>From: Tom Burghardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>News * Analysis * Research * Action
>- August 28, 2000 -
>* * *
>Vieques Report; Artists and Vieques.
>2. WEEKLY NEWS UPDATE ON THE AMERICAS [US]: US Navy Ends Vieques Exercise.
>* * *
>Box 1424
>Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765
>Tel: (787) 741-0716
>Cel. 375-0525
>- Wednesday, 23 August 2000 -
>Report on Activities in Vieques through 23 August
>(Hurricane Betty did not pass close enough to Vieques to cause damage.
>Thanks to all for emails and phone calls concerned about our situation. )
>The first of August a team from the Committee for the Rescue and
>Development of Vieques (CRDV) and the Vieques Youth United (VYU) occupied
>the office of the Secretary of Health in San Juan, forcing her to meet with
>the group and discuss the serious situation of military contamination and
>the urgency to update the investigations about the cancer rate on the
>island municipality.
>During the first week of August the Navy began maneuvers scheduled to last
>until de 24th of this month. Simultaneously, we began several actions of
>civil disobedience and protest. On 3 August more than 200 people
>participated in a People4s Assembly at Peace and Justice Camp, in front of
>the entrance to the bombing range of Camp Garcma. A resolution was approved
>by the assembly, reafirming the committement of the community organizations
>to use peacefull civil disobedience in the struggle for peace on Vieques.
>After the mesages, around 125 people crossed the street, walked up the the
>Navy4s fence - heavily fortified with several rolls of razor wire creating
>a concentration camp atmosphere - to tie ribbons on the fence, sing hymms
>and chants and reflect while Norma Torres recited her most recent poem, The
>silent fence.
>The following week a group of Viequense Women - accompanied by women in
>solidarity from the main island - and a group of Vieques youth, were
>arrested after penetrating the Navy4s restricted zone of Camp Garcma on two
>consecutive nights. The women were freed after processing in the Federal
>Court at San Juan. The members of the VYU, however, were sent to the
>Federal Corrections Facility when they could not post the 10 thousand
>dollar bail imposed by the judge! They were released the next day. Hundreds
>participated in car caravans and support protests at Camp Peace and Justice
>the nights the women and youth returned by plane chartered by the CRDV.
>Saturday, August 5th, the Coordinating Committee All Puerto Rico with
>Vieques met in Vieques with leades community organizations. That night
>during the vigil that takes place every Saturday night at Peace and Justice
>Camp, enjoyed the participation of the theatre group, Agua, Sol y Sereno,
>under the direction of Pedro Adorno. Also contributing to the festive
>atmosphere of our protests was the group Locobloco, a San Francisco based
>youth group with an exciting presentation of dance and percussion.
>During the week of 6 August, the special report, Alerta Roja 2 (Red Alert
>2) was aired on Channel 4 News. The special, prepared by reporter Pedro
>Rosa Nales, dealt with an incidente in 1966 when Navy pilots accidently
>dropped a nuclear device in Vieques waters. The report included new
>evidence, obtained by CRDV representative Flavio Cumpiano, esq.,
>(Washington, DC), that revealed new information about the cover up of this
>issue that was highlighted in the Alerta Roja program originally prepared
>by Rosa Nales in 1998.
>On Sunday, August 13th, we created a Human Chain, with the participation of
>approximately 1000 people, mainly from Vieques. Americo Bosheti sung and
>Norma Torres read her most recent poem, The Silent Fence, while over 600
>spread out along the military fence to tie white ribbons, flags and signs
>for peace on Vieques.
>Here is part of the multi-generational mesage offered during the activity:
>For more than half a century the Navy has attacked the Viequense family,
>forcing our husbands to look for work in other places and our children to
>leave in order to study. They have raped our women. They have poisoned our
>land, air and water. It is time to put an end to this abuse. It is time to
>unite the greater Viequense family, this great Puerto Rican family in
>defense of Vieques.
>The Navy fences can never stop the march of history and justice. This fence
>will not detain the march of our people toward our destiny - that is to
>have a Vieques Free from the Navy!
>Today we meet in front of the military fence to know it close up, to
>contemplate the lands trapped on the other side. Today we place ribbons and
>flags, we reflect and pray for our peace and that of future generations.
