>Dear Friends,
>We called the White House Comment Line this morning to urge the president to
>grant clemency to Leonard Peltier.  We asked the operator if she was
>receiving many calls, and she replied that she is not.  Let's get those
>phone banks cranked up again!  Please be sure to make your call to the White
>House at least once a week, and have others do the same!  Don't forget to
>let us know when the operators reveal anything reflecting the volume of
>calls being received.  We must make sure at least 100 calls go in every
>single day, from now until the president leaves office (or signs the
>clemency of course).  YOUR CALLS MATTER.  Here is a reminder of the regional
>call-in days, and some tips on organizing phone banks.  THANK YOU!
>mid-west and international-Wednesdays
>southwest call on Fridays.
>Each one of us needs to organize a small committee of friends to call on
>their day of the week. Once a week is enough, but you must convince your
>friends and family that they must really call, not just think about calling.
>This means getting them really mad about the case, and explaining to them
>that their calls really do have impact, and that these efforts are not a
>waste of time. Experience tells us that these calls are effective. Jennifer
>Harbury heard from US officials that the massive calling sessions during her
>hunger strikes in Guatemala played a critical role in forcing government
>action. The feedback from last fall was really good as well. Our friends in
>Congress have also let us know that a high volume of calls shows them that
>their voters are really interested in a given issue. If dozens of calls
>start coming in on the same issue, they pay careful attention. So for those
>of you who have limited time and want to help, please know how much your
>calls really matter. Try and get a group of ten committed people going in
>your area. Remind everyone each week to make their calls and ask them to let
>you know at the end of the day how the calls went. Getting feedback from our
>teams really helps us plan our strategies.
>Most people will feel more confident and involved if you give them some
>basic information before they start calling. Give them the 7 page fact
>summary to read, if they don't have time for one of the books. It is
>available on our web site (www.freepeltier.org under "Peltier FAQ), or you
>can call and ask us to mail it to you.
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Be in New York City December 10th
>Peltier March For Freedom!
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
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