[jQuery] Re: IE6 - Ajax onchange error

2009-08-07 Thread Matthias Kolbe

good morning :o)

I solved the problem:
 - IE6 is deleting every single option if you use XXX.html(''); or the
jq-plugin with .removeOption(/./); and stops the browser for this time
 - all other(including IE7+IE8) are handling this in background

I used the beforeSend methode to clean those options, as a result the
box stayed open until those boxes are empty. On inserting this
cleaning in the success function this error disappeared.

-- Solved :o)

Thanks a lot for trying...


[jQuery] Re: Attribute selection not working in MSIE; eg $(input[name=name]).val()

2009-08-07 Thread V

Sorry about the lack of information :o

The input box is:
input type=text name=name value= /

The jQuery code is:

And no results.

The problem exists on MSIE8, but I think to remember it also is in
On firefox it works great.

[jQuery] Re: Loading jQuery without blocking

2009-08-07 Thread north

Hi Eric,

thanks for your reply.

Using jQuery to backload any additional plugins or scripts can be
super useful - yes, that's why I've been doing for a while now. :)

As mentioned, I was primarily playing around with these techniques to
see how it goes, and I wish I could have a gotten a bit more info on
why it doesn't seem to work properly in IE (more than an unknown error
at least).

I think if there is a recognizable increase in performance then for
rather massive pages. So I actually don't need to worry about this
too much... ;)


On 6 Aug., 23:03, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:
 Honestly, I'd load jQuery regularly, and use the getScript function to
 load the rest of the files after domready. I don't know that you're
 getting a big performance increase in loading the jquery library in
 this method, and it is causing an unknown error, which isn't an ideal
 thing to debug. :P

 Using jQuery to backload any additional plugins or scripts can be
 super useful, but including the jQuery library asynchronously seems
 like a poor decision.

 On Aug 6, 4:12 am, north ollo...@web.de wrote:

  Hi all,

  I played around with Steve Souders' techniques of loading JS without
  blocking a bit (I had already been using jQuery's getScript/ajax to
  load bigger chunks of code for certain parts of the site only if
  I tried to use what Nicolas Zakas calls the best way to load
  JS (http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2009/07/28/the-best-way-to-load-
  external-javascript/) for the project I work on.

  I created the script... tag for jquery.js the way described in the
  article, and then tried to use onload/readystate to start loading the
  file with my plugins/functions right after jquery did.

  This seems to work fine in all browsers except, you guessed it, IE...
  For some reason IE (I think it happened in 6, 7 and 8) throws me an
  unknown error every now and then.
  It's just a guess, since an unknown error doesn't really help me
  debugging, but maybe sometimes the plugin/functions file finishes
  loading before jquery. Even though that should be prevented by
  checking the readystate...

  I tried several other approaches then (like adding an ajax call to the
  plugins/functions file at the end of the jquery file, or checking for
  (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') in a loop to try loading the files as
  soon as this statement equals false), but none would work.

  Is anybody using one of these non-blocking techniques with jQuery


[jQuery] Re: Switching a tabs content from a remote source to a local source

2009-08-07 Thread WR

I'm using JQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.2. It was apparent in Firefox
3.5 definitely but also IE 6/7/8 I believe. To overcome this problem,
I am currently removing the remote tab then adding the same tab except
with a local source which is obviously a bit clunky.

On Jul 23, 7:43 am, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:
 That shouldn't happen and a similiar bug was fixed for IE long time
 ago. Which browser do you encounter this bug in and which version of
 jQuery UI do you use?


 On 22 Jul., 19:22, WR willrya...@googlemail.com wrote:

  It seems that if you change the url of a tab from a remote source
  (ajax request) to a local source
  i.e. ('#myTabs').tabs('url', 1, '#myLocalContentDiv');

  When you then click on this tab, it makes an ajax request 
  (tohttp://myURL/#myLocalContentDiv) rather than simply showing the local
  content. This in effect reloads the entire page into the tab.

  Any way round this, or shall I report this as a bug?


[jQuery] Re: Google Maps inside jqModal

2009-08-07 Thread Mohd.Tareq
Hey Anshu shetti,
Your trying to display google map with model box.

May be your google map is having some issue check with its flow,
1 - goolgle map should be generate first.
2 - model box code should execute after that.

Here I think so your model box is appearing first before to generate google
map thats y ur not able see google maps tiles.

Keep your jquery ready function bottom of body.

$().ready(function() {



Lets give a try :)


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:37 AM, Anush Shetty anushshe...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.comwrote:

 can you post an example?

 anush wrote:

 Has anybody tried embedding Google Maps inside jqModal ?

 The maps aren't getting displayed properly.

  $().ready(function() {

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN

 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; 

 meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/

 titleGoogle Maps JavaScript API Example: Simple Map/title

 script type=text/javascript

   $().ready(function() {



 function initialize() {
   if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
 var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map_canvas));

 map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);


   body onload=initialize() onunload=GUnload()

div class=jqmWindow id=dialog style=width:800px

 a href=# class=jqmCloseClose/a

 div id=map_canvas style=width: 500px; height: 300px/div






[jQuery] Re: Fade in / Out

2009-08-07 Thread Liam Potter


Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com wrote:
I was wondering how do you make text fade in for a specific amount of 
time then fade out.
I have the fade in / out part..i just cant figure out the duration so 
it stays there after fading in for 5 seconds then fades out.

[jQuery] HTML5 video tag available?

2009-08-07 Thread quiKe

Hi, do you know if it is possible to use selectors for a video tag?
For example:

to capture the video tags on a li?


[jQuery] Re: HTML5 video tag available?

2009-08-07 Thread Liam Potter

try it?

quiKe wrote:

Hi, do you know if it is possible to use selectors for a video tag?
For example:

to capture the video tags on a li?


[jQuery] calling a jQuery function from RJS/onclick

2009-08-07 Thread Ram


Im using jNice (a jQuery plugin) in rails. I have the following jQuery
function on the head of my page.

script type=text/javascript

/* calling jNice on document ready */

On page load, this gets called correctly.

Now there's a link on the page that lets me add more rows and i do
this via RJS. Here's the code.

tr id=empty_item
div  id=plussign%= add_item_link + %/div

def add_item_link(name)
   link_to_function name do |page|
 page.insert_html :before, :empty_item, :partial='item', :object
= Item.new

Now this partial 'item' contains form elements upon which jNice needs
to work its magic.

How can I call the jNice function after the user clicks on the

[jQuery] Re: Resizing a Thickbox

2009-08-07 Thread Richard D. Worth
Here's how you do it with a jQuery UI Dialog:

- Richard

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 9:37 PM, ste...@braingia.org wrote:


 I've done a bit of googling and some experimentation but I'm a bit lost.
 I'm trying to dynamically resize a modal lightbox created with thickbox.
 So for instance, I draw the div with certain content, say a form with a
 select box.  I'd like to be able to add additional content to the div
 using the select boxes 'onchange' event, like to add images or other
 content below the select box.

 Is that possible with thickbox or any other jquery plugin?

 Thanks for any help or pointers.

[jQuery] Working with XML

2009-08-07 Thread Decebal

I have the following XML to be processed:
field type = input name = organisation description =
Organisatie /
field type = select name = organisationType description = Soort
option value = geen /
option value = Non Profit /
option value = ZZP /
option value = MKB /
option value = Anders /
field type = input name = firstName description = Voornaam /
field type = input name = lastName description = Achternaam /
field type = input name = email description = E-mail /
field type = input name = telephone description = Telefoon /
field type = input name = address description = Adres /
field type = input name = zipcode description = Postcode /
field type = input name = city description = Plaats /
field type = select name = reason description = Reden Voor
option value = geen /
option value = Vraag /
option value = Opmerking /
option value = Verzoek Om Informatie /
option value = Neem Contact Met Mij op /
field type = textarea name = description description =
Omschrijving /
durationUitvoeren van het script duurde 21.371 milisec/duration

I process it with the folowing code:
  {command: getForm, form: cgiForm},
$(xml).find('field').each(function() {
  if( $(this).attr('type') == 'input' ) {

Is there a better way to do this?
There a severall 'problems'.
There should be exactly one form.
Only the field records that are immediate descendants of form should
be used. When there comes another type which also has children with
type field, this code will process those also.

