----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jonathan Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO] FW: urgent/request


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arjan El Fassed [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] <mailto:>
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 9:15 PM
> Subject: urgent/request
> Dear friends,
> I am writing to concerning a march and rally that will be organised on 16
> September 2000 in London advocating and reaffirming the right of return of
> Palestinian refugees to their homes. 
> Over the last few months, activists and organisations around the world
> have created a coalition of individuals and organisations, and are
> combining efforts on behalf of the right of return. 
> The right of the Palestinian refugees and the uprooted to return to their
> homes is a fundamental right under international law and human rights, in
> particular UN resolution 194, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
> (art. 13, 17), the Fourth Geneva Convention (art. 49) and exists despite
> the language of negotiations or the subsequent Oslo agreements.
> Over 130 British MPs signed an Early Day Motion (no. 78) last November
> stating that there will no lasting peace in the Middle East without a just
> resolution of the issue of the Palestinian refugeesas laid down in
> international law, including the right of return specified in UN General
> Assembly Resolution 194 (1948). 
> This network consisting of people striving for global justice and in
> particular for the right of return of refugees to their homes is growing
> rapidly. Please indicate whether you could help us with the following:
> * organising the London-rally for the right of return on 16 September.
> On the same day a rally will be organised in Washington DC. To become an
> active member with the organisation of the London-rally, please send a
> blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> * co-sponsoring the London-rally for the right of return, this
> indicates that your organisation supports the event. It's not necessary to
> help fund the event to co-sponsor, although any contribution that will
> make this important event and contribution to global justice succeed is
> very much appreciated;
> * help disseminating information on the right of return and announcing
> the rally;
> * help funding activities during the rally and the preparation for the
> rally.
> Please indicate as soon as possible.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Arjan El Fassed

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