Re: [julia-users] How to determine which functions to overload, or, who is at the bottom of the function chain?

2016-10-16 Thread Colin Bowers
This was a very helpful answer. Thank you very much for responding.



On 16 October 2016 at 20:23, Milan Bouchet-Valat  wrote:

> Le samedi 15 octobre 2016 à 20:36 -0700, a
> écrit :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Twice now I've thought I had overloaded the appropriate functions for
> > a new type, only to observe apparent inconsistencies in the way the
> > new type behaves. Of course, there were no inconsistencies. Instead,
> > the observed behaviour stemmed from overloading a function that is
> > not at the bottom of the function chain. The two examples where I
> > stuffed up were:
> >
> > 1) overloading Base.< instead of overloading Base.isless, and
> In this case, the help is quite explicit:
> help?> <
> search: < <= << <: .< .<= .<<
>   <(x, y)
>   Less-than comparison operator. New numeric types should implement this
>   function for two arguments of the new type. Because of the behavior of
>   floating-point NaN values, < implements a partial order. Types with a
>   canonical partial order should implement <, and types with a canonical
> total
>   order should implement isless.
> > 2) overloading Base.string(x) instead of overloading,
> > x).
> This one is a bit trickier, since the printing code is complex, and not
> completely stabilized yet. Though the help still gives some hints:
> help?> string
> search: string String stringmime Cstring Cwstring RevString RepString
> readstring
>   string(xs...)
>   Create a string from any values using the print function.
> So the more fundamental function to override is print(). The help for
> print() says it falls back to show() if there's no print() method for a
> given type. So if you don't have a special need for print(), override
> show().
> > My question is this: What is the communities best solution/resource
> > for knowing which functions are at the bottom of the chain and thus
> > are the ones that need to be overloaded for a new type?
> In general, look at the help for a function. If there's no answer
> (which is a most likely a lack in the documentation which should be
> reported), look for it in the manual. The latter can always be useful,
> even if the help already gives a reply.
> But documentation is perfectible, so do not hesitate to ask questions
> and suggest enhancements (ideally via pull requests when you have found
> out how it works).
> Regards
> > Cheers and thanks in advance to all repsonders,
> >
> > Colin

Re: [julia-users] Re: How to build a range of -Inf to Inf

2016-06-06 Thread Colin Bowers
This is interesting thanks. I didn't realise you could re-assign j inside
the index like that. A very neat notational trick. But I agree that looking
forward the filter! option is probably best. I'll adjust my code
accordingly, many thanks.

As an aside, every time I post code to this list I get useful suggestions
that make me a better Julia coder. I really appreciate it!



On 4 June 2016 at 07:32, Steven G. Johnson  wrote:

> On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 11:42:32 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>> function Base.filter!{T}(x::AbstractVector{T}, r::BasicInterval{T})
>> for n = length(x):-1:1
>> !in(x[n], r) && deleteat!(x, n)
>> end
>> return(x)
>> end
> I'm pretty sure this implementation has O(n^2) complexity, because
> deleteat! for an array has to actually move all of the elements to fill the
> hole.
> To get an O(n) algorithm, you could do something like:
> j = 0
> for i = 1:length(x)
> if x[i] in r
> x[j += 1] = x[i]
> end
> end
> return resize!(x, j)
> Or you could just do filter!(x -> x in r, x), which is fast in Julia 0.5

Re: [julia-users] Re: How to build a range of -Inf to Inf

2016-06-06 Thread Colin Bowers
Yep. Agreed. Totally redundant :-)



On 4 June 2016 at 05:11, DNF  wrote:

> Your in-method is a bit odd:
>{T}(x::T, r::BasicInterval{T}) = (r.start <= x <= r.stop) ? true :
> false
> Why don't you just write
>{T}(x::T, r::BasicInterval{T}) = (r.start <= x <= r.stop)
> ?
> The extra stuff is redundant.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Deprecation warnings using julia on Atom

2015-11-01 Thread Colin Bowers
Hi Jeremy,

This sounded promising, as at some point I did have IPython installed so I
could use Jacob Quinn's Sublime-IJulia package. It is possible that
something was left behind. However, unfortunately I haven't been able to
find anything that looks suspicious (I'm on Ubuntu 14.04). For those who
are interested, I was only able to locate the following files on my OS:

sudo find /home/colin -name "*ipython*" -print


sudo find /usr -name "*ipython*" -print

Searches for "*Jupyter*" did not turn up anything.

