Re: How does "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" work?

2019-08-27 Thread Aaron Digulla
On Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 12:24:20 AM UTC+2, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
> Hello Aaron,
> If all your downstream branches have a dependency on the same upstream 
> snapshot version, then yes, all downstream pipelines will be triggered, we 
> don't differentiate on the branch identifier.

Thanks. I completely missed this answer :-)

> Did you expect a different behaviour? Wouldn't all the branches of the 
> downstream job deserve to be triggered?

I try to build a system where we can build PRs across projects. In each 
project, the PR will use the same branch name.

My reasoning is:

There will be code changes which will break other branches (removed or new 
Most of our products use at least three projects: Utils, Core and Client. A 
lot of code is built only in Core and Client but sometimes, we need code in 
Utils for a client feature. During one release cycle, all three projects 
will use a SNAPSHOT version. That way, a developer can finish the whole 
feature in a single JIRA issue (and three PRs in git). The single feature 
can be reviews as one and then merged in quick succession, causing builds 
of the master branch in three jobs.
Some people here argue that it's easier to just create a release of Utils, 
then a release of Core and then Client but if it turns out the Utils code 
has a bug, you have to release everything again. I'm not a fan of 7 
releases / day. It puts a lot of stress on the Maven Repo since it can't 
distinguish between "important" and "oh well" releases.


Aaron Digulla

> On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 1:15:26 PM UTC+2, Aaron Digulla wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there documentation how this feature works?
>> I'm especially interested how it behaves when jobA builds a branch X for 
>> project A and project B has a dependency on A. Both A and B are 
>> multi-branch pipeline projects.
>> Will that trigger a build of branch X of B or "build all branches of B"?
>> Regards,
>> Aaron Digulla

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Re: jenkins slave on docker does not see "sh" command

2019-04-11 Thread Aaron Digulla
On Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 5:18:55 PM UTC+2, Polak wrote:

When I run it on jenkins slave (docker image) I have an error:
> sh: 1: /var/lib/jenkins/bin/login-bash: not found
> On master Jenkins (installed on physical machine not on docker) it works 
> properly.
Ceck the "login shell" for the user that runs the Jenkins slave. It should 
be /bin/bash but seems to be just "login-bash" (without an absolute path) 
in your case.


Aaron Digulla

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Re: Unit tests for Scripted Pipeline

2019-04-11 Thread Aaron Digulla
On Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 10:10:07 PM UTC+2, Sverre Moe wrote:

Is it possible to create unit tests for our scripted pipeline?
> How can certain sections of the pipeline be mocked, like fetching from 
> Git, tagging to Git, Uploading to Nexus?
> Anyone been able to fully unit test scripted pipeline?
> I found this project at GitHub regarding Unit testing pipelines.

I'm using this right now and it works well. Out of the box, several 
commands are not mocked (build, withMaven, etc) but it's simple to do so 
(usually just one line).

withMaven() is a bit more complex to write to make sure the bindings are 
correct. See


Aaron Digulla

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Re: Calling java static methods from groovy dsl

2019-04-10 Thread Aaron Digulla
This is strange. My first guess would be that the class isn't on the 
classpath of the script but then, the import should fail as well.

Is there a reason why you omitted the import in the code sample you pasted?

Does it work when you call it before the try{}?

Can you call other methods of the class?

> I am importing class as import com.jda.JenkinsUtil and using it in script 
> file pipeline.groovy as below .
> I am always facing issue as 
> groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: JenkinsUtil for class

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Re: Send mail to mailbox when there's an infrastructure fail

2019-04-10 Thread Aaron Digulla
Hi Sarfroz,

To make sure I understand you correctly:

- Your Git server was down
- Jenkins did start a job
- The job tried to check out the code from Git
- That step failed
- You didn't receive a mail for this specific failure (usually, it works)
- You're using Scripted Pipeline, not Declarative Pipeline


The problem here is that the mail recipients come from the Jenkinsfile. 
When Git isn't running, Jenkins can't get the Jenkinsfile and therefore has 
no chance to figure out where to send mails.

Try to set up monitoring of the Git server outside of Jenkins.

Alternatively, use a freestyle Job triggered by cron which periodically 
checks that it can connect to the Git server (just execute a git ls or 
something again a small repo). You can then send a mail from this job when 
it fails.


