Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps

2017-02-21 Thread Rustan Capal
Thanks for suggestions Indra. It finally works!

I just missed the Saltstack plugin version. I used the 1.7.1. Pipeline 
support is on 2.0.0.

I just installed the Saltstack plugin 2.0.0 manually and the pipeline 
support finally works.

- Rustan

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 9:50:32 AM UTC+8, Rustan Capal wrote:
> Thanks Indra. We'll look with your suggested solution.
> On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 2:22:47 AM UTC+8, Indra Gunawan 
> (ingunawa) wrote:
>> Check first if you have installed the saltstack-plugin version that 
>> supports pipeline.  Please verify that the plugin with pipeline support 
>> dependencies are met.
>> Observe anything that might be printed out in Jenkins log file related to 
>> saltstack-plugin.
>> -Indra
>> *From: * on behalf of Rustan Capal <
>> *Reply-To: *"" 
>> *Date: *Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 10:01 AM
>> *To: *Jenkins Users 
>> *Subject: *Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' 
>> found among steps
>> Saltstack Plugin Installed: 
>> On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 1:54:17 AM UTC+8, Rustan Capal wrote: 
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Salt API already installed. 
>> Jenkins version: 2.32.2
>> *[PIPELINE SCRIPT] *import groovy.json.*
>> node() {
>>   saltresult = salt authtype: 'pam', clientInterface: local(arguments: 
>> '"uname -r"', blockbuild: true, 
>> function: '', jobPollTime: 16, target: '*', targetType: 
>> 'glob'), 
>> credentialsId: 'c58c819b-89f2-4400-bb94-1ec79920adb4', servername: '
>>   def prettyJson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(saltresult)
>>   println(prettyJson)
>> }
>> [Pipeline] node
>> Running on master in 
>> /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/hello-world-pipeline-saltstack
>> [Pipeline] {
>> [Pipeline] }
>> [Pipeline] // node
>> [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
>> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps 
>> [ansiColor, archive, bat, build, catchError, checkout, deleteDir, dir, 
>> dockerFingerprintFrom, dockerFingerprintRun, echo, emailext, 
>> emailextrecipients, error, exws, exwsAllocate, fileExists, findFiles, 
>> getContext, git, input, isUnix, libraryResource, load, mail, milestone, 
>> node, parallel, properties, pwd, readFile, readManifest, readMavenPom, 
>> readProperties, readTrusted, readYaml, retry, sh, sleep, stage, stash, step, 
>> svn, timeout, timestamps, tool, touch, unarchive, unstash, unzip, waitUntil, 
>> withContext, withCredentials, withDockerContainer, withDockerRegistry, 
>> withDockerServer, withEnv, wrap, writeFile, writeMavenPom, ws, zip] or 
>> symbols [all, always, ant, antFromApache, antOutcome, antTarget, apiToken, 
>> architecture, archiveArtifacts, artifactManager, batchFile, booleanParam, 
>> buildButton, buildDiscarder, caseInsensitive, caseSensitive, choice, 
>> choiceParam, clock, cloud, command, configFile, configFileProvider, cron, 
>> crumb, defaultView, demand, disableConcurrentBuilds, downloadSettings, 
>> downstream, dumb, envVars, fastestReadSpeed, fastestWriteSpeed, file, 
>> fileParam, filePath, fingerprint, frameOptions, freeStyle, freeStyleJob, 
>> git, hyperlink, hyperlinkToModels, installSource, jdk, jdkInstaller, jgit, 
>> jgitapache, jnlp, jobName, junit, lastDuration, lastFailure, 
>> lastGrantedAuthorities, lastStable, lastSuccess, legacy, list, local, 
>> location, logRotator, loggedInUsersCanDoAnything, masterBuild, maven, 
>> maven3Mojos, mavenErrors, mavenMojos, mavenWarnings, mostUsableSpace, 
>> myView, nodeProperties, nonStoredPasswordParam, none, overrideIndexTriggers, 
>> paneStatus, parameters, password, pattern, pipelineTriggers, plainText, 
>> plugin, pollSCM, projectNamingStrategy, proxy, queueItemAuthenticator, 
>> quietPeriod, run, runParam, schedule, scmRetryCount, search, security, 
>> shell, slave, stackTrace, standard, status, string, stringParam, swapSpace, 
>> text, textParam, tmpSpace, toolLocation, unsecured, upstream, 
>> usernameColonPassword, usernamePassword, viewsTabBar, weather, zfs, zip] or 
>> globals [currentBuild, docker, env, params, scm, simpleBuild]
>>   at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(
>>   at 
>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript.invokeMethod(
>>   at groovy.lang.GroovyObject$ Source)
>>   at 
>> org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
>>   at 
>>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
>>   at 

Separating build failure from test failures

2017-02-21 Thread Cody Konior
I'd like to somehow separate on the Jenkins page the difference between 
jobs which failed due to a build/script error versus jobs which had failing 

I use the PowerShell plugin and can set the overall pass/fail based on that 
- sure. But then I lose visibility on the front page that a job had failing 
tests within it.

Does anyone have a workaround?

I saw a plugin a while ago that could add Pass/Fail counts (but not 
indicators) to the front view. But I don't remember the plugin name and it 
didn't function with Folders (and it was a view, so, it was nigh impossible 
to replace the All view, as you know how difficult it can be for folders).


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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
I have my local environment setup to debug.  I have no experience, so it 
might take some time, but so far I have noticed it works fine for Pipeline 
jobs, but an issue with multibranch pipelines and ultimately github orgs 
(uses multibranch pipelines).

I'll post my findings when I'm done.

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 8:03:23 PM UTC-5, Ryan Hutchison wrote:
> This is all very new to me, but it looks like I need to start here.

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Re: CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin - Auto deploy to EC2

2017-02-21 Thread Paul Mateos
Did you get any answers regarding this issue. I too cannot select 
credentials from the dropdown

On Saturday, 25 July 2015 01:27:22 UTC+10, Prasad Bond wrote:
> We are trying to do the auto deployment of docker image to EC2 container. 
>  We thought of doing the following.
> 1.   Created the Jenkins Jobs – to get the code from git hub, prepare 
> the image  and push the image to private docker hub (which is created on 
> ) using CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin 
> 2.   Than thought of deploy the docker image from docker hub to EC2 
> instance. 
> Can you please guide me with the proper steps to make auto deployment of 
> docker images to EC2 instance. I added the following post build step for 
> the docker build and publish.
> But here my doubt is what will the docker host URI, server credentials 
> (not able to see any details in the drop down even after adding from add 
> button). For testing I gave the values for Repository name, tag, docker 
> host url left blank, server credentials left blank. *Given the values for 
> docker registry as *** 
> * and by clicking on 
> Add button given the registry credentials*.
> 1.   When I trigger the build from Jenkins getting the following 
> error.
> ERROR: Build step failed with exception
> net.sf.json.JSONException: null object
> at net.sf.json.JSONObject.verifyIsNull(
> at net.sf.json.JSONObject.element(
> at net.sf.json.JSONObject.element(
> at net.sf.json.JSONObject.put(
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryToken$
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryToken$
> at
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryToken.newKeyMaterialFactory(
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryEndpoint.newKeyMaterialFactory(
> at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryEndpoint.newKeyMaterialFactory(
> at 
> com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder$Perform.executeCmd(
> at 
> com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder$Perform.executeCmd(
> at 
> com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder$Perform.buildAndTag(
> at 
> com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder$Perform.exec(
> at 
> com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder$Perform.access$100(
> at 
> com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder.perform(
> at 
> hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
> at 
> hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
> at 
> hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$
> at 
> hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$MavenModuleSetBuildExecution.doRun(
> at 
> hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
> at hudson.model.Run.execute(
> at 
> at 
> hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
> at
> Build step 'Docker Build and Publish' marked build as failure
> 2.   When I give the value as none for ‘*the registry credentials’ 
> *getting 
> the following error*.*
> Image push failed
> Please login prior to push:
> Username: EOF
> Build step 'Docker Build and Publish' marked build as failure
> *Following is the docker file:*   
> FROM java:7
> ADD sample.jar /test/sample.jar
> RUN chmod +x /test/sample.jar
> Following are the configuration/environment:
> Java version "1.8.0_40"
> Linux -  x86_64 -  GNU/Linux
> Docker version 1.7.1, build 786b29d
> Jenkins version - 1.620
> CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin 
> – 1.0
> Docker Commons Plugin – 1.1
> *sudo docker version >>*
> Client version: 1.7.1
> Client API 

RejectedAccessException: unclassified method java.lang.String call java.lang.String org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2

2017-02-21 Thread Thomas Fjellstrom
When using the scripted pipeline, I'm seemingly unable to pass closures 
into methods, that then call those closures? Maybe my grasp of groovy and 
jenkins is weak.

Full error:

unclassified method java.lang.String call java.lang.String 
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2 at 
 at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$ at 
org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall( at 
 at WorkflowScript.dockerStage(WorkflowScript:43) at ___cps.transform___(Native 
Method) at 
 at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor210.invoke(Unknown Source) at 
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at 
 at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ClosureBlock.eval( at 
com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Next.step( at 
com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Continuable.run0( at 
 at at 
 at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at at 
at Finished: FAILURE

Example code:

def dockerStage(title, dir, def body) {
 stage(title) {
 node('docker') {
 checkout scm
 dir(dir) {
 withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 
REGISTRY_AUTH_KEY, usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 

Called like:

dockerStage('Do a thing', 'somedir') {
   sh './do_something'

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Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps

2017-02-21 Thread Rustan Capal
Thanks Indra. We'll look with your suggested solution.

