[julia-users] Re: Performance of release 0.5.0 v

2016-10-14 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh
Thanks Guys, that's very helpful. I shall now go away and play with the 
performance tests. 

[julia-users] Performance of release 0.5.0 v

2016-10-13 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh
Hi All,

Congratulations are due to all those who prepared the 0.5.0 release. 
However, I am somewhat confused by the new release's performance. Out of 
interest I did a single run of Base.runtests() using both release 0.5.0 and 
release 0.4.6 with some rather surprising and disappointing results.  Of 
the 117 tests which produced results from both releases, 66 of those took 
longer to run in release 0.5.0 ranging from 1.037 times (insignificant) to 
a whopping 103.000 times (staggering). I have include a text file of these 
results brt-0.5.0:0.4.6.txt. 

For information I ran the tests on:

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008)
Processor 2,8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB

I would be interested in any comments which could explain these differences.
| Test  | Julia-0.5.0   |  Julia-0.4.6  
| 0.50/0.4.6 |
| abstractarray | 106.65 seconds, maxrss 2090.21 MB |  38.22 seconds, 
maxrss 1479.01 MB | +2.790 |
| ambiguous |   0.95 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |   
|| W:0.5.0
| arrayops  |  47.28 seconds, maxrss 2084.36 MB |  39.21 seconds, 
maxrss 1123.30 MB | +1.206 |
| backtrace |   0.88 seconds, maxrss 2532.14 MB |   0.49 seconds, 
maxrss 1774.17 MB | +1.796 |
| base64|   0.32 seconds, maxrss 2723.07 MB |   0.65 seconds, 
maxrss 1903.61 MB | -0.492 |
| bigfloat  |   0.08 seconds, maxrss 2461.48 MB |   0.23 seconds, 
maxrss 1664.69 MB | -0.348 |
| bigint|   3.82 seconds, maxrss 2461.48 MB |   2.65 seconds, 
maxrss 1664.69 MB | +1.442 |
| bitarray  | 626.38 seconds, maxrss 2360.39 MB |  98.39 seconds, 
maxrss 1608.53 MB | +6.366 |
| blas  |  35.81 seconds, maxrss 2090.21 MB |   5.68 seconds, 
maxrss 1479.01 MB | +6.305 |
| boundscheck   |   2.64 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |   
| broadcast |  28.41 seconds, maxrss 2584.33 MB |  13.71 seconds, 
maxrss 1806.70 MB | +2.072 |
| cartesian |   0.01 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |   
| ccall |   5.60 seconds, maxrss 2460.93 MB |   4.15 seconds, 
maxrss 1664.51 MB | +1.349 |
| char  |   1.11 seconds, maxrss 1708.20 MB |   0.94 seconds, 
maxrss  861.35 MB | +1.181 |
| checked   |  13.32 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |   
| cmdlineargs   | 132.04 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |  31.42 seconds, 
maxrss 2020.79 MB | +4.202 |
| combinatorics |   0.25 seconds, maxrss 2607.80 MB |   3.37 seconds, 
maxrss 1845.82 MB | -0.074 |
| compile   |  19.59 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |  21.53 seconds, 
maxrss 2035.11 MB | -0.910 |
| complex   |   6.75 seconds, maxrss 2594.77 MB |   4.14 seconds, 
maxrss 1811.77 MB | +1.630 |
| copy  |   1.75 seconds, maxrss 2361.82 MB |   2.97 seconds, 
maxrss 1609.28 MB | -0.589 |
| core  |  47.93 seconds, maxrss 1498.30 MB |  21.39 seconds, 
maxrss  781.67 MB | +2.241 | W:0.5.0
| datafmt   |   4.94 seconds, maxrss 2595.79 MB |   
| dates |  47.43 seconds, maxrss 1791.71 MB |  66.83 seconds, 
maxrss  940.82 MB | -0.710 |
| dict  |  12.53 seconds, maxrss 1800.05 MB |  12.55 seconds, 
maxrss  964.26 MB | -0.998 |
| docs  |   5.27 seconds, maxrss 2723.07 MB |   5.77 seconds, 
maxrss 1900.33 MB | -0.913 |
| dsp   |  10.40 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |  23.33 seconds, 
maxrss 2024.52 MB | -0.446 |
| enums |   2.00 seconds, maxrss 2930.43 MB |   2.59 seconds, 
maxrss 2020.79 MB | -0.772 |
| env   |   0.53 seconds, maxrss 2610.49 MB |   
| error |   0.73 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |   
| euler |   0.75 seconds, maxrss 2626.07 MB |   0.94 seconds, 
maxrss 1872.93 MB | -0.798 |
| examples  |  23.98 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |  44.63 seconds, 
maxrss 2032.55 MB | -0.537 |
| fastmath  |   3.53 seconds, maxrss 2404.50 MB |   4.39 seconds, 
maxrss 1662.73 MB | -0.804 |
| fft   |  22.44 seconds, maxrss 2938.52 MB |  28.79 seconds, 
maxrss 2020.79 MB | -0.779 |
| file  |  52.76 seconds, maxrss 2535.20 MB |  40.65 seconds, 
maxrss 1778.29 MB | +1.298 |
| float16   |   0.96 

[julia-users] Re: Idea: Julia Standard Libraries and Distributions

2016-09-15 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh

Hi Everyone,

There are many comments with which I agree. Chris has put forward many good 
ideas, I also use Java and find the install/upgrade system excellent. There 
is no problem with having lots of APIs in the distribution since they are 
not loaded into you code unless specifically required. I see a couple of 
things that are a problem with Julia which I would like to see some 
changes/improvements in. 