Cheers and thanks again for responding.


On 31 October 2015 at 21:29, Jeremy Cavanagh 

> Hi Colin,
> I was having the same problems while trying to get julia to work in atom
> and was hoping that this thread would provide a solution. However, I was
> alao trying to get the hydrogen to work as well but kept getting an error
> which I could not figure out the cause so posted to an issue:
> After following this great advice not only does hydrogen run without
> errors, but, the deprecation warnings that you and I were getting also
> disappeared. I am assuming that you are working on OS X.
> Hope this helps.
> On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 12:57:43 AM UTC+1,
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using Julia v0.4 with the Atom package, on Atom 1.0 with the packages
>> ink, julia-client, and language-julia (and I'm really enjoying this as an
>> IDE solution).
>> I can toggle the Julia console in Atom, and enter code directly into it
>> without any errors or warnings. However, as soon as I try to evaluate a
>> line of code from the Atom editor, I get a large number of deprecation
>> warnings, either of the form:
>> WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
>>   likely near no file:422
>> or
>> WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
>>   likely near no file:422
>> in skip at /home/colin/.julia/v0.4/LNR/src/LNR.jl:171
>> Has anyone else encountered this and is there a fix? I had a look through
>> the LNR source, and there is nothing in it that should be triggering a
>> deprecation warning, nor is there even a line 171 (it only goes up to about
>> line 130).
>> Note, I can just ignore the deprecation warnings, and continue on working
>> without a problem, so this isn't an urgent issue. Just wondering if I've
>> stuffed up the install process somehow.
>> Cheers,
>> Colin

Re: [julia-users] Deprecation warnings using julia on Atom

2015-10-29 Thread Colin Bowers
I've not heard of lightbox. Do you mean LightTable? I used to use
LightTable with Mike Innes Juno package, but made the switch to Atom
because my understanding is that from v0.4 onwards, Mike will be
concentrating his efforts there. To be honest, I'm really happy with Atom
and the Julia packages. I think Mike has already got it as friendly and
feature-rich as Juno was (as long as you're on the Master branch of the
packages, that is). And the deprecation warnings are not a deal-breaker -
more a minor inconvenience.



On 29 October 2015 at 03:45, endowdly  wrote:

> Have you tried using lightbox?
> I ran into similar problems with atom, which I prefer due to speed. I
> could get lightbox to play well with the repl, however and "using jewel".
> On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 10:03:15 PM UTC-4,
> wrote:
>> Done. Precompilation occurred at the REPL, and I didn't have to do it
>> within Atom. Verified packages are all on Master. Unfortunately, I'm still
>> getting all of the original deprecation warnings when evaluating from the
>> editor in Atom.
>> I'm happy to pursue this further, but am equally happy to wait it out if
>> you're running short on ideas or time.
>> Cheers and thanks,
>> Colin
>> On Wednesday, 28 October 2015 12:24:38 UTC+11, Spencer Russell wrote:
>>> You’re running into another known issue:
>>> Try opening a normal REPL in the terminal and run “using Atom” to
>>> trigger the precompilation, then it shouldn’t need to happen when you run
>>> from Atom.
>>> -s
>>> On Oct 27, 2015, at 9:09 PM, wrote:
>>> Ah... understood. Many thanks.
>>> I'm afraid I'm still not getting the desired result however. After
>>> running checkout on "Atom", "CodeTools" and "JuliaParser" I run
>>> Pkg.status() and can verify I'm on the master branch for all 3. So I fire
>>> up Atom again, try to evaluate in the editor, and get the following error:
>>> INFO: Recompiling stale cache file
>>> /home/colin/.julia/lib/v0.4/JuliaParser.ji
>>> Julia has stopped: 1, null
>>> So I close down Atom, open it again, and try to evaluate in the editor
>>> again. This time I get:
>>> INFO: Recompiling stale cache file
>>> /home/colin/.julia/lib/v0.4/CodeTools.ji
>>> Julia has stopped: 1, null
>>> Close down Atom one more time, re-open it and try again. Now I get:
>>> INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/colin/.julia/lib/v0.4/Atom.ji
>>> but everything is now working fine. Problem solved? Unfortunately not. I
>>> restart Atom again and I'm back to all the deprecation warnings, even
>>> though Pkg.status() indicates I'm still on the master branch for Atom,
>>> CodeTools, and JuliaParser.
>>> Apologies for the long message. Also, if this is one of those things
>>> that will resolve itself over the next couple of weeks as changes from
>>> master are pushed to the more stable branches, then I'm happy to ignore the
>>> warnings for the time being and not waste anyone's time any further with
>>> what is essentially a minor inconvenience.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Colin
>>> On Wednesday, 28 October 2015 11:37:21 UTC+11, Spencer Russell wrote:

 `Pkg.checkout(…)` operates an an already-installed package, so it must
 be run after `Pkg.add(…)`.


