Re: Border round Portlet?

2001-02-23 Thread carlos beltran

I don't know if it is the right solution, but I resolved this by creating a new
portlet that merges both portlets, TitlePortlet and BorderPortlet, so you have a
output with title and border.



Alex McLintock wrote:

 Can anyone give me an example of how to put a border around a portlet as
 done in ?
 I think I see how to use BorderPortletControl in (for example) default.psml
 - but when I do use it the portlet's Titlebar disappears. (I am using 1.3a1
 at the moment)

 Any chance of more people submitting their site configurations as examples...?



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Re: No Cacheable Portlets - Doesn't work?

2001-02-23 Thread carlos beltran

Santiago Gala wrote:

 carlos beltran wrote:

  But it is not working!! Jetspeed is caching the jsp page and sending
  cache hits with this page. So the portlet is still using the cache and
  the channel is not renewed ! :(.
  Why is this happening? Has jetspeed a diferent behavior with JSP pages?
  Why is the portlet still using the cache??

 There are two caches here:

 - portletcache takes care of caching the portlet object in memory.
 - diskcache takes care of caching the URL to avoid thrashing other servers.

Thanks Santiago,

I understand the situation. But it was also confusing when I was trying to control the 
frecuency of the
cache reload. It doesn't seem to follow a regular patern. I don't know if I was using 
the right parameters
but I tried to reduce the diskcache frecuency down to 1 minute but the diskcache 
daemon seems to use a
aleatory frecuency between 1 and 5 minutes? Could this be related with the 
intelligent behavior of the
cache that is downloading depending of the network state ( if I have understood 
correctly from the



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RE: multiple portlets based on the same class

2001-02-23 Thread Kimpton,C (Chris)


  We are using jetspeed1.3a1 
  We have 2 portlets that based on the same class and when we 
 use either
  individually, they work fine.
  But when we have both portlets enabled at once, the links 
 of the first
  portlet get passed to the second portlet displayed - they 
 are setup as
  separate portlet entries WhosWho and Company.
 It looks it is a multithreading problem. Are you storing in 
 the portlet information that
 belongs to the request or the session?
 Does the portlet class have any instance variables written by 
 the requests?
 Are you storing a RunData anywhere?

Nope - not storing rundata - although we do have specific PortletConfig data
that each needs.

Maybe the PortletConfig data needs to be reloaded on each getContent call?


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2001-02-23 Thread Kobus du Toit


I looked in the "How to write a Portlet" docs and I am able to do that.

I am evaluating Jetspeed to produce a production portal.  I looked in
the Developers Guide to try and find out how to make my own screens, but

I am having difficulty understanding the information.  What I
understand, in the DG it says you should create classes to create the
screens and use the screen object classes.  I read on the archive that
someone said you should rather use JSP to create the screens, because
the screen objects are too slow.

Is there a tutorial out there that I can go through?  Can someone send
me a portal they created with the code?
Is there some other place I can search for these answers?

This is what I want to do:
Create a log in screen like the Jetspeed screen
After log in produce a screen with frames and my own content and the


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Re: Getting rid of xalan and xerces :-)

2001-02-23 Thread SCHAECK


 the EcsStyleSheet element works similarly to the EcsServletElement. The
purpose of these classes is to allow for deferring exectution of a
servlet/JSP or a stylesheet respectively until the ECS tree is traversed,
so that the JSP or stylesheet processor can write directly to the output
streem when it is time to do so instead of filling temporary buffers.

Both the  EcsStylesheetElement and the EcsServletElement are needed until
we have template based, stream oriented aggregation with JSPs and Velocity.

Best regards,


Thomas Schaeck
PvC Portal Architect
Pervasive Computing Division
Phone: +49-(0)7031-16-3479   Mobile: +49-(0)171-6928407   e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-(0)7031-16-4888
Address: IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, Schoenaicher Str. 220, 71032
Boeblingen, Germany


Santiago Gala wrote:

What I really mean is that we found a problem while I was visiting Juan
Carlos in Ciudad Real (related with how SAX1 implementations handle
namespaces) that made it mandatory for us to try to go into SAX2 ---

I did some experiments and I found that migrating Jetspeed to use only
Xalan2.0.0 implies only changes in two files ( and I have updated them, and everything seems to
be OK. I will test a little bit more.

