[jQuery] Re: Loading external text in to a text area?

2009-09-07 Thread Nic Hubbard

If you use $.ajax and the success option, you could do:


On Sep 7, 10:48 am, ximo wallas igguan...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hello, I would like to know if I can load a small text from a external source 
 into a textarea.
 the external source is a php that will write some clean text depending on the 
 vars received.
 I know load() can do the job for a div but I don't think it will work for a 

[jQuery] Using serialize() with one form field

2009-08-17 Thread Nic Hubbard

Is it possible to use serialize with just one form field?  I am
constructing a url to send with $.post and I need to convert the
spaces and special characters of a field.

Currently this does not seem to work:

var news_letter_email = $('#newsletter_email').serialize();

Ideas for how this can be achieved?

[jQuery] Get vars from one event function to another

2009-08-12 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am confused about how to do this the right way.

I have a change event which grabs the value of the selected option
list and sets that as a var.  But, I would like to add that to the end
of my post string when I submit the form, how would I do this?

$('select').change(function() {

$('select option:selected').each(function() {

var my_val = $(this).val();

});//end each

});//end change

$('#my_submit').submit(function() {

var action = $('form').attr('action');
// How do I get my_val variable into here??
$('form').attr('action', action + 'new_parm=' + my_val);


[jQuery] Re: Get vars from one event function to another

2009-08-12 Thread Nic Hubbard

Thanks James for that tip.

Still looking for how to pass a var from one event function to

On Aug 12, 4:28 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do with the change()
 You know you can get the value of a select just with val(). You don't
 have to loop through each option to find which is selected.

 select id=mySelect
     option value=11/option
     option value=22/option

 var myVal = $(#mySelect).val(); // 1 or 2

 On Aug 12, 1:18 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am confused about how to do this the right way.

  I have a change event which grabs the value of the selected option
  list and sets that as a var.  But, I would like to add that to the end
  of my post string when I submit the form, how would I do this?

  $('select').change(function() {

          $('select option:selected').each(function() {

                  var my_val = $(this).val();

          });//end each

  });//end change

  $('#my_submit').submit(function() {

          var action = $('form').attr('action');
          // How do I get my_val variable into here??
          $('form').attr('action', action + 'new_parm=' + my_val);


[jQuery] Re: Using .live and .each

2009-08-06 Thread Nic Hubbard

Sorry, I slipped up while typing.  I meant I am NOW using ajax as

Using ajax I bring in new content such as:

span class=ISODatemy iso date/span

Each time I insert these into the DOM they need to be converted.  The
above script was used to convert them on page load and did not account
for content being added using ajax.

On Aug 5, 5:14 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 It's not clear what you want to do. You said you are not using ajax
 but you have content brought in through ajax. What exactly do you
 need $.live for? For what browser event?

 On Aug 5, 1:17 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Anyone?  Someone must have done this...

  On Aug 5, 11:32 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have a script that runs when I load the page which converts some
   dates.  I am not using ajax as well, and I need to use .live to
   convert the dates that I brought in through ajax.  How would I
   combine .live with .each and make it work?

   if ($(span.ISODate).length  0) {
           $(span.ISODate).each(function() {


[jQuery] Using .live and .each

2009-08-05 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a script that runs when I load the page which converts some
dates.  I am not using ajax as well, and I need to use .live to
convert the dates that I brought in through ajax.  How would I
combine .live with .each and make it work?

if ($(span.ISODate).length  0) {
$(span.ISODate).each(function() {

[jQuery] Re: Using .live and .each

2009-08-05 Thread Nic Hubbard

Anyone?  Someone must have done this...

On Aug 5, 11:32 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a script that runs when I load the page which converts some
 dates.  I am not using ajax as well, and I need to use .live to
 convert the dates that I brought in through ajax.  How would I
 combine .live with .each and make it work?

 if ($(span.ISODate).length  0) {
         $(span.ISODate).each(function() {


[jQuery] jQuery and javascript objects

2009-07-08 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have some JSON that I returned from my server.  I then converted it
to an object using eval.  It is only then that I can start
manipulating it with jQuery (trust me).  Currently the multilevel
object is set in a var.  Is there a way that I can then have jQuery
use this, to get values from it?  Or is there no sense in trying to
use jQuery for this, and it might not even be of help?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery and javascript objects

2009-07-08 Thread Nic Hubbard

Is it possible to use the .each() function on an object that came from

On Jul 7, 11:54 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have some JSON that I returned from my server.  I then converted it
 to an object using eval.  It is only then that I can start
 manipulating it with jQuery (trust me).  Currently the multilevel
 object is set in a var.  Is there a way that I can then have jQuery
 use this, to get values from it?  Or is there no sense in trying to
 use jQuery for this, and it might not even be of help?


[jQuery] Re: Live() event doesnot refresh the class of the event which was changed dynamically.

2009-07-05 Thread Nic Hubbard

Pretty sure that you have to create a new .live() event for your
expected class.  So, you would need to do:

 $(.newClass).live(mouseover, function(){
//clickable function here..


On Jul 5, 12:30 am, Sanam kcssm2...@gmail.com wrote:
      I got this problem with live() event.I have used it as  follows.

     $(.addressDiv span).live(mouseover, function(){
     //clickable function here..

 I have used the live() event to trigger the function on mouseover in
 the dynamically added elements. But the problem i got is that once the
 live event is called it takes the class of the element and stores. And
 when the class of that particular element is changed dynamically the
 live() event does not detect the new classed added dynamically,
 instead it takes the former class. Live() event does not update the
 class.  How can I solve this problem?


[jQuery] Re: Float Image on Page

2009-06-30 Thread Nic Hubbard

I figured it out, I just used the .each function so that each floater
would get a random value. :)

On Jun 29, 9:41 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a way to make this more random?  Meaning, if I have multiple
 images, using the above script they all kind of go on the same

 Thanks again.

 On Jun 29, 9:19 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  Quick example:

  var floater = function(){
           $('img').animate( {'marginTop':(Math.random() * $(window).height())
  + 'px','marginLeft':(Math.random() * $(window).width()) + 'px'},
           } );


  Hope that can give you someplace to start.

  On Jun 29, 4:32 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have been trying to find a solution to this for a while, but all I
   can find is about style:float which is not what I want.

   I would like to animate an image randomly around the screen.  So, it
   could slowly float across the screen, and would randomly choose its

   Any ideas?

[jQuery] Start Animation from Center of Screen

2009-06-30 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have some animated text using the top and left css properties.  But,
everything starts from the top left of my screen.  How could I make
the animation start from the center, and then float out from there?

Example Page:

jQuery Code:
script type=text/javascript

// Start floater function
var floater = function()

$('.floater').each(function() {

// Random Times
var timeout = Array();
timeout[0] = 4000;
timeout[1] = 5000;
timeout[2] = 1;
timeout[3] = 15000;
timeout[4] = 2;
timeout[5] = 25000;
timeout[6] = 3;

var time = timeout[Math.floor(Math.random() * 

'marginTop':(Math.random() * 
$(window).height()) + 'px',
'marginLeft':(Math.random() * 
$(window).width()) + 'px'
});// End animate
});// End each
}// End floater

// Execute our function

// Stop animation when button is clicked


// Add our colors
// Create array of colors
var colors = Array();
colors[0] = '#66ff44';
colors[1] = '#9900ff';
colors[2] = '#ff11ff';
colors[3] = '#ff2266';
colors[4] = '#ff7755';
colors[5] = '#ffbb55';
colors[6] = '#eeff33';

// Random hex value
var color_hex = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * 

$(this).css('color', color_hex);

});// End each

});// End ready

[jQuery] Float Image on Page

2009-06-29 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have been trying to find a solution to this for a while, but all I
can find is about style:float which is not what I want.

I would like to animate an image randomly around the screen.  So, it
could slowly float across the screen, and would randomly choose its

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Float Image on Page

2009-06-29 Thread Nic Hubbard

Thanks!  This is just what I was looking for!

On Jun 29, 9:19 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Quick example:

 var floater = function(){
          $('img').animate( {'marginTop':(Math.random() * $(window).height())
 + 'px','marginLeft':(Math.random() * $(window).width()) + 'px'},
          } );


 Hope that can give you someplace to start.

 On Jun 29, 4:32 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have been trying to find a solution to this for a while, but all I
  can find is about style:float which is not what I want.

  I would like to animate an image randomly around the screen.  So, it
  could slowly float across the screen, and would randomly choose its

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Float Image on Page

2009-06-29 Thread Nic Hubbard

Is there a way to make this more random?  Meaning, if I have multiple
images, using the above script they all kind of go on the same

Thanks again.

On Jun 29, 9:19 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Quick example:

 var floater = function(){
          $('img').animate( {'marginTop':(Math.random() * $(window).height())
 + 'px','marginLeft':(Math.random() * $(window).width()) + 'px'},
          } );


 Hope that can give you someplace to start.

 On Jun 29, 4:32 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have been trying to find a solution to this for a while, but all I
  can find is about style:float which is not what I want.

  I would like to animate an image randomly around the screen.  So, it
  could slowly float across the screen, and would randomly choose its

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Object as Function argument

2009-06-24 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have used an object in the past as a function argument, but this was
for a plugin that I wrote.  Using it in the architecture of a plugin
it worked.

BUT, this time, I just want to write a normal function, but still use
an object to set defaults and pass in changes to those defaults
through as a param.  Is this possible, or do I have to make this a
jQuery function like $.myfunction() ?

I am trying:

function test(defaults)
var defaults = {
test: ''


test({test: 'It works!'});

The above does not seem to work, and replace the default with that was
passed in the function.  What am I doing wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Object as Function argument

2009-06-24 Thread Nic Hubbard

How does jQuery do it for plugins?  I was wanting to be able to use
callbacks as well in the object.

What is happening what a plugin uses: var options = $.extend(defaults,

Somehow, that is getting the object to pass through as the function

Any help on this?

On Jun 24, 12:09 am, fredrik carl.fredrik.bonan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Not really sure what you are after. But I think you need to make an
 new instance of test first:

 var test = function (defaults){
     this.defaults = defaults || this.defaults;


 test.prototype = {
     defaults : { test : 'nothing' }


 new test();
 new test({test: 'hello world'});

 On Jun 24, 8:07 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have used an object in the past as a function argument, but this was
  for a plugin that I wrote.  Using it in the architecture of a plugin
  it worked.