 On Oct 27, 2015, at 8:31 PM, wrote:

 I suppose I could clone the master branch. Is that a bad idea?

 On Wednesday, 28 October 2015 11:30:43 UTC+11,
> Thanks for responding.
> Pkg.checkout("Atom") gives me the error:
> ERROR: Atom is not a git repo
>  in checkout at pkg/entry.jl:203
>  in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:31
>  in cd at file.jl:22
>  in cd at pkg/dir.jl:31
>  in checkout at pkg.jl:37
> (I originally did try using Pkg.checkout as per the instructions, but
> got this error, and so went with Pkg.add instead).
> Any thoughts or is this a bug?
> Cheers,
> Colin
> On Wednesday, 28 October 2015 11:23:30 UTC+11, Jonathan Malmaud wrote:
>> You want to be on the master versions:
>> Pkg.checkout("Atom")
>> Pkg.checkout("CodeTools")


Re: [julia-users] Converting a string to a custom type results in a function that is not type stable

2015-06-24 Thread Colin Bowers
If you're interested, the source is here:

I haven't tried to make it into a registered package yet as I'm still
tinkering with it a fair bit. But I think I'm nearly there. It is fairly
comprehensive for univariate bootstrapping, ie lots of methods and  block
length selection procedures, but I haven't really thought about extending
it to multivariate data yet. Maybe later this year.



On 24 June 2015 at 23:42, John Myles White wrote:

 Excited you're working on dependent data bootstraps. I implemented one
 just the other day since it could be useful for analyzing benchmark data.
 Would be great to have other methods to do out.

  -- John

 On Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 5:31:52 AM UTC-4, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:

 Le mercredi 24 juin 2015 à 01:18 -0700, a écrit
  Hi all,
  I've got an issue I don't really like in one of my modules, and I was
  wondering the best thing (if anything) to do about it.
  The module if for dependent bootstraps, but the problem is more of a
  project design issue. I have a type for each bootstrap method, e.g.
  `StationaryBootstrap`, `MovingBlockBootstrap` e.t.c. and they are all
  sub-types of an abstract `BootstrapMethod`. Then I have functions
  that can be called over these different bootstrap method types and
  multiple dispatch will make sure the appropriate code is called, e.g
  `bootindices(::StationaryBootstrap)` or
  `bootindices(::MovingBlockBootstrap)`. This all works nicely.
  I now want to define some keyword wrapper type functions in the
  module for users who don't want to learn much about how the types
  within the module work. For example, my wrapper might let the user
  describe the bootstrap procedure they want with a string, eg
  `bootindices(...; bootstrapmethod::ASCIIString=stationary)`.
  The keyword wrapper is called, and I have a variable
  `bootstrapMethod` which is a string. I need to convert it into the
  appropriate bootstrap method type so I can then call the appropriate
  method via multiple dispatch. Currently I have one function that does
  this and looks something like this:
  function boot_string_to_type(x::ASCIIString)
  x == stationary  return(StationaryBootstrap())
  x == movingBlock  return(MovingBlock())
  The problem is that this function is not type-stable.
  Should I be worried? Does anyone have a better way of dealing with
  this kind of issue? Maybe something involving symbols or expressions,
  or anonymous functions etc?
  Note, the situation can sometimes get quite a bit more complicated
  than this, with multiple key-word arguments, all of which need to be
  combined into the constructor for the relevant type.
 I think the most Julian way to do this is to have users pass a type
 instead of a string. They would write
 bootindices{T:BootstrapMethod}(...; method::Type{T}=StationaryBootstrap)

 That's simpler for the user as passing a string (since autocompletion w
 ill work), you don't need to define boot_string_to_type(), and it's
 type-stable. This is the idiom used by fit() in StatsBase.jl (and
 GLM.jl) to choose which type of model should be estimated.