I'm asking, in brief, if anybody oposes to switching to Xalan2.0.0. I
can take care of commiting after more testing, maybe explaining needed
changes in XSLT processing for other teams, ...

It brings a lot of advantages if properly done, as Jetspeed (when some
extra changes are done) will no longer depend from Xalan. Instead, it
will depend on javax.xml.transform.*,org.xml.sax.* (TRAX) and
javax.xml.parser.* (JAXP).

This is not done yet, but I will do it in the next days if nobody oposes.

BTW, there is a comment in saying that this
class is transient. Is it needed still ? My adaptation is a quick fix,
and I would prefer not to commit it.

Another caveat: to make it work, I have to define

(before it was
TOMCAT_OPTS="-Dorg.xml.sax.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser" )

I think it changes as gremlins move my versions of xerces.jar around :-)
(1.2.3 -- 1.3.0 -- 1.2.3, ...) or from tomcat/lib to WEB-INF/lib (of
cocoon and jetspeed and ... or maybe it was xalan.jar? ) You all know
what I mean... You're happy if you don't :-)

Anybody knows how to get rid of this definition in a sensible, cult and
educated way?

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RE: multiple portlets based on the same class

2001-02-23 Thread Gareth Coltman


I am new to Jetspeed but have been using Catalina and Turbine for some time
now. I have the latest official release of the Turbine DK, and this doesn't
seem to work with Jetspeed. I am using MySql, and have created a Jetspeed
table, modified the properties file and ran the included SQL to build the
permissions tables, but upon trying to access localhost:8080/Jetspeed I get
the following error:

HTTP Status 503 - Servlet jsp is currently unavailable
The requested service (Servlet jsp is currently unavailable) is not
currently available.

I have searched the archive and have found references to problems concerning
access to libraries, but I am none the wiser.

HELP! Please.

Gareth Coltman

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Re: No Cacheable Portlets - Doesn't work?

2001-02-23 Thread Santiago Gala

carlos beltran wrote:

 Santiago Gala wrote:
 carlos beltran wrote:
 But it is not working!! Jetspeed is caching the jsp page and sending
 cache hits with this page. So the portlet is still using the cache and
 the channel is not renewed ! :(.
 Why is this happening? Has jetspeed a diferent behavior with JSP pages?
 Why is the portlet still using the cache??
 There are two caches here:
 - portletcache takes care of caching the portlet object in memory.
 - diskcache takes care of caching the URL to avoid thrashing other servers.
 Thanks Santiago,
 I understand the situation. But it was also confusing when I was trying to control 
the frecuency of the
 cache reload. It doesn't seem to follow a regular patern. I don't know if I was 
using the right parameters
 but I tried to reduce the diskcache frecuency down to 1 minute but the diskcache 
daemon seems to use a
 aleatory frecuency between 1 and 5 minutes? Could this be related with the 
intelligent behavior of the
 cache that is downloading depending of the network state ( if I have understood 
correctly from the

I think there is a minimum "lifespan" for any given URL. It is configurable (I'm not 
sure), and the default, I think,
 is 15 minutes.

The process is: The daemon traverses the list of cached URLs, and places a job in the 
queue to update each URL.
When those jobs are run, the entry is checked and refreshed if:

- it is not in the "Bad" list
- it has expired
- it is not currently being loaded by a different thread (to avoid flooding remote 
server with requests)
- it return a 2XX status code when asked if "If-Modified-Since: lastmod-date"

When an entry has an error but it is in the cache, it is first deleted from the cache
(to avoid problems with corrupted entries) and NOT put into the Bad list. Later, when 
tried to reload,
it will either be fetched or marked definitely as "Bad".

