Re: [josm-dev] New Server

2016-02-14 Thread Paul Hartmann

On 13.02.2016 15:11, Dirk Stöcker wrote:


I'll do the final switch of the server today approx between 17:00 and
19:00 CET.

Jenkins and Sonar probably will take a bit longer to work 100 %again,
but all the major parts visible for users should be back at 19:00 CET.

Thanks for your server administration and communication with Hetzner 
(sponsor of our server for about 3 years)! Lots of work and little 
appreciation - the better you do the job, the less people notice... :)


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] New Server

2016-02-14 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Sun, 14 Feb 2016, Paul Hartmann wrote:

 I'll do the final switch of the server today approx between 17:00 and
 19:00 CET.

 Jenkins and Sonar probably will take a bit longer to work 100 %again,
 but all the major parts visible for users should be back at 19:00 CET.

Thanks for your server administration and communication with Hetzner (sponsor 
of our server for about 3 years)! Lots of work and little appreciation - the 
better you do the job, the less people notice... :)

Do not forget Vincent, who did and does help a lot!

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] New Server

2016-02-13 Thread Dirk Stöcker


I'll do the final switch of the server today approx between 17:00 and 
19:00 CET.

Jenkins and Sonar probably will take a bit longer to work 100 %again, but 
all the major parts visible for users should be back at 19:00 CET.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] New Server

2016-02-02 Thread Dirk Stöcker


this year our server sponsor Hetzner was again so kind to supply a more 
powerful server for our always increasing needs. Thanks a lot to them for 
the powerful and stable hardware and the sponsoring.

We will move the server somewhen in the next 2 weeks, probably this 
weekend. Outage time may be 1 or 2 hours.

I'll try to announce it when final move is coming.

To give you an indication what the server does currently, here some stats. 
Compare them to same mail from last year in February :-)

Somes Google stats from December:
HTTPS clicks:8.719
HTTPS impressions:   181.268
HTTP clicks: 591
HTTP impressions:31.554
Links to the webpage:3.175.115 (1.203.477 not from

Server-Monitoring (AWStats) Dezember 2015:
Visits:  191.347
Pages:   2.792.029
Transmitted bytes:   287.77 GB

We get about 2600 submissions to the Trac webinterface each day, 99% of 
these are SPAM. Usually SPAM slips through very seldom and is deleted 
extremely fast.

All the numbers increased a bit and we now do mainly HTTPS instead of 
HTTP. I hope the new server will help with the resource requirements of 
jenkins and sonar which make the current one a bit slow ATM.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] new server

2013-03-24 Thread Dirk Stöcker


a little status update for the new server:

1) There is one unfixed issue, report 13 for ticket view does not work,
   see also ticket 8532 (

   Any SQL expert who can fix this? I currently have no idea how to fix
   that SQl statement?

2) The server seems to run stable now. All services work as expected.

A bit more about stability - last weekend the old server was pretty much 
dead. This was independend from the server move, but caused by something 
else (I believe it was maybe massive spamming of some critical pages). 
Until Tuesday also the new server had similar issues. I improved some 
parts of our JOSM extensions to Trac as well as the spamfilter to reduce 
troubles. But mainly the issue is gone as the spam attempts were nearly 

We're doing our best, but we will never be able to afford what is 
necessary to prevent such issues completely.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] new server

2013-03-18 Thread Paul Hartmann

Hi all,

you may be wondering why there is a new sponsor logo on the front page 
of the JOSM website and why there has been some downtime lately. Let me 
give you some updates.

In the last few days, we moved to a new server which is kindly sponsored 
by the web hoster Hetzner [1]. The offer stands for one year, but may be 
continued after that time. We've placed an inconspicuous reference at 
the bottom of each wiki page and a more visible logo on the the front 
page. I think it's fair, the regular costs would be 19,90 EUR / month.

While he was at it, Dirk switched the database backend for trac, our 
bug-tracking- and wiki-software (from sqlite to postgresql). So 
hopefully, we will no longer see the notorious database locked 
messages. Please report if you still get this or a similar error.

Big thanks to the FOSSGIS society for the continuous server hosting so 
far. We will still need your support, but hopefully, some resources are 
freed for other projects.

Btw., all the credit goes to Dirk, he found the sponsor and migrated the 
sever and database.



josm-dev mailing list