RE: site issues?

2021-06-14 Thread Alan Sparks
Here it appears far worse… Whether I download on a local machine at my house 
(comcast biz) or I log into an ec2 instance in AWS… getting about 100KB/s at 
best from or 
from apt via


From:  On 
Behalf Of Mark Waite
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 11:54 AM
To: Jenkins Users 
Subject: Re: site issues?

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 11:37 AM Alan Sparks>> wrote:
Downloads of Jenkins LTS and plugins is very slow for me today in Colorado US.  
Are there known issues?
This site appears to suggest problems:

I don't see anything there that suggests general problems.  6 hours ago the 
monitoring detected a brief period where 
and several others were unreachable (possible DNS issue?).  No issues since 

When I open it 
shows that 
is the mirror selected for me (also in northern Colorado).  When I download 
from that mirror, the bits transfer at about 1 MB/sec.  That's significantly 
slower than usual from that mirror (I usually see up to 10 MB/sec), but it may 
be the mirror is heavily loaded or is undergoing maintenance.

We really could use more mirrors in the western portion of North America.  If 
you know any companies that would be willing to host a Jenkins mirror, please 
provide contact information to the Jenkins infra mailing list.

Mark Waite

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Re: site issues?

2021-06-14 Thread Mark Waite
On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 11:37 AM Alan Sparks 

> Downloads of Jenkins LTS and plugins is very slow for me today in Colorado
> US.  Are there known issues?
> This site appears to suggest problems:

I don't see anything there that suggests general problems.  6 hours ago the
monitoring detected a brief period where and several others
were unreachable (possible DNS issue?).  No issues since then.

When I open
it shows that is the
mirror selected for me (also in northern Colorado).  When I download from
that mirror, the bits transfer at about 1 MB/sec.  That's significantly
slower than usual from that mirror (I usually see up to 10 MB/sec), but it
may be the mirror is heavily loaded or is undergoing maintenance.

We really could use more mirrors in the western portion of North America.
If you know any companies that would be willing to host a Jenkins mirror,
please provide contact information to the Jenkins infra mailing list.

Mark Waite

> Thanks.
> -Alan
> --
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To view this discussion on the web visit site issues?

2021-06-14 Thread Alan Sparks
Downloads of Jenkins LTS and plugins is very slow for me today in Colorado US.  
Are there known issues?
This site appears to suggest problems:

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"Jenkins Users" group.
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Reverse Proxy Error reading from remote server

2021-06-14 Thread Sverre Moe
Recently we have been getting an Proxy Error each time we try to change 
some configuration in Jenkins.

On Save and Apply, Jenkins gives us the following error:
  Proxy Error
  The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
  The proxy server could not handle the request
  Reason: Error reading from remote server

It happens only on Save/Apply. All other access to Jenkins works fine.

Happens with:
Jenkins LTS 2.277.4 (several plugins not updated)
Jenkins LTS 2.289.1 (all plugins updataed)

The Reverse Proxy configuration:

root@int-rproxy:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cat build-ci.conf

AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/build-ci-error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/build-ci-access.log combined
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
SSLCertificateFile  /etc/ssl/entrust/ServerCertificate.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/comp-rproxy.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/entrust/Intermediate.crt
# Using self-signed certificate on build-ci-app
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyVerify none
BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
  nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
  downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

RewriteEngine On
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

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Re: Jenkins auto-prepends PATH with path to java. How to disable?