  BUT, this time, I just want to write a normal function, but still use
  an object to set defaults and pass in changes to those defaults
  through as a param.  Is this possible, or do I have to make this a
  jQuery function like $.myfunction() ?

  I am trying:

  function test(defaults)
          var defaults = {
                  test: ''



  test({test: 'It works!'});

  The above does not seem to work, and replace the default with that was
  passed in the function.  What am I doing wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Array to JSON?

2009-06-23 Thread Nic Hubbard

Well, right now I am sending JSON to my php script which then uses
json_decode() to make them into vars.  But, I am wondering, is sending
JSON the best way?  Or should I just send the data as a normal query
string, rather than JSON?  Which is best?

On Jun 22, 5:13 pm, cs chuck.schleut...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why not make each field that has a nested key-value pair an object
 instead? In short, any array with a key but without a value is an
 object since your value is just an array of elements. What language is
 in charge of your back-end? And how is it handling the inputs your
 pass it? This is what really counts.

 JSON is

 On Jun 22, 7:01 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yeah, I am not too hot on using a plugin for this.  I had hoped there
  was just a quick function that I could pass in an array and return

  On Jun 22, 8:28 am, diogobaeder diogobae...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hmmm... why would one use this plugin if we have Douglas Crockford's
   json2.org, which is the original JSON library from the same creator of
   the concept JSON? And why load more modules into the main jQuery
   object, making it heavier, if we don't use DOM element wrappers in the
   plugin, only conversions to/from JS objects?

   Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, but it seems to me that this plugin
   is a reinvented wheel, and also that it didn't have to be a jQuery
   plugin to work. Does it have anything that we can't see in json2.org?


   On Jun 21, 11:39 pm, kranthi kranthi...@gmail.com wrote:

are u looking forhttp://www.google.co.in/search?q=jquery+json+plugin?

[jQuery] Looping through getJSON data

2009-06-23 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am returning data from the .getJSON() function and trying to write
is all out in the body.  But, for some reason this is not working at
all.  What have I done wrong?

$.getJSON(api_url, params,
function(data, texStatus)   {
// Check our array
for (i=0;idata.length; ++i) {

[jQuery] Re: Array to JSON?

2009-06-22 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yeah, I am not too hot on using a plugin for this.  I had hoped there
was just a quick function that I could pass in an array and return

On Jun 22, 8:28 am, diogobaeder diogobae...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmmm... why would one use this plugin if we have Douglas Crockford's
 json2.org, which is the original JSON library from the same creator of
 the concept JSON? And why load more modules into the main jQuery
 object, making it heavier, if we don't use DOM element wrappers in the
 plugin, only conversions to/from JS objects?

 Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, but it seems to me that this plugin
 is a reinvented wheel, and also that it didn't have to be a jQuery
 plugin to work. Does it have anything that we can't see in json2.org?


 On Jun 21, 11:39 pm, kranthi kranthi...@gmail.com wrote:

  are u looking forhttp://www.google.co.in/search?q=jquery+json+plugin?

[jQuery] Array to JSON?

2009-06-21 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have been trying to figure out how I could go from an associative
array to JSON.  Is there a function for this?

[jQuery] Loop through XML to find children

2009-06-19 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have an XML structure like the following:


This XML gets returned to me after an ajax post, so I can get the tags
$(xml).find('item').each(function() {
var 1 = $(this).children('attr1').text();
var 2 = $(this).children('attr2').text();

But, what if I don't want to set those into vars, but push each
attribute into an array, even if I don't know the name?  Also, could I
push them into an associative array so that I the name/value pairs are


[jQuery] getJSON items

2009-06-19 Thread Nic Hubbard

It is possible to have getJSON() grab all of the data pairs and put
them into a js array?  Rather than having to know the names of the

[jQuery] Random Image from Array

2009-06-08 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have some image URLs stored in an array.  I then want to be able to
print out one of those image URLs randomly on page load.  What would
be the best method to do this in jQuery?

My array looks like:

var theImages = new Array()
theImages[1] = 'http://www.puc.edu/__data/assets/image/0014/16007/
theImages[2] = 'http://www.puc.edu/__data/assets/image/0015/16008/
theImages[3] = 'http://www.puc.edu/__data/assets/image/0017/16208/
theImages[4] = 'http://www.puc.edu/__data/assets/image/0018/19035/

[jQuery] Re: Hover image under flash element.....

2009-06-02 Thread Nic Hubbard

You need to use the wmode for your flash element.  Setting wmode to
opaque should fix this.

On Jun 2, 5:38 am, Warrick warric...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to place several hover/tool tips using jQuery in a page
 that contains a flash elemnt to the right. When viewed in a browser
 the hover/tool tip appears partially below the adjacent flash element.
 Any one have any ideas???

[jQuery] Pass var to click event

2009-05-25 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am having trouble passing a variable into a function used within a
click event.  I am doing the following:

var test = 'Works!';
$('#action_confirm').click(function(test) {

I keep getting undefined.  What am I doing wrong?

[jQuery] Submit form when hitting enter

2009-05-20 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a form that I built, and I replaced the submit button with an
image.  When you click the image, it calls the .submit() jQuery
function and submits the form.

Because I am not using the normal submit input button, hitting enter
in most browsers won't submit the form.  I think that users are used
to this happening, so I would like to replicate this.

What would I need to do?  Can I trigger the .submit() function when
the enter button is hit?

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin - Can't Get Pause To Work

2009-04-29 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hi Mike,

Yes, still having issues.  It is not the anchors that I am concerned
about (the pause/play icon).  It is when you click the Contact about
this artwork link, it should be pausing the cycle, which it is not

This is where my problem lies.

On Apr 29, 10:15 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Nic, Are you still having a problem with this?  Your pause and resume
 anchors appear to be working just fine.


 On Apr 27, 3:04 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Really?  No one knows why the cycle pause is not working?  Someone
  must be using this!

  On Apr 24, 8:25 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:


   On Apr 23, 9:44 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:


Yes, I havepauseon hover set, and this is correctly working.  It is
when the overlay comes up, and it is suppose topausethe current
image, which, my code seems to be correct to do so $
('#artistCycleParent').cycle('pause'); but it just keeps cycling and
does not honor thepause.

I have it in my click function, and everything in the click function
does work, but not thepause.  Once the user clicks off of the
overlay, it should resume.

On Apr 23, 9:22 pm, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:

Pauseis working for me, with a catch.

 If my mouse is not over the image, it cycles.  Placing my mouse over 
 image pauses the cycling.

 Clicking the link brings up an overlay (?) and a form - at this point
 the mouse is not over the image, but over the overlay/form.  So the
 image cycles as it should.

 I don't think you want thepauseoption here.  I think you want to
 progamatically start/stop the cycling.  See the section Manually
 Pausing a slideshow athttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html.



 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  I am using thecycleplugin, but for some reason I can't get thepause
  feature to work.  I am showing a hidden div, and when I do, I need 
 pausethe slideshow.
  Here is what I am using:

             fx:      'fade',
             speed:    3000,
             timeout:  5000,
             pause:  1,
             next:   '#artworkNext',
             prev:   '#artworkPrev'

     $('#pauseButton').click(function() {
             return false;

     // Resume thecycle
     $('#resumeButton').click(function() {
             return false;

  The code looks ok to me, but it just does not seem topause.

  Click on Contact about artwork


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin - Can't Get Pause To Work

2009-04-27 Thread Nic Hubbard

Really?  No one knows why the cycle pause is not working?  Someone
must be using this!

On Apr 24, 8:25 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Apr 23, 9:44 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:


  Yes, I havepauseon hover set, and this is correctly working.  It is
  when the overlay comes up, and it is suppose topausethe current
  image, which, my code seems to be correct to do so $
  ('#artistCycleParent').cycle('pause'); but it just keeps cycling and
  does not honor thepause.

  I have it in my click function, and everything in the click function
  does work, but not thepause.  Once the user clicks off of the
  overlay, it should resume.

  On Apr 23, 9:22 pm, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:

  Pauseis working for me, with a catch.

   If my mouse is not over the image, it cycles.  Placing my mouse over the
   image pauses the cycling.

   Clicking the link brings up an overlay (?) and a form - at this point
   the mouse is not over the image, but over the overlay/form.  So the
   image cycles as it should.

   I don't think you want thepauseoption here.  I think you want to
   progamatically start/stop the cycling.  See the section Manually
   Pausing a slideshow athttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html.



   Nic Hubbard wrote:
I am using thecycleplugin, but for some reason I can't get thepause
feature to work.  I am showing a hidden div, and when I do, I need to
   pausethe slideshow.
Here is what I am using:

           fx:      'fade',
           speed:    3000,
           timeout:  5000,
           pause:  1,
           next:   '#artworkNext',
           prev:   '#artworkPrev'

   $('#pauseButton').click(function() {
           return false;

   // Resume thecycle
   $('#resumeButton').click(function() {
           return false;

The code looks ok to me, but it just does not seem topause.

Click on Contact about artwork


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin - Can't Get Pause To Work

2009-04-24 Thread Nic Hubbard


On Apr 23, 9:44 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes, I have pause on hover set, and this is correctly working.  It is
 when the overlay comes up, and it is suppose to pause the current
 image, which, my code seems to be correct to do so $
 ('#artistCycleParent').cycle('pause'); but it just keeps cycling and
 does not honor the pause.

 I have it in my click function, and everything in the click function
 does work, but not the pause.  Once the user clicks off of the
 overlay, it should resume.

 On Apr 23, 9:22 pm, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:

  Pause is working for me, with a catch.

  If my mouse is not over the image, it cycles.  Placing my mouse over the
  image pauses the cycling.

  Clicking the link brings up an overlay (?) and a form - at this point
  the mouse is not over the image, but over the overlay/form.  So the
  image cycles as it should.

  I don't think you want the pause option here.  I think you want to
  progamatically start/stop the cycling.  See the section Manually
  Pausing a slideshow athttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html.



