>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Partha Roy)


>CPI(M) Calls For Withdrawal of US Consul General
>The West Bengal state secretary of the CPI(M) has called for an early
>withdrawal of the present US consul general from Bengal who sent two employees
>of the so-called "analysis wing" of the US consul general’s office in Calcutta
>to Nanur in Birbhum district. These employees were sent for conducting a kind
>of "fact-finding" mission on what had transpired at the Soochpur village on
>July 27 where 11 armed hoodlums in the pay of local jotdaars had been lynched
>by irate villagers. The goons, all of them in the pay of the Trinamul-BJP
>combine, had come to snatch back parcels of land that had been under Barga
>cultivation after the vesting of the land in the state government and its
>redistribution among the rural poor.
>The US consulate office had sent Sourav Sen and Tinku Roy, both former
>newspersons presently in the employ of the consulate, to prepare a report
>which was later sent to the US Human Rights Commission.
>Describing the entire sordid episode as a "clear transgression of the
>sovereign status of India as an independent nation," Anil Biswas said the
>state CPI(M) has called for the withdrawal from Calcutta at the earliest of
>both the US consul general Sandrolini and his spouse, Seema Sirohi, who is the
>Washington-based correspondent of a Calcutta daily. Both of them, Biswas
>asserted, had played an active role in the entire conspiratorial move against
>a sovereign nation.
>Biswas told the Calcutta media that the move "appeared to form an integral
>part of the elaborate conspiracy being put together to destabilise the
>political situation in Bengal in the run up to the elections to the state
>legislature coming up in the year 2001."
>CPI(M) MP, Biplab Dasgupta, who was asked by the state unit of the Party to
>take the issue up with prime minister A B Vajpayee and for eign minister
>Jaswant Singh, wrote a letter to both and raised three issues that needed an
>early clarification. These are: 1) Whether or not the US consul general asked
>for the permission of the central government to send such an "investigative
>team" to Soochpur in Birbhum bypassing the state administration, especially
>the state police; 2) If the answer is no, then would the central government
>deem it fit to communicate to the US ambassador its displeasure over the
>matter; and 3) If the central government had cleared such a move by the US
>consul general, a move that clearly transgresses all norms of center-state
>relations, what constitutes the central government’s justification of such a
>Biswas affirmed that in view of the irrefutable proof which lay with the state
>unit of the CPI(M) regarding the "poaching" by the two US consulate general
>office employees in Soochpur, the sullen silence that the US consulate
>maintained over the matter was understandable. In the event of the central
>government failing to organise any move over the extremely sensitive issue,
>the Party would go in for large-scale demonstrations very soon, Biswas said.
>Biswas added to recall for the benefit of mediapersons that a former US
>ambassador to India, Daniel Patrick, had written in his memoirs how the US
>administration had twice sent forth funds to ensure the defeat of the
>communists, once in Kerala and once more in Bengal. Biswas also focussed
>attention in this connection on the way in which Mamata Banerjee, the Trinamul
>Congress supremo, has made no secret of her declared intention to present a
>set of fait accompli before the central government on the supposed "break-down
>of the law-and-order situation in Bengal" and to call for clamping down of
>article 356 on the state before the 2001 elections.


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