Korean Central News Agency Feb 4

2001-02-04 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (February.04.2001 Juche 90)



Implementation of joint declaration urged

Appeal of 2001 meeting favoured

Appeal of 2001 meeting supported

New film previewed

Measures against damage caused by U.S. military bases urged in S. Korea

Preparatory committees formed

Vigorous advance under red flag of socialism called for

Rodong Sinmun on Ishihara's outbursts

For Spanish-speaking people


tarea principal de construccion economica de este ano

periodicos llaman a ejecutar cabalmente tareas enunciadas en editorial

Implementation of joint declaration urged
  Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The June 15 Joint Declaration, agreed
upon by the north and south of Korea and fully supported at home and abroad,
is a landmark of the movement for national reunification in the new century
and a common banner of the Korean nation that all its members should uphold
for the country's reunification. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed
 There can be no distinction between the north and the south, between the
authorities and civilians and between the ruling and opposition parties in
implementing the joint declaration and all the fellow countrymen should be
responsible for it, the article says, and goes on:
 The implementation of the joint declaration is the concern of the Korean
nation to remove the misfortune and pain it has suffered from division,
enjoy a worthwhile life as a dignified nation and achieve co-prosperity of
the nation. 
 In order to implement the declaration to the letter, it is essential to
have an independent stand whereby to solve all problems, large and small,
arising in its implementation by the Korean nation's own will and efforts
without dependence on any outsiders.
 The independent reunification of the Korean nation will be achieved only
when the 70 million fellow countrymen carry through the historic joint
declaration in a responsible manner.

Appeal of 2001 meeting favoured
  Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification
(Pomchonghakryon) reportedly issued an article on January 26 to support the
appeal adopted at the 2001 meeting for the independent reunification of the
Korean nation. The article says:
 It is an immediate practical demand for the movement of national
reunification to open the door of reunification and wage the June 15-August
15 campaign for promoting national reunification this year. The south
headquarters of Pomchonghakryon will take the lead in the efforts to realize
this demand. 
 The south headquarters of Pomchonghakryon will make all the youth and
students including those under the influence of the South Korean federation
of university student councils supporting the June 15 joint declaration the
driving force of the movement for national reunification.
 It will make new progress in the movement for national reunification by
dealing a blow at the United States trying to block the reunification of the
Korean nation and the ultra-right conservative forces going against the
joint declaration. 
 It is the mission and duty of the students to fight for implementing the
joint declaration, the article says, and calls for the youth and students in
the south, north and overseas to struggle in firm unity as the vanguard of
the movement for national reunification.

Appeal of 2001 meeting supported
  Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Boris Petkov, chairman of the executive
council of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party
(Marxists), issued a statement on Jan. 28 in support of the appeal of the
2001 meeting for the independent reunification of the Korean nation. In the
statement he said that the Bulgarian Communist Party (Marxists) fully
supports the appeal of the DPRK for the independent reunification.
 The Korean nation should hold high the north-south joint declaration as
the banner common to the nation, he said, adding:
 The north and south of Korea should work hard for an end to the division
of the country and reunion of the separated families and relatives. Now is
the time for the entire Korean nation to fully display patriotism, national
dignity and responsibility.

New film previewed
  Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The April 25 Film Studio of the Korean
People's Army recently produced part 6 (choe hyon), the multi-part film "the
Nation and Destiny" part 55. The feature film deals with the historical
facts that during the Fatherland Liberation War Choe Hyon's army corps
followed up victories in battles behind the enemy's line in hearty response
to the order of supreme commander Kim Il Sung.
 It also tells about warm love and trust with which Choe Hyon 

Korean Central News Agency Feb 4

2000-02-04 Thread heikki sipilä

Letter to KCTU

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea
on Feb. 3 sent a letter to the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions
(KCTU) calling upon the 10 million
South Korean workers to actively join in the work to form a "nationwide ad
hoc committee for probing the truth
behind the GIs' mass killings."
The letter said: The massacres of innocent civilians by the U.S.
aggression troops during the Korean War were
a wanton violation of the international treaties and wartime laws and
regulations which ban targeting
non-combatants. Such an unheard-of criminal act can be committed only by
the American cannibals whose mode of
existence is aggression, plunder and killings.
The United States is paying lip-service to "investigation" into the
mass killings in a bid to flee from its
responsibility for them till now when the truth behind them has been probed
clearly by testimonies of victims and the
declassified secret documents of the U.S. military, far from admitting
them. This is an unpardonable mockery and
insult to the Korean nation.
Noting that the reality calls on the people to turn out in a nationwide
struggle to defend the national dignity, the
letter expressed the belief that the KCTU would respond to the appeal of
the political parties and organizations in the
DPRK and actively join in the work of the north and south to form a
"nationwide ad hoc committee for probing the
truth behind the GIs' mass killings" by pooling the will of the 10 million
workers of South Korea.

Film show on foundation anniversary of Communist Party of Vietnam

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- A film show was sponsored by the
Korea-Vietnam Friendship Association
in Pyongyang on Thursday on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the
foundation of the Communist Party of
Invited there were Do Thi Hoa, Vietnamese ambassador to the DPRK, and
embassy officials.
Jon Kuk Man, vice-Minister of Education who is also chairman of the
association, other officials concerned and
working people in the city were present.
The participants appreciated the Vietnamese feature film "Remorse."

Film show and friendship gathering with Cuban embassy officials

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs
held a film show and a friendship
gathering with Cuban ambassador to Korea Jose Manuel Inclan Embade and
embassy officials in Pyongyang on
Thursday on the occasion of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
Present there were vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Yong Il and
officials concerned.
The participants appreciated the Korean documentary film "Under the
Great Brilliant Commander" part 12.
And they talked with each other, deepening the feelings of friendship.

Foreign guests visit revolutionary museum of Ministry of Culture

   Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Diplomatic envoys and embassy officials
of Arab countries in Pyongyang
visited the Revolutionary Museum of the Ministry of Culture on Thursday on
the occasion of the auspicious holiday
of February.
The guests looked round historic relics and materials, being briefed on
the fact that the great leader Kim Jong Il
set forth the unique idea for the development of the Juche-based literature
and art and has wisely led it.
And they went round the mock-up location streets of the Korean film studio.

Halt to anti-north war moves demanded

   Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Pak Kwang Gi, chief of the Pyongyang
mission of the National Democratic
Front of South Korea (NDFSK), on Thursday called a press conference at the
mission as regards the escalating war
maneuvers of the South Korean authorities against the north in the New Year.
Pak said: The South Korean authorities made public the "national
defence policy guideline for 2000" in which
they set it as a main target for this year to "establish perfect defence
posture" and decided to spend 5.3 trillion won
this year to develop or introduce the latest military equipment from the
U.S. and other countries.
The ruling quarters of the self-proclaimed "people's government" have
kicked up war hysteria by holding a
"security meeting" and a "meeting of commanders of the entire army" one
after another to let loose a spate of
extremely provocative outbursts and conducting "midwinter tactical
exercises" and nocturnal march, etc. In Seoul
and other areas.
The arms buildup and war exercises intensified by the warmongers of the
"people's government" from the
outset of the year are a clear indication that their moves to provoke a war
against the north have become more
pronounced as days go by.
The Kim Dae Jung group, together with outside forces, are leading the
situation to the brink of war defying the
aspirations of all the fellow countrymen after national reconciliation and
unity, peace and peaceful reunification of
the Korean peninsula. This is last-ditch efforts to bridge over