The first is the way that packages are added is really quite tedious and 
time consuming (I suspect this is a result of its REPL origin) which could 
possibly be streamlined with some kind of gui based application.

The second is that the group working on the Julia language (unlike Java) 
are not also providing the bulk of the packages that help to improve the 
functionality and usefulness of Julia. So how would you decide on a 
suitable base distribution if the bulk are third party packages? 

There is another "problem" (I can't quite think of the correct term) which 
Java handles well, and, that is the stability of packages which are 
released/updated in a more controlled manner. For Julia this seems to be 
very random, again due to them being prepared by third parties, I check for 
updates every time I run and rarely do I go for more than a day without one 
package or other being updated. I can't see a solution to this problem 
unless there is some group through which packages are thoroughly vetted and 
given a seal of approval, again similar to Java, before being released to 
the public. 

This may be due to a lack of proper design or requirements definition or 
that the packages are created by non-computing specialists who are not 
familiar with software development as a discipline. Please do not take this 
as a slight it is not intended to be, I have a very high regard for all 
working in science and technology (I studied mechanical engineering at 
university) and appreciate that the reasons they develop packages is 
because they want them for their own field of study and the packages may 
have been developed in a more organic manner, rather than as a generally 
applicable utility for problems of the type.

[julia-users] Re: Easy way to precompile all installed packages?

2016-02-19 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh
Hi Oliver,

This is probably not what you are looking for, but, if you are using atom 
as an editor then you will recompile stale caches simply by 'Start Julia'. 
However, I suspect you are wanting to run some simple code in the REPL (I 
can't help you there). 

I hope this may be of some assistance, but, one thing is clear from this. 
It can be done.

regards Jeremy

[julia-users] Re: tip for using Julia on OS X

2016-01-14 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh
Hi Kevin,

I am not a great authority on this but I have been through similar problems 
using OS X 10.9.5, and believe me things can get messy and you never really 
get things stable and easily upgradeable by creating lots of links. If you 
are really keen on doing lots of programming and related topics might I 
suggest an alternative approach which although initially is quite a lot of 
work results in the long run with a more reliable system.

That is to use "homebrew", it will make many things eaiser to install as 
well as keeping them upto date and stored in the correct place. It is easy 
to find with your favourite search engine. Might I suggest looking at a 
very helpful article :


This will give good instructions for whatever your version of OS X is. 

Once you have homebrew installed simply run:

brew install julia

After this you will need to edit your .bash_profile, here is a copy of mine


# Set architecture flags
export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"

# Ensure user-installed binaries take precedence


# Ensure julia is first thing in path
export PATH=/usr/local/bin/julia:$PATH

# Load .bashrc if it exists
test -f ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Then you can run julia from whatever your favourite terminal app is. I have 
downloaded iTerm and it does work.

I hope this helps, good luck

[julia-users] Re: Deprecation warnings using julia on Atom

2015-10-31 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh
Hi Colin,

I was having the same problems while trying to get julia to work in atom 
and was hoping that this thread would provide a solution. However, I was 
alao trying to get the hydrogen to work as well but kept getting an error 
which I could not figure out the cause so posted to an issue:


After following this great advice not only does hydrogen run without 
errors, but, the deprecation warnings that you and I were getting also 
disappeared. I am assuming that you are working on OS X.

Hope this helps.

On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 12:57:43 AM UTC+1, colint...@gmail.com 
> Hi all,
> I'm using Julia v0.4 with the Atom package, on Atom 1.0 with the packages 
> ink, julia-client, and language-julia (and I'm really enjoying this as an 
> IDE solution).
> I can toggle the Julia console in Atom, and enter code directly into it 
> without any errors or warnings. However, as soon as I try to evaluate a 
> line of code from the Atom editor, I get a large number of deprecation 
> warnings, either of the form:
> WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
>   likely near no file:422
> or
> WARNING: Base.Uint8 is deprecated, use UInt8 instead.
>   likely near no file:422
> in skip at /home/colin/.julia/v0.4/LNR/src/LNR.jl:171
> Has anyone else encountered this and is there a fix? I had a look through 
> the LNR source, and there is nothing in it that should be triggering a 
> deprecation warning, nor is there even a line 171 (it only goes up to about 
> line 130).
> Note, I can just ignore the deprecation warnings, and continue on working 
> without a problem, so this isn't an urgent issue. Just wondering if I've 
> stuffed up the install process somehow.
> Cheers,
> Colin

[julia-users] Re: SAVE THE DATE: JuliaCon 2015, June 24 - 28

2015-02-11 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh

Also don't forget the attendees, otherwise we cannot hear their questions 
and comments all of which adds to the experince and knowledge base.