2021-06-14 Thread
Found answer

четверг, 10 июня 2021 г. в 17:39:55 UTC+3, 

> In a Free-form project I use "Inject environment variables":
> JAVA_HOME=/u01/jenkins/jdk1.8.0_181/jre
> PATH=/u01/jenkins/jdk1.8.0_181/jre/bin:/u01/jenkins/apache-maven-3.0.5/bin:${PATH}
> However, in shell scripts `$PATH` gets an additional prefix:
> ++ echo PATH=/u01/jenkins/jdk1.7.0_55/bin:\
> /u01/jenkins/jdk1.8.0_181/jre/bin:
> How to find what's causing it and finally have my java 8 in path?
> Some entries were being added by `jenkins_shell` script, but I fixed that. 
> But I still don't know who's adding the first entry - path to java 7.
> Jenkins ver. 2.222.3
> JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1
> JQuery3 API Plugin (jquery3-api): 3.5.1-1
> Job Import Plugin (job-import-plugin): 3.4
> Downstream build view (downstream-buildview): 1.9
> Git plugin (git): 4.2.2
> Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 
> (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.10-2.0
> Checkstyle Plug-in (checkstyle): 4.0.0
> ECharts API Plugin (echarts-api): 4.7.0-2
> Command Agent Launcher Plugin (command-launcher): 1.4
> Hudson SCP publisher plugin (scp): 1.8
> PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.6
> Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.12
> FindBugs Plug-in (findbugs): 5.0.0
> External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7
> Warnings Next Generation Plugin (warnings-ng): 8.1.0
> Run Condition Plugin (run-condition): 1.3
> Trilead API Plugin (trilead-api): 1.0.6
> Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.22
> Warnings Plug-in (warnings): 5.0.1
> Git client plugin (git-client): 3.2.1
> OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 2.0
> SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.6.3
> EnvInject API Plugin (envinject-api): 1.7
> Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.13.1
> Rebuilder (rebuild): 1.31
> Bootstrap 4 API Plugin (bootstrap4-api): 4.5.0-1
> Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.11.0
> Job Configuration History Plugin (jobConfigHistory): 2.26
> Ant Plugin (ant): 1.11
> Icon Shim Plugin (icon-shim): 2.0.3
> Popper.js API Plugin (popper-api): 1.16.0-6
> Cron Column Plugin (cron_column): 1.4
> Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.6
> Multijob plugin (jenkins-multijob-plugin): 1.33
> MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api):
> Static Analysis Collector Plug-in (analysis-collector): 2.0.0
> Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.40
> Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.6.1
> Analysis Model API Plugin (analysis-model-api): 8.1.3
> Plugin Utilities API Plugin (plugin-util-api): 1.2.2
> Conditional BuildStep (conditional-buildstep): 1.3.6
> PMD Plug-in (pmd): 4.0.0
> Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.5
> Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.12
> Translation Assistance plugin (translation): 1.16
> Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.11
> Environment Injector Plugin (envinject): 2.3.0
> next-executions (next-executions): 1.0.15
> LDAP Plugin (ldap): 1.24
> Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.69
> Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin (jdk-tool): 1.4
> Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.14
> Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.80
> Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.32
> Dashboard View (dashboard-view): 2.12
> Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.7
> Parameterized Trigger plugin (parameterized-trigger): 2.36
> Forensics API Plugin (forensics-api): 0.7.0
> built-on-column (built-on-column): 1.1
> JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.29
> Structs Plugin (structs): 1.20
> HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.23
> Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.3.7
> WMI Windows Agents Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.6
> SSH Build Agents plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.31.2
> Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.72
> Cloud Foundry Plugin (cloudfoundry): 2.3.2
> bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.18
> Font Awesome API Plugin (font-awesome-api): 5.13.0-1
> SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.18.1
> Task Scanner Plug-in (tasks): 4.53
> CVS Plug-in (cvs): 2.16
> JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 
> (jquery-detached): 1.2.1
> Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.39
> Build Timestamp Plugin (build-timestamp): 1.0.3
> API Plugin (data-tables-api): 1.10.21-1
> JSch dependency plugin (jsch):
> Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 3.4
> Zentimestamp plugin (zentimestamp): 4.2
> Static Analysis Utilities (analysis-core): 1.96
> Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.3.2
> Global Slack Notifier Plugin (global-slack-notifier): 1.5
> Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.40
> Run Condition Extras Plugin