[jQuery] [validate] Problem with custom methods and eager/lazy validation

2009-08-07 Thread Jim Evans


I'm using the validator plugin and it's great! I understand the

Before a field is marked as invalid, the validation is lazy: Before
submitting the form for the first time, the user can tab through
fields without getting annoying messages - he won't get bugged before
he had the chance to actually enter a correct value

This is cool and how I want it to work.

However, I have some custom validation methods using addMethod like:

$.validator.addMethod(currency, function(value, element){
element.value = $.trim(value);
return this.optional(element) || /^([0-9]+|[0-9]{1,3}(,[0-9]{3})*)(\.
}, 'This value should be in the form 1234, 1234.56 or 1,234.56');

These custom methods validate eagerly from the start, i.e. before I've
tried to submit the form. This means that in a form with one input
using say this 'currency' method, and another input using the built in
'required' method, as I tab through them, the required one will not be
validated but the currency one will.

How can I ensure that these custom validation methods only validate
after initial submit/validation has occurred, like the built in ones

Many thanks,


[jQuery] [validate] How to focus on error container above the form after the form tries to submit

2009-08-07 Thread Manoj

Hi everyone,

I have the validate plugin working for my form so that on submit the
errors are all displayed in a container div above my form. By default
the focus goes to the first input field that didn't pass validation,
but I'd like it to focus on the error container div. Has anybody done
this or does anybody know how to?

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] [autocomplete]

2009-08-07 Thread Christer Bygdestam


I'm trying to get Joerns awesome autocomplete-plugin to work with
UTF-8 but I've had no luck in making it work. Has anyone managed to
query the backend using UTF-8 encodend characters?

Right now I'm trying my best to decode the incoming string ie
q=Östman but nothing happens? Do I need to encode the returned
string as well?

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!


[jQuery] Jquery animate marginTop in IE (jerky)

2009-08-07 Thread touch_the_sky

Hi everyone!

I have an issue with IE which has been driving me absolutely mad for
like last 2 days. Basically all works awesome, crossbrowser, etc.
apart from one floated div, when I am trying to animate it's margin-
top on hover (move it down, when mouse go out - move it back up). All
browsers perform the animation as a charm - slick, smooth, fast and
cool looking, but IE has to be different, hasn't it?

Anyways, I will copy and paste the markup, css  script related to the
issue. It's not all the template, to make it shorter I cut only the
bits relating to #top_user div. I am using jQuery 1.3.2, XHTML1.0
strict (validates) and the background image is a transparent png32 if
that helps. The easing plugin I added just recently hoping it's gonna
prevent the jerkiness in IE (it didn't) - so with or without it - it's
crap in IE and great in anything else

1) Markup

  div id=top
 div id=top1024
   div id=top_user

2) CSS

width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

background-image: url(/images/layout/top/top_background.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;


background-image: url(/images/layout/top/user_cp.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* The black bit appears as 35px height while hidden */

#top_user p
margin-top: 195px;
text-indent: 40px;

3) Script

jQuery(#top_user).hover(function() {
jQuery(this).animate({marginTop: '-300px'}, {duration: 300, easing:
function() {
jQuery(this).stop().animate({marginTop: '-372px'}, {duration: 300,
easing: 'easeOutBounce'});

Any help is well appreciated as my frustration levels are unbelievable
right now;)



[jQuery] jQuery Superfish Joomla issue for IE6

2009-08-07 Thread j_samm...@comcast.net

Hi!  Oddly enough, I have no problems with my IE7 version of my
superfish menu is Joomla, but in IE6 it does not work properly.  It
does work, thank God, but not like in the other browsers.  Two things

1) The menu is not resized all the way over to the width of the
2) The buttons do not work for the entire span, but only work when you
rollover the actual link.  This does not behave this way in IE7 or 8.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?  Here is my site:

Try it in IE6 and IE8 and you will see what I am referring to.

[jQuery] Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread Samuurai


This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed,
having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result
I wanted very qucikly and easily!

However, I'm having one little niggle...

Here's my code:


$(#show_resolve).click(function () {
if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))





This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div.
However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox
remains ticked, but the div is hidden.

Any ideas how I can make it work reliably?

[jQuery] Jquery Animate Issue

2009-08-07 Thread Mr Withers

Hi Guys

Iam having an issue with the JQuery animate function. Iam not sure if
its because iam potentially mis-using the animate function or if its a
genuine issue so I thought I would seek some adivce here before
looking into it any further :-).

I have posted up an example of the bug on Jsbin with the following


There is an expand arrow on the left hand side  that when clicked
will make the left panel slide out. The arrow then turns the other way
 so you can click and slide back in. After 10 slide out , slide
in's - the animation really starts to slow and there is a logarithmic
delay in it sliding in and sliding out which is bizarre.  Iam using
IE7.0.5730.13 , and one of my colleagues has noticed the same
behaviour in Firefox 3.0 and IE8. I cant see anything obivous happing
like a JS error or bad CSS on my part so iam thinking it might be an
issue with the animate function.

Can anyone shed anylight on this issue for me?

Thanks in advance


[jQuery] Simplemodal ajax dialog

2009-08-07 Thread Michael Anckaert

Hello everyone,

Using the simplemodal plugin I create a dialog dynamically from links

$(.dialog-link).live('click', function(e) {
$.get($(this).attr('href'),function(data) {
$.modal(data, {onOpen: open, position: 

(FYI: the onOpen callback just sets some height)

The document returned by the ajax call (contained in data) has some
jquery calls to datepicker, etc. But when my dialog displays the
datepicker won't work. As far as I can tell the javascript in the
document called with AJAX isn't executed, but I do get my alert() test

Does anyone know where my error lies?


[jQuery] ajax download file

2009-08-07 Thread vile


Can anyone hellp me please.
I integrated phpexcel with codeigniter, Phpexcel generates a pdf file.
When the button print to pdf is press it will send an request to the
server using ajax. now the problem is i dont know how to make  jquery
to make aprompt that the file is being downloaded. the server response
is a binary not a link. is there any function in jquery.post to set
its header? thanks


[jQuery] Filter Certain columns

2009-08-07 Thread sweetraskels

hi ...
i use flexgrid with .net mvc to show records from my table... i use
jquery for this...
i use certain objects like
{display: 'ID', name: 'CustomerID', width: 40,
   sortable: true, align: 'left'},
 {display: 'Company', name: 'CompanyName', width: 100,
   sortable: true, align: 'left'},
 {display: 'Name', name: 'ContactName', width: 100,
   sortable: true, align: 'left'},
 {display: 'Title', name: 'ContactTitle', width: 100,
   sortable: true, align: 'left'},
 {display: 'Address', name: 'Address', width: 100,
   sortable: true, align: 'left'},
 {display: 'City', name: 'City', width: 80,
   sortable: true, align: 'left'},
to show the cols in the grid.
but when i hide either of it the value of the column is not changing
rather the colum header changes to something else and mismatch showing
is happening
how would i fix this

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter help?

2009-08-07 Thread Paul Mills

Change the sortList definition to
sortList: [[3,0]],
sortList: [[3,1]],
depending on what order you want the column sorted in.

You could also tidy up your HTML by adding tbody/tbody tags and
form elements are not valid inside tr/tr


On Aug 7, 6:53 am, jsrobinson magiclampnetwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have two custom parsers, one works on one column but not on another.
 The second parser is working fine.



 Cols 2 and 3 have the exact same data, use the same parser, and yet
 sorting on col 2 works but sorting on col 3 returns

 Sorting on 3,NaN and dir NaN time:,3ms
 Rebuilt table:,1ms

 Any clues?

 Thank you for an awesome plugin!!!

[jQuery] jQuery animate marginTop jerky in IE

2009-08-07 Thread touch_the_sky

Hi everyone!

I have an issue with IE which has been driving me absolutely mad for like
last 2 days. Basically all works awesome, crossbrowser, etc. apart from one
floated div, when I am trying to animate it's margin-top on hover (move it
down, when mouse go out - move it back up). All browsers perform the
animation as a charm - slick, smooth, fast and cool looking, but IE has to
be different, hasn't it?