[julia-users] Re: Juno+Julia installation

2015-02-07 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh

Hi Joseph,

I'm no expert, but, I managed to install Juno on Mac OS X 10.9 with no 
problem. Have you tried installing Julia first then Juno. If you and your 
students are working on Apple Macs I would recommend installing Julia via 
Homebrew because it then becomes easier to maintain any available updates.

An alternative approach is to install LightTable (after Julia) and then add 
the Juno package from within LightTable. Also, don't forget to run 
Pkg.update() from the Julia repl before running LightTable. This is the 
method I use on linux and Mac because there was a problem with Juno for me 
on linux. I think it was because they do not provide a fedora version or a 
generic linux binary. The only difference between Juno and LightTable is at 
the start up but essentially they are exactly the same. This approach is 
also more flexible since it works on all flavours of linux, OS X and 

I hope this is of some help, good luck.

[julia-users] Julia 0.3.3 fails "Base.runtests()"

2014-12-03 Thread Jeremy Cavanagh
I've just run brew update && brew upgrade on my MacBook Air with OS X 
10.9.5, which resulted in julia 0.3.3 being installed. Running the 
recommended test "brew test -v julia" results in SUCCESS for the "core", 
but as I have had many problems trying to get julia installed on linux (now 
successfully) I like to run the full test suite. This time I got the 
following output:

$ julia -e "Base.runtests()"
> From worker 2: * linalg1
> From worker 3: * linalg2
> From worker 2: * linalg3
> From worker 2: * linalg4
> From worker 2: * core
> From worker 2: * keywordargs
> From worker 2: * numbers
> From worker 3: * strings
> From worker 3: * collections
> From worker 3: * hashing
> From worker 2: * remote
> From worker 2: * iobuffer
> From worker 2: * arrayops
> From worker 3: * reduce
> From worker 3: * reducedim
> From worker 3: * simdloop
> From worker 3: * blas
> From worker 3: * fft
> From worker 2: * dsp
> From worker 3: * sparse
> From worker 2: * bitarray
> exception on 3: ERROR: test error during maximum(abs(a \ b - full(a) \ b)) 
> < 1000 * eps()
> error compiling factorize: error compiling cholfact: error compiling cmn: 
> could not load module libcholmod: dlopen(libcholmod.dylib, 1): Library not 
> loaded: /usr/local/opt/openblas-julia/lib/libopenblasp-r0.2.12.dylib
>   Referenced from: 
> /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.3.3/lib/julia//libcholmod.dylib
>   Reason: image not found
>  in \ at linalg/generic.jl:233
>  in anonymous at test.jl:62
>  in do_test at test.jl:37
>  in anonymous at no file:80
>  in runtests at 
> /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.3.3/share/julia/test/testdefs.jl:5
>  in anonymous at multi.jl:855
>  in run_work_thunk at multi.jl:621
>  in anonymous at task.jl:855
> while loading sparse.jl, in expression starting on line 75
> ERROR: test error during maximum(abs(a \ b - full(a) \ b)) < 1000 * eps()
> error compiling factorize: error compiling cholfact: error compiling cmn: 
> could not load module libcholmod: dlopen(libcholmod.dylib, 1): Library not 
> loaded: /usr/local/opt/openblas-julia/lib/libopenblasp-r0.2.12.dylib
>   Referenced from: 
> /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.3.3/lib/julia//libcholmod.dylib
>   Reason: image not found
> while loading sparse.jl, in expression starting on line 75
> while loading /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.3.3/share/julia/test/runtests.jl, 
> in expression starting on line 39
> ERROR: A test has failed. Please submit a bug report including error 
> messages
> above and the output of versioninfo():
> Julia Version 0.3.3
> Commit b24213b* (2014-11-23 20:19 UTC)
> Platform Info:
>   System: Darwin (x86_64-apple-darwin13.3.0)
>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2677M CPU @ 1.80GHz
>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>   BLAS: libopenblas (NO_AFFINITY NEHALEM)
>   LAPACK: libopenblas
>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.3
>  in error at error.jl:21
>  in runtests at interactiveutil.jl:370
>  in runtests at interactiveutil.jl:359
>  in process_options at /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.3.3/lib/julia/sys.dylib
>  in _start at /usr/local/Cellar/julia/0.3.3/lib/julia/sys.dylib (repeats 2 
> times)

Although directed to submit a bug report there is no indication as to where 
this should go. I hope this is the correct place, if not I apologize.