[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No. 33 '

2002-02-15 Thread Thomas George


Dear friends in Christ,


Set your desire on my words; long for them;
and you will be instructed.   -  Wis. 6/11

   In HIS loving grace,
Bangalore, India

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[JOYnet] Decision

2002-02-15 Thread Rosemary Thomas

Hi, everybody,
I'm having a problem with a  decision I have to make. There is a rock show tomorrow 
and my friends are going. I dont know if it's real rock or just normal dance music and 
they're calling it rock. It's an Indian group. According to the discussions on rock 
music we have had , I wouldn't want to go. But my friends really want me to go with 
them. I've told them I want to go to my Local Guardians house and that's why I cant 
go(which I do). I havent told them the main reason. I guess the decision is quite 
obvious but could you give some advice, generally? 

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[JOYnet] Urgent prayer request

2002-02-15 Thread Biju Antony

Please pray for Sr.Silvi Shaji, our JY-member, who is admitted in a hospital here in 
because of bleeding. 
With love
Biju Antony, JY-Kuwait.

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[JOYnet] Set your desire on my words; long for them;and you will be instructed - Wis. 6/11

2002-02-15 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear all

Yesterday Ron and me had a good chat with each other 
and he told me that he was planning to go for a movie 
and that his friend had already gone to get tickets 
for the show.So I told him I would also like to come 
and he told that he would ask him to get more when his 
friend calls up.

I told okay and went to see Fr.Johnson and when I came 
back I told Ron that I had to go for prayer.But he told 
me that his friend had called up and he had asked him to 
get the extra tickets. So now I had to go for the prayer 
as well as for the movie. Ron told me that if god wills 
God will get the tickets.

I too submitted and told Lord as a friend 
Hey I do not want to go and
Please do not get it for me. 

I waited on him and praised the Lord since Ron's friend 
did not even call him.We prayed and shared till 10.30 PM.
So what I want to make clear is that Jesus knows our needs 
all you have to do is to submit to him. 

As we were chatting I lost my ring rosary but could not 
find it and I remarked If god wants me to have it he 
will give it to me.Ron had a special guidance from 
Holy Spirit and I got the Ring through Ron.Praise Lord

We saw a mail from Rosemary and I gave her the above reply.
Praise the Lord.As I was mailing her I got confirmation
from God.

A mail from Thomas Chettan was a confirmation from God.

  Set your desire on my words; long for them;
and you will be instructed.   -  Wis. 6/11

Today morning I went for mass and I was pretty confused 
about an action which I think I had done. I do not think 
I did it purposely but I was sorry and I asked Lord to 
take care. I then had a small prayer and told Jesus that 
I cannot live purely without receiving him. So he told me 
a thing 'I died on the cross of calvary for your sins and 
your confusions' and praised the Lord since I was having 
the best of my times with the Lord today.

I went to the church in the afternoon and Fr.Sunny was taking a 
class on confession.I was planning for a confession I could hear 
the first two things to get a good confession. I will mail the 
excerpts in the next mail.

with love in Jesus mary and Joseph


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[JOYnet] Addresses for Prayer Requests.

2002-02-15 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

With regards to the unlimited prayer requests which I receive I have limited
addresses where I can send them to. Can anyone give me any addresses where
they intercede for such requests.


urs in faith



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[JOYnet] serious?

2002-02-15 Thread roshan mathew verghese

Dear friends,

It is something thats been on my mind for long which i am going to discuss
with you all.

Our Lord,Jesus died for our sins, to save us..

In society(well mine i could say) when a person accepts jesus christ as his
saviour...he is expected to look sombre..dead serious..almost a dead zombie..

I love jesus..I am HAPPY that he died for me...God says so to me ..but the
genearal christian population around me says a diffrent thing...you got to be
serious..you got to be sorry..coz it is due to your sins..Jesus is up on the

What i  feel is that...God wants you to be happy with the notion that our Lord
Jesus died for our sins...not to be sad or sombre..

what about it?? correct me if iam wrong

Yours in Christ for ever,

Roshan Mathew VergheseGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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[JOYnet] Life changing checkpoints

2002-02-15 Thread biji james

Dear Friends,

Take time to read this and check your life. This has
helped me a lot to hope for better days ahead, in the

Your's in Christ Jesus,
Biji James,

Life Changing Checkpoints
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know
my anxious thoughts;
and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me
in the everlasting way. 
Psalm 139:23-24

When you're thinking about the changing times and
the calendar pages that seem to turn too eagerly, what
boggles your mind the most? Is it how old you're
getting? How big the kids have grown? Or is it what
God is doing in your life?

As we settle into the new millennium, we have to
guard against settling into complacency. The only way
to do that is to ask ourselves a scary question. And
we have to ask it repeatedly. How is knowing Jesus
Christ changing my life? 

Before you can reach out to others in the name of
love, you have to grow in your understanding of love.
Before you can devote more energy to sharing the
life-changing message of Christ with someone else, you
have to make sure your life is being changed by His
message of hope, healing, and forgiveness.

Our lives shouldn't just contrast the lives we led
before coming to know the Lord. They should be
different from the lives we led last year and the year
before that. As we grow, we change. But the issue is:
Are we growing?

Last month, many of us made the same New Year's
resolutions we've made in years past. But have we ever
questioned ourselves why?

Why is it that we seem to resolve over and over
again to read our Bible more, take better care of our
health, or start spending more time with our families
than we do at work? Maybe it's because we are trying
to change the outward appearance of our lives without
asking Jesus Christ to change us inside.

If we're honest about wanting to change areas we
know God wants to overhaul, we must all come to the
same conclusion: I can't do it. It's a humbling thing
to admit: We cannot change ourselves. No amount of
programs, books, or Bible studies are going to do the
work in our hearts than only Jesus Christ can do.

So where does that leave us? Exactly where God
wants us.

When we're ready to let go of our ways and our
coping mechanisms, we see that it's impossible to
inflict change on ourselves or on anyone else apart
from the supernatural work of God. Often, it's letting
go that proves more difficult than running forward.

So if you're serious about experiencing real
inward change this year, take a few minutes to stop. 

Ask God to reveal to you the ways He wants to work in
your life. 
Ask Him to show you the areas He wants to change, and
the areas He has already changed. 
A spiritual checkpoint isn't something we do at
the beginning of the year and then wait until we hear
the chorus of Aude Lang Syne before resuming again.
It's something we can do daily, and weekly, to give up
control and let the Lord change in us what we cannot.

When you discover God's vision for how He wants to
impart new habits and views to you . . . 

Keep praying. 
Ask Him to use specific experiences, Scripture, and
people to change the way you view Him, the way you
view obedience, and the way you view yourself and
It's after we're in the habit of asking ourselves
the first scary question that we can begin asking
ourselves the second one: How are the changes of Jesus
Christ in my life affecting the lives of others?

Maybe God has birthed in you a vision to love
others by serving them. Maybe He has given you an idea
for a particular ministry in your church, or even a
personal ministry such as befriending the neighbor no
one else likes. 

Whatever the method, God most certainly will call
you to live radically. Some will misunderstand; others
will discourage you. Still there will be some who get
it: God is in the business of change. 

That change will come about as the body of Christ
lets Christ into the places we've not dared opened
before. When we are willing as individuals and as a
corporate body to invite the Lord's revelation into
the darkest places of our lives, His light will be
able to shine brightly through us to a world that
desperately looks in all the wrong places for

The amazing thing about conducting spiritual
checkpoints in your life is that it's nearly
impossible for them not to have an impact on someone
else's life too.

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[JOYnet] its me Jobin

2002-02-15 Thread jobin

dear friends..

its me Jobin joining the team after a small gap.
i have joined my new company Parrys Confectionery Limited, Chennai.
just settling down after a hectic travel across the four metros.

do pray for me to perform better.
for those of you who asked my mail id here it is.


bye and love

Thomsson.A.Jobin, Chennai.

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2002-02-15 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Wait until they get hurt and their true color will come out. For example 
fasting which is an effective means of sacrifice is done more out of conceit 
to gain the praise of others and not to actually repair for ones sins. Once 
the person gets week, hungry, and sick he stops fasting altogether.

This is also true for almsgiving. Unfortunately not all fasting and 
almsgiving are done with real generosity. Only when giving becomes painful, 
when the self begins to hurt, does almsgiving become authentic.

In the case of obeying God’s will it should not only be done for as long 
as it is honorable and convenient. When misfortune hits us and we are left 
homeless, hungry, without money, and abandoned by our very own kin then also 
we should obey God’s will. (See the example of Job)

   Lastly, the true color of a Christian is tested when perfection of 
one’s duty is demanded. A married woman continues to be a loving mother and 
a dutiful wife 24 Hours a day because she has said “ in sickness or in 
health, in good times and in bad. ”. The same applies to the religious who 
must remain faithful to his vows regardless of whether life inside the 
congregation is hell or not. No ifs or buts. It is to God that he has 
committed himself and not man. (Fr. Binge Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] What money means to Christians

2002-02-15 Thread Sunil Kumar

Dear friends in christ,
  It is an interesting article in a leading US financial online site
  It discusses about what money means to Christians with views of Father
Benedict Groeschel.
  Nice one to read during lent.

Sunil Kumar Nadarajan
Chicago, USA

Fulfilling responsibilities before God
What money means to Christians

By Thomas Kostigen, CBS.MarketWatch.com
Last Update: 12:10 AM ET Feb. 14, 2002

LOS ANGELES (CBS.MW) -- It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of
a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Matthew 19

That's a bold assertion considering there are more than a billion Catholics
in the world who might believe that as the word of God. More than 300
million Christians as well, represented by 85 sects, also might believe that
New Testament scripture.

What with our global society turning more toward a system of riches for
everyone, dire consequences seem to be forthcoming.

Yet there is a balance, even if Matthew also says, You cannot serve both
God and money.

The most frequently discussed topic, or the topic the apostles and gospel
writers wished to address most in the New Testament is money. It is
referenced more than any other item, according to Biblical scholars. Why?
Commercialism and trade proliferated in the Ancient World.

Such values brought by commerce -- greed, sloth and gluttony -- were to be
rejected. Hence, the coming of the savior, Jesus Christ.

Today, there is still greed, sloth and gluttony. The workings of capitalism
breed such destructive forces. Yet the Christian way to work within this
framework isn't to reject money and capitalism, it's to do unto others as
they would do unto you.

Of course, when competition is involved, that maxim becomes complex. It
calls into question modern ethics. For some real answers to ethical
questions about money in the context of Christianity, I turn to one of the
men the world's largest religion turns to: Father Benedict Groeschel.

A means to an end

As director of the Office for Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of
New York, Father Benedict is considered a spiritual guide. He founded the
Franciscan Friars of the renewal in the South Bronx, and is a professor at
St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers. The author of some 14 books on the spirit,
he specializes and lectures widely on Christian ethics.

Money is a means to an end, it's never an end to itself, he says. Money
is the opportunity to have goods or abilities, or even powers, to help other
people fulfill their responsibility before God and to have a decent life,
and to fulfill one's own responsibilities before God.

If anyone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in
need and refuses to help, how can God's love be in that person? John 3:17

When possession of God becomes a goal in itself, it is, as St. Paul said,
'the root of all evil.' I realize that I'm saying this in a capitalist
society. And I don't mean this to apply as a political or economic system. I
think any system can be corrupted by greed. In a kind of secular idealism,
the very early Marxists thought they were going to take the very motive of
greed and possession and power out of money. And they managed to create one
of the greatest catastrophes in human history.

You know, what they attempted to do in their classless society without
wealth, what they managed to create was an extremely militaristic culture
that destroyed people because they had no money to protect themselves. Money
is a protection of the poor. So if you ask me, in my honest opinion, a
moderated capitalism, which keeps from becoming complete piracy, is probably
what works best. But it's not some great ideal, Father Benedict says.

[Jesus] told him: Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor,
and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. Mark 10: 21

In other words, give up all your possessions and you will be saved?

I'm a disciple of Saint Augustine, and he never thought human history was
going to be more than a mixed bag . . . [So] I don't look for the perfect
system. I think there should be a free but vibrant system of responsibility
for the poor who are cared for by the public system and to some degree by
the private sector. But I must say that a society will always have the very
poor, the humanly indigent kind of people who can't make it in the system,
particularly if we have a system based on volunteerism.

In a system of serfdom, you can fit everybody in, even if there is one guy
whose job it is just to talk to the horses. In a free system, people are
going to fall to the bottom. I'd say this is between 3 and 4 percent of any
decent society. Next, you have the poor who can help themselves. This is the
group of people who have often done well in the American system. People who
get off the boat with little more than the shirt on their back. This
accounts for maybe 10 percent of the 

[JOYnet] Company Carnival

2002-02-15 Thread mahesh peter

Hai friends,

My company (ISCO) is celebrating the Winter Sports Carnival , it will take 
40 days, 2000 people in our company all are in sports mood, the final day 
21st March will have country wise programmes, onbehalf of India we will be 
doing one Dance  One Traditional Programe, please pray for our Company 
carnival to be a great success.

With love,

Mahesh Peter
JY, Kuwait

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[JOYnet] Tell satan Where To Go

2002-02-15 Thread Jason :)

 Tell satan Where To Go
 10 Get out of here, Satan, Jesus told him. For the
 Scriptures say, 'You must worship the Lord your God; serve only
 Jesus spoke directly to the devil -- and so must you.
 Many Christians think they should pray about the devil and ask
 God to deliver them from his attacks. But the Bible is clear --
 God has given the authority to believers to resist the devil.
 You must control the devil, or he will control you!
 Unless you exercise the authority delegated to you by Jesus
 Christ, the devil will wreak havoc in your life, and everywhere
 he is allowed to.
 LUKE 10:19 NKJ
 19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and
 scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing
 shall by any means hurt you.
 Praying to God to stop the devil's operations is no different
 than my son asking me to take out the trash, after I have told
 him to do it.
 God told us to resist the devil and he would flee. We must
 believe and act on God's Word.
 27 nor give place to the devil.
 Would God tell us not to let the devil have any place, if we
 had no say about it? If the devil does have a place in our
 affairs, it's because we allowed it.
 7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee
 from you.
 We must first submit to God, because we are not greater in
 power than the devil. But submitted to God in Christ Jesus, the
 devil must back off when we resist him and his works.
 SAY THIS: In the Name of Jesus, I command you devil to leave
 me, my family, and my property alone! Be gone!
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[JOYnet] send ur prayer requests

2002-02-15 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear all

This is to inform you all that we are having a night vigil today and please send me 
all your prayer requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Also plase send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] note that if possible send the 
details or at least the names of the persons whom u ask to pray for.

I also request all to pray for Muthu who has some faith in christ to pass in the paper 
which he had given for revaluation.Nandhu had also given for revaluation

Their numbers are Muthu  - 74988020
  Nandhu - 74988021 

Pray for Praveen who is getting ready for confession.Praveen has a brother who has 
completed B.E in Civil.He is much depressed since  he doesnot have a job.He is in 
bombay.Jesus Youth Bombay I will give you his address in the coming days.Please if 
anyone could meet him it would be fine.

with love in Jesus


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[JOYnet] Life changing checkpoints

2002-02-15 Thread biji james

Dear Friends,
 Take time to read this and check your life. This has
 helped me a lot to hope for better days ahead, in the
 Your's in Christ Jesus,
 Biji James,
 Life Changing Checkpoints
 Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know
 my anxious thoughts;
 and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead
 in the everlasting way. 
 Psalm 139:23-24
 When you're thinking about the changing times and
 the calendar pages that seem to turn too eagerly,
 boggles your mind the most? Is it how old you're
 getting? How big the kids have grown? Or is it what
 God is doing in your life?
 As we settle into the new millennium, we have to
 guard against settling into complacency. The only way
 to do that is to ask ourselves a scary question. And
 we have to ask it repeatedly. How is knowing Jesus
 Christ changing my life? 
 Before you can reach out to others in the name of
 love, you have to grow in your understanding of love.
 Before you can devote more energy to sharing the
 life-changing message of Christ with someone else,
 have to make sure your life is being changed by His
 message of hope, healing, and forgiveness.
 Our lives shouldn't just contrast the lives we
 before coming to know the Lord. They should be
 different from the lives we led last year and the
 before that. As we grow, we change. But the issue is:
 Are we growing?
 Last month, many of us made the same New Year's
 resolutions we've made in years past. But have we
 questioned ourselves why?
 Why is it that we seem to resolve over and over
 again to read our Bible more, take better care of our
 health, or start spending more time with our families
 than we do at work? Maybe it's because we are trying
 to change the outward appearance of our lives without
 asking Jesus Christ to change us inside.
 If we're honest about wanting to change areas we
 know God wants to overhaul, we must all come to the
 same conclusion: I can't do it. It's a humbling thing
 to admit: We cannot change ourselves. No amount of
 programs, books, or Bible studies are going to do the
 work in our hearts than only Jesus Christ can do.
 So where does that leave us? Exactly where God
 wants us.
 When we're ready to let go of our ways and our
 coping mechanisms, we see that it's impossible to
 inflict change on ourselves or on anyone else apart
 from the supernatural work of God. Often, it's
 go that proves more difficult than running forward.
 So if you're serious about experiencing real
 inward change this year, take a few minutes to stop. 
 Ask God to reveal to you the ways He wants to work in
 your life. 
 Ask Him to show you the areas He wants to change, and
 the areas He has already changed. 
 A spiritual checkpoint isn't something we do at
 the beginning of the year and then wait until we hear
 the chorus of Aude Lang Syne before resuming again.
 It's something we can do daily, and weekly, to give
 control and let the Lord change in us what we cannot.
 When you discover God's vision for how He wants
 impart new habits and views to you . . . 
 Keep praying. 
 Ask Him to use specific experiences, Scripture, and
 people to change the way you view Him, the way you
 view obedience, and the way you view yourself and
 It's after we're in the habit of asking ourselves
 the first scary question that we can begin asking
 ourselves the second one: How are the changes of
 Christ in my life affecting the lives of others?
 Maybe God has birthed in you a vision to love
 others by serving them. Maybe He has given you an
 for a particular ministry in your church, or even a
 personal ministry such as befriending the neighbor no
 one else likes. 
 Whatever the method, God most certainly will call
 you to live radically. Some will misunderstand;
 will discourage you. Still there will be some who get
 it: God is in the business of change. 
 That change will come about as the body of Christ
 lets Christ into the places we've not dared opened
 before. When we are willing as individuals and as a
 corporate body to invite the Lord's revelation into
 the darkest places of our lives, His light will be
 able to shine brightly through us to a world that
 desperately looks in all the wrong places for
 The amazing thing about conducting spiritual
 checkpoints in your life is that it's nearly
 impossible for them not to have an impact on someone
 else's life too.
 Copyright © 2002 IN TOUCH MINISTRIES. All rights
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