KR> Fw: Object lesson - God's Grace

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Wood
I for one like the story very much even if it has nothing to do with  
building a KR.
Bob Wood
On Oct 19, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Tony King wrote:

> Charles,
> I know there are people of strong religious persuasion who believe  
> it's
> their god given right and moral responsibility to share their faith  
> at every
> opportunity, even (or especially) with those who aren't  
> interested.  Your
> most recent contribution to this forum suggests you may be one of  
> those
> people.  You're perfectly entitled to your views, but this forum is  
> NOT the
> place and I for one strongly object.
> Tony King
> Queensland Australia
> On 20 October 2010 08:53, Charles Burkholder  
> wrote:
>> - 
>> ---
>>God's Grace
>>What is mentioned here appears to be a
>> shame, but the message is very true. I hope you are all blessed by  
>> this
>> story. I wonder how many people will delete this without reading  
>> it because
>> of the title.
>>There once was a man named George  
>> Thomas, a
>> pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning, he  
>> came to
>> the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage and set it by the  
>> pulpit.
>> Eyebrows were raised and as if in response, Pastor Thomas began to  
>> speak . .
>> .
>>"I was walking through town  
>> yesterday when I
>> saw a young boy coming toward me swinging this bird cage. On the  
>> bottom of
>> the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and  
>> fright.
>>I stopped the lad and asked, "What  
>> do you
>> have there, son?"
>>"Just some old birds," came the reply.
>>"What are you going to do with  
>> them?" I
>> asked.
>>"Take 'em home and have fun with  
>> 'em," he
>> answered. "I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make  
>> 'em
>> fight. I'm gonna have a real good time."
>>"But you'll get tired of those  
>> birds sooner
>> or later. What will you do then?"
>>"Oh, I've got some cats," said the  
>> little
>> boy. "They like birds. I'll take 'em to them."
>>The pastor was silent for a moment.  
>> "How
>> much do you want for those birds, son?"
>>"Huh?! Why, you don't want them birds,
>> mister. They're just plain old field birds. They don't sing. They  
>> ain't even
>> pretty!"
>>"How much?" the pastor asked again.
>>The boy sized up the pastor as if  
>> he were
>> crazy and said,"Ten dollars?"
>>The pastor reached in his pocket  
>> and took
>> out a ten dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand. In a flash,  
>> the boy
>> was gone. The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to  
>> the end of
>> the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the  
>> cage down,
>> he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars, persuaded the  
>> birds out,
>> setting them free.
>>So, that explained the empty bird  
>> cage on
>> the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell another story.
>>One day Satan and Jesus were having a
>> conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was
>> gloating and boasting.
>>"Yes, sir, I just caught a world  
>> full of
>> people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't  
>> resist. Got
>> 'em all!"
>>"What are you going to do with  
>> them?" Jesus
>> asked.
>>Satan replied,"Oh, I'm gonna have  
>> fun! I'm
>> gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each
>>other, how to hate and abuse each  
>> other, how
>> to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent  
>> guns and
>> bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!"
>>"And what will you do when you are  
>> done with
>> them?" Jesus asked.
>>"Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared  
>> proudly.
>>"How much do you want for them?" Jesus
>> asked.
>>"Oh, you don't want those people.  
>> They ain't
>> no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll  
>> spit on
>> you, curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!"
>>"How much? Jesus asked again.
>>Satan looked at J

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Ed Janssen

The KR and a Cessna 172 are actually both "certified" aircraft.  However, 
the 172 is certified in the "Standard" category and almost all KR's are 
certified in the "E-AB" (Experimental - Amateur Built) category.

Ed J.

From: "Ronald Wright" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 1:06 PM
To: "KRnet" 
Subject: Re: KR> Regarding retract gear KR

> This is a CERTIFIED aircraft, NOT a homebuilt.  Not the same thing.
> Ron

KR> capacitive fuel quantity system

2010-10-20 Thread Dan Heath
Yes, Princeton Probes.  You can see them installed in my new tank at:

Almost to the bottom of the thumbnail pics.  Click on any pic to see a full
size view.

I also have one in my old header tank which I am willing to sell for a
modest price, including fuel cap and shutoff valve.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN
There is a time for building and it never seems to end.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-

Anyone using a capacitive fuel quantity system?

