK 6, JBoss AS 
4.0.5 and Ant 1.6..."). Of course, I know this might be work in progress; do 
you want JIRA issues for these details as well...?

"petemuir" wrote : We up the version number at release.
Ok, no problem, though (for example) I'd slightly prefer the generated 
documentation to show 1.3 instead of 1.2.1.GA...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-04-17 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : "avbentem" wrote : 
  |   | - when getting compile errors in GWTRemoteService then [...]
  | Which compiler errors are you getting?  I don't get any.
I did get errors in Eclipse (actually JBoss IDE 2.2.0.BETA2), all caused by a 
fewThe import com.google cannot be resolved
  | /src/remoting/org/jboss/seam/remoting/gwt/GWTRemoteService.java line 31
But, as petemuir wrote that the libraries in /lib worked fine, I now tested 
with gwt-servlet.jar (as included in /lib with the Seam download). That solves 
the problem too, so indeed no need to download anything from Google.

Without adding gw-servlet.jar an Ant build runs fine too, so it just seems to 
be missing in the Eclipse classpath file.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: How to find out the exact version of a jar file bundled

2007-04-16 Thread avbentem
"PeterJ" wrote : Look at the manifest.mf file in the Hibernate jar file.

I doubt that would help; it seems that this file is generated from the MANIFEST 
data in the third-party files, which apparently is missing...

See class VersionRelease and JBAS-4338.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-04-16 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : Just download the zip for 4.2.CR1, unzip it, and deploy the 
app.  No installer needed
You're right, thanks.

How can we assure the "Important Note: If you want to use EJB3 or Seam, you 
MUST use the JEMS Installer" will be removed when Seam 1.3 is released? Should 
I add an issue to JIRA? This will also apply to the Getting Started, which is 
already outdated anyhow. Of course, we can change the wiki ourselves.

Just for the archives, to use Seam 1.3.x from CVS:

- download JBoss AS 4.2 CR1 and unzip it
- check-out jboss-seam from :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss
- edit build.properties to set jboss.home (ignore the Tomcat settings)
- run "ant antlr" to generate SeamTextParser and SeamTextLexer
- optionally edit build.xml to read something like the following (I guess this 
should be fixed in CVS):

- when getting compile errors in GWTRemoteService then optionally download the 
Google Web Toolkit (Beta), unzip, copy gwt-user.jar to jboss-seam/lib and add 
the JAR to Eclipse using Project, Properties, Java Build Path, Add JARs (this 
gets one com.google.gwt.user.client.*; I'm not sure if this is the right 
approach to get rid of the errors)

And then, for example:
- run "ant deploy" from examples/dvdstore
- browse to http://localhost:8080/seam-dvd

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-04-16 Thread avbentem
"avbentem" wrote : The JBoss AS download pages claim "Important Note: If you 
want to use EJB3 or Seam, you MUST use the JEMS Installer."
I just read the AS 4.2 RC1 readme, which claims:
anonymous wrote : JBoss EJB3 is now deployed *by default* in JBossAS 4.2.x The 
fact that we base on JDK5 makes our life easier in this regard, meaning we 
don't have to maintain jdk5 code retro-weaved for jdk1.4 runtimes, and we can 
include by default components that require jdk5 to run.
As the Seam installation always required one to select the EJB3 profile when 
using the JEMS installer, I guess the JEMS installer might no longer be needed 
now that JBoss AS deploys EJB3 it by default?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS now on JBoss AS 4.2 CR1

2007-04-16 Thread avbentem
The JBoss AS download pages claim "Important Note: If you want to use EJB3 or 
Seam, you MUST use the JEMS Installer." And at the time of writing this, the 
wiki also still tells people to use the installer. However, the latest JEMS 
installer, 1.2.0.GA holds AS 4.0.5.GA. 


Does anyone know of any special issues when setting up AS 4.2 CR1 without the 
JEMS installer?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - jBPM dowload pages are outdated (3.2.GA missing)

2007-03-30 Thread avbentem
To whoever can change it...

http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossjbpm/downloads/jpdl and 
http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossjbpm/downloads/suite do not list the latest 
3.2.GA versions.

