> > a "ds" bean... can Spring just do
> > MyServletFilter.setDataSource(myDataSourceBean) at startup?
Nick said:
> Unless Spring instantiates the bean, the answer is "no." You can ask 
> spring to configure a bean programmatically:

I'm not so sure that's the case for static stuff. 

In fact, I kind of surprised myself -- my config of my Configuration bean
already looks like it does what I'm asking about doing....sorta. :-) 

I don't believe this trick will work for EventLog objects, but have a look
at this static setup magic:

 <bean id="FOOappConfiguration" 
  init-method ="start">
   <property name="myConfigurationFiles" >

Relevant bits of Configuration.java
    private static String theConfigFiles = "";
    private static Properties theProperties = null;

     * This is a utility class and is never instantiated.
    private Configuration() {}
     * Tells the class which property file(s) to read.
     * @param filenames
    public void setMyConfigurationFiles(String filenames) {
        theConfigFiles = filenames;
     * Starts up the class, reads in the config file(s).
    public static void start() {
        // load properties 
        Properties props = new Properties();
        InputStream in = null;

        logger.info("Configuration init - " + theConfigFiles);

        // allow for comma separated list of config files
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(theConfigFiles,
        while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String currentFile = tokenizer.nextToken();
            logger.info("loading config file:" + currentFile);
            try {
                in = Configuration.class.getResourceAsStream(currentFile);

                if (null != in) {
                    logger.info(currentFile + " - loaded.");
                else {
                    logger.error(currentFile + " - NOT FOUND");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Unable to load" + currentFile + ", the error
is: " + e);
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (Exception ignored) {
        theProperties = props;


During startup --

INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,607]
Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'FOOappConfiguration'
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]- Configuration
init - /resources/application.properties,/resources/sql.properties
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]- loading
config file:/resources/application.properties
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]-
/resources/application.properties - loaded.
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]- loading
config file:/resources/sql.properties
INFO  [main] [2004-09-24 14:18:26,617] [common.Configuration]-
/resources/sql.properties - loaded.

And then later when I use Configuration.getProperty("test") -> I get the
expected value. 

So it seems Spring configured a Configuration class instance, byproduct is
initialized static info... so I get a config'd Configuration Utility class,
which is not dependant on Spring. Cool. :-)

(This may not be the best design... but hey, it makes me happy today. :-)


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