  Nic Hubbard wrote:
   I am using the cycle plugin, but for some reason I can't get the pause
   feature to work.  I am showing a hidden div, and when I do, I need to
   pause the slideshow.
   Here is what I am using:

              fx:      'fade',
              speed:    3000,
              timeout:  5000,
              pause:  1,
              next:   '#artworkNext',
              prev:   '#artworkPrev'

      // Pause the cycle
      $('#pauseButton').click(function() {
              return false;

      // Resume the cycle
      $('#resumeButton').click(function() {
              return false;

   The code looks ok to me, but it just does not seem to pause.

   Click on Contact about artwork


[jQuery] Safari Layout Issues

2009-04-24 Thread Nic Hubbard

For some strange reason I am only having layout issues in Safari, even
IE6 renders the page correctly!  I have using jQuery Cycle on the
page, and I am starting to wonder if that is what is causing the
layout issue.

Example:  http://www.caldwellsnyder.com/home

It seems that the div #home_exhibition_hold won't honor the height and
width settings when loaded in Safari.  And I am wondering if there is
some js that is effecting this.

Does anyone have any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Safari Layout Issues

2009-04-24 Thread Nic Hubbard

Here is the cycle code I am using:

if ($('#home_exhibition_hold').length) {
fx:  'fade',
timeout:  7000,
pause:  0,
pager:   '#slide_pager'
if ($('.home_slides').length  2) {

On Apr 24, 12:54 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 For some strange reason I am only having layout issues in Safari, even
 IE6 renders the page correctly!  I have using jQuery Cycle on the
 page, and I am starting to wonder if that is what is causing the
 layout issue.

 Example:  http://www.caldwellsnyder.com/home

 It seems that the div #home_exhibition_hold won't honor the height and
 width settings when loaded in Safari.  And I am wondering if there is
 some js that is effecting this.

 Does anyone have any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Safari Layout Issues

2009-04-24 Thread Nic Hubbard

Ok, sorry guys, I realized I had come .css files below my .js files,
this was causing the conflict in Safari.

On Apr 24, 12:55 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here is the cycle code I am using:

 if ($('#home_exhibition_hold').length) {
                         fx:      'fade',
                         speed:    2000,
                         timeout:  7000,
                         pause:  0,
                         pager:   '#slide_pager'
         if ($('.home_slides').length  2) {

 On Apr 24, 12:54 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  For some strange reason I am only having layout issues in Safari, even
  IE6 renders the page correctly!  I have using jQuery Cycle on the
  page, and I am starting to wonder if that is what is causing the
  layout issue.

  Example:  http://www.caldwellsnyder.com/home

  It seems that the div #home_exhibition_hold won't honor the height and
  width settings when loaded in Safari.  And I am wondering if there is
  some js that is effecting this.

  Does anyone have any ideas?

[jQuery] Cycle Plugin - Can't Get Pause To Work

2009-04-23 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am using the cycle plugin, but for some reason I can't get the pause
feature to work.  I am showing a hidden div, and when I do, I need to
pause the slideshow.
Here is what I am using:

fx:  'fade',
timeout:  5000,
pause:  1,
next:   '#artworkNext',
prev:   '#artworkPrev'

// Pause the cycle
$('#pauseButton').click(function() {
return false;

// Resume the cycle
$('#resumeButton').click(function() {
return false;

The code looks ok to me, but it just does not seem to pause.

Example: http://www.caldwellsnyder.com/artists/montoya-ortiz/view-artworks
Click on Contact about artwork


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin - Can't Get Pause To Work

2009-04-23 Thread Nic Hubbard


Yes, I have pause on hover set, and this is correctly working.  It is
when the overlay comes up, and it is suppose to pause the current
image, which, my code seems to be correct to do so $
('#artistCycleParent').cycle('pause'); but it just keeps cycling and
does not honor the pause.

I have it in my click function, and everything in the click function
does work, but not the pause.  Once the user clicks off of the
overlay, it should resume.

On Apr 23, 9:22 pm, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:
 Pause is working for me, with a catch.

 If my mouse is not over the image, it cycles.  Placing my mouse over the
 image pauses the cycling.

 Clicking the link brings up an overlay (?) and a form - at this point
 the mouse is not over the image, but over the overlay/form.  So the
 image cycles as it should.

 I don't think you want the pause option here.  I think you want to
 progamatically start/stop the cycling.  See the section Manually
 Pausing a slideshow athttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html.



 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  I am using the cycle plugin, but for some reason I can't get the pause
  feature to work.  I am showing a hidden div, and when I do, I need to
  pause the slideshow.
  Here is what I am using:

             fx:      'fade',
             speed:    3000,
             timeout:  5000,
             pause:  1,
             next:   '#artworkNext',
             prev:   '#artworkPrev'

     // Pause the cycle
     $('#pauseButton').click(function() {
             return false;

     // Resume the cycle
     $('#resumeButton').click(function() {
             return false;

  The code looks ok to me, but it just does not seem to pause.

  Click on Contact about artwork


[jQuery] Supersized Plugin Image Preload

2009-04-20 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am currently using the supersized plugin (http://buildinternet.com/
2009/02/supersized-full-screen-backgroundslideshow-jquery-plugin/) to
have a full screen, correct ratio scaling image background.  It works
very well.  Only problem is, all the images try to load at the some
time, and give a very strange effect.

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me figure out
if it is possible to preload those.  I tried to use jquery.preload.js
but it did not seem to help.

Here is my site that uses is:

Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!

[jQuery] Re: show if class matches current body id

2009-04-18 Thread Nic Hubbard

function initMenu() {
if ($('body').attr('id') === $('#menu ul').attr('class')) {
$('#menu ul').hide();
$('#menu ul.test').show();
$('#menu li a').click(
function() {

$(document).ready(function() {initMenu();});

On Apr 18, 7:54 am, Max mackerma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi im trying to adapt the following function so that if the ul class
 matches the body's id it will show.  Right now it is set to show the
 ul with the class 'test'.

 This is for an accordion menu, and would allow the same menu to be an
 include on all pages. and the appropriate segment would open.

 function initMenu() {

   $('#menu ul').hide();
   $('#menu ul.test').show();
   $('#menu li a').click(
     function() {
 $(document).ready(function() {initMenu();});

 any suggestions?

[jQuery] Creating an ajax status

2009-04-16 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a number of GET and POST ajax calls that do various things my
script.  For each one, I would like to set a status that is a string,
so that I can out put that to the user.  So, it might look like this:

Posting to page

Ajax GET
Getting content page

Sending data to page

Basically I want to set the status using something like $
('#status_div').text(); so that the user will see the status text when
each ajax function is run.

Does anyone have ideas on how this could be accomplished?

[jQuery] Re: CTRL+S to Insert Record PHP+JQUERY

2009-04-16 Thread Nic Hubbard


On Apr 15, 10:24 pm, bharani kumar bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com
 Hi All ,
 Can u please tell ,

 How to implement  in jquery, php,,

 Insert record after pressed the CTRL+S in keyboard ,


 உங்கள் நண்பன்
 பரணி  குமார்


 POST YOUR OPINIONhttp://bharanikumariyerphp.site88.net/bharanikumar/

[jQuery] Re: Creating an ajax status

2009-04-16 Thread Nic Hubbard

I got this working, thanks guys.

On Apr 16, 10:19 am, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:
 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  I have a number of GET and POST ajax calls that do various things my
  script.  For each one, I would like to set a status that is a string,
  so that I can out put that to the user.  So, it might look like this:

  Ajax POST
  Posting to page

  Ajax GET
  Getting content page

  Ajax POST
  Sending data to page

  Basically I want to set the status using something like $
  ('#status_div').text(); so that the user will see the status text when
  each ajax function is run.

  Does anyone have ideas on how this could be accomplished?

 This is what I used to do:

 1. In the click function handler, put the loading text and image to the
 status placeholder.
 $('#status_div').html('img src=loading.gif / Loading ...');

 2. Call the ajax

 3. In the ajax callbak function, I update the status placeholder with
 the ajax response message
        ,{param: value}
        , json);

 The complete code will be like this:
   $('#status_div').html('img src=loading.gif / Loading ...');
          ,{param: value}
          , json);


 You can adjust this according to your need. This is what I like to do in
 my code (and my client so far happy with it) :)

 Donny Kurniahttp://hantulab.blogspot.comhttp://www.plurk.com/user/donnykurnia

[jQuery] Re: Custom Callback not using jQuery object

2009-04-16 Thread Nic Hubbard


I now have the need to take the callback out of the scope of the
plugin, and put that into a function that is being called within the
plugin, what would be the best way to do this?

So, if I had:

my_function(defaults.onComplete.apply(obj, []));

For some reason that does not seem like it would work.  Should I just
pass obj?

On Feb 25, 2:40 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sure. Basically apply allows you to declare the scope of the function
 you're calling, instead of letting that scope resolve normally. With
 any function, it will take on the scope of whatever encloses it. So if
 you declare a function without it being enclosed, this will resolve
 to window in almost all cases.

 function myFunc(){ alert(this); }
 myFunc(); // [object Window]

 If your function is enclosed in an object, say:

 var obj = { name: 'myObject', myFunc: function(){ alert
 (this.name); } };
 obj.myFunc(); // myObject

 then this will take on the scope of the object which encloses it.

 Using apply, you can manually declare the scope the function will

 var obj1 = { name: 'obj1', myFunc: function(){ alert(this.name); }};
 var obj2 = { name: 'obj2' };
 obj1.myFunc.apply(obj2, []); // obj2

 So the first argument of apply sets the scope, which is basically a
 fancy way of saying, tells it what to make this inside the function.
 The second argument of apply is an array, in which you can pass
 parameters. So:

 function myFunc(param1, param2, param3){
   alert(this + ' is equal to ' + (param1 + param2 + param3));


 myFunc.apply(12, [2,4,6]); // alerts 12 is equal to 12

 I hope I answered your question, but I fear I may have just rambled at
 you. :(

 On Feb 25, 4:24 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ha!  That worked perfectly!  Thanks, I really appreciate that, I was

  So, could you explain, just so I know, what this did:
  defaults.onComplete.apply(obj, []); ?