Aaron Digulla

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Re: Opinions about aggressive reuse strategy for Jenkins pipelines

2019-04-10 Thread Aaron Digulla
Hi David

I'm describing all of this for background.  What I'm asking the community 
> is, is this a reasonable strategy?  I can't help the feeling that this is 
> taking reusability a bit too far. I can't give any technical arguments 
> against it, so I'm just looking for some perspective.

I think this is a sound strategy. Without this, projects will quickly 
become snowflakes. Every team will start to invent their own solution for 
similar problems. Many of those will be haphazard because people don't have 
time and/or knowledge to understand the underlying issue and correctly fix 
many problems. So the solutions tend to be brittle and there will be a lot 
of conversations: "Jenkins sucks. It always breaks" "What happened?" "Well 
... [long explanation]" "Hey, we had that too. We just [...]" "Oh."


Aaron Digulla

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How does "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" work?

2019-04-10 Thread Aaron Digulla

Is there documentation how this feature works?

I'm especially interested how it behaves when jobA builds a branch X for 
project A and project B has a dependency on A. Both A and B are 
multi-branch pipeline projects.

Will that trigger a build of branch X of B or "build all branches of B"?


Aaron Digulla

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Re: "[Multijob] - [ERROR] - Problems occurs on injecting env. vars as a build step: Java heap space", does anyone know, what we can do about it?

2019-04-02 Thread Aaron Digulla
On Friday, March 29, 2019 at 2:29:35 PM UTC+1, Nico van de Kamp wrote:

I see now this error "[Multijob] - [ERROR] - Problems occurs on injecting 
> env. vars as a build step: Java heap space" and I've been searching on the 
> internet but till now, I do not find a solution to resolve this issue? Also 
> the other team members have searching for a solution. I know what the heap 
> means for Java.
> What my colleague already have done is:
>- Jenkins.xml: Xrs -Xms8192M Xrs -Xmx8192M -Xss64M 
>-XX:MaxPermSize=512M -jar "%BASE%\slave.jar" -jnlpUrl http://... 
>-secret xxx
Note: MaxPermSize is unrelated to the problem and not used with Java 8 
anymore. In fact, you should see a warning in the logs:

-Xms8192M allocates 8 GB of memory right from the start. This can help with 
performance. At least, it makes sure that the OS can allocate this much 
memory before it starts the slave. This eliminates one OOM candidate where 
you've configured Java for enough memory but the OS simply doesn't have it.

-Xmx8192M should fix your problem unless

1. it's not used. Look at the process table of the slave when the job is 
running to make sure the option was picked up (it should be but checking is 
better than believing).
2. you have a huge memory leak. If it always stops at this point, then 
check the environment variables. Maybe someone was "clever" and tried to 
put a huge amount of data into an environment variable.

>- Searching the internet to find if someone else has also this problem
This doesn't work because every memory leak is different. You will have to 
understand your own code, how your configured Jenkins and how everything 

Use a memory profiler like YourKit or or try to disable things until the 
error goes away.


Aaron Digulla

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Re: Wrong output on .../job/*/maven

2019-03-22 Thread Aaron Digulla

On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 4:20:54 PM UTC+1, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
> >> Please see new FAQ entry 
> I have improved the FAQ entry based on your feedback, can you please have 
> a look?

Much better. Only the last sentence looks cut off: "Troubleshooting details 
are added".

Did you mean "You will find details to troubleshoot the issue below that 

> >  I had to add a "Pipeline Graph Publisher" with the dropdown "Add 
> Publisher Options". In there, I could switch the option "Maven lifecycle 
> phase threshold" from "deploy" to "install".
> Good that you figured this out. The User Experience is not great but I 
> didn't find better so far.

How about printing "downstream not triggered because project used "mvn 
install" and the lower limit for triggering is "mvn deploy" + link to 
config where you can change that or a help page?

> > That leaves the weird behavior of the artifactsPublisher and my comments 
> about the new FAQ item.
> There is a non intuitive UX on the Pipeline Maven Plugin here: the 
> artifactPublisher is just about "fingerprinting" and "archiving" the 
> generated artifacts, it is NOT about updating the dependency graph that 
> tracks (in a database) the produced and consumed artifacts. The 
> "pipelineGraphPublisher" was introduced way after the "artifactsPublisher" 
> (~6/12 months after).
> I suspect that the "pipelineGraphPublisher" is invoked twice in your 
> pipeline.

