[jQuery] blockUI transparent borders

2009-08-15 Thread cambazz


how can I have transparent borders for modal divs that I bring to
frond have transparent borders? specifying: border: 10 px transparent
yellow; in the settings.css will not work.

I tried few things, and I am beginning to think it is not doable.

any ideas, recomendations, help greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: block on body onload, unblock on at the end of $(document).ready

2009-02-02 Thread cambazz

well, what I want is document to be blocked before its ready.
and unblock when document is ready is finished

so before body I made a



and at the end of the document ready


it works, but I wonder if there is something i missed?


On Feb 2, 11:11 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 the 'onload' event actually fires after document ready - that's the
 reason doc ready exists!

 What you want is to block *on* doc ready, and unblock after your ajax
 stuff is finished. As ajax is asynchronous, you'll have to keep track
 of every call to know when everything is done.


   $.blockUI({ message: null });
   var count = 0,
   ajaxCount = function(){
       if (count == 5) //total number of ajax calls

   $('xis').load('bla.py', function(){
      //bla bla
   $.ajax({ etc etc, success: function(){
     //blablabla etc etc
   ... and so on..


 On Feb 1, 10:57 pm, cambazz camb...@gmail.com wrote: Hello,

  I would like to blockUI on body onload like:

  body onload=$.blockUI({ message: null });

  and when document ready finishes unblock, but unfortunately i can not
  unblock it if I put blockUI on onload of body.

  My page makes few ajax calls and some processing on document ready,
  and i want to blockUI until page finishes loading completely.

  Is there a solution, or a workaround?


[jQuery] block on body onload, unblock on at the end of $(document).ready

2009-02-01 Thread cambazz


I would like to blockUI on body onload like:

body onload=$.blockUI({ message: null });

and when document ready finishes unblock, but unfortunately i can not
unblock it if I put blockUI on onload of body.

My page makes few ajax calls and some processing on document ready,
and i want to blockUI until page finishes loading completely.

Is there a solution, or a workaround?


[jQuery] Re: file uploads and progress monitoring

2008-11-24 Thread cambazz

I am stubbornly refusing a flash based solution. I am sure there is a

On Nov 24, 12:01 pm, netvibe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've used swfupload. It's cross browser, multiple files, etc..


 On Nov 24, 4:21 am,cambazz[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I am looking for a cross browser solution to file upload with commons
  file upload. With the commons file upload, one may also make a
  progress meter.

  I have used forms plugin and got a hold of xhr object. I can cancel
  the download at anytime.

  How can I monitor the result of the ajax post while the post is being
  made? by specifing a target: '#progressDir' I can get the result after
  the post is done, but I have found no other solutions.

  Best Regards,

[jQuery] Jquery Forms plugin and fileupload

2008-11-21 Thread cambazz


I am using the file upload capacities of the form plugin successfully.
However I could not find how to do two things.

The first one, is how can one cancel an upload while upload is in

The second one is the progress indicator. I am using commons file
upload, so I can calculate how much of file is left, and I can append
this to servlets output.

However, I could not figure out how to get this servlets output and
turn it into a progress bar, using the form plugin.

Best Regards,

[jQuery] form/validation plugin questions

2008-10-10 Thread cambazz


I am using form and validation plugins successfully. I was wondering:

a) how can I make an error message show at a custom location? for
example when validating an email, it will just add right next to the
input element an error message as a generated label. how can I make
error messages show at some custom div.

b) sometimes i need to validate at server side. for example, i might
need to check if a username previously exists in the system or not. I
return different responseText each time, so showResponse method does
the processing.
how can I show a custom message at a custom place after submit?

