2010-08-11 Thread Larry Flesner
At 06:48 PM 8/11/2010, you wrote:
>Think about it, lots of friends, lots of fun, lots to learn and KR 
>aircraft to
>see and touch. Please come and be a participant!
>Larry H.

This will be my 21st consecutive Gathering, a record I'd guess, and I 
look forward to each and every one.  My family knows to plan around 
the Gathering date as they know where I'll be that weekend.  Too many 
friends made to mention and I look forward to seeing each one again 
each year.  After the first three or four  Gatherings everyone 
started to feel more like family.  I just can't imagine missing a single year.

Larry Flesner

KR> GATHERING & Whatever happened to videoBob?

2010-08-11 Thread Jeff York
My luck each year come Gathering time as not been to good this year is no 
exception as many of you may have read a couple weeks ago. Borken foot, wrist 
and lacerations.

But even if I will not be able to fly my KR which I an so proud of, I will be 
there cast and all.

Just as Larry said. Those I have met, the KR folks are the best of the best and 
the host goes through a lot to put this together for us. I salute those past 
and present hosts.

Be there. Who knowsif they ever decide to give an award for hard luck, I 
might place.

Look forward to seeing you all there and I extend the offer to put any of my KR 
brothers up. I live just 35 miles or so from the airport.

Jeff York
Lexington/Georgetown hanger A5

-Original Message-
From: Larry H. 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 7:48 PM
To: KRnet 
Subject: KR> GATHERING & Whatever happened to videoBob?

I am one of the guys who had decided to miss the Gathering this year for 
reasons. After reading Mark's post with Video Bob's description of his life 
since last fall I decided that I will be coming to the Gathering after all. We 
are all getting older and never know when our last time to see one another or 
attend a get together will be. I decided that while capable I had better get 
myself there. Trust me, I have plenty of reasons to stay at home like all of 
who have decided not to attend but maybe some of you can re-think that and come 
on anyway. This thing is only once per year and the host goes to a lot of pains 
to arrange the thing for everyone.
Think about it, lots of friends, lots of fun, lots to learn and KR aircraft to 
see and touch. Please come and be a participant!
Larry H.


From: Mark Langford
 Whatever happened to videoBob?

The Gathering is coming up soon, and it's inevitable that somebody will ask 
about videos of the Gathering, maybe if videos of past Gatherings were 
available yet, and eventually, "whatever happened to Video Bob"?.  He 
answers that below.  It reminds me of something William Wynne says often, 
"every day that passes, you're one day closer to losing your medical".  Bob 
is one of those guys with infectious good humour...he's always smiling, has 
something positive to say, and is happy to see you.  Let's keep Bob in mind 
at the Gathering this year, and we'll expect him at MVN (or wherever) next 

From: "Bob Vermeulen" 

> Hi Mark,
> It's been a long time since I've seen you or been able to talk with you. 
> Once again I won't be able to make it to Oshkosh or to the Gathering.  I 
> know I'm going to miss a lot of good things and not see a lot of my old 
> friends.  Sorry about that.  I still get the KRNet digest and usually r

[The entire original message is not included]

KR> GATHERING & Whatever happened to videoBob?

2010-08-11 Thread Larry H.
I am one of the guys who had decided to miss the Gathering this year for 
reasons. After reading Mark's post with Video Bob's description of his life 
since last fall I decided that I will be coming to the Gathering after all. We 
are all getting older and never know when our last time to see one another or 
attend a get together will be. I decided that while capable I had better get 
myself there. Trust me, I have plenty of reasons to stay at home like all of 
who have decided not to attend but maybe some of you can re-think that and come 
on anyway. This thing is only once per year and the host goes to a lot of pains 
to arrange the thing for everyone.
Think about it, lots of friends, lots of fun, lots to learn and KR aircraft to 
see and touch. Please come and be a participant!
Larry H.


From: Mark Langford
 Whatever happened to videoBob?

The Gathering is coming up soon, and it's inevitable that somebody will ask 
about videos of the Gathering, maybe if videos of past Gatherings were 
available yet, and eventually, "whatever happened to Video Bob"?.  He 
answers that below.  It reminds me of something William Wynne says often, 
"every day that passes, you're one day closer to losing your medical".  Bob 
is one of those guys with infectious good humour...he's always smiling, has 
something positive to say, and is happy to see you.  Let's keep Bob in mind 
at the Gathering this year, and we'll expect him at MVN (or wherever) next 

From: "Bob Vermeulen" 

> Hi Mark,
> It's been a long time since I've seen you or been able to talk with you. 
> Once again I won't be able to make it to Oshkosh or to the Gathering.  I 
> know I'm going to miss a lot of good things and not see a lot of my old 
> friends.  Sorry about that.  I still get the KRNet digest and usually read 
> it everyday.  So now to bring you up to date.  As you may know several 
> years ago I sold my KR project to Keith Crawford.  I loved that project, 
> but when Sport Pilot came on the scene, I realized that it might be a good 
> way for me to go.  I mean, my blood pressure was going up and I realized 
> that passing a physical may not always be something automatic for me. 
> Anyway I built a MiniMax.  Put a Citroen engine in it, flew it and loved 
> it.  A couple of years ago I also bought a Kolb MK III that had been 
> balled up in a hard landing and rebuilt it. It turned out real nice and I 
> was very proud of it.  Nice plane.  My business thrived over the past ten 
> years.  I normally worked 70 to 80 hours a week.  Work was nuts!!  Anyway 
> I turned 62 at the end of November 2009.  My plan was to retire (or 
> seriously cut back my business) on December 1, 2009.  I figured this would 
> give me more time to do what I wanted to do.  Flying low and slow. 
> Getting to Osh, Sun n' fun and the KR Gathering.  Retirement was something 
> I was looking forward to.  I worked hard for it and I was READY.
> Dec 3rd was a good day, but in the evening I became sick.  Serious 
> throwing up and sharp pain in my stomach.  I had had the sharp pain in my 
> stomach all last summer and while I mostly grounded my flying activity, I 
> didn't let it slow me down.  My doc thought I probably had a hiatal 
> hernia.  Made sense to me.  I deserved ulcers and anything else that might 
> come along.  I also had high blood pressure.  It was out of control. 
> Anyway around midnight on Dec.3 My wife dragged me to the Emergency Room. 
> They rolled me in as I argued with them about what was happening.  To me 
> it was a hiatal hernia.  The docs at the Heart Center said I was having a 
> very serious heart attack.  I don't remember too much after that.  In the 
> days that followed, the doctors told me I had a 100 percent blockage of 
> the LAD (Lateral anterior descending artery)  This one is also known as 
> the "widow maker".  He informed me that he had never had anybody survive a 
> 100 percent blockage of the LAD.  He worked on me till he got two stents 
> in the artery.  Open heart "bypass" surgery was out of the question 
> because of the weakened heart.  They took good care of me and I am 
> greatful to all the docs and to God for saving my life.  Well, after a 
> weeks stay in the hospital they finally let me go home.  I worked the next 
> day to tie up a few loose odds and ends.  My business associate suggested 
> that I didn't look too good and that maybe I should go home.  I went home. 
> Can't be too cautious can we.  A few hours later  I'm kicked back in my 
> LazyBoy  and I am having a strange sensation.  I see my hands and my feet, 
> but I don't know who they belong too.  I felt like I was outside of my 
> body.  STRANGE.  Hard to explain.  Sharon (my wife) sensed something was 
> wrong and got me to lay down.  I was having a stroke. That was Dec. 9.  It 
> was back to the hospital for nearly two weeks The next thing I remember is 
> Christmas day. 

KR> Kr Gatering

2010-08-11 Thread Jon Sanders

Thanks for the reply, thought you would like a ride if were going to attend.

I live at Canyon Lake, TX, would like to see your KR sometime.

For any of you attending the gathering that are planning to use a subaru I 
have two EA81 core basket cases to give away.  The last time I made this 
offer I broke my neck the next day when I flipped my plane on roll out.  Let 
me know if any of you want these cores.  I also have an EA82 core that I 
paid $500.00 for.  We can negotiate on it, I'm what they call a motivated 
seller.  (Its like after the accident it was strongly suggested that I clean 
up that .)  Wives have a lot of power.

 Jon Sanders 830-832-6015 

KR> New tires

2010-08-11 Thread
I just put my new Nanco 4-ply tires on today.  Just for fun I went
through my logbook and counted the landings on the old tires - Cheng Shin
2-plys.  Tread is the same on both - sawtooth.  I have 189 landings on
the old tires and they were good for some more but cord was showing on
the right tire - the one that wears the most due to the tremendous torque
of my GP 2180.  Anybody else notice with their left-turning engine (from
the cockpit) that their right tires wear faster?  These are nice looking
tires and cost $11.99 each.  Tubes were $6, although I didn't use them. 
The old ones were fine.  I ordered the Nancos from GEARWORKSMFG.COM, in
case anyone is interested.  I'd never heard of Nanco tires but they are
well known for making trailer tires.  Desser no longer carries the Cheng
Shin 4.10/3.50-5 tires or I wouldn't have went looking and found this
place.  As I recall the Cheng Shins from Desser were $17 each with free
shipping, so these were cheaper even with shipping - which was $11 UPS
for two tires and two tubes.  No tax.  

With the Cheng Shins that works out to 18 cents per landing.  If I get
189 landings on the Nanco tires they will have cost 13 cents per landing.


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