Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-06 Thread Richard Hughes
On 6 November 2013 03:49, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
 Unfortunately, the schema says the latter is invalid.  Is the schema
 wrong or intltool wrong?

This is what we do in GNOME:
gets translated by intltool into
-- so we have a document structure like:

Software allows you to find and install new applications and system
extensions and remove existing installed applications.
p xml:lang=cs
Aplikace Software umožňuje vyhledávat a instalovat aplikace a
systémová rozšíření a odebírat stávající nainstalované aplikace.

 If we have to do it by paragraph, having scripty merge the
 translations back into the original XML is going to be ugly...

The reasons I chose to do it this way were mainly because most
translators hate translating XML tags. And if one translator does
something slightly wrong, the whole document becomes invalid. For
instance, asking the translators to translate this source string:

pThis is the list of features:/pulliMassive color database/li/ul

If they translate this as:

pThis is the list of features:/pulliMassive colour database/li/ul

This fails hard when the document is installed (as in, fails to parse,
and so doesn't get used). Most translators won't validate the
resulting XML document before translating. In GNOME we'd ask them to
translate This is the list of features: and Massive color database
which is much more sane and basically impossible to get wrong.

If you have a translation tool that is able to somehow rebuild the tag
structure and only ask the translators to actually translate the prose
then I suppose supporting something like description xml:lang=cs
in AppData makes sense, but only if it takes more than one translator
replacing p with «p»  to screw things up.

 Could we just ship the .mo files in /usr/share/app-info/locale or so
 and just have the extractors copy those files unconditionally (e.g.
 regardless of the existence of a .desktop file) when trawling through

I'm not sure how well this will work, at least in gnome-software we
allow the user to match on a keyword cache using the C name, and
also the UTF8 and normalized versions of their current locale. I also
don't think the extractor tools (from desktop+appdata-AppStream
metadata) are going to be able to switch locale like that, and reading
the gmo files manually isn't something I'd look forward to


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-06 Thread Richard Hughes
On 6 November 2013 08:55, Kevin Krammer wrote:
 Do you expect to support partial translations? I.e. one paragraph translated,
 followed by an untranslated one?

Sure, we support that. Imagine the following paragraphs in locale C:

pThis is what the color management program does:/p
ulliIt's awesome/li/ul

And translating that to en_GB, I only need to translate the first
paragraph (color - colour). The same thing happens all the time
with the other languages based on other languages, e.g. pt_BR and that
kind of thing.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-06 Thread Richard Hughes
On 6 November 2013 20:51, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
 For instance, in Fedora we're probably going to be stuck with having
 AppData included as SourceN files in SRPMs for quite some time.

No, if this is the case then I've failed. I want the AppData files to
live upstream, controlled and modified by the maintainers, and
translated by the upstream translators. I'm only accepting files into
fedora-appstream that have been sent upstream while we're waiting for
a new upstream release. For instance:

 dump it in Fedora's transifex instance, and get them
 back out and working in GNOME Software and Apper with minimal

No, this isn't a Fedora problem, this is an upstream feature. If we
hide all the translations in Fedora then we're no better than
canonical with the Ubuntu Software Center application data.

 Also, I suspect that you don't want GNOME Software in other languages
 to be a hairball of that language and English forever, so you're
 probably going to want to turn off display of apps that aren't
 translated at some point.

That wasn't in my plans, no.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 November 2013 21:29, Weng Xuetian wrote:
 It's not about NoDisplay, plasmoids is a kind of widgets on KDE desktop, it
 also use desktop file to store metadata, though it's not sit in
 share/applications but some kde private folder. But each small widget is like
 an small application.

Then I suppose it makes sense to ship an AppData file. How does a
plasmoid register itself as available? I'll likely have to create a helper in the appstream extractor code.

 Can AppData handle such case?

Sure. The only thing not covered in AppData for this case is an icon,
but that would be a very easy adjustment to the specification.

 Is it possible for an application not providing any screenshot?

Sure, screenshots are a nice-to-have not mandatory.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 November 2013 12:06, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 plasmapkg -i pathtopackage

Sure, but what does that do? Does that copy a file in a special
directory or something?


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 November 2013 12:18, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 why do you need to know this? can AppStream not call external tools to do the

The way AppStream is generated in Fedora is we:

* Take the binary rpm file
* Explode it somewhere (without installing it)
* Parse the contents
* Write a file of metadata and a tarfile of icons


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 November 2013 17:12, Todd wrote:
 For project_group/, I think it would be good to allow arbitrary groups
 rather than limiting it to only a few recognized groups.

