Re: [jug-discussion] grab a Spring configured bean - part Deux

2004-09-24 Thread Nicholas Lesiecki
a ds bean... can Spring just do
MyServletFilter.setDataSource(myDataSourceBean) at startup?
Unless Spring instantiates the bean, the answer is no. You can ask 
spring to configure a bean programmatically:
relevant bit:

 I've just added an applyBeanPropertyValues(Object existingBean, String 
name) method to the AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface, analogous to 
the existing autowireBeanProperties method. It simply applies the 
property values from the bean definition with the given name to an 
existing bean instance, which should work nicely for Tapestry Page 

but that doesn't really solve the problem of the dependency. You could 
use an aspect to pass your filter to Spring, thus limiting the 
dependency to that aspect. I'm considering doing this for Tapestry 

On Sep 23, 2004, at 5:06 PM, Tim Colson wrote:
Hey gang -
  I managed to hack the Filter to get a ServletContext and then the 
WebApplicationContext. Thanks to all for the many helpful replies.

Nick wrote:
Cast the request to an http servlet request. That should have
access to the session, which has access to the context.(I think).
Correct. That works too, but I stuck with the init() hook because it 
seemed like something I'd only need to do once.

But here is part two...
I now have a Servlet Filter that is coupled to Spring!
That seems like a bad thing... I mean, if the whole point of Spring is 
allow you to inject different implementations/configurations, 
shouldn't one
strive to be able to replace Spring with another container in the 

So the question now becomes a bit more esoteric (since I have a soln. 
works and that gives me a little breathing room)...and perhaps this is
obvious to Spring folks, but not to me yet.

Can I setup a spring config that injects a DataSource into 

So rather than have MyServletFilter obtain a Spring context and then 
ask for
a ds bean... can Spring just do
MyServletFilter.setDataSource(myDataSourceBean) at startup?


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Nicholas Lesiecki
Software Craftsman, specializing in J2EE,
Agile Methods, and aspect-oriented programming
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RE: [jug-discussion] grab a Spring configured bean - part Deux

2004-09-24 Thread Tim Colson
  a ds bean... can Spring just do
  MyServletFilter.setDataSource(myDataSourceBean) at startup?
Nick said:
 Unless Spring instantiates the bean, the answer is no. You can ask 
 spring to configure a bean programmatically:

I'm not so sure that's the case for static stuff. 

In fact, I kind of surprised myself -- my config of my Configuration bean
already looks like it does what I'm asking about doingsorta. :-) 

I don't believe this trick will work for EventLog objects, but have a look
at this static setup magic:

 bean id=FOOappConfiguration 
  init-method =start
   property name=myConfigurationFiles 

Relevant bits of
private static String theConfigFiles = ;
private static Properties theProperties = null;

 * This is a utility class and is never instantiated.
private Configuration() {}
 * Tells the class which property file(s) to read.
 * @param filenames
public void setMyConfigurationFiles(String filenames) {
theConfigFiles = filenames;
 * Starts up the class, reads in the config file(s).
public static void start() {
// load properties 
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream in = null; init -  + theConfigFiles);

// allow for comma separated list of config files
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(theConfigFiles,
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String currentFile = tokenizer.nextToken(); config file: + currentFile);
try {
in = Configuration.class.getResourceAsStream(currentFile);

if (null != in) {
props.load(in); +  - loaded.);
else {
logger.error(currentFile +  - NOT FOUND);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(Unable to load + currentFile + , the error
is:  + e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
theProperties = props;


During startup --

INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,607]
Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'FOOappConfiguration'
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]- Configuration
init - /resources/,/resources/
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]- loading
config file:/resources/
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]-
/resources/ - loaded.
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]- loading
config file:/resources/
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]-
/resources/ - loaded.

And then later when I use Configuration.getProperty(test) - I get the
expected value. 

So it seems Spring configured a Configuration class instance, byproduct is
initialized static info... so I get a config'd Configuration Utility class,
which is not dependant on Spring. Cool. :-)

(This may not be the best design... but hey, it makes me happy today. :-)


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