  On Feb 25, 1:07 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

   The problem is you're losing scope when calling onComplete. Try using
   the .apply method. Instead of:



   defaults.onComplete.apply(obj.get(0), []);

   That should get this back to what you're expecting it to be. You
   could also skip a step and call:

   defaults.onComplete.apply(obj, []);


   onComplete: function(){ alert(this.attr('class')); }

   I'm pretty sure that should work. IF not, let me know, and I'll play
   around with it locally and actually test it out.

   On Feb 25, 3:52 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I was meaning when trying to call $(this) in the following

            urlSuffix: '?action=status_posting',
            onComplete: function() {alert('Callback worked'); alert($

When I am trying to pass things to the custom function, using $(this)
does not work.

On Feb 25, 12:28 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:

 Something like this? (no pun intended)

 obj.click(function() {
   var self = $(this);



 On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com 

  I have built a custom callback into my plugin, here is an example:

   $.fn.matrixStatus = function(options) {
     var defaults = {
       urlSuffix: '?action=live',
           onComplete: function() {}

     var options = $.extend(defaults, options);

     return this.each(function() {
       var obj = $(this);
           var itemDesc = obj.attr('rel');
       var itemId = obj.attr('id');
       var itemHref = obj.attr('href');
       obj.click(function() {
       if (!itemDesc == '') {
                   var question = confirm('Are you sure you want to 
  change the status
  of '+itemDesc+'?');
           } else {
                   var question = confirm('Are you sure you want to 
  change the
         if (question) {
             type: 'POST',
             url: itemHref + defaults.urlSuffix

                   // Run our custom callback

         return false;




  For some reason when I try to use that function for a custom 
  it won't allow me to get the jQuery object that the plugin is
  targeting, so using $(this) within the onComplete function doesn't
  work and give me errors.  Any idea why this would be?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax request -- passing additional paramters to success method

2009-04-15 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am interested in this as well.  How could I send a string to the
success GotNewData function?

On Feb 26, 9:50 am, P Burrows pburr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is anyone aware of a way to pass some additional context information to the
 success function of an ajax request?
 For instance, here is my code which works fine:

         type: GET,
         dataType: json,
         url: tUrl,
         success: GotNewData,
         error: GetDataError,
         complete: AjaxRequestComplete

 To the GotNewData function, I would also like to pass some other
 information. The url would be nice, but some other context info would be
 fine too. A unique ID. Some random string. ...anything.

 Any ideas?

 Patrick Burrowshttp://www.CleverHumans.com

[jQuery] Re: Ajax request -- passing additional paramters to success method

2009-04-15 Thread Nic Hubbard


On Apr 15, 1:57 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:
         type: GET,
         dataType: json,
         url: tUrl,
         success: function(data){ GotNewData(data, 'custom string'); },
         error: GetDataError,
         complete: AjaxRequestComplete

 On Apr 15, 4:53 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am interested in this as well.  How could I send a string to the
  success GotNewData function?

  On Feb 26, 9:50 am, P Burrows pburr...@gmail.com wrote:

   Is anyone aware of a way to pass some additional context information to 
   success function of an ajax request?
   For instance, here is my code which works fine:

           type: GET,
           dataType: json,
           url: tUrl,
           success: GotNewData,
           error: GetDataError,
           complete: AjaxRequestComplete

   To the GotNewData function, I would also like to pass some other
   information. The url would be nice, but some other context info would be
   fine too. A unique ID. Some random string. ...anything.

   Any ideas?

   Patrick Burrowshttp://www.CleverHumans.com

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
what I have, that still returns undefined:

form id=test action=http://test.com;
span id=test2this is my text/span

success: function(html){

#test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it is
a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?

On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
 Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
 can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
 attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
 wrong here?

 success: function(html){

 $(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
 var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
 var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


 I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
 don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Test page to show the problem: http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/ajax-test

On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

 For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
 I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
 what I have, that still returns undefined:

 form id=test action=http://test.com;
 span id=test2this is my text/span

 success: function(html){


 #test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it is
 a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?

 On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
  Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
  can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
  attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
  wrong here?

  success: function(html){

  $(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
  var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
  var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


  I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
  don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Nope, that does not work either.

On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Maybe try:

 success: function(html){

 I had some issues in the past using form id's with the jquery form
 plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.

 That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm not sure if that
 might present an issue (too/instead).

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, but I can
  never target the form.  Any other ideas?

  It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in the html

  On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

  That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm getting the same
  results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've even truncated
  the response down to as if you're only receiving the form part and
  it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what happens here

  On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Test page to show the problem:http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/ajax-test

  On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

  For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
  I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
  what I have, that still returns undefined:

  form id=test action=http://test.com;
  span id=test2this is my text/span

  success: function(html){


  #test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it is
  a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?

  On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
  Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
  can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
  attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
  wrong here?

  success: function(html){

  $(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
  var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
  var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


  I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
  don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Nope, that returns undefined as well. :(

On Apr 13, 11:34 am, Nathan nsear...@gmail.com wrote:
 You could try changing this: alert($(html).find(#test).attr
 To This: alert($(#test).attr('action'));

 On Apr 13, 9:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Test page to show the problem:http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/ajax-test

  On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

   For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
   I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
   what I have, that still returns undefined:

   form id=test action=http://test.com;
   span id=test2this is my text/span

   success: function(html){


   #test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it is
   a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?

   On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
wrong here?

success: function(html){

$(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, but I can
never target the form.  Any other ideas?

It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in the html

On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm getting the same
 results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've even truncated
 the response down to as if you're only receiving the form part and
 it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what happens here

 On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Test page to show the problem:http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/ajax-test

  On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

   For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
   I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
   what I have, that still returns undefined:

   form id=test action=http://test.com;
   span id=test2this is my text/span

   success: function(html){


   #test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it is
   a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?

   On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
wrong here?

success: function(html){

$(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Ok, my test now reflects your suggestions.  But, sadly, none of that
helped, it is still returning undefined. :(

On Apr 13, 1:03 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Nic,

 I have a couple small recommendations- hopefully one will fix the issue.

 Try using $.get() instead of $.ajax, and specify type option as html-
 alternatively, you can use $.load() if your ultimate purpose is to inject
 this HTML into DOM.

 In addition rather than using find(), just select by ID as a subset of the
 DOM node..

 alert($(html).find(#test) becomes
 alert($(#test, html));

 Hope some of this helps... cheers!

 Nic Luciano
 Senior Web Developer @ 

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Nope, that does not work either.

  On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
   Maybe try:

   success: function(html){

   I had some issues in the past using form id's with the jquery form
   plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.

   That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm not sure if that
   might present an issue (too/instead).

   - Jack

   Nic Hubbard wrote:
Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, but I can
never target the form.  Any other ideas?

It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in the html

On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm getting the same
results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've even truncated
the response down to as if you're only receiving the form part and
it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what happens here

On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Test page to show the problem:http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/ajax-test

On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
what I have, that still returns undefined:

form id=test action=http://test.com;
span id=test2this is my text/span

success: function(html){


#test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it
a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?

On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my
Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there,
can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I
wrong here?

success: function(html){

$(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Could this be a jQuery bug?

On Apr 13, 2:13 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 I still haven't figured it out, but playing around and setting the
 ajax response as a jquery object, $(html), and making it global so I
 can view it's attributes through Firebug, I was able to locate the
 form element on the ajax response. It was the index-5 element for your
 test page. My sample code below. Though this still doesn't help as to
 why we can't reference it using #test2, maybe someone else can get
 something more out of it.

 I've also tried appended the response to the page and still no go.


 var globalHTML;  // global variable

 $(document).ready(function() {

                 url: 'http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/linking-test',
                 type: 'GET',
                 success: function(html) {
                         var $html = $(html);  // wrap response as jquery 

                         globalHTML = $html;  // check object with firebug

                         alert( $html.get(5).action );


 Using Firebug and looking at the attributes of the object I've found
 that the form is on the 5th-index of the object, for your test page.
 Though this still doesn't really help much

 alert( $(html).get(5).action );

 On Apr 13, 10:28 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok, my test now reflects your suggestions.  But, sadly, none of that
  helped, it is still returning undefined. :(

  On Apr 13, 1:03 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hey Nic,

   I have a couple small recommendations- hopefully one will fix the issue.

   Try using $.get() instead of $.ajax, and specify type option as html-
   alternatively, you can use $.load() if your ultimate purpose is to inject
   this HTML into DOM.

   In addition rather than using find(), just select by ID as a subset of the
   DOM node..

   alert($(html).find(#test) becomes
   alert($(#test, html));

   Hope some of this helps... cheers!

   Nic Luciano
   Senior Web Developer @ 

   On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Nope, that does not work either.

On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Maybe try:

 success: function(html){

 I had some issues in the past using form id's with the jquery form
 plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.

 That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm not sure if 
 might present an issue (too/instead).

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, but I can
  never target the form.  Any other ideas?

  It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in the html

  On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

  That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm getting the 
  results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've even 
  the response down to as if you're only receiving the form part 
  it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what happens 

  On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Test page to show the 

  On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.

  For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html 
  I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here 
  what I have, that still returns undefined:

  form id=test action=http://test.com;
  span id=test2this is my text/span

  success: function(html){


  #test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because 
  a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a 

  On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my
  Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is 
  can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
  attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I
  wrong here?

  success: function(html){

  $(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
  var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
  var form_action = $(this).attr('action');


  I have tried to not use each() and that still returns

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hey, that actually worked!  But, why would this have helped?  And, is
there a way around this, since the real form that I need to get, I
cannot wrap a div around.

On Apr 13, 2:46 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you wrap your form in a div I think it should work - haven't tested


 On Apr 13, 10:22 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could this be a jQuery bug?

  On Apr 13, 2:13 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

   I still haven't figured it out, but playing around and setting the
   ajax response as a jquery object, $(html), and making it global so I
   can view it's attributes through Firebug, I was able to locate the
   form element on the ajax response. It was the index-5 element for your
   test page. My sample code below. Though this still doesn't help as to
   why we can't reference it using #test2, maybe someone else can get
   something more out of it.