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread John Caudle
Hi Dan,

The aircraft you mentioned, with out modification,
have always fit the "LSA" rule.  The Cessna 150 fits
the LSA rule save the gross weight.  Because of that
it will never be an LSA ruled aircraft.  Even if you put it
on a diet.  You can only be a virgin once...

Gods Speed,

J.E. Caudle

Fenwick, WV

363TB (On the Bench)

It that were true, then how is it that Cubs, Champs, and some Ercoups, and
probably others, are now being flown under LSA?


Fw: Re: KR> drop Tanks

2010-10-20 Thread Craig Williams
Anyone using a capacitive fuel quantity system?

--- On Wed, 10/20/10, Craig Williams  wrote:

From: Craig Williams 
Subject: Re: KR> drop Tanks
To: "KRnet" 
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 5:18 PM

Not kidding at all.  They would not be droppable.  Further explanations are on 
my web page.

--- On Wed, 10/20/10, Patrick and Robin Russo  wrote:

From: Patrick and Robin Russo 
Subject: Re: KR> drop Tanks
To: "KRnet" 
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 3:43 PM

And where do you intend to drop them,... on final??  Craig, I suspect that 
you are spoofing us.- Original Message - 
From: "Craig Williams" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 4:44 PM
Subject: KR> Here's something to ponder

> More crazy ideas from the Sea Fury guy.  I got a million of them.  LOL

KR> Retractable gear

2010-10-20 Thread Dan Heath
Actually, I wish I knew then, what I know now.  After having built 2 KRs and
having to go back and modify this one, I have learned a few things.  I do
enjoy working on the KR, but I do not like getting myself in long drawn out
projects that keep me from flying.

So, with a center stick, why does everyone have to build an arm rest?  With
dual sticks you don't need to do that, giving you the room that the arm rest
would have robbed you of.  No, you don't need two, take the other stick out
if you don't need it, but with the stick between your legs, you can steady
the stick with your legs if you need both hands, and you can fly it with
either hand,,, oh,,, for such things as changing freqs, and maybe using your
GPS, and who knows what when I drive my car, the steering wheel is not
in the middle of the car, and I often change hands, just cause I want to.

I have flown the KR both ways, and would never go back to the center stick
for any reason, nor would I fly a KR with retractable gear.

Bob Muse Sr., one of the best KR pilots I ever knew, came to see me one day
before my first KR was finished, with the intent of giving me some time in
his plane, with him.  On base, his throttle got stuck and would not go in
nor would it go out.  He got so focused on that problem that he forgot to
put down his gear.  At the last minute, he realized what had happened and
tried to get it down, without success, almost losing control of the plane.
Needless to say, I did not get any time IN his KR.  That was not enough
reason for him to switch out to the fixed gear, maybe they did not have it
then, but for some reason, before he died, he was converting it to fixed
gear.  After all those years, I wonder why???

My first KR originally flew with Retract gear, and being the stubborn kind
of person that I am, it took 3 times for it to collapse, doing considerable
damage each time, before I wised up.  Those are just a few of the reasons
why I have such disdain for that configuration on the KR.

New airfoil,,, maybe, if I could just get away with rebuilding the outer
wings...  Let me think on that for a while.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN
There is a time for building and it never seems to end.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-
Dan said, 

>"the first thing I would do, would be to get rid of that retract gear,
and the next thing would be to put in dual sticks."

And then once you'd done that, you'd decide to put in a different engine
or wings with the new airfoil.  Face it Dan, you'd rather take these
things apart and put them back together than fly them.  

Why dual sticks?   Do you fly with a hand on each stick?  


2010-10-20 Thread Brant Hollensbe
> how is it that Cubs, Champs, and some Ercoups are now being flown under

Because those Cubs, Champs, and Erocups (C model) we within the LSA specs
when they were built.  As an example, the later models of Ercoups weigh more
than the LSA limits so they can never be operated as LSA under the current
FAA regulations.

Brant Hollensbe
Bhollensbe at

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Dan Heath
It that were true, then how is it that Cubs, Champs, and some Ercoups, and
probably others, are now being flown under LSA?