Anyways, I will copy and paste the markup, css  script related to the
issue. It's not all the template, to make it shorter I cut only the bits
relating to #top_user div. I am using jQuery 1.3.2, XHTML1.0 strict
(validates) and the background image is a transparent png32 if that helps.
The easing plugin I added just recently hoping it's gonna prevent the
jerkiness in IE (it didn't) - so with or without it - it's crap in IE and
great in anything else

1) Markup 

  div id=top 
 div id=top1024
   div id=top_user

2) CSS

width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

background-image: url(/images/layout/top/top_background.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;


background-image: url(/images/layout/top/user_cp.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* The black bit appears as 35px height while hidden */

#top_user p
margin-top: 195px;
text-indent: 40px;

3) Script

jQuery(#top_user).hover(function() {
jQuery(this).animate({marginTop: '-300px'}, {duration: 300, easing:
function() {
jQuery(this).stop().animate({marginTop: '-372px'}, {duration: 300, easing:

Any help is well appreciated as my frustration levels are unbelievable right


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery animate marginTop jerky in IE

2009-08-07 Thread Liam Potter

Have you tried animating just the top position instead?

touch_the_sky wrote:

Hi everyone!

I have an issue with IE which has been driving me absolutely mad for like
last 2 days. Basically all works awesome, crossbrowser, etc. apart from one
floated div, when I am trying to animate it's margin-top on hover (move it
down, when mouse go out - move it back up). All browsers perform the
animation as a charm - slick, smooth, fast and cool looking, but IE has to
be different, hasn't it?

Anyways, I will copy and paste the markup, css  script related to the
issue. It's not all the template, to make it shorter I cut only the bits
relating to #top_user div. I am using jQuery 1.3.2, XHTML1.0 strict
(validates) and the background image is a transparent png32 if that helps.
The easing plugin I added just recently hoping it's gonna prevent the
jerkiness in IE (it didn't) - so with or without it - it's crap in IE and
great in anything else

1) Markup 

  div id=top 
 div id=top1024

   div id=top_user

2) CSS

width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

background-image: url(/images/layout/top/top_background.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;


background-image: url(/images/layout/top/user_cp.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* The black bit appears as 35px height while hidden */

#top_user p
margin-top: 195px;
text-indent: 40px;

3) Script

jQuery(#top_user).hover(function() {
jQuery(this).animate({marginTop: '-300px'}, {duration: 300, easing:
function() {
jQuery(this).stop().animate({marginTop: '-372px'}, {duration: 300, easing:

Any help is well appreciated as my frustration levels are unbelievable right



[jQuery] Re: [validate] Problem with custom methods and eager/lazy validation

2009-08-07 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You've got the this.optional(element) stuff included, so that method
works just like the builtin methods, unless something else is broken.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Jim Evansximxim...@googlemail.com wrote:


 I'm using the validator plugin and it's great! I understand the

 Before a field is marked as invalid, the validation is lazy: Before
 submitting the form for the first time, the user can tab through
 fields without getting annoying messages - he won't get bugged before
 he had the chance to actually enter a correct value

 This is cool and how I want it to work.

 However, I have some custom validation methods using addMethod like:

 $.validator.addMethod(currency, function(value, element){
        element.value = $.trim(value);
        return this.optional(element) || /^([0-9]+|[0-9]{1,3}(,[0-9]{3})*)(\.
    }, 'This value should be in the form 1234, 1234.56 or 1,234.56');

 These custom methods validate eagerly from the start, i.e. before I've
 tried to submit the form. This means that in a form with one input
 using say this 'currency' method, and another input using the built in
 'required' method, as I tab through them, the required one will not be
 validated but the currency one will.

 How can I ensure that these custom validation methods only validate
 after initial submit/validation has occurred, like the built in ones

 Many thanks,


[jQuery] Re: HTML5 video tag available?

2009-08-07 Thread quiKe

tried (doesn´t work) but i wanted to know if maybe i was on a mistake.

On Aug 7, 12:52 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 try it?

 quiKe wrote:
  Hi, do you know if it is possible to use selectors for a video tag?
  For example:

  to capture the video tags on a li?


[jQuery] Re: Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

You'll have to run the whole function block within 
$(#show_resolve).click() on load (ie. put it somewhere in 

Make it a seperate function so you can avoid copy/pasting the whole thing


Samuurai wrote:


This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed,
having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result
I wanted very qucikly and easily!

However, I'm having one little niggle...

Here's my code:


$(#show_resolve).click(function () {
if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))





This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div.
However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox
remains ticked, but the div is hidden.

Any ideas how I can make it work reliably?

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: HTML5 video tag available?

2009-08-07 Thread Liam Potter

try adding


before your jquery script

quiKe wrote:

tried (doesn´t work) but i wanted to know if maybe i was on a mistake.

On Aug 7, 12:52 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

try it?

quiKe wrote:

Hi, do you know if it is possible to use selectors for a video tag?
For example:
to capture the video tags on a li?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery animate marginTop jerky in IE

2009-08-07 Thread touch_the_sky

I've made a quick test right now. I set the position:absolute for the div 
specified the top and left in css.

What I've noticed, in this setup animating the actual top is quite bad,
however when I animate marginTop now, the animation is much smoother, still
far away from FF,Safari or Opera though.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Working with XML

2009-08-07 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/8/7 Decebal cldwester...@gmail.com:
 I process it with the folowing code:
      {command: getForm, form: cgiForm},
        $(xml).find('field').each(function() {
          if( $(this).attr('type') == 'input' ) {

 Is there a better way to do this?
 There a severall 'problems'.
 There should be exactly one form.
 Only the field records that are immediate descendants of form should
 be used. When there comes another type which also has children with
 type field, this code will process those also.

I now use:
$(xml).find('doc  value  form  field').each(function() {
So the last problem is solved.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: Make event happen after a certain amount of time has passed.

2009-08-07 Thread Cesar Sanz

check this out http://plugins.jquery.com/project/timers

- Original Message - 
From: James james.gp@gmail.com

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 4:19 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Make event happen after a certain amount of time has 

Then you can do something like this:

Have a setTimeout (say, executes in 20 seconds) with a callback
function, say moveToLocation.

Then you need a way to find out whether the div has been scrolled to
the certain location or not. That can be done by checking either for
the user's top/left coordinate of their screen, or you can set a
variable when the user clicks on that button.

After the 20 seconds comes by and the moveToLocation function is
called, it checks for that location (or some variable you set). If
it's true (meaning, the user has scrolled to the certain location),
then do nothing. Otherwise, do the auto-scroll.

The idea is that the moveToLocation is called no matter what. It's
just that whether you do the actual action or not depends on the state
of things.

On Aug 6, 12:09 pm, Simon Vansintjan svansint...@gmail.com wrote:

Well, it's pretty theoretical at the moment, so there's no code down, but
the idea would be that a div appears, and that the user can click on a
button that would scroll the div to a certain location. However, if the 
doesn't click, I would still want the div to move to that location (in 

he/she doesn't get it that it would move, dunno).

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:03 PM, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

 Use the setTimeout/setInterval functions with some kind of global
 counter. If some kind of action/event occurs, the counter would be
 refreshed and the function would not execute.
 Would you like to specify in more detail what you would like to

 On Aug 6, 11:43 am, Simon svansint...@gmail.com wrote:

  After a user hasn't triggered an event for a given amount of purple,
  would it be possible to trigger that event anyway?

  I have no idea how to even start looking for this.

  Thanks for any hints/ideas/whatever you can throw my way.



[jQuery] Re: Floating DIV

2009-08-07 Thread Just Check

I figured that I could bind a DIV tag to the tool tip but with it
calling another page to fetch the contents. I think I can live with

I figures I can set the closeWait to a reasonable higher number of
seconds (say 20 seconds) and that should be fine with user but ideally
would love to have it open till the mouse goes out of focus.


On Aug 6, 2:28 pm, Just Check justcheck.2...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am looking for something similar to what's there atwww.monster.com.
 When you search for a job, it shows you the job list (Single line
 mode) and when you hover over the Job Title column it pops up an AJAX
 dialog with links and further details within it.

 Is there some existing plugin that I can use (the closest I could find
 was BetterTooltip:http://edgarverle.com/BetterTip/default.cfm). But
 the problems I see there are
 a.) I do not want to create another page to fetch the contents; I want
 the DIV to be in the same page.
 b.) I do not see a property that can make the tooltip DIV to remain
 open till the user has focus over it.