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 2:22:47 AM UTC+8, Indra Gunawan 
(ingunawa) wrote:
> Check first if you have installed the saltstack-plugin version that 
> supports pipeline.  Please verify that the plugin with pipeline support 
> dependencies are met.
> Observe anything that might be printed out in Jenkins log file related to 
> saltstack-plugin.
> -Indra
> *From: * on behalf of Rustan 
> Capal 
> *Reply-To: *" " <
> >
> *Date: *Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 10:01 AM
> *To: *Jenkins Users 
> *Subject: *Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' 
> found among steps
> Saltstack Plugin Installed: 
> On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 1:54:17 AM UTC+8, Rustan Capal wrote: 
> Hi Everyone,
> Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Salt API already installed. 
> Jenkins version: 2.32.2
> *[PIPELINE SCRIPT] *import groovy.json.*
> node() {
>   saltresult = salt authtype: 'pam', clientInterface: local(arguments: 
> '"uname -r"', blockbuild: true, 
> function: '', jobPollTime: 16, target: '*', targetType: 
> 'glob'), 
> credentialsId: 'c58c819b-89f2-4400-bb94-1ec79920adb4', servername: '
>   def prettyJson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(saltresult)
>   println(prettyJson)
> }
> [Pipeline] node
> Running on master in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/hello-world-pipeline-saltstack
> [Pipeline] {
> [Pipeline] }
> [Pipeline] // node
> [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps 
> [ansiColor, archive, bat, build, catchError, checkout, deleteDir, dir, 
> dockerFingerprintFrom, dockerFingerprintRun, echo, emailext, 
> emailextrecipients, error, exws, exwsAllocate, fileExists, findFiles, 
> getContext, git, input, isUnix, libraryResource, load, mail, milestone, node, 
> parallel, properties, pwd, readFile, readManifest, readMavenPom, 
> readProperties, readTrusted, readYaml, retry, sh, sleep, stage, stash, step, 
> svn, timeout, timestamps, tool, touch, unarchive, unstash, unzip, waitUntil, 
> withContext, withCredentials, withDockerContainer, withDockerRegistry, 
> withDockerServer, withEnv, wrap, writeFile, writeMavenPom, ws, zip] or 
> symbols [all, always, ant, antFromApache, antOutcome, antTarget, apiToken, 
> architecture, archiveArtifacts, artifactManager, batchFile, booleanParam, 
> buildButton, buildDiscarder, caseInsensitive, caseSensitive, choice, 
> choiceParam, clock, cloud, command, configFile, configFileProvider, cron, 
> crumb, defaultView, demand, disableConcurrentBuilds, downloadSettings, 
> downstream, dumb, envVars, fastestReadSpeed, fastestWriteSpeed, file, 
> fileParam, filePath, fingerprint, frameOptions, freeStyle, freeStyleJob, git, 
> hyperlink, hyperlinkToModels, installSource, jdk, jdkInstaller, jgit, 
> jgitapache, jnlp, jobName, junit, lastDuration, lastFailure, 
> lastGrantedAuthorities, lastStable, lastSuccess, legacy, list, local, 
> location, logRotator, loggedInUsersCanDoAnything, masterBuild, maven, 
> maven3Mojos, mavenErrors, mavenMojos, mavenWarnings, mostUsableSpace, myView, 
> nodeProperties, nonStoredPasswordParam, none, overrideIndexTriggers, 
> paneStatus, parameters, password, pattern, pipelineTriggers, plainText, 
> plugin, pollSCM, projectNamingStrategy, proxy, queueItemAuthenticator, 
> quietPeriod, run, runParam, schedule, scmRetryCount, search, security, shell, 
> slave, stackTrace, standard, status, string, stringParam, swapSpace, text, 
> textParam, tmpSpace, toolLocation, unsecured, upstream, 
> usernameColonPassword, usernamePassword, viewsTabBar, weather, zfs, zip] or 
> globals [currentBuild, docker, env, params, scm, simpleBuild]
>   at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(
>   at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript.invokeMethod(
>   at groovy.lang.GroovyObject$ Source)
>   at 
> org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
>   at 
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
>   at 
> org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.GroovyInterceptor.onMethodCall(
>   at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onMethodCall(
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(

RE: Updated Hotlist please share your daily requirements..

2017-02-21 Thread John Mellor
Can someone please cancel the posting credentials for this user that allows 
them to post this inappropriate garbage?

[] On Behalf Of mahi v
Sent: February-21-17 17:06
Subject: Updated Hotlist please share your daily requirements..

Dear Recruiter,
Please find the Below Hotlist and send me your Requirements to /

Skill Set

Experience (In Years)



Aarthi G

QA Engineer










Citrix Admin





AWS Developer





Citrix Admin





UI Developer





.net Developer




Vijitha (Citizen)

QA Tester



Only GA


QA Tester




Venakta (Citizen)

QA Tester



Only TX


WMB Admin




Ravi Kumar

Devops /AWS





.net Developer



Only GA







Oracle Apps Fin Functional





Project Manager















Quality Analyst





Devops /AWS





Devops /AWS





Performance Tester





Programme Manager





Salesforce Developer




  Annapurna (Citizen)

QA Analyst



Only GA

Thanks & Regards
Samurai Infotech LLC
Consulting - Development – Staffing
Voice: 678-799-8055
E-mail :
Website :

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Updated Hotlist please share your daily requirements..

2017-02-21 Thread mahi v
Dear Recruiter,

Please find the Below Hotlist and send me your Requirements to  /

*Name *

*Skill Set *

*Experience (In Years) *


*Relocation *

*Aarthi G*

*QA Engineer*









*Dheeraj *

*Citrix Admin*





*AWS Developer*





*Citrix Admin*




*Sruthi *

*UI Developer*




*Hema *

*.net Developer*




*Vijitha (Citizen)*

*QA Tester*



*Only GA*

*Tushma *

*QA Tester*




*Venakta (Citizen)*

*QA Tester*



*Only TX*

*Anjana *

*WMB Admin *




*Ravi Kumar*

*Devops /AWS*




*Rekha *

*.net Developer*



*Only GA*







*Oracle Apps Fin Functional*

*10 *


*Open *


*Project Manager*



* Open*












*Quality Analyst *





*Devops /AWS*





*Devops /AWS*




*Avinash  *

*Performance Tester*




* Jayaram*

*Programme Manager*




*Rakesh *

*Salesforce Developer*




*  Annapurna (Citizen)*

*QA Analyst*



*Only GA*

*Thanks & Regards*


*Samurai Infotech LLC *

*Consulting - Development – Staffing*

*Voice: *678-799-8055

*E-mail : *

Website :

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Re: QUESTION: Jenkins initialization has not reached the COMPLETED

2017-02-21 Thread Inna Ginzburg
Thank You Danial. It fixed for me too

On Monday, January 30, 2017 at 8:24:33 AM UTC-6, Daniel Beck wrote:
> > On 30.01.2017, at 09:39, Victor Martinez  > wrote: 
> > 
> > Current state is "Loaded all jobs" and I don't see much exceptions or 
> errors in the jenkins.log file, so I wonder, whether the above message is a 
> genuine issue and if so, how I can debug further. 
> > 
> Well, 'Loaded all jobs' is not the last init stage, 'Completed' is. So 
> there appears to be a problem 
> Do you have the extremenotification plugin installed? It's the one 
> referenced in JENKINS-37759. 

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Re: Jenkins PR triggers a build of PR

2017-02-21 Thread Indra Gunawan (ingunawa)
The working solution we have implemented is to use Jenkins Github Pull Request 
Builder plugin with webhook.  We let the plugin to control the webhook, ie.  
the Jenkins user account used by the plugin to check the github REST API would 
need write permission to the Github repository.

That’s the most stable solution.  We hate polling.

From:  on behalf of Michael Tidwell 

Reply-To: "" 
Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:08 PM
To: Jenkins Users 
Subject: Re: Jenkins PR triggers a build of PR

Also like to note, I'm not using a webhook.  I'm attempting to do this through 
a "* * * * *" polling method (even though that seems to be frowned upon)

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 3:05:43 PM UTC-5, Michael Tidwell wrote:
Hey Everyone,

Messing around with Jenkins.  Trying to make Jenkins automatically build on a 
PR, pull request, trigger. I want it to build the new PR code before it gets 
merged in.
I can actually make Jenkins build when I start a Pull Request, but it builds 
the old code base not the new PR code.

Any ideas?


Michael Tidwell
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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
To simplify things, I stripped down my Jenkinsfile

node {
checkout scm

Still: Running on master in C:\Program Files

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 3:35 PM, Jérôme Godbout  wrote:

> humm, I had a different workspace under Windows with pipeline working.
> Just to make sure you don't do any cd.. or dir(){} change into your
> pipeline script?
> Do you use the exws or exwsAllocate call?
> Probably not to all the above, just in case... sorry I can't help more,
> good luck
> [image: bodycad] 
> Jerome Godbout
> Software Developer
> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
> T:  +1 418 527-1388 <(418)%20527-1388>
> E:
> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely
> for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use,
> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is
> strictly prohibited.
> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement
> pour le(s) destinataire(s) et peuvent contenir des informations
> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement
> contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message
> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous
> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis
> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le
> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute
> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
> jointes est strictement interdit.
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:57 PM, Ryan Hutchison 
> wrote:
>> I do not believe it's an issue with permissions.
>> When I have worked with generic jobs, I did not have this issue.  It
>> seems to be related to pipeline/workflow.
>> Hopefully someone that is familiar with the internals of pipeline can
>> provide some assistance.
>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:53:44 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
>>> Humm, maybe someone from Jenkins can step in on this I'm out of idea.
>>> Else the only think I could see is permission problems for the service to
>>> write at that location and compare with the default path.
>>> [image: bodycad] 
>>> Jerome Godbout
>>> Software Developer
>>> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
>>> T:  +1 418 527-1388 <(418)%20527-1388>
>>> E:
>>> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended
>>> solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
>>> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
>>> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
>>> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
>>> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
>>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use,
>>> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is
>>> strictly prohibited.
>>> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement
>>> pour le(s) destinataire(s) et peuvent contenir des informations
>>> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement
>>> contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message
>>> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous
>>> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis
>>> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le
>>> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute
>>> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
>>> jointes est strictement interdit.
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Ryan Hutchison 
>>> wrote:
 I have tried d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME} - no luck

 I also just tried ${JENKINS_HOME}/TEST/${ITEM_FULLNAME}

 note default is: ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}

 I created TEST directory under jenkins home same root that workspace
 exists - still ignored.

 Running on master in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.

 On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:13:47 PM UTC-5, Jérôme 

Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Jérôme Godbout
humm, I had a different workspace under Windows with pipeline working.

Just to make sure you don't do any cd.. or dir(){} change into your
pipeline script?
Do you use the exws or exwsAllocate call?

Probably not to all the above, just in case... sorry I can't help more,
good luck

[image: bodycad] 
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T:  +1 418 527-1388

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On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:57 PM, Ryan Hutchison 

> I do not believe it's an issue with permissions.
> When I have worked with generic jobs, I did not have this issue.  It seems
> to be related to pipeline/workflow.
> Hopefully someone that is familiar with the internals of pipeline can
> provide some assistance.
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:53:44 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
>> Humm, maybe someone from Jenkins can step in on this I'm out of idea.
>> Else the only think I could see is permission problems for the service to
>> write at that location and compare with the default path.
>> [image: bodycad] 
>> Jerome Godbout
>> Software Developer
>> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
>> T:  +1 418 527-1388 <(418)%20527-1388>
>> E:
>> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended
>> solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
>> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
>> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
>> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
>> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use,
>> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is
>> strictly prohibited.
>> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement
>> pour le(s) destinataire(s) et peuvent contenir des informations
>> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement
>> contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message
>> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous
>> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis
>> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le
>> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute
>> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
>> jointes est strictement interdit.
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Ryan Hutchison 
>> wrote:
>>> I have tried d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME} - no luck
>>> I also just tried ${JENKINS_HOME}/TEST/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>>> note default is: ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>>> I created TEST directory under jenkins home same root that workspace
>>> exists - still ignored.
>>> Running on master in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.
>>> BU57E37BSQ
>>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:13:47 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:

 can you try d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME}

 reverse the backslash just in case...

 [image: bodycad] 
 Jerome Godbout
 Software Developer
 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
 T:  +1 418 527-1388

 The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended
 solely for the addressee(s) and may contain 

Re: Jenkins PR triggers a build of PR

2017-02-21 Thread Michael Tidwell
Also like to note, I'm not using a webhook.  I'm attempting to do this 
through a "* * * * *" polling method (even though that seems to be frowned 

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 3:05:43 PM UTC-5, Michael Tidwell wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> Messing around with Jenkins.  Trying to make Jenkins automatically build 
> on a PR, pull request, trigger. I want it to build the new PR code before 
> it gets merged in.
> I can actually make Jenkins build when I start a Pull Request, but it 
> builds the old code base not the new PR code.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Michael Tidwell

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Jenkins PR triggers a build of PR

2017-02-21 Thread Michael Tidwell
Hey Everyone,

Messing around with Jenkins.  Trying to make Jenkins automatically build on 
a PR, pull request, trigger. I want it to build the new PR code before it 
gets merged in.
I can actually make Jenkins build when I start a Pull Request, but it 
builds the old code base not the new PR code.