 Hope this helps

 PS: in the cases where you still want to pass a string as an argument,
 rather than a type, consider using symbols instead, as it is more

Re: [julia-users] Converting a string to a custom type results in a function that is not type stable

2015-06-24 Thread Colin Bowers
Thanks for responding. Yes, I think I will do it your way. I was initially
hoping there would be a neat way to duplicate how R would do it, ie, with
keyword arguments typically always strings or numbers since this is what
many new users will be familiar with, but maybe in the end it would just be
setting a bad example.



On 24 June 2015 at 19:31, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:

 Le mercredi 24 juin 2015 à 01:18 -0700, a écrit
  Hi all,
  I've got an issue I don't really like in one of my modules, and I was
  wondering the best thing (if anything) to do about it.
  The module if for dependent bootstraps, but the problem is more of a
  project design issue. I have a type for each bootstrap method, e.g.
  `StationaryBootstrap`, `MovingBlockBootstrap` e.t.c. and they are all
  sub-types of an abstract `BootstrapMethod`. Then I have functions
  that can be called over these different bootstrap method types and
  multiple dispatch will make sure the appropriate code is called, e.g
  `bootindices(::StationaryBootstrap)` or
  `bootindices(::MovingBlockBootstrap)`. This all works nicely.
  I now want to define some keyword wrapper type functions in the
  module for users who don't want to learn much about how the types
  within the module work. For example, my wrapper might let the user
  describe the bootstrap procedure they want with a string, eg
  `bootindices(...; bootstrapmethod::ASCIIString=stationary)`.
  The keyword wrapper is called, and I have a variable
  `bootstrapMethod` which is a string. I need to convert it into the
  appropriate bootstrap method type so I can then call the appropriate
  method via multiple dispatch. Currently I have one function that does
  this and looks something like this:
  function boot_string_to_type(x::ASCIIString)
  x == stationary  return(StationaryBootstrap())
  x == movingBlock  return(MovingBlock())
  The problem is that this function is not type-stable.
  Should I be worried? Does anyone have a better way of dealing with
  this kind of issue? Maybe something involving symbols or expressions,
  or anonymous functions etc?
  Note, the situation can sometimes get quite a bit more complicated
  than this, with multiple key-word arguments, all of which need to be
  combined into the constructor for the relevant type.
 I think the most Julian way to do this is to have users pass a type
 instead of a string. They would write
 bootindices{T:BootstrapMethod}(...; method::Type{T}=StationaryBootstrap)

 That's simpler for the user as passing a string (since autocompletion w
 ill work), you don't need to define boot_string_to_type(), and it's
 type-stable. This is the idiom used by fit() in StatsBase.jl (and
 GLM.jl) to choose which type of model should be estimated.

 Hope this helps

 PS: in the cases where you still want to pass a string as an argument,
 rather than a type, consider using symbols instead, as it is more

Re: [julia-users] Re: When are function arguments going to be inlined?

2015-06-24 Thread Colin Bowers
Looks good to me!



On 24 June 2015 at 23:04, Andrew wrote:

 Yup, I like that idea too. Multiple dispatch is quite useful here. This is
 my implementation.

 abstract UtilityFunction

 immutable CRRA : UtilityFunction

 immutable LogUtility : UtilityFunction


 function u(UF::CRRA,consump,labor)
 sigmac = UF.sigmac
 sigmal = UF.sigmal
 psi = UF.psi
 (consump  0  labor 1)  return consump.^(1-sigmac)/(1-sigmac) +
 return -Inf
 function u(UF::LogUtility,consump,labor)
 consump  0  return log(consump)
 return -Inf
 function test1(UF::UtilityFunction)
 for i = 1:100
 u(UF,-1. + 1/i, .5)
 function test2(UF::UtilityFunction)
 for i = 1:100
 u(UF,-1. + 1/i ,.5)

 UF1 = CRRA(4,2,1)
 UF2 = LogUtility()
 @time test1(UF1)
 @time test2(UF2)

 elapsed time: 0.005229738 seconds (80 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.004894504 seconds (80 bytes allocated)

 On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 8:28:28 PM UTC-4, Colin Bowers wrote:

 Yes, that is pretty much how I would do it, although, as I said in my
 previous post, I would set `UtilityFunction` to an abstract type, and then
 define my actual utility function immutable, say `MyCustomUtilityFunc`, as
 a subtype of `UtilityFunction`. That way you can easily add different types
 of utility functions later without having to change your existing code. By
 the way, just for the record, a fair test between the two approaches would
 be as follows:

 abstract UtilityFunction
 immutable MyCustomUtilityFunction : UtilityFunction
 u4(sigmac, sigmal, psi, consump,labor) = consump.^(1-sigmac)/(1-sigmac) +
 u(UF::MyCustomUtilityFunctionconsump,labor) =
 consump.^(1-UF.sigmac)/(1-UF.sigmac) +

 function test1(sigmac, sigmal, psi)
 for i = 1:100
 u4(sigmac, sigmal, psi, 1.0 + 1/i, 0.5)
 function test2(UF::UtilityFunction)
 for i = 1:100
 u(UF, 1.0 + 1/i , 0.5)

 UF = MyCustomUtilityFunction(4,2,1)
 test1(4.0, 2.0, 1.0)

 On my machine that returns:

 elapsed time: 0.090409383 seconds (80 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.091065473 seconds (80 bytes allocated)

 ie, no significant performance difference

 On 24 June 2015 at 00:56, Andrew wrote:

 Thanks, this is all very useful. I think I am going to back away from
 using the @anon functions at the moment, so I'll postpone my idea to
 encapsulate the functions into a type. Instead, I will just pass a
 parameter type to an externally defined(not nested) function. I had thought
 this would be slow (see my question here!topic/julia-users/6U-otLSx7B0 ), but
 I did a little testing.

 immutable UtilityFunction
 function u(UF::UtilityFunction,consump,labor)
 sigmac = UF.sigmac
 sigmal = UF.sigmal
 psi = UF.psi
 consump.^(1-sigmac)/(1-sigmac) + psi*(1-labor).^(1-sigmal)/(1-sigmal
 function u4(consump,labor)
 consump.^(1-4)/(1-4) + 1*(1-labor).^(1-2)/(1-2)

 function test1(UF)
 for i = 1:100
 u4(1. + 1/i, .5)
 function test2(UF)
 for i = 1:100
 u(UF,1. + 1/i ,.5)
 UF = UtilityFunction(4,2,1)

 @time test1(UF)
 @time test2(UF)

 elapsed time: 0.068562617 seconds (80 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.139422608 seconds (80 bytes allocated)

  So, even versus the extreme case where I built the constants into the
 function, the slowdown is not huge. I asume @anon would have similar
 performance to the constants built in case, which is nice. However, I want
 to be able to share my Julia code with others who aren't very experienced
 with the language, so I'd be uncomfortable asking them to understand the
 workings of FastAnonymous. It's useful to know about in case I need the
 speedup in my own personal code though.

 On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 8:51:25 AM UTC-4,

 Yes, this proves to be an issue for me sometimes too. I asked a
 StackOverflow question on this topic a few months ago and got a very
 interesting response, as well as some interesting links. See here:

 As a general rule, if the function you are passing round is very simple
 and gets called a lot, then you will really notice the performance
 overhead. In other cases where the function is more complicated, or is not
 called that often, the overhead will be barely measurable.

 If the number of functions that you want to pass around is not that
 large, one way around this is to use

Re: [julia-users] Re: Julia computing problem in a loop

2015-06-24 Thread Colin Bowers

 My apologies for not responding sooner.  I have been clearing a stack of
 referee reports off my desk.

No problems. It's end of semester here in Australia so I've been buried
under piles of marking anyway :-)

Thus, I would be very interested in learning more about your work in coding
 the MCS in Julia.  Please, keep me updated.

The source is here:

It is under heavy development at the moment - and I'm not up to the MCS yet
(working on Reality Check and SPA test at the moment). But I'll add another
message to this thread once I think it is ready to be cloned.

The fixed coefficient structural VAR version of the Gibbs sampler is
 running in Julia, but it is slow

If the source of this is available online I'll try and take a look at some
point (although unlikely to be within the next few weeks). I am by no means
an expert at writing fast Julia, but I like to think I'm starting to get a
handle on it now (been using it full-time for close to a year).

Also, I'd be interested in hearing how Mauro and my recommendations go in
speeding up your code, once you get a chance to look at it again. I
realised after my last post you can also save the memory allocation on my
slice variable by using `sub`. On v0.3.x though, this is not guaranteed to
improve performance for various reasons. But I think a recent thread here
indicated that v0.4 may be getting close to an official release.