 It would be great if someone can suggest a way to achieve that (as it
 seems it should be that tough -- it's just that I'm not getting it).
 Another thing to note is I'll be rendering my tabular data using
 ASP.Net gridview.


[jQuery] Re: Attribute selection not working in MSIE; eg $(input[name=name]).val()

2009-08-07 Thread Cesar Sanz


$(document).ready(function(){ var x = $(input[name=name]).val(); 
window.alert(x); });

Works for me in IE 7

When you say no results, do you mean, an error?? or just that 
$(input[name=name]).val() is returning an empty string??

- Original Message - 
From: V vincenti...@gmail.com

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:45 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Attribute selection not working in MSIE; eg 

Sorry about the lack of information :o

The input box is:
input type=text name=name value= /

The jQuery code is:

And no results.

The problem exists on MSIE8, but I think to remember it also is in
On firefox it works great. 

[jQuery] Re: Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread Samuurai

I've changed it a little bit, so it doesn't show/hide the div, it's
meant to disable the input elements:
Can anyone see why ticking it works, but unticking it leaves the input
tags disabled still?

script type=text/javascript
$(#show_resolve).click(function () {
if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))

(disabled, disabled);
if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))


Thank you!

On Aug 7, 1:43 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
 You'll have to run the whole function block within
 $(#show_resolve).click() on load (ie. put it somewhere in

 Make it a seperate function so you can avoid copy/pasting the whole thing


 Samuurai wrote:

  This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed,
  having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result
  I wanted very qucikly and easily!

  However, I'm having one little niggle...

  Here's my code:
                                     $(#show_resolve).click(function () {
                                     if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))

  This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div.
  However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox
  remains ticked, but the div is hidden.

  Any ideas how I can make it work reliably?

 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread Samuurai

Sorry Johnathan, I sent a seperate reply, but it never came through.

Thanks for your input.. My question about it was... is it bad practice
to have more than one $(document.ready(function(){}) scripts, or can I
have multiple?



On Aug 7, 1:43 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
 You'll have to run the whole function block within
 $(#show_resolve).click() on load (ie. put it somewhere in

 Make it a seperate function so you can avoid copy/pasting the whole thing


 Samuurai wrote:

  This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed,
  having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result
  I wanted very qucikly and easily!

  However, I'm having one little niggle...

  Here's my code:
                                     $(#show_resolve).click(function () {
                                     if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))

  This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div.
  However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox
  remains ticked, but the div is hidden.

  Any ideas how I can make it work reliably?

 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: Injecting javascript code into page via prepend?

2009-08-07 Thread bwdev

so is this not possible?

On Aug 5, 4:21 pm, bwdev blackwater...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying to retro-fit google ad-manager to an existing site.
 Currently, we have a div on every page and then have a header file
 which randomly selects an add and uses jquery.prepend to put the ad in
 that div.  With google, we now have js code we need to use.  How can
 we use prepend to add the js code and have it run?

 Is that possible?

[jQuery] How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Rick Faircloth
I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' +
row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead of
true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger


[jQuery] help needed retrieving json data with jquery

2009-08-07 Thread efet

There is not a single clear example that explains how to pull json
data as simple as possible. I have a valid json and I need to retrieve
it with jquery

my json output is as:

title: blog entries,
items : [
title: Can Members of the Diaspora Work Effectively at
date: 8/4/2009 9:42:38 AM
title: Ashoka Brazil,
date: 7/15/2009 8:56:12 AM
title: Pozitron/Endeavor,
date: 5/26/2009 8:58:39 PM

my codes.

{ PROCESS: ViewBlog }, function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i  json.length; i++) {
var title = json[i].Title;
$('div class=news_title/div').html

[jQuery] Re: jQuery animate marginTop jerky in IE

2009-08-07 Thread touch_the_sky

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: help needed retrieving json data with jquery

2009-08-07 Thread Dhruva Sagar
It should be json[i].title as per your json.

Thanks  Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 09:38 -0700, efet wrote:

 There is not a single clear example that explains how to pull json
 data as simple as possible. I have a valid json and I need to retrieve
 it with jquery
 my json output is as:
 title: blog entries,
 items : [
 title: Can Members of the Diaspora Work Effectively at
 date: 8/4/2009 9:42:38 AM
 title: Ashoka Brazil,
 date: 7/15/2009 8:56:12 AM
 title: Pozitron/Endeavor,
 date: 5/26/2009 8:58:39 PM
 my codes.
 { PROCESS: ViewBlog }, function(json) {
 for (var i = 0; i  json.length; i++) {
 var title = json[i].Title;
 $('div class=news_title/div').html
attachment: draft-paper.png

[jQuery] Re: help needed retrieving json data with jquery

2009-08-07 Thread efet

That did not fix.

On Aug 7, 12:44 pm, Dhruva Sagar dhruva.sa...@gmail.com wrote:
 It should be json[i].title as per your json.

 Thanks  Regards,
 Dhruva Sagar.

 On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 09:38 -0700, efet wrote:
  There is not a single clear example that explains how to pull json
  data as simple as possible. I have a valid json and I need to retrieve
  it with jquery

  my json output is as:

      title: blog entries,
      items : [
              title: Can Members of the Diaspora Work Effectively at
              date: 8/4/2009 9:42:38 AM
              title: Ashoka Brazil,
              date: 7/15/2009 8:56:12 AM
              title: Pozitron/Endeavor,
              date: 5/26/2009 8:58:39 PM

  my codes.

  { PROCESS: ViewBlog }, function(json) {
                      for (var i = 0; i  json.length; i++) {
                          var title = json[i].Title;
                          $('div class=news_title/div').html


[jQuery] Re: help needed retrieving json data with jquery

2009-08-07 Thread efet

That did not fix.

On Aug 7, 12:44 pm, Dhruva Sagar dhruva.sa...@gmail.com wrote:
 It should be json[i].title as per your json.

 Thanks  Regards,
 Dhruva Sagar.

 On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 09:38 -0700, efet wrote:
  There is not a single clear example that explains how to pull json
  data as simple as possible. I have a valid json and I need to retrieve
  it with jquery

  my json output is as:

      title: blog entries,
      items : [
              title: Can Members of the Diaspora Work Effectively at
              date: 8/4/2009 9:42:38 AM
              title: Ashoka Brazil,
              date: 7/15/2009 8:56:12 AM
              title: Pozitron/Endeavor,
              date: 5/26/2009 8:58:39 PM

  my codes.

  { PROCESS: ViewBlog }, function(json) {
                      for (var i = 0; i  json.length; i++) {
                          var title = json[i].Title;
                          $('div class=news_title/div').html


[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick
If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's 
probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the data 
for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If that's 
still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform again on 
their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have quotes 
around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' 
+ row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead 
of true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





/Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger/


[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter plugin - grouping rows and sorting per group?

2009-08-07 Thread Crazy Serb

Don't be so sure now... I'm still a rookie when it comes to jQuery.

After playing with the code a bit, I realized I can't even logically
fathom how to go about making this work for multiple tables/classes,
thus I've got what you can call a writer's block when it comes to
putting it into code - I can't see it visually to start off with...

What's funny enough (and a bit frustrating too) is that if I have
multiple tables with tablesorter and multiple class assigned to
them show up on the page in different tabs (if I plug in the tabbed
viewing of sorts), if any of these tables have different number of
columns and some of those are defined inline as non-sortable (just
added a class {sorter: false} as per instructions in tablesorter
docs), that limitation seems to apply to all tables with tablesorter
class across the board, and when I try to multi-sort on say column 2
on tables 2  3 (bound together with the code above), if table 1 had
sorter:false on that column, table 3 doesn't get sorted on that column
either - only the original table 2 does.

Something I need to work around, or maybe, possibly declare different
classes for each table and apply tablesorter() on them individually...

On Aug 5, 5:18 pm, aquaone aqua...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm sure you can look at the code and find a way to get it working in the
 general case. What's there was just kinda a quick and dirty hack I wrote for
 another guy a while ago. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader though.


 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 14:16, Crazy Serb crazys...@gmail.com wrote:


  That's pretty much what I'd need...

  Now, is there any slick way of repeating that over and over for
  different tables (with class names of multisort1, multisort2, etc)
  in case I have a few of these multi-sort tables on the same page and
  need to keep them separate?

