Re: [julia-users] Copy a BigFloat?

2014-09-14 Thread Rick Graham
I suppose it's not too bad.


Re: [julia-users] constants environment

2014-09-14 Thread Yakir Gagnon
Works! I placed it in a freshly made juliarc.jl. Thanks!

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:35:58 AM UTC+10, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:06:25 AM UTC-5, Isaiah wrote:

 Macros are useful for this sort of thing.

 I'm on an isexpr() evangelism mission. Also going to use if statements for 
 additional exposition.

 using Base.Meta
 macro allconst(args...)
exp = Expr(:block)
if isexpr(args[1], :block)
for a in args[1].args
if isexpr(a, :(=))
 push!(exp.args, Expr(:const, Base.esc(a)))


 macro allconst(args...)
exp = Expr(:block)
args[1].head == :block  for a in args[1].args
a.head == :(=)  push!(exp.args, Expr(:const, Base.esc(a) 

 @allconst begin
a = 1
b = 2

 (see the Metaprogramming section in the manual for more information)

 On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Yakir Gagnon 
 javascript: wrote:

 I often define a bunch of constants at the beginning of a program. 
 Wouldn't it be nice if we could start an environment of constants to avoid 
 writing `const` before every one of the rows at the beginning of a program? 
 Kind of like:
 begin const
  a = 1
  b = 2
  c = neverChange
 instead of:
 const a = 1
 const b = 2
 const c = neverChange

[julia-users] Why does Pkg.add(NLopt) use sudo?

2014-09-14 Thread Don MacMillen
I was surprised to see 

sudo apt-get install libnlopt0

on installing NLopt.  I'd much prefer a sandboxed install into the .julia
directory.  Is there a reason?  Are there many other packages that
require sudo for install?


[julia-users] Re: Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Oliver
Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to 
squeeze a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried 
devectorizing the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it 
was no longer taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far 
I've got the code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to 
@time I still have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great 
work guys, I'm really enjoying learning Julia.

function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
deltas.d[:] = 0.
rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2);
for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)

On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:

 The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we should 
 have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can either 
 manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros in the 
 Devectorize package, if they work out in this case.


 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been trying 
 to optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error backwards 
 through the network.
 The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do 
 things in place and don't have to keep initializing arrays. w and d are 
 collections of weights and errors respectively for different time lags.
 This function gets called many many times and according to profiling, 
 there is a lot of garbage collection being induced by the fourth line, 
 specifically within multidimensional.jl getindex and setindex! and array.jl 

 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
 deltas.d[:] = 0.
 for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
 deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] += w[:,:,ti]'*d[:,:,ti2];

 Any advice would be much appreciated!

Re: [julia-users] Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Viral Shah
Oh never mind - I see that you have a matrix multiply there that benefits from 
calling BLAS. If it is a matrix multiply, how come you can get away with axpy? 
Shouldn’t you need a gemm?

Another way to avoid creating temporary arrays with indexing is to use 
subArrays, which the linear algebra routines can work with.


 On 14-Sep-2014, at 2:43 pm, Viral Shah wrote:
 That is great! However, by devectorizing, I meant writing the loop statement 
 itself as two more loops, so that you end up with 3 nested loops effectively. 
 You basically do not want all those w[:,:,ti] calls that create matrices 
 every time.
 You could also potentially hoist the deltas.d out of the loop. Try something 
 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
   deltas.d[:] = 0.
   dd = deltas.d
   for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
   for i=1:size(w,1)
   for j=size(w,2)
   dd[i,j,ti+ti2-1] += w[i,j,ti]'*d[i,j,ti2]
 On 14-Sep-2014, at 12:47 pm, Michael Oliver 
 Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to squeeze 
 a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried devectorizing 
 the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it was no longer 
 taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far I've got the 
 code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to @time I still 
 have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great work guys, I'm 
 really enjoying learning Julia.
 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2);
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:
 The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we should 
 have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can either 
 manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros in the 
 Devectorize package, if they work out in this case.
 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been trying to 
 optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error backwards 
 through the network.
 The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do things 
 in place and don't have to keep initializing arrays. w and d are collections 
 of weights and errors respectively for different time lags.
 This function gets called many many times and according to profiling, there 
 is a lot of garbage collection being induced by the fourth line, 
 specifically within multidimensional.jl getindex and setindex! and array.jl +
 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] += w[:,:,ti]'*d[:,:,ti2];
 Any advice would be much appreciated!

Re: [julia-users] dispatch based on expression head

2014-09-14 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Avoiding allocation during parsing could really be helpful. It would be
possible to make the number of subexpressions a type parameter.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 12:52 AM, Jake Bolewski

 Performance would come from reducing the allocation of unnecessary Any[]
 arrays for a handful of expression nodes, which has some overhead.
  Serialization / deserialization of the AST could potentially be faster
 under a more compact representation as we know that hitting the gc is a
 performance bottleneck when doing large amounts of (de)serialization.
  These two factors have some impact on startup time as well.

 One version of a function could handle all parametric expression types, it
 would just have to do runtime lookup similar to what you would have to do
 so isa(arg, Expr)  (arg::Expr).head === :headB would then just become
 isa(arg, Expr{:headB}).

 I wouldn't suspect this optimization to have a large impact on
 performance, but it could make things a some % faster (you hope).

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 6:06:02 PM UTC-4, Tim Holy wrote:

 I wonder whether it would really have much of a performance advantage.
 expressions are nested, and so an Expr{:headA} contains among its args an
 Expr{:headB}. But you don't know until runtime what type it is, so
 lookup would have to be faster than
 isa(arg, Expr)  (arg::Expr).head == :headB ...`
 I don't actually know, but I would be a bit surprised if it would help

 Before someone thinks about tackling this, it would make sense to mock it
 make a MyExpr{:headsym}, nest a bunch of them based on real expressions,
 then see if you get any real benefit from having the head as a type

 The other negative is it would add to compilation time---currently one
 of a function handles all expressions, but with this change you'd have to
 compile a version for each parametric expression type. That means yet
 startup of any packages that do expression-parsing, and startup speed is
 already a pretty big problem.


 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 01:17:00 PM Kevin Squire wrote:
  While this would greatly affect Match.jl, it would be a very welcome
  On Saturday, September 13, 2014, Leah Hanson
   I would expect the Expr type to be abstract, with different concrete
   subtypes for each current value of head. Each value of head indicates
   specific structure in args, and this can just be reflected in the
   definition of the subtypes. (Then you can dispatch on Expr type, use
   subtypes(Expr) to see all possible kinds of Expr, etc.)
   -- Leah
   On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Jake Bolewski
   javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',''); wrote:
   We've actually discussed changing our expression representation to
   types instead of the more lisp-like symbols for distinguishing
   types. That would allow dispatch on expression types and be more
   It would, however, break almost all macros that do any kind of
   Hmm, interesting.  I guess the Expr type would then be Expr{:head}
   getindex / setindex overloaded to manipulate the arguments?  This
   a nice change as for many nodes you would not have to allocate an
   array which could be a performance win (i guess the serialized ast's
   be more compact as well).  Can't comment on whether it would be
 enough of
   win to justify such a massively breaking change.
   On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 2:48 AM, Gray Calhoun

   On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:50:44 AM UTC-5, Steven G.
   On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 12:20:59 PM UTC-4, Gray Calhoun
   Are there better ways to do this in general?
   For this kind of expression-matching code, you may find the
   package handy (, to get
 ML- or
   Scala-like symbolic pattern-matching.
   Thanks, that's pretty cool. For simple cases like I'm using, do
   know if there are advantages (or disadvantages) to using
 Match.jl, or
   should I just view it as a nicer syntax? (Obviously, when things
   complicated Match.jl looks very appealing).

[julia-users] Re: Why does Pkg.add(NLopt) use sudo?

2014-09-14 Thread Tony Kelman
It depends on whether or not the package's deps/build.jl script has any 
package manager providers listed for the relevant library. If you manually 
install libnlopt0 outside of Julia then I believe BinDeps will see that and 
not ask for sudo during installation. If you'd rather compile nlopt from 
source, you should be able to edit ~/.julia/v0.3/NLopt/deps/build.jl and 
comment out the provides(AptGet, libnlopt0, libnlopt) line. I'm not sure 
whether BinDeps is set up to fall back to building from source if you were 
to abort the apt-get installation.

On Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:32:47 PM UTC-7, Don MacMillen wrote:

 I was surprised to see 

 sudo apt-get install libnlopt0

 on installing NLopt.  I'd much prefer a sandboxed install into the .julia
 directory.  Is there a reason?  Are there many other packages that
 require sudo for install?


[julia-users] type change while filling array with comprehension

2014-09-14 Thread Laurent Journot
I am a biologist with no knowledge in programing. I recently started to 
write small bits of code to analyze gene co-expression networks. By the 
way, congratulations to those who developped Julia and the many available 
packages. It's really great and fairly easy to make simple things in a 
matter of days with the intuitive Julia syntax.

I am not familar with type management in programing languages but some 
behaviors are puzzling for a tenderfoot like myself. Here is a piece of 
stupid code just to illustrate my question (I'm using JuliaStudio):

julia A=[1,2] 

2-element Array{Int64,1}:



julia typeof([A[1]]) 


julia typeof([A[i] for i=1])

Of course int() is doing the job.

julia typeof(int([A[i] for i=1]))

Yet, I find this behavior strange and using int(), float()... makes the code 
unnecessarily heavy.
I looked through the posts on julia-users but could not find information about 
how to avoid type change during comprehension. Any advice ?

[julia-users] Re: Julia strange behaviour with GC

2014-09-14 Thread gael . mcdon
Interesting. Then I'll restate things and try to answer correctly to your 
comments. Sorry, that will be a long post again :/ but I really need that 
to show that the CLT partly fails in this case.

*1- Restating things: the function run a single time *

I know this is not what you are interested in. But I hope I'll be clearer 

Some functions can be used rarely but can take a substantial time in the 
whole calculation. From what I see, people just repeat the calculation *n* 
times, take the arithmetic mean and choose whichever gives the smallest 

*Question:* which function of *f1* and *f2* is the fastest for a single 
calculation given that set of inputs on *that* computer?

*Method 1:* put @time in front of each of them and get timing results.
*Problem 1:* this is not the answer to the question above: 

   - Instead of trying to answer to: *which function would always be faster 
   on my computer with that set of input?*
   - he answered: *which function was faster that time?*

*Problem 2: *Chances are high that always is too strong. Generally 
could be used instead.

*Method 2:*

 if you perform an operation n times, it will take about nμ seconds. If you 
 want your code to run as fast as possible that's probably what matters.

So, if I repeat the measurement *n* times and divide the resulting 
execution time by *n*, I should get a good estimate of the expected 
execution time.

*Problem:* g*enerally* is a word so vague that it is not enough! What 
does it mean? Pick your poison:

   - Is *f1* faster than* f2* in more than *X*% of the cases? (hint: the 
   arithmetic mean tells us *nothing* about that)
   - What is the most probable execution time? (hint: this is usually *not* 
   the arithmetic mean, eg. the geometric mean for the lognormal ditribution)
   - What's the range including *X*% of the execution times for* f1*/*f2*? 
   (hint: its center is usually *not* the arithmetic mean)
   - etc.

So not everyone wants the same thing. Plus, if you calculate the arithmetic 
mean of some repetitions, you take into account effects that may slow down 
(GC, OS over time, etc.) or speed up (cache, buffers, etc.)  the 
calculation and give a perfectly wrong estimate. The second thing is that 
the arithmetic mean is almost always not what you want and is always not 
enough (at least provide the variance if you are sure the distribution is 
Gaussian). And as John emphasized, the mean or any other location estimator 
tells us nothing about the distribution spread.

*Method 3:* plot histograms/PDF and let other people pick their own poison.
*Problem: *not a single number, but a complete distribution.
*Advantages:* everything is included and distribution metrics can be 
calculated from that; the spread is known; normality can actually be 
checked, if you observe so, you can tell is some function is *always* 
slower than another one, etc.