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN
There is a time for building and it never seems to end.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-

The same rules apply, it doesn't matter what category the aircraft
in.  If it has been operated outside of the LSA specs, it can no longer
be legally flown by a Sport Pilot even if modified to fall back inside
the LSA specs.

KR> airworthiness certificate/ never flown

2010-10-20 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner
At 12:15 PM 10/20/2010, you wrote:
>My Kr has never flown, but has gotten everything needed. This includes its
>airworthiness certificate.

If the test hours have not been flown off and you do not reside in 
the original test area assigned for flight testing, I think you may 
have to contact the local FSDO and get a new area assigned.  The 
paperwork and regulations are often more challenging then building 
the airplane.

Larry Flesner

KR> Retractable gear and dual sticks

2010-10-20 Thread Patrick and Robin Russo
Dual sticks and retracts go together for me. When teaching grandchildren how 
to fly, for me it would seem most comfortable to have the throttle in the 
center for ease and access to both occupants and the dual sticks so that the 
center is free of obstruction for retracting gear. On one of my current 
projects I am using the old retract system (for the third time) and a third 
lock-up or down is at the center where the single control stick was located. 
The latch is a simple push (bicycle hand brake like) control arm which 
engages a latch at the center and rear of the spar. I am working the bugs 
out at this very moment  trying to make it unlatch the other gear locks as 
called for on the prints. I have done the fixed gear route and it is 
wonderfully simple and reliable but so is the retract system. Building a 
(what we still refer to as a KR), is an exercise in ingenuity, engineering 
AND asthetics. Enjoy it all!  I have been with the KR forums for a third of 
a century and have been inspired, amused, educated, etc. by all of you. Many 
of us are not building KR's any longer. We're doing our own things with- 
more than a bit of advice and ideas from the forums.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: KR> Retractable gear

>>"the first thing I would do, would be to get rid of that retract gear,
> and the next thing would be to put in dual sticks."

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Dj Merrill
On 10/20/2010 02:06 PM, Ronald Wright wrote:
> This is a CERTIFIED aircraft, NOT a homebuilt.  Not the same thing.
> Ron

Hi Ron,
The same rules apply, it doesn't matter what category the aircraft is
in.  If it has been operated outside of the LSA specs, it can no longer
be legally flown by a Sport Pilot even if modified to fall back inside
the LSA specs.

I encourage you to please contact the EAA directly and ask them, and to
not take my word for it.

Here are other examples:

and others are also listed at:


Dj Merrill - N1JOV
Glastar Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ -

Please use Netiquette Guidelines
Kindly TRIM your email replies and post AFTER the relevant text

KR> Retractable gear

2010-10-20 Thread
Dan said, 

>"the first thing I would do, would be to get rid of that retract gear,
and the next thing would be to put in dual sticks."

And then once you'd done that, you'd decide to put in a different engine
or wings with the new airfoil.  Face it Dan, you'd rather take these
things apart and put them back together than fly them.  

Why dual sticks?   Do you fly with a hand on each stick?  


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KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Wright
This is a CERTIFIED aircraft, NOT a homebuilt.  Not the same thing.


--- On Wed, 10/20/10, Dj Merrill  wrote:

> From: Dj Merrill 
> Subject: Re: KR> Regarding retract gear KR
> To: "KRnet" 
> Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 10:19 AM
> On 11/20/2010 01:18 AM, Lee Van Dyke
> wrote:
> > Not true.  Email me off line and I can give you
> examples...
> > 
>     Once an airplane has been operated
> outside of the LSA parameters (gross
> weight, stall speed, etc), it no longer qualifies to be
> LEGALLY flown by
> a Sport Pilot, even if modified to fall back into the LSA
> parameters.
> -Dj
> -- 
> Dj Merrill - N1JOV
> Glastar Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ -
> Please use Netiquette Guidelines
> Kindly TRIM your email replies and post AFTER the relevant
> text
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at


2010-10-20 Thread
Mark just finished posting the rules and every respondee to Steve
Glover's long post refused to delete it in their posting.  What's wrong
with you?


Hate Carrying Pet Food?
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KR> Here's something to ponder

2010-10-20 Thread Larry H.