I searched for "pipelineGraphPublisher" which got me no hits. Then "graph" 
which produces exactly one hit:

[withMaven] Publishers: Pipeline Graph Publisher: 12 ms, Generated Artifacts 
Publisher: 31 ms, Junit Publisher: 52 ms, Dependencies Fingerprint Publisher: 4 
ms, Jacoco Publisher: 12 ms, Open Task Scanner Publisher: 14 ms

Seems like that plugin is a quiet one :-) Any hints?

> That triggers the downstream builds of feature branches. Now, I have to 
> figure out how to share the artifacts. See my post "Chained builds" for my 
> thoughts on that.
> I'll have a look, it is a difficult problem to solve. I didn't yet deep 
> dive in that seem to be 
> related to the problem you want to solve.

I read through the document and it seems an attempt to solve something but 
after reading it, I'm unsure what exactly.

Maybe what they try is to give the build result of each branch a unique 
version? So you could deploy all of them to Nexus and the next build would 
pick the right one to use.

The use of the Flatten Maven Plugin worries me a bit but I think this is 
necessary because Maven doesn't support variables in the project.version 
property (for good reason). But some things like removing 
dependencyManagement elements seems completely wrong to me.

Still, the idea to solve the "Maven doesn't support branches" by using one 
version per branch sounds promising. Does Jenkins take the version into 
account when building downstream projects i.e. if the downstream project 
has a dependency on 2.x-SNAPSHOT, it will not get triggered when I build 


Aaron Digulla

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Re: Why does my Jenkins not run a .exe file?

2019-03-20 Thread Aaron Digulla
Hi Balu,

This is very weird. Some things that you can try:

- Run another exe (something simple). Does that work?
- Does it work when you put "cmd /c" in front of the name of the executable?
- Do you get an error when you add a typo to the name of the executable 
(maybe Jenkins can't find it)?
- Does the program wait for input on stdin? Try to close stdin (not sure 
how do that on windows, on Linux, it would be "< /dev/null")
- Does the master get stuck (i.e. the web interface doesn't respond 
anymore) or the slave?


Aaron Digulla

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Re: Trigger from GIT to Jenkins buildWithParameters ignores parameter value in pipeline

2019-03-20 Thread Aaron Digulla


"params" contains build parameters, "env" the environment.

Aaron Digulla

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Re: sending email for unstable builds

2019-03-19 Thread Aaron Digulla

I'm using this code:

node(...) {
try {
...add stages here...
} catch(Exception e) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' // Let the post step know that 
the build failed with an error.
throw e
} finally {
 } // node

The code for post() looks like so:

def post(def currentBuild) {
String currentResult = currentBuild.result ?: 'SUCCESS'
echo "post ${currentResult}"

try {
} catch(Exception e) {
def converted = toString(e)
echo "postAlways failed (ignored):\n${converted}"

if (currentResult == 'SUCCESS') {
} else {
failed(currentBuild, currentResult)

Hope this helps,

Aaron Digulla

On Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 9:41:50 PM UTC+1, Faad Sayaou wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I am using the extended email plugin for notification when the build fails 
> by using try catch. I will also like to send email when the build is 
> unstable. 

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Re: Wrong output on .../job/*/maven

2019-03-19 Thread Aaron Digulla
Hi Cyrille,

I could fix one of my problems in the mean time: To get the downstream 
build working, I had to do the following:

In "Manage Jenkins" / "Global Tool Configuration", I had to add a "Pipeline 
Graph Publisher" with the dropdown "Add Publisher Options". In there, I 
could switch the option "Maven lifecycle phase threshold" from "deploy" to 

That triggers the downstream builds of feature branches. Now, I have to 
figure out how to share the artifacts. See my post "Chained builds" for my 
thoughts on that.

That leaves the weird behavior of the artifactsPublisher and my comments 
about the new FAQ item.

Thanks a lot,

Aaron Digulla

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Re: Wrong output on .../job/*/maven

2019-03-19 Thread Aaron Digulla
Hi Cyrille,

Thanks for the quick answer. My first reply somehow got swallowed.

Hi Aaron,
> - Why do I sometimes get duplicate artifacts? They are not duplicated on 
>> disk. In the console log, I just see a single invocation of 
>> artifactsPublisher but sometimes, it reports the same artifact several 
>> times.
> Can you share the Jenkinsfile and the logs of your build? Usually artifact 
> are displayed several time because "mvn package" or more than "package" 
> ("install" or "deploy")  is called several times in the build (e.g. 
> invoking "mvn test" then "mvn deploy")

I checked the console log. In both builds, I see Maven started twice with 
these options:


mvn --batch-mode --show-version -U clean install sonar:sonar -P coverage 
mvn --batch-mode --show-version -U license:add-third-party 
license:third-party-report site -Dmaven.repo.local=...