*2- How the CLT may sometimes partly failed *

Ok, let's state it now: the CLT is working quite well, it's just that some 
of our assumptions about it aren't. :)

In the world of technical computing, we are mostly interested in running 
 the same computationally intensive functions over and over, and we usually 
 only care about how long that will take.

comes down to:
*Question:* which function of *f1* and *f2* is the best suited to put 
inside of a tight loop?

You appropriately and correctly invoked the CLT:

 the central limit theorem guarantees that, given a function that takes a 
 mean time μ to run, the amount of time it takes to run that function n 
 times is approximately normally distributed with mean nμ for sufficiently 
 large n regardless of the distribution of the individual function 
 evaluation times as long as it has finite variance.

But let's split that a little bit and check it :)

*2.1- The central limit theorem*

The CLT is all about sums. If you draw *n* samples from the distribution* D* 
and perform a sum of them, you will get one number *N1*. If you draw *n* new 
from the same distribution* D* and perform a sum of them, you will get a 
new number *N2. *etc. Let's say you performed that operation *m* times. 
Then you got *m* sums of *n* elements from distribution *D*: *N1...Nm*.

The central limit theorem states that the distribution of the numbers *N1...Nm 
*should converge to a normal distribution as *n* goes to infinity. It can 
be justified by convolution: the distribution of the *N1...Nm* corresponds 
to the self-convolution of the initial distribution *D*, *n* times. And it 
so happen (and was proven) that any distribution with finite variance 
should converge to a Gaussian as *n* tends to infinity.

Even more interesting, if you divide these sums *N1...Nm* by *n*, you get a 
mean which variance is *always* smaller than the variance  of the initial 
distribution D.

These two behaviors are the roots of the CLT.

*2.2- Wash it, repeat, rinse, n times*

You are proposing to calculate *N1* only, *not* *N1...Nm*, *not* the 

Re: [julia-users] type change while filling array with comprehension

2014-09-14 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le dimanche 14 septembre 2014 à 06:25 -0700, Laurent Journot a écrit :
 I am a biologist with no knowledge in programing. I recently started
 to write small bits of code to analyze gene co-expression networks. By
 the way, congratulations to those who developped Julia and the many
 available packages. It's really great and fairly easy to make simple
 things in a matter of days with the intuitive Julia syntax.
 I am not familar with type management in programing languages but some
 behaviors are puzzling for a tenderfoot like myself. Here is a piece
 of stupid code just to illustrate my question (I'm using JuliaStudio):
 julia A=[1,2]
 2-element Array{Int64,1}:
 julia typeof([A[1]])
 julia typeof([A[i] for i=1])
 Of course int() is doing the job.
 julia typeof(int([A[i] for i=1]))
 Yet, I find this behavior strange and using int(), float()... makes the code 
 unnecessarily heavy.
 I looked through the posts on julia-users but could not find information 
 about how to avoid type change during comprehension. Any advice ?

This issue usually happens when using comprehensions at the top-level,
as opposed to putting them in functions. AFAIK, the problem is that
Julia is not (yet?) able to detect that the code in the comprehension
does not change the type of A. Type inference may get better in the

You can declare A as being constant to work around this:

julia const A = [1,2]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia typeof([A[i] for i=1])

Also, instead of int([A[i] for i=1]), you can write Int[A[i] for i=1],
to avoid converting the array after it has been created (and it's also
slightly less typing).


Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Bill Hart
On 14 September 2014 06:14, Tony Kelman wrote:

  We tend not to use tags. But there's no problem introducing a named tag
 to pin things.

 Any reason why not? Your code is on github but your releases aren't, would
 be great if it was possible to track exactly which commits correspond to
 exactly which numbered release version.

We have been using branches, not tags for that. We like to only push fixes
to release branches, whilst work continues in trunk, and make those minor
point releases, 2.4.0, 2.4.1. 2.4.2, etc.

I suppose we could tag all the releases in their branches too.

  The way it currently works is the user will specify --prefix. This is
 where libflint will be installed (in a subdirectory called lib). Obviously
 a default is chosen otherwise.
  Flint is at first built inside its own source tree. Flint knows where to
 find the file relative to this source tree.
  But when make install is issued, it will be moved across to --prefix.
  As flint is compiled, --prefix is used to generate an absolute path
 where the text file will be stored, and this is baked into the library,
 which then also looks in this absolute path.
  Of course the absolute path is computed at compile time to be some path
 relative to --prefix. It is passed to the relevant parts of flint via a -D

 None of this is going to work if you want the library to be usable on a
 different machine than it gets compiled on. That's a pretty big restriction
 to put on your users. A bit like using Gentoo - some people think it's fun
 out of masochism or something, but not many. Most users would rather save
 time and use binaries wherever possible (assuming the results are the same
 and you don't introduce any compatibility problems - if you use an
 automated build service and a package manager these are easy).

We'd like to fix the problem. We just don't know how. At some point, the
library has to read from a large text file. There must be a relocatable way
of doing that.

Of course you can pass an explicit directory to flint's configure to tell
it where to put this text file. Perhaps there is some canonical place.

  I don't know of a way to encode a path relative to where the library is
 installed. That would be very useful, if possible. But I'm not sure if it
 can be done.

 I'm actually not sure how fopen() with relative paths would work inside
 library code - it might depend on the current working directory of the
 calling process, which is also something you probably shouldn't be imposing
 restrictions on. This path is going to need to be runtime configurable, I
 don't see any other way around it.

That should be possible. I'll add a function to set it at runtime.

 Unless you want to generate the file in such a way that it becomes valid C
 syntax assigning into one string per line or an array of integers per line,
 then use it during compilation as a .c or .h file.

  Since git is installed with Julia, I'd like to git clone flint as part
 of the install process, so that the user always has the source code of
 flint (and the license, etc).

 This isn't necessary. The flint source code is on github, it's pretty
 simple to document that and point people to the right place if they want to
 look at it. Keep in mind that not all Julia package users are going to
 understand or care about the source code of a C library. The Julia package
 existing and providing access to some of the functionality is enough for
 many users.

  Flint is GPL, not LGPL. There is no linking exemption for flint. On the
 other hand, the FSF seems to be pretty isolated in its position that
 dynamic linking to a library results in a derived work. Fortunately there
 is almost no FSF code in flint and it is all LGPL'd. No one else is going
 to care.

 I don't know if we've gotten a clear legal intepretation of exactly where
 Julia's ccall falls with respect to licensing. I don't think it's exactly
 the same thing as linking.

The Free Software Foundation explicitly says that bindings from a
programming language interpreter, not just linking, constitute a derived
work and therefore the combination becomes GPL'd. They are very explicit
about this on their website.

I also had someone write to me the other day and refuse to access the
source code via Github because they refused to indemnify Github against
all damages. It's not clear if I am required under the GPL to send them
the source code some other way...

We're also not yet fully in compliance with the GPL. Because it is an
interpreted environment GPL v2 (which flint uses) requires a notice to be
printed when Nemo starts up saying that the program comes with no warranty.
I'll have to add that, if I can figure out how.

We also need to either include the full source code of flint with the
binary, or a written offer to supply it upon request. Here the FSF claims a
link to a website is not really good enough because the URL might change.
As a result of this, I am personally 

[julia-users] Re: type change while filling array with comprehension

2014-09-14 Thread Patrick O'Leary
On Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:25:59 AM UTC-5, Laurent Journot wrote:

 I am not familar with type management in programing languages but some 
 behaviors are puzzling for a tenderfoot like myself. Here is a piece of 
 stupid code just to illustrate my question (I'm using JuliaStudio):

Not directly related to your question, but Julia Studio is going to pin you 
to a quite old version of Julia. I highly recommend you find a way to 
upgrade Julia.

 julia typeof([A[i] for i=1])


Hey look, it's my second-oldest open issue, good ol'

The deal, summarized imprecisely, is that Julia has trouble with typing in 
global scopes, such as at the REPL (read-eval-print loop, i.e., the 
julia prompt), to preserve interactivity. So the assumption is that even 
though A is reasonably typed now, it could suddenly change, in which case 
the array comprehension's type will be incorrect. You'll find things work 
better in function contexts.

It is somewhat idiomatic to use typed array comprehensions, which are a bit 

julia typeof(Int[A[i] for i=1])

should work fine for you.

Thanks for giving Julia a shot! Feel free to ask if you have more questions.

[julia-users] Re: constants and containers

2014-09-14 Thread gael . mcdon
I may have missed something but wouldn't
immutable t

immutable t

type u

julia myvar = t(1,2)
julia myvar.x=5
ERROR: type t is immutable
julia v = u(t(1,2), t(3,4))
julia v.x
ERROR: type t is immutable

If you really want to guaranty constant fields, you have to type them to 
some constant type.

Re: [julia-users] Lint.jl status update

2014-09-14 Thread Adam Smith
This looks awesome. Regarding the Array parameter issue (which I'm really 
glad to see in the linter; this issue really tripped me up when learning 
Julia), if ever finds a 
resolution, it would be great to suggest that new syntax in the lint 
message. Then if the linter becomes common-place, beginners that have never 
heard of type variance will have a path to understanding.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:38:50 AM UTC-4, Tony Fong wrote:

 That's a good question. They can be used together, obviously. I can easily 
 speak for Lint. The key trade-off made in Lint is that it does not strive 
 for very in-depth type analysis. The focus is finding dodgy AST, where it 
 is located in the source file, and with a bit of explanation around issues. 
 The analyses are done recursively in a very small neighborhood around each 
 node in the AST, although the locality issue has improved somewhat with the 
 new type-tracking ability. The type guessing and tracking could leverage 
 Typecheck.jl, only possible since about last week (with the new features), 
 and it's a very exciting prospect.

 Lint already provides functionality to return an array of lint messages 
 (from a file, a code snippet, or a module), so it could be used in IDE 
 integration I suppose.


 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:08:09 AM UTC+7, Spencer Russell wrote:

 Any comments on how Lint.jl and @astrieanna's also-awesome TypeCheck.jl 
 relate? Are you two working together, or are there different use cases for 
 the two libraries?

 On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Tony Fong wrote:

 Fellow Julians,

 I think it is time to post an update on Lint.jl, as it has improved quite a bit 
 from the initial version I started about 3 months ago.

 Notable new features

- Local variable type tracking, which enables a range of features, 
such as
   - Variable type stability warning within a function scope.
   - Incompatibility between type assertion and assignment
   - Omission of returning the constructed object in a type 
   - Check the call signature of a selected set of methods with 
   collection (push!, append!, etc.)
- More function checks, such as
   - repeated arguments
   - wrong signatures, e.g. f( x::Array{Number,1} )
   - Mispelled constructor (calls new but the function name doesn't 
   match the enclosing type)
- Ability to silence lint warning via lintpragma() function, e.g.
   - lintpragma( Ignore unstable type variable [variable name] )
   - lintpragma( Ignore Unused [variable name] )
 Also, there is now quite a range of test scripts showing sample codes 
 with lint problems, so it's easy to grep your own lint warnings in that 
 folder and see a distilled version of the issue.

 Again, please let me know about gaps and false positives.


Re: [julia-users] Re: self dot product of all columns in a matrix: Julia vs. Octave

2014-09-14 Thread gael . mcdon

 I wonder if we should provide access to DSFMT's random array generation, 
 so that one can use an array generator. The requirements are that one has 
 to generate at least 384 random numbers at a time or more, and the size of 
 the array must necessarily be even. 

 We should not allow this with the global seed, and it can be through a 
 randarray!() function. We can even avoid exporting this function by 
 default, since there are lots of conditions it needs, but it gives really 
 high performance.

Are the conditions needed limited to n384 and n even?

Why not providing it by default then with a single if statement to check 
for the n384 condition? The n even condition is not really a problem as 
Julia does not allocate the exact amount of data needed. Even for 
fixed-size array, adding 1 extra element (not user accessible) does not 
seem to be much of a drawback.



Re: [julia-users] How to trace execution?