On 25 June 2015 at 03:07, wrote:

 Dear Colin:

 Thanks for your comments.

 My apologies for not responding sooner.  I have been clearing a stack of
 referee reports off my desk.

 Yes, I am fortunate to be a coauthor of Peter Hansen and Asgar Lunde.  But
 at the moment, I have no plans to code the MCS into Julia.  Peter and Asgar
 work mostly in Ox.  Thus, I would be very interested in learning more about
 your work in coding the MCS in Julia.  Please, keep me updated.

 My question was generated by my attempt to port MatLab code of Canova and
 Pérez Forero (2015, Estimating Overidentified, Non-Recursive, Time Varying
 Coefficients Structural VARs, Quantitative Economics, forthcoming) into
 Julia.  Canova and Perez Forero propose a Metropolis within Gibbs sampler
 to estimate TVP-VARs with Leeper-Sims-Zha non-recursive identifications.

 The fixed coefficient structural VAR version of the Gibbs sampler is
 running in Julia, but it is slow.  My thinking was to start with the fixed
 coefficient model as a way to learn Julia.

 Stay in touch.

 Best wishes.


 On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 9:26:15 PM UTC-4,

 Hi Jim,

 A couple of points:

 1) Maybe I'm missing something, but you appear to be calculating the same
 inverse twice on every iteration of your loop. That is,
 inv(Om_e[(j-1)*nvar+1:j*nvar,:]) gets called twice.

 2) As Mauro points out, memory allocation is currently triggered when
 slicing into 2d arrays on v0.3.x. You can read more about this at the
 following StackOverflow question:
 Since you are indexing with ranges, my understanding is that in v0.4 you
 should be able to avoid the allocation. In the meantime, you could try
 performing the slice once and assign it to a new variable on each
 iteration, and then use that variable in your matrix calls.

 3) I'll strongly second Mauro's suggestion that you pass in to your
 function everything that is not explicitly defined as a global constant.
 This should provide a significant performance improvement. For more reading
 on this, check out the first item in the Performance Tips section of the
 official docs (

 So taking all these things together, my version of your function would
 look something like this:

 function bb_update(bbj, bbcovj, capZ, nvar, Om_e, yyy)
  for j = 1:size(yyy, 2)
 currentInverse = inv(Om_e[(j-1)*nvar+1:j*nvar,:])
 currentZSlice = capZ[(j-1)*nvar+1:j*nvar,:]
 bbcovj += currentZSlice' * currentInverse * currentZSlice
 bbj += currentZSlice' * currentInverse * yyy[:,j]
  return (bbj, bbcovj)

 A final question: are you planning on implementing the Model Confidence
 Set in Julia at any time soon (I'm making the possibly incorrect assumption
 that you're the same James Nason from Hansen, Lunde, Nason (2011))? Bit of
 a co-incidence, but I was hoping to implement the Model Confidence Set in
 Julia sometime in the next few weeks as part of a forecast evaluation
 package. If you're interested, I can point you to the github source once it
 is done.



 On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 14:11:49 UTC+10, wrote:

 Hi All:

 I am a novice using Julia.  As a way to learn Julia, my project is to
 convert MatLab code that estimates Bayesian vector autoregressions.  The
 estimator uses Gibbs 

Re: [julia-users] Re: When are function arguments going to be inlined?

2015-06-23 Thread Colin Bowers
Yes, that is pretty much how I would do it, although, as I said in my
previous post, I would set `UtilityFunction` to an abstract type, and then
define my actual utility function immutable, say `MyCustomUtilityFunc`, as
a subtype of `UtilityFunction`. That way you can easily add different types
of utility functions later without having to change your existing code. By
the way, just for the record, a fair test between the two approaches would
be as follows:

abstract UtilityFunction
immutable MyCustomUtilityFunction : UtilityFunction
u4(sigmac, sigmal, psi, consump,labor) = consump.^(1-sigmac)/(1-sigmac) +
u(UF::MyCustomUtilityFunctionconsump,labor) =
consump.^(1-UF.sigmac)/(1-UF.sigmac) +

function test1(sigmac, sigmal, psi)
for i = 1:100
u4(sigmac, sigmal, psi, 1.0 + 1/i, 0.5)
function test2(UF::UtilityFunction)
for i = 1:100
u(UF, 1.0 + 1/i , 0.5)