  Or would I pretty much have to rewrite that logic and change the class
  name(s) to the new table's class name every time?

  Just out of curiosity...

  Thanks again!

  On Aug 4, 5:02 pm, aquaone aqua...@gmail.com wrote:
   Tablesorter doesn't support that. You could do it as separate tables with
   gaps between them... but that's as close as you'll get. If you need
   sorting, e.g. clicking the header of one table sorts all tables, you'll
   something like this:

   script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'
   $(document).ready( function(){
     var $multisort = $(table.multisort);
     $multisort.addClass( multisort_unsorted );
     $multisort.bind( sortStart, function(){
       $(this).removeClass( multisort_unsorted );
     $multisort.filter( .multisort_unsorted ).bind( sortEnd, function(){
       var sortOrder = [ this.config.sortList ]; // get sort order
       $multisort.filter( .multisort_unsorted ).removeClass(
   multisort_unsorted ).trigger( sorton, sortOrder );
       setTimeout( function(){ $multisort.addClass( multisort_unsortedd );
   0 ); // avoid retriggering
   table class=tablesorter multisort
         thcol 1/th
         thcol 2/th
         thcol 3/th
   table class=tablesorter multisort
         thcol 1/th
         thcol 2/th
         thcol 3/th
   table class=tablesorter multisort
         thcol 1/th
         thcol 2/th
         thcol 3/th

   On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:57, Crazy Serb crazys...@gmail.com wrote:

In using Tablesorter plugin, I have run into an challenging issue.

What I am looking to do is group certain rows in a single table into
two different groups, have a blank row between them and be able to
sort based on columns that apply to both groups of rows but 

[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Rick Faircloth
Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the query

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json formatting

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling page in




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's probably
the library you're using on the server side to prepare the data for
returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If that's still
showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform again on their way
to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have quotes around them
(again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' +
row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead of
true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger



[jQuery] Re: Attribute selection not working in MSIE; eg $(input[name=name]).val()

2009-08-07 Thread James

Try it here if it works or not:

On Aug 7, 4:57 am, Cesar Sanz the.email.tr...@gmail.com wrote:

 $(document).ready(function(){ var x = $(input[name=name]).val();
 window.alert(x); });

 Works for me in IE 7

 When you say no results, do you mean, an error?? or just that
 $(input[name=name]).val() is returning an empty string??

 - Original Message -
 From: V vincenti...@gmail.com
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:45 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Attribute selection not working in MSIE; eg


  Sorry about the lack of information :o

  The input box is:
  input type=text name=name value= /

  The jQuery code is:

  And no results.

  The problem exists on MSIE8, but I think to remember it also is in
  On firefox it works great.

[jQuery] Re: Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread mwskuzzy

Hi There

Try this

if ($(#show_resolve).is
(function () {
if ($(#show_resolve).is

[jQuery] Dropdown menu Issue

2009-08-07 Thread Xenongasman

So I got a bit of a issue. I have a working dropdown menu animated on
hover with slideDown and slideUp. But the problem is if I move off and
on the menu quickly it will repeat the slideDown/Up effect. So I
thought I would add stop() right before slideDown/Up and that breaks
it. It'll work for the first couple times but then it starts cutting
the menu off. Its really weird. Does anyone have a suggestion? Here is
the code:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
titleCSS Dropdown/title
script type=text/javascript src=php/jquery.tools.min.js/script
style type=text/css

/* General */
* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;
background-color: black; }
#menu, #menu ul { list-style: none; }
#menu {margin:10px;}

/* Head links */
#menu li.topnav { width: 150px; float: left; margin-left: -1px;
border: 1px black solid; background-color: #e9e9e9; text-align:
center; }
#menu li.topnav a { display: block; padding: 15px; }

/* Child lists and links */
#menu li.topnav ul { display: none; border-top: 1px black solid; text-
align: left; }
#menu li.topnav:hover ul { display: block; }
#menu li.topnav ul li a { padding: 5px; height: 17px; }
#menu ul.topnav li a:hover {background-color: #333; }

script language=JavaScript
$('#menu li').hover(
function() {


ul id=menu
li class=topnav
a href=#Search Engines/a
lia href=http://google.com/;Google/a/li
lia href=http://yahoo.com/;Yahoo/a/li
lia href=http://live.com/;Live 
li class=topnav
a href=http://shopping.com;Shopping/a
lia href=http://amazon.com/;Amazon/a/li
lia href=http://ebay.com/;eBay/a/li

[jQuery] Re: disable column from sorting in tablesorter

2009-08-07 Thread gord007

great answer: D 
advise someone better?


jQuery Lover-2 wrote:
 You can write a javascript function that will add a row count column
 and after every table sort action will fire to clean the content of
 the column and repopulate it with numbers from 1 to 100. You can use
 tablesort's events:
 $(table).bind(sortEnd,function() {
   // write your code here
 Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com
 On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Rick Pasotto r...@niof.net wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:02:01AM -0800, MorningZ wrote:

 So to clarify, you always want that column to be sequentially 1 to n
 where n is the number of rows?


 and if so, and the sort is descending, would it be n to 1 ?

 No. the first row should always rank #1. The user can reverse the sort
 order if he wants to. The user wants to know the rank of some row near
 the middle of the table without having to manually count the rows.

 On Jan 17, 12:10 pm, Rick Pasotto r...@niof.net wrote:
  I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always
  1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns
  are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular
  Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values
  the first column after tablesorter did it's work?
  I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what
  Could someone suggest another way to achieve what I want?
  Everything that you can imagine is real. -- Pablo Picasso
  Rick Pasottor...@niof.nethttp://www.niof.net

 Our doctrine is based on private property. Communism is based on
 systematic plunder, since it consists in handing over to one man,
 without compensation, the labor of another. If it distributed to
 each one according to his labor, it would, in fact, recognize
 private property and would no longer be communism.
-- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
Rick Pasottor...@niof.nethttp://www.niof.net


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Regular Expression validation

2009-08-07 Thread nouky

I would like to validate a textbox that numbers cannot be entered into
the text input, how do i do this??? With regular expression??


[jQuery] sign preview

2009-08-07 Thread Brian

I have a client that needs a web tool that will allow users to upload
an image and preview that exact image on a sign template. Also, to be
able to type text into a field and preview how that text will display
on a sign.

Similar to zazzle's custom product creation and buildasign.


Does anyone have suggestions on where I should start?

[jQuery] (validate) - validator.addMethod problems

2009-08-07 Thread mwskuzzy

Hi All

I am hoping somebody can help me with this. I have two drop down
select boxes (Month, Year) which I use to select a credit card expiry
date. I want to check if the month and year they select is before the
current month and year (to check if credit card has expired). I have
created a custom validation method to do this using the jquery
validation plugin. The code for the addMethod is below:

// add method to validate expiry date
$.validator.addMethod(expirydate, function(value, element) {
 var result = true;
 var strYear = value;
 var strMonth = $(#fMonth option:selected).val();
 var datNow = new Date();
 var intMonth = datNow.getMonth()+1;
 var intYear = datNow.getFullYear()
 if(strYear.length==2) {
  intYear =  + intYear
  strYear = intYear.substring(0,2) + strYear
 if (parseInt(strYear)  parseInt(intYear)) { result =
false; }
 if (parseInt(strMonth)  parseInt(intMonth)) { result =
false; }
 // return result
 return this.optional(element) || result==true;
}, Card has already expired);

Problem is that my jquery does work at all on the page when I add this
method. The problem is with the following two lines:

 if (parseInt(strYear)  parseInt(intYear)) { result = false; }
 if (parseInt(strMonth)  parseInt(intMonth)) { result = false; }

I cant see anything wrong with this code and cant understand why it
does not work. Here is the html code for the select boxes

td class=formLabelspan class=required*/spanExpiry Date/
td class=formFieldselect name=fMonth id=fMonth
option selected=selected value=Month/option
option value=0101/option
option value=0202/option
option value=0303/option
option value=0404/option
option value=0505/option
option value=0606/option
option value=0707/option
option value=0808/option
option value=0909/option
option value=1010/option
option value=/option
option value=1212/option
select name=fYear id=fYear
option selected=selected value=Year/option
option value=092009/option
option value=102010/option
option value=112011/option

The following code is how I implemented the validation:

rules: {
fYear: {
required: function() {
return $(input[name=rbPaymentType])

If anybody can help I would greatly appreciate it.


