[JOKES] monthly reminder

2003-06-10 Прати разговор root
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[JOKES] Fw: Brian Keller's view of the world

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
Title: Message

Wsichki nie si spomnqme kak wyw win 
95, 98 I 2k ni bqha obyrkali povolenieto w sweta:Sofija beshe na 
GMT+1.W xp fix-naha imeto, makar I da si stoim w edna chasowa zona s 
germany (pak gmt+1).No - 50% napredyk e po-dobre ot 
No n, towa sywsem ne e wsichko 
Sega razbirame che ili encartata na 
M$ e sbyrkana, ili w naj-dobriq sluchaj batko brianpak neshto ne e dogledal 
(weche stana nawik na amerikancite da prenachertawat granici, sprawka - 
poslednite rechi na smeshniq im prezident s IQ 127 (naj-gotino beshe kato 
nareche indijcite indianci ;Eto izwadka I ot sajta na brian 
keller:I don't know much about Bulgaria. I'm not ashamed to 
tell you that I had to zoom out twice on the Encarta map to figure out where it 
was in relation to other countries! It borders Turkey and Hungary, which would make it two hops from 
No towa 
ne e wsichko: okazwa se, che propadaneto na brega na cherno more w sledstwie na 
korozoq i swlachishta
se w 
po-naprednal stadij otkolkoto si mislehme. weche ima pristanishte 
...and they 
said that the port of Sofia (capital of Bulgaria, where I'm headed) is known for 
receiving small arms shipments ...
W zakljuchenie: mislq che trqbwa mu 
prostim na choweka. wse pak kakwo ochakwate ot chowek, kojto iska da si obzawede 
ofisa kato Boeing 747 ... 
P.S. Brawo pichowe, pohwalno e che ste go 
wodili na stroeva studgard. Drugiq pyt da go zawedete i na kupon w chitalnq 

[JOKES] Hi Tech ...

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov


[JOKES] Fw:Women

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Boyan Konstantinov

Womencan't understand them

[JOKES] oi na batia ;-)

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