   I've also tried appended the response to the page and still no go.


   var globalHTML;  // global variable

   $(document).ready(function() {

                   url: 'http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/linking-test',
                   type: 'GET',
                   success: function(html) {
                           var $html = $(html);  // wrap response as jquery 

                           globalHTML = $html;  // check object with firebug

                           alert( $html.get(5).action );


   Using Firebug and looking at the attributes of the object I've found
   that the form is on the 5th-index of the object, for your test page.
   Though this still doesn't really help much

   alert( $(html).get(5).action );

   On Apr 13, 10:28 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok, my test now reflects your suggestions.  But, sadly, none of that
helped, it is still returning undefined. :(

On Apr 13, 1:03 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey Nic,

 I have a couple small recommendations- hopefully one will fix the 

 Try using $.get() instead of $.ajax, and specify type option as 
 alternatively, you can use $.load() if your ultimate purpose is to 
 this HTML into DOM.

 In addition rather than using find(), just select by ID as a subset 
 of the
 DOM node..

 alert($(html).find(#test) becomes
 alert($(#test, html));

 Hope some of this helps... cheers!

 Nic Luciano
 Senior Web Developer @ 

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com 

  Nope, that does not work either.

  On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
   Maybe try:

   success: function(html){

   I had some issues in the past using form id's with the jquery form
   plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.

   That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm not sure 
   if that
   might present an issue (too/instead).

   - Jack

   Nic Hubbard wrote:
Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, but I 
never target the form.  Any other ideas?

It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in the 

On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm getting 
the same
results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've even 
the response down to as if you're only receiving the form 
part and
it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what 
happens here

On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Test page to show the 

On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a 

For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html 
I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  
Here is
what I have, that still returns undefined:

form id=test action=http://test.com;
span id=test2this is my text/span

success: function(html){


#test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is 
because it
a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target 
a form?

On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I have

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yeah, but my page returns a full HTML page, so I need to do something


Which, does not seem to work.

On Apr 13, 3:14 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:
 In that case you would need to add something like

 html = 'div'+html+'/div';

 to your function. Its a bit of an ugly hack I know.

 Having played with it a bit now. I think your probably right about it
 being a jquery bug. It might be worthwhile exploring which function
 the problem lies with then submitting it to the jquery team.


 On Apr 13, 10:55 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey, that actually worked!  But, why would this have helped?  And, is
  there a way around this, since the real form that I need to get, I
  cannot wrap a div around.

  On Apr 13, 2:46 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:

   If you wrap your form in a div I think it should work - haven't tested


   On Apr 13, 10:22 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Could this be a jQuery bug?

On Apr 13, 2:13 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

 I still haven't figured it out, but playing around and setting the
 ajax response as a jquery object, $(html), and making it global so I
 can view it's attributes through Firebug, I was able to locate the
 form element on the ajax response. It was the index-5 element for your
 test page. My sample code below. Though this still doesn't help as to
 why we can't reference it using #test2, maybe someone else can get
 something more out of it.

 I've also tried appended the response to the page and still no go.


 var globalHTML;  // global variable

 $(document).ready(function() {

                 url: 'http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/linking-test',
                 type: 'GET',
                 success: function(html) {
                         var $html = $(html);  // wrap response as 
 jquery object

                         globalHTML = $html;  // check object with 

                         alert( $html.get(5).action );


 Using Firebug and looking at the attributes of the object I've found
 that the form is on the 5th-index of the object, for your test page.
 Though this still doesn't really help much

 alert( $(html).get(5).action );

 On Apr 13, 10:28 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok, my test now reflects your suggestions.  But, sadly, none of that
  helped, it is still returning undefined. :(

  On Apr 13, 1:03 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hey Nic,

   I have a couple small recommendations- hopefully one will fix the 

   Try using $.get() instead of $.ajax, and specify type option as 
   alternatively, you can use $.load() if your ultimate purpose is 
   to inject
   this HTML into DOM.

   In addition rather than using find(), just select by ID as a 
   subset of the
   DOM node..

   alert($(html).find(#test) becomes
   alert($(#test, html));

   Hope some of this helps... cheers!

   Nic Luciano
   Senior Web Developer @ 

   On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Nic Hubbard 
   nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Nope, that does not work either.

On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Maybe try:

 success: function(html){

 I had some issues in the past using form id's with the jquery 
 plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.

 That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm not 
 sure if that
 might present an issue (too/instead).

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, 
  but I can
  never target the form.  Any other ideas?

  It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in 
  the html

  On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

  That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm 
  getting the same
  results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've 
  even truncated
  the response down to as if you're only receiving the 
  form part and
  it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what 
  happens here

  On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com 

  Test page to show the 

  On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com 

  I am pulling my hair

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

You are right, that did work.  Thanks, I really appreciate your help
on this!

Had you run into this issue before?

On Apr 13, 3:33 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:
 In my tests wrapping your full test html page in the div seems to
 work. Not pretty but works.

 On Apr 13, 11:29 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yeah, but my page returns a full HTML page, so I need to do something


  Which, does not seem to work.

  On Apr 13, 3:14 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:

   In that case you would need to add something like

   html = 'div'+html+'/div';

   to your function. Its a bit of an ugly hack I know.

   Having played with it a bit now. I think your probably right about it
   being a jquery bug. It might be worthwhile exploring which function
   the problem lies with then submitting it to the jquery team.


   On Apr 13, 10:55 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Hey, that actually worked!  But, why would this have helped?  And, is
there a way around this, since the real form that I need to get, I
cannot wrap a div around.

On Apr 13, 2:46 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you wrap your form in a div I think it should work - haven't tested


 On Apr 13, 10:22 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could this be a jQuery bug?

  On Apr 13, 2:13 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

   I still haven't figured it out, but playing around and setting the
   ajax response as a jquery object, $(html), and making it global 
   so I
   can view it's attributes through Firebug, I was able to locate the
   form element on the ajax response. It was the index-5 element for 
   test page. My sample code below. Though this still doesn't help 
   as to
   why we can't reference it using #test2, maybe someone else can get
   something more out of it.

   I've also tried appended the response to the page and still no go.


   var globalHTML;  // global variable

   $(document).ready(function() {

                   url: 'http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/linking-test',
                   type: 'GET',
                   success: function(html) {
                           var $html = $(html);  // wrap response as 
   jquery object

                           globalHTML = $html;  // check object with 

                           alert( $html.get(5).action );


   Using Firebug and looking at the attributes of the object I've 
   that the form is on the 5th-index of the object, for your test 
   Though this still doesn't really help much

   alert( $(html).get(5).action );

   On Apr 13, 10:28 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok, my test now reflects your suggestions.  But, sadly, none of 
helped, it is still returning undefined. :(

On Apr 13, 1:03 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey Nic,

 I have a couple small recommendations- hopefully one will fix 
 the issue.

 Try using $.get() instead of $.ajax, and specify type 
 option as html-
 alternatively, you can use $.load() if your ultimate purpose 
 is to inject
 this HTML into DOM.

 In addition rather than using find(), just select by ID as a 
 subset of the
 DOM node..

 alert($(html).find(#test) becomes
 alert($(#test, html));

 Hope some of this helps... cheers!

 Nic Luciano
 Senior Web Developer @ 

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Nic Hubbard 
 nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Nope, that does not work either.

  On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
   Maybe try:

   success: function(html){

   I had some issues in the past using form id's with the 
   jquery form
   plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.

   That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm 
   not sure if that
   might present an issue (too/instead).

   - Jack

   Nic Hubbard wrote:
Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few 
ways, but I can
never target the form.  Any other ideas?

It is frustrating because I really need to target a 
form in the html

On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com 

That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm 

[jQuery] Check value when adding to array

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have input values that I am adding to a array.  I would like to be
able to check if any of them end in _test and if so, I need to set a
specific value.  Is there any, in an if statement, to check if an
attribute of one of the input fields ends with _test?

main_form.find('input').each(function() {
  arr_current_item2.push($(this).attr('name') + '=' + $(this).val());
});// End each

[jQuery] Re: Check value when adding to array

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Tried the following, but did not seem to work:

if ($(input[name*='delete_linkid'],this)) {
   alert('it does!');

On Apr 13, 5:27 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have input values that I am adding to a array.  I would like to be
 able to check if any of them end in _test and if so, I need to set a
 specific value.  Is there any, in an if statement, to check if an
 attribute of one of the input fields ends with _test?

 main_form.find('input').each(function() {
   arr_current_item2.push($(this).attr('name') + '=' + $(this).val());

 });// End each

[jQuery] Re: Check value when adding to array

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Could you explain this one a little more?  How you coded it is a
little confusing to me.

On Apr 13, 6:34 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 If I understand you code, you're trying to create an array of
 name=value, with value being specifically set if the name has _test in

 var arr = $.map($('input'),function(n,i){
         return n.name+'='+(n.name.indexOf('_test')!=-1?'some_value':n.value);


 On Apr 13, 5:27 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have input values that I am adding to a array.  I would like to be
  able to check if any of them end in _test and if so, I need to set a
  specific value.  Is there any, in an if statement, to check if an
  attribute of one of the input fields ends with _test?

  main_form.find('input').each(function() {
    arr_current_item2.push($(this).attr('name') + '=' + $(this).val());

  });// End each

[jQuery] Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-12 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
wrong here?

success: function(html){

$(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
var form_action = $(this).attr('action');

I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
don't get it.

[jQuery] Checking each div to see if it contains specific text

2009-04-09 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a list of container divs that have children.  I want to check
for specific text in one child element, and if that is found, then
hide another child element.  For some reason what I have is not

$('.exhibition_item_body').each(function () {
if ($(this).children(.checkReception:contains('--:--:--'))) {

The divs look like:

div class=exhibition_item_body
h3a href=#Jane Maxwell/a/h3
p class=checkReception style=display: none;2009-03-05 --:--:--/
p class=dateMar 5 - Mar 31, 2009/p
p class=reception style=display: none;Reception Mar 5, 2009 5 -
7 PM/p
p class=locationSan Francisco/p
p class=exhibition_statusPrevious Exhibition/p
div class=clear/

[jQuery] .split an elements attribute

2009-04-09 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am getting the attribute of an image on a page.  It is the onclick
attribute, but I need some text from the onclick function. (Sounds
strange, but I do).  Using the following works totally fine:

var link_path = $(html).find(img[alt='Show in Asset Map']).attr

From that, I can gather the onclick attribute.  But, I would like to
use .split() to section it up, but I keep getting a warning ($
(html).find(img[alt='Show in Asset Map']).attr(onclick).split is
not a function) when I try to use split with this.  Even Breaking it
down and trying link_path.split('a'); does not work and gives the

Why would this be?