2014-09-14 Thread Erik Schnetter
Yes, I'm not getting useful backtraces... that has several reasons:

(1) I'm using OS X and LLVM 3.5 (my fault). But I'm also running on
Linux, and backtraces are working fine there.
(2) I'm running in parallel, and failing @test or @assers often leads
to a hang instead of an error (or backtrace).
(3) I'm also running distributed via MPI, and may even have errors in
my program leading to deadlocks.

Currently I'm adding many info statements. I'm sure there must be a
better way... Maybe in 0.4.


On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Tim Holy wrote:
 I take it you're not getting a useful backtrace from your error? That fact
 alone would be worth reporting, if you have a simple test case.

 If you run into troubles by not getting enough samples, you can always
 decrease the delay down to 10 microseconds or so. The default setting of 1 ms
 is designed to avoid any substantive performance impact, but for tracing you
 might prefer more samples.


 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 02:38:53 PM Elliot Saba wrote:
 Unfortunately, `@profile` is the closest we have now.  You could
 conceivably call `@profile` from within a `try` so that you can print out
 the profile results at the end.

 On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Erik Schnetter

  I want to trace the execution of a Julia program to find out where an
  error occurs. Is there something like a @trace macro, similar to @time or

Erik Schnetter

Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Bill Hart

On Sunday, 14 September 2014 15:52:58 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 On 14 September 2014 06:14, Tony Kelman wrote:

  We tend not to use tags. But there's no problem introducing a named tag 
 to pin things.

 Any reason why not? Your code is on github but your releases aren't, 
 would be great if it was possible to track exactly which commits correspond 
 to exactly which numbered release version.

 We have been using branches, not tags for that. We like to only push fixes 
 to release branches, whilst work continues in trunk, and make those minor 
 point releases, 2.4.0, 2.4.1. 2.4.2, etc. 

 I suppose we could tag all the releases in their branches too.

  The way it currently works is the user will specify --prefix. This is 
 where libflint will be installed (in a subdirectory called lib). Obviously 
 a default is chosen otherwise.
  Flint is at first built inside its own source tree. Flint knows where 
 to find the file relative to this source tree.
  But when make install is issued, it will be moved across to --prefix.
  As flint is compiled, --prefix is used to generate an absolute path 
 where the text file will be stored, and this is baked into the library, 
 which then also looks in this absolute path.
  Of course the absolute path is computed at compile time to be some path 
 relative to --prefix. It is passed to the relevant parts of flint via a -D 

 None of this is going to work if you want the library to be usable on a 
 different machine than it gets compiled on. That's a pretty big restriction 
 to put on your users. A bit like using Gentoo - some people think it's fun 
 out of masochism or something, but not many. Most users would rather save 
 time and use binaries wherever possible (assuming the results are the same 
 and you don't introduce any compatibility problems - if you use an 
 automated build service and a package manager these are easy).

 We'd like to fix the problem. We just don't know how. At some point, the 
 library has to read from a large text file. There must be a relocatable way 
 of doing that.

 Of course you can pass an explicit directory to flint's configure to tell 
 it where to put this text file. Perhaps there is some canonical place.

  I don't know of a way to encode a path relative to where the library is 
 installed. That would be very useful, if possible. But I'm not sure if it 
 can be done.

 I'm actually not sure how fopen() with relative paths would work inside 
 library code - it might depend on the current working directory of the 
 calling process, which is also something you probably shouldn't be imposing 
 restrictions on. This path is going to need to be runtime configurable, I 
 don't see any other way around it.

 That should be possible. I'll add a function to set it at runtime.

 Unless you want to generate the file in such a way that it becomes valid 
 C syntax assigning into one string per line or an array of integers per 
 line, then use it during compilation as a .c or .h file.

  Since git is installed with Julia, I'd like to git clone flint as part 
 of the install process, so that the user always has the source code of 
 flint (and the license, etc). 

 This isn't necessary. The flint source code is on github, it's pretty 
 simple to document that and point people to the right place if they want to 
 look at it. Keep in mind that not all Julia package users are going to 
 understand or care about the source code of a C library. The Julia package 
 existing and providing access to some of the functionality is enough for 
 many users.

  Flint is GPL, not LGPL. There is no linking exemption for flint. On the 
 other hand, the FSF seems to be pretty isolated in its position that 
 dynamic linking to a library results in a derived work. Fortunately there 
 is almost no FSF code in flint and it is all LGPL'd. No one else is going 
 to care.

 I don't know if we've gotten a clear legal intepretation of exactly where 
 Julia's ccall falls with respect to licensing. I don't think it's exactly 
 the same thing as linking.

 The Free Software Foundation explicitly says that bindings from a 
 programming language interpreter, not just linking, constitute a derived 
 work and therefore the combination becomes GPL'd. They are very explicit 
 about this on their website.

 I also had someone write to me the other day and refuse to access the 
 source code via Github because they refused to indemnify Github against 
 all damages. It's not clear if I am required under the GPL to send them 
 the source code some other way...

 We're also not yet fully in compliance with the GPL. Because it is an 
 interpreted environment GPL v2 (which flint uses) requires a notice to be 
 printed when Nemo starts up saying that the program comes with no warranty. 
 I'll have to add that, if I can figure out how.

 We also need to either include the full source code of flint with the 
 binary, or a written offer to 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Change field value of a composite type when name of the field is in a variable

2014-09-14 Thread Isaiah Norton
There is a shortcut you can use:

inst.(symbol(varToChange)) = 20

However, note that this is not a good idea for performance-sensitive code.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:37 AM, wrote:

 Thank you, Don. That works great!

 I had tried setfield! earlier, but I was doing: setfield!(inst,
 varToChange, 20) and was (obviously) getting error.

 I wonder why this is not automatically done by setfield!

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:06:31 PM UTC-4, Don MacMillen wrote:

 setfield!(inst, symbol(varToChange), 20)

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 4:47:46 PM UTC-7,

 Hi All,

 Suppose I have a composite type and an instance of it:

 type myType

 inst = myType(10, 8.5)

 I want to change, say numLines of inst1 to 20. I know I can do

 inst.numLines = 20

 However, suppose the field that has to be changed is determined by the
 program. Say, I have,

 varToChange = numLines

 How can I use *varToChange* to change the value of *numLines* in *inst*

 Thank you.

[julia-users] Re: Change field value of a composite type when name of the field is in a variable

2014-09-14 Thread Patrick O'Leary
On Saturday, September 13, 2014 6:47:46 PM UTC-5, wrote:

 However, suppose the field that has to be changed is determined by the 
 program. Say, I have, 

 varToChange = numLines

 How can I use *varToChange* to change the value of *numLines* in *inst*? 

Here are a couple of alternatives.

Depending on the source of your numLines, you can assign the symbol 
directly, rather than via a string and a call to symbol(), combining it 
with either Don or Isaiah's syntaxes:

varToChange = :numLines

If this is the sort of thing you find you are doing often, a composite type 
may not be the correct data structure for your application. Consider a Dict:

inst = Dict{String, Any}()
inst[numLines] = 10
inst[avgLength] = 8.5
inst[varToChange] = 20


Re: [julia-users] Re: Why does Pkg.add(NLopt) use sudo?

2014-09-14 Thread Don MacMillen
Thanks Tony.

On Sep 14, 2014 3:27 AM, Tony Kelman wrote:

 It depends on whether or not the package's deps/build.jl script has any
 package manager providers listed for the relevant library. If you manually
 install libnlopt0 outside of Julia then I believe BinDeps will see that and
 not ask for sudo during installation. If you'd rather compile nlopt from
 source, you should be able to edit ~/.julia/v0.3/NLopt/deps/build.jl and
 comment out the provides(AptGet, libnlopt0, libnlopt) line. I'm not sure
 whether BinDeps is set up to fall back to building from source if you were
 to abort the apt-get installation.

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:32:47 PM UTC-7, Don MacMillen wrote:

 I was surprised to see

 sudo apt-get install libnlopt0

 on installing NLopt.  I'd much prefer a sandboxed install into the .julia
 directory.  Is there a reason?  Are there many other packages that
 require sudo for install?


[julia-users] Is this expected behavior from nb_available?

2014-09-14 Thread Dan Luu
julia r,_ = redirect_stdout()
(Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting))
julia nb_available(r)
julia println(foo)
julia nb_available(r)
julia println(foo)
julia nb_available(r)
julia readline(r)
julia nb_available(r)

Even if there's data available, nb_available returns 0. From the name,
I would have expected this function to return the number of bytes
available. However, since there's no documentation, either in
help(nb_available) or in the code itself, I can't tell if this is a
bug or if this is behavior is by design.

Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Tony Kelman
 Of course you can pass an explicit directory to flint's configure to tell 
it where to put this text file. Perhaps there is some canonical place.

Julia has settled on some good default choices for where to put packages by 
now, the problem is users are free to override the default locations and 
can have good reasons for wanting to do so.

 The Free Software Foundation explicitly says that bindings from a 
programming language interpreter, not just linking, constitute a derived 
work and therefore the combination becomes GPL'd. They are very explicit 
about this on their website.
 I also had someone write to me the other day and refuse to access the 
source code via Github because they refused to indemnify Github against 
all damages. It's not clear if I am required under the GPL to send them 
the source code some other way...

Oh dear. Well what I've been doing when building binaries is including the 
Readme and the License files as part of the packaging, so those will always 
get installed along with the dll's.

 We also need to either include the full source code of flint with the 
binary, or a written offer to supply it upon request. Here the FSF claims a 
link to a website is not really good enough because the URL might change. 
As a result of this, I am personally very reluctant to not just supply the 
source code for flint. I also want people to have the git repository 
automatically so they can contribute to it if they want.

Okay. It's not the end of the world to checkout the source code even when 
downloading a binary. Though keep in mind that for Julia 0.4, the plan is 
to transition Julia's package manager from relying on shelling out to 
command-line git to using ccall bindings to libgit2, so it won't 
necessarily be a safe assumption to make that you can always shell out to 
git. That's still a ways out though, and you can always put a try-catch 
around the checkout since it's not an absolute requirement.

 We're also not yet fully in compliance with the GPL. Because it is an 
interpreted environment GPL v2 (which flint uses) requires a notice to be 
printed when Nemo starts up saying that the program comes with no warranty. 
I'll have to add that, if I can figure out how.

That should be pretty easy with a println in your Nemo.jl module file, 
should come up any time anyone calls using Nemo. You can also write a 
function called __init__() that gets called on package startup. Not sure 
if/where in the docs that's listed.

 Unfortunately it doesn't even work on my machine. It seems ok for some 
calls into the dll, but as soon as I try to say print something using a 
function in the MPIR dll it segfaults. I suppose it must be linked against 
subtly different Microsoft dll's than Julia and some kind of conflict 

Or maybe different GCC dll's. Exactly which version of MinGW-w64 are you 
using? Might not be compatible with what was used to build Julia. Or there 
could be some issue due to having gmp and mpir both loaded within the same 
process? We've seen sort-of-similar issues with blas and lapack and various 
packages, though not so much on Windows.

 The problem must be what libtool is doing on mingw64. Make install 
doesn't even copy the generated dll across to the install directory, so you 
have to do this manually. 

Hm, yeah, libtool can be very picky, especially when it comes to dll's. I 
think I've used the subtle and quick to anger quote on this list before 
when talking about libtool... I've found configuring 
with lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all can sometimes help.

 I also can't build flint against the Julia mpir and mpfr since Julia 
doesn't seem to distribute the gmp.h and mpfr.h files, and flint requires 
these when building.

Oh, right, damn. Sorry I forgot about that! That is an issue, maybe we 
should open a separate discussion on that general topic. It has come up 
before that various packages would like to link against the same libraries 
as Julia (in the Blas and Lapack cases we're building with an incompatible 
ABI which makes this actually not a good idea in most cases, but for GMP 
and MPFR I think we're configuring them in the default way), so installing 
the corresponding headers would actually be necessary.