>There will be another moment when we will be together in front of this
>fence with our duty in our hands, with the history of so many abuses in our
>hearts and with the committment to eliminate the barriers that separate us
>from our territory and our peace.
>The Vieuqense family is united before the threat of the Navy. Vieques is
>ours, lets rescue her!
>The Human Chain action was organized by the CRDV, the Vieques Women4s
>Alliance and the Vieques Youth United.
>A delegation for decontamination and demilitarization, organized by the
>Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Caribbean Project for Peace and
>Justice (PR), arrived on Vieques on Tuesday the 15th, with delegates from
>community organizations in the US, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Panama, Hawaii and
>Korea. They shared their experiences and learned about our situation
>through a series of meetings with members of the Vieques groups. They were
>in Vieques for two days and several more on the main island to study the
>problem of militarism in Puerto Rico.
>Also on Tuesday, a public hearing was held on the Land Use Plan submitted
>to the Planning Board by the Municipal Government of Vieques. Hundreds of
>Viequenses participated in a protest outside the Multiple Use Center here
>while around 40 people presented depositions. The common theme - of the
>protest and the depositions - was the demand for more time to study the
>documents, community participation in the planning process and a strong
>denouncement of the protagonic role of the Navy in the plan prepared by the
>Mayor, Manuela Santiago. By the end of the hearing, the mayor was forced to
>cede to demands for more time to review the plan and to remove all mention
>of the Navy from a revised plan she would have prepared before December.
>Our community had the excellent support of the Technical and Professional
>Group for the Sustainable Development of Vieques in the process of
>analyzing the Land Use Plan.
>>From the 17th to the 20th of August, 20 members of a solidarity delegation
>from New England were with us at Peace and Justice Camp. Puerto Ricans and
>North Americans from Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire and five doctors
>from the Bronx participated in a series of meetings with Vieques leaders
>(Carlos Zensn, Ismael Guadalupe, Nilda Medina, Judith Conde, among others)
>to learn first hand about the current situation and plans for the next
>phase in the struggle for Peace on Vieques. Among other tasks, the
>delegation helped paint the Peace and Justice Shelter build under the
>supervision of singer-song writer and master builder, Noel Hernandez. The
>group also participated in the Saturday night vigil, together with a group
>of poets from New York and Puerto Rico.
>As you can see, the work here is continuos. Our community strongly backs
>the struggle, participating in the the many activities here at Peace and
>Justice Camp, together with people and organizations in solidarity from
>diverse areas of the planet. The construction of the Peace and Justice
>Shelter and the daily tasks involved in maintaining this camp require great
>efforts and sacrifices on the part of our work team. The Committee for the
>Rescue and Development of Vieques maintains this important protest area in
>constant action.
>We appeal to all people in solidarity with our struggle to send economic
>support to help continue this struggle for Peace in Vieques, which is a
>struggle for peace for everyone. You may send donations to CRDV PO Box 1424
>Vieques, PR 00765 or deposit in the Committee4s account: Banco Popular #
>112 868231
>In Struggle, in solidarity
>Robert Rabin, CPRDV
>!Fuera la Marina de Vieques!
>- Monday, 28 August 2000 -
>Vieques, Puerto Rico. Today, August 28, 2000, a group of graphic artists
>and actors entered the restricted zone of the US Navy on Vieques. The
>artists performed a theatrical-pictoral play titled: I BELIEVE IN VIEQUES.
>They proclaimed the fundamental importance of the landscape, which for
>sixty years the US Navy has been destroying with their war practices. This
>distruction has caused grave damages, not only to the landscape but also to
>the mental, physical and spiritual health of the people of Vieques.