[jQuery] Get var out of ajax scope

2009-04-09 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have an $.ajax() call that I am using to GET some text from a page
on my site.  I have put it in a variable with the success function.
How can I move that var up and out of the $.ajax function so I can use
it in other parts of my script?


[jQuery] Re: .split an elements attribute

2009-04-09 Thread Nic Hubbard

Ah, thank you!  Not sure what I was thinking.

On Apr 9, 3:04 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try alert( typeof(link_path) ) and you'll see it's a function. Try
 link_path.toString() and then split it.

 On Apr 9, 2:54 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am getting the attribute of an image on a page.  It is the onclick
  attribute, but I need some text from the onclick function. (Sounds
  strange, but I do).  Using the following works totally fine:

  var link_path = $(html).find(img[alt='Show in Asset Map']).attr

  From that, I can gather the onclick attribute.  But, I would like to
  use .split() to section it up, but I keep getting a warning ($
  (html).find(img[alt='Show in Asset Map']).attr(onclick).split is
  not a function) when I try to use split with this.  Even Breaking it
  down and trying link_path.split('a'); does not work and gives the

  Why would this be?

[jQuery] Ignore first item in XML

2009-04-07 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am grabbing some XML from our server, then writing that out with
li tags in the browser, all using the jquery .ajax() function.

By design, our server wraps items with a parent of the same name,

test id=1test 1/test
test id=2test 2/test

Because my function checks for each test tag, it finds the first
parent, but returns undefined, since it does not have any attributes.
Is it possible to ignore this first result, and start with the second
item, which will correctly have attributes?

success: function(xml) {
 $(xml).find('testt').each(function() {
 var id_text = $(this).attr('id')
 var id_name = $(this).attr('name')
 $('li/li').html('id_code + ' - ' +

[jQuery] Re: Ignore first item in XML

2009-04-07 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hmmm, what a great idea.  Not sure what I was thinking.  I will go
that route. :)

On Apr 7, 5:05 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Why not just keep what you have and add an additional conditional
 check to see whether the node has an ID attribute or not? If not,
 ignore the node.

 On Apr 7, 1:59 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am grabbing some XML from our server, then writing that out with
  li tags in the browser, all using the jquery .ajax() function.

  By design, our server wraps items with a parent of the same name,

  test id=1test 1/test
  test id=2test 2/test

  Because my function checks for each test tag, it finds the first
  parent, but returns undefined, since it does not have any attributes.
  Is it possible to ignore this first result, and start with the second
  item, which will correctly have attributes?

  success: function(xml) {
                       $(xml).find('testt').each(function() {
                           var id_text = $(this).attr('id')
                           var id_name = $(this).attr('name')
                           $('li/li').html('id_code + ' - ' +

[jQuery] Create array from li text

2009-04-06 Thread Nic Hubbard

What would be the correct method to create an array from the text
inside li items?

Is below, the best method, or would it even work?

var array_test = $(#test li).text().makeArray();

[jQuery] Re: Create array from li text

2009-04-06 Thread Nic Hubbard

A better explanation:

I have a var that contains some html.  Within that there are li
elements that I need to strip the text out of and put that into an
array.  How would I do this?

I figure I could use each() and push(), but I am not sure how to do
this grabbing it from a var.

On Apr 5, 11:30 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 What would be the correct method to create an array from the text
 inside li items?

 Is below, the best method, or would it even work?

 var array_test = $(#test li).text().makeArray();

[jQuery] Re: Create array from li text

2009-04-06 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yeah, I had thought of the hidden div idea, and placing the html into
that, then using .each().  I just wondered if there was a method to do
it without adding the content to the DOM.

On Apr 6, 10:35 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 d'oh, I just realized you have the html in a var...

 I s'pose a cheat would be to add them to a hidden UL and then do
 something like the below so you could take advantage of the .text() and
 .each() method. Other than that, I'm not sure of the regex offhand to
 split the LI's and parse out the inner text, sry.

 - Jack

 Jack Killpatrick wrote:
  maybe something like this:

  var ar = [];
  $('#yourList li').each(function(){
      ar.push( $(this).text() );

  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:
  A better explanation:

  I have a var that contains some html.  Within that there are li
  elements that I need to strip the text out of and put that into an
  array.  How would I do this?

  I figure I could use each() and push(), but I am not sure how to do
  this grabbing it from a var.

  On Apr 5, 11:30 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  What would be the correct method to create an array from the text
  inside li items?

  Is below, the best method, or would it even work?

  var array_test = $(#test li).text().makeArray();

[jQuery] Combining Selectors

2009-04-05 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am confused why the following is returning undefined:

alert($(this +  input[type='submit']).attr('id'));

This is within the context of a plugin that I built.  Removing the
this makes it correctly find the input, why I want to narrow the scope.

[jQuery] Re: Combining Selectors

2009-04-05 Thread Nic Hubbard

This worked!  Thank you!

On Apr 5, 4:06 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 To help troubleshoot, take jQuery out of the picture and replace your alert

 alert( this +  input[type='submit'] );

 That will make it clear what the problem is.

 Since concatenating this to a string doesn't work, how do you fix it? Use
 the second argument to the $ function:

 $( selector, context )

 Like this:

 alert( $(  input[type='submit'], this ).attr('id') );


  From: Nic Hubbard

  I am confused why the following is returning undefined:

  alert($(this +  input[type='submit']).attr('id'));

  This is within the context of a plugin that I built.  
  Removing the this makes it correctly find the input, why I
  want to narrow the scope.

[jQuery] Re: Position Div over Quicktime Movie

2009-03-29 Thread Nic Hubbard


On Mar 26, 2:57 pm, Saira Zaheer sairazaheer...@gmail.com wrote:



 On 3/26/09, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:


  On Mar 24, 4:41 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
   Does anyone know of any jQuery/javascript trickery that can help with
   positioning a div over a quicktime movie?  So far, I found found that
   it is not possible.  But, it seems that there has to be some way to do

   Has anyone done this before?

[jQuery] Re: Position Div over Quicktime Movie

2009-03-26 Thread Nic Hubbard


On Mar 24, 4:41 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does anyone know of any jQuery/javascript trickery that can help with
 positioning a div over a quicktime movie?  So far, I found found that
 it is not possible.  But, it seems that there has to be some way to do

 Has anyone done this before?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.preload - Getting Link Mode To Work

2009-03-25 Thread Nic Hubbard

Thank you!

This did the trick.

I didn't realize that how I had it would only load up the first

I appreciate the help!

On Mar 24, 6:05 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Try replacing this line:
 var $links = $('#artistsColumns a').attr('rel');

 var $links = [];
 $.each($('#artistsColumns a'), function() {
      $links.push( $(this).attr('rel') );


 $('#artistsColumns a').attr('rel'); only gives you one string value,
 thus it will only preload one url.
 I made it loop through the matching jQuery set and put all the rel
 values into an array, which you use for preloading.

 On Mar 24, 1:19 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:


  On Mar 23, 2:08 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I seem to be having issues with getting link mode to work with Ariel
   Flesler's preload plugin.  I have a hidden menu, which shows a hidden
   div when you mouse over a nav item.  This then shows a list of names,
   and I am using the preload plugin to load up a thumbnail image for
   each of the names.  Currently, it does not seem to be preloading, as
   running your mouse over each name takes a few seconds for the image to
   load.  So, for some reason,  it seems like they are not getting

   And ideas on why this would be?  Did I implement the plugin wrong for
   link mode?

   // - Artists Menu: Show Artist Preview Image -
           var $links = $('#artistsColumns a').attr('rel');
           var $preview = $('#artist_menu_artwork');

                           threshold: 2


           $('#artistsColumns a').mouseover(function(){
                   $preview.attr('src', $(this).attr('rel'));

   (Move your mouse over the Artists top nav)

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.preload - Getting Link Mode To Work

2009-03-24 Thread Nic Hubbard


On Mar 23, 2:08 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I seem to be having issues with getting link mode to work with Ariel
 Flesler's preload plugin.  I have a hidden menu, which shows a hidden
 div when you mouse over a nav item.  This then shows a list of names,
 and I am using the preload plugin to load up a thumbnail image for
 each of the names.  Currently, it does not seem to be preloading, as
 running your mouse over each name takes a few seconds for the image to
 load.  So, for some reason,  it seems like they are not getting

 And ideas on why this would be?  Did I implement the plugin wrong for
 link mode?

 // - Artists Menu: Show Artist Preview Image -
         var $links = $('#artistsColumns a').attr('rel');
         var $preview = $('#artist_menu_artwork');

                         threshold: 2


         $('#artistsColumns a').mouseover(function(){
                 $preview.attr('src', $(this).attr('rel'));

 (Move your mouse over the Artists top nav)

[jQuery] Position Div over Quicktime Movie

2009-03-24 Thread Nic Hubbard

Does anyone know of any jQuery/javascript trickery that can help with
positioning a div over a quicktime movie?  So far, I found found that
it is not possible.  But, it seems that there has to be some way to do

Has anyone done this before?

[jQuery] jQuery.preload - Getting Link Mode To Work

2009-03-23 Thread Nic Hubbard

I seem to be having issues with getting link mode to work with Ariel
Flesler's preload plugin.  I have a hidden menu, which shows a hidden
div when you mouse over a nav item.  This then shows a list of names,
and I am using the preload plugin to load up a thumbnail image for
each of the names.  Currently, it does not seem to be preloading, as
running your mouse over each name takes a few seconds for the image to
load.  So, for some reason,  it seems like they are not getting

And ideas on why this would be?  Did I implement the plugin wrong for
link mode?