Even though I'm not entirely sure what Nemo or Flint do or whether I would 
personally have a use for them, I have some strange desire to see more 
Julia packages be painless to install cross-platform and want to help here. 
Let me know how the runtime configuration of the text file location goes, 
then I can mock up what BinDeps would look like. It should simplify your 
deps/build.jl script by automating the standard download, extract, 
configure, make steps. There are also some Julia idioms like 
joinpath(a,b) that would be cleaner than what you're doing now with if 
statements to switch between forward slashes and backslashes, and things 

cd(newdir) do

that work in a nicer way including returning to the old directory even on 

[julia-users] Re: Change field value of a composite type when name of the field is in a variable

2014-09-14 Thread curiouslearn
Thank you Isaiah and Patrick.

The source is a Dict{ASCIIstring, Any}. From your answers I realized, I can 
instead use Dict{Symbol, Any} as the source and then use either Don's or 
Isaiah's syntax. 

Yes, I was thinking that may be I should use a Dict. But then I would have 
to use Dict{ASCIIstring, Any} type. I was not sure (because I don't know 
about these things) whether that would affect the performance adversely 
(because of the Any). While Dict{ASCIIstring, Any} is a source that is used 
to change *inst, inst *is used multiple times in the program. Once it's 
value is changed, its type is known completely when it is used those 
multiple times.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 11:09:56 AM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 6:47:46 PM UTC-5, 

 However, suppose the field that has to be changed is determined by the 
 program. Say, I have, 

 varToChange = numLines

 How can I use *varToChange* to change the value of *numLines* in *inst*? 

 Here are a couple of alternatives.

 Depending on the source of your numLines, you can assign the symbol 
 directly, rather than via a string and a call to symbol(), combining it 
 with either Don or Isaiah's syntaxes:

 varToChange = :numLines

 If this is the sort of thing you find you are doing often, a composite 
 type may not be the correct data structure for your application. Consider a 

 inst = Dict{String, Any}()
 inst[numLines] = 10
 inst[avgLength] = 8.5
 inst[varToChange] = 20


Re: [julia-users] Re: dispatch based on expression head

2014-09-14 Thread Kevin Squire
Hi Gray,

Sorry, I got sidetracked with the rest of the discussion and forgot to come
back to this until now.

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Gray Calhoun wrote:

 Thanks, that's pretty cool. For simple cases like I'm using, do you know
 if there are advantages (or disadvantages) to using Match.jl, or should I
 just view it as a nicer syntax? (Obviously, when things get more
 complicated Match.jl looks very appealing).

After compilation, Match.jl is basically a bunch of nested if statements.
 For simple things, where you're always checking against the same type
(e.g., Expr), there may be a slight compilation overhead, but no execution

When things get more complicated, the main potential for slowdown (I think)
is when matching against arrays.

1. the nested ifs contain explicit array size/bounds checks, in order to
avoid bounds errors and try/next blocks
2. SubArrays are used to match parts of multidimensional arrays, and
SubArrays are currently a little slow in Julia

Also, as with any Julia code, wrapping in a function will greatly improve
type inference, and hence performance.

Finally, matching against Expr is quite functional, but slightly annoying:
Exprs are constructed with

   Expr(:+, 1,2,3)

but the actual Expr object contains the 1,2,3 in an array, and has an
additional type field.  So Expr rewriting currently looks something like

   Expr(:+, [a,b,c], _) = Expr(:+, c,b,a)

I've thought about special casing Expr specifically to avoid this, but
haven't gotten around to it.

I used Match.jl quite extensively to match and rewrite Exprs when wrapping
VideoIO.  A clean Expr match example is
 You can search in the rest of that file for examples of Expr rewriting.

Hope this is useful.  Cheers!

[julia-users] Bug in ccall with pass float array?

2014-09-14 Thread Boxiang Sun
Hi all,

I am porting OpenCV API to Julia. I already have some progress, maybe I 
will public it later. During the porting. I encounter a problem, I think it 
maybe a bug.

Suppose we have a C function like this:

void foo(int *a, float *b)
cout  Int array:   a[0]  endl;
cout  Float array:   b[0]  endl;

In Julia, I wrote a wrapper function like this:
function bar(a::Array{Int, 1},
 b::Array{Float64, 1}
ccall( (:foo, ../libfoo), Void, (Ptr{Int}, Ptr{Float64}), a, b)

I call the wrapper function in Julia:

bar([1], [2.5])

The Int array could passed to C function, but Float64 array could not. It 
always be ZERO. Do I miss anything?

My machine is 32bits Linux, GCC 4.8.2, I didn't tested in other platform.


Re: [julia-users] Bug in ccall with pass float array?

2014-09-14 Thread Jameson Nash
A float in C matches either a Cfloat or Float32 (these are equivalent) in

On Sunday, September 14, 2014, Boxiang Sun wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am porting OpenCV API to Julia. I already have some progress, maybe I
 will public it later. During the porting. I encounter a problem, I think it
 maybe a bug.

 Suppose we have a C function like this:

 void foo(int *a, float *b)
 cout  Int array:   a[0]  endl;
 cout  Float array:   b[0]  endl;

 In Julia, I wrote a wrapper function like this:
 function bar(a::Array{Int, 1},
  b::Array{Float64, 1}
 ccall( (:foo, ../libfoo), Void, (Ptr{Int}, Ptr{Float64}), a, b)

 I call the wrapper function in Julia:

 bar([1], [2.5])

 The Int array could passed to C function, but Float64 array could not. It
 always be ZERO. Do I miss anything?

 My machine is 32bits Linux, GCC 4.8.2, I didn't tested in other platform.


Re: [julia-users] Is this expected behavior from nb_available?

2014-09-14 Thread Jameson Nash
There are two answers here:
One is that writing the stream does not imply the data is immediately
readable, or will even be split up the same when received. The second part,
is that Julia does not start consuming the data until you start reading it.
This is important because you might want to pass this handle to an external
process, and not have Julia consume part of the data I the meantime.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014, Dan Luu wrote:

 julia r,_ = redirect_stdout()
 (Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting))
 julia nb_available(r)
 julia println(foo)
 julia nb_available(r)
 julia println(foo)
 julia nb_available(r)
 julia readline(r)
 julia nb_available(r)

 Even if there's data available, nb_available returns 0. From the name,
 I would have expected this function to return the number of bytes
 available. However, since there's no documentation, either in
 help(nb_available) or in the code itself, I can't tell if this is a
 bug or if this is behavior is by design.

Re: [julia-users] Bug in ccall with pass float array?

2014-09-14 Thread Boxiang Sun

在 2014年9月15日星期一UTC+8上午12时13分36秒,Jameson写道:

 A float in C matches either a Cfloat or Float32 (these are equivalent) in 

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014, Boxiang Sun 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am porting OpenCV API to Julia. I already have some progress, maybe I 
 will public it later. During the porting. I encounter a problem, I think it 
 maybe a bug.

 Suppose we have a C function like this:

 void foo(int *a, float *b)
 cout  Int array:   a[0]  endl;
 cout  Float array:   b[0]  endl;

 In Julia, I wrote a wrapper function like this:
 function bar(a::Array{Int, 1},
  b::Array{Float64, 1}
 ccall( (:foo, ../libfoo), Void, (Ptr{Int}, Ptr{Float64}), a, b)

 I call the wrapper function in Julia:

 bar([1], [2.5])

 The Int array could passed to C function, but Float64 array could not. It 
 always be ZERO. Do I miss anything?

 My machine is 32bits Linux, GCC 4.8.2, I didn't tested in other platform.


Re: [julia-users] Is this expected behavior from nb_available?

2014-09-14 Thread Dan Luu

A related question I have is, is there an existing function that acts
like recv/recvmsg/recvmmsg in C (with O_NONBLOCKING), which returns
whatever's available? I was hoping readavailable would do that, but it
blocks if nothing's available, which is why I'm checking nb_available.

I can see why you'd warn people that the data may not be split the
same way, but in this case I'm ok with receiving partial frames for
whatever the definition of a frame is.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Jameson Nash wrote:
 There are two answers here:
 One is that writing the stream does not imply the data is immediately
 readable, or will even be split up the same when received. The second part,
 is that Julia does not start consuming the data until you start reading it.
 This is important because you might want to pass this handle to an external
 process, and not have Julia consume part of the data I the meantime.

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014, Dan Luu wrote:

 julia r,_ = redirect_stdout()
 (Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting))
 julia nb_available(r)
 julia println(foo)
 julia nb_available(r)
 julia println(foo)
 julia nb_available(r)
 julia readline(r)
 julia nb_available(r)

 Even if there's data available, nb_available returns 0. From the name,
 I would have expected this function to return the number of bytes
 available. However, since there's no documentation, either in
 help(nb_available) or in the code itself, I can't tell if this is a
 bug or if this is behavior is by design.

Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Bill Hart
On 14 September 2014 17:46, Tony Kelman wrote:

  Unfortunately it doesn't even work on my machine. It seems ok for some
 calls into the dll, but as soon as I try to say print something using a
 function in the MPIR dll it segfaults. I suppose it must be linked against
 subtly different Microsoft dll's than Julia and some kind of conflict

 Or maybe different GCC dll's. Exactly which version of MinGW-w64 are you

I've just updated the msys2 packages with pacman. Recently I updated just
some of the packages and not others, and I thought this might have
introduced some incompatibilities. I noticed that if I build MPIR even with
msys2 and not via Julia, the resulting dll doesn't work any more.

After updating msys2 fully to msys 2.0.1, it still doesn't work. So it
looks to me like some new issues have been introduced by the more recent
msys or something.

Their gas also barfs on one of the assembly files which we now have to
patch. This issue affects GMP too, not just MPIR since we use the same code
for that file.

 Might not be compatible with what was used to build Julia. Or there could
 be some issue due to having gmp and mpir both loaded within the same

Just to reiterate, it was working fine before. I even went back to the
precise configure invocation I used before in my bash history to ensure I
was building MPIR the same way as before, and I checked which alpha version
of MPIR I used.

Admittedly I was using Julia 0.2.1 before, not Julia 0.3, which I have now
upgraded to.

I can try downloading Julia 0.2 for Windows again and see if that fixes the
issue I guess.

 We've seen sort-of-similar issues with blas and lapack and various
 packages, though not so much on Windows.

  The problem must be what libtool is doing on mingw64. Make install
 doesn't even copy the generated dll across to the install directory, so you
 have to do this manually.

 Hm, yeah, libtool can be very picky, especially when it comes to dll's. I
 think I've used the subtle and quick to anger quote on this list before
 when talking about libtool... I've found configuring
 with lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all can sometimes help.

  I also can't build flint against the Julia mpir and mpfr since Julia
 doesn't seem to distribute the gmp.h and mpfr.h files, and flint requires
 these when building.

 Oh, right, damn. Sorry I forgot about that! That is an issue, maybe we
 should open a separate discussion on that general topic. It has come up
 before that various packages would like to link against the same libraries
 as Julia (in the Blas and Lapack cases we're building with an incompatible
 ABI which makes this actually not a good idea in most cases, but for GMP
 and MPFR I think we're configuring them in the default way), so installing
 the corresponding headers would actually be necessary.

 Even though I'm not entirely sure what Nemo or Flint do or whether I would
 personally have a use for them, I have some strange desire to see more
 Julia packages be painless to install cross-platform and want to help here.

I can understand that.

 Let me know how the runtime configuration of the text file location goes,

It won't happen for a while. I'm afraid I'm currently 14 days behind
schedule at work. I've spent days trying to get this to work on Windows and
have just run out of time to keep working on it. I will have to come back
to it when I catch up with everything else that has been piling up. Perhaps
I can spend some more time on it next weekend.

 then I can mock up what BinDeps would look like. It should simplify your
 deps/build.jl script by automating the standard download, extract,
 configure, make steps. There are also some Julia idioms like
 joinpath(a,b) that would be cleaner than what you're doing now with if
 statements to switch between forward slashes and backslashes, and things

 cd(newdir) do

 that work in a nicer way including returning to the old directory even on

 Thanks, I will try to incorporate these suggestions in a later incarnation
of the code.


Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Bill Hart
I checked that the MPIR dll's produced with the updated msys2 also don't 
work with Julia 0.2.

I can't think of many other variables here. It has to be msys2 related. I 
could try not patching the assembly file it barfs on, but have it built 
from C fallback code. But I know for a fact that file is not being used in 
the functions I'm calling that cause it to segfault.