To allow the visitors to choose for themselves, maybe both pages could simply 
refer to 

-- and what's up with BBCode URLs in this forum?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-30 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : Then wire it up
  |   |
  |   |...
  |   |
  |   | 

This works great for some process definitions, but I cannot get this to work 
with sub-processes. 

When I start some process that immediately delegates to some sub-process, then 
a ProcessInstance is injected, but TaskMgmtInstance#getTaskInstances() returns 
zero elements in the getSingleTaskInstance I posted earlier:
@In ProcessInstance processInstance;
  | public TaskInstance getSingleTaskInstance() {
  | // BEWARE: THIS IS WRONG. This returns all the taskInstances
  | // for the process instance, which includes task instances 
  | // that have already been completed previously.
  | Collection taskInstances =
  | processInstance.getTaskMgmtInstance().getTaskInstances();
  | if (taskInstances.size() != 1) {
  | log.error("Expected single task, found #0", taskInstances.size());
  | return null;
  | }
  | return taskInstances.iterator().next();
  | }

So I guess jBPM simply has not created the sub-process yet. Debugging shows 
that the process instance is indeed the parent process instance at that point.

As for the warning in the code above: I guess I should use 
getUnfinishedTasks(Token), or discard the finished tasks that 
getTaskInstances() returns.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Can I get to the parent process, given a sub-process?

2007-03-30 Thread avbentem
Meanwhile I've found GraphElement#getParents() (and likewise getParentChain), 
which returns all the parents of a graph element ordered by age.
List parents = processInstance.getProcessDefinition().getParents();
To me, it's a bit odd that the parents are retrieved from the process 
definition, as this would then not take runtime changes into account? 

Like when using an event handler to set the sub-process on runtime -- that 
would probably change the process definition of that specific process instance, 
but I doubt these are persisted for each process instance?

Or when using loops, like when the current process has already been executed 3 
times, would one then expect the current process to be found in getParents() 3 
times as well?

Hmmm, maybe getParents() is the way to go in this case (to get the calling 
 from within some sub-process I would not care about traversing 
all the way up to the main process). I'll soon want an overview of the whole 
history though, so any thoughts are appreciated!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: HOWTO: override ThemeSelector (valueChangeListener, cook

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
...and you also changed TimeZoneSelector that I didn't even know about. Great!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: HOWTO: override ThemeSelector (valueChangeListener, cook

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : done in cvs
Errr, wow, that was fast :-)

I noticed that you've overloaded ThemeSelector#select(..)  and 
LocaleSelector#select(..). This might very well work, but when I used my own 
component (that extended ThemeSelector) then I could not get it to work when 
using the same method name. I do not recall the details but maybe I have some 
notes about that in the office. But I am not a JavaServer Faces expert, so 
maybe I was just messing up within the EL within the HTML.

I'll download and test at some later time. By the way: I wouldn't mind having 
the Javadoc included as well. That was how I learned about 
LocaleSelector#selectLanguage to start with!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Can I tell which event invoked my action?

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
Is there any way to tell which event has triggered my action?

Like when using:

...then I'd like to know that task-create made my swimlaneAssigner.setSwimlane 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assign a generic sub-process task in the parent process?

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
"kukeltje" wrote : Additional info reagarding the assignment in swimlanes

But so far no luck setting the swimlane to start with; no matter where I try to 
get my event handler invoked, the injected TaskInstance is always null when 
invoked from a parent process.

For example:
  | : 
  | :

And likewise when setting the event handler on the task-node:
  | : 
  | :
  | :

When starting the sub-process directly (so, not from within some process-state 
in a parent process) then I do get a TaskInstance injected though...

Like I said: to be continued... I hope!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: HOWTO: override ThemeSelector (valueChangeListener, cook

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem

I've submitted a feature request for the above functionality: 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: HOWTO: enable content assist in GPD XML editor

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
"avbentem" wrote : URI: http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/xsd/jpdl-3.2.xsd 
Note that, for version 3.1, the shorthand http://jbpm.org/jpdl-3.1.xsd was used 
in the documentation, which redirects to 
http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/xsd/jpdl-3.1.xsd -- but for 3.2 no such shorthand 
(yet) exists: http://jbpm.org/jpdl-3.2.xsd.

