Philippines. CPP 33rd anniversary statement

2001-12-27 Thread sipila

From: Redmond Guerrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Peoples War] CPP 33rd anniversary statement

Hereunder is the statement of Comrade Armando Liwanag,
Chairman of the CPP Central Committee on the occasion
of the Party 's 33rd founding anniversary.

Hail the rising revolutionary forces and the upsurge
of the mass movement

Message on the 33rd anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

by Armando Liwanag, Chairman
Central Committee, CPP

With utmost joy, we celebrate the abundant harvest of
victories that we have reaped as we mark the 33rd
anniversary of the reestablishment of our Party under
the theoretical guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism on
December 26, 2001.  We hail the rising revolutionary
forces and the upsurge of the mass movement.

As chairman of the Central Committee, I wish to
express warmest congratulations to all Party organs
and units, all Party cadres and members and to all the
people for all the struggles and successes in carrying
forward the new-democratic revolution against US
imperialism and the exploiting classes of big
compradors and landlords.

We owe our victories to the correct principles and
line of the Party in the ideological, political and
organizational fields and to our ceaseless efforts to
carry these out resolutely and vigorously.  We have
worked hard and feared neither sacrifice nor death in
the struggle against the enemy.

We have made significant advances in building the
Party as the advanced detachment of the working class,
the New People's Army as the main instrument for
seizing political power and the united front as the
means for rallying the broadest range of people to the
revolutionary cause.


Ten years ago, the incorrigible opportunists and
renegades had formed factions within the Party and
sought to destroy the Party from within.  The urban
insurrectionists and militarists had joined up with
the longrunning reformists and had come under various
influences such as Gorbachovism, Trotskyism and
imperialist neoliberalism.  They had tried in vain to
cover up their gross errors as well as crimes in the
1980s until 1991 and they opposed the Second Great
Rectification Movement.

Since then, the renegades have thoroughly discredited
themselves.  Their grouplets have either disintegrated
or have further dwindled.  They have come out as
special agents of the enemy against the vigorously
growing revolutionary forces and mass movement.  The
worst of the renegades openly became political
hirelings and bootlickers of the Ramos and Estrada

Thanks to the Second Great Rectification Movement, we
have reaffirmed the ideological line of
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism against modern revisionism,
empiricism and dogmatism, the political line of new
democratic revolution through protracted people's war
against Left and Right opportunism and the
organizational line of democratic centralism against
ultrademocracy and bureaucratism.

We have continuously educated and trained thousands of
proletarian revolutionary fighters on the theory and
practice of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.  Our Party cadres
and members have learned to apply the scientific
theory of the working class on the concrete conditions
of the Philippine revolution through collective
studies and mass struggles.

We have aroused, organized and mobilized millions of
the Filipino people by pursuing the general line of
new-democratic revolution through protracted people's
war.  We have developed the armed struggle as the main
form of revolutionary struggle and we have also
developed the other forms of struggle in the legal

Under the absolute leadership of the Party, the New
People's Army is operating in more than 100 guerrilla
fronts.  Our Party cadres and members, Red fighters
and mass activists are continuously expanding and
consolidating these guerrilla fronts.  In every
guerrilla front, we maintain the correct proportion
between the center of gravity and the other more
dispersed units of the New People's Army.

The people's army is growing in strength by waging
extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare on an ever
widening and deepening mass base.  We are accumulating
arms by seizing them in basic offensive operations
(ambushes, raids and arrests) against the military,
police and paramilitary forces of the enemy.  We also
launch special operations to punish the worst elements
among the enemy forces and render justice to their

In combat, we fight the enemy fiercely but after the
din and smoke of battle we treat our prisoners
leniently and give immediate medical attention to the
wounded.  We follow the Geneva Conventions and its
protocols and the GRP-NDFP Comprehensive Agreement on
Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

The mass base is built by forming the democratic
organs of political power, the mass organizations of
workers, peasants, women, youth, children and cultural
activists and the working 

Philippines. CPP 33rd anniversary statement

2001-12-27 Thread Bill Howard

[If I might say that although this post is quite long its well worth
persevering with as it expresses effortlessly both
the local and global position also drawing our
attention once more to the root cause of war just
as was first unearthed in its full irony by that 
analysts analyst Karl Marx: the overproduction of

[Via Communist Internet... ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 3:16 PM
Subject: Philippines. CPP 33rd anniversary statement

From: Redmond Guerrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Peoples War] CPP 33rd anniversary statement

Hereunder is the statement of Comrade Armando Liwanag,
Chairman of the CPP Central Committee on the occasion
of the Party 's 33rd founding anniversary.

Hail the rising revolutionary forces and the upsurge
of the mass movement

Message on the 33rd anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

by Armando Liwanag, Chairman
Central Committee, CPP

With utmost joy, we celebrate the abundant harvest of
victories that we have reaped as we mark the 33rd
anniversary of the reestablishment of our Party under
the theoretical guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism on
December 26, 2001.  We hail the rising revolutionary
forces and the upsurge of the mass movement.

As chairman of the Central Committee, I wish to
express warmest congratulations to all Party organs
and units, all Party cadres and members and to all the
people for all the struggles and successes in carrying
forward the new-democratic revolution against US
imperialism and the exploiting classes of big
compradors and landlords.

We owe our victories to the correct principles and
line of the Party in the ideological, political and
organizational fields and to our ceaseless efforts to
carry these out resolutely and vigorously.  We have
worked hard and feared neither sacrifice nor death in
the struggle against the enemy.

We have made significant advances in building the
Party as the advanced detachment of the working class,
the New People's Army as the main instrument for
seizing political power and the united front as the
means for rallying the broadest range of people to the
revolutionary cause.


Ten years ago, the incorrigible opportunists and
renegades had formed factions within the Party and
sought to destroy the Party from within.  The urban
insurrectionists and militarists had joined up with
the longrunning reformists and had come under various
influences such as Gorbachovism, Trotskyism and
imperialist neoliberalism.  They had tried in vain to
cover up their gross errors as well as crimes in the
1980s until 1991 and they opposed the Second Great
Rectification Movement.

Since then, the renegades have thoroughly discredited
themselves.  Their grouplets have either disintegrated
or have further dwindled.  They have come out as
special agents of the enemy against the vigorously
growing revolutionary forces and mass movement.  The
worst of the renegades openly became political
hirelings and bootlickers of the Ramos and Estrada

Thanks to the Second Great Rectification Movement, we
have reaffirmed the ideological line of
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism against modern revisionism,
empiricism and dogmatism, the political line of new
democratic revolution through protracted people's war
against Left and Right opportunism and the
organizational line of democratic centralism against
ultrademocracy and bureaucratism.

We have continuously educated and trained thousands of
proletarian revolutionary fighters on the theory and
practice of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.  Our Party cadres
and members have learned to apply the scientific
theory of the working class on the concrete conditions
of the Philippine revolution through collective
studies and mass struggles.

We have aroused, organized and mobilized millions of
the Filipino people by pursuing the general line of
new-democratic revolution through protracted people's
war.  We have developed the armed struggle as the main
form of revolutionary struggle and we have also
developed the other forms of struggle in the legal

Under the absolute leadership of the Party, the New
People's Army is operating in more than 100 guerrilla
fronts.  Our Party cadres and members, Red fighters
and mass activists are continuously expanding and
consolidating these guerrilla fronts.  In every
guerrilla front, we maintain the correct proportion
between the center of gravity and the other more
dispersed units of the New People's Army.

The people's army is growing in strength by waging
extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare on an ever
widening and deepening mass base.  We are accumulating
arms by seizing them in basic offensive operations
(ambushes, raids