Re: [JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests (06.02.03 to 09.02.03)

2003-02-11 Thread dr.jomon
praying for all of them

will it be very relieving if they receive the mails of prayer and consolation
can you provide the email id of the ones in which no secrecy is
  - Original Message -
  From: Primeson James
  Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 12:38 PM
  Subject: [JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests (06.02.03 to 09.02.03)

  Praise the Lord?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
  urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /

  Following are the consolidated prayer requests from
  and [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the period of 06.02.03 to 09.02.03 (This

  Please for the following intentions:

  1.  Please pray for father of Biju Davis who is in the ICU
  Scarborough General Hospital due to lugs problem, and he is on Oxygen and
  unconscious. - Fr.Sebastian Arikat/Morrisburg/Canada.

  2.  Please pray for George's wife-Twinkle's entrance exam
  (GATE), which falls on sunday 9th Feb 2003 from 0930hrs-1230hrs.

  3.  Please pray for Steavy and his and my family - Steavy
  Xavier Joseph.

  4.  Please pray for Jobin and to win his MSC exam, and get
  courage to face a group for a seminar.

  5.  Kindly pray for George's wife Twinkle and for George
  they will be made ready to surrender completely to the will of LOrd and
  receive it with at most happiness.

  6.  Please pray for shaijan and his family.

  7.  please pray for rosemol,to avoid the habit of angry and
  healing the wound on her right leg(plam)happended in an accident.

  8.  Please pray one of Shaijan's friend's sister is not
  having children.

  9.  Please pray to avoid the habit of drinking and smoking
  Shaijan's uncle charley.

  10.  Please pray for Lovely's job interview on Tuesday Feb. 11.
  Since both Lovely and her husband are currently unemployed, They really
  a job.

  11.  Please pray for Rayner's brother who lost his job and also
  for his marriage.

  12.  Please pray for Rayner who wish to be son of our LORD
  and want to throw out his sexual addictions.

  13.  Please pray for Anju's exam (bank test) on 9th feb.

14.  Please pray for Anand and his wife Hema. They have
  children, and Hema's eyesight has been lost now.

   Love + Prayers.


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[JOYnet] Fw: read this, please!

2003-02-11 Thread Tina Jose
A foward from one of my friends.


Today’s reading: Judges 8: 28
Thus Midian was subdued before the children of Israel, so that they lifted
their heads no more. And the country was quiet for forty years in the days
of Gideon.
The word ‘Gideon’ means ‘Feller’. To understand that word, we can take an
example from wrestling. The winner is the one who fells his opponent. Today,
God is going to fell our enemy and we will get a peace like we have never
experienced before. Today’s message is for those who have fallen down and
God wants to lift you up.
The Israelites was brought out of the slavery of Egypt and wandered in the
wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience. Joshua led them into
the Promised Land – a land flowing with milk and honey. But they forgot
about the God Who saved them. They started worshipping the gods of the
people of the land. God punished them and then they cried unto Him. God
heard their cries and sent judges to deliver them from the enemy.
The story is found in the book of Judges. The first judge was Othniel. Read
Judges 3: 9 ‘When the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord
raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel, who delivered them:
Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother.’
In Judges 3: 15, we come across the second judge – Ehud. ‘But when the
children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for
them: Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man. By him the
children of Israel sent tribute to Eglon king of Moab.’
The cycle carried on. God would deliver the Israelites – they would forsake
Him – God punished them – they cried out to Him and then He would raise a
judge and deliver them.
It was very similar to our current lives. When God blesses us in finance,
family and children, we tend to stray away from God. Then God punishes us to
get our attention. We cry out and again He delivers us. E.g. when the son
goes abroad and sends in huge drafts, the father forgets about God and lives
life lavishly. Then one day there is a phone call when he comes to know that
his son had a pain in his chest. It lasted only for two minutes but the
person is no more. And again the cries go out.
The third judge was Shamgar. We read about him in Judges 3: 31 ‘After him
was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed six hundred men of the Philistines
with an ox goad; and he also delivered Israel.’
Fourth – Judges 4: 4 ‘Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was
judging Israel at that time.’
If man does not do what he is supposed to, God will raise certain women with
His power. God speaks that He is going to raise certain women filled with
His power in this city in the year 2003 – 04.
The fifth judge is the main character we faced today. Read Judges 6: 11 ‘Now
the Angel of the Lord came and sat under the terebinth tree which was in
Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, while his son Gideon threshed
wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites.’
All the other judges were raised up but Gideon was already standing when the
Angel of the Lord went to him.
When you study the topography of Israel, you will see that threshing of
wheat is normally done in the valleys and the winepresses are found on the
hilltops. In fact there is no need to thresh the wheat on the mountaintop
but Gideon wanted to protect the little he had.
There is a God who blesses the one who wants to protect the little that he’s
got. God’s laws have a standard just like nature’s laws. Water will always
fall from up to down because of gravitational force. A coconut will not go
up from the tree because of the gravitational force. If a man stays wet for
long, he will catch fever because of his body reaction. In the same way, God
blesses the man who works.
Many of us will pray for hours but will not move a little finger to get the
work done. Remember prayer is not a substitute for work. Don’t expect God to
bless you if you just keep praying without any action. God expects you to
work and when you reach a point where you can’t go on, it is then that God
will come and work for you.
Yesterday at a meeting in my office, I asked the sub-convenor what was his
plan of action for a conference that was coming up recently. He said he had
none. He said he was just going to handle issues as they came.
Even a thief who has planned his robbery will get away with his loot safely.
God wants us to work and blesses those who do.
When the Angel of the Lord came to Gideon, he was already standing up. God
had heard the cries of the people of Israel and decided to help them. But
how was He going to help?
Read Judges 6: 12 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him
 “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”
If you work, God is definitely going to work for you. The Holy Spirit speaks
that if you work today and tomorrow, God is going to bless you the day after
 That is, if you work for 24/48 hours, God is going to bless you after that.
Within 48 

Re: [JOYnet] Clarification Luke 12:53 from my life..

2003-02-11 Thread Binu Asokan
Hi Sebastian, and all,

Let me introduce myself to you all. I am Binu Asokan from Kerala, now 
staying at Mumbai.

I am from a Hindu family. I was an still am, loved so much by my parents and 
family members. I got Jesus experience in my life 6 yrs back; when I was 
doing my engg at MA College of Engg, back in Kerala. In college I used to be 
(rather, to some extent pretended to be) a very cheerful guy, who always 
tried to bring liveliness among my friends. When Jesus touched me, He 
inspired me to keep a distance from all companies that may distract me from 
my goal, ie. Jesus himself. Instead God gave me a beautiful fellowship of 
Jesus Youth.

All my friends, and everyone who knew me, were surprised at this. Binu 
attending prayer groups, moreover, inviting others also to join!!! Whatz 
happenning? This was the reaction. Though nobody was angry or having any 
objection, I became a big question mark to them. Well I believe this is the 
case with probably all of us, whether Christian or non Christian.

When we look at things in world's perspective, because of Jesus, they lost a 
good friend.
I am not here to bring peace on earth. In other words, Jesus is not here 
to bring earthly peace.
Jesus says- Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which 
the world cannot give, this is my gift to you - Jn 14:27

My parents, after I came to faith, considered me as an immature person who 
gets carried away easily by others' words. When the time came when our Lord 
inspired me to receive sacraments, I told this to them. They tried to 
persuade me with all their means. But they did not force me. They even told 
that this is a psychological case. Better consult a doctor. They really 
can't even think of a living God. But I know, a day will come when they'll 
accept Him. It was painful for me. But the same verses which gave many of us 
confusion were my strength. (Lk 12:53). See, Jesus is not giving a rosy 
picture of Christian life. What you and I face is all written in the Book so 

You all may be remembering Mk 3:20-21 which says, He went home again, and 
once more such a crowd collected that they could not even have a meal. When 
his relations heard of this, they set out to take charge of him; they said, 
He's out of his mind.

If Jesus's relatives thought that he was mad, then how about us.

Sebastian, we do not belong to this world. Pls refer Jn 15: 18-21.

So let's be happy and honoured when we are treated like our Master.
When our dear ones seem to hate us, it may be the expression of an orphan 
soul. We must pray for them that they get adopted to the FAMILY. They, 
whether believers or non-believers, are not convinced of our Master's words 
and true protection.

My baptism was on Sep 8th 2002. Today I believe in one thing. If I need to 
be accepted completely in my family, it is only possible if they accept the 
one whom I follow (ha ha.. For that I need to show them that I really follow 
him). The differences in the family that Jesus brings when accepted as a 
true blessing of Jesus, in turn saves the family. Yes, we too may have to go 
thru the baptism like Jesus.

Pls  pray for me and my family.

In Jesus,

Binu Asokan

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[JOYnet] Hello

2003-02-11 Thread Priya Joseph
We dial and receive many telephone calls a day. In our previous discipleship
gathering 12 of us had taken a decision that before dialing and receiving
telephone calls we will make a short prayer for the person who is in the
other end.

First few days it was very difficult for me to follow the above decision.
Later I put an effort consciously to pray for the other person and now a day
it automatically comes in my mind.

This prayer produced good result in me. Let me share it - I've two younger
brothers and youngest one, Praveen is little crazy. In my house many calls
come to this VIP who always roam around with his friends. Many times, we
were annoyed at receiving his friends call. Most of the time his friends
call irritated me. There were times; (in his absence) I didn't even bothered
to ask who is in the other end  note down their numbers.

However, after following this method, I am showing a little more politeness
to his crazy friends :-)
If you are interested you too can try this method and find out the
difference! Lets try to talk peacefully :-)

Praise God!

Priya Joseph

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2003-02-11 Thread binu_john
Hello Bros Sis',
I am new member, joined joynet last month. This is aprayer reqest  for my
elder brother's one day old son in N.I.C.U. with ventillatory support. He had
severe respiratory distress  fits.They are in UAE. Please pray for his
complete recovery.

.Thank You.
Regards  prayers

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-02-11 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (February 12).

Sony Francis p [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Thankfulness

2003-02-11 Thread Priya Joseph
Hello friends,
We all know that the Bible Calendar dedicated half of this month for -
Thankfulness. Hope most of you are practicing to be thankful always to God
and to men.

Are you all thanking God for each and everything?
There are times when we forget to say thanks to lord; sometimes we take His
blessings for granted.

Few weeks' back, I was in staff room. As usual, teachers were
discussing/complaining about their hectic schoolwork, about house chores
that they have to finish early morning as our school starts at 7.30A.m.
One's plea was that she don't have enough health to carry out the school

Hearing all these, one senior madam said - We have to thank God for
everything. After all, we don't have any major health hazard. Think about
that two boys in my class, who have blood cancer.

After her sharing, the staff room was silent and I asked in my own mind -
How many times I said thanks to God for my good health?
Many times, I forgot..

Friends, if any of you forget to give thanks to lord for your 'good health,'
today onwards take a little time to thank Him.
Yes, our 'Health' is a gift from Above!

Praise God!

Priya Joseph

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[JOYnet] My testimony....All Thanks to the Awesome God.

2003-02-11 Thread Jennifer
Hi  Good morning to all,

Yesterday was a very hectic day at work.  Upon that my mind was very restless.
Somehow I wasn't able to concentrate.  I thought today I might miss my Mass
but maybe Christ knew that my restless soul needed some peace so He made it
possible for me to attend Mass.

As I reached the Church, I saw the Grotto of our Lady was decorated and there
were people praying the Rosary.  I was astonished at first but then thought
there must be something.  I proceeded to the Church and saw there was Choir
(normally during the daily Masses, the choir is not present only 2 persons
sing over the mike).  The Church altar was beautifully decorated.  The crowd
in the Church was huge.

Then the priest comes on the Altar and declares that today we celebrate the
World day of the sick  the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.  And then I got the
answer to all my questions.  I was so happy that I didn't miss such a solemn
Mass of the feast of my Mother who appeared in Lourdes years back.

The Mass was very beautiful.  The priest anointed each of us with the Holy oil
and gave the  public blessing which is given during the sacrament of anointing
of the sick.  The priest said a prayer of healing as he applied the oil over
our forehead.  It was a beautiful experience and towards the end of it I felt
very peaceful.

I am sharing this with you all because for me it was another experience of
Christ's love and I want to thank God for loving me so much.  Whenever I have
felt lost, lonely, restless, confused, sad, I go to Him and I experience
peace.  Sometimes it is not even possible for me to come in His presence
because at times I focus too much on my problems but He makes a way for me and
brings me in His presence.  And yesterday was one such experience.  During the
fellowship meeting after Mass, I could freely praise and thank Him and my
heart was filled so much with joy.  There are so many things for which I want
to thank God, the list is endlessBut I would like to mention the most
important thing that changed my life completely, you can say a turning point
in my life  that is HE SAVED ME, yes He saved me.  I was a sheep who had lost
my way but the Good shepherd found me back and gave me a family, the LEGION OF
MARY.  I can proudly say I belong to this Family because Christ gave this
family to me and through this family I received everything which I missed,
love, fellowship, support, confidence, wisdom, security, you name it
everything.  I developed as a person, the hidden qualities and talents within
me came to the surface.  From an introvert  a low confident person, I became
a person of confidence and person who believes in oneself.  I have learned to
be humble person and am still learning.  I developed the qualities of a
leader.  From an irresponsible person, I became a responsible person.  I use
to hate myself once upon a time and lost all hopes.  But today I love myself
because I believe in the words of the Lord, that I am His precious child.
Christ has become my hope now.

Today I want to thank the Lord for giving Himself to me and for giving His
Mother who always guided me to Him.  Truly it is spoken of her To Jesus
through Mary which has become a part of my life.  Mama taught me to love
Jesus, the way she loved Him. Do what He says were her words to me.  Today I
want to thank God for the family of Legion of Mary where Mary is my Mother and
the members my brothers and sisters and together we are led to experience the
Love of Christ.  I also learned that along with us we have to get everyone
else we encounter to Him.  That is the mission for which He has called us.
Save others, Save ourselves.  We are taught never to give up hope, never.  It
is our duty to show Christ to many and while performing this duty I have come
so much closer to the Lord.   All thanks to God for this for He kept opening
new ways for me to know Him better.

This is my testimony to the Lord who saved me even when I was a sinner.  And
after I became a part of this family, the process of purification began and
the process is still on.  I want to thank each and every person who led me
more closer to the Lord.  Especially this fellowship of the Joynet because of
whom I am encouraged to testify the marvelous deeds of my Lord.  This
encouragement has come only after reading so many joynetters testifying what
Christ has done for them.  And I am not ashamed to speak about His love which
is His blessing.

Thanks for patiently reading till the end.  And pray for me that with the
passing of every day, I will take a step closer to my Lord and receive the
strength from Him to fulfill the mission for which He has called me in this

Love  Prayers

February 11, 2003
Our Lady of Lourdes

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate
Conception in the apostolic constitution Ineffabilis Deus. A little more than
three years later, on February 11, 1858, a young lady appeared to Bernadette
Soubirous. This began a 

Re: [JOYnet] Priests = Wisdom Unlimited.

2003-02-11 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

I was inspired by Sanju's email to share my personal experiences with 
priests and how these relationships with them have blessed my spiritual life 
tremendously! I wanted to repeat Sanju's words just to emphasize how 
important the role of priests are and how much they need our prayers to 
truly be the good Shepherds leading the sheep given to them by Christ to 
lead according to HIS ways and plans!!! Let us always remember that a 
priest in the Eucharistic Celebration through the sacrament of Holy Orders 
represents Christ Himself who is present to his Church as Head of his Body, 
Shepherd of his flock, high priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of 
Truth. Let us also understand that they are also Human beings attacked by 
sin and who needs our constant prayers and support.

the first achan who became very key in my life and who i am very thankful 
for is Fr. Mathew Panthalany who was the vicare achan at the Syro Malabar 
Church in Chicago during my high school years. he has such a humilty to his 
being---humble in words, actions and in his very presence!!! i always 
remember his loving smile, kind and gentle greeting and generous and 
gracious heart! i used to go every friday for the adoration and mass 
when i was in highschool b/c he would kneel before the exposed Blessed 
Sacrament and pray for an hour and we would recite his prayers!!! it was so 
powerful and spirit filled and i received such peace and healing from all my 
stressors!!! i understood about the power of personal prayer thru his 
example!!! when i graduated from highschool, i had to give a religous speech 
entitled Call to Prayer and i had not a clue as what to say. my dad 
suggested that i speak with Mathew achan. i made a request to achan and he 
called me back that very night with numerous bible quotes to help me. Mathew 
achan exposed me to the wonderful book of Isaiah and i am forever grateful 
to him!!! Isaiah 49: 15-16: Can a mother forget her infant, be without 
tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never 
forget you. See upon the palms of my hands I have written your name. and 
Isaiah 54:10: Though the mountains leave their place and the hills be 
shaken, my love never shall leave you.

the second achan is Fr. Jos Kandathikudy who became the vicare achan at Syro 
Malabar during my college years. the first time i met achan was in my 
hospital room after my almost fatal car accident. achan had just reached US 
few days back and here he was praying over me. from that very moment, till i 
was completely healed a month later he called me every night and visited my 
house daily and prayed over me!!! it was one of the toughest times in my 
personal and spiritual life and i could not have gotten thru it without his 
guidance...even though i was miraculously saved and was very thankful to be 
alive, i was very depressed by my limiting physical state--i could not walk 
and needed my parent's help for every little task.. achan saw this sadness 
and helped me understand about accepting suffering (Romans 8:18: I consider 
that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the 
glory to be revealed for us) and God's plans for my life thru all the 
struggles... he told me that thru this accident God was giving me the needed 
rest time to reevaluate my relationship with Jesus and grow closer to Him. 
Jos achan introduced me to the prophet Jeremiah. Jer 29:11-14: For I know 
well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your 
welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call 
me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, 
you will find me. Yes when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me 
with you, says the Lord. Jos achan also challenged me to step out of my 
comfortable zone and become a witness for the LORD!!! Jer.1:5-8:  I know 
not how to speak; I am too young. But the Lord answered me, Say not, 'I am 
too young', To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, 
you shall speak. Have no fear before them, because I am with you to deliver 
you says the Lord. Jos achan most importantly helped me to value the WORD 
of GOD as the LIVING WORD, penetrating our hearts and speaking so personally 
to us each and every moment of our lives!!!

the last achan that i am really thankful for is Christy achan who has only 
been in Chicago for the last 4 months but has made such a difference in my 
life, in my families, and in almost all of JY lives here!!! i really can see 
Jesus so clearly in and through him, hear Jesus so clearly thru his words, 
and feel Jesus's love thru his smile and very presence!!! achan has done so 
much for my life in such a short time... what touched me the most was 
something achan had said to me. when i first met him i was preparing to 
finish taking my medical school board exams and i was a mess--anxious, 
nervous, insecure, lacked confidence, doubts of 

[JOYnet] Daily Bread 12.02.2003

2003-02-11 Thread Biji Thomas
'It is the decision of the holy Spirit and of us not to place on
you any burden beyond these necessities,


namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood,
from meats of strangled animals, and from unlawful marriage. If
you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right.


Acts 15 : 28-29


May the Almighty Lord bless you.  Have a nice day


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