Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts 2

2012-02-19 Thread Dirk Stöcker


All the conflicts in josm and SVN-plugins are fixed.

The 4 external plugins very likely will stop working with tomorrows josm. 
I hope the authors will update them.

Until next tested there is still time to improve the shortcuts by 
exchanging them between the different plugins.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-18 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Ian Dees wrote:

I agree that JOSM core should get preference for plugin conflicts, but I
think that if a user has explicitly set a key binding by unchecking the
Use Default option, nothing but the user should change that key binding.
For example, I explicitly set W to Draw Buildings (unchecking Use
Default in the process) and when I just downloaded a new JOSM JAR and ran
it, the plugin keybinding switched back to Ctrl+Shift+W.

During the update process old preferences are lost, as Shortcut system 
changes a lot. I may add a portability fix before next tested, but I doubt 
it is worth the effort. You may need to reapply your own bindings after 
this transition period.

Temporary downgrading josm should get your old bindings back. Reapplying 
them now may cause a loss soon again, as new design is not yet final.

If a user has gone to the trouble of explicitly setting up their key
bindings, nothing should override it.

Agreed, but this is still voluntary OpenSource and for a developer it is 
much easier to update when he simply can drop old stuff. ;-) For 
self-assigned shortcuts I assumed, that the number of affected users will 
be very small and thus I made no compatibility transition (especially as 
anyway a lot of trouble will come, so a little more trouble wont be 
noticed :-)

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Shortcuts 2

2012-02-18 Thread Dirk Stöcker


the conflicts on
are down to 10 in P, R and T namespace.

Any suggestions to fix the remaining ones are welcome, as well as ideas 
where the shortcut assignments don't reflect the real importance of 

Supply ideas at - Only proper 
solutions welcome. Don't bother to write there if you have no 
conflict-free rearrangement plan for your suggestion.

Akks already did some rearrangements to get short and better reachable 
combinations to more important functions.

If no good suggestions come, I will move the remaining conflicts to X, Q 
and K letters without any good logic.

The remaining single letter shortcuts should remain free except there is a 
really important function to use them.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Ilya Zverev
For example, most drawing shortcuts - A, S, Q, X and W until 
recently - are
situated in the left part of the keyboard. So mapping is one hand on 
keys, and right hand on a mouse. Now those shortcuts have started to 
to all of the keyboard, dramatically increasing mileage of finger 
So, even if you don't like moving building_tools back to W, please 
using D for it: delete action so close to S key has been the reason 
for many

swear words and Ctrl+Z (another left-hand shortcut!) presses.

B is as well reachable by left hand as D. We wont change that again 
why some people feel that 3 cm are too much. Sorry, but this is 
We have more that 250 shortcuts to worry about, we wont discuss about 

centimeters here!

If you are deciding what's right and what's not for building_tools 

not leaving it for the community, isn't it time to fix ?


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Paul Hartmann
On 02/16/2012 07:58 PM, Pieren wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Paul Hartmann 

 As plugin developer, you can basically do what you like, also claim a
 shortcut like I for Utilsplugin2/IntersectedWaysAction. But you
 shouldn't be surprised if we need I for JOSM core someday.

 If you read my OP, I'm not asking very much and could satisfy everybody:
 - keep one Function key and two or three main keys for plugins.

Not sure I understand your suggestion correctly. If you can claim 3
shortcuts for each plugin, we pretty soon end up with 100 shortcuts
fixed for eternity in plugin space. This isn't acceptable.

If we reserve a small pool, this won't be enough, so who decides which
plugin is more important?

 - let plugins ask the user if he wants to keep the current shortcuts
 or use the old ones in case of conflicts.

Depends on the implementation, but this could work. It should only ask
when shortcuts are affected that actually have been used at least once.
Still, someone has to code it.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Pieren
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Paul Hartmann wrote:

 If we reserve a small pool, this won't be enough, so who decides which
 plugin is more important?

That's the idea. It can be enough because nobody installs all plugins
but only a few of them.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Paul Hartmann wrote:

- let plugins ask the user if he wants to keep the current shortcuts
or use the old ones in case of conflicts.