I am thinking of a implementation (suggested by Raphal) where entries that fail will 
be marked in different
ways (depending on the error), an retried on a different basis. The idea is:

- Some network timeouts could be done to remote site maintenance or local transient 
network failures.
So, instead of showing a "red card" to the URL, like in soccer, we will put them out, 
like in other
sports, 3 updates , for instance. The number will increase on each failure, and reset 
when the URL is loaded. The idea
is to have something similar to the "exponential backoff" algorithm in TCP, that 
allows us to stop working when,
for instance, network is down, but allows quick recovery after situation gets nominal 
- Other errors, like "File not found", are more permanent, as they mean either bad url 
or bad configuration in
the remote server.
- Errors like "Host not found", are again different. They could be due to dns failures 
or to bad url.
- There are other errors, like problems with encodings and illegal XML syntax.

My current settings are:
- FeedDaemon runs every 20hours.
- DiskCacheDaemon runs every hour.
- BadURLManagerDaemon runs every three hours.

On a related note, I have seen that, after URLs update, the portlets don't refresh 
until the session times out.
This could be due to (uncommited) modifications I have for caching the portletset 
during the session.

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RE: Portlet security

2001-02-23 Thread SCHAECK

Craig Berry wrote:

  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 6:18 AM
  We also have plans in this direction, I think we should agree
  on a common interface for what we do.

 Absolutely.  That's why I threw out a skeletal proposal for discussion.

  Some first thoughts on this topic ...
  I think there are actually two points where access control
  must be applied:
  - Customization - users should only be offered portlets that they are
  allowed to use
  - Access to portlets - before displaying a portlet or
  allowing to perform
  an action on it, the portal needs to check whether the user still has
  access rights
  In either case, the access decision should be obtained via the same

 Definitely need both, yes.  That's what motivated my proposal of using
 getPortletSet as a filtering chokepoint, as anything using the portlets
 for any purpose will go through that API.

That's one of the relevant points, it would involve access control
in customization and display of portal pages which contain a set of

However, this would not control access to portlets that does not
go through aggregation or customization, e.g. via the maximized
URL for a portlet.

Some initial ideas how this may work - I think we need something like
this in addition:

+-+-+-+   +-+
| Portlet | Portlet | Portlet |...| Portlet |  ++
+---+  | Access Control |
|Portlet Invoker|-| Check I/F  |
+-+---+-+  ++
| Aggregation | Customization | Other Views |

Every call to a portlet should go through an access control
component. That component may have methods like

public void service(PortletID id, String user/groupID,
PortletRequest portletReq,
PortletResponse portletRsp)

public void actionPerformed(PortletID id, String user/groupID,
ActionEvent actionEvent)


etc. (Note that this is just for illustration, this is not
intended as a concrete proposal)

The PortletInvoker should make the required checks using the
access control interface for checking permissions and then
invoke portlets like this

portlet.service(portletReq, portletRsp)



if the permission check was successful.

All aggregation modules, customizers and other components in
JetSpeed should invoke portlets only through the portlet invoker.
This ensures that the invoker can always apply proper access
control checking, calling the currently configured service via the
JetSpeed access control interface.

  To accommodate usage of either store, JetSpeed should define
  an interface
  to check permissions, i.e. a call like
  checkPermission(user, portletID, action) or
  checkPermission(group, portletID, action)
  "action" may be something like display, edit, config, ...

 Makes sense.

  There should be pluggable services implementing this interface,
  e.g. one using settings in jetspeed.jcfg, one using a database,
  one using an authorization engine, etc. One option to implement the
  pluggable services would be Turbine Services, i.e. we would have
  Turbine Authorization Services that would be invoked through the
  JetSpeed Authorization Interface.

 I like the pluggable service model, and it should definitely be a
 Turbine service.

That would most likely be a service that would be pert of the
JetSpeed code base implementing the generic Turbine service
interface and adding the portlet access control methods defined
in the JetSpeed access control interface.