[jQuery] jquery treeview vertical lines missing

2009-08-07 Thread Alan C

I am trying to use treeview and have a tester page


the html for the directory view is generated dynamically with php
building the unordered list from directories on the server, the html
passes validation and 'looks' ok, but when the page renders the
vertical lines are missing from the treeview. By way of a test I
copied the html for my ul and pasted it into the original demo file
that came with treeview and got the same result, so it has to be
something wrong with my code (as always :-))

The supplied demo works fine. I have stared at this for hours so . . .

any suggestions welcome

[jQuery] Re: Regular Expression validation

2009-08-07 Thread Michael Lawson

yes, you can grab the value of the textbox and match it against a regular
var reg = new RegExp(/[a-zA-Z]/);
return valid;
return not valid;

like that


Michael Lawson
Development Lead, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-276-206-8393
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Whether one believes in a religion or not,
and whether one believes in rebirth or not,
there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion..'

  From:   nouky a.noor...@gmail.com  
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   08/07/2009 02:45 PM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Regular Expression validation   

I would like to validate a textbox that numbers cannot be entered into
the text input, how do i do this??? With regular expression??


inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick
I do CF dev work, too, but haven't come across this yet, but it made me 
curious. I googled coldfusion yes no serialize json and it brought up 
a few articles about this. Sounds like adding a space after yes  and 
no  is the workaround some other people used. Ooof.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the 
query (ColdFusion)

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json 
formatting that's

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling 
page in json.




*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] 
*On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's 
probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the 
data for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If 
that's still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform 
again on their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have 
quotes around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' 
+ row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead 
of true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





/Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger/



[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Rick Faircloth
Ug.hate having to manipulate data like that.  This sounds like the solution
I may

have to use for another problem, which is that javascript strips off any
leading zeros

from data.  I have passwords that lead with a 0, so I've got to do
something about that.


Over on the cf-talk list, it was suggested that I use the YesNoFormat

but can't since I'm outputting the data using javascript.


Is there no js formatting option available?


I googled for a solution before posting, but couldn't find anything very

didn't good for your words, however.


Seems like the js language would have a solution for this on the output




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:55 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


I do CF dev work, too, but haven't come across this yet, but it made me
curious. I googled coldfusion yes no serialize json and it brought up a
few articles about this. Sounds like adding a space after yes  and no 
is the workaround some other people used. Ooof.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the query

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json formatting

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling page in




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's probably
the library you're using on the server side to prepare the data for
returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If that's still
showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform again on their way
to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have quotes around them
(again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' +
row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead of
true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger




[jQuery] Re: Make event happen after a certain amount of time has passed.

2009-08-07 Thread Simon Vansintjan
That's a pretty neat plugin. Thanks Cesar.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Cesar Sanz the.email.tr...@gmail.comwrote:

 check this out http://plugins.jquery.com/project/timers

 - Original Message -
 From: James james.gp@gmail.com
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 4:19 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Make event happen after a certain amount of time has

 Then you can do something like this:

 Have a setTimeout (say, executes in 20 seconds) with a callback
 function, say moveToLocation.

 Then you need a way to find out whether the div has been scrolled to
 the certain location or not. That can be done by checking either for
 the user's top/left coordinate of their screen, or you can set a
 variable when the user clicks on that button.

 After the 20 seconds comes by and the moveToLocation function is
 called, it checks for that location (or some variable you set). If
 it's true (meaning, the user has scrolled to the certain location),
 then do nothing. Otherwise, do the auto-scroll.

 The idea is that the moveToLocation is called no matter what. It's
 just that whether you do the actual action or not depends on the state
 of things.

 On Aug 6, 12:09 pm, Simon Vansintjan svansint...@gmail.com wrote:
  Well, it's pretty theoretical at the moment, so there's no code down, but
  the idea would be that a div appears, and that the user can click on a
  button that would scroll the div to a certain location. However, if the
  doesn't click, I would still want the div to move to that location (in
  he/she doesn't get it that it would move, dunno).
  On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:03 PM, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
   Use the setTimeout/setInterval functions with some kind of global
   counter. If some kind of action/event occurs, the counter would be
   refreshed and the function would not execute.
   Would you like to specify in more detail what you would like to
   On Aug 6, 11:43 am, Simon svansint...@gmail.com wrote:
After a user hasn't triggered an event for a given amount of purple,
would it be possible to trigger that event anyway?
I have no idea how to even start looking for this.
Thanks for any hints/ideas/whatever you can throw my way.



[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Rick Faircloth
Just, fyi, Jack and anyone else.


The solution was to put an inline condition into the code:


.spanRight' + (row[18] ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '/span.


Works great!




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:55 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


I do CF dev work, too, but haven't come across this yet, but it made me
curious. I googled coldfusion yes no serialize json and it brought up a
few articles about this. Sounds like adding a space after yes  and no 
is the workaround some other people used. Ooof.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the query

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json formatting

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling page in




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's probably
the library you're using on the server side to prepare the data for
returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If that's still
showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform again on their way
to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have quotes around them
(again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' +
row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead of
true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger




[jQuery] Re: Bug? -- toggle() of TR broke in IE8

2009-08-07 Thread Mondo Libero

Here: http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/4753, and Here: 
some users send this bug on bug tracker. The example are almost the
same of this situation.

On 5 Ago, 17:02, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry about the hostility, was having a pretty stressful day and I
 didn't really look into the problem too much, so my apologies for that.
 Now that I've had a better look, it actually does look like a bug.
 If you enter a value to the toggle, IE8 will do something with the TR,
 but it ends up hiding at the end.

 You may want to post a bug reporthttp://dev.jquery.com/report/

 Fontzter wrote:

  Thanks for your input, we all know how irritating IE can be.  However,
  there are a few things about this that puzzle me:

  * It works in IE6, IE7, FF, Chrome and Opera
  * It works with jQuery 1.2.6
  * You can call show() and hide() on the TRs and it works in IE8 (see

  For these reasons, I did not think it was inappropriate to ask (I did
  use a question mark in the subject) if this was a possible bug.



  On Aug 4, 11:18 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

  It's down to the way IE handles tables, nothing to do with a jquery bug
  (people are so quick to shout out that word).
  Boiled down, you can't do a lot of things to tr's in IE, and display
  none is one of the things you can't change.

  - Liam

  Fontzter wrote:


  Can anyone confirm this?

  On Jul 29, 9:52 am, Fontzter dmfo...@gmail.com wrote:

  I put together a simple case to demonstrate this:http://jsbin.com/ijini

  This works in other browsers but not IE8.



[jQuery] count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread ripcurlksm

I have a script where a user can select any 10 out of 20 CD's. I am using the
jQuery Field Plug-in to limit the users selections to 10.

My question is, how can I display the number of checkboxes selected, and
remaining? I want to say:

You have 3 CD's selected.
You have 7 selections left.

Here is a live example:
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread James

Suppose all your checkbox has the class myCheckbox:

var numSelected = $(input.myCheckbox:checked).length;

You can use simple math to get how many are remaining.

On Aug 7, 10:53 am, ripcurlksm kevin.mccorm...@cox.net wrote:
 I have a script where a user can select any 10 out of 20 CD's. I am using the
 jQuery Field Plug-in to limit the users selections to 10.

 My question is, how can I display the number of checkboxes selected, and
 remaining? I want to say:

 You have 3 CD's selected.
 You have 7 selections left.

 Here is a live example:http://psylicyde.com/misc/checkbox/
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Bug? -- toggle() of TR broke in IE8

2009-08-07 Thread John Resig
These are a duplicate of http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/4512 which has been


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Mondo Libero i...@vincenzoferme.it wrote:

 Here: http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/4753, and Here:
 some users send this bug on bug tracker. The example are almost the
 same of this situation.