"avbentem" wrote : This enables content assist
...but now tells me that the binding attribute is not in the 3.2 schema. That 
will teach me not trying to be lazy ;-)

Reported; JBPM-910.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - HOWTO: enable content assist in GPD XML editor

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
I'm not sure if there's a better way, but to enable content assist for the 
process definitions in the Graphical Process Designer:

- Eclipse, Preferences
- Web and XML
- XML catalog
- User specified entries, click Add
- URI: http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/xsd/jpdl-3.2.xsd
- Key Type: Namespace Name
- Key:urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2

This enables content assist for:

  | :

Of course, without making any chances to Eclipse preferences, or when using 
other tools, one could also explicitly specify the location:

  | http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
  | xsi:schemaLocation=
  | "urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2 http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/xsd/jpdl-3.2.xsd";>
  | :

Note that in both cases using xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2" will enable runtime 
XML validation, under some conditions, as described in 16.4.1. Validation in 
the documentation.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assign a generic sub-process task in the parent process?

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
I guess I could use TaskInstance#setSwimlaneInstance to change the swimlane on 
the fly.

The documentation states that the actor is "remembered in the process for all 
subsequent tasks that are in the same swimlane". I hope this also applies to 
sub-processes. If so, then I can set a specific Actor for the employee and 
customer swimlanes at the beginning of the process. Next, within the 
sub-processes I would then alternate the swimlane using #setSwimlanceInstance 
(well -- if I can get to the parent process, given a sub-process). jBPM would 
then still know which Actor was assigned to that specific swimlane.

Just for the archives: see also the post "asign swimlanes in execution time". 

I'll give it a try; any thoughts on this? For example I wonder if I could 
abandon an existing SwimlaneInstance when changing the swimlane on the fly. In 
other words: I wonder if I need to do some clean-up when the process ends, if I 
changed swimlane instances myself?

To be continued...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: spawning workflow from action handler Q

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
"brianmb99" wrote : I tried dynamically using subprocesses from a process-state 
node but couln't get it to work 
Maybe things were different in the 3.0.2 version of jBPM you were using back 
then, but in 3.2.Beta2 the following really works just fine (also without the 
binding attribute):


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: About swimlanes

2007-03-29 Thread avbentem
"pedror" wrote : I can't find information on what the swimlane assignment 
expression can contain
I wonder if you really want to use the expression attribute -- which is NOT a 
jPDL expression, but an  assignment expression. But when using it, do you need 
more documentation than given in 11.11.2. Assignment expressions? 

I guess that, instead of the assignment expression, you should set a jPDL 
expression on the actor-id. So (not too sure about the jPDL syntax here):

Or in Seam I'd try:

"pedror" wrote : nor can I find relevant information on separating the tasks 
between the users of bank A and the users of bank B, which belong to the same 

I wonder at which point you decide which bank is involved. I think that, using 
the jPDL expression in the actor-id of the swimlane, you could assign the 
bank-specific pool? See setPooledActors. 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Scheduled TaskInstances within a ProcessInstance?

2007-03-27 Thread avbentem
"kukeltje" wrote : an xsd that supports this should be custom made as well
To disable validation see 18.4.1. Validation:
anonymous wrote : When parsing a jPDL XML document, jBPM will validate your 
document against the jPDL schema when two conditions are met: first, the schema 
has to be referenced in the XML document like this
  |   |   ...
  |   | 
  | And second, the xerces parser has to be on the classpath.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Scheduled TaskInstances within a ProcessInstance?

2007-03-27 Thread avbentem
"kukeltje" wrote : What you did now is extend the jbpm core in such a way that 
you have to manually change this each time a new jbpm core comes out. [..] What 
you can do is [..] runtime read the processdefinition from the database. It is 
a string then which can be converted to an xml document and custom attributes 
can be read.
Or, alternatively, does anyone know if there's a way to define "MyTask extends 
org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.Task", and then make jBPM use that custom class rather 
than the original?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Assign a generic sub-process task in the parent process?