UF = MyCustomUtilityFunction(4,2,1)
test1(4.0, 2.0, 1.0)

On my machine that returns:

elapsed time: 0.090409383 seconds (80 bytes allocated)
elapsed time: 0.091065473 seconds (80 bytes allocated)

ie, no significant performance difference

On 24 June 2015 at 00:56, Andrew wrote:

 Thanks, this is all very useful. I think I am going to back away from
 using the @anon functions at the moment, so I'll postpone my idea to
 encapsulate the functions into a type. Instead, I will just pass a
 parameter type to an externally defined(not nested) function. I had thought
 this would be slow (see my question here!topic/julia-users/6U-otLSx7B0 ), but I
 did a little testing.

 immutable UtilityFunction
 function u(UF::UtilityFunction,consump,labor)
 sigmac = UF.sigmac
 sigmal = UF.sigmal
 psi = UF.psi
 consump.^(1-sigmac)/(1-sigmac) + psi*(1-labor).^(1-sigmal)/(1-sigmal)
 function u4(consump,labor)
 consump.^(1-4)/(1-4) + 1*(1-labor).^(1-2)/(1-2)

 function test1(UF)
 for i = 1:100
 u4(1. + 1/i, .5)
 function test2(UF)
 for i = 1:100
 u(UF,1. + 1/i ,.5)
 UF = UtilityFunction(4,2,1)

 @time test1(UF)
 @time test2(UF)

 elapsed time: 0.068562617 seconds (80 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.139422608 seconds (80 bytes allocated)

  So, even versus the extreme case where I built the constants into the
 function, the slowdown is not huge. I asume @anon would have similar
 performance to the constants built in case, which is nice. However, I want
 to be able to share my Julia code with others who aren't very experienced
 with the language, so I'd be uncomfortable asking them to understand the
 workings of FastAnonymous. It's useful to know about in case I need the
 speedup in my own personal code though.

 On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 8:51:25 AM UTC-4, wrote:

 Yes, this proves to be an issue for me sometimes too. I asked a
 StackOverflow question on this topic a few months ago and got a very
 interesting response, as well as some interesting links. See here:

 As a general rule, if the function you are passing round is very simple
 and gets called a lot, then you will really notice the performance
 overhead. In other cases where the function is more complicated, or is not
 called that often, the overhead will be barely measurable.

 If the number of functions that you want to pass around is not that
 large, one way around this is to use types and multiple dispatch instead of
 functions, eg

 abstract UtilityFunctions
 type QuadraticUtility : UtilityFunctions
 evaluate(x::Number, f::QuadraticUtility) = f.a*x^2 + f.b*x + f.c

 Now your function would be something like:

 function solveModel(f::UtilityFunctions, ...)

 and you would call evaluate at the appropriate place in the function body
 and multiple dispatch will take care of the rest. There is no performance
 overhead with this approach.

 Of course, if you want to be able to just pass in any arbitrary function
 that a user might think up, then this approach is not tenable.

 On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 01:07:25 UTC+10, Andrew wrote:

 I'm trying to write some abstract Julia code to solve a variety of
 economics models. Julia provides powerful abstraction tools which I think
 makes it very well-suited to this; however, I've read in several places
 that Julia doesn't yet know how to inline functions passed as arguments,
 hence code like

 function SolveModel(Utility::Function, ProductionTechnology::Function

 will be slow. I performed this very simple test.

 function ftest1()
 u(x) = log(x)

Re: [julia-users] Re: Index into an array with an IntSet

2015-06-15 Thread Colin Bowers
Cool, works for me. Many thanks.

On 16 June 2015 at 10:27, David Gold wrote:

 `collect(myIntSet)` should also do it, I believe.

 On Monday, June 15, 2015 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-4, wrote:

 Ah, I understand. Thanks for responding and pointing me to the
 appropriate pull request. So currently if we want to index with an IntSet,
 the best thing to do is probably just convert the IntSet to a Vector{Int}
 using something like:

 [ i for i in myIntSet ]




 On Monday, 15 June 2015 13:15:55 UTC+10, Matt Bauman wrote:

 No, this isn't implemented in 0.4, either. It is something I've thought
 about, but IntSet's current semantics aren't quite right for the job. See:

 It may be worth splitting that PR out into the IndexSet package for this