I can try uninstalling msys2 completely and reinstalling it and mingw64 and 
see if I get any joy.

On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:05:55 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 On 14 September 2014 17:46, Tony Kelman wrote:

  Unfortunately it doesn't even work on my machine. It seems ok for some 
 calls into the dll, but as soon as I try to say print something using a 
 function in the MPIR dll it segfaults. I suppose it must be linked against 
 subtly different Microsoft dll's than Julia and some kind of conflict 

 Or maybe different GCC dll's. Exactly which version of MinGW-w64 are you 

 I've just updated the msys2 packages with pacman. Recently I updated just 
 some of the packages and not others, and I thought this might have 
 introduced some incompatibilities. I noticed that if I build MPIR even with 
 msys2 and not via Julia, the resulting dll doesn't work any more.

 After updating msys2 fully to msys 2.0.1, it still doesn't work. So it 
 looks to me like some new issues have been introduced by the more recent 
 msys or something.

 Their gas also barfs on one of the assembly files which we now have to 
 patch. This issue affects GMP too, not just MPIR since we use the same code 
 for that file.

 Might not be compatible with what was used to build Julia. Or there could 
 be some issue due to having gmp and mpir both loaded within the same 

 Just to reiterate, it was working fine before. I even went back to the 
 precise configure invocation I used before in my bash history to ensure I 
 was building MPIR the same way as before, and I checked which alpha version 
 of MPIR I used.

 Admittedly I was using Julia 0.2.1 before, not Julia 0.3, which I have now 
 upgraded to.

 I can try downloading Julia 0.2 for Windows again and see if that fixes 
 the issue I guess.

 We've seen sort-of-similar issues with blas and lapack and various 
 packages, though not so much on Windows.

  The problem must be what libtool is doing on mingw64. Make install 
 doesn't even copy the generated dll across to the install directory, so you 
 have to do this manually. 

 Hm, yeah, libtool can be very picky, especially when it comes to dll's. I 
 think I've used the subtle and quick to anger quote on this list before 
 when talking about libtool... I've found configuring 
 with lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all can sometimes help.

  I also can't build flint against the Julia mpir and mpfr since Julia 
 doesn't seem to distribute the gmp.h and mpfr.h files, and flint requires 
 these when building.

 Oh, right, damn. Sorry I forgot about that! That is an issue, maybe we 
 should open a separate discussion on that general topic. It has come up 
 before that various packages would like to link against the same libraries 
 as Julia (in the Blas and Lapack cases we're building with an incompatible 
 ABI which makes this actually not a good idea in most cases, but for GMP 
 and MPFR I think we're configuring them in the default way), so installing 
 the corresponding headers would actually be necessary.

 Even though I'm not entirely sure what Nemo or Flint do or whether I 
 would personally have a use for them, I have some strange desire to see 
 more Julia packages be painless to install cross-platform and want to help 

 I can understand that.

 Let me know how the runtime configuration of the text file location goes, 

 It won't happen for a while. I'm afraid I'm currently 14 days behind 
 schedule at work. I've spent days trying to get this to work on Windows and 
 have just run out of time to keep working on it. I will have to come back 
 to it when I catch up with everything else that has been piling up. Perhaps 
 I can spend some more time on it next weekend.

 then I can mock up what BinDeps would look like. It should simplify your 
 deps/build.jl script by automating the standard download, extract, 
 configure, make steps. There are also some Julia idioms like 
 joinpath(a,b) that would be cleaner than what you're doing now with if 
 statements to switch between forward slashes and backslashes, and things 

 cd(newdir) do

 that work in a nicer way including returning to the old directory even on 

 Thanks, I will try to incorporate these suggestions in a later 
 incarnation of the code.


Re: [julia-users] Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Oliver
I was using axpy to replace the += only and doing the matrix muliply in the 
argument to axpy. But you're right gemm! is actually what I should be using 
(I'm just starting to learn the BLAS library names). Using gemm! the code 
is now 1.68x faster than my Matlab code (I mean a whole epoch of backprop 
training)! And down to 40% gc time. My goal of 2x speed up is in sight! 
I'll look into subArrays next.

function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
deltas.d[:] = 0.
for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
 Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), w[:,:,ti], 
d[:,:,ti2], one(Float32), deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1])

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:18:07 AM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:

 Oh never mind - I see that you have a matrix multiply there that benefits 
 from calling BLAS. If it is a matrix multiply, how come you can get away 
 with axpy? Shouldn’t you need a gemm? 

 Another way to avoid creating temporary arrays with indexing is to use 
 subArrays, which the linear algebra routines can work with. 


  On 14-Sep-2014, at 2:43 pm, Viral Shah javascript: 
  That is great! However, by devectorizing, I meant writing the loop 
 statement itself as two more loops, so that you end up with 3 nested loops 
 effectively. You basically do not want all those w[:,:,ti] calls that 
 create matrices every time. 
  You could also potentially hoist the deltas.d out of the loop. Try 
 something like: 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  dd = deltas.d 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 
  for i=1:size(w,1) 
  for j=size(w,2) 
  dd[i,j,ti+ti2-1] += w[i,j,ti]'*d[i,j,ti2] 
  On 14-Sep-2014, at 12:47 pm, Michael Oliver 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to 
 squeeze a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried 
 devectorizing the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it 
 was no longer taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far 
 I've got the code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to 
 @time I still have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great 
 work guys, I'm really enjoying learning Julia. 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2); 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 


  On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote: 
  The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we 
 should have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can 
 either manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros 
 in the Devectorize package, if they work out in this case. 
  On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver 
  Hi all, 
  I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been 
 trying to optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error 
 backwards through the network. 
  The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do 
 things in place and don't have to keep initializing arrays. w and d are 
 collections of weights and errors respectively for different time lags. 
  This function gets called many many times and according to profiling, 
 there is a lot of garbage collection being induced by the fourth line, 
 specifically within multidimensional.jl getindex and setindex! and array.jl 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 
  deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] += w[:,:,ti]'*d[:,:,ti2]; 
  Any advice would be much appreciated! 

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: ApproxFun v0.0.3 with general linear PDE solving on rectangles

2014-09-14 Thread Alex Townsend
I'll add to the partial list, just in case it is useful: 

a) Algorithm for the convolution of Chebyshev series
b) Bivariate rootfinding
c) Linearity detection of operators (closely related to (5))
d) Automatic (though a little rough) approximation of functions with 
e) Remez, cf, least squares, pade polynomial approximation
f) Vector calculus 
g) Field of values algorithm

It may be good to have 3), 4), 6), 7),  b).  Not sure if Julia offers any 
advantage for 2), 5), 8),  c).  

On Thursday, 11 September 2014 19:43:27 UTC-4, Sheehan Olver wrote:

 Chebfun is a lot more full featured, and ApproxFun is _very_ rough 
 around the edges.  ApproxFun will probably end up a very different animal 
 than chebfun: right now the goal is to tackle PDEs on a broader class of 
 domains, something I think is beyond the scope of Chebfun due to issues 
 with Matlab's speed, memory management, etc.   

 Here’s a partial list of features in Chebfun not in ApproxFun: 

 1)Automatic edge detection and domain splitting 
 2)Support for delta functions 
 3)Built-in time stepping (pde15s) 
 4)Eigenvalue problems 
 5)Automatic nonlinear ODE solver 
 6)Operator exponential 
 7)Smarter constructor for determining convergence 
 8)Automatic differentiation 

 I have no concrete plans at the moment of adding these features, though 
 eigenvalue problems and operator exponentials will likely find their way in 
 at some point.   


 On 12 Sep 2014, at 12:14 am, Steven G. Johnson 
 javascript: wrote: 

  This is great! 
  At this point, what are the major differences in functionality between 
 ApproxFun and Chebfun? 

Re: [julia-users] ANN: ApproxFun v0.0.3 with general linear PDE solving on rectangles

2014-09-14 Thread Erik Schnetter

I notice that ApproxFun handles 1D and 2D domains. Do you plan to
extend it to 3D or 4D as well? Would that be complicated? If so, is
this about software engineering, or about the numerical analysis
behind the package?


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Sheehan Olver wrote:

 This is to announce a new version of ApproxFun
 (, a package for approximating
 functions.  The biggest new feature is support for PDE solving.  The
 following lines solve Helmholtz equation u_xx + u_yy + 100 u = 0 with the
 solution held to be one on the boundary:

 d=Interval()⊗Interval()# the domain to solve is a rectangle

 u=[dirichlet(d),lap(d)+100I]\ones(4)   # first 4 entries are boundary
 conditions, further entries are assumed zero
 contour(u) # contour plot of the solution,
 requires GadFly

 PDE solving is based on a recent preprint with Alex Townsend
 (   Only splitting rank 2 PDEs are
 implemented at the moment.  Examples included are:

 examples/RectPDE Examples.ipynb: Poisson equation, Wave equation,
 linear KdV, semiclassical Schrodinger equation with a potential, and
 convection/convection-diffusion equations.
 examples/Wave and Klein–Gordon equation on a square.ipynb: On-the-fly
 3D simulation of time-evolution PDEs on a square.  Requires GLPlot.jl
 examples/Manipulate Helmholtz.upynb: On-the-fly variation of Helmholtz
 frequency.  Requires Interact.jl (

 Another new feature is faster root finding, thanks to Alex.

Erik Schnetter

Re: [julia-users] Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Viral Shah
With subArrays the GC time should go to zero, and the arrays are contiguous, so 
I think it should just work out. This should get replaced with array views in 
0.4, and you won’t even have to explicitly create subArrays - but that is what 
you need to do for now. I think you should reach your 2x goal with this.

Also, there is a significant improvement to GC in the works, which should 
greatly help - but the best way to beat GC is to avoid allocating in the first 

You may see higher speeds by using MKL, depending on your matrix sizes.


 On 15-Sep-2014, at 12:38 am, Michael Oliver 
 I was using axpy to replace the += only and doing the matrix muliply in the 
 argument to axpy. But you're right gemm! is actually what I should be using 
 (I'm just starting to learn the BLAS library names). Using gemm! the code is 
 now 1.68x faster than my Matlab code (I mean a whole epoch of backprop 
 training)! And down to 40% gc time. My goal of 2x speed up is in sight! I'll 
 look into subArrays next.
 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
   deltas.d[:] = 0.
   for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), w[:,:,ti], 
 d[:,:,ti2], one(Float32), deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1])
 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:18:07 AM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:
 Oh never mind - I see that you have a matrix multiply there that benefits 
 from calling BLAS. If it is a matrix multiply, how come you can get away with 
 axpy? Shouldn’t you need a gemm? 
 Another way to avoid creating temporary arrays with indexing is to use 
 subArrays, which the linear algebra routines can work with. 
  On 14-Sep-2014, at 2:43 pm, Viral Shah wrote: 
  That is great! However, by devectorizing, I meant writing the loop 
  statement itself as two more loops, so that you end up with 3 nested loops 
  effectively. You basically do not want all those w[:,:,ti] calls that 
  create matrices every time. 
  You could also potentially hoist the deltas.d out of the loop. Try 
  something like: 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  dd = deltas.d 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 
  for i=1:size(w,1) 
  for j=size(w,2) 
  dd[i,j,ti+ti2-1] += w[i,j,ti]'*d[i,j,ti2] 
  On 14-Sep-2014, at 12:47 pm, Michael Oliver wrote: 
  Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to 
  squeeze a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried 
  devectorizing the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it 
  was no longer taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far 
  I've got the code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to 
  @time I still have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great 
  work guys, I'm really enjoying learning Julia. 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2); 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 

  On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote: 
  The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we should 
  have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can either 
  manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros in the 
  Devectorize package, if they work out in this case. 
  On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver wrote: 
  Hi all, 
  I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been trying 
  to optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error backwards 
  through the network. 
  The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do things 
  in place and don't have to keep initializing arrays. w and d are 
  collections of weights and errors respectively for different time lags. 
  This function gets called many many times and according to profiling, 
  there is a lot of garbage collection being induced by the fourth line, 
  specifically within multidimensional.jl getindex and setindex! and 
  array.jl + 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 
  deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] += w[:,:,ti]'*d[:,:,ti2]; 
  Any advice would be much appreciated! 