2007-03-27 Thread avbentem
I'd like to define my actors on process level, not on task level. Doing so I'd 
like re-use a sub-process for different actors who, in my opinion, are not 
really part of the same swimlane. Like both a helpdesk employee and the 
customer would need to fill in the same questionnaire at different points in 
the main process. The employee is, at some earlier stage, assigned from a pool 
of actors. 

Of course, before getting to the task I could outject some Actor that is used 
  | : 
  | :

Above, the survey process would be included in multiple places in my main 
process definition, like:

  | :
  | :
  | :
  | :

So, above I'd need to make sure to outject the (different) Actor in multiple 
places as well.

Alternatively maybe I should include some variable, which can then be retrieved 
in some component that is used in the assignment expression:

referred to by, for example,

  | :

In either case, to directly outject the Actor property, or to invoke a 
getSurveyActor() method on some TaskAssigner component, I'd need to know who's 
filling in the survey, or which parent process invoked the generic sub-process. 

I wonder if there's a better way?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-27 Thread avbentem
"kukeltje" wrote : afaik, jBPM 3.2 already is able to do something like 
I could only find 16.4.8. task-node, which states:
anonymous wrote : create-tasks - attribute - optional {yes|no|true|false}, 
default is true. Can be set to false when a runtime calculation has to 
determine which of the tasks have to be created. In that case, add an action on 
node-enter, create the tasks in the action and set create-tasks to false.
  | end-tasks - attribute - optional {yes|no|true|false}, default is false. In 
case remove-tasks is set to true, on node-leave, all the tasks that are still 
open are ended.
However, it defaults to true, according to the quote above, the source code and 
the XSD:

  | :
So, setting this to true, which it already is, would not make much difference I 
guess. So: is this what you're referring to?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Can I get to the parent process, given a sub-process?

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem
Sorry, probably simple but I cannot figger it out...

Can I, given a task in a sub-process, find it's calling ? 

Looking in the debugger (the process being started through Seam and the 
taskInstance and processInstance also injected by Seam) I get many null values, 
such as: 

taskInstance.token.parent == null
taskInstance.token.isAbleToReactiveParent == true
processInstance.rootToken == null
processInstance.superProcessToken == null

Of course, I can write a query to get it from the database myself (I actually 
only need read-access). I wonder why table JBPM_TOKEN has NULL in column 
PARENT_ (jBPM 3.1.4; might simply be obsolete), but the parent token does in 
fact link to its (active) child using  column SUBPROCESSINSTANCE_. In table 
JPBM_PROCESSINSTANCE the sub process refers to the parent using column 
SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_. So, surely doable.

I don't think the definition is important, but it's something like:


  |  ...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : Then wire it up
  |   |
  |   |...
  |   |
  |   | 

Thanks, sounds good, I'll give it a try.

"petemuir" wrote : In fact, can you create a JIRA issue for both a task 
selector and a way of auto-starting tasks - we can probably wrap it up in 
@CreateProcess / create-process in pages.xml

I'll keep you informed about my progress and will indeed file a feature request 
-- if only to provide means to document the stuff in the Seam manual ;-)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: processdefinition and sub-process - autoupdate

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem
"jainer" wrote : deploy first the subprocess and then deploy the parent 
process, it works fine, it don't matter which of both you update.

You may be right, but that's not what I remember. Furthermore, I know this is 
an old post but just for the sake of the archives: at the time of writing this 
(but probably since some earlier date) one can specifically tell jBPM to always 
take the latest version:



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : assuming the actor has only one task assigned is a *big* one
Of course, and indeed I'm not assuming an actor only has a single task 
assigned. So, for example, when a human actor logs into some website then 
indeed a list of tasks will often be very appropriate.

However, when a human actor starts a new process, then I think often a single 
task will be activated and almost immediately assigned to that very same actor. 
Likewise, when assigning a specific task of some existing process to the 
current actor, one in fact knows exactly what task is to be performed. The 
actor wants to take control of that task, so I think often the actor also wants 
to start working on the task, and wants to be taken to the task-specific page 
to get the job done.

And above all: I'm not saying that tasks should always be auto-started. But if 
the application is such that (some) tasks should be auto-started, then I wonder 
what's the cleanest, most Seam-like way to get it implemented.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: IceFaces new dev build is out & example seam app.