 Craig Berry - (310) 570-4140
 VP Technology
 1452 Second St
 Santa Monica CA 90401

Best regards,


Thomas Schaeck
Portal Architect
IBM Pervasive Computing Division
Phone: +49-(0)7031-16-3479   Mobile: +49-(0)171-6928407   e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-(0)7031-16-4888
Address: IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, Schoenaicher Str. 220, 71032
Boeblingen, Germany

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Jetspeed install (newbie): Tomcat doesn't start any more

2001-02-23 Thread Matthias Krehl


I'm really new to Jetspeed. And that's my problem:


Linux 2.2.14-5 from RedHat6.2
JDK 1.3from j2sdk-1.3.0-RC1-linux-i386.tar.bz2
Tomcat 3.2.1   from tomcat-3.2.1-1-noarch.rpm
Cocoon 1.8.2   from cocoon-1.8.2-2.noarch.rpm

running fine, i copied

jetspeed.war   from Jetspeed-1.3a1-war.tar.gz

into {tomcat-root}/webapps/ and Tomcat doesn't start any more!
The last line in my tomcat.log is:

ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /jetspeed )

There is no jetspeed.log in {tomcat-root}/webapps/jetspeed/WEB_INF/logs/
what i guess is no surprise.

I also modified the database.default 
in to work with a local MySQL-DB
but nothing changed.

Can anyone give me a hint how to procede?

Matthias Krehl

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Re: tutorial

2001-02-23 Thread ingo schuster

At 10:46 02/23/01, Kobus du Toit wrote:
This is what I want to do:
Create a log in screen like the Jetspeed screen
After log in produce a screen with frames and my own content and the

My suggestion (in JSP terms, the velocity solution should work 
accordingly). I assume html as markup:

- Modify the screen/html/login.jsp to suit your needs.
- create a layouts/html/frames.jsp that defines several frames. Change the 
default template setting in TR.p to "frames".
   -- your "home url" will be "[...]/portal" (which get's extended b with 
the default template to: "[...]/portal/template/frames")
- The frame containing the portlets should point to something like 
- Modify the layout/html/default.jsp according to your needs (e.g. strip of 
the includion of the navigations)

What'll happen is following:
* the URL "[...]/portal/template/frames" will cause turbine to forward the 
request to layouts/html/frames.jsp
* the URL "[...]/portal/template/home" will cause turbine to forward the 
request to layouts/html/default.jsp (as there is no layouts/html/home.jsp), 
this default.jsp will build up the jetspeed screen as you know it.

Note: this will not work with 1.3a1, but only with cvs head as the alpha 
one has not the functionality that the layout gets choosen according to the 
template (screen).

Hope it works, never tried it actually...


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RE: multiple portlets based on the same class

2001-02-23 Thread Kimpton,C (Chris)


   We are using jetspeed1.3a1 
   We have 2 portlets that based on the same class and when we 
  use either
   individually, they work fine.
   But when we have both portlets enabled at once, the links 
  of the first
   portlet get passed to the second portlet displayed - they 
  are setup as
   separate portlet entries WhosWho and Company.
  It looks it is a multithreading problem. Are you storing in 
  the portlet information that
  belongs to the request or the session?
  Does the portlet class have any instance variables written by 
  the requests?
  Are you storing a RunData anywhere?
 Nope - not storing rundata - although we do have specific 
 PortletConfig data
 that each needs.
 Maybe the PortletConfig data needs to be reloaded on each 
 getContent call?

I have tracked down why only one portlet is displayed after clicking on a
link - its because we specify servlet/jetspeed/portlet/Company in the form
action - if I change it to just servlet/jetspeed - both portlets stay on

The problem is slightly cleaner now in that the params from the hyperlink
seem to be only passed to the second portlet.  And writing this down has
made me realise what the problem is - to do the links, we use javascript -
and using the good old code reuse technique of copy and paste, the same
javascript functions are in both portlets - so the second functions are
overriding the first - DOH...


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Re: Jetspeed install (newbie): Tomcat doesn't start any more

2001-02-23 Thread Santiago Gala

Matthias Krehl wrote:

 I'm really new to Jetspeed. And that's my problem:
 Linux 2.2.14-5 from RedHat6.2
 JDK 1.3from j2sdk-1.3.0-RC1-linux-i386.tar.bz2
 Tomcat 3.2.1   from tomcat-3.2.1-1-noarch.rpm
 Cocoon 1.8.2   from cocoon-1.8.2-2.noarch.rpm
 running fine, i copied
 jetspeed.war   from Jetspeed-1.3a1-war.tar.gz
 into {tomcat-root}/webapps/ and Tomcat doesn't start any more!
 The last line in my tomcat.log is:
 ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /jetspeed )
 There is no jetspeed.log in {tomcat-root}/webapps/jetspeed/WEB_INF/logs/
 what i guess is no surprise.