Re: [julia-users] Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Andreas Noack
I don't think this version does what you wan't it to do.
deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] makes a copy so deltas.d will be unmodified by
gemm!. You can use sub as Viral mentions or you could try ArrayViews.jl.
Another thing you could consider is to use a Vector{Matrix{Float32}}
instead of Array{Float32,3}. It can be slightly unintuitive but if you
index a Vector{Matrix{Float32}} no copy is made.

Med venlig hilsen

Andreas Noack

2014-09-14 15:08 GMT-04:00 Michael Oliver

 I was using axpy to replace the += only and doing the matrix muliply in
 the argument to axpy. But you're right gemm! is actually what I should be
 using (I'm just starting to learn the BLAS library names). Using gemm! the
 code is now 1.68x faster than my Matlab code (I mean a whole epoch of
 backprop training)! And down to 40% gc time. My goal of 2x speed up is in
 sight! I'll look into subArrays next.

 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
 deltas.d[:] = 0.
 for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), w[:,:,ti],
 d[:,:,ti2], one(Float32), deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1])

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:18:07 AM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:

 Oh never mind - I see that you have a matrix multiply there that benefits
 from calling BLAS. If it is a matrix multiply, how come you can get away
 with axpy? Shouldn’t you need a gemm?

 Another way to avoid creating temporary arrays with indexing is to use
 subArrays, which the linear algebra routines can work with.


  On 14-Sep-2014, at 2:43 pm, Viral Shah wrote:
  That is great! However, by devectorizing, I meant writing the loop
 statement itself as two more loops, so that you end up with 3 nested loops
 effectively. You basically do not want all those w[:,:,ti] calls that
 create matrices every time.
  You could also potentially hoist the deltas.d out of the loop. Try
 something like:
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  dd = deltas.d
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  for i=1:size(w,1)
  for j=size(w,2)
  dd[i,j,ti+ti2-1] += w[i,j,ti]'*d[i,j,ti2]
  On 14-Sep-2014, at 12:47 pm, Michael Oliver
  Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to
 squeeze a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried
 devectorizing the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it
 was no longer taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far
 I've got the code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to
 @time I still have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great
 work guys, I'm really enjoying learning Julia.
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2);
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:
  The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we
 should have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can
 either manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros
 in the Devectorize package, if they work out in this case.
  On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver
  Hi all,
  I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been
 trying to optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error
 backwards through the network.
  The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do
 things in place and don't have to keep initializing arrays. w and d are
 collections of weights and errors respectively for different time lags.
  This function gets called many many times and according to profiling,
 there is a lot of garbage collection being induced by the fourth line,
 specifically within multidimensional.jl getindex and setindex! and array.jl
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] += w[:,:,ti]'*d[:,:,ti2];
  Any advice would be much appreciated!

[julia-users] slow julia version of c code

2014-09-14 Thread Zac
Hi I'm trying to port some c++ code to julia for approximating functions on 
a sparse grid and have run into a strange 100x slow down that I can't work 
out. shows the julia 
code  and has the whole module (though 
building the shared library can be a faff)

Though the library uses multi-threading this tends to only give a 6-7x 

Is there anything obvious I'm missing out on here?

ps: profiling shows most of the time is spend (obviously) in the innermost 
loop - line 39 of the gist - but a simple comparison of the julia/c++ basis 
functions shows the julia version to be considerably faster!

many thanks

[julia-users] macro expansion for @until

2014-09-14 Thread Zouhair Mahboubi
New Julia user here :)

Following the scipy/julia tutorial by D. Sanders and playing around with 

He has in there an example of macros. I was playing around with that and I 
ran into a case where I don't understand why the expanded code ends up 
introducing what seems to be a local variable. And this depends solely on 
whether `expr2` contains `i += 1` or `i = i + 1`.

Can someone take the time to explain why i one case the macro expansion 
introduces a local variable? And how would one get around that in this case?


In [111]:

macro until(expr1, expr2)



while !($expr1)  # code interpolation







In [122]:

expr1 = 


i = 0

@until i==10 begin


i += 1



expr2 = 


i = 0

@until i==10 begin


i = i + 1



In [123]:



In [124]:


i not defined
while loading In[124], in expression starting on line 1

 in anonymous at In[122]:4

In [125]:



quote  # In[122], line 3:
i = 0 # line 4:
begin  # In[111], line 4:
while !(i == 10) # line 5:
begin  # In[122], line 5:
print(i) # line 6:
i += 1

In [126]:



quote  # In[122], line 11:
i = 0 # line 12:
begin  # In[111], line 4:
while !(#3677#i == 10) # line 5:
begin  # In[122], line 13:
print(#3677#i) # line 14:
#3677#i = #3677#i + 1

Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Bill Hart
I traced through the precise calls to libflint and libgmp that make it 
segfault and wrote a few test programs from the msys2 command line, taking 
Julia right out of the loop.

At first I thought that it was only segfaulting when gmp was called from 
flint. But in fact I can make it segfault calling gmp directly from the 
program, though only in slightly strange circumstances.

If I take the integer a = 123456789, I can compute the square and cube of 
this without problems. But if I try to compute the fourth power it 

If I call gmp_printf it segfaults. And I checked that the mpz_t I'm trying 
to print contains valid data and that accessing it doesn't cause a segfault.

In fact, the MPIR test suite fails most of its tests. In particular I 
notice that C only functions pass their tests, but assembly ones don't.

I've got a feeling that msys have changed how it reports itself in a way 
that autotools hasn't kept up with, causing it to compile in linux assembly 
functions instead of Windows ones.

Given that patching the linux assembly file and not the Windows one causes 
msys2 to not barf on that file, I'd say that's a certainty.

Now I just have to hack autotools one more time to recognise msys2 and I 
should be ok. This is why I don't use autotools in flint.


On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:21:53 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 I checked that the MPIR dll's produced with the updated msys2 also don't 
 work with Julia 0.2.

 I can't think of many other variables here. It has to be msys2 related. I 
 could try not patching the assembly file it barfs on, but have it built 
 from C fallback code. But I know for a fact that file is not being used in 
 the functions I'm calling that cause it to segfault.

 I can try uninstalling msys2 completely and reinstalling it and mingw64 
 and see if I get any joy.

 On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:05:55 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 On 14 September 2014 17:46, Tony Kelman wrote:

  Unfortunately it doesn't even work on my machine. It seems ok for some 
 calls into the dll, but as soon as I try to say print something using a 
 function in the MPIR dll it segfaults. I suppose it must be linked against 
 subtly different Microsoft dll's than Julia and some kind of conflict 

 Or maybe different GCC dll's. Exactly which version of MinGW-w64 are you 

 I've just updated the msys2 packages with pacman. Recently I updated just 
 some of the packages and not others, and I thought this might have 
 introduced some incompatibilities. I noticed that if I build MPIR even with 
 msys2 and not via Julia, the resulting dll doesn't work any more.

 After updating msys2 fully to msys 2.0.1, it still doesn't work. So it 
 looks to me like some new issues have been introduced by the more recent 
 msys or something.

 Their gas also barfs on one of the assembly files which we now have to 
 patch. This issue affects GMP too, not just MPIR since we use the same code 
 for that file.

 Might not be compatible with what was used to build Julia. Or there 
 could be some issue due to having gmp and mpir both loaded within the same 

 Just to reiterate, it was working fine before. I even went back to the 
 precise configure invocation I used before in my bash history to ensure I 
 was building MPIR the same way as before, and I checked which alpha version 
 of MPIR I used.

 Admittedly I was using Julia 0.2.1 before, not Julia 0.3, which I have 
 now upgraded to.

 I can try downloading Julia 0.2 for Windows again and see if that fixes 
 the issue I guess.

 We've seen sort-of-similar issues with blas and lapack and various 
 packages, though not so much on Windows.

  The problem must be what libtool is doing on mingw64. Make install 
 doesn't even copy the generated dll across to the install directory, so you 
 have to do this manually. 

 Hm, yeah, libtool can be very picky, especially when it comes to dll's. 
 I think I've used the subtle and quick to anger quote on this list before 
 when talking about libtool... I've found configuring 
 with lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all can sometimes help.

  I also can't build flint against the Julia mpir and mpfr since Julia 
 doesn't seem to distribute the gmp.h and mpfr.h files, and flint requires 
 these when building.

 Oh, right, damn. Sorry I forgot about that! That is an issue, maybe we 
 should open a separate discussion on that general topic. It has come up 
 before that various packages would like to link against the same libraries 
 as Julia (in the Blas and Lapack cases we're building with an incompatible 
 ABI which makes this actually not a good idea in most cases, but for GMP 
 and MPFR I think we're configuring them in the default way), so installing 
 the corresponding headers would actually be necessary.

 Even though I'm not entirely sure what Nemo or Flint do or whether I 
 would personally have a use for them, I have some strange desire to see 
 more Julia 

Re: [julia-users] slow julia version of c code

2014-09-14 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le dimanche 14 septembre 2014 à 12:30 -0700, Zac a écrit :
 Hi I'm trying to port some c++ code to julia for approximating
 functions on a sparse grid and have run into a strange 100x slow down
 that I can't work
 out. shows the
 julia code  and has the whole
 module (though building the shared library can be a faff)
 Though the library uses multi-threading this tends to only give a 6-7x
 Is there anything obvious I'm missing out on here?
 ps: profiling shows most of the time is spend (obviously) in the
 innermost loop - line 39 of the gist - but a simple comparison of the
 julia/c++ basis functions shows the julia version to be considerably
I've just looked quickly at the code, but I've found two places where
you are making copies of arrays, which hurts performance.

@inbounds w[1] = A[1]
Aold += dA

The last line is equivalent to Aold = Aold + dA, so it replaces Aold
with the result of the addition. Given the code above, you can just do
Aold += A[1].


Here a copy of the extracted slice is taken. See the other thread Why
does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make
faster) ?. You should be able to use ArrayViews, SubArrays, or refactor
your code.

Aold += dA

Same as the first issue. Better write this as a loop.


Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Bill Hart
That was the problem. I've added hack number 40001 to the MPIR autotools to 
fix this issue. Nemo now passes its tests on Window 64 for the first time 


On Sunday, 14 September 2014 21:40:45 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 I traced through the precise calls to libflint and libgmp that make it 
 segfault and wrote a few test programs from the msys2 command line, taking 
 Julia right out of the loop.

 At first I thought that it was only segfaulting when gmp was called from 
 flint. But in fact I can make it segfault calling gmp directly from the 
 program, though only in slightly strange circumstances.

 If I take the integer a = 123456789, I can compute the square and cube of 
 this without problems. But if I try to compute the fourth power it 

 If I call gmp_printf it segfaults. And I checked that the mpz_t I'm trying 
 to print contains valid data and that accessing it doesn't cause a segfault.

 In fact, the MPIR test suite fails most of its tests. In particular I 
 notice that C only functions pass their tests, but assembly ones don't.

 I've got a feeling that msys have changed how it reports itself in a way 
 that autotools hasn't kept up with, causing it to compile in linux assembly 
 functions instead of Windows ones.

 Given that patching the linux assembly file and not the Windows one causes 
 msys2 to not barf on that file, I'd say that's a certainty.

 Now I just have to hack autotools one more time to recognise msys2 and I 
 should be ok. This is why I don't use autotools in flint.


 On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:21:53 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 I checked that the MPIR dll's produced with the updated msys2 also don't 
 work with Julia 0.2.

 I can't think of many other variables here. It has to be msys2 related. I 
 could try not patching the assembly file it barfs on, but have it built 
 from C fallback code. But I know for a fact that file is not being used in 
 the functions I'm calling that cause it to segfault.

 I can try uninstalling msys2 completely and reinstalling it and mingw64 
 and see if I get any joy.