Any ideas?


Michael Tidwell

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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
I do not believe it's an issue with permissions.

When I have worked with generic jobs, I did not have this issue.  It seems 
to be related to pipeline/workflow.

Hopefully someone that is familiar with the internals of pipeline can 
provide some assistance.

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:53:44 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
> Humm, maybe someone from Jenkins can step in on this I'm out of idea. Else 
> the only think I could see is permission problems for the service to write 
> at that location and compare with the default path.
> [image: bodycad]  
> Jerome Godbout
> Software Developer
> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
> T:  +1 418 527-1388
> E: 
> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely 
> for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged 
> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not 
> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message 
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> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces 
> jointes est strictement interdit.
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Ryan Hutchison  > wrote:
>> I have tried d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME} - no luck
>> I also just tried ${JENKINS_HOME}/TEST/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>> note default is: ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>> I created TEST directory under jenkins home same root that workspace 
>> exists - still ignored.
>> Running on master in C:\Program Files 
>> (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.asicentral.com_master-BLRHPIOJSBVARDRRLSJX5OHVKMDV5UTXULFID5BU57E37BSQ
>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:13:47 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
>>> can you try d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>>> reverse the backslash just in case...
>>> [image: bodycad]  
>>> Jerome Godbout
>>> Software Developer
>>> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
>>> T:  +1 418 527-1388
>>> E:
>>> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended 
>>> solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged 
>>> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not 
>>> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message 
>>> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by 
>>> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are 
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>>> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement 
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>>> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement 
>>> contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message 
>>> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous 
>>> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis 
>>> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le 
>>> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute 
>>> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces 
>>> jointes est strictement interdit.
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Ryan Hutchison  
>>> wrote:
 Global configuration workspace root directory is set to 

 D: is a physical disk.

 Service recycled.

 Running on asi-bldcn02-01 in C:\Program Files 

 Jenkins 2.47
 Pipeline 2.5

 Setup using Github Organization/Multibranch pipeline

 On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:50:40 PM UTC-5, Ryan Hutchison wrote:
> Thanks - I 

Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Jérôme Godbout
Humm, maybe someone from Jenkins can step in on this I'm out of idea. Else
the only think I could see is permission problems for the service to write
at that location and compare with the default path.

[image: bodycad] 
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T:  +1 418 527-1388

The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely
for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
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utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
jointes est strictement interdit.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Ryan Hutchison 

> I have tried d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME} - no luck
> I also just tried ${JENKINS_HOME}/TEST/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
> note default is: ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
> I created TEST directory under jenkins home same root that workspace
> exists - still ignored.
> Running on master in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:13:47 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
>> can you try d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>> reverse the backslash just in case...
>> [image: bodycad] 
>> Jerome Godbout
>> Software Developer
>> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
>> T:  +1 418 527-1388 <(418)%20527-1388>
>> E:
>> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended
>> solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
>> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
>> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
>> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
>> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use,
>> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is
>> strictly prohibited.
>> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement
>> pour le(s) destinataire(s) et peuvent contenir des informations
>> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement
>> contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message
>> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous
>> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis
>> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le
>> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute
>> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
>> jointes est strictement interdit.
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Ryan Hutchison 
>> wrote:
>>> Global configuration workspace root directory is set to
>>> D: is a physical disk.
>>> Service recycled.
>>> LOG:
>>> Running on asi-bldcn02-01 in C:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.asicentral.com_master-BLRHPIOJ
>>> Versions:
>>> Jenkins 2.47
>>> Pipeline 2.5
>>> Setup using Github Organization/Multibranch pipeline
>>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:50:40 PM UTC-5, Ryan Hutchison wrote:

 Thanks - I will check everything again and try to recycle the service.

 I am simply mapping to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME} - where D: is a physical

 On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:45:38 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
> Have you try to restart the Jenkins server so it can take into account
> this new path? If so, which version, cause if the path is truly valid, it
> should work?
> I have a Window server which was working fine with another drive. 

Re: credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

2017-02-21 Thread Indra Gunawan (ingunawa)
You set the Jenkins to shut-down mode.  In plugin directory, Then you rename 
the credential directory to credential.bak or whatever.   Delete the existing 
credential.jpi and credentials.hpi.
Copy the backup credentials.hpi to plugin directory and restart Jenkins.  Tail 
the Jenkins.log as Jenkins restarts.

From:  on behalf of Prasu S 

Reply-To: "" 
Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 11:24 AM
To: Jenkins Users 
Subject: Re: credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

I have plugins directory back up , Can I copy the plugin from the backup or do 
I have to install different plugin version like 1.22. Please help. Appreciate 
any help.

I see these errors in the log:
SEVERE: Failed Inspecting plugin 
D:\Build\Jenkins\apps\jenkins\jenkins_home\plugins\credentials.jpi Failed to expand 
at hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.explode(
at hudson.PluginManager$1$3$
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(
at jenkins.model.Jenkins$8.runTask(
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
Caused by: Problem creating zip: null
at hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.explode(
... 10 more
Caused by:
- show quoted text -

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 9:22:35 AM UTC-5, Prasu S wrote:
I upgraded Jenkins from 1.607 to 1.658 , after the upgrade credentials plugin 
1.18 is missing. Due to this, we are  not able to get code from Github. When I 
tried to re-install the same version(1.18) , it is still not showing under 
installed plugin list.  How can I recover credential plugin. Any help is 
greatly appreciated. Thank you
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

2017-02-21 Thread Prasu S
I have plugins directory back up , Can I copy the plugin from the backup or 
do I have to install different plugin version like 1.22. Please help. 
Appreciate any help.

I see these errors in the log:
SEVERE: Failed Inspecting plugin 
D:\Build\Jenkins\apps\jenkins\jenkins_home\plugins\credentials.jpi Failed to expand 
at hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.explode(
at hudson.PluginManager$1$3$
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(
at jenkins.model.Jenkins$8.runTask(
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
Caused by: Problem creating zip: null
at hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.explode(
... 10 more
Caused by:
- show quoted text -

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 9:22:35 AM UTC-5, Prasu S wrote:
> I upgraded Jenkins from 1.607 to 1.658 , after the upgrade credentials 
> plugin 1.18 is missing. Due to this, we are  not able to get code from 
> Github. When I tried to re-install the same version(1.18) , it is still not 
> showing under installed plugin list.  How can I recover credential plugin. 
> Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
I have tried d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME} - no luck


note default is: ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}

I created TEST directory under jenkins home same root that workspace exists 
- still ignored.

Running on master in C:\Program Files 

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:13:47 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
> can you try d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
> reverse the backslash just in case...
> [image: bodycad]  
> Jerome Godbout
> Software Developer
> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
> T:  +1 418 527-1388
> E: 
> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely 
> for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged 
> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not 
> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message 
> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by 
> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are 
> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, 
> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is 
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> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute 
> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces 
> jointes est strictement interdit.
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Ryan Hutchison  > wrote:
>> Global configuration workspace root directory is set to 
>> D: is a physical disk.
>> Service recycled.
>> LOG:
>> Running on asi-bldcn02-01 in C:\Program Files 
>> (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.asicentral.com_master-BLRHPIOJSBVARDRRLSJX5OHVKMDV5UTXULFID5BU57E37BSQ
>> Versions:
>> Jenkins 2.47
>> Pipeline 2.5
>> Setup using Github Organization/Multibranch pipeline
>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:50:40 PM UTC-5, Ryan Hutchison wrote:
>>> Thanks - I will check everything again and try to recycle the service.
>>> I am simply mapping to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME} - where D: is a physical disk.
>>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:45:38 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:

 Have you try to restart the Jenkins server so it can take into account 
 this new path? If so, which version, cause if the path is truly valid, it 
 should work?

 I have a Window server which was working fine with another drive. Just 
 a note, if the other drive is a network drive, make sure your Jenkins 
 services can access it (I strongly recommend avoiding this, this is a 

 I think (if I remember well) if the path is invalid Jenkins default 
 back to the default value for the workspace, but I might be wrong on this.

 Make sure the folder exist with proper (case sensitive???)

 [image: bodycad]  
 Jerome Godbout
 Software Developer
 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
 T:  +1 418 527-1388

 The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended 
 solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged 
 information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not 
 the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message 
 has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by 
 reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are 
 not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, 
 dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is 
 strictly prohibited. 

 Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement 
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 confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement 
 contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message 
 ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous 
 plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis 
 supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le 

Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Jérôme Godbout
can you try d:/${ITEM_FULLNAME}

reverse the backslash just in case...

[image: bodycad] 
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T:  +1 418 527-1388

The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely
for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
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contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message
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supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le
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utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
jointes est strictement interdit.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Ryan Hutchison 

> Global configuration workspace root directory is set to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME}
> D: is a physical disk.
> Service recycled.
> LOG:
> Running on asi-bldcn02-01 in C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\i_api.asicentral.com_master-
> Versions:
> Jenkins 2.47
> Pipeline 2.5
> Setup using Github Organization/Multibranch pipeline
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:50:40 PM UTC-5, Ryan Hutchison wrote:
>> Thanks - I will check everything again and try to recycle the service.
>> I am simply mapping to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME} - where D: is a physical disk.
>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:45:38 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
>>> Have you try to restart the Jenkins server so it can take into account
>>> this new path? If so, which version, cause if the path is truly valid, it
>>> should work?
>>> I have a Window server which was working fine with another drive. Just a
>>> note, if the other drive is a network drive, make sure your Jenkins
>>> services can access it (I strongly recommend avoiding this, this is a pain).
>>> I think (if I remember well) if the path is invalid Jenkins default back
>>> to the default value for the workspace, but I might be wrong on this.
>>> Make sure the folder exist with proper (case sensitive???)
>>> [image: bodycad] 
>>> Jerome Godbout
>>> Software Developer
>>> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
>>> T:  +1 418 527-1388 <(418)%20527-1388>
>>> E:
>>> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended
>>> solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
>>> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
>>> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
>>> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
>>> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
>>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use,
>>> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is
>>> strictly prohibited.
>>> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement
>>> pour le(s) destinataire(s) et peuvent contenir des informations
>>> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement
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>>> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
>>> jointes est strictement interdit.
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Ryan Hutchison 
>>> wrote:
 I have changed the Workspace Root Directory, but it seems like if
 you're using Pipeline As Code / Jenkinsfile, it ignores this variable.

 On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:13:53 PM UTC-5,
> What I have found so far:
> Inside the Jenkins management you can change the Workspace directory.

Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
Global configuration workspace root directory is set to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME}

D: is a physical disk.

Service recycled.

Running on asi-bldcn02-01 in C:\Program Files 

Jenkins 2.47
Pipeline 2.5

Setup using Github Organization/Multibranch pipeline

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:50:40 PM UTC-5, Ryan Hutchison wrote:
> Thanks - I will check everything again and try to recycle the service.
> I am simply mapping to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME} - where D: is a physical disk.
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:45:38 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
>> Have you try to restart the Jenkins server so it can take into account 
>> this new path? If so, which version, cause if the path is truly valid, it 
>> should work?
>> I have a Window server which was working fine with another drive. Just a 
>> note, if the other drive is a network drive, make sure your Jenkins 
>> services can access it (I strongly recommend avoiding this, this is a pain).
>> I think (if I remember well) if the path is invalid Jenkins default back 
>> to the default value for the workspace, but I might be wrong on this.
>> Make sure the folder exist with proper (case sensitive???)
>> [image: bodycad]  
>> Jerome Godbout
>> Software Developer
>> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
>> T:  +1 418 527-1388
>> E:
>> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended 
>> solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged 
>> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not 
>> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message 
>> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by 
>> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are 
>> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, 
>> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is 
>> strictly prohibited. 
>> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement 
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>> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous 
>> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis 
>> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le 
>> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute 
>> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces 
>> jointes est strictement interdit.
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Ryan Hutchison  
>> wrote:
>>> I have changed the Workspace Root Directory, but it seems like if you're 
>>> using Pipeline As Code / Jenkinsfile, it ignores this variable.
>>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:13:53 PM UTC-5, 
>>> wrote:

 What I have found so far:

 Inside the Jenkins management you can change the Workspace directory. 