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem

...two excerpts from ReadMe.txt and UsingICEfacesWithSeam.html included with 
the demo:

anonymous wrote : Note: As of the ICEfaces 1.6.0 DR#2 release ICEfaces has been 
tested to work with Seam v1.1.6. Due to Seam API changes introduced in Seam 1.2 
that break backwards-compatibility support for Seam 1.2 is not available in 
this release, but will be provided in subsequent releases.
(but the Seam 1.1.6 runtime libs are included in the demo EAR, so no sweat for 
the demo), and:

anonymous wrote : The source code for the application is located in the 
seam-comp-showcase.jar (inside the seam-comp-showcase.ear)

Also note that the EAR is built using JDK 6, so when running into 
"java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file" 
you'll need to run JBoss using a newer JDK.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: IceFaces new dev build is out & example seam app.

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Hop over to their site for a look.
...at http://www.icefaces.org/main/downloads/os-downloads.iface

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-22 Thread avbentem

Actually, I think one day I also might want to start a task as soon as one 
assigns it to oneself, and show the appropriate page right away. In the DVD 
Store example the following is used:

  | :
  | :

After clicking the button above, the new assigned task is listed in 
#{taskInstanceListForType['approve']}, and can then be started. But how to 
start the task right away, so as soon as the task is assigned to oneself?

I could rewrite this to:

  | public class TaskSelector {
  | @In TaskInstance taskInstance;
  | @In Actor actor;
  | :
  | public String assignToCurrentActor(){
  | taskInstance.setActorId(actor.getId());
  | // Or maybe one should use the following?
  | // jbpmContext.getTaskMgmtSession().loadTaskInstance(taskId)
  | //  .assign(actor.getId()); 
  | return taskInstance.getName();
  | }
  | :

This allows me to go to a task-specific page right away, but at that point the 
task has not been started yet. So this needs something more...

Thanks for any thoughts,

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-21 Thread avbentem
Ok, now that Gavin gave a nice combination of @StartTask and pages.xml, I 
wonder if something similar could be done using the value returned by 
@CreateProcess, somehow also forcing @StartTask to be triggered?

Now, how to explain this... In the Todo example we've got:
@CreateProcess(definition = "todo")
  | public void createTodo() { 
  | // nothing here in fact
  | }

  | :
  | :
Above, when createTodo() completes successfully then @CreateProcess somehow 
tells jBPM that the process is started. Eventually the  is reached 
at which point jBPM will create the org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance and 
assign it to the current actor. Next, the task could be started using, for 
example, Gavin's TaskSelector#selectTask. 

Above, createTodo() does not return a value, so the actor stays at the current 
page. In my example I do in fact return a value, which gives the actor my page 
on which I check if the task has been started. To find the single task that I 
expect, I use something like:
  | public class TaskFinder {
  | @Logger Log log;
  | @In ProcessInstance processInstance;
  | /**
  |  * Convenience method to get the single task from the current process
  |  * instance.
  |  * 
  |  * Assumes the process instance holds exactly one task; returns
  |  * null if none or multiple tasks are found.
  |  * 
  |  * @return org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance, just like returned by
  |  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.jboss.seam.core.TaskInstanceList}, or 
  |  * null when none or multiple tasks are found.
  |  */
  | @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  | public TaskInstance getSingleTaskInstance() {
  | Collection taskInstances =
  | (Collection) processInstance.getTaskMgmtInstance()
  | .getTaskInstances();
  | if (taskInstances.size() != 1) {
  | log.error("Expected single task, found #0", 
  | return null;
  | }
  | return (TaskInstance)taskInstances.iterator().next();
  | }
  | }


  | This task has not yet been started.
  | .
  | :

So, though all of this happens AFTER createTodo() completes, for this specific 
process I know that a single task is created (almost) immediately. I actually 
even know the name of that task. So I can assume only a single task will be 

Though the above works for me (well, I guess in some cases I actually would 
like it to start automatically when needed...), I wonder if this could somehow 
be implemented without my TaskFinder, for example using pages.xml?

(and errr, yes, in the Todo-list example starting the task would in fact also 
end it, but just suppose the @EndTask is set on another method so we could show 
some Todo-task page...)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam 1.2.1?