Best Regards,

[jQuery] jquery and comet long polling problem with IE

2008-07-11 Thread cambazz


I wrote a comet servlet, and this is how I get the data into jquery:

function pS() {
type: 'GET',
timeout: 10,
complete: function(xhr, status) {
if(status==='success') {
if(xhr.responseText==='success') {
} else if(status==='timeout') {
setTimeout(function(){ pS(); }, 6);
} else if(status==='error') {
setTimeout(function(){ pS(); }, 6);

basically pS() is called at document load, and then it calls itself.
if a timeout or error occurs, it will reschedule itself in 60 seconds.
This scheme works fine with FF, but no luck with IE.

what happens is after the first call, (which waits properyly and gets
the result) it gets in to an infinite loop. complete is executed with
status = success. (without actually making the request)

I did some searching and some people proposed inserting 256 bytes of
junk data, to response, i tried this and it did not work

this seems a jquery problem. the reason is, with the same server code,
(grizlly comet count) which uses prototype and behaivor libs, it works
in IE no problem.


[jQuery] unblockUI and enter

2008-07-07 Thread cambazz


I am using blockUI to display a simple message with a button. I would
like when user presses enter the dialog to go off. interesting thing
is in FF, it does work as expected, and in IE it does not, it
sometimes does, it sometimes does not, and I could not figure out why.

any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: unblockUI and enter

2008-07-07 Thread cambazz

it will not work, even if the button has focus.

On Jul 7, 3:14 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am using blockUI to display a simple message with a button. I would
  like when user presses enter the dialog to go off. interesting thing
  is in FF, it does work as expected, and in IE it does not, it
  sometimes does, it sometimes does not, and I could not figure out why.

 Does the button have focus?  Can you post a link?

[jQuery] Re: unblockUI and enter

2008-07-07 Thread cambazz

unblockUI works. it wont work on enter, you have to click the button
by mouse.
it will however trigger when enter is pressed if using FF.

sorry, I dont have a web server available thats why no link.

Best regards,

On Jul 8, 2:08 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What exactly is not working?  The button is not getting a click event,
 or the unblockUI call is not working?  More details please (and a lgink
 if possible).

 On Jul 7, 6:45 pm, cambazz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  it will not work, even if the button has focus.

  On Jul 7, 3:14 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using blockUI to display a simple message with a button. I would
like when user presses enter the dialog to go off. interesting thing
is in FF, it does work as expected, and in IE it does not, it
sometimes does, it sometimes does not, and I could not figure out why.

   Does the button have focus?  Can you post a link?

[jQuery] blockUI fadeOut

2008-07-03 Thread cambazz


is the blockUI fadeout function working? I was unable to get it to
fadeOut fast. (0 fadeOut)

Here is an excerpt:

centerX: true,
centerY: 0,
message: $('#inRum'),
css: {
  top: '200px',
  width: '300px',
  border: '5px solid #535353',
  padding: '10px',
  backgroundColor: '#fff',
  '-webkit-border-radius': '20px',
  '-moz-border-radius': '20px',
  opacity: '1',
  color: '#000'
fadeOut: 0,
fadeTime: 0

what is wrong?

[jQuery] comet long polling with jquery

2008-07-01 Thread cambazz


I finally got my server to run an example comet application, which
uses the long polling method.

The example code I got uses prototype library, which i dont want to
use. I understand there is a comet plugin for jquery that supports the
bayeux  protocol, which is not what I want.

Searching in this group, I have read that the long pollling method
does not require a plugin, and just the standard ajax methods are ok.

What I need to do shortly, is to submit an ajax request, (which will
only be replied when the server sends data) when the server sends data
(it sends success in the body, and json data in the response header),
the ajax method must process the json data, and restart itself making
another ajax request. also, this ajax request should start at document

Any ideas?


[jQuery] comet long polling with jquery

2008-07-01 Thread cambazz


I finally got my server to run an example comet application, which
uses the long polling method.

The example code I got uses prototype library, which i dont want to
use. I understand there is a comet plugin for jquery that supports the
bayeux  protocol, which is not what I want.

Searching in this group, I have read that the long pollling method
does not require a plugin, and just the standard ajax methods are ok.

What I need to do shortly, is to submit an ajax request, (which will
only be replied when the server sends data) when the server sends data
(it sends success in the body, and json data in the response header),
the ajax method must process the json data, and restart itself making
another ajax request. also, this ajax request should start at document

Any ideas?