The artifactsPublisher is invoked for #1, in #2, I'm disabling all publishers 
with "publisherStrategy: EXPLICIT". In the log, artifactsPublisher appears in 
the "build" step (#1) and not in the "license check" step (#2).

I really can't see why it gets additional artifacts in build of project A but 
not B. Jenkinsfile and Pipeline library are the same for both projects, so I'd 
expect the same output. The good news is that it's stable. It always archived 
twice in A and never in B.


>> - Why isn't C listed as "Downstream Job" of B?
> Can you please share screenshots of the "/maven" tab of both job "B" and 
> "C"?

C looks like this:

*Artifacts generated by this build. Hyperlink added when the artifact has 
been deployed to a Maven repository. *
*Upstream Builds*

* Builds that generate artifacts that are dependencies of this build. This 
list is filtered by permissions, you must have the ITEM.Read permission on 
the job to see it. Note that these builds have not necessarily triggered 
this job: a trigger "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" must be 
configured on this job. *
*Downstream Jobs*

* Jobs that have dependencies on artifacts generated by this build. This 
list is filtered by permissions, you must have the ITEM.Read permission on 
the job to see it. Note that these jobs will not necessarily be triggered 
by this job: a trigger "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" must 
be configured on the downstream job. *

*Dependencies recorded according to the settings of the "Pipeline Graph 
Publisher" By default, only "snapshot" dependencies are recorded and 
"release" dependencies are ignored to optimize the size on disk of the 
database of the "Pipeline Maven Plugin". *

B looks the same, only that it lists "C" under "Dependencies" but not in 
"Upstream Builds".

By default, downstream pipeline triggers only work when a pipeline 
> is"success" or "unstable" and when the "mvn" goal is "deploy". This means 
> that by default, "mvn package" or "mvn install" would not trigger a 
> downstram pipeline.

That would be it. I avoid to publish to Nexus (see my post "Chained builds" 
for the reasons). Is there a way to activate this for "mvn install"?

>> - How can I collect more information to debug this?
> Please see new FAQ entry 

Can you please add a link to to the FAQ item?

And I really don't understand the last point in the list.

> Look at the pipeline build logs, troubleshooting details are added

This sounds as if there is already a log file for pipeline builds. Do you 
refer to the console log? Would enabling the two loggers add more output to 
the console log? Or is that written elsewhere? What is the file name? Which 

Is looking really enough? Don't you have to start the build before that?

And "are added" is confusing. Did you mean "will be added there"?

> On Monday, March 18, 2019 at 3:15:26 PM UTC, Aaron Digulla wrote:
>> I have three projects in my example, A, B and C.
>> A is built on another Jenkins PROD. It's deployed to Nexus.
>> B depends on A. It's built on Jenkins TEST.
>> C depends on B. It's also built on Jenkins TEST.
>> All three projects have a SNAPSHOT version.
>> The web page .../job/*/maven of B show

Chained builds

2019-03-19 Thread Aaron Digulla
e massive disk usage. Even for simple projects, 
Maven downloads 100-200 MB of code for its plugins. So 100 repos would need 
10 TB of disk space (10 projects with 10 feature branches). It's also 
somewhat slow but in my tests, copying 200 MB of Maven repo took < 10s, so 
it's bearable.

Also, I'm not sure how to solve "fragmented" chains when there is a feature 
branch for A and C but not for B. In this case, the build of C needs to 
trigger just A, skipping B. A may depend on the SNAPSHOT version of B from 
the master branch.

Any comments? Has someone already set up something like this? Does this 
work reliably? How can I solve the disk space issue?


Aaron Digulla

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Wrong output on .../job/*/maven

2019-03-18 Thread Aaron Digulla
I have three projects in my example, A, B and C.

A is built on another Jenkins PROD. It's deployed to Nexus.

B depends on A. It's built on Jenkins TEST.

C depends on B. It's also built on Jenkins TEST.

All three projects have a SNAPSHOT version.

The web page .../job/*/maven of B shows me:

- All artifacts of B twice (*.jar, *.jar, *-sources.jar, *-sources.jar, 
*-test-sources.jar, *-test-sources.jar, *.pom, *.pom, *-tests.jar, 
- No "Upstream Builds"
- No "Downstream Jobs"
- A is listed as dependency

I'd expect each artifact of B once and C as downstream job. Not sure about 
dependencies but seeing A here would be nice even though it's built on 
another Jenkins.

The web page .../job/*/maven of C shows me:

- Just some duplicate artifacts. This is a multi-module build. I'm seeing 
the root POM twice, everything else just once.
- No "Upstream Builds"
- No "Downstream Jobs"
- A and B are listed as dependencies.

As far as I can tell, the two jobs use the same Jenkins Pipeline. They are 
both of type "Multibranch Pipeline".

B gets deployed to Nexus when I build the "master" and release branches but 
not for feature branches. C only gets deployed to Nexus when it's a release 

I'm admin on Jenkins TEST, so I'm pretty sure it's not a ITEM.Read 
permission issue.

There is no config option "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" 
for the jobs B or C. I can see the option when I click "View Configuration" 
in .../job/*/master/configure


- Why do I sometimes get duplicate artifacts? They are not duplicated on 
disk. In the console log, I just see a single invocation of 
artifactsPublisher but sometimes, it reports the same artifact several 
- Why isn't C listed as "Downstream Job" of B?
- How can I collect more information to debug this?


Aaron Digulla

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Re: How can we achieve the same effect as Jenkins 1's "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository" with Jenkins 2's pipelines?

2019-01-20 Thread Aaron Digulla
Hi Cyrille,

My main goal is prevent partial uploads in release builds since that could 
cause a lot of manual effort to clean up in Nexus. I'm not that concerned 
with partial snapshot uploads since we try to avoid them (we work a lot 
with branches).

But being able to run some additional tests before the upload phase would 
be nice, too (for example, to verify that some resources are in the right 
place in a WAR; that has bugged us in the past and it would be nice to 
check with an error message explaining how to fix it).

The last goal would be chained multi-branch builds. Imagine you want to 
build Maven and then a Maven plugin. For the plugin, you need a new feature 
in Maven. So you create two branches with the same name in two projects. 
During the build, you want the plugin job to see a Maven repo (local or 
remote) which contains the branch of the Maven build - but no one else!

A step which allows to deploy artifacts to Nexus would be the basis for 
this work.


A. Digulla

On Friday, January 18, 2019 at 11:54:17 AM UTC+1, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
> Hello Aaron, thanks David
> As David said, the "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository" feature of the 
> Maven Job type does not exist "as is" in the Pipeline Maven integration.
> The recommended solution is to use the "-DdeployAtEnd=true" feature of 
> Maven. See 
> .
> Can you please describe more your need. Is it one of
>- Prevent partial upload of maven artifacts when a multi module 
>project fails
>- Introduce intermediate build steps between the completion of "mvn 
>verify" and the upload of the artifacts (the "deploy" part of the maven 
>- Have retires if the artifact repository is unvailable
>- Other
> Cyrille
> On Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 6:23:40 PM UTC+1, David Karlsen wrote:
>> I use the option deployAtEnd in the maven plugin to achieve this 
>> Den tor. 17. jan. 2019, 16:59 skrev Cyrille Le Clerc <
>>> Hello AAron,
>>> This capability is niot av
>>> On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 5:16:22 PM UTC+1, Aaron Digulla wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> For releases, I'd like to build and test all Maven modules and after 
>>>> the build, deploy everything at once (otherwise, someone has to waste time 
>>>> to clean up the mess in Nexus).
>>>> In Jenkins 1, this was simple: Build with "mvn clean install" and add a 
>>>> post-build job "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository".
>>>> Jenkins 2 still maintains a list of all artifacts which need to be 
>>>> deployed but I couldn't find the out how to recreate the old post-build 
>>>> job.
>>>> How do I do that?
>>>> Regards,
>>> -- 
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How can we achieve the same effect as Jenkins 1's "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository" with Jenkins 2's pipelines?

2019-01-16 Thread Aaron Digulla

For releases, I'd like to build and test all Maven modules and after the 
build, deploy everything at once (otherwise, someone has to waste time to 
clean up the mess in Nexus).

In Jenkins 1, this was simple: Build with "mvn clean install" and add a 
post-build job "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository".

Jenkins 2 still maintains a list of all artifacts which need to be deployed 
but I couldn't find the out how to recreate the old post-build job.

How do I do that?


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