2007-03-21 Thread avbentem
Indeed, as sherkan777 noticed, the roadmap states "1.2.1.GA  ( 19/Mar/07 )" and 
 "1.3.0.BETA1  ( 23/Apr/07 )". Not a major thing at all, but maybe someone can 
easily change that date?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
"avbentem" wrote : import org.jboss.seam.log.Log;
  |   | :
  |   | @Logger
  |   | private Log log;

...and you know you can then use:

log.info("EntityManager (em) -> #0", em);

Saves some String concatenation when the message is somehow suppressed by the 
logging setup.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
"bsmithjj" wrote : Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not set 
field value by reflection: AutoProvisionerBean.log on: 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AutoProvisionerBean with value: class 

I guess your Java imports still refer to some non-Seam logger?

In other words, try something like (I'm not sure about the exact package name):
import org.jboss.seam.log.Log;
  | :
  | @Logger
  | private Log log;

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
"petemuir" wrote : I prefer to navigate to another page, and let that page set 
itself up (pages.xml or @Create) - fits the pages.xml style better imo.
...and earlier you wrote:
"petemuir" wrote : I worked around this by extending task instance, and adding 
a viewId property.  Then, in the startTask action method, I just returned that 
viewId as the place to go.

And after that, Gavin gave his solution using some TaskSelector simply 
returning the taskname, to be used in navigation rules. Gavin's idea does not 
require additional information in the process definition XML itself. But that 
might not be such a huge advantage at all: the jPDL XSD often accepts xsd:any, 
so probably allows for you additional viewId attribute without any changes. And 
one might also add Seam EL in the process definition, which makes them 
Seam-specific as well.

So: are you saying you prefer your solution, or Gavin's, or would you like some 
other enhancements to make things even be better?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
Gavin, you type a lot faster than I do :-) I was ready to respond to your posts 
two times now, but each time you already replied again before I hit submit. 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : What you want is to navigate from a list of *all 
kinds of tasks*, to the specific page for the task, without using multiple 
tasks lists. Is that all?
...yes, "that's all"! 

And your solution, though you think trivial, is great, clean, and exactly what 
I need! And you're right: no need for a built-in component I guess.

Thanks again!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Expression language enhancements do not work

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
"ebu" wrote : looks like that ajax4jsf's view handler specified in web xml 
takes precedence
I don't know the answer to your question, but just for your information: when 
using seam-gen then SeamFaceletViewHandler is commented-out (with a reference 
to Ajax4JSF) in the generated faces-config.xml, thus:

  | :
  | :


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
"bsmithjj" wrote : We've used jBPM and Seam a lot. [..] You'll probably find 
that you need to implement custom jBPM ActionHandler, DecisionHandler, etc.  
[..] figuring out and managing the resources (JbpmContext, EntityManager, etc.) 
shared between your custom jBPM code and your Seam components (and dealing with 
transactions) is going to be tricky.

Uhuh, ok... But you're still happily using Seam with jBPM? 

And would you care to comment to another post in this forum, "seam in 
production systems"?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: language resource bundle example

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
"grdzeli_kaci" wrote : i have added this fragment into my faces-config.xml 
  |   |   :
  |   |   en
  |   |   :
  |   | 
I think the supported-locale's are only needed when NOT explictely listing the 
available languages in the selectOneMenu. So, when using the list in 
faces-config.xml then your language selector could look like this:

(taken from the Seam documentation)

But this is not the cause of your problem; waynebagguley already explained 
what's wrong.

If you want to change the language without a button then see HOWTO: override 
ThemeSelector (valueChangeListener, cookie name).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam jBPM: use annotation or pages.xml to get next task?

2007-03-20 Thread avbentem
After login, I need to show an actor a list of all owned processes, allowing 
the actor to click a button to get to the current task within that process 
(just like the jBPM web console). When clicking, a view that is applicable for 
that specific task will be shown, and this view might refer to some specific 
actions. Alternatively just a list of the current tasks would do as well, just 
as long as clicking the button allows me to show some task-specific view.

So, I'd like something like:

  | :

...but I guess I need to write my own code for 
action=#{myGenericHandler.selectTask} -- right?