>The artists painted a spectacular human mural in which they portrayed the
>landscape of the Isla Nena (Baby Island-Vieques) that proclaimed, "from the
>esthetic point of view the landscape has been, and will be a vital source
>of inspiration of artistic creation." The artists and actors formed two
>groups: one that entered the restricted area in a civil disobedience act,
>and another group providing support on the outside. The support group,
>besides presenting a mural similar to the Vieques landscape, showed another
>mural that was an adaptaption of the world famous painting by Picasso,
>GUERNICA, to dramatize the serious situation of the Navy presence on
>The artists that fooled the military security and entered the restricted
>zone this morning at dawn were: Rafael Trelles, Luis Alonso, Paloma Todd,
>Marta Pirez Garcma, Elmas Adasme and Gustavo Castrodad; and the actors
>Carlos Esteban Fonseca, Cristina Soler and Antonio Sotomayor. The support
>group was composed of the actors and actresses Magaly Carrasquillo,
>Georgina Borri, Maritza Pirez Otero, Rosabel Otsn, Teresa Hernandez, Puchi
>Platsn, Ineabelle Colsn, Yamil Collazo, Vilma Martmnez, Pepmn Lugo and
>Carlo D'Atili; painter Tam Fernandez, producer Pedro Muqiz and
>communications expert Zaida Castro Meaux. Also Myrna Pagan and Juan Silva,
>Viequense artists, joined the group.
>>From the main island, master artists Rafael Tufiqo, Antonio Martorell,
>Antonio Maldonado, Augusto Marmn, Lorenzo Homar, Myrna Baez and Luis
>Hernandez Cruz, among others, expressed their solidarity with the artists'
>The artists had the logistic support of the Committee for the Rescue and
>Development of Vieques and Peace and Justice Camp of Vieques. The
>Viequenses recognized the importante of this action in support of Peace for
>Vieques and the demands for demilitarization, decontamination, return of
>the lands and sustainable economic development of a Free Vieques.
>This act in support of the struggle of the people of Vieques and their
>right to peace, health and their esthetic well being, took place the day
>the Navy announced the resumption of military exercises.
>Nicaragua Solidarity Network of New York
>339 Lafayette St
>New York, NY 10012
>Tel: 212-674-9499
>Fax: 212-674-9139
>Web: http://home.earthlink.net/~dbwilson/wnuhome.html
>- Issue No. 552, August 27, 2000 -
>The US Navy concluded three weeks of live-fire exercises near and on the
>Puerto Rican island of Vieques on Aug. 25, according to Lt. Jeff Gordon,
>spokesperson for Navy chief Adm. Kevin Green. The 12,000 troops in the USS
>Harry S. Truman Combat Group were returning to their base in Norfolk after
>extending the exercises one day to make up for time lost when the group
>moved out to sea because of the approach of Hurricane Debby. Gordon said
>that no protesters were arrested after the first week of the exercises,
>which started on Aug. 3; he said that 43 were arrested during that week
>[see Update #550], and that the exercises had not been impeded by
>demonstrators, who have attempted to stop them by entering the restricted
>Vieques proving grounds. Airplanes dropped inert bombs on the range on Aug.
>24; the cruiser San Jacinto pounded it with three-inch shells filled with
>sand on Aug. 25. [El Diario-La Prensa 8/25/00 from AP; Hoy (NY) 8/25/00
>from EFE; New York Times 8/26/00 from AP]
>On Aug. 21, Andres Thomas Conteris, a Methodist missionary and a member of
>the Movement for Reconciliation, was entering the fifth week of a
>water-only hunger strike to pressure US president Bill Clinton to meet with
>religious and civic leaders from Vieques. Conteris, who holds a vigil in
>front of the White House every day from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, says he intends to
>continue the hunger strike until Clinton agrees. More than 40 people on
>Vieques and a dozen in the US are on a rotational hunger strike, according
>to organizers.
>The National Boricua Human Rights Network has called for a National Day of
>Solidarity with the People of Vieques on Sept. 22, with a rally in
>Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House. [El Nuevo
>Dia (San Juan) 8/21/00 from EFE]
>ISSN#: 1084-922X. The Weekly News Update on the Americas is published
>weekly by the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York. A one-year
>subscription (52 issues) is $25. To subscribe, send a check or money order
>for US $25 payable to Nicaragua Solidarity Network, 339 Lafayette Street,
>New York, NY 10012. Please specify if you want the electronic or print
>version: they are identical in content, but the electronic version is
>delivered directly to your email address; the print version is sent via
>first class mail. For more information about electronic subscriptions,
>contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Back issues and source materials are available on
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