How much time do you wait before killing it?

Startup can be very slow (sp. the first time) since Jetspeed has to do a lot of 
Depending on your setup, you may have to wait a couple of minutes before tomcat 
finishes initialization.

In any case, it is funny that you don't get logs or that tomcat does not start the 

Is there any CPU activity or (netstat -A inet) activity ?

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Re: Getting rid of xalan and xerces :-)

2001-02-23 Thread Santiago Gala


  the EcsStyleSheet element works similarly to the EcsServletElement. The
 purpose of these classes is to allow for deferring exectution of a
 servlet/JSP or a stylesheet respectively until the ECS tree is traversed,
 so that the JSP or stylesheet processor can write directly to the output
 streem when it is time to do so instead of filling temporary buffers.
 Both the  EcsStylesheetElement and the EcsServletElement are needed until
 we have template based, stream oriented aggregation with JSPs and Velocity.

I understand it as: Please, don't do a dirty fix! :)

I'll commit a cleaned up version, possibly adding stream support to
and calling it from the EcsStyleSheet class.

I guess that, even if EcsStyleSheet is transient, stream support for
XSLT transformations will continue to be needed in the future.


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Portlet API Chat

2001-02-23 Thread ingo schuster


enclosed is a log of the portlet API chat on Wednesday evening. Raphael 
wanted to post it, however I haven't seen any message from him since - he's 
probably very busy.
I think the most imporant part is at the bottom:

raphael OK. So what we have said tonight is :
raphael - portlets should be as portable as possible but limited 
portability may be imposed by incompatible content models
raphael - fragments are the prefered output model for portlets but portal 
must implement full documents support as the default
raphael the content model used by a portlet is defined in its portlet 
raphael - the API will have streams in the base response API, SAX support 
in a sub-interface
raphael - compliant portals must implement both interfaces

I "updated" the API propsal java docs, i.e. "reverted" it to the second 
last version... I promised Raphael, to update the java doc to reflect the 
results of the chat, however I have the problem that most of these points 
have to go into a portlet _specification_ rather than in the API... -- We 
need to develop a spec.

So into the spec had to go:
* compliant portals must implement both interfaces, stream and SAX
* fragments are the prefered output model for portlets but portal must 
implement full documents support as the default the content model used by a 
portlet is defined in its portlet descriptor

Sorry I'm in a hurry, hope I didn't forget anything important.



Session Start: Wed Feb 21 20:14:41 2001
* Logging #jetspeed to 'logs\#jetspeed.log'
ingo thomas?
raphael not there yet apparently :)
ingo ok, which thomas is it? ;-)
raphael any will do
ingo sure, I was just wondering which thomas "blob_79" is... But he 
doesn't seem to listen right now.
raphael he tried a ping some time ago but has not said anything yet
*** sgala has joined #jetspeed
sgala hi
*** AlexLi has joined #Jetspeed
raphael hi santiago
sgala hi, I'm here with Juan Carlos, out in Ciudad Real, in a internet 
gaming place... :-)
ingo Hi Santiago, Hi Alexandra.
AlexLi Hi all
raphael thomas is here ?
blob_79 yes!
sgala Hi, thomas.
raphael which thomas are you ?
raphael :)
raphael it seems like most interested parties are there, so maybe we 
shall start
blob_79 I subcribed jetspeed mailing list and was just a bit interested 
in your chat.
ingo Yes, if david is listening as well?
david yes, im here
raphael ON I'll try to be the moderator for this
ingo None of the "IBM Thomases" seems to be here, but we can start anyway.
sgala GO slowly, we have a big  lag...
raphael I guess all the people here have read the portlet API proposals
raphael but before starting the real discussions maybe ingo and I can 
answer any
raphael outstanding questions on our respective APIs
ingo sure.
raphael ANy questions ?
raphael Great, this will go quickly... :)
raphael I think the first discussion point should be:
raphael is it a goal of the portlet API to allow the writing of portlet 
raphael that are fully portable on *all* compliant portal, or is it 
enough to guarantee
raphael portability on a subset of compliants portal ?
raphael My position is:
raphael I'd *really* like fully portable components but it has a lot of
raphael performance impact, so in order to achieve compromise I can live 
with partial
raphael portability
ingo I would like full portability as well.
ingo However, I think apart from performance, there is also the aspect that
ingo the portlet API should be clean enough to serve as a basis for a 
ingo If we'd came up with a lot of different portlet types,
ingo that all have to be supported by every container developer,
ingo we might scare people off. Especially if support for all types is
ingo integrated into the "base interface" so that it get's too overloaded.
ingo If we find an elegant way for full portability, great. I could even live
ingo with the fact that some containers had a bad performance for _some_ 
portlet types,
ingo but if we risk that noone wants to pick up our API, then I'd better 
drop full portability.
ingo end :)
raphael david ?
*** bjoern has joined #jetspeed
david we are really talking about two portlet types,
david streams and sax events
david is that asking too much from container providers?
raphael santiago ?
ingo no, I don't think so. However the subinterfaces invite to define 
more types.
sgala I would like to have portlets that deliver content and interaction 
sgala independent of any given markup.
sgala We have to deliver a VoiceML demo briefly, and I would hate having to
sgala maintain getHTMLContent(), getWMLContent(), getVoiceMLContent() 
getIE4.01Content() :)
raphael you're not answering the question... ;/
sgala So, I think the portlet should stay at a "knowledge" level, be it 
bean based or markup based.
sgala A knowledge level guarantees, if properly standardized, that any 
portlet will run on any container.
sgala Each container should be 

AW: Jetspeed install (newbie): Tomcat doesn't start any more

2001-02-23 Thread Matthias Krehl

Well, i didn't wait that much,
however, the prompt after starting

'/var/bin/tomcat start'

returns a second later
after listing this classpath:


CPU is 99.x idle and 'netstat -A inet' returns nothing
... and tomcat isn't responding!
(and no java processes are started)

On trying to 'stop' tomcat with

'/var/bin/tomcat stop'

the same classpath as above is listed
and: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
at java.netPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)

which i read as:
there has been no tomcat running.

What do you think?

bye Matthias

Matthias Krehl

  I'm really new to Jetspeed. And that's my problem:
  Linux 2.2.14-5 from RedHat6.2
  JDK 1.3from j2sdk-1.3.0-RC1-linux-i386.tar.bz2
  Tomcat 3.2.1   from tomcat-3.2.1-1-noarch.rpm
  Cocoon 1.8.2   from cocoon-1.8.2-2.noarch.rpm
  running fine, i copied
  jetspeed.war   from Jetspeed-1.3a1-war.tar.gz
  into {tomcat-root}/webapps/ and Tomcat doesn't start any more!
  The last line in my tomcat.log is:
  ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /jetspeed )
  There is no jetspeed.log in {tomcat-root}/webapps/jetspeed/WEB_INF/logs/
  what i guess is no surprise.

 How much time do you wait before killing it?

 Startup can be very slow (sp. the first time) since Jetspeed has
 to do a lot of preprocessing.
 Depending on your setup, you may have to wait a couple of minutes
 before tomcat finishes initialization.

 In any case, it is funny that you don't get logs or that tomcat
 does not start the connectors.

 Is there any CPU activity or (netstat -A inet) activity ?

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Re: Portlet security

2001-02-23 Thread Santiago Gala

Jon Stevens wrote:

 on 2/22/01 4:17 PM, "Santiago Gala" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All of the* framework is interface based.
 So is Turbine's.
 I really don't see a need to use* when Turbine has a *MUCH*
 more complete implementation of a security framework than just
 -1 on*

The need to use framework comes from:

- being able to reuse security support very well studied and engineered
(java.policy, doPrivileged(), checkPermission() ) inside the VM and get
fine grained support for cehcking permissions or specifying privileged actions.
The java code is already there. It is a matter of using it. Now that java2 is our 
the effort is more than justified.

- being able to integrate in J2EE framework servlet containers simply (EJB, JDBC, ...)

- being able to integrate in a given corporate environment. is 
the standard way to deliver privileges. I think TurbineUser should implement Principal.

- surviving in a securityManaged servlet container. As an example of this,
the admin portlet in Jetspeed will throw a SecurityException if standard security
is on (ReadPropertyPermission on). It the turbine framework is based on these objects,
it will get cached in the proper level and treated as a security exception. If not,
it will be processed as a standard error. Also, the thread pool will have problems 
with calls
trying to set thread priority or stopping threads.
I'm not saying that you drop turbine security. I agree it is cood (nice 
typo=cool+good :). What I'm saying is that turbine should use the 
interfaces and methods there, for instance as a way to handle users ( user.getPrincipal() ) or as a way to check for 
permissions (doPrivileged() and checkPermission() ). Also that we use 
the standard exceptions for security based exceptions, so that try-catch 
is simpler to program and we can survive when a SecurityManager is in 
effect in the servlet container.

Don't you think that ignoring java security will bring problems in the 

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Re: AW: Jetspeed install (newbie): Tomcat doesn't start any more

2001-02-23 Thread Steve Freeman

Why not use the script that is supplied with Tomcat and is
supposed to be used to start the system?


"Matthias Krehl" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
02/23/2001 12:00:09 PM

Please respond to "JetSpeed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


To:   "JetSpeed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  AW: Jetspeed install (newbie): Tomcat doesn't start any more

Well, i didn't wait that much,
however, the prompt after starting

'/var/bin/tomcat start'

returns a second later
after listing this classpath:


CPU is 99.x idle and 'netstat -A inet' returns nothing
... and tomcat isn't responding!
(and no java processes are started)

On trying to 'stop' tomcat with

'/var/bin/tomcat stop'

the same classpath as above is listed
and: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
at java.netPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)

which i read as:
there has been no tomcat running.

What do you think?

bye Matthias

Matthias Krehl

  I'm really new to Jetspeed. And that's my problem:
  Linux 2.2.14-5 from RedHat6.2
  JDK 1.3from j2sdk-1.3.0-RC1-linux-i386.tar.bz2
  Tomcat 3.2.1   from tomcat-3.2.1-1-noarch.rpm
  Cocoon 1.8.2   from cocoon-1.8.2-2.noarch.rpm
  running fine, i copied
  jetspeed.war   from Jetspeed-1.3a1-war.tar.gz
  into {tomcat-root}/webapps/ and Tomcat doesn't start any more!
  The last line in my tomcat.log is:
  ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /jetspeed )
  There is no jetspeed.log in
  what i guess is no surprise.

 How much time do you wait before killing it?

 Startup can be very slow (sp. the first time) since Jetspeed has
 to do a lot of preprocessing.
 Depending on your setup, you may have to wait a couple of minutes
 before tomcat finishes initialization.

 In any case, it is funny that you don't get logs or that tomcat
 does not start the connectors.

 Is there any CPU activity or (netstat -A inet) activity ?

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Re: AW: Jetspeed install (newbie): Tomcat doesn't start any more

2001-02-23 Thread Santiago Gala

Matthias Krehl wrote:

 Well, i didn't wait that much,
 however, the prompt after starting
 '/var/bin/tomcat start'
 returns a second later
 after listing this classpath:
 CPU is 99.x idle and 'netstat -A inet' returns nothing
 ... and tomcat isn't responding!
 (and no java processes are started)
 On trying to 'stop' tomcat with
 '/var/bin/tomcat stop'
 the same classpath as above is listed
 and: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
 at java.netPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
 which i read as:
 there has been no tomcat running.
 What do you think?

Now I s! :)

 Linux 2.2.14-5 from RedHat6.2
JDK 1.3from j2sdk-1.3.0-RC1-linux-i386.tar.bz2

 this is the problem (RC1)  ^

Update to 1.3.0 or 1.3.0_01

This release had funny segmentation faults, and I guess this is happening.
When i used this one, I got tomcat fully up about 20% of times, depending on
webapps installed, thread activity, your kernel version, ...

Tomcat 3.2.1   from tomcat-3.2.1-1-noarch.rpm
Cocoon 1.8.2   from cocoon-1.8.2-2.noarch.rpm

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