Re: [julia-users] Re: ImageView very slow

2016-10-25 Thread Paul B.
Tim, when you say you fixed this, you mean the deprecation warnings?  I'll 
definitely use the new version of Images.  I haven't had a chance yet since 
posting this.  Images and related libraries look great.

The graphics functionality in Julia that deal with bitmaps like ImageView 
and pcolor in PyPlot seem slow.  I'm used to imagesc in MATLAB which can be 
unresponsive for very large images but not quite as sluggish as what I've 
been seeing.  From what little I found, it sounds like a lot of these use 
Tk which is controlled through text commands.  Am I mistaken?  Is there 
something maybe simpler but quicker than ImageView that will display a 
pseudo-color image?  Otherwise I might just bang something up that uses 
Images to save a PNG file then calls an external viewer to display it.


[julia-users] ImageView very slow

2016-10-16 Thread Paul B.
Hello, all.  Starting out with Julia.

I need to display some pseudo-color images so I'm playing around with the 
ImageView package.  It seems to be running very slowly.  Displaying one of 
the images from TestImages can take nearly a minute:
img = testimage( "cameraman" )
Gray Images.Image with:
  data: 512×512 Array{ColorTypes.Gray{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}},2}
colorspace: Gray
spatialorder:  x y

julia> tic(); ImageView.view( img ); toc();
elapsed time: 50.552471225 seconds
Zooming and other interaction with the mouse is similarly sluggish.

I didn't expect this for a 512x512 grayscale image.  I am running Julia 
version 0.5.1-pre+2 and ImageView is running into some issues with 
deprecated functionality and namespace conflicts.  However, the above did 
not generate any warnings at all but still took 50 seconds to display.  
This is all under Linux.  Any ideas why this is happening or if I could be 
doing something wrong?