Depends on the implementation, but this could work. It should only ask
when shortcuts are affected that actually have been used at least once.
Still, someone has to code it.

As said already. It is reversed. The question is not Do you want to keep 
it. The default should be not to keep outdated configuration. For 
cadastre-fr I moved F11 to F10 and added a This changed, you can change 
it to back to F11 if you really want dialog telling the user about it.

The default action should not be to have users use an outdated 
configuration. So the user really needs to get active. A dialog telling 
facts and a chance to revert these facts in preferences is a good method. 
A JOSM developers made a decision, but we plugin developers don't like 
it, you should revert it, do you want? is not the correct way.

When cadastre-fr would not have done the second, then this issue could 
already have been solved a long time ago.

Asking to add core support for the wrong approach is strange.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

yes, I know this, but it never worked well for me. As soon as you
start to make your own shortcuts (or by the time a core function or
plugin (different to the function you assigned the shortcut to)
decides to use this shortcut as well) you will get chain reactions of
silent-shortcut conflicts, and even the main shortcuts like a and
s were then redefined for this reason (because I had used a
userdefined shortcut that otherwise a plugin or core function would
have used, so that function used a or s then, and selection went
to ctrl+shift+s (or similar, its only an example, and I don't recall
right the circumstances, but I am sure it really was a and s
remapped)). The only way for me to live in peace was to go back to
default shortcuts.

To get own shortcuts working reliable, you either need to switch shortcuts 
or UNDEFINE shortcuts (yes, this is possible!).

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Paul Hartmann
On 02/17/2012 02:49 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 2012/2/15 Dirk Stöcker
 On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 this rant, then from someone beeing not even a code contributor, but I
 really suffered hard from the recent change of shortcut w (before
 buildings plugin, I use this VERY often, now refine way, which I
 never use).

 You can change that as you know.
 yes, I know this, but it never worked well for me. As soon as you
 start to make your own shortcuts (or by the time a core function or
 plugin (different to the function you assigned the shortcut to)
 decides to use this shortcut as well) you will get chain reactions of
 silent-shortcut conflicts, and even the main shortcuts like a and
 s were then redefined for this reason (because I had used a
 userdefined shortcut that otherwise a plugin or core function would
 have used, so that function used a or s then, and selection went
 to ctrl+shift+s (or similar, its only an example, and I don't recall
 right the circumstances, but I am sure it really was a and s
 remapped)). The only way for me to live in peace was to go back to
 default shortcuts.
 I think it would be a nice idea to have some shortcuts flagged as
 most important and not be in the pool of easily changeable shortcuts
 (they would be changeable only on user confirmation). This would be at
 least (list is probably not complete): ctrl+z, a, s, d, c, p, m, j, x,
 w, o, g

I agree, this is a bug. There can a long chain of remappings in case of
a single conflict. One solution is to avoid conflicts altogether, but
this is impossible: The user can change a shortcut and install a plugin
afterwards that uses the supposedly free key.

One problem is, that Ctrl+Shift+s becomes s in conflict resolution,
because the s shortcut is registered after the Plugin and Main menu
shortcuts so it seems to be still free.

Possible solutions:
* Always replace shortcut by a combination with more or the same
modifiers (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s or Ctrl+Shift+? with any letter ?).
* Keep a list of shortcuts from the last sessions in a file. For
conflict resolution, avoid combinations that seem to be already in use.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-17 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Paul Hartmann wrote:

I agree, this is a bug. There can a long chain of remappings in case of
a single conflict. One solution is to avoid conflicts altogether, but
this is impossible: The user can change a shortcut and install a plugin
afterwards that uses the supposedly free key.

One problem is, that Ctrl+Shift+s becomes s in conflict resolution,
because the s shortcut is registered after the Plugin and Main menu
shortcuts so it seems to be still free.

Possible solutions:
* Always replace shortcut by a combination with more or the same
modifiers (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s or Ctrl+Shift+? with any letter ?).
* Keep a list of shortcuts from the last sessions in a file. For
conflict resolution, avoid combinations that seem to be already in use.