 On 5 Ago, 17:02, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sorry about the hostility, was having a pretty stressful day and I
  didn't really look into the problem too much, so my apologies for that.
  Now that I've had a better look, it actually does look like a bug.
  If you enter a value to the toggle, IE8 will do something with the TR,
  but it ends up hiding at the end.
  You may want to post a bug reporthttp://dev.jquery.com/report/
  Fontzter wrote:
   Thanks for your input, we all know how irritating IE can be.  However,
   there are a few things about this that puzzle me:
   * It works in IE6, IE7, FF, Chrome and Opera
   * It works with jQuery 1.2.6
   * You can call show() and hide() on the TRs and it works in IE8 (see
   For these reasons, I did not think it was inappropriate to ask (I did
   use a question mark in the subject) if this was a possible bug.
   On Aug 4, 11:18 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
   It's down to the way IE handles tables, nothing to do with a jquery
   (people are so quick to shout out that word).
   Boiled down, you can't do a lot of things to tr's in IE, and display
   none is one of the things you can't change.
   - Liam
   Fontzter wrote:
   Can anyone confirm this?
   On Jul 29, 9:52 am, Fontzter dmfo...@gmail.com wrote:
   I put together a simple case to demonstrate this:
   This works in other browsers but not IE8.

[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Nice workaround, for some reason I thought you didn't have control over 
the js side or something weird. Cool.

Sure would be nice to know that CF isn't altering data, eh? FWIW, I've 
been using the ajaxCFC module for a long time (to serialize CF objects 
into JSON) and haven't run up against the same issue, but I'm not sure 
if I've had Yes/No data to deal with.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Just, fyi, Jack and anyone else...


The solution was to put an inline condition into the code:


...spanRight' + (row[18] ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '/span...


Works great!




*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] 
*On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, August 07, 2009 2:55 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


I do CF dev work, too, but haven't come across this yet, but it made 
me curious. I googled coldfusion yes no serialize json and it 
brought up a few articles about this. Sounds like adding a space after 
yes  and no  is the workaround some other people used. Ooof.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the 
query (ColdFusion)

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json 
formatting that's

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling 
page in json.




*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's 
probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the 
data for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If 
that's still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform 
again on their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have 
quotes around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' 
+ row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead 
of true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





/Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger/




[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread ripcurlksm

I dont want to use an alert, I want to  use ajax or some method to show how
many checkboxes are selected in REAL TIME.

So when you select one checkbox it says on the page:

You have 1 CD's selected.
You have 9 selections left. 

When you select a second checkbox it says on the page:

You have 2 CD's selected.
You have 8 selections left. 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread James

It was an example to show you how to get the number of selected

If you want to integrate it with events, then you might want to do
something like:

$(input.myCheckbox).click(function() {
var numSelected = $(input.myCheckbox:checked).length;
var numLeft = 10 - parseInt(numSelected);
$(#statusBox).html(You have +numSelected+ CD's
selected.brYou have +numLeft+ selections left.);

On Aug 7, 11:34 am, ripcurlksm kevin.mccorm...@cox.net wrote:
 I dont want to use an alert, I want to  use ajax or some method to show how
 many checkboxes are selected in REAL TIME.

 So when you select one checkbox it says on the page:

 You have 1 CD's selected.
 You have 9 selections left.

 When you select a second checkbox it says on the page:

 You have 2 CD's selected.
 You have 8 selections left.
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread ripcurlksm

Thanks James, that was really helpful -- I've placed the code, but I can not
get it to populate the div. Did I place it in the correct area? 

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread James

Usually checkboxes should have different names for its attributes, and
add class=chkLimit.
input.chkLimit means an input element with class chkLimit
Otherwise, for your code, you can try to use:

if you want. This means all inputs with id that begins with

On Aug 7, 12:36 pm, ripcurlksm kevin.mccorm...@cox.net wrote:
 Thanks James, that was really helpful -- I've placed the code, but I can not
 get it to populate the div. Did I place it in the correct area?

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: disable column from sorting in tablesorter

2009-08-07 Thread amuhlou

I'm not sure if this helps, but you can configure tablesorter on a per
column basis


On Aug 7, 12:38 pm, gord007 josef@gmail.com wrote:
 great answer :D
 advise someone better?


 jQuery Lover-2 wrote:

  You can write a javascript function that will add a row count column
  and after every table sort action will fire to clean the content of
  the column and repopulate it with numbers from 1 to 100. You can use
  tablesort's events:

  $(table).bind(sortEnd,function() {
    // write your code here

  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

  On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Rick Pasotto r...@niof.net wrote:

  On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:02:01AM -0800, MorningZ wrote:

  So to clarify, you always want that column to be sequentially 1 to n
  where n is the number of rows?


  and if so, and the sort is descending, would it be n to 1 ?

  No. the first row should always rank #1. The user can reverse the sort
  order if he wants to. The user wants to know the rank of some row near
  the middle of the table without having to manually count the rows.

  On Jan 17, 12:10 pm, Rick Pasotto r...@niof.net wrote:
   I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always
   1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns
   are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular

   Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values
   the first column after tablesorter did it's work?

   I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what

   Could someone suggest another way to achieve what I want?

   Everything that you can imagine is real. -- Pablo Picasso
       Rick Pasotto    r...@niof.net    http://www.niof.net

  Our doctrine is based on private property. Communism is based on
  systematic plunder, since it consists in handing over to one man,
  without compensation, the labor of another. If it distributed to
  each one according to his labor, it would, in fact, recognize
  private property and would no longer be communism.
         -- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
     Rick Pasotto    r...@niof.net    http://www.niof.net

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: disable column from sorting in tablesorter

2009-08-07 Thread amuhlou

apologies, I see now that it isn't exactly what you're looking for

On Aug 7, 7:18 pm, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not sure if this helps, but you can configure tablesorter on a per
 column basis


 On Aug 7, 12:38 pm, gord007 josef@gmail.com wrote:

  great answer :D
  advise someone better?


  jQuery Lover-2 wrote:

   You can write a javascript function that will add a row count column
   and after every table sort action will fire to clean the content of
   the column and repopulate it with numbers from 1 to 100. You can use
   tablesort's events:

   $(table).bind(sortEnd,function() {
     // write your code here

   Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

   On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Rick Pasotto r...@niof.net wrote:

   On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:02:01AM -0800, MorningZ wrote:

   So to clarify, you always want that column to be sequentially 1 to n
   where n is the number of rows?


   and if so, and the sort is descending, would it be n to 1 ?

   No. the first row should always rank #1. The user can reverse the sort
   order if he wants to. The user wants to know the rank of some row near
   the middle of the table without having to manually count the rows.

   On Jan 17, 12:10 pm, Rick Pasotto r...@niof.net wrote:
I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always
1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns
are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular

Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values
the first column after tablesorter did it's work?

I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what

Could someone suggest another way to achieve what I want?

Everything that you can imagine is real. -- Pablo Picasso
    Rick Pasotto    r...@niof.net    http://www.niof.net

   Our doctrine is based on private property. Communism is based on
   systematic plunder, since it consists in handing over to one man,
   without compensation, the labor of another. If it distributed to
   each one according to his labor, it would, in fact, recognize
   private property and would no longer be communism.
          -- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
      Rick Pasotto    r...@niof.net    http://www.niof.net

  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Superfish Joomla issue for IE6

2009-08-07 Thread Charlie

not sure what this part of your code is but IE 6 throwing errors on it.
Try removing it temporarily and see what happens

window.addEvent((window.webkit) ? 'load' : 'domready', function() {
window.rokajaxsearch = new RokAjaxSearch({

j_samm...@comcast.net wrote:

  Hi!  Oddly enough, I have no problems with my IE7 version of my
superfish menu is Joomla, but in IE6 it does not work properly.  It
does work, thank God, but not like in the other browsers.  Two things

1) The menu is not resized all the way over to the width of the
2) The buttons do not work for the entire span, but only work when you
rollover the actual link.  This does not behave this way in IE7 or 8.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?  Here is my site:

Try it in IE6 and IE8 and you will see what I am referring to.


[jQuery] Re: Checkbox behaviour

2009-08-07 Thread James

You can have as many document ready checks as you want. I'd like to
keep things organized by only having one though.
As for the checkbox being selected by default when the page loads, you
can do either of two things:
1) run the function on page load that checks for the checkbox and do
any changes
2) or run a code to that unchecks the checkbox on page load so that
it's always unchecked on page load.

On Aug 7, 5:18 am, Samuurai djbe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry Johnathan, I sent a seperate reply, but it never came through.