So: one cannot somehow use annotations or some configuration to specify what to 
do when a specific task is signaled by the actor, right? In other words: using 
annotations Seam can signal jBPM that a task is started or completed when some 
Java code is executed, but Seam has no means to tell what Java code needs to be 
triggered for some generic action.

I know that in the jBPM web console the task-specific views are defined and 
stored along with the process definition itself (using forms.xml to tell what 
view goes with each task). This allows for rendering task-specific views.

I also know that, when not using such form definitions but instead using Seam 
to define the views (while still allowing each task some specific view and 
action), one can use taskInstanceListForType to render the button, like the DVD 
Store example admin page:

  | :
  | :

I wonder if this can easily be made more "generic" (realizing that "generic" 
will in fact be very limited, and will not be usable for just any type of 
process definition).

Thanks for any thoughts on this,

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create Component:

2007-03-19 Thread avbentem
"grdzeli_kaci" wrote : i con't find any nesten exception.

Well, it's surely there in the log you posted:

"grdzeli_kaci" wrote : Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must 
specify org.jboss.seam.core.init.jndiPattern or use @JndiName: authenticator
  | at org.jboss.seam.Component.getJndiName(Component.java:340)
  | at org.jboss.seam.Component.(Component.java:216)
  | at org.jboss.seam.Component.(Component.java:200)
  | at 
  | ... 91 more

Hopefully using the above a search in these forums will give you some solution.

And if you want to know if your JBoss installation is allright then at least 
try to run one of the examples.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create Component:

2007-03-19 Thread avbentem
"grdzeli_kaci" wrote : it does not working yet :(
...errr, well, then I'd think it's about time you finally respond to

> No nested exceptions that tell you a bit more? 


> again: aren't there some nested exceptions that tell you a bit more?

In other words: more details needed, for example starting with the whole error 
message, which (for example) might indicate there's multiple components with 
the same name and precedence. Your "Could not create Component" is not helping 
a lot.

(and what is the "implements Authenticator" referring to?)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create Component:

2007-03-19 Thread avbentem
...and while stripping your code to pin down the problem: why not remove the 
EntityManager, Identity and Actor as well? And if that helps: are you sure 
you're using EJB3 in your components.xml, and if not sure: what if just using 
  | private EntityManager entityManager;
to use a "Seam-managed persistence context", instead of your
  | EntityManager em;
By the way: do the examples run fine in your JBoss installation (like: is JBoss 
installed with the ejb3 profile)?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create Component:

2007-03-19 Thread avbentem
"grdzeli_kaci" wrote : this is not cause of this problem.
If "this" refers to explanation of the Java OR then: no, just like I wrote, 
that was just for your information...

"grdzeli_kaci" wrote : public boolean authenticate() {
  | return true;
  | }
  | but it does not work
...well, does this give you the very same error? If so, then again: aren't 
there some nested exceptions that tell you a bit more? In your first post you 
only showed the "Could not create Component: authenticator" but often the rest 
of the error message gives some more clues about what's causing the error?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to correctly use @DataModel's rowAvailable?

2007-03-19 Thread avbentem
In fact org.jboss.seam.jsf.ListDataModel delegates most of its functionality to 
javax.faces.model.ListDataModel (link broken when I write this; see also the 
API). The Seam code includes:
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException,
  | ClassNotFoundException 
  | {
  | this.setWrappedData( ois.readObject() );
  | this.setRowIndex( ois.readInt() );
  | }
I assume readObject() throws an exception when the ObjectInputStream is not 
null but somehow emtpy, so I assume the readInt() could not yield -1 above, as 
writeObject sets it using getRowIndex().

Still: could using the wrong scope somehow mess this up...? Note that Order 
does implement serializable:
  | @Table(name="ORDERS")
  | public class Order implements Serializable
Any thoughts welcome!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create Component:

2007-03-19 Thread avbentem

No nested exceptions that tell you a bit more?

Not the cause of your problem, but just for your information:

>  if (list==null || (list!=null && list.size()!=1))

The Java || is an Exclusive OR: if the first expression evaluates to true then 
the second is not evaluated at all. So there's no need for the "list!=null" 

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