I mainly fixed these cascadings now. The complicated grouping is gone and 
for conflicts an unlikely key is choosen (F1-F12 with at least 2 
modifiers), so one conflict will from now on only kill one shortcut.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Pieren wrote:

If the default would be to keep everything as is, we copy all these troubles
a long time into the future. So we have one break now and later on wikis and
forums on docs refer to one setup and not to a user specific setup.

Fixing current conflicts is one point.
Saying at any time in the future, the josm core can take over
existing plugins shortcuts because we find it so cute and plugins will
have to accept it (1) is another one. This is a kind of arrongance
and disrespect of JOSM plugins users and devs.

We did setup a shortcut collection page including core and plugin 
shortcuts and we will choose proper shortcuts in future (which will not 
be easy, as most keys already have all 8 possibilities used) avoiding 
rearrangments when possible.

But the core is more important. So when we need a specific key in future, 
the plugins need to step back.

Plugins have a lower usage count than core and thus it is logically they 
can't be considered equal. Beside the two windows auto-installed plugins 
only 3 others reach more than 20% installations (of all installations 
which have at least 1 plugin installed, others aren't counted):

*22.4% utilsplugin2
*24.2% PicLayer
*33.2% buildings_tools

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Thu, 16 Feb 2012, colliar wrote:

together with akks I developed an automatically generated shortcut
overview at

Thanks for your work, you two.

Why do we have two shortcuts for draw action (A and N) ?

Don't know. N is wasted I would say. We should free that for more 
important stuff.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Ilya Zverev

Saying at any time in the future, the josm core can take over
existing plugins shortcuts because we find it so cute and plugins 

have to accept it (1) is another one. This is a kind of arrongance
and disrespect of JOSM plugins users and devs.

We did setup a shortcut collection page including core and plugin
shortcuts and we will choose proper shortcuts in future (which will 

be easy, as most keys already have all 8 possibilities used) avoiding
rearrangments when possible.

But the core is more important. So when we need a specific key in 

the plugins need to step back.

Plugins have a lower usage count than core and thus it is logically 
can't be considered equal. Beside the two windows auto-installed 

only 3 others reach more than 20% installations (of all installations
which have at least 1 plugin installed, others aren't counted):

*22.4% utilsplugin2
*24.2% PicLayer
*33.2% buildings_tools

So, by changing the only shortcut used in building_tools plugin, you've 
inconvienced only 33% of your users? Way to go! Good thing not all of 
them know about trac and this mailing list. And I see that other two 
plugins mentioned have to change their shortcuts regularly as well.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Thu, 16 Feb 2012, Ilya Zverev wrote:

 *22.4% utilsplugin2
 *24.2% PicLayer
 *33.2% buildings_tools

So, by changing the only shortcut used in building_tools plugin, you've 
inconvienced only 33% of your users? Way to go! Good thing not all of them 
know about trac and this mailing list. And I see that other two plugins 
mentioned have to change their shortcuts regularly as well.

And what is your proposal to fix this issue otherwise?

Or do you only want to send a useless flame?

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Alexei Kasatkin
What do you think about including BuildingTools in core and giving it shortcut 
like D (builDing, to be easily accessible for fingers) ?

Using direct D for delete is causing many problems with accidental deletion, 
sometimes user does not notice it
The idea is not mine, it was proposed on Rusiian forum.

Best wishes,
Alexei  (akks)
josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Paul Hartmann
On 02/15/2012 10:38 PM, Pieren wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Dirk Stöcker wrote:
 If the default would be to keep everything as is, we copy all these troubles
 a long time into the future. So we have one break now and later on wikis and
 forums on docs refer to one setup and not to a user specific setup.
 Fixing current conflicts is one point.
 Saying at any time in the future, the josm core can take over
 existing plugins shortcuts because we find it so cute and plugins will
 have to accept it (1) is another one. This is a kind of arrongance
 and disrespect of JOSM plugins users and devs.