 On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:05:55 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 On 14 September 2014 17:46, Tony Kelman wrote:

  Unfortunately it doesn't even work on my machine. It seems ok for 
 some calls into the dll, but as soon as I try to say print something using 
 a function in the MPIR dll it segfaults. I suppose it must be linked 
 against subtly different Microsoft dll's than Julia and some kind of 
 conflict results.

 Or maybe different GCC dll's. Exactly which version of MinGW-w64 are 
 you using? 

 I've just updated the msys2 packages with pacman. Recently I updated 
 just some of the packages and not others, and I thought this might have 
 introduced some incompatibilities. I noticed that if I build MPIR even with 
 msys2 and not via Julia, the resulting dll doesn't work any more.

 After updating msys2 fully to msys 2.0.1, it still doesn't work. So it 
 looks to me like some new issues have been introduced by the more recent 
 msys or something.

 Their gas also barfs on one of the assembly files which we now have to 
 patch. This issue affects GMP too, not just MPIR since we use the same code 
 for that file.

 Might not be compatible with what was used to build Julia. Or there 
 could be some issue due to having gmp and mpir both loaded within the same 

 Just to reiterate, it was working fine before. I even went back to the 
 precise configure invocation I used before in my bash history to ensure I 
 was building MPIR the same way as before, and I checked which alpha version 
 of MPIR I used.

 Admittedly I was using Julia 0.2.1 before, not Julia 0.3, which I have 
 now upgraded to.

 I can try downloading Julia 0.2 for Windows again and see if that fixes 
 the issue I guess.

 We've seen sort-of-similar issues with blas and lapack and various 
 packages, though not so much on Windows.

  The problem must be what libtool is doing on mingw64. Make install 
 doesn't even copy the generated dll across to the install directory, so 
 have to do this manually. 

 Hm, yeah, libtool can be very picky, especially when it comes to dll's. 
 I think I've used the subtle and quick to anger quote on this list 
 when talking about libtool... I've found configuring 
 with lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all can sometimes help.

  I also can't build flint against the Julia mpir and mpfr since Julia 
 doesn't seem to distribute the gmp.h and mpfr.h files, and flint requires 
 these when building.

 Oh, right, damn. Sorry I forgot about that! That is an issue, maybe we 
 should open a separate discussion on that general topic. It has come up 
 before that various packages would like to link against the same libraries 
 as Julia (in the Blas and Lapack cases we're building with an incompatible 
 ABI which makes this actually not a good idea in most cases, but for GMP 
 and MPFR I think we're configuring them in 

[julia-users] Re: Control system library for Julia?

2014-09-14 Thread Andrew Wagner
Hello again Uwe!  

It's fun running into someone I know on a language geek forum :)  I'm 
helping one of our bachelor's students implement an LQR controller on our 
carousel in Freiburg.  It's an ugly hack, but I'm calling an octave script 
to recompute the feedback gains online.  Octave wraps slicot, so if the 
licenses are compatible, perhaps wrapping slicot is the way to go for some 
functions, if the licenses are compatible.

Personally, I have a burning desire for a better language we can actually 
do control in (rust?).  I doubt Julia qualifies due to the garbage 
collection, but does anyone know if Julia has some sort of way to JIT Julia 
expressions to code that does ~not have any garbage collection?  If so, is 
there a way to export them as object files and link against them from C? 
 Then you'd still have to write glue code in a systems language, but at 
least the implementation of the controller wouldn't have to cross a 
language boundary...  


On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:56:20 PM UTC+1, Uwe Fechner wrote:


 I could not find any control system library for Julia yet. Would that make 
 There is a control system library available for Python:

 Perhaps this could be used as starting point? I think that implementing 
 this in Julia
 should be easier and faster than in Python.

 Any comments?
 Should I open a feature request?

 Uwe Fechner, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Re: [julia-users] Lint.jl status update

2014-09-14 Thread Jacob Quinn
I've definitely been meaning to work on integrating this with
Sublime-IJulia. Hopefully in the next week or so.


On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Adam Smith

 This looks awesome. Regarding the Array parameter issue (which I'm really
 glad to see in the linter; this issue really tripped me up when learning
 Julia), if ever finds a
 resolution, it would be great to suggest that new syntax in the lint
 message. Then if the linter becomes common-place, beginners that have never
 heard of type variance will have a path to understanding.

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:38:50 AM UTC-4, Tony Fong wrote:

 That's a good question. They can be used together, obviously. I can
 easily speak for Lint. The key trade-off made in Lint is that it does not
 strive for very in-depth type analysis. The focus is finding dodgy AST,
 where it is located in the source file, and with a bit of explanation
 around issues. The analyses are done recursively in a very small
 neighborhood around each node in the AST, although the locality issue has
 improved somewhat with the new type-tracking ability. The type guessing
 and tracking could leverage Typecheck.jl, only possible since about last
 week (with the new features), and it's a very exciting prospect.

 Lint already provides functionality to return an array of lint messages
 (from a file, a code snippet, or a module), so it could be used in IDE
 integration I suppose.


 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:08:09 AM UTC+7, Spencer Russell wrote:

 Any comments on how Lint.jl and @astrieanna's also-awesome TypeCheck.jl
 relate? Are you two working together, or are there different use cases for
 the two libraries?


 On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Tony Fong wrote:

 Fellow Julians,

 I think it is time to post an update on Lint.jl, as it has improved quite a
 bit from the initial version I started about 3 months ago.

 Notable new features

- Local variable type tracking, which enables a range of features,
such as
   - Variable type stability warning within a function scope.
   - Incompatibility between type assertion and assignment
   - Omission of returning the constructed object in a type
   - Check the call signature of a selected set of methods with
   collection (push!, append!, etc.)
- More function checks, such as
   - repeated arguments
   - wrong signatures, e.g. f( x::Array{Number,1} )
   - Mispelled constructor (calls new but the function name doesn't
   match the enclosing type)
- Ability to silence lint warning via lintpragma() function, e.g.
   - lintpragma( Ignore unstable type variable [variable name] )
   - lintpragma( Ignore Unused [variable name] )

 Also, there is now quite a range of test scripts showing sample codes
 with lint problems, so it's easy to grep your own lint warnings in that
 folder and see a distilled version of the issue.

 Again, please let me know about gaps and false positives.


Re: [julia-users] Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Oliver
You are 100% right Andreas. Using ArrayViews seems to work and now code is 
2.5x faster than my Matlab code! Any obvious problems with this?

function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
deltas.d[:] = 0.
for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), view(w,:,:,ti), 
view(d,:,:,ti2), one(Float32), view(deltas.d,:,:,ti+ti2-1))

Still around 30% gc time, so I'll have to do some more profiling to 
determine the source/ 

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:29:11 PM UTC-7, Andreas Noack wrote:

 I don't think this version does what you wan't it to do. 
 deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] makes a copy so deltas.d will be unmodified by 
 gemm!. You can use sub as Viral mentions or you could try ArrayViews.jl. 
 Another thing you could consider is to use a Vector{Matrix{Float32}} 
 instead of Array{Float32,3}. It can be slightly unintuitive but if you 
 index a Vector{Matrix{Float32}} no copy is made.

 Med venlig hilsen

 Andreas Noack

 2014-09-14 15:08 GMT-04:00 Michael Oliver 

 I was using axpy to replace the += only and doing the matrix muliply in 
 the argument to axpy. But you're right gemm! is actually what I should be 
 using (I'm just starting to learn the BLAS library names). Using gemm! the 
 code is now 1.68x faster than my Matlab code (I mean a whole epoch of 
 backprop training)! And down to 40% gc time. My goal of 2x speed up is in 
 sight! I'll look into subArrays next.

 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
 deltas.d[:] = 0.
 for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), w[:,:,ti], 
 d[:,:,ti2], one(Float32), deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1])

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:18:07 AM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:

 Oh never mind - I see that you have a matrix multiply there that 
 benefits from calling BLAS. If it is a matrix multiply, how come you can 
 get away with axpy? Shouldn’t you need a gemm? 

 Another way to avoid creating temporary arrays with indexing is to use 
 subArrays, which the linear algebra routines can work with. 


  On 14-Sep-2014, at 2:43 pm, Viral Shah wrote: 
  That is great! However, by devectorizing, I meant writing the loop 
 statement itself as two more loops, so that you end up with 3 nested loops 
 effectively. You basically do not want all those w[:,:,ti] calls that 
 create matrices every time. 
  You could also potentially hoist the deltas.d out of the loop. Try 
 something like: 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  dd = deltas.d 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 
  for i=1:size(w,1) 
  for j=size(w,2) 
  dd[i,j,ti+ti2-1] += w[i,j,ti]'*d[i,j,ti2] 
  On 14-Sep-2014, at 12:47 pm, Michael Oliver 
  Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to 
 squeeze a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried 
 devectorizing the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it 
 was no longer taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far 
 I've got the code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to 
 @time I still have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great 
 work guys, I'm really enjoying learning Julia. 
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas) 
  deltas.d[:] = 0. 
  rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2); 
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3) 
  On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote: 
  The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we 
 should have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can 
 either manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros 
 in the Devectorize package, if they work out in this case. 
  On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver 
  Hi all, 
  I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been 
 trying to optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error 
 backwards through the network. 
  The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do 
 things in place and don't have to keep initializing arrays. w and d are 
 collections of weights and errors respectively for different time lags. 
  This function gets called many many times and according to profiling, 
 there is a lot of garbage collection being induced by the fourth line, 
 specifically within 

Re: [julia-users] slow julia version of c code

2014-09-14 Thread Zac
Thanks for the reply, I was under the misapprehension that the arrayviews 
improvements were already committed to 0.4. Unfortunately cleaning up those 
lines doesn't give great gains. 

[julia-users] Re: constants and containers

2014-09-14 Thread Yakir Gagnon
My original intention was to ask if there was any way we could declare a 
const array who's elements are also constants. Since the following is 
julia const a = [1,2,3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia a[1] = 2
and it would be useful to have arrays that are as constant as a variable 
can be, without the need of declaring a new immutable type. For instance, 
can we have an immutable Dict, who's fields AND their values are const? 
Const arrays would be nice though.

On Monday, September 15, 2014 12:09:25 AM UTC+10, wrote:

 I may have missed something but wouldn't
 immutable t

 immutable t

 type u

 julia myvar = t(1,2)
 julia myvar.x=5
 ERROR: type t is immutable
 julia v = u(t(1,2), t(3,4))
 julia v.x
 ERROR: type t is immutable

 If you really want to guaranty constant fields, you have to type them to 
 some constant type.

Re: [julia-users] slow julia version of c code

2014-09-14 Thread Zac
Sadly I've already used these! 

Re: [julia-users] slow julia version of c code

2014-09-14 Thread Jake Bolewski
Have you looked at the output of code_typed?  Maybe you could paste it in a 
gist, its really hard to give any more advice without being able to run the 
code directly.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 6:36:21 PM UTC-4, Zac wrote:

 Sadly I've already used these! 

Re: [julia-users] macro expansion for @until

2014-09-14 Thread Stefan Karpinski
You need to call esc on the expressions to provide macro hygiene. Sorry for
the brief reply, but let me know if that helps. Btw, did you mean to
include output from macroexpand above? If so, it doesn't seem to have
gotten included.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Zouhair Mahboubi wrote:

 New Julia user here :)

 Following the scipy/julia tutorial by D. Sanders and playing around with

 He has in there an example of macros. I was playing around with that and I
 ran into a case where I don't understand why the expanded code ends up
 introducing what seems to be a local variable. And this depends solely on
 whether `expr2` contains `i += 1` or `i = i + 1`.

 Can someone take the time to explain why i one case the macro expansion
 introduces a local variable? And how would one get around that in this case?