From: Craig Williams

Not sure if the aerodynamics would be the same but if you have seen the baggage 
pods on LongEzes (Rutan design pusher) there is very little if any airspeed 
difference while using them to carry extra baggage. These pods are attached 
a few screws, fairly easy to take off or install after initial installation.
Maybe your on to something, engine quits, need to crash land, eject the pods 
before touchdown, maybe at least get rid of a possible fire! There's a wild 
for you!! LOL

Larry H.

More crazy ideas from the Sea Fury guy.  I got a million of them.  LOL
I hav

Soo, what about using drop tanks on my 
Seafury. Craig

Craig, I hope I am not on the ground in your flight path when you decide to 
your drop tanks!   ;-) LOL

KR> KR-1 Plans - Plus Stuff (LONG)

2010-10-20 Thread John Caudle
Hi Steve,

Once again I apologize to you and the list.  I can make no excuse for my actions
other than I picked the wrong place to vent.  I am truly sorry!

Gods Speed, 

J.E. Caudle

Fenwick, WV

363TB (On the Bench)

Over the years I have seen this kind of letter from many experimental  
aircraft companies before.  Few are still with us.  Good luck with  your 
advancement of the KR.

Kevin Golden
Harrisonville, MO

KR> drop Tanks

2010-10-20 Thread Craig Williams
Not kidding at all.  They would not be droppable.  Further explanations are on 
my web page.

--- On Wed, 10/20/10, Patrick and Robin Russo  wrote:

From: Patrick and Robin Russo 
Subject: Re: KR> drop Tanks
To: "KRnet" 
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 3:43 PM

And where do you intend to drop them,... on final??  Craig, I suspect that 
you are spoofing us.- Original Message - 
From: "Craig Williams" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 4:44 PM
Subject: KR> Here's something to ponder

> More crazy ideas from the Sea Fury guy.  I got a million of them.  LOL

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Clay
My Kr has never flown, but has gotten everything needed. This includes its
airworthiness certificate. After a long night of measuring and contemplating
the biggest factor which is safety of course, I am left with needing to
change the landing gear. Flaps and a belly board add a level of safety I
want. I am not saying that it cannot be flown the way it is, I just would
rather have the flaps. 
Since changing to fixed gear is a major remodel for me, I am still working
on fixing the damage done prior to purchasing, I will be taking the winter
to add wing tanks and convert to dual stick. 

I would like to say thank you again for krnet. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dj
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:19 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> Regarding retract gear KR

On 11/20/2010 01:18 AM, Lee Van Dyke wrote:
> Not true.  Email me off line and I can give you examples...

Once an airplane has been operated outside of the LSA parameters
weight, stall speed, etc), it no longer qualifies to be LEGALLY flown by
a Sport Pilot, even if modified to fall back into the LSA parameters.


Dj Merrill - N1JOV
Glastar Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ -

Please use Netiquette Guidelines
Kindly TRIM your email replies and post AFTER the relevant text

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

KR> drop Tanks

2010-10-20 Thread Hall, Rodney CTR NNSY, C210
I don't think he really means to drop them just use "fake" ones as gas
tanks. Ought to make for some good fireworks on a gear up landing. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Patrick and Robin Russo
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 11:43
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> drop Tanks

And where do you intend to drop them,... on final??  Craig, I suspect
that you are spoofing us.- Original Message -
From: "Craig Williams" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 4:44 PM
Subject: KR> Here's something to ponder

> More crazy ideas from the Sea Fury guy.  I got a million of them.  LOL
> I have been thinking alot about my tanks and the aluminum versions I 
> got with the plane.  Don't like them!  Heavy, no access once they are 
> installed and I don't want a header tank either.  Soo, what about 
> using drop tanks on my Seafury.  
>  They would be

> 10" diameter and 30 inches long and that will give me about 12-13 gal 
> each side.  Hard points 12 outside of the WAF seem to be a good spot.

> The RAF wing is almost 48 inch chord at that point.  Flat plate area 
> should be small so the only issue I see would be handling.  And the 
> fact that I am headed for an
> O-235
> motor.  Which is what I will do If I need to.  My goal is still a 
> 130kt cruise.
> Craig
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to 
> please see other KRnet info at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

KR> KR-1 Plans - Plus Stuff (LONG)

2010-10-20 Thread Ray Fuenzalida
Hey Steve,
I never listen to the gripes of others because it is too easy to gripe and too 
hard to accept and understand or at the very least contact you first.  Don't 
worry about it.  I am sorry you even felt the need to respond to this guy.
Also, if you host a Gathering I promise to come.  If it's 2012 it will be in a 
New Orleans

--- On Tue, 10/19/10, Plane Nut  wrote:

From: Plane Nut 
Subject: RE: KR> KR-1 Plans - Plus Stuff (LONG)
To: "'KRnet'" 
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 10:12 PM


As most of you know, we took over operations from RR this past year.  So one
can imagine there has been some growing pains while attempting to get things
moving again.  Between a blown out knee, moving in and out of hangars for
due to potential flooding, and now with moving into a larger facility in
attempt to streamline and be more productive, this has been a HUGE
undertaking.   We are working diligently to get the remaining orders out
that we have and anticipate having everything caught up by the end of the
year or shortly after depending on temperatures for the glass work. (Thank
you for your patience to those we have outstanding orders with)

Currently there is myself, and my partner Eric primarily doing EVERYTHING
for production!  We do not have enough revenue to hire employees as there
still is not enough volume as we attempt to reenergize the KR design in the
homebuilt community.  This IS NOT our primary method for making a living.
Eric is still on active duty with the US Navy and lives a couple hours away.
He is instrumental in taking care of all website and administrative duties
for nV Aero. He travels to the hangar to help with production, etc. when his
time permits based upon his current Op Temp.  Otherwise, production is
basically me.  I do the ordering, stocking, fabricating and any other gopher
jobs required.  We have some items contracted out such as welding, precision
machining, etc.  

Eric and I have a desire to provide quality, affordable parts and materials
for people to build their KR aircraft.  We certainly didn't get into this to
get rich.  The first thing to understand is nV Aero does not own the rights
to the plans for any of the KR aircraft. Jeanette has a price that she sells
the plans to us. Based upon that price we charge enough to cover our
shipping and administrative costs (picking up plans from RR which is 40
miles away, and other expenses associated with packaging and shipping.)  Due
to printing costs Jeanette has raised the price of the KR-1 plans to us.
The drawings and additional copies she provides are at current market rates
from the printers.  The book is the same as everyone else has received for
the past several years but those are rapidly running out so I anticipate
another increase once the current inventory is depleted.  

This brings me to Mr. Caudle's post.  I do feel he should have contacted me
first before posting to the net with his "displeasure".  I think I addressed
it fairly well above but let me be clear, WE buy the plans for $95.  We sell
at $114.95.  We found that is easier for flat rate shipping for our shopping
cart system due to the various destinations in the US and abroad.  So, $25
for "shipping" less up to 6% for credit card processing if a Corporate card
is used. This leaves us $108.05. Subtract $5.70 for Priority Mail with
delivery confirmation leaves $102.35 less $95 for RR leaves us $7.35 for our
time to pick up plans from RR, print packing lists (The packing list was
with Mr. Caudle's registration page), registration pages, package and get
them to the post office or however we ship.  Clearly we are making a TON of
money for the hassle.

I am a little displeased myself with Mr. Caudle's post given our original
correspondence.  Nothing was misleading when he inquired about the plans and
their quality. I guess I should have been VERY specific as to the additional
pages showing the new dimensions from the KR-2 changes with drawings instead
of photos. You can see my email to him below.  

"Dear Mr. Caudle,

Thank you for your inquiry into the KR-1.  I have not seen the Corby Starlet
plans so could not comment on how they compare however, there have been
several hundred KR-1's build over the years.  The KR-1 plans were drawn in
the 70's and have a builders manual with approximately 64 pages. The full
size drawings are for the airfoil only.  Dimensionally the additional photos
and measurements in the manual are pretty clear.  One positive thing
regarding the KR series is the builder support is outstanding.  The KR-net
has about 600 members and answers to most of your are readily available.  Of
course you can contact us as well.   I will work on converting a copy of a
page from the plans to send to you."

Keep in mind these plans were written a very long time ago.   To answer the
various questions posted regarding the KR-1 plans.  The pages that have been
removed from the back of the ma

KR> drop Tanks

2010-10-20 Thread Patrick and Robin Russo
And where do you intend to drop them,... on final??  Craig, I suspect that 
you are spoofing