1. http://MY_HOST/Jenkins/configure
2. Right under the home directory into advanced button.
3. Workspace Root Directory 

 you could change it for something short indeed like  D:/work
 I had the same problems with the zip archiving under Windows. The 256 
 char path limits is a pain. Keep your job project short, use description 
 for more info. Try to avoid too many job folder under Windows since it 
 create 2 folder deep /job/name every time.

>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>>> Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group.
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>>> .
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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Jérôme Godbout
The drive you see into the user account and the one a services can access
are 2 different thing under Windows, try with another path on a local drive
after that you will pinpoint the drive usage with the service if this work

If so here some information that can be useful

net use \\\mypath /savecred /user:MyUserName MyPassword

According to try using the following
instead, seem like giving the password may prevent the credential creation
even if /savecred switch is given. Use * for password so the password get a
prompt, it should always create the credential with that.

net use * \\\mypath /savecred /user:MyUserName

Mount Drive for deamon or services

   1. download the
   2. install the tools
   3. open a cmd.exe
   4. type psexec -i -s cmd.exe
   1. into new shell type whoami
  2. should see: nt authority\system
  3. mount the drive with net use see above
  4. if you ever need to unmount the drive into the same psexec
  5. net use z: /delete

[image: bodycad] 
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T:  +1 418 527-1388

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utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
jointes est strictement interdit.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM, Ryan Hutchison 

> I can map the path with SUBST, but I still end up with
> :\workspace -- ideally this could still be shorter.
> I also then have to map a drive X:\ -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins and
> then C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace -> D:\ (ugh)
> RE: OS, I wish I was able to share the same luxury
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 11:04:49 AM UTC-5, j.spriggs wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> Been there.
>> How about setting your JENKINS_HOME to something shorter before you start
>> the jenkins server?
>> For instance, this works for me:
>> JENKINS_HOME=”/jk”  java  -jar  jenkins.war
>> [ Obviously, I enjoy the luxury of a sensible OS. ;-) ]
>> See the notes at the top of the “Manage Jenkins|Configure System” page
>> for more info.
>> Good Luck!
>> --
>> jim
>> *Von:* [] *Im
>> Auftrag von *Ryan Hutchison
>> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017 16:38
>> *An:*
>> *Betreff:* Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)
>> My JENKINS_HOME is C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
>> I have allocated a separate drive for my workspace `D:\` and modified the
>> global workspace property to reflect this new location.
>> When my build job runs (Jenkinsfile), it always goes to
>> ${JENKINS_HOME}\workspace.
>> My issue is that msbuild ends up failing due to long file names/paths.
>> It does not help that the randomly generated ${ITEM_FULLNAME} is quite long
>> by itself.
>> Any thoughts or pointers would be appreciated.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Jenkins Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> gid/jenkinsci-users/CAFFG4vjXshWaTHe7hzuqDw890Q20DU2zS01pf3D
>> .
>> For more options, visit
>> --

Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
Thanks - I will check everything again and try to recycle the service.

I am simply mapping to D:\${ITEM_FULLNAME} - where D: is a physical disk.

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 1:45:38 PM UTC-5, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
> Have you try to restart the Jenkins server so it can take into account 
> this new path? If so, which version, cause if the path is truly valid, it 
> should work?
> I have a Window server which was working fine with another drive. Just a 
> note, if the other drive is a network drive, make sure your Jenkins 
> services can access it (I strongly recommend avoiding this, this is a pain).
> I think (if I remember well) if the path is invalid Jenkins default back 
> to the default value for the workspace, but I might be wrong on this.
> Make sure the folder exist with proper (case sensitive???)
> [image: bodycad]  
> Jerome Godbout
> Software Developer
> 2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
> T:  +1 418 527-1388
> E: 
> The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely 
> for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged 
> information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not 
> the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message 
> has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by 
> reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are 
> not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, 
> dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is 
> strictly prohibited. 
> Le contenu de ce message et les pièces jointes sont destinés uniquement 
> pour le(s) destinataire(s) et peuvent contenir des informations 
> confidentielles et / ou privilégiées qui peuvent être protégées légalement 
> contre toute divulgation. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message 
> ou son agent, ou si ce message vous a été adressé par erreur, s’il vous 
> plaît avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel de réponse, puis 
> supprimer ce message et les pièces jointes. Si vous n'êtes pas le 
> destinataire prévu, vous êtes par la présente informé que toute 
> utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces 
> jointes est strictement interdit.
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Ryan Hutchison  > wrote:
>> I have changed the Workspace Root Directory, but it seems like if you're 
>> using Pipeline As Code / Jenkinsfile, it ignores this variable.
>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:13:53 PM UTC-5, 
>> wrote:
>>> What I have found so far:
>>> Inside the Jenkins management you can change the Workspace directory. 
>>>1. http://MY_HOST/Jenkins/configure
>>>2. Right under the home directory into advanced button.
>>>3. Workspace Root Directory 
>>>  ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}
>>> you could change it for something short indeed like  D:/work
>>> I had the same problems with the zip archiving under Windows. The 256 
>>> char path limits is a pain. Keep your job project short, use description 
>>> for more info. Try to avoid too many job folder under Windows since it does 
>>> create 2 folder deep /job/name every time.
>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>> Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit 
>> .
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>> .
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .
>> For more options, visit

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Slave Container accessing GitHub private repository via SSH keys

2017-02-21 Thread Matthew Ceroni
Running into issues checking out a private repository within a slave 

To start, I created a SSH username + private key credential. The private 
key has been verified to work against the GitHub organization I am 
attempting to clone repositories from.

My pipeline looks like such:

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def parseResponse(response) {
def list = new JsonSlurper().parseText( response )

def repositories = []
for (Map item : list) {
//println "${item.ssh_url}"
return repositories

podTemplate(label: 'mypod', containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'golang', image: 'golang:1.6.3', ttyEnabled: 
true, command: 'cat')
  ]) {

node ('mypod') {
stage 'Find Repositories'

// make call to GitHub API to list all repositories for project
def response = httpRequest 

// parse the response and write out a file containing the list of 
def repositories = parseResponse(response.content)

container('golang') {
stage 'Checkout Repositories'

for (String item : repositories) {
git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 
'7f66557f-8ee3-4d69-b271-f8b1bbfa02b0', url: item
println item

sh """
sleep 600



Basically, I query all the repositories that are part of a team and then 
want to loop over those and perform some action. But the git call fails 
with the following:

[Pipeline] gitCloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository
 > git init /home/jenkins/workspace/DevOps/git-hooks # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_SSH to set credentials s-automation GitHub SSH key
 > git fetch --tags --progress 
 > +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin'hudson.plugins.git.GitException 
 Command "git fetch --tags --progress 
+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" returned status code 128:
stderr: /tmp/ line 6: ssh: not found
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

So it appears to set the credentials correctly (using GIT_SSH to set 
credentials to s-automation GitHub SSH key) but then complains SSH not 
found. The container that this part of the pipeline runs in has SSH so not 
sure why it would complain about that. I would love to be able to see what 
is in  /tmp/ but the job fails and the container 
dies at that point. 

Kind of stuck where to go from here. Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
I can map the path with SUBST, but I still end up with 
:\workspace -- ideally this could still be shorter.

I also then have to map a drive X:\ -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins and 
then C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace -> D:\ (ugh)

RE: OS, I wish I was able to share the same luxury

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 11:04:49 AM UTC-5, j.spriggs wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
> Been there.
> How about setting your JENKINS_HOME to something shorter before you start 
> the jenkins server?
> For instance, this works for me:
> JENKINS_HOME=”/jk”  java  -jar  jenkins.war
> [ Obviously, I enjoy the luxury of a sensible OS. ;-) ]
> See the notes at the top of the “Manage Jenkins|Configure System” page for 
> more info.
> Good Luck!
> --
> jim
> *Von:*  [mailto:
> ] *Im Auftrag von *Ryan Hutchison
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017 16:38
> *An:* 
> *Betreff:* Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)
> My JENKINS_HOME is C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
> I have allocated a separate drive for my workspace `D:\` and modified the 
> global workspace property to reflect this new location.
> When my build job runs (Jenkinsfile), it always goes to 
> ${JENKINS_HOME}\workspace.
> My issue is that msbuild ends up failing due to long file names/paths.  It 
> does not help that the randomly generated ${ITEM_FULLNAME} is quite long by 
> itself.
> Any thoughts or pointers would be appreciated.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Jenkins Users" group.
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> email to .
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> --
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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Jérôme Godbout
Have you try to restart the Jenkins server so it can take into account this
new path? If so, which version, cause if the path is truly valid, it should

I have a Window server which was working fine with another drive. Just a
note, if the other drive is a network drive, make sure your Jenkins
services can access it (I strongly recommend avoiding this, this is a pain).

I think (if I remember well) if the path is invalid Jenkins default back to
the default value for the workspace, but I might be wrong on this.

Make sure the folder exist with proper (case sensitive???)

[image: bodycad] 
Jerome Godbout
Software Developer
2035 rue du Haut-Bord, Québec, QC, Canada. G1N 4R7
T:  +1 418 527-1388

The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely
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utilisation, diffusion, copie, ou stockage de ce message ou de ses pièces
jointes est strictement interdit.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Ryan Hutchison 

> I have changed the Workspace Root Directory, but it seems like if you're
> using Pipeline As Code / Jenkinsfile, it ignores this variable.
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:13:53 PM UTC-5,
> wrote:
>> What I have found so far:
>> Inside the Jenkins management you can change the Workspace directory.
>>1. http://MY_HOST/Jenkins/configure
>>2. Right under the home directory into advanced button.
>>3. Workspace Root Directory   ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${
>> you could change it for something short indeed like  D:/work
>> I had the same problems with the zip archiving under Windows. The 256
>> char path limits is a pain. Keep your job project short, use description
>> for more info. Try to avoid too many job folder under Windows since it does
>> create 2 folder deep /job/name every time.
>> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
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> To view this discussion on the web visit
> msgid/jenkinsci-users/6e769449-4b67-4b36-8a7f-3c60f5c73fdd%40googlegroups.
> com
> .
> For more options, visit

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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
I have changed the Workspace Root Directory, but it seems like if you're 
using Pipeline As Code / Jenkinsfile, it ignores this variable.

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:13:53 PM UTC-5, 
> What I have found so far:
> Inside the Jenkins management you can change the Workspace directory. 
>1. http://MY_HOST/Jenkins/configure
>2. Right under the home directory into advanced button.
>3. Workspace Root Directory 
> you could change it for something short indeed like  D:/work
> I had the same problems with the zip archiving under Windows. The 256 char 
> path limits is a pain. Keep your job project short, use description for 
> more info. Try to avoid too many job folder under Windows since it does 
> create 2 folder deep /job/name every time.