 In [111]:

 macro until(expr1, expr2)



 while !($expr1)  # code interpolation






 In [122]:

 expr1 =


 i = 0

 @until i==10 begin


 i += 1



 expr2 =


 i = 0

 @until i==10 begin


 i = i + 1



 In [123]:



 In [124]:


 i not defined
 while loading In[124], in expression starting on line 1

  in anonymous at In[122]:4

 In [125]:



 quote  # In[122], line 3:
 i = 0 # line 4:
 begin  # In[111], line 4:
 while !(i == 10) # line 5:
 begin  # In[122], line 5:
 print(i) # line 6:
 i += 1

 In [126]:



 quote  # In[122], line 11:
 i = 0 # line 12:
 begin  # In[111], line 4:
 while !(#3677#i == 10) # line 5:
 begin  # In[122], line 13:
 print(#3677#i) # line 14:
 #3677#i = #3677#i + 1

Re: [julia-users] Lint.jl status update

2014-09-14 Thread Mike Innes
We can get really nice integration for Lint.jl and Light Table – I've 
actually already got some of the GUI parts worked out, so it won't be crazy 
difficult to do.

Quick question: How's Lint.jl's support for modules? For LT it's pretty 
essential that the API looks like (block of code as text) + (file/line 
info) + (module) = (warnings/errors). Of course, it's fine if I can wrap 
Lint.jl's existing functionality to have that, but current AFAICT it 
currently only works in terms of whole files.

On Sunday, 14 September 2014 01:12:49 UTC-4, Viral Shah wrote:

 I wonder if these can be integrated into LightTable and IJulia, so that 
 they always automatically are running in the background on all code one 


 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:38:09 AM UTC+5:30, Spencer Russell wrote:

 Any comments on how Lint.jl and @astrieanna's also-awesome TypeCheck.jl 
 relate? Are you two working together, or are there different use cases for 
 the two libraries?

 On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Tony Fong 
 javascript: wrote:

 Fellow Julians,

 I think it is time to post an update on Lint.jl, as it has improved quite a bit 
 from the initial version I started about 3 months ago.

 Notable new features

- Local variable type tracking, which enables a range of features, 
such as
   - Variable type stability warning within a function scope.
   - Incompatibility between type assertion and assignment
   - Omission of returning the constructed object in a type 
   - Check the call signature of a selected set of methods with 
   collection (push!, append!, etc.)
- More function checks, such as
   - repeated arguments
   - wrong signatures, e.g. f( x::Array{Number,1} )
   - Mispelled constructor (calls new but the function name doesn't 
   match the enclosing type)
- Ability to silence lint warning via lintpragma() function, e.g.
   - lintpragma( Ignore unstable type variable [variable name] )
   - lintpragma( Ignore Unused [variable name] )
 Also, there is now quite a range of test scripts showing sample codes 
 with lint problems, so it's easy to grep your own lint warnings in that 
 folder and see a distilled version of the issue.

 Again, please let me know about gaps and false positives.


[julia-users] Re: macro expansion for @until

2014-09-14 Thread David P. Sanders

El domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014 14:28:47 UTC-5, Zouhair Mahboubi 

 New Julia user here :)

 Following the scipy/julia tutorial by D. Sanders and playing around with 

I'm glad you find the tutorial useful!

But it's certainly far from perfect, and certainly needs some 
modifications, which I will be happy to implement if you send a Pull 


 He has in there an example of macros. I was playing around with that and I 
 ran into a case where I don't understand why the expanded code ends up 
 introducing what seems to be a local variable. And this depends solely on 
 whether `expr2` contains `i += 1` or `i = i + 1`.

 Can someone take the time to explain why i one case the macro expansion 
 introduces a local variable? And how would one get around that in this case?


 In [111]:

 macro until(expr1, expr2)



 while !($expr1)  # code interpolation







 In [122]:

 expr1 = 


 i = 0

 @until i==10 begin


 i += 1



 expr2 = 


 i = 0

 @until i==10 begin


 i = i + 1



 In [123]:



 In [124]:


 i not defined
 while loading In[124], in expression starting on line 1

  in anonymous at In[122]:4

 In [125]:


 div style=position: absolute; height: 30px; w

Re: [julia-users] Why does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make faster) ?

2014-09-14 Thread Andreas Noack
No I think it looks right. There is a small bit of allocation when you
create view which might the reason for the gc time. Try profiling and see
where the time is spent. If most of the time is spent within gemm! then
there is probably not much more to optimize.

Med venlig hilsen

Andreas Noack

2014-09-14 17:11 GMT-04:00 Michael Oliver

 You are 100% right Andreas. Using ArrayViews seems to work and now code is
 2.5x faster than my Matlab code! Any obvious problems with this?

 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
 deltas.d[:] = 0.
 for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
   Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), view(w,:,:,ti),
 view(d,:,:,ti2), one(Float32), view(deltas.d,:,:,ti+ti2-1))

 Still around 30% gc time, so I'll have to do some more profiling to
 determine the source/

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:29:11 PM UTC-7, Andreas Noack wrote:

 I don't think this version does what you wan't it to do.
 deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1] makes a copy so deltas.d will be unmodified by
 gemm!. You can use sub as Viral mentions or you could try ArrayViews.jl.
 Another thing you could consider is to use a Vector{Matrix{Float32}}
 instead of Array{Float32,3}. It can be slightly unintuitive but if you
 index a Vector{Matrix{Float32}} no copy is made.

 Med venlig hilsen

 Andreas Noack

 2014-09-14 15:08 GMT-04:00 Michael Oliver

 I was using axpy to replace the += only and doing the matrix muliply in
 the argument to axpy. But you're right gemm! is actually what I should be
 using (I'm just starting to learn the BLAS library names). Using gemm! the
 code is now 1.68x faster than my Matlab code (I mean a whole epoch of
 backprop training)! And down to 40% gc time. My goal of 2x speed up is in
 sight! I'll look into subArrays next.

 function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
 deltas.d[:] = 0.
 for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!('T', 'N', one(Float32), w[:,:,ti],
 d[:,:,ti2], one(Float32), deltas.d[:,:,ti+ti2-1])

 On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:18:07 AM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:

 Oh never mind - I see that you have a matrix multiply there that
 benefits from calling BLAS. If it is a matrix multiply, how come you can
 get away with axpy? Shouldn’t you need a gemm?

 Another way to avoid creating temporary arrays with indexing is to use
 subArrays, which the linear algebra routines can work with.


  On 14-Sep-2014, at 2:43 pm, Viral Shah wrote:
  That is great! However, by devectorizing, I meant writing the loop
 statement itself as two more loops, so that you end up with 3 nested loops
 effectively. You basically do not want all those w[:,:,ti] calls that
 create matrices every time.
  You could also potentially hoist the deltas.d out of the loop. Try
 something like:
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  dd = deltas.d
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  for i=1:size(w,1)
  for j=size(w,2)
  dd[i,j,ti+ti2-1] += w[i,j,ti]'*d[i,j,ti2]
  On 14-Sep-2014, at 12:47 pm, Michael Oliver
  Thanks Viral for the quick reply, that's good to know. I was able to
 squeeze a little more performance out with axpy (see below). I tried
 devectorizing the inner loop, but it was much slower, I believe because it
 was no longer taking full advantage of MKL for the matrix multiply. So far
 I've got the code running at 1.4x what I had in Matlab and according to
 @time I still have 44.41% gc time. So 0.4 can't come soon enough! Great
 work guys, I'm really enjoying learning Julia.
  function errprop!(w::Array{Float32,3}, d::Array{Float32,3}, deltas)
  deltas.d[:] = 0.
  rg =size(w,2)*size(d,2);
  for ti=1:size(w,3), ti2 = 1:size(d,3)
  On Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:10:25 PM UTC-7, Viral Shah wrote:
  The garbage is generated from the indexing operations. In 0.4, we
 should have array views that should solve this problem. For now, you can
 either manually devectorize the inner loop, or use the @devectorize macros
 in the Devectorize package, if they work out in this case.
  On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:34:45 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Oliver
  Hi all,
  I've implemented a time delay neural network module and have been
 trying to optimize it now. This function is for propagating the error
 backwards through the network.
  The deltas.d is just a container for holding the errors so I can do
 things in place and don't have 

Re: [julia-users] Help needed with creating Julia package

2014-09-14 Thread Tony Kelman
I've compiled many many dozens of libraries using MinGW-w64 on MSYS, and 
cross-compiling from Cygwin and various Linux distributions, and not 
encountered nearly as many problems as you seem to be. Pretending to be 
autotools but hacking it up yourself is the worst possible thing you could 
do - you're completely nonstandard and nonfunctional in cross-compilation 
for example, and you have as many or more dependencies - requiring bash for 
example is often not acceptable on FreeBSD and similar systems.

Part of the problem is the way MSYS2 identifies itself changes depending on 
what environment variables you have set (or which bat file you start it 
with). The MSYS uname is unrecognized by autotools because MSYS2 is new, 
and you almost never want to actually be compiling with the MSYS host, 
since that causes your application to link to the msys-2.0.dll posix 
compatibility layer. It's like using the standard gcc in Cygwin, any users 
would need Cygwin and the associated GPL posix runtime library to use the 
compiled code. The MINGW64 uname is also new and unrecognized, and totally 
nonstandard. This is why you should be querying the COMPILER for 
information about what system the generated code is supposed to run on, NOT 
the build environment. The accepted GNU triples for MinGW are:

i686-pc-mingw32: 32 bit compiler, outdated and obsolete, don't 
use this
i686-w64-mingw32: 32 bit compiler from MinGW-w64 project, use this for 32 
bit host
x86_64-w64-mingw32: 64 bit compiler from MinGW-w64 project, use this for 64 
bit host

Yes the names are confusing and make no sense, but this is the GNU standard 
that every other conforming project in the world is using. LLVM decided to 
go out on a limb and rearrange some of these names recently, adding to the 
confusion, but GCC, autotools, and MinGW are unlikely to follow their lead.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:21:42 PM UTC-7, Bill Hart wrote:

 That was the problem. I've added hack number 40001 to the MPIR autotools 
 to fix this issue. Nemo now passes its tests on Window 64 for the first 
 time ever.


 On Sunday, 14 September 2014 21:40:45 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 I traced through the precise calls to libflint and libgmp that make it 
 segfault and wrote a few test programs from the msys2 command line, taking 
 Julia right out of the loop.

 At first I thought that it was only segfaulting when gmp was called from 
 flint. But in fact I can make it segfault calling gmp directly from the 
 program, though only in slightly strange circumstances.

 If I take the integer a = 123456789, I can compute the square and cube of 
 this without problems. But if I try to compute the fourth power it 

 If I call gmp_printf it segfaults. And I checked that the mpz_t I'm 
 trying to print contains valid data and that accessing it doesn't cause a 

 In fact, the MPIR test suite fails most of its tests. In particular I 
 notice that C only functions pass their tests, but assembly ones don't.

 I've got a feeling that msys have changed how it reports itself in a way 
 that autotools hasn't kept up with, causing it to compile in linux assembly 
 functions instead of Windows ones.

 Given that patching the linux assembly file and not the Windows one 
 causes msys2 to not barf on that file, I'd say that's a certainty.

 Now I just have to hack autotools one more time to recognise msys2 and I 
 should be ok. This is why I don't use autotools in flint.


 On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:21:53 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 I checked that the MPIR dll's produced with the updated msys2 also don't 
 work with Julia 0.2.

 I can't think of many other variables here. It has to be msys2 related. 
 I could try not patching the assembly file it barfs on, but have it built 
 from C fallback code. But I know for a fact that file is not being used in 
 the functions I'm calling that cause it to segfault.

 I can try uninstalling msys2 completely and reinstalling it and mingw64 
 and see if I get any joy.

 On Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:05:55 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:

 On 14 September 2014 17:46, Tony Kelman javascript:

  Unfortunately it doesn't even work on my machine. It seems ok for 
 some calls into the dll, but as soon as I try to say print something 
 a function in the MPIR dll it segfaults. I suppose it must be linked 
 against subtly different Microsoft dll's than Julia and some kind of 
 conflict results.

 Or maybe different GCC dll's. Exactly which version of MinGW-w64 are 
 you using? 

 I've just updated the msys2 packages with pacman. Recently I updated 
 just some of the packages and not others, and I thought this might have 
 introduced some incompatibilities. I noticed that if I build MPIR even 
 msys2 and not via Julia, the resulting dll doesn't work any more.

 After updating msys2 fully to msys 2.0.1, it still doesn't work. So it 
 looks to me like some new issues have been