I think restricting it to the desktops specified in the menu-spec makes sense.

 I think it would be good too either have a change log tag or a
 machine-parseable change log spec that would allow app stores to display the
 change log

Define ChangeLog? You mean what changed between versions?

 Regarding mimetypes, I recall there had been some concern over apps that get
 their mimetypes dynamically either at build-time or runtime from other apps
 or libraries.  Might this be a good opportunity to find a solution to this?

In this case you can specify the mimetypes in the desktop file.

 It might be good to have an email address for the person or mailing list
 responsible for the file.

That's what update_contact is used for.

 Screenshots are available, but what about videos?

Already filed:

 Does the id/ tag really need to have the .desktop extension?  Can't this
 be specified by the type?  So if it is desktop type, it can automatically
 add the .desktop extension.

No, as we'll be supporting other kinds of desktop applications in he
future, e.g. glick2 bundles and that kind of thing.

 For a more extreme question, is there a reason all this information cannot
 just be put into the .desktop file

You can't put multiline descriptions in a desktop file, or have
multiple screenshots with localized captions, unless you *really*
start to abuse the specification.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 November 2013 17:37, Todd wrote:
 Define ChangeLog? You mean what changed between versions?
 Yes, as well as the version number and date, probably.

I'd be open to ideas about this. Can you file an issue and we can talk
about possible ideas there.

 In this case you can specify the mimetypes in the desktop file.
 Yes, if you know beforehand what mimetypes your application will support.
 But this isn't always the case.

I don't think AppData can help you there.

 Couldn't you just set another type for those?  Or, if the literal file name
 is not present, add a .desktop extension?  Anyway, although it is present in
 the example, this should probably be made explicit in the description.

Patches welcome :) The website source is in the appdata-tools repo as well.

 The specification can be updated, though, right?  Can't new fields and
 valuetypes be added for those things?  It is a choice between extending an
 existing spec or creating an entirely new one.

Can you give an example of how you would squish a 3 paragraph, 100
word description with a few bullet points (translated into 7
languages) into a desktop file?


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-05 Thread Richard Hughes
On 5 November 2013 18:42, Todd wrote:
 Okay, but if this is going to be a separate file with outs own spec then it
 is probably outside the scope of this project.  But the two efforts could be

Well, I'm not saying it's out of scope for AppData, I'm simply saying
it needs discussing.

 But there is still the question of whether the extension should be
 hard-coded our based on the type.

There's no question. The full ID is the basename of the primary thing
used to generate the data. Fonts have full IDs ending in .ttf for

 How is it any different in principle from putting it in an xml file?

You really can. It's very easy to do in GNOME, and we've been doing it
for years.

 it would probably even
 be simpler since you would only need one additional file rather than one per

Err, this is the compiled (i.e. what's installed, rather than what's
in the repo) file for gnome-software:

 I think the main issues this would resolve are redundancy, and that this
 information might be useful outside of app stores.

AppData was designed for app stores.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-04 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 November 2013 17:32, Christoph Feck wrote:
 what would be nice to have is information about which MIME types an
 application can read and write.

This is already in the .desktop file, and is thus extracted into the
AppStream metadata.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-04 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 November 2013 20:56, Weng Xuetian wrote:
 Some questions:
 1. What about non-application case?

In GNOME we only consider an application to have a desktop file
without NoDisplay=true. That's probably a desktop-level choice tho.

 2. What if an application doesn't actually have an window, or a big enough
 window can be put in screenshot? Like a minimal media player stay in tray.

I guess do the best you can and use the stock KDE fonts, wallpapers
and that kind of thing wherever possible.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-03 Thread Richard Hughes
On 3 Nov 2013 11:59, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 I've never created a standard so I can't comment on how to do it
properly, but
 writing it and then threatening to exclude from package managers those
 don't adopt it doesn't seem to be a way to start a discussion to me

This is what we've decided to do in GNOME, KDE is free to decide any policy
it wants. We've decided that 500 high quality applications are better than
3000 broken ones.

KDE is free to ignore AppData if it chooses, although I think a large
number of people think the metadata is worthwhile to add.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-03 Thread Richard Hughes
On 3 November 2013 12:32, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 I am all for listing high quality applications, it's just that this just
 doesn't help.

Sure it does. We're not going to get AppData files for sodipodi,
cinepaint or arora any time soon. I don't think _having_ an AppData
file makes an application high quality, but we can probably say the
opposite is true in about 2-3 years.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-03 Thread Richard Hughes
On 3 November 2013 13:30, Sven Brauch wrote:
 Assuming KDE did that, then we would end up with a situation where you can't
 easily install Krita in distributions that ship GNOME, and you can't easily
 install Inkscape in distributions that ship KDE.