// - Artists Menu: Show Artist Preview Image -
var $links = $('#artistsColumns a').attr('rel');
var $preview = $('#artist_menu_artwork');

threshold: 2


$('#artistsColumns a').mouseover(function(){
$preview.attr('src', $(this).attr('rel'));

(Move your mouse over the Artists top nav)

[jQuery] jQuery right before /body tag?

2009-03-23 Thread Nic Hubbard

I am working on optimizing my page for speed.  And, in doing this, I
am wondering if I should put jQuery, as well as my other .js files
right before the /body tag, similar to google analytics files.  Is
this a good idea?  Or will this not work?

[jQuery] Re: Invalid Argument in IE7/8

2009-03-14 Thread Nic Hubbard


I still can't figure out why jScroll Pane is causing the Invalid

On Mar 13, 9:38 am, Henry rcornf...@raindrop.co.uk wrote:
 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Ok, I removed all instances of the cycle plugin when it is
  not needed.  But, this has not fixed the problem in IE7/8.

  Why would it be saying that jQuery.js is the file with the

 IE browser throw an invalid argument error when attempts are made to
 apply nonsensical values to CSS style properties, such as an attempt
 to set a width or height to a negative value.  If that sort of thing
 is the cause of your error then it is happening in the jQuery file
 because that is where the property is actually being set, but the real
 error will be wherever the nonsensical value is passed as an argument
 to the jQuery function/method call.

[jQuery] Re: jScoll Pane and Hidden Divs

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Well, I had thought of that, but I am needing to fade it in with the
fadeIn() function.  Not sure how how to do this when the jScroll is
inside the hidden div...

On Mar 13, 12:41 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 yep it's correct: you need to initialise it then hide it. you could
 also position it outside the view port, initialise it, hide it, then
 position it back in the viewport to avoid the initial display.

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a hidden div that uses the .fadeIn() function when a link is
  clicked.  Inside this is a div that uses jScroll Pane.  But, for some
  reason when I hide that parent div first, jScroll pane won't work.  It
  seems like it might not be initialized inside a hidden div.

  Is this true?  Any ideas on how to get this working? over Exhibitions)


[jQuery] Re: jScoll Pane and Hidden Divs

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard


Roll your mouse over exhibitions.

On Mar 13, 3:45 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 can u put up an online demo somewhere?  (http://jsbin.com/)

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well, I had thought of that, but I am needing to fade it in with the
  fadeIn() function.  Not sure how how to do this when the jScroll is
  inside the hidden div...

  On Mar 13, 12:41 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
  yep it's correct: you need to initialise it then hide it. you could
  also position it outside the view port, initialise it, hide it, then
  position it back in the viewport to avoid the initial display.

  On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have a hidden div that uses the .fadeIn() function when a link is
   clicked.  Inside this is a div that uses jScroll Pane.  But, for some
   reason when I hide that parent div first, jScroll pane won't work.  It
   seems like it might not be initialized inside a hidden div.

   Is this true?  Any ideas on how to get this working? Exhibitions)


[jQuery] Invalid Argument in IE7/8

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

My page is throwing an invalid argument error on line 23 of jQuery,
version 1.2.6.  Is there any reason this should be happening?  It
seems that because of this, the rest of my script is not running.

I am using the cycle plugin as well as jScroll Panel.


[jQuery] Re: Invalid Argument in IE7/8

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Nice find!

I realized I was not using Cycle on that page, but I had it embedded
in my template.  I will try removing that and see if it fixes the
invalid argument error.

On Mar 13, 8:49 am, Josh Powell seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Where does this error come from?

 [cycle] terminating; zero elements found by selector

 You can see it when the page loads on the firebug console, but it
 doesn't give a file name or line number.  it may be that since you
 aren't getting any elements back, IE is messing up because you are
 trying to use a method or attribute of those elements that are not

 On Mar 13, 8:36 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  My page is throwing an invalid argument error on line 23 of jQuery,
  version 1.2.6.  Is there any reason this should be happening?  It
  seems that because of this, the rest of my script is not running.

  I am using the cycle plugin as well as jScroll Panel.


[jQuery] Re: Invalid Argument in IE7/8

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Ok, I removed all instances of the cycle plugin when it is not
needed.  But, this has not fixed the problem in IE7/8.

Why would it be saying that jQuery.js is the file with the problem?

On Mar 13, 8:49 am, Josh Powell seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Where does this error come from?

 [cycle] terminating; zero elements found by selector

 You can see it when the page loads on the firebug console, but it
 doesn't give a file name or line number.  it may be that since you
 aren't getting any elements back, IE is messing up because you are
 trying to use a method or attribute of those elements that are not

 On Mar 13, 8:36 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  My page is throwing an invalid argument error on line 23 of jQuery,
  version 1.2.6.  Is there any reason this should be happening?  It
  seems that because of this, the rest of my script is not running.

  I am using the cycle plugin as well as jScroll Panel.


[jQuery] Should I test if an element exists?

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a .js file that I wrote for my whole sites.  Part of it only
pertain to certain pages, so some of the selectors would not find
anything on other pages.  This file is included in all pages, so my
question is, should I check if a selector exists first, before I run
each script?

I am thinking I could use:

if ( $('#myDiv').length ) {
  // Run my scrip there

[jQuery] Re: Invalid Argument in IE7/8

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hmm, I am not sure this is happeningbut I will look through my

On Mar 13, 9:38 am, Henry rcornf...@raindrop.co.uk wrote:
 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Ok, I removed all instances of the cycle plugin when it is
  not needed.  But, this has not fixed the problem in IE7/8.

  Why would it be saying that jQuery.js is the file with the

 IE browser throw an invalid argument error when attempts are made to
 apply nonsensical values to CSS style properties, such as an attempt
 to set a width or height to a negative value.  If that sort of thing
 is the cause of your error then it is happening in the jQuery file
 because that is where the property is actually being set, but the real
 error will be wherever the nonsensical value is passed as an argument
 to the jQuery function/method call.

[jQuery] Re: Invalid Argument in IE7/8

2009-03-13 Thread Nic Hubbard

Ok, I tracked it down.

It is coming from jScroll Pane.  When I add the function:

 arrowSize: 10,
 scrollbarWidth: 6

I get the error.  Removing it, and the error is gone, and the rest of
my functions work perfectly.


On Mar 13, 9:38 am, Henry rcornf...@raindrop.co.uk wrote:
 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Ok, I removed all instances of the cycle plugin when it is
  not needed.  But, this has not fixed the problem in IE7/8.

  Why would it be saying that jQuery.js is the file with the

 IE browser throw an invalid argument error when attempts are made to
 apply nonsensical values to CSS style properties, such as an attempt
 to set a width or height to a negative value.  If that sort of thing
 is the cause of your error then it is happening in the jQuery file
 because that is where the property is actually being set, but the real
 error will be wherever the nonsensical value is passed as an argument
 to the jQuery function/method call.

[jQuery] jScoll Pane and Hidden Divs

2009-03-12 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a hidden div that uses the .fadeIn() function when a link is
clicked.  Inside this is a div that uses jScroll Pane.  But, for some
reason when I hide that parent div first, jScroll pane won't work.  It
seems like it might not be initialized inside a hidden div.

Is this true?  Any ideas on how to get this working? (Mouse over Exhibitions)


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard


This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 You might want to try .hover():http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
  hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
  div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
  a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
  that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
  don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
  div, not anywhere within it.

     // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
     $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

             // Show Our Artists Box

     });//end mouseover

     // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
     $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

             // Add a mouse out on our box
             $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                     // Hide Our Artists Box

             });//end mouseover

     });//end mouseover

  div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
  div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

  Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
  artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Building Columns From A List Of Items

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Should I keep the division by 10 on the Math function?

On Mar 3, 10:08 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 The division by 10 is your problem. Try:

 $(this).addClass(classNames[(i + 3) % 3]);

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a list of names wrapped in p tags that are sorted in
  alphabetical order.  I am trying to build 3 even columns out of
  these.  There are 63 items, so each column should have 21 items.  I
  have a script that kind of works, but it is making my items out of
  order, as it is somehow grouping them in a strange way.

         var classNames = ['first', 'second', 'third'];
         $('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
                 var n = Math.floor(i/10) % 3;

         // Now lets wrap those in some divs
         $('p.first').wrapAll('div class=colFirst/div');
         $('p.second').wrapAll('div class=colSecond/div');
         $('p.third').wrapAll('div class=colThird/div');

  Basically each group of classes get wrapped with a column div, but,
  once of the columns is getting too many times and the items are
  getting the wrong classes.

  Also, how can I write this so that I can continue to add new items and
  it will keep my columns as even as possible?

[jQuery] Re: Building Columns From A List Of Items

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

I understand now, and I appreciate your help.

A new problem has arisen from this.  It seems that this loops through
elements grouped in 3, rather than apply the class for the first
column first, then the second one.

Here is what I mean.  Say I have 9 p tags containing links.  This is
how the script writes the classes:

p class=firstContent/p
p class=secondContent/p
p class=thirdContent/p
p class=firstContent/p
p class=secondContent/p
p class=thirdContent/p
p class=firstContent/p
p class=secondContent/p
p class=thirdContent/p

So, when I group those by class name, and add a column div around
them, they are completely out of their original order.  What I really
need to do is:

p class=firstContent/p
p class=firstContent/p
p class=firstContent/p
p class=secondContent/p
p class=secondContent/p
p class=secondContent/p
p class=thirdContent/p
p class=thirdContent/p
p class=thirdContent/p

This way, it will group them properly when I use the wrapAll function.

Is there a way to do it this way?

Thanks again for your help!

On Mar 3, 11:02 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Should I keep the division by 10 on the Math function?

 No, as i said, that's the problem. There's not only no need for it,
 but it's giving you results you don't want. Quick: what's zero divided
 by ten? And what's the remainder of that result divided by 3?

 This should help to illustrate what's going on:

 $('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
         var d = Math.floor(i/10);
         var n = d % 3;
         $(this).html('strongd:' + d + ' n:' + n + '/strongbr /' +


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yes!  That is exactly what I was looking for!  I have implemented it
and it works perfectly, thank you!

On Mar 3, 9:54 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Here's an example of a way to handle that:


 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:

  This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
  hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
  time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
  shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

  Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
  They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

  On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  You might want to try .hover():http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:

  I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
  hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
  div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
  a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
  that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
  don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
  div, not anywhere within it.

     // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
     $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

             // Show Our Artists Box

     });//end mouseover

     // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
     $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

             // Add a mouse out on our box
             $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                     // Hide Our Artists Box

             });//end mouseover

     });//end mouseover

  div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
  div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

  Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
  artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hmm, it looks nice to me. :)

On Mar 3, 3:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 great! but the important part: is it a nice or a bad puppy? g

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Yes!  That is exactly what I was looking for!  I have implemented it
  and it works perfectly, thank you!

  On Mar 3, 9:54 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  Here's an example of a way to handle that:


  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:


  This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
  hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
  time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
  shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

  Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
  They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

  On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  You might want to try 

  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:

  I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
  hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
  div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
  a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
  that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
  don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
  div, not anywhere within it.

     // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
     $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

             // Show Our Artists Box

     });//end mouseover

     // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
     $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

             // Add a mouse out on our box
             $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                     // Hide Our Artists Box

             });//end mouseover

     });//end mouseover

  div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
  div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

  Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
  artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Building Columns From A List Of Items

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Would it be a better idea to use the .slice() function rather than
what I have?  Couldn't I just use the same math function to calculate
the number of items in each column?

On Mar 3, 11:59 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I understand now, and I appreciate your help.

 A new problem has arisen from this.  It seems that this loops through
 elements grouped in 3, rather than apply the class for the first
 column first, then the second one.

 Here is what I mean.  Say I have 9 p tags containing links.  This is
 how the script writes the classes:

 p class=firstContent/p
 p class=secondContent/p
 p class=thirdContent/p
 p class=firstContent/p
 p class=secondContent/p
 p class=thirdContent/p
 p class=firstContent/p
 p class=secondContent/p
 p class=thirdContent/p

 So, when I group those by class name, and add a column div around
 them, they are completely out of their original order.  What I really
 need to do is:

 p class=firstContent/p
 p class=firstContent/p
 p class=firstContent/p
 p class=secondContent/p
 p class=secondContent/p
 p class=secondContent/p
 p class=thirdContent/p
 p class=thirdContent/p
 p class=thirdContent/p

 This way, it will group them properly when I use the wrapAll function.

 Is there a way to do it this way?

 Thanks again for your help!

 On Mar 3, 11:02 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   Should I keep the division by 10 on the Math function?

  No, as i said, that's the problem. There's not only no need for it,
  but it's giving you results you don't want. Quick: what's zero divided
  by ten? And what's the remainder of that result divided by 3?

  This should help to illustrate what's going on:

  $('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
          var d = Math.floor(i/10);
          var n = d % 3;
          $(this).html('strongd:' + d + ' n:' + n + '/strongbr /' +


[jQuery] Re: Building Columns From A List Of Items

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Sure Jack, I would be happy to give it a try.  Let me know what I need
to do.

On Mar 3, 5:24 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Nic, I've got an almost-completed listcols. If you'd like to give it a
 try, let me know and I'll get you a pre-release copy. It splits a list
 (UL, OL or any child nodes) into evenly balanced columns using the
 actual height of the list items. It also has options for how many cols
 and how wide the 'gutter' between them should be. It does not have a
 means to re-render the list if items get added to it after the list gets

 I'm not sure if it would meet your needs for this situation, but
 throwing it out there in case you want to give it a try.

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  I have a list of names wrapped in p tags that are sorted in
  alphabetical order.  I am trying to build 3 even columns out of
  these.  There are 63 items, so each column should have 21 items.  I
  have a script that kind of works, but it is making my items out of
  order, as it is somehow grouping them in a strange way.

     var classNames = ['first', 'second', 'third'];
     $('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
             var n = Math.floor(i/10) % 3;

     // Now lets wrap those in some divs
     $('p.first').wrapAll('div class=colFirst/div');
     $('p.second').wrapAll('div class=colSecond/div');
     $('p.third').wrapAll('div class=colThird/div');

  Basically each group of classes get wrapped with a column div, but,
  once of the columns is getting too many times and the items are
  getting the wrong classes.

  Also, how can I write this so that I can continue to add new items and
  it will keep my columns as even as possible?

[jQuery] Re: Building Columns From A List Of Items

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Ok, I think I worked out my own solution.  If anyone sees and problems
with this working when adding more items to the list please let me
know.  So far it is working great!

var total_artists = $('#artistsColumns p').length;
var total_artists_mod = total_artists % 3;
var total_artists_col = total_artists / 3;
$('#artistsColumns p').slice(0 , total_artists_col).addClass
$('#artistsColumns p').slice(total_artists_col , total_artists_col *
$('#artistsColumns p').slice(total_artists_col * 2 ,
(total_artists_col * 3) + total_artists_mod).addClass('third');

// Now lets wrap those in some divs
$('p.first').wrapAll('div class=colFirst/div');
$('p.second').wrapAll('div class=colSecond/div');
$('p.third').wrapAll('div class=colThird/div');

On Mar 3, 11:02 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Should I keep the division by 10 on the Math function?

 No, as i said, that's the problem. There's not only no need for it,
 but it's giving you results you don't want. Quick: what's zero divided
 by ten? And what's the remainder of that result divided by 3?

 This should help to illustrate what's going on:

 $('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
         var d = Math.floor(i/10);
         var n = d % 3;
         $(this).html('strongd:' + d + ' n:' + n + '/strongbr /' +


[jQuery] Cycle Plugin and Loading Images

2009-03-02 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a question about the Cycle plugin.

I have a slideshow with many large images.  Is it possible to preload
these or somehow load them at the time of the transition?  I am just
wanting to figure out a way so that all of my images don't have to
load at the same time and cause long page loads.

What about loading from a javascript array?

[jQuery] Re: Apply class to range of child elements

2009-03-02 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hi Ricardo,

Could you explain why you did %4 for the n variable?

On Feb 26, 12:16 pm, ricardobeat ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 I like it cleaner:

    var n = Math.floor(i/10) % 4;
       n == 0 ? 'first' :
       n == 1 ? 'second' :
       n == 2 ? 'third' :
       n == 3 ? 'fourth' : '');



 var classNames = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'];
    var n = Math.floor(i/10) % 4;


 This also gives you support for infinite expansion. An index of 45
 will evaluate to class 'first', 51 to 'second', 85 to 'first' again
 and so on.

 - ricardo

 On Feb 26, 6:29 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  And just as an exercise, here's the 'jQuery' way chained:


  Not really any speed gain though.

  On Feb 26, 1:21 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

   It's possible. Here's a more traditional way:

               else if (i9  i20){$(link).addClass('second');}
               else if (i19i30){$(link).addClass('third');}
                   else if (i29i40){$(link).addClass('fourth');}

   Here's a more 'jQuery' way:

   Which is better? The first takes a little over half as long as the

   On Feb 25, 10:45 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

I have a list of links, around 40 of them.  I want to apply classes to
groups of them.  So, items 1-10 I want to apply a class to, then
11-20, then 21-30 and 31-40, each of these groups should have their
own class.

Is something like this possible?  I looked through the jQuery
selectors and could not find a solution.

[jQuery] Building Columns From A List Of Items

2009-03-02 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a list of names wrapped in p tags that are sorted in
alphabetical order.  I am trying to build 3 even columns out of
these.  There are 63 items, so each column should have 21 items.  I
have a script that kind of works, but it is making my items out of
order, as it is somehow grouping them in a strange way.

var classNames = ['first', 'second', 'third'];
$('#artistsColumns p').each(function(i){
var n = Math.floor(i/10) % 3;

// Now lets wrap those in some divs
$('p.first').wrapAll('div class=colFirst/div');
$('p.second').wrapAll('div class=colSecond/div');
$('p.third').wrapAll('div class=colThird/div');

Basically each group of classes get wrapped with a column div, but,
once of the columns is getting too many times and the items are
getting the wrong classes.

Also, how can I write this so that I can continue to add new items and
it will keep my columns as even as possible?

[jQuery] Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-02 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
div, not anywhere within it.

// - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
$('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

// Show Our Artists Box

});//end mouseover

// - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
$('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

// Add a mouse out on our box
$('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

// Hide Our Artists Box

});//end mouseover

});//end mouseover

div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Slideshow Using Ajax

2009-03-01 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have been searching for a jQuery slideshow plugin that can load in
images using ajax.  But I am having a really hard time finding one.

Does anyone have any recommendations for one?

[jQuery] Re: Slideshow Using Ajax

2009-03-01 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yes, I know the src URLs.

Basically I want the functionality of the jQuery cycle plugin, but
when you click the next button, it will load the next image src in
through ajax, or a js array.  The reason for this is, with the normal
slideshows and cycle plugins they load up all the images at the same
time.  I have a site that uses high quality images, and I wanted to
avoid long initial load times for those pages.

On Mar 1, 9:53 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Nic, can you explain what you're trying to acheive? If you know the
 images' urls, then you can just cycle through them and update an img
 tag's src attribute for a slideshow.

 On Mar 1, 8:57 pm, Ami aminad...@gmail.com wrote:

  There is no way to load images in AJAX. AJAX is only for text (Like JS/
  You can use AJAX to load the image source, and put it in img src=,
  or div style=background-image:url(

  On Mar 2, 5:53 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have been searching for a jQuery slideshow plugin that can load in
   images using ajax.  But I am having a really hard time finding one.

   Does anyone have any recommendations for one?

[jQuery] Re: Slideshow Using Ajax

2009-03-01 Thread Nic Hubbard

Actually, it looks like jCarousel might do what I want...

On Mar 1, 9:53 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Nic, can you explain what you're trying to acheive? If you know the
 images' urls, then you can just cycle through them and update an img
 tag's src attribute for a slideshow.

 On Mar 1, 8:57 pm, Ami aminad...@gmail.com wrote:

  There is no way to load images in AJAX. AJAX is only for text (Like JS/
  You can use AJAX to load the image source, and put it in img src=,
  or div style=background-image:url(

  On Mar 2, 5:53 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have been searching for a jQuery slideshow plugin that can load in
   images using ajax.  But I am having a really hard time finding one.

   Does anyone have any recommendations for one?

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