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Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps

2017-02-21 Thread Indra Gunawan (ingunawa)
Check first if you have installed the saltstack-plugin version that supports 
pipeline.  Please verify that the plugin with pipeline support dependencies are 
Observe anything that might be printed out in Jenkins log file related to 


From:  on behalf of Rustan Capal 

Reply-To: "" 
Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 10:01 AM
To: Jenkins Users 
Subject: Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among 

Saltstack Plugin Installed:

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 1:54:17 AM UTC+8, Rustan Capal wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Salt API already installed. Jenkins 
version: 2.32.2


import groovy.json.*

node() {
  saltresult = salt authtype: 'pam', clientInterface: local(arguments: '"uname 
-r"', blockbuild: true,
function: '', jobPollTime: 16, target: '*', targetType: 'glob'),
credentialsId: 'c58c819b-89f2-4400-bb94-1ec79920adb4', servername: 
  def prettyJson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(saltresult)


[Pipeline] node

Running on master in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/hello-world-pipeline-saltstack

[Pipeline] {

[Pipeline] }

[Pipeline] // node

[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps 
[ansiColor, archive, bat, build, catchError, checkout, deleteDir, dir, 
dockerFingerprintFrom, dockerFingerprintRun, echo, emailext, 
emailextrecipients, error, exws, exwsAllocate, fileExists, findFiles, 
getContext, git, input, isUnix, libraryResource, load, mail, milestone, node, 
parallel, properties, pwd, readFile, readManifest, readMavenPom, 
readProperties, readTrusted, readYaml, retry, sh, sleep, stage, stash, step, 
svn, timeout, timestamps, tool, touch, unarchive, unstash, unzip, waitUntil, 
withContext, withCredentials, withDockerContainer, withDockerRegistry, 
withDockerServer, withEnv, wrap, writeFile, writeMavenPom, ws, zip] or symbols 
[all, always, ant, antFromApache, antOutcome, antTarget, apiToken, 
architecture, archiveArtifacts, artifactManager, batchFile, booleanParam, 
buildButton, buildDiscarder, caseInsensitive, caseSensitive, choice, 
choiceParam, clock, cloud, command, configFile, configFileProvider, cron, 
crumb, defaultView, demand, disableConcurrentBuilds, downloadSettings, 
downstream, dumb, envVars, fastestReadSpeed, fastestWriteSpeed, file, 
fileParam, filePath, fingerprint, frameOptions, freeStyle, freeStyleJob, git, 
hyperlink, hyperlinkToModels, installSource, jdk, jdkInstaller, jgit, 
jgitapache, jnlp, jobName, junit, lastDuration, lastFailure, 
lastGrantedAuthorities, lastStable, lastSuccess, legacy, list, local, location, 
logRotator, loggedInUsersCanDoAnything, masterBuild, maven, maven3Mojos, 
mavenErrors, mavenMojos, mavenWarnings, mostUsableSpace, myView, 
nodeProperties, nonStoredPasswordParam, none, overrideIndexTriggers, 
paneStatus, parameters, password, pattern, pipelineTriggers, plainText, plugin, 
pollSCM, projectNamingStrategy, proxy, queueItemAuthenticator, quietPeriod, 
run, runParam, schedule, scmRetryCount, search, security, shell, slave, 
stackTrace, standard, status, string, stringParam, swapSpace, text, textParam, 
tmpSpace, toolLocation, unsecured, upstream, usernameColonPassword, 
usernamePassword, viewsTabBar, weather, zfs, zip] or globals [currentBuild, 
docker, env, params, scm, simpleBuild]

  at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(


  at groovy.lang.GroovyObject$ Source)



  at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$



  at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$

  at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(

  at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(



  at ___cps.transform___(Native Method)



Jenkins build says successful but no output is seen

2017-02-21 Thread Sharan Basappa

My Jenkins build job indicates success but none of the scripts I am 
executing seem to do anything. I put a simple "pwd" command to echo current 
working directory but nothing happens. All Jenkins reports is "Running 
shell script" and then nothing is seen.

Snippet of Jenkins log:

First time build. Skipping changelog. [Pipeline] sh [an_example_test3-
26UQSYQ445FSBP4QRKEWLPQCJH545MLQVD6B552CIGPOXLZO4G5A] Running shell script [
Pipeline] sh [an_example_test3-
26UQSYQ445FSBP4QRKEWLPQCJH545MLQVD6B552CIGPOXLZO4G5A] Running shell script [
Pipeline] sh [an_example_test3-
26UQSYQ445FSBP4QRKEWLPQCJH545MLQVD6B552CIGPOXLZO4G5A] Running shell script [
Pipeline] sh [an_example_test3-
26UQSYQ445FSBP4QRKEWLPQCJH545MLQVD6B552CIGPOXLZO4G5A] Running shell script [
Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS

Jenkinsfile that is used to define the builds:

node { stage 'build' sh "echo ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" git url: 'git@hd1:testing'
, branch: "${env.BRANCH_NAME}" sh "ls -rtl" sh "pwd" sh "csh 
${workspace}/simple.csh" sh "csh ${workspace}/source.csh" }

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Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps

2017-02-21 Thread Rustan Capal
Saltstack Plugin Installed:

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 1:54:17 AM UTC+8, Rustan Capal wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Salt API already installed. 
> Jenkins version: 2.32.2
> *[PIPELINE SCRIPT]*import groovy.json.*
> node() {
>   saltresult = salt authtype: 'pam', clientInterface: local(arguments: 
> '"uname -r"', blockbuild: true, 
> function: '', jobPollTime: 16, target: '*', targetType: 
> 'glob'), 
> credentialsId: 'c58c819b-89f2-4400-bb94-1ec79920adb4', servername: '
>   def prettyJson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(saltresult)
>   println(prettyJson)
> }
> [Pipeline] nodeRunning on master in 
> /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/hello-world-pipeline-saltstack[Pipeline] 
> {[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // node[Pipeline] End of 
> Pipelinejava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among 
> steps [ansiColor, archive, bat, build, catchError, checkout, deleteDir, dir, 
> dockerFingerprintFrom, dockerFingerprintRun, echo, emailext, 
> emailextrecipients, error, exws, exwsAllocate, fileExists, findFiles, 
> getContext, git, input, isUnix, libraryResource, load, mail, milestone, node, 
> parallel, properties, pwd, readFile, readManifest, readMavenPom, 
> readProperties, readTrusted, readYaml, retry, sh, sleep, stage, stash, step, 
> svn, timeout, timestamps, tool, touch, unarchive, unstash, unzip, waitUntil, 
> withContext, withCredentials, withDockerContainer, withDockerRegistry, 
> withDockerServer, withEnv, wrap, writeFile, writeMavenPom, ws, zip] or 
> symbols [all, always, ant, antFromApache, antOutcome, antTarget, apiToken, 
> architecture, archiveArtifacts, artifactManager, batchFile, booleanParam, 
> buildButton, buildDiscarder, caseInsensitive, caseSensitive, choice, 
> choiceParam, clock, cloud, command, configFile, configFileProvider, cron, 
> crumb, defaultView, demand, disableConcurrentBuilds, downloadSettings, 
> downstream, dumb, envVars, fastestReadSpeed, fastestWriteSpeed, file, 
> fileParam, filePath, fingerprint, frameOptions, freeStyle, freeStyleJob, git, 
> hyperlink, hyperlinkToModels, installSource, jdk, jdkInstaller, jgit, 
> jgitapache, jnlp, jobName, junit, lastDuration, lastFailure, 
> lastGrantedAuthorities, lastStable, lastSuccess, legacy, list, local, 
> location, logRotator, loggedInUsersCanDoAnything, masterBuild, maven, 
> maven3Mojos, mavenErrors, mavenMojos, mavenWarnings, mostUsableSpace, myView, 
> nodeProperties, nonStoredPasswordParam, none, overrideIndexTriggers, 
> paneStatus, parameters, password, pattern, pipelineTriggers, plainText, 
> plugin, pollSCM, projectNamingStrategy, proxy, queueItemAuthenticator, 
> quietPeriod, run, runParam, schedule, scmRetryCount, search, security, shell, 
> slave, stackTrace, standard, status, string, stringParam, swapSpace, text, 
> textParam, tmpSpace, toolLocation, unsecured, upstream, 
> usernameColonPassword, usernamePassword, viewsTabBar, weather, zfs, zip] or 
> globals [currentBuild, docker, env, params, scm, simpleBuild]
>   at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(
>   at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript.invokeMethod(
>   at groovy.lang.GroovyObject$ Source)
>   at 
> org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
>   at 
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
>   at 
> org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.GroovyInterceptor.onMethodCall(
>   at 
> org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onMethodCall(
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
>   at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
>   at 
> com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.sandbox.SandboxInvoker.methodCall(
>   at
>   at ___cps.transform___(Native Method)
>   at 
> com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ContinuationGroup.methodCall(
>   at 
> com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.FunctionCallBlock$ContinuationImpl.dispatchOrArg(
>   at 
> com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.FunctionCallBlock$ContinuationImpl.fixArg(
>   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor429.invoke(Unknown Source)
>   at 
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>   at 
> com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ContinuationPtr$ContinuationImpl.receive(

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'salt' found among steps

2017-02-21 Thread Rustan Capal
Hi Everyone,

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Salt API already installed. 
Jenkins version: 2.32.2

*[PIPELINE SCRIPT]*import groovy.json.*

node() {
  saltresult = salt authtype: 'pam', clientInterface: local(arguments: 
'"uname -r"', blockbuild: true, 
function: '', jobPollTime: 16, target: '*', targetType: 'glob'), 
credentialsId: 'c58c819b-89f2-4400-bb94-1ec79920adb4', servername: 
  def prettyJson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(saltresult)


[Pipeline] nodeRunning on master in 
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/hello-world-pipeline-saltstack[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] 
}[Pipeline] // node[Pipeline] End of Pipelinejava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No 
such DSL method 'salt' found among steps [ansiColor, archive, bat, build, 
catchError, checkout, deleteDir, dir, dockerFingerprintFrom, 
dockerFingerprintRun, echo, emailext, emailextrecipients, error, exws, 
exwsAllocate, fileExists, findFiles, getContext, git, input, isUnix, 
libraryResource, load, mail, milestone, node, parallel, properties, pwd, 
readFile, readManifest, readMavenPom, readProperties, readTrusted, readYaml, 
retry, sh, sleep, stage, stash, step, svn, timeout, timestamps, tool, touch, 
unarchive, unstash, unzip, waitUntil, withContext, withCredentials, 
withDockerContainer, withDockerRegistry, withDockerServer, withEnv, wrap, 
writeFile, writeMavenPom, ws, zip] or symbols [all, always, ant, antFromApache, 
antOutcome, antTarget, apiToken, architecture, archiveArtifacts, 
artifactManager, batchFile, booleanParam, buildButton, buildDiscarder, 
caseInsensitive, caseSensitive, choice, choiceParam, clock, cloud, command, 
configFile, configFileProvider, cron, crumb, defaultView, demand, 
disableConcurrentBuilds, downloadSettings, downstream, dumb, envVars, 
fastestReadSpeed, fastestWriteSpeed, file, fileParam, filePath, fingerprint, 
frameOptions, freeStyle, freeStyleJob, git, hyperlink, hyperlinkToModels, 
installSource, jdk, jdkInstaller, jgit, jgitapache, jnlp, jobName, junit, 
lastDuration, lastFailure, lastGrantedAuthorities, lastStable, lastSuccess, 
legacy, list, local, location, logRotator, loggedInUsersCanDoAnything, 
masterBuild, maven, maven3Mojos, mavenErrors, mavenMojos, mavenWarnings, 
mostUsableSpace, myView, nodeProperties, nonStoredPasswordParam, none, 
overrideIndexTriggers, paneStatus, parameters, password, pattern, 
pipelineTriggers, plainText, plugin, pollSCM, projectNamingStrategy, proxy, 
queueItemAuthenticator, quietPeriod, run, runParam, schedule, scmRetryCount, 
search, security, shell, slave, stackTrace, standard, status, string, 
stringParam, swapSpace, text, textParam, tmpSpace, toolLocation, unsecured, 
upstream, usernameColonPassword, usernamePassword, viewsTabBar, weather, zfs, 
zip] or globals [currentBuild, docker, env, params, scm, simpleBuild]
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(
at groovy.lang.GroovyObject$ Source)
at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
at ___cps.transform___(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor429.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

MSBuild - roslyn files are copied to the wrong location

2017-02-21 Thread Ken Corley
Running Jenkins 2.19.2 and 1.27 MSBuild plugin.

Job is compiling a VS 2015 MVC 5 app.

Job has been trucking along nicely.

When I set true on the project file to 
precompile the Views, I get a failure:

(MvcBuildViews target) -> 
  ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: Could not find a part of the path 
[C:\Program Files 

It turns out that the roslyn files that are supposed to be copied to 
/bin/roslyn/ are copies into /bin/ instead.

I've tried a number of variations of this build command in the project file 
to no avail



Does anyone know how to get this to run correctly and/or know why the files 
are being copied to the wrong location?

Thanks -Ken

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Re: credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

2017-02-21 Thread Daniel Beck

> On 21.02.2017, at 18:13, Prasu S  wrote:
> Failed to expand 
> D:\Build\Jenkins\apps\jenkins\jenkins_home\plugins\credentials.jpi

My guess is that the plugin zip file is corrupt. Redownload and replace.

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Re: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread jerome
What I have found so far:

Inside the Jenkins management you can change the Workspace directory. 

   1. http://MY_HOST/Jenkins/configure
   2. Right under the home directory into advanced button.
   3. Workspace Root Directory   ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${ITEM_FULLNAME}

you could change it for something short indeed like  D:/work
I had the same problems with the zip archiving under Windows. The 256 char 
path limits is a pain. Keep your job project short, use description for 
more info. Try to avoid too many job folder under Windows since it does 
create 2 folder deep /job/name every time.

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Re: credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

2017-02-21 Thread Prasu S
Daniel Thanks for the quick response. I have plugins directory back up , 
Can I copy the plugin from the backup or do I have to install different 
plugin version like 1.22. Please help. Appreciate your response.

I see these errors in the log:
SEVERE: Failed Inspecting plugin 
D:\Build\Jenkins\apps\jenkins\jenkins_home\plugins\credentials.jpi Failed to expand 
at hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.explode(
at hudson.PluginManager$1$3$
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(
at jenkins.model.Jenkins$8.runTask(
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$
Caused by: Problem creating zip: null
at hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.explode(
... 10 more
Caused by:

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 9:23:58 AM UTC-5, Daniel Beck wrote:
> > On 21.02.2017, at 15:22, Prasu S  
> wrote: 
> > 
> > I upgraded Jenkins from 1.607 to 1.658 , after the upgrade credentials 
> plugin 1.18 is missing. Due to this, we are  not able to get code from 
> Github. When I tried to re-install the same version(1.18) , it is still not 
> showing under installed plugin list.  How can I recover credential plugin. 
> Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you 
> Did you check the log for errors in loading the plugin on startup? 

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Re: Setting the description of a failed test in pipeline groovy

2017-02-21 Thread jerome
Add description on the side:


You can find a lot of property inside you syntax help page (change MY_HOST, 


this should with the properties of env/manager/currentBuild. the 
hudson/build object is inside the manager for example. As what is available 
on them after, you need to check the javadoc and try to make sense of it.

Hope this help,

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Pipeline Slack / XUnit posting test results

2017-02-21 Thread mike
Pre-pipeline, I had jobs that would post to slack with a summary of the 
XUnit tests results.

I've got slack posting and XUnit test results gathering all working in 
pipeline now, but what I miss, and what my team is not keen to lose is the 
test results detail in the slack posts.

I don't mind if I have to recreate them, but I'm not sure that the pipeline 
run has *access* to the result numbers in any concrete way.  

Anybody else dealing with this?


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AW: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Spriggs, Jim
Hi Ryan,

Been there.

How about setting your JENKINS_HOME to something shorter before you start the 
jenkins server?

For instance, this works for me:

JENKINS_HOME=”/jk”  java  -jar  jenkins.war

[ Obviously, I enjoy the luxury of a sensible OS. ;-) ]

See the notes at the top of the “Manage Jenkins|Configure System” page for more 

Good Luck!

Von: [] 
Im Auftrag von Ryan Hutchison
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017 16:38
Betreff: Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

My JENKINS_HOME is C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins

I have allocated a separate drive for my workspace `D:\` and modified the 
global workspace property to reflect this new location.

When my build job runs (Jenkinsfile), it always goes to 

My issue is that msbuild ends up failing due to long file names/paths.  It does 
not help that the randomly generated ${ITEM_FULLNAME} is quite long by itself.

Any thoughts or pointers would be appreciated.

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Workspace root directory (Jenkinsfile)

2017-02-21 Thread Ryan Hutchison
My JENKINS_HOME is C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins

I have allocated a separate drive for my workspace `D:\` and modified the
global workspace property to reflect this new location.

When my build job runs (Jenkinsfile), it always goes to

My issue is that msbuild ends up failing due to long file names/paths.  It
does not help that the randomly generated ${ITEM_FULLNAME} is quite long by

Any thoughts or pointers would be appreciated.

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Re: ERROR: Timeout after 10 minutes

2017-02-21 Thread Mark Waite
The reference repository and clone timeout can be set in the pipeline job
definition as well, so long as you choose "Git" as the SCM source.  I don't
think the same options are available if you choose another SCM source (like

If you don't need the full history of the repository, then you can consider
using a shallow clone.  That only copies the number of commits you specify.

If you don't need the full working directory tree of the repository, you
can consider using a sparse checkout.  That only performs a checkout of the
specific directories you specify.

If you'd like a video overview of some of the options available to better
manage large git repositories, an online Jenkins Area Meetup (JAM) has some
slides and commentary on managing large git repositories in the first 10
minutes of the video.  Refer to

Mark Waite

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 7:22 AM Ruchir Brahmbhatt <> wrote:

> Thanks Mark for comprehensive reply. Yes timeout is due to large
> repository. I can try the solution of generating custom command through
> pipeline syntax and creating reference repo but when I start the built, it
> will checkout automatically and that step will itself fail due to timeout
> so Jenkinsfile will never get chance to get executed.
> On Monday, 20 February 2017 18:53:09 UTC+5:30, Mark Waite wrote:
> A common source of timeout on fetch (clone) is incorrect or missing
> credentials.  If your repository is private and you have not assigned
> credentials during the checkout, the checkout may fail with a timeout
> rather than providing a clear error message that access was denied.
> A less common source of timeout on fetch (clone) is embedding the username
> / password credentials directly into the https URL.  JENKINS-41066
> describes that problem for Bitbucket, GitHub, and Visual Studio Online
> repositories.
> Another less common source of timeout on fetch (clone) is using the wrong
> type of credential.  The git plugin supports username / password
> credentials with https URL's to the repository, and it supports private key
> credentials with ssh/scp URL's to the repository.  It does not support
> private key credentials with https URL's.  It does not support username /
> password credentials with ssh/scp URL's.
> If you've verified that credentials are assigned to the pipeline checkout
> command correctly and are working as expected (for example, the log file
> includes progress indicators which show that it has started to read some of
> the repository, but then that operation is killed after 10 minutes), then
> you probably need to extend the timeout with the CloneOption rather than
> the CheckoutOption.
> Use the "Pipeline Syntax" link on the job definition page, select
> "checkout: General SCM" from the drop down list, and select Git as the
> SCM.  It will allow you to add "Additional Behaviours" including "Advanced
> clone behaviours".  Within the "Advanced clone behaviours", you can define
> a reference repository (local pointer to a bare git repository which acts
> as a cache to reduce data transfer time) and you can define the timeout for
> clone.
> If you have a slow local file system (SMB/CIFS, NFS, AFS, etc.) and a
> large repository, you may find that the checkout option also needs a
> timeout value set.  That is much less common, and usually means that you
> should improve the performance of your file systems rather than increase
> the timeout of the checkout.
> Thanks,
> Mark Waite
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:48 AM Victor Martinez 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Default git checkout timeout is 10 minutes, you can tweak that value:
> -
> $class: *CheckoutOption* timeout
> +
> Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
> This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
> You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.
> plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286
> ). Note that property
> should be set on both master and slave to have effect (see JENKINS-22547
> ).
> Type: int
> Cheers
> On Monday, 20 February 2017 08:55:14 UTC, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have configured bitbucket team/project pipeline and using jenkinsfile.
> One of the repository is large and timing out during fetch as below.
> ERROR: Timeout after 10 minutes
> ERROR: Error fetching remote repo 'origin'
> hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from
> at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.fetchFrom(
> at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.retrieveChanges(
> at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.checkout(
> at

Re: credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

2017-02-21 Thread Daniel Beck

> On 21.02.2017, at 15:22, Prasu S  wrote:
> I upgraded Jenkins from 1.607 to 1.658 , after the upgrade credentials plugin 
> 1.18 is missing. Due to this, we are  not able to get code from Github. When 
> I tried to re-install the same version(1.18) , it is still not showing under 
> installed plugin list.  How can I recover credential plugin. Any help is 
> greatly appreciated. Thank you

Did you check the log for errors in loading the plugin on startup?

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Re: ERROR: Timeout after 10 minutes

2017-02-21 Thread Ruchir Brahmbhatt
Thanks Mark for comprehensive reply. Yes timeout is due to large 
repository. I can try the solution of generating custom command through 
pipeline syntax and creating reference repo but when I start the built, it 
will checkout automatically and that step will itself fail due to timeout 
so Jenkinsfile will never get chance to get executed.