I don't think that's true at all. Krita and Inkscape are two of the
killer apps I'd love to feature more prominently in GNOME Software.

 Quality control should happen at the packager level.

I don't agree. Packages are just an implementation detail, as
gnome-software supports webapps and will soon support other staticly
linked packages like listaller and glick2.

 distributions should make the choice which application is good enough for
 their users, not a desktop environment.

I know for a fact that a lot of the GNOME developers use and love a
lot of KDE software, so I don't know why there is any kind of issue

 Of course this is your decision though.
 Or it does not become mainstream; then you will end up excluding a lot of
 high-quality applications for no reason (think e.g. Blender).

Blender already has an AppData file in fedora-appstream, which has
also been submitted upstream for the next release.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-03 Thread Richard Hughes
On 3 November 2013 14:04, Felix Rohrbach wrote:
 Nice application you have there, would be a shame if something would...
 happen to it.

Not at all. If something as important as Krita didn't ship an AppData
file in Fedora 22, we'd just write one ourselves and put it in the
Fedora srpm file. I've written ~80 AppData files myself and sent
nearly all of them upstream already. I've now got a few volunteers
doing the same thing to all manner of upstreams.

 Imho it's a matter of respect to discuss a standard beforehand with a
 community. And this threat to exclude apps, well...

Please don't portray me as a modern-day highwayman as I'm really just
trying to build an awesome application installer for GNOME. It's two
orders of magnitude harder to actually write a shared standard and ask
other desktops to adopt it (making changes as required) rather than a
quick hack that just works with one desktop on one distribution.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-03 Thread Richard Hughes
On 3 November 2013 17:15, Thomas Lübking wrote:
 I think everyone who read this thread was immediately aware that the high
 quality applications argument is flawed (i've actually another term in

Sure, that might be true, but that's not what I was originally trying
to help with. AppData was written to make a kickass application
installer, not as any way to validate how awesome an app might or
might not be. I think this thread has diverged from that original
message, which may be somewhat my fault.

 some essential CLI tools would have to be considered
 utter crap, because they work the way they are since a decade - and they
 do not even provide screenshots!!!)

Sure, we're not showing any CLI tools that don't include a desktop
file in gnome-software. People wanting to install CLI apps are more
than capable of using the CL to find them and install them. Apper
still shows packages in KDE.

 * does it presently qualify as standard at all? (not as long as it states
 particular tools - like gnome i18n, as claimed by David)

Well, it's my standard, and I'm happy to do the extra work if any
other desktop requires it. If you send me a website patch with an
example on how to localize the XML file on KDE, I'd merge it.

 * what are the benefits of this particular standard over pot. competitors?

I think I've covered that in

 * what are the deficits of this particular standard?

I'm not sure I'm the ideal person to ask :)

 * who is in control of the standard?

Me I guess.

 * what are the benefits in controlling the standard?

I'm not sure on how to answer that.

 * What are the goals? Is it actually supposed to become a gatekeeper (high
 quality applications at best, you use what i tell you/walled garden at
 worst) tool?

No. That's a tiny ancillary featurette that we're using for GNOME. We
might decide in the future that an app can't be featured if it has no
screenshots. I don't know yet. There is no gatekeeper or walled

 * in case, by what technique (expert review, voting, etc.), ie. who becomes
 the gatekeeper?

I'm not super interested in doing that at all. It's likely the ratings
is controlled by the distro and desktop, but I'm hoping to not get too
involved in that as it's so political.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 09:27, John Layt wrote:
 The new Gnome Software
 Centre in Gnome 3.12 which uses AppData will become the default
 installer in Fedora 20 for Gnome (Fedora KDE will use Apper).

Slight correction. We're shipping gnome-software 3.10.x in Fedora 20,
3.12.x in Fedora 21, and 3.14.x in Fedora 22, so the hard requirement
of AppData files isn't going to be for a long while yet (at least a

 useful info, like module, maintainer, reviewboard, bugzilla, last
 stable release number, frameworks tier, forums, irc channel, userbase,
 mailing list, etc, that AppData and projects.xml and inqlude and any
 other required metadata files could all be automatically generated

I'm actually interested in including these extra fields in the AppData
spec; the original specification is deliberately small in scope to
avoid overwhelming people interested in adding an AppData file. Future
versions of the spec will add more information such as a donate URL,
an IRC channel link, mailing list etc. For instance, there is an open
bug for donations here: and I'd be very open
to spec improvement ideas.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 11:00, Yuri Chornoivan wrote:
 1. AppData files are tailored for intltool/its-tool processing (tags with 
 underscores). What do you think about adding untranslatable by design appdata 
 files like it was done for Audacity [1]?

Well, this is fine if you speak en_GB or en_US, but that's only a tiny
proportion of the desktop Linux users these days. It's certainly
better than nothing, but if you don't speak English it's not helpful
at all.

 2. AppData in GNOME packages is filled with translations while 
 compiling/packaging the application. Can it be somehow aligned with KDE idea 
 of storing translations in separate repo?

I'm not sure how KDE does this on a technical level, but I'm sure you
could merge the XML file together somehow if you didn't want the intltool method.

 3. Is it technically possible to have appdata.xml in repo translated by 
 scripty based on KDE desktop- POs (just like KDE .desktop files)?

No clue on this, sorry.

 4. What is planned to do with Debian/Ubuntu DDTP translations [2, 3]? Is 
 there any plans to adopt it for Canonical Software Centre/Muon with some kind 
 of backend?

No, packages are a different problem to applications. In the case you
have multiple applications shipped in one package you want separate
descriptions, not one description that's a mix of the two. Plus, if we
want non-packaged applications (for instance listaller, glick2 or
click bundles) then the concept of a package description looses all

 Is it yet another almost-standard for RPM/GNOME distributions?

There's nothing inherently GNOME or RPM specific about this at all in
my opinion.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 14:34, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
 Yes, scripty could do that. It would make the files less readable an
 probably very huge, but it is certainly possible. I could imagine
 allowing PO files as translation sources, which are referenced from
 the XML, as long as Richard doesn't have objections ;-)

Depends on the format, have you got any examples of what it looks like?


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 09:50, Richard Hughes wrote: and I'd be very open
 to spec improvement ideas.

Apologies for replying to my own mail, but I forgot to mention the
appdata-tools repo[1] which has the appdata-validate command. It's
packaged in Fedora in the appdata-tools package. You can use
appdata-validate to check the format and style of the XML files to
make sure they get used by the software centers and the metadata



Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 15:10, Yuri Chornoivan wrote:
 Depends on the format, have you got any examples of what it looks like?
 An example attached.

Well, strong isn't a recognised tag (See but
using  xml:lang=foo is exactly what intltool produces as an output


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 19:33, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 What's the point in having an installer that hides more than half of the apps
 in the world that don't ship a file that is not a standard and doesn't seem to
 me it was developed as a standard? How is this useful to the end user?

We want to showcase high quality applications with active upstream
maintainers. There's no point us showing 5000 application where half
don't work or are abandonware. Also, I'm hoping AppData does become a
standard. It's already used by over 200 projects.


Re: Adopting AppData in KDE?

2013-11-02 Thread Richard Hughes
On 2 November 2013 20:00, Harald Sitter wrote:
 We want to showcase high quality applications with active upstream
 Who's doing the quality review?

Well, if an upstream ships a valid .desktop file and a valid AppData
file then that's a good indication it's at least alive. For the
featured and picks we have in gnome-software this is chosen by the
design team, and is of course desktop (and possibly distro) specific.


Re: Color Managing KDE

2012-02-22 Thread Richard Hughes
On 22 February 2012 11:30, Christoph Feck wrote:
 Our color management KDE dude is Kai-Uwe Behrmann from Oyranos
 team. See git/playground/graphics/kolor-manager for what is already

I gave up on working with Kai-Uwe a long time ago. Oyranos and colord
are competing frameworks that have *very* different design ideologies.
I've written a lot in the past on why I think Oyranos is the wrong
approach, which I'll not write again here. From my biased point of
view, in just over one year, colord has gone from concept to being
included on nearly all distros by default. It's pulled in as multiple
things like GTK and CUPS as a dependency. It's my firm belief that
color management should be usable by real people without having to
install or configure anything.

I'm offering to help hackers in the KDE community build simple GUI
code on top of colord. You guys get a color management system that
works, and I get more users using my stuff. It's a win-win situation.


Re: Formal complaint concerning the use of the name System Settings by GNOME

2011-08-10 Thread Richard Hughes
On 4 August 2011 07:27, George Spelvin wrote:
 I think what is needed is a series of more specific alternate names in
 a .desktop file, with more levels than the current GenericName and Name.

I think the KDE system settings desktop file just needs an addition of:

