RE: up-to-date xemacs, but...

2002-09-26 Thread Andy Piper

> > By the way, things are quite slow, and xemacs

There is a known problem with syntax tables and speed 
which especially affects java files.

Try setting:

(setq-default lookup-syntax-properties nil)

in your init.el file and see if that helps.


RE: up-to-date xemacs, but...

2002-09-26 Thread Andy Piper

> Ok, thanks for the advice. I installed jde2.2.9beta12
> manually, and it is better. I also move to
> xemacs21.4.9 (gamma version).
> I now succeed in doing a full JDEbug session (with
> breakpoints etc.), but... the "local variables" buffer
> keeps totally empty. Sources are yet compiled with -g,
> and I did not see any strange message anywhere. 

I think this works for me. I had to make a few minor
changes for the XEmacs package - so you still might 
want to try it. Actually it is already available in the
pre-releases directory on

> By the way, things are quite slow, and xemacs
> core-dumps sometimes at kill-emacs()...

I believe that the core dump is a known bug in Solaris
Motif, you should check the PROBLEMS file for Solaris
patches you might need to apply.


Re: CVS problems?

2002-09-26 Thread Greg Fenton

--- Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greg Fenton writes:
>  > I seem to have problems refreshing my CVS repository following the
>  > [...]
>  >   $ cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pack/anoncvs update jde
>  >   ? jde/output
>  >   ? jde/java/build.xml
>  >   ? jde/java/classes
>  >   ? jde/java/lib
>  >   cvs server: User 'cvs' cannot access
> Please let me know if using a standalone bash shell works for you.
> If it does, I'll note this on the Web page.

Hi Paul,

I have in fact been using a standalong Cygwin shell all along.
I too was able to successfully create a new sandbox without errors,
however a "cvs update" for that new sandbox once again gave the
above error message(s).

Is an "update" not something done often?  Do most CVS users simply
"cvs co" whenever they want to refresh their sandbox?

Thanks in advance,

Greg Fenton

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Completion on the result of a method fails?

2002-09-26 Thread Robert Mecklenburg

I'm having a problem getting completion to work on the result of a
method call.  For instance,

   ^ point is here

Executing jde-complete at this point yields "No completion at this
point".  The same is true of the following:


To recreate the problem run:

1. M-x jde-gen-class-buffer
2. Move point into the constructor body
3. C-c C-v C-. getc   .
4. C-c C-v C-.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2002-03-19 on buffy
Package: JDE version 2.2.9beta12
Required packages: semantic-1.4 eieio-0.17 speedbar-0.14beta4

current state:
 jde-gen-session-bean-template '("(jde-import-insert-imports-into-buffer "
 "  (list \"javax.ejb.*\""
 "\"java.rmi.RemoteException\"))" "'>"
 "(jde-wiz-update-implements-clause \"SessionBean\")" 
 "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  
 "  \"ejbActivate\"" "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" " 
)" "'>"
 "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" 
"\"}\"'>'n 'n"
 "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  
 "  \"ejbPassivate\"" "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" 
" )" "'>"
 "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" 
"\"}\"'>'n 'n"
 "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  
 "  \"ejbRemove\"" "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" " 
)" "'>"
 "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" 
"\"}\"'>'n 'n"
 "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  
 "  \"setSessionContext\"" "  \"SessionContext ctx\""
 "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " 
" ()" " 'n)"
 "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature"
 "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "  
\"unsetSessionContext\"" "  nil"
 "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " 
" ()" " 'n)"
 "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>")
 jde-gen-beep '("(end-of-line) '&" "\"Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();\"'>'n'>")
 jde-complete-signature-display '("Eldoc")
 jde-checkstyle-option-ignore-longell nil
 jde-project-name "core"
 jde-which-method-format '("[" jde-which-method-current "]")
 jde-run-classic-mode-vm nil
 jde-complete-unique-method-names nil
 jde-find-granularity '("Character")
 jde-javadoc-gen-nodeprecatedlist nil
 jde-which-method-max-length 20
 jde-package-search-classpath-variables '(jde-compile-option-classpath 
 jde-imenu-include-classdef t
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-online nil
 jde-complete-display-result-type t
 jde-checkstyle-option-rcurly '("same")
 jde-gen-code-templates '(("Get Set Pair" . jde-gen-get-set)
  ("toString method" . jde-gen-to-string-method)
  ("Action Listener" . jde-gen-action-listener)
  ("Window Listener" . jde-gen-window-listener)
  ("Mouse Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-listener)
  ("Mouse Motion Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener)
  ("Inner Class" . jde-gen-inner-class) ("println" . 
  ("beep" . jde-gen-beep)
  ("property change support" . jde-gen-property-change-support)
  ("EJB Entity Bean" . jde-gen-entity-bean)
  ("EJB Session Bean" . jde-gen-session-bean))
 jde-gen-cflow-else '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"else\")" "'(l '> 
\"else \""
  "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'r'n" "\"}\"'>)" ")")
 jde-make-args ""
 jde-jdk-registry '(("1.3.1" . "r:/jdk1.3.1_04"))
 jde-checkstyle-option-lcurly-method '("eol")
 jde-javadoc-gen-destination-directory "JavaDoc"
 jde-mode-line-format '("-" mode-line-mule-info mode-line-modified 
mode-line-buffer-identification "   " global-mode-string "   
mode-name mode-line-process minor-mode-alist "%n" ")%]--"
(line-number-mode "L%l--") (column-number-mode "C%c--") (-3 . 
(jde-which-method-mode ("--" jde-which-method-format "--")) 
 jde-mode-abbreviations '(("ab" . "abstract") ("bo" . "boolean") ("br" . "break") 
("by" . "byte")
  ("ch" . "char") ("cl" . "class") ("con" . "continue") ("de" 
. "default")
  ("dou" . "double") ("el" . "else") ("ex" . "extends") ("fa" 
. "false")

RE: up-to-date xemacs, but...

2002-09-26 Thread fred bapst

Ok, thanks for the advice. I installed jde2.2.9beta12
manually, and it is better. I also move to
xemacs21.4.9 (gamma version).

I now succeed in doing a full JDEbug session (with
breakpoints etc.), but... the "local variables" buffer
keeps totally empty. Sources are yet compiled with -g,
and I did not see any strange message anywhere. 

Any ideas ?

By the way, things are quite slow, and xemacs
core-dumps sometimes at kill-emacs()...

 --- Andy Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : 
> JDE on XEmacs has been updated to 2.2.9beta12, the
> binary package will be
> available in a day or two. You probably should
> upgrade as soon as it is.
> 21.1.14 is pretty old now you should consider
> upgrading XEmacs also.

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