On Monday, 20 February 2017 18:53:09 UTC+5:30, Mark Waite wrote:
> A common source of timeout on fetch (clone) is incorrect or missing 
> credentials.  If your repository is private and you have not assigned 
> credentials during the checkout, the checkout may fail with a timeout 
> rather than providing a clear error message that access was denied.
> A less common source of timeout on fetch (clone) is embedding the username 
> / password credentials directly into the https URL.  JENKINS-41066 
> describes that problem for Bitbucket, GitHub, and Visual Studio Online 
> repositories.
> Another less common source of timeout on fetch (clone) is using the wrong 
> type of credential.  The git plugin supports username / password 
> credentials with https URL's to the repository, and it supports private key 
> credentials with ssh/scp URL's to the repository.  It does not support 
> private key credentials with https URL's.  It does not support username / 
> password credentials with ssh/scp URL's.
> If you've verified that credentials are assigned to the pipeline checkout 
> command correctly and are working as expected (for example, the log file 
> includes progress indicators which show that it has started to read some of 
> the repository, but then that operation is killed after 10 minutes), then 
> you probably need to extend the timeout with the CloneOption rather than 
> the CheckoutOption.
> Use the "Pipeline Syntax" link on the job definition page, select 
> "checkout: General SCM" from the drop down list, and select Git as the 
> SCM.  It will allow you to add "Additional Behaviours" including "Advanced 
> clone behaviours".  Within the "Advanced clone behaviours", you can define 
> a reference repository (local pointer to a bare git repository which acts 
> as a cache to reduce data transfer time) and you can define the timeout for 
> clone.
> If you have a slow local file system (SMB/CIFS, NFS, AFS, etc.) and a 
> large repository, you may find that the checkout option also needs a 
> timeout value set.  That is much less common, and usually means that you 
> should improve the performance of your file systems rather than increase 
> the timeout of the checkout.
> Thanks,
> Mark Waite
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:48 AM Victor Martinez  > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Default git checkout timeout is 10 minutes, you can tweak that value:
>> - 
>> $class: *CheckoutOption* timeout
>> +
>> Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout. 
>> This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes. 
>> You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.
>> plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286 
>> ). Note that 
>> property should be set on both master and slave to have effect (see 
>> JENKINS-22547 ).
>> Type: int
>> Cheers
>> On Monday, 20 February 2017 08:55:14 UTC, Ruchir Brahmbhatt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have configured bitbucket team/project pipeline and using jenkinsfile. 
>>> One of the repository is large and timing out during fetch as below.
>>> ERROR: Timeout after 10 minutes
>>> ERROR: Error fetching remote repo 'origin'
>>> hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from 
>>> at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.fetchFrom(
>>> at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.retrieveChanges(
>>> at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.checkout(
>>> at 
>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.scm.SCMStep.checkout(
>>> at 
>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScmFlowDefinition.create(
>>> at 
>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.SCMBinder.create(
>>> at 
>>> at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
>>> at
>>> Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git fetch --tags 
>>> --progress 
>>> +refs/heads/master" returned status code 143:
>>> I found links mentioning increasing timeout for git in jobs but didn't 
>>> find way to do  it with bitbucket repo and jenkinsfile.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Jenkins Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this 

credential plugin disappears after Jenkins upgrade to 1.658

2017-02-21 Thread Prasu S
I upgraded Jenkins from 1.607 to 1.658 , after the upgrade credentials 
plugin 1.18 is missing. Due to this, we are  not able to get code from 
Github. When I tried to re-install the same version(1.18) , it is still not 
showing under installed plugin list.  How can I recover credential plugin. 
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Upgrading to Jenkins LTS 2.32.x

2017-02-21 Thread Makarand Jadhav

We are planning to upgrade Jenkins from ver. 1.640 to LTS 2.32.1. I checked 
the upgrade guides listed on 
but it does not seem to give direct information on the upgrade requirements 
from server resources & software's perspective. Our plan is to perform 
Jenkins upgrade on our Dev infrastructure by scaling up the dev 
infrastructure to match up the Production server Infra first. So I have few 
queries on server resourcing requirements for upgrade to happen:

   1. Jenkins server requirement for upgraded Jenkins server version(ie 
   memory, cpu, etc.)?
   2. List of compatible software/s with Jenkins LTS 2.32.1, I can see that 
   Jenkins 2.32.1 upgrade guide lists that Java/JDK 7 might be needed?

Are the instructions listed in & suffice for the 
upgrade process as well?


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Re: Milestone incompatible with maven release process and recommendations?

2017-02-21 Thread Erwan QUEINNEC

Le mardi 21 février 2017 10:39:09 UTC+1, Erwan QUEINNEC a écrit :
> Thanks Adrien
> Creating a release branch could solve the problem yes.
> But I have to check the impact of the git-flow approach as we have many 
> projects and teams using the maven approach...
> Le mardi 21 février 2017 10:23:11 UTC+1, Adrien Lecharpentier a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> the problem is that milestone is independent of Maven. The release in two 
>> steps is a maven "problem". What you could do is use the git-flow approach 
>> and do the real release in separate branch (or in master). You could even 
>> use to automate 
>> this. 
>> -- Adrien
>> Le mar. 21 févr. 2017 à 10:06, Erwan QUEINNEC  a 
>> écrit :
>>> Hi
>>> If I implement milestone in stage like: 
>>> stage('Build') {
>>>   milestone()
>>>   echo "Building"
>>> }
>>> stage('Test') {
>>>   milestone()
>>>   echo "Testing"
>>> }
>>> And I execute a release: maven release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=X 
>>> -Dtag=X -DdevelopmentVersion=X-SNAPSHOT
>>> Jenkins will execute 2 concurrent builds:
>>> build 1 with pom using version=X=> the release: we want release 
>>> artifacts created and full pipeline
>>> build 2 with pom using version=SNAPSHOT
>>> The problem with milestone is jenkins will not execute sometimes the 
>>> release build 1 as build 2 is newer and do not deploy 'release' artifact 
>>> and the full pipeline like a docker image.
>>> What could be the recommendation using milestone?
>>> Request could be milestone do not kill 'release' build. Just optimize 
>>> snapshot builds
>>> -- 
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Re: Coverity build error

2017-02-21 Thread Richard Ginga
A "no translation units" typically means nothing was actually compiled.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 4:54 AM, Nitzan Yemal  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to create a job with coverity plugin for static analysis and I
> get this error (using Coverity plugin 1.8.1 and coverity version 8.6 on
> Ubuntu machine)  :
> Total time: 8 mins 54.262 secs
> [Coverity] cmd so far is: 
> [/home/jenkins/Developer/cov-analysis-linux64-8.6.0/bin/cov-build, --dir, 
> /slave/coverity/temp-5063947259947141964.tmp, --no-command, 
> --fs-capture-search, $WORKSPACE]
> [commit_VoXIP_coverity] $ 
> /home/jenkins/Developer/cov-analysis-linux64-8.6.0/bin/cov-build --dir 
> /slave/coverity/temp-5063947259947141964.tmp --no-command --fs-capture-search 
> /slave/workspace/commit_VoXIP_coverity
> Coverity Build Capture (64-bit) version 8.6.0 on Linux 3.13.0-106-generic 
> x86_64
> Internal version numbers: 2d06cace01 p-kent1-push-26368.885.208
> [STATUS] Running filesystem capture search...
> [STATUS] Emitting 5 source files from filesystem capture
> |0--25---50--75-100|
> 5 Android Applications have been captured and are ready for analysis
> The cov-build utility completed successfully.
> [Coverity] cmd so far is: 
> [/home/jenkins/Developer/cov-analysis-linux64-8.6.0/bin/cov-analyze, --dir, 
> /slave/coverity/temp-5063947259947141964.tmp]
> [commit_VoXIP_coverity] $ 
> /home/jenkins/Developer/cov-analysis-linux64-8.6.0/bin/cov-analyze --dir 
> /slave/coverity/temp-5063947259947141964.tmp
> Coverity Static Analysis version 8.6.0 on Linux 3.13.0-106-generic x86_64
> Internal version numbers: 2d06cace01 p-kent1-push-26368.885.208
> Using 4 workers as limited by CPU(s)
> Looking for translation units
> Error: intermediate directory contains no translation units.
> [Coverity] /home/jenkins/Developer/cov-analysis-linux64-8.6.0/bin/cov-analyze 
> returned 2, aborting...
> Build step 'Coverity' changed build result to FAILURE
> Any advice?
> Thanks,
> Nitzan
> --
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Dick Ginga
Build Engineer

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Re: Setting the description of a failed test in pipeline groovy

2017-02-21 Thread Vincent Massol
Hi Baptiste,

> On 16 Feb 2017, at 08:45, Baptiste Mathus  wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> I think the first step to convert that kind of thing is probably to 
> externalize it in a @NonCPS function to avoid potential issues while 
> refactoring.
> Also, probably disable temporarily sandbox while converting it.

Not sure I understand this. If I re-enable sandbox later on, why would the 
script continue to work?

> There's access to the raw build from the wrapped one (currentBuild.rawBuild 
> or so IIRC).

Yes I noticed the access to the raw build but it’s clearly mentioned that this 
should not be done. And the mention is pretty adamant about it :)

So I was asking for what is the official and recommended way of accessing the 
“manager” variable.

Maybe the answer is that there’s no other option than using 


> My 2 cents
> Le 6 févr. 2017 2:52 PM, "Vincent Massol"  a écrit :
> Thanks Richard,
> That looks a bit expensive though since all I need is to find the test 
> results for the **current** job only. I wonder if there isn’t a simpler way.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> > On 6 Feb 2017, at 14:39, Richard Ginga  wrote:
> >
> > ok, if you need to step through to build object, I use this code to 
> > eventually get the log of some other other job:
> >
> > for (item in Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()) {
> >   //
> >   // find the correct job
> >   //
> >   if (item.getFullName() == SERVER_BUILD_NAME) {
> > def job = item.getAllJobs()
> > //
> > // get the last successful build object
> > //
> > def build = job[0].getLastSuccessfulBuild()
> > //
> > // get the build log from that build
> > //
> > def log = build.getLog(300)
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Vincent Massol  wrote:
> > Hi Richard,
> >
> > > On 6 Feb 2017, at 14:31, Richard Ginga  wrote:
> > >
> > > Vincent, I am not a Jenkins master, but, you need to replace the 
> > > "manager" variable. that is defined by groovy-postbuild. I "think" all 
> > > you need is to use "currentBuild" as the variable to access build methods 
> > > and "Jenkins.instance." to access FilePath.
> >
> > I’ve tried to use currentBuild but it’s wrapped and only offers a few 
> > methods. For example it doesn’t allow calling getWorkspace() nor 
> > getTestResultAction().
> >
> > So right now I’m trying to find a way to get access to a 
> >
> >  instance.
> >
> > (Previously it was
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Vincent
> >
> > > On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 3:25 AM, Vincent Massol  wrote:
> > > Hi Jenkins masters,
> > >
> > > I had a groovy postbuild script that I'm trying to migrate to pipeline 
> > > groovy.
> > >
> > > It's setting the description of failed test (in order to embed the 
> > > screenshot taken by our selenium tests in the jenkins failed test UI - 
> > > For example: 
> > >$xwiki-enterprise-test-ui/350/testReport/junit/org.xwiki.test.ui.appwithinminutes/WizardTest/testCreateApplication/
> > >  ).
> > >
> > > I've googled a lot but couldn't find any starting point to convert this 
> > > script:
> > >
> > >  /**
> > >* This script attaches the screenshot of a failing Selenium test to 
> > > the failed test's description.
> > >* The screenshot is preserved after the workspace gets cleared by a 
> > > new build.
> > >*/
> > >   def attachScreenshotToFailingTests() {
> > > def channel =;
> > > def workspace =;
> > >
> > > def testResults =;
> > > if (testResults == null) {
> > >   // No tests were run in this build, nothing left to do.
> > >   return;
> > > }
> > >
> > > // Go through each failed test in the current build.
> > > def failedTests = testResults.getFailedTests();
> > > for (def failedTest : failedTests) {
> > >   // Compute the test's screenshot file name.
> > >   def testClass = failedTest.getClassName();
> > >   def testSimpleClass = failedTest.getSimpleName();
> > >   def testExample = failedTest.getName();
> > >
> > >   def suiteResultFile = failedTest.getSuiteResult().getFile();
> > >   if (suiteResultFile == null) {
> > > // No results available. Go to the next test.
> > > continue;
> > >   }
> > >
> > >   // Compute the screenshot's location on the build agent.
> > >   def targetFolderPath = new hudson.FilePath(channel, 
> > > suiteResultFile).getParent().getParent();
> > >   // The screenshot can have 2 possible file names and locations, we 
> > > have to look for both.
> > >   // 

Build details of pipeline job via API

2017-02-21 Thread Graham Lyons

I'm trying to get information about running builds on Jenkins agents, with 
and without pipelines. 'Old-style' jobs show up just fine but pipelines 
only ever appear as placeholder tasks:

   "currentExecutable": {
   "currentWorkUnit": {

   "idle": false,
   "likelyStuck": false,
   "number": 1,
   "progress": 84

I'm using Jenkins ver. 2.19.1 but, looking at the source code, I don't see 
any changes relating to this in later versions. I could be wrong about that 
of course.

Is this expected? Is there a way to make it behave differently? How does 
the /ajaxExecutors endpoint get its data?

If anyone can help then I'd really appreciate it.


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Re: createItem (with view) via REST API fails in Jenkins 2.x

2017-02-21 Thread Daniel Beck

> On 21.02.2017, at 11:58, Alex Ellis  wrote:
> To get the exact version for you will involve downloading every iteration 
> between 1.6 and 2.3 and installing/testing one-by-one

Not quite. A binary search takes at most log2(n) iterations. Also, please note 
that "1.6" isn't a version of Jenkins (but if it was, it would have been 
released around 10 years ago), while 2.3 is almost a year old. Those next 
digits are very important if you're discussing regressions.

> an alternate method via the REST API of adding an existing job to a view.

As documented on /view/whatever/api:

> Add Job to View
> To add a job to this view, send a POST request to this URL 
> […/view/…/addJobToView] with query parameter name=JOBNAME. You'll get 200 
> status code if the job was successfully added to this view, or 4xx/5xx code 
> if it fails.

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Re: createItem (with view) via REST API fails in Jenkins 2.x

2017-02-21 Thread Alex Ellis
Please see this issue logged -

On 21 February 2017 at 10:58, Alex Ellis  wrote:

> I do not know which version introduced breakage - I moved straight from
> 1.6 to 2.3/2.4. And the error is easily reproducible. To get the exact
> version for you will involve downloading every iteration between 1.6 and
> 2.3 and installing/testing one-by-one - are there any Java developers in
> the team on the distribution list who can look at the code diff for
> the view/createItem endpoint?
> All I need is either the endpoint to work or an alternate method via the
> REST API of adding an existing job to a view.
> On 21 February 2017 at 10:25, Baptiste Mathus  wrote:
>> I think it would be very helpful if you can narrow down the exact Jenkins
>> version it started failing with.
>> Using jenkinsci/jenkins you will also have weeklies on the docker hub
>> (only LTS are published on the official image, so there are pretty big
>> version jumps there).
>> Thanks Alex !
>> Le 20 févr. 2017 6:18 PM, "Alex Ellis"  a écrit :
>> Same error with jenkinsci/jenkins:latest which is version - Jenkins ver.
>> 2.46
>> In effect I need to create a job within a view, or create a job and
>> immediately move it into a view through the HTTP API.
>> Alex
>> On 20 February 2017 at 16:42, Alex Ellis  wrote:
>>> It works in 1.656 but not in Docker image named jenkins:latest which
>>> uses exact version: Jenkins ver. 2.32.2
>>> On 20 February 2017 at 16:38, Daniel Beck  wrote:

 > On 20.02.2017, at 15:34, Alex Ellis  wrote:
 > Jenkins 1.x … 2.x.

 Are you saying it worked in Jenkins 1.656, the last release of the 1.x
 line, but does not work in Jenkins 2.0, and continues to not work in
 Jenkins 2.47?

 If not, please specify the exact versions.

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>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex Ellis
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Alex Ellis
>> --
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>> gid/jenkinsci-users/CANWgJS43gCfTGy8mv%2BBqdzHUpEkrFHXUYDHQq
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> --
> Regards,
> Alex Ellis


Alex Ellis

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Re: createItem (with view) via REST API fails in Jenkins 2.x

2017-02-21 Thread Alex Ellis
I do not know which version introduced breakage - I moved straight from 1.6
to 2.3/2.4. And the error is easily reproducible. To get the exact version
for you will involve downloading every iteration between 1.6 and 2.3 and
installing/testing one-by-one - are there any Java developers in the team
on the distribution list who can look at the code diff for
the view/createItem endpoint?

All I need is either the endpoint to work or an alternate method via the
REST API of adding an existing job to a view.

On 21 February 2017 at 10:25, Baptiste Mathus  wrote:

> I think it would be very helpful if you can narrow down the exact Jenkins
> version it started failing with.
> Using jenkinsci/jenkins you will also have weeklies on the docker hub
> (only LTS are published on the official image, so there are pretty big
> version jumps there).
> Thanks Alex !
> Le 20 févr. 2017 6:18 PM, "Alex Ellis"  a écrit :
> Same error with jenkinsci/jenkins:latest which is version - Jenkins ver.
> 2.46
> In effect I need to create a job within a view, or create a job and
> immediately move it into a view through the HTTP API.
> Alex
> On 20 February 2017 at 16:42, Alex Ellis  wrote:
>> It works in 1.656 but not in Docker image named jenkins:latest which uses
>> exact version: Jenkins ver. 2.32.2
>> On 20 February 2017 at 16:38, Daniel Beck  wrote:
>>> > On 20.02.2017, at 15:34, Alex Ellis  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Jenkins 1.x … 2.x.
>>> Are you saying it worked in Jenkins 1.656, the last release of the 1.x
>>> line, but does not work in Jenkins 2.0, and continues to not work in
>>> Jenkins 2.47?
>>> If not, please specify the exact versions.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
>>> Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group.
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>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> gid/jenkinsci-users/
>>> For more options, visit
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Alex Ellis
> --
> Regards,
> Alex Ellis
> --
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Alex Ellis

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Re: createItem (with view) via REST API fails in Jenkins 2.x

2017-02-21 Thread Baptiste Mathus
I think it would be very helpful if you can narrow down the exact Jenkins
version it started failing with.

Using jenkinsci/jenkins you will also have weeklies on the docker hub (only
LTS are published on the official image, so there are pretty big version
jumps there).

Thanks Alex !

Le 20 févr. 2017 6:18 PM, "Alex Ellis"  a écrit :

Same error with jenkinsci/jenkins:latest which is version - Jenkins ver.

In effect I need to create a job within a view, or create a job and
immediately move it into a view through the HTTP API.


On 20 February 2017 at 16:42, Alex Ellis  wrote:

> It works in 1.656 but not in Docker image named jenkins:latest which uses
> exact version: Jenkins ver. 2.32.2
> On 20 February 2017 at 16:38, Daniel Beck  wrote:
>> > On 20.02.2017, at 15:34, Alex Ellis  wrote:
>> >
>> > Jenkins 1.x … 2.x.
>> Are you saying it worked in Jenkins 1.656, the last release of the 1.x
>> line, but does not work in Jenkins 2.0, and continues to not work in
>> Jenkins 2.47?
>> If not, please specify the exact versions.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
>> Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group.
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>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> gid/jenkinsci-users/
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> --
> Regards,
> Alex Ellis


Alex Ellis

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Re: Milestone incompatible with maven release process and recommendations?

2017-02-21 Thread Erwan QUEINNEC
Thanks Adrien
Creating a release branch could solve the problem yes.
But I have to check the impact of the git-flow approach as we have many 
projects and teams using the maven approach...

Le mardi 21 février 2017 10:23:11 UTC+1, Adrien Lecharpentier a écrit :
> Hello,
> the problem is that milestone is independent of Maven. The release in two 
> steps is a maven "problem". What you could do is use the git-flow approach 
> and do the real release in separate branch (or in master). You could even 
> use to automate this. 
> -- Adrien
> Le mar. 21 févr. 2017 à 10:06, Erwan QUEINNEC  > a écrit :
>> Hi
>> If I implement milestone in stage like: 
>> stage('Build') {
>>   milestone()
>>   echo "Building"
>> }
>> stage('Test') {
>>   milestone()
>>   echo "Testing"
>> }
>> And I execute a release: maven release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=X -Dtag=X 
>> -DdevelopmentVersion=X-SNAPSHOT
>> Jenkins will execute 2 concurrent builds:
>> build 1 with pom using version=X=> the release: we want release 
>> artifacts created and full pipeline
>> build 2 with pom using version=SNAPSHOT
>> The problem with milestone is jenkins will not execute sometimes the 
>> release build 1 as build 2 is newer and do not deploy 'release' artifact 
>> and the full pipeline like a docker image.
>> What could be the recommendation using milestone?
>> Request could be milestone do not kill 'release' build. Just optimize 
>> snapshot builds
>> -- 
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Re: Jenkins dkr container on top of CoreOS + Kubernetes - DNS Issue resolving

2017-02-21 Thread nicolas de loof
That's pretty odd as the blueocean container is based on the jenkins docker

2017-02-21 7:02 GMT+01:00 :

> Thanks Mark. Since I can't send docker-specific args via Kubernetes pods,
> I've shifted to the blueocean container and the issue doesn't happen there.
> It's a pity I can't use the main jenkins container, but this will do me
> for now.
> Cheers,
> Shaun
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 3:56:58 PM UTC+11, Mark Waite wrote:
>> I've had to launch the docker command with the "--dns" argument and the
>> IP address of the DNS server on my network.  My environment is just the
>> simple Docker daemon on a Ubuntu host, but I seemed to consistently have
>> DNS problems until I added that argument to the docker command line.
>> Mark Waite
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:54 PM  wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> I'm wondering if anyone else has come up against this issue.
>>> I'm running up the latest jenkins container (2.32.2) on top of:
>>>- Docker 1.13.0
>>>- CoreOS 1313.0.0
>>>- Kubernetes v1.5.3
>>>- Vagrant 1.9.1
>>> And jenkins complains on start up that it can't find the updates mirror:
>>> Fair enough. But if I try and resolve the host in that same container I
>>> can resolve back to an IP, even curling that host brings back the site:
>>> $ kubectl exec -it jenkins-pwqwq curl |
>>> head
>>>   Jenkins mirrors
>>> Additionally, if I run a jenkins job with a simple command to curl that
>>> host (it's a single master jenkins setup), I get content back.
>>> Anyone got any pointers? I've blown the stack away and recreated a
>>> number of times, no resolution. I feel like jenkins thinks the DNS host is
>>> something it is not.
>>> Regards,
>>> Shaun
>>> --
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Re: Milestone incompatible with maven release process and recommendations?

2017-02-21 Thread Adrien Lecharpentier

the problem is that milestone is independent of Maven. The release in two
steps is a maven "problem". What you could do is use the git-flow approach
and do the real release in separate branch (or in master). You could even
use to automate this.

-- Adrien

Le mar. 21 févr. 2017 à 10:06, Erwan QUEINNEC  a
écrit :

> Hi
> If I implement milestone in stage like:
> stage('Build') {
>   milestone()
>   echo "Building"
> }
> stage('Test') {
>   milestone()
>   echo "Testing"
> }
> And I execute a release: maven release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=X -Dtag=X
> -DdevelopmentVersion=X-SNAPSHOT
> Jenkins will execute 2 concurrent builds:
> build 1 with pom using version=X=> the release: we want release
> artifacts created and full pipeline
> build 2 with pom using version=SNAPSHOT
> The problem with milestone is jenkins will not execute sometimes the
> release build 1 as build 2 is newer and do not deploy 'release' artifact
> and the full pipeline like a docker image.
> What could be the recommendation using milestone?
> Request could be milestone do not kill 'release' build. Just optimize
> snapshot builds
> --
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