There are 277 shortcuts registered in 84 plugins and core. You can
consider it arrogant, but it is simply necessary in order to keep the
key mappings in JOSM core somewhat sane and consistent.

Core shortcuts aren't save either: B for Distibute nodes got changed
to Shift B, see #7184 for details. Sometimes the decision can be
controversial, but I think it is right in this case.

As plugin developer, you can basically do what you like, also claim a
shortcut like I for Utilsplugin2/IntersectedWaysAction. But you
shouldn't be surprised if we need I for JOSM core someday.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Pieren
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Paul Hartmann wrote:

 As plugin developer, you can basically do what you like, also claim a
 shortcut like I for Utilsplugin2/IntersectedWaysAction. But you
 shouldn't be surprised if we need I for JOSM core someday.

If you read my OP, I'm not asking very much and could satisfy everybody:
- keep one Function key and two or three main keys for plugins.
- let plugins ask the user if he wants to keep the current shortcuts
or use the old ones in case of conflicts.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/2/16 Paul Hartmann
 On 02/16/2012 06:08 PM, Alexei Kasatkin wrote:
 Delete mode is really for very special tasks only. But just mapping D to
 building tools is a bit drastic in my opinion.

+1 for both. Actually in my mapping normal delete mode is also a
rarely used feature (sometimes it's used for nodes, but rarely for
whole ways) but delete-mode SHIFT+click (delete segment) is a quite
common operation (to split and unglue a way in one operation).

 What we could do to discourage the use: Make the mode hidden by default
 (also in expert mode) and put a delete button in the toolbar instead
 (corresponds to Edit  Delete, del key).

-1, because of the delete-segment action.


josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Ilya Zverev
Hi. The problem with shortcuts is that they all are in unordered mess. 
And the only way to fix that is to establish a policy on shortcuts. And 
not we take whichever we like policy. It's more like doing a proper 
user experience testing.

For example, most drawing shortcuts - A, S, Q, X and W until recently - 
are situated in the left part of the keyboard. So mapping is one hand on 
those keys, and right hand on a mouse. Now those shortcuts have started 
to spread to all of the keyboard, dramatically increasing mileage of 
finger movements. So, even if you don't like moving building_tools back 
to W, please consider using D for it: delete action so close to S key 
has been the reason for many swear words and Ctrl+Z (another left-hand 
shortcut!) presses.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-16 Thread Alexei Kasatkin
D is free now - many thanks to Stoecker!
If you do not want to use D for BuildingTools, I propose at least to leave it 
free for often used plugins - BuildingTools, for some countries - theis 
cadastre plugins, etc.  It would be convenient because of reasons Ilya Zverev 
josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread Dirk Stöcker


together with akks I developed an automatically generated shortcut 
overview at

Every yellow and red entry in this table should be fixed. The additional 
modifiers are deprecated. Instead proper groups (including ALT1 or ALT2) 
must be choosen. In these cases, where groups are hard to find I made 
groups DIRECT, DIRECT2 and DIRECT3 available, which allow to choose any 
shortcut. To use the proper keys main version for plugins must be 4928, 
as the codes for ALT1 and ALT2 changed and DIRECT2+3 are new.

Please help to fix these conflicts and deprecations. For conflicts, the 
core should remain and plugins be changed.

Keep in mind that e.g. MNEMONICS cannot be moved (they always have ALT 

See also

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread Pieren
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:24 AM, Dirk Stöcker wrote:

 Please help to fix these conflicts and deprecations. For conflicts, the core
 should remain and plugins be changed.

As a plugin maintainer, I would like to see from the JOSM core the
following points:
- reserve some shortcuts for plugins 'forever'. It is unfair to allow
plugins shortcuts and once users have their habits, force them to
change just because core is suddenly using it. Of course, it does not
solve conflicts between plugins but devs can manage that.
- allow the plugin to overwrite the core shortcut with a pop-up dialog
explaining the 'why' (and leaving the user to accept or refuse). This
is a way to keep long-term users with their habits and show to new
comers the shortcut issue e.g. with the documentation (after all, it
can be redefined manually later in the prefs).


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Pieren wrote:

As a plugin maintainer, I would like to see from the JOSM core the
following points:
- reserve some shortcuts for plugins 'forever'. It is unfair to allow
plugins shortcuts and once users have their habits, force them to
change just because core is suddenly using it. Of course, it does not
solve conflicts between plugins but devs can manage that.

No. We now have a shortcut list and we will try to prevent conflicts in 
the future by proper selecting new shortcuts, but when core needs a key, 
then plugins will be second in line and have to move.

- allow the plugin to overwrite the core shortcut with a pop-up dialog
explaining the 'why' (and leaving the user to accept or refuse). This
is a way to keep long-term users with their habits and show to new
comers the shortcut issue e.g. with the documentation (after all, it
can be redefined manually later in the prefs).

Also a no for me. If plugin shortcut needs to change the plugin can issue 
a warning, that from now on the shortcut is different and that users may 
change it back to their old behaviour themselves.

What you want is the reverse and this means keeping old behaviour for 
everybody instead of moving into the future. The documentation will always 
reflect the newest state, so software also should try to keep newest 

You can call the shortcut preferences from such a dialog, so the user can 
directly access these prefs from the dialog.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/2/15 Dirk Stöcker
 What you want is the reverse and this means keeping old behaviour for
 everybody instead of moving into the future.

what is the benefit of moving into the future by changing shortcuts?
This is fighting against peoples habits and ergo also bad for
usability (of the experienced users, for new users this is not an
issue, I agree). Keeping old behaviour should be the standard for
interface issues, if there is not very good reason to do so. Sorry for
this rant, then from someone beeing not even a code contributor, but I
really suffered hard from the recent change of shortcut w (before
buildings plugin, I use this VERY often, now refine way, which I
never use).

Anyway, I am happy to read that there will be a list for shortcuts
now, so that developers can choose new shortcuts without accidentially
redefining existent ones.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2012/2/15 Dirk Stöcker

What you want is the reverse and this means keeping old behaviour for
everybody instead of moving into the future.

what is the benefit of moving into the future by changing shortcuts?
This is fighting against peoples habits and ergo also bad for
usability (of the experienced users, for new users this is not an
issue, I agree). Keeping old behaviour should be the standard for
interface issues, if there is not very good reason to do so. Sorry for

When we change a shortcut, then there is a reason, e.g. a conflict. So 
some people need to change their behaviour, as keeping old style is out of 
question. So rather than get mixed setup depending on installation 
specific the default should be the one we document on the webpage.

this rant, then from someone beeing not even a code contributor, but I
really suffered hard from the recent change of shortcut w (before
buildings plugin, I use this VERY often, now refine way, which I
never use).

You can change that as you know.

We have too many shortcut conflicts and we need to unify this. And this 
means that some users need to accept changes. The other option would be to 
keep the chaos we currently have.

If the default would be to keep everything as is, we copy all these 
troubles a long time into the future. So we have one break now and later 
on wikis and forums on docs refer to one setup and not to a user specific 

-- (PGP key available)___
josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread Pieren
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Dirk Stöcker wrote:

 If the default would be to keep everything as is, we copy all these troubles
 a long time into the future. So we have one break now and later on wikis and
 forums on docs refer to one setup and not to a user specific setup.

Fixing current conflicts is one point.
Saying at any time in the future, the josm core can take over
existing plugins shortcuts because we find it so cute and plugins will
have to accept it (1) is another one. This is a kind of arrongance
and disrespect of JOSM plugins users and devs.


(1) when core needs a key, then plugins will be second in line and
have to move.

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Shortcuts

2012-02-15 Thread colliar
Am 15.02.2012 09:24, schrieb Dirk Stöcker:
 together with akks I developed an automatically generated shortcut
 overview at

Thanks for your work, you two.

Why do we have two shortcuts for draw action (A and N) ?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] shortcuts, wiki -software

2010-04-22 Thread colliar
Hash: SHA256


I noticed a difference between
and JOSM-latest.
The shortcuts are once with - and once with +. Which one should we use ?

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