AFAPP-Spain: A Communist Militant Arrested

2001-08-01 Thread James Tait


A Communist Militant Arrested, Held Incommunicado and Disappeared

In the early hours of July 30th, at 4 a.m., eight policemen broke into the
of the anti-fascist militant XOAQUIN VIEITES SANTOS in Cambados (Galicia),
taking him away under arrest under the anti-terrorist law. Up until now, not
a single line of commentary has been published concerning this detention in
any medium of communication nor in any press agency.

Xoaquín, who is 48 years old, is being held absolutely incommunicado by
order of the Central nº 1 of the Audiencia Nacional. This morning, not even
the most minimal information concerning his situation or the charges he is
facing was issued to his lawyers or his family.

Vieites was in prison for 14 years from 1977 to 1991 for being a militant of
GRAPO. He was one of the 12 Spanish political prisoners to whom the fake
amnesty was not applied. He was detained once again in 1994 for being a
militant of the PCE(r), and remained in prison for six months before being
released after acquittal.
In the course of this new detention of this communist yesterday in the
middle of the night, the police took a box of books and magazines.

We are very worried at this time about the absolute information and police
silence concerning this new detention of an anti-fascist militant, as this
absolute silence and lack of communication which we are being subjected to
makes us consider that bad treatment and torture - which are the common in
this type of detention - will one more ingredient of fear and terror to be
applied to political dissidents in this State, which with this actions can
only be described as fascist and repressive.
We demand immediate freedom for this communist militant and the repeal of
all the different types of fascist laws which give consent to and which
promote the detentions, the holding in a state of incommunicado, and the
disappearance of political dissidents.

July 31

AFAPP: PCE(r) MayDay Event In Paris

2001-05-19 Thread James Tait



INTERNATIONALISM  Following a call by the magazine "Solidarity 
for Red Aid", the different branches of AFAPP and the PCE(r), 
almost a hundred Spanish anti-fascists demonstrated in the streets of 
Paris on the symbolic day of May 1st, "International Day of the Working 
Class".   There were two powerful reasons for expending such 
a lot of economic, human and material effort more than 1000 
kilometres from the Spanish state: to show our full and committed 
solidarity with the Communist organisations from Turkey and their 
political prisoners who for months have been carrying on a 
struggle to the death, with their hunger strike to the end against the 
extermination that the Turkish fascist state has planned and is 
implementing against its revolutionary political opposition. In 
addition, in Paris we presented and made heard our denunciation 
of the Vichyist government in France, which has taken hostage 
five Spanish Communist militants, including the Secretary General of the 
PCE(r) Manuel Perez Martinez, and two guerrillas from GRAPO. 
 A bus and various cars full of anti-fascist commitment took to 
the road for Paris, loaded with militants from places as far away as 
Andalucia, Madrid, Valencia, Catalunya, Burgos, Euskadi, Cantabria, 
Asturias, Galicia, Italy and Germany. Our hosts were our Turkish 
comrades from the DHKC (Revolutionary People's Liberation Front), who 
showed with their care and attention throughout the two days that our 
visit lasted, that the language and the thousands of kilometres 
that separate Turkey from Spain are no barrier at all to proletarian 
internationalism.  There were working meetings, comradely 
gatherings and an important display [of solidarity] which sooner 
rather than later will bear fruit. In the demonstration, impressively 
enclosed by the different revolutionary Turkish contingents, the close 
to 100 Spanish anti-fascists made known their commitment to 
solidarity with the fraternal revolutionary movements, to the tens of 
thousands of people and their political organisations participating in 
this day of demands and struggle. They denounced the situation of 
open fascisation which is laying waste to the Europe of the 
monopolies, and expressed their active solidarity with the hunger strike 
by the Turkish revolutionaries, as well as making their demand for the 
liberation of the "Paris 7", as the Spanish Communist and 
Anti-Fascist prisoners in France are already known 
internationally.  During the demonstration, 13,000 copies of the 
special May 1st edition of the bulletin "Solidarity for an 
International Red Aid" were distributed. Dozens People's Republic, 
Basque, Galician and PCE(r) flags were waved through the streets of 
Paris for more than five hours, along with PCE(r) and AFAPP 
placards, together with photos of the "Paris 7". In another show 
of revolutionary and internationalist solidarity and fraternity, many 
AFAPP militants marched together with members from TAYAD carrying photos 
of some of the Turkish martyrs assassinated in the hunger 
strike.  Economic support for the "Paris 7" was raised, and 
we talked to a multitude of people about the reasons why we were 
there. We made firm contacts, carried out interviews for newspapers and 
for the radio, etc. In the same way, a call was made for people to 
attend an assembly which was held on May 5th in local centres 
which the Turkish comrades made available to us. With more than 50 
people taking part, this assembly heard a contribution from an AFAPP 
lawyer, a Turkish comrade from TAYAD, and a comrade from the Committee 
for Red Aid in Paris, who denounced both the political and 
police collaboration between the Spanish and French states and the 
conditions of isolation imposed on the Spanish anti-fascists imprisoned 
in Paris. The speeches were followed by a lively debate. 
Significantly, various representatives of a political group formed by 
militant Communist and Republican veterans exiled in France were present 
at the assembly and participated in the debate; they have 
already begun to organise and demonstrate their political 
solidarity with the imprisoned comrades. 

Fw: Spain/France: PCE(r) Militants Arrested - AFAPP

2000-11-14 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: red-rebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: anti-imperialism [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 2:55 AM
Subject: Spain/France: PCE(r) Militants Arrested - AFAPP

From: democrite
afapp a écrit :

At Midday on November 8th, in Paris, the French police in collaboration with
the Spanish Guardia Civil detained seven militants of the Communist Party of
Spain (reconstituted) [PCE(r)] under the accusation of being members of the
"leadership of GRAPO". The names of the detaineers are:
 MANUEL PEREZ MARTINEZ ("Arenas"), General-Secretary of the PCE(r),






These detentions take place within the regime's new terrorist offensive,
which has as its fundamental objective to prevent, using all means
available, the vanguard organisations of the popular resistance being able
to continue with their work of denouncing the regime and gaining greater
support among the people.

The anti-people and counter-revolutionary strategy of the Spanish fascist
regime is nothing new, since it has been put into practice many times by the
previous governments of the monarchy. It is sufficient to remember the dirty
war of the Felipe Gonzalez period, through which they tried to find a
"short-cut" to liquidate all resistance to the regime in a short space of
time. As is known, this strategy ended up being a failure, rsulting in, on
the one hand, the strengthening of the revolutionary organisation and
guerrillas, and, on the other hand, an even greater deepening of the crisis
of the regime and the political bankrupcy of the social-fascists of the

After the arrival of the Partido Popular in government, it was clear that
this counter-revolutionary strategy would be applied, maintaining and
deepening some measures of the previous period and adding other new ones.
Now, prompted by the pressure of the latest actions of the guerrilla and the
growing influence of the PCE(r) among the working and the popular masses,
the setting into motion of this strategy has been accelerated. Thus, in
addition to the suffocating police pressure which has been seen in the last
months and the disproportionate sentences haded out to youths arrested for
participating in acts of sabotage, they are now projects to reform the Penal
Code and the Juvenile Law (in order to lower the penal age to 14), along
with the re-establishment of life imprisonment for "terrorists".

The objective of all these legal reforms, which count on the support of all
the parliamentary parties, consists in eliminating the last remnants of
freedom of expression and of association, while at the same time giving
carte blanche to the police and special tribunals (Audencia Nacional) to
repress any demonstration of sympathy or support for the organisations of
the Resistance Movement.

As a necessary complement to these "legal" measures aimed at trying to
isolate the revolutionary and popular organisation, there is no doubt that
the regime will attempt to annihilate, using any methods it can, from
assassination to arrest of militants wherever they find them (as in the case
in Paris), to slow extermination of the political prisoners (the bourgeois
propaganda media have already been put under pressure to proclaim that,
after these arrests "it will be the prisoners who will take over the
leadership of GRAPO", citing among these Francisco Brotons Beneyto, in a
clear attempt to confront the great solidarity that is building up in the
campaign for his liberation). In addition to all this, there is the
criminalisation of the solidarity organisations.

The "new" principle with respect to previous periods is that all these
measures, as happened in the Franco era, are situated with the "legality" of
the regime itself, making  even clearer still the return to Spanish
"democracy" to its fascist origins, which in any case it had never
abandoned, but merely covered up.


We call on all popular and revolutionary organisations, on all anti-fascists
and genuine democrats to express their solidarity in every way possible with
the comrades arrested on November 8th, with the political prisoners and with
the anti-fascist struggle in Spain.



AFAPP-ACPG thank in advance those who want to contribute and to help them
confront the financial costs imposed by legal support of the people
arrestedin France, as the French lawyers who are representing them have to
be paid.

12 November 2000

Les "Editions Democrite" publ

Spain/France: PCE(r) Militants Arrested - AFAPP

2000-11-13 Thread red-rebel

From: democrite
afapp a écrit :

At Midday on November 8th, in Paris, the French police in collaboration with
the Spanish Guardia Civil detained seven militants of the Communist Party of
Spain (reconstituted) [PCE(r)] under the accusation of being members of the
"leadership of GRAPO". The names of the detaineers are:
 MANUEL PEREZ MARTINEZ ("Arenas"), General-Secretary of the PCE(r),






These detentions take place within the regime's new terrorist offensive,
which has as its fundamental objective to prevent, using all means
available, the vanguard organisations of the popular resistance being able
to continue with their work of denouncing the regime and gaining greater
support among the people.

The anti-people and counter-revolutionary strategy of the Spanish fascist
regime is nothing new, since it has been put into practice many times by the
previous governments of the monarchy. It is sufficient to remember the dirty
war of the Felipe Gonzalez period, through which they tried to find a
"short-cut" to liquidate all resistance to the regime in a short space of
time. As is known, this strategy ended up being a failure, rsulting in, on
the one hand, the strengthening of the revolutionary organisation and
guerrillas, and, on the other hand, an even greater deepening of the crisis
of the regime and the political bankrupcy of the social-fascists of the

After the arrival of the Partido Popular in government, it was clear that
this counter-revolutionary strategy would be applied, maintaining and
deepening some measures of the previous period and adding other new ones.
Now, prompted by the pressure of the latest actions of the guerrilla and the
growing influence of the PCE(r) among the working and the popular masses,
the setting into motion of this strategy has been accelerated. Thus, in
addition to the suffocating police pressure which has been seen in the last
months and the disproportionate sentences haded out to youths arrested for
participating in acts of sabotage, they are now projects to reform the Penal
Code and the Juvenile Law (in order to lower the penal age to 14), along
with the re-establishment of life imprisonment for "terrorists".

The objective of all these legal reforms, which count on the support of all
the parliamentary parties, consists in eliminating the last remnants of
freedom of expression and of association, while at the same time giving
carte blanche to the police and special tribunals (Audencia Nacional) to
repress any demonstration of sympathy or support for the organisations of
the Resistance Movement.

As a necessary complement to these "legal" measures aimed at trying to
isolate the revolutionary and popular organisation, there is no doubt that
the regime will attempt to annihilate, using any methods it can, from
assassination to arrest of militants wherever they find them (as in the case
in Paris), to slow extermination of the political prisoners (the bourgeois
propaganda media have already been put under pressure to proclaim that,
after these arrests "it will be the prisoners who will take over the
leadership of GRAPO", citing among these Francisco Brotons Beneyto, in a
clear attempt to confront the great solidarity that is building up in the
campaign for his liberation). In addition to all this, there is the
criminalisation of the solidarity organisations.

The "new" principle with respect to previous periods is that all these
measures, as happened in the Franco era, are situated with the "legality" of
the regime itself, making  even clearer still the return to Spanish
"democracy" to its fascist origins, which in any case it had never
abandoned, but merely covered up.


We call on all popular and revolutionary organisations, on all anti-fascists
and genuine democrats to express their solidarity in every way possible with
the comrades arrested on November 8th, with the political prisoners and with
the anti-fascist struggle in Spain.



AFAPP-ACPG thank in advance those who want to contribute and to help them
confront the financial costs imposed by legal support of the people
arrestedin France, as the French lawyers who are representing them have to
be paid.

12 November 2000

Les "Editions Democrite" publient un mensuel en francais :
 "Les dossiers du BIP" avec des traductions d'articles provenant de la
 presse communiste(grecque, allemande, anglaise, turque, russe, espagnole,
 portugaise...)sur des evenements qui interessent des lecteurs
 Editions Democrite, 52, bld Roger Salengro, 93190 LIVRY-GARGAN, FRANCE