 Thanks for your input.. My question about it was... is it bad practice
 to have more than one $(document.ready(function(){}) scripts, or can I
 have multiple?



 On Aug 7, 1:43 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be

  You'll have to run the whole function block within
  $(#show_resolve).click() on load (ie. put it somewhere in

  Make it a seperate function so you can avoid copy/pasting the whole thing


  Samuurai wrote:

   This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed,
   having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result
   I wanted very qucikly and easily!

   However, I'm having one little niggle...

   Here's my code:
                                      $(#show_resolve).click(function () {
                                      if ($(#show_resolve).is(:checked))

   This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div.
   However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox
   remains ticked, but the div is hidden.

   Any ideas how I can make it work reliably?

  Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Animate Issue

2009-08-07 Thread Charlie

the problem with your setup is you keep adding click handlers on top of
click handlers every time a click is made

10 round trips in and out and you add 20 new click handlers to the same

Mr Withers wrote:

  Hi Guys

Iam having an issue with the JQuery animate function. Iam not sure if
its because iam potentially mis-using the animate function or if its a
genuine issue so I thought I would seek some adivce here before
looking into it any further :-).

I have posted up an example of the bug on Jsbin with the following


There is an expand arrow on the left hand side  that when clicked
will make the left panel slide out. The arrow then turns the other way
 so you can click and slide back in. After 10 slide out , slide
in's - the animation really starts to slow and there is a logarithmic
delay in it sliding in and sliding out which is bizarre.  Iam using
IE7.0.5730.13 , and one of my colleagues has noticed the same
behaviour in Firefox 3.0 and IE8. I cant see anything obivous happing
like a JS error or bad CSS on my part so iam thinking it might be an
issue with the animate function.

Can anyone shed anylight on this issue for me?

Thanks in advance



[jQuery] Sortables and helper appending

2009-08-07 Thread tecmo

Does anyone know how I can make the draggable helper the last
container in my sortables?

I've been messing with the appendTo option, but I haven't a clue how
to get it to work.


[jQuery] jquery(VALIDATE)

2009-08-07 Thread Miket3

I need a way to debug what is being returned when I use the REMOTE
option.  I cant get the validation to give me an error class when a
duplicate is found.  here is my lookup.php which works perfectly fine
when I use jquery $get to call it.

$noheaders = true;  //prevents config.php from loading any header
data such a scripts and styles.
$table = $_GET[table];
$key = $_REQUEST[key];
$value = $_REQUEST[value];
$failmsg = (isset($_GET[failmsg]) ? $_GET[failmsg] : $value.: Not
Found in TABLE: .$table. for KEY: .$key);
$foundmsg = (isset($_GET[foundmsg]) ? $_GET[foundmsg] : $value.:
Found in TABLE: .$table. for KEY: .$key);
$sql=SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $key='$value' ;
if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0) {
  echo $foundmsg;
} else {echo $failmsg;  };

Here are my rules:
var validator = $(#myform).validate({
rules: {
username: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
type: GET,
password: {
required: true,
minlength: 5
email: {
required: true,
email: true,
type: GET,
messages: {


[jQuery] Re: jQuery conflicts

2009-08-07 Thread Charlie

yes, with a disclaimer as to what you mean by "libraries". jQuery
itself is often referred to as a library. You won't need to change
anything inside jQuery.js or plugins, only functions that you generate
in script tags

"$" is an alias for "jQuery" but is also used by other "libraries" such
as Mootools, thus the noConflict use

end result, change out all those wierd noConflict variable names to
"jQuery(" yourSelector).. "

bencharity wrote:

  Thanks for the reply Charlie!

I'm reading up on the NoConflict but am a little confused (this is all
still quite new to me).

It says  "By using this function, you will only be able to access
jQuery using the 'jQuery' variable. For example, where you used to do $
("div p"), you now must do jQuery("div p")."  Does this mean I call it
after my first jQuery instance and then have to change every $ to
jQuery in my subsequent libraries???

On Aug 5, 12:56pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
you only need to call jQueryNoConflict once for the page
after that any jQuery functions would start with jQuery('selector'
Try removing all the noconflict variables
bencharity wrote:I would like to use several jQuery effects through a website that I am developing; a login popup, a drop down contact form, coda content scroller, and tabbed content. However, these implementations keep interfering with each other. Is there any way to get around this? I seems as though there must be a way to use multiple jQuery functions. The page is here:http://atlanta.scadswap.com/points-of-interest/clubs/opera/Implementing the Login Popup (which doesn't have a login form inside it yet) broke the contact drop down, and it stays revealed now. The tabbed content in the sidebar seems fine though. Something already broke my coda jQuery content scroller here:http://atlanta.scadswap.com/points-of-interest/Thank you in advance for your time!


[jQuery] Re: Dropdown menu Issue

2009-08-07 Thread Charlie

worked fine for me in IE7 and FF3

Xenongasman wrote:

  So I got a bit of a issue. I have a working dropdown menu animated on
hover with slideDown and slideUp. But the problem is if I move off and
on the menu quickly it will repeat the slideDown/Up effect. So I
thought I would add stop() right before slideDown/Up and that breaks
it. It'll work for the first couple times but then it starts cutting
the menu off. Its really weird. Does anyone have a suggestion? Here is
the code:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
titleCSS Dropdown/title
script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/script
style type="text/css"

	/* General */
* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;
background-color: black; }
	#menu, #menu ul { list-style: none; }
#menu {margin:10px;}

	/* Head links */
	#menu li.topnav { width: 150px; float: left; margin-left: -1px;
border: 1px black solid; background-color: #e9e9e9; text-align:
center; }
	#menu li.topnav a { display: block; padding: 15px; }

	/* Child lists and links */
	#menu li.topnav ul { display: none; border-top: 1px black solid; text-
align: left; }
	#menu li.topnav:hover ul { display: block; }
	#menu li.topnav ul li a { padding: 5px; height: 17px; }
#menu ul.topnav li a:hover {background-color: #333; }

script language="_javascript_"
		$('#menu li').hover(
function() {


	ul id="menu"
		li class="topnav"
			a href=""Search Engines/a
lia href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://google.com/">"http://google.com/"Google/a/li
lia href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://yahoo.com/">"http://yahoo.com/"Yahoo/a/li
lia href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://live.com/">"http://live.com/"Live Search/a/li
		li class="topnav"
			a href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://shopping.com">"http://shopping.com"Shopping/a
lia href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://amazon.com/">"http://amazon.com/"Amazon/a/li
lia href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://ebay.com/">"http://ebay.com/"eBay/a/li
lia href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://craigslist.com/">"http://craigslist.com/"CraigsList/a/li


[jQuery] Re: jquery(VALIDATE)

2009-08-07 Thread James

Well, to look at the actual AJAX response, you can use Firebug for
Firefox to see it.
You're suppose to have your remote page return true if it's good and
false if it's not okay.

Looking at your code, both username and email validation checks have
the same url and data. Ideally, you're suppose to pass the inputted
username and email data to that URL for your remote script to check
your database again those values, and return true or false.

On Aug 7, 3:12 pm, Miket3 miketro...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need a way to debug what is being returned when I use the REMOTE
 option.  I cant get the validation to give me an error class when a
 duplicate is found.  here is my lookup.php which works perfectly fine
 when I use jquery $get to call it.

 $noheaders = true;  //prevents config.php from loading any header
 data such a scripts and styles.
 $table = $_GET[table];
 $key = $_REQUEST[key];
 $value = $_REQUEST[value];
 $failmsg = (isset($_GET[failmsg]) ? $_GET[failmsg] : $value.: Not
 Found in TABLE: .$table. for KEY: .$key);
 $foundmsg = (isset($_GET[foundmsg]) ? $_GET[foundmsg] : $value.:
 Found in TABLE: .$table. for KEY: .$key);
 $sql=SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $key='$value' ;
 if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0) {
   echo $foundmsg;} else {echo $failmsg;  };


 Here are my rules:
         var validator = $(#myform).validate({
                 rules: {
                         username: {
                                 required: true,
                                 minlength: 4,
                                 type: GET,
                         password: {
                                 required: true,
                                 minlength: 5
                         email: {
                                 required: true,
                                 email: true,
                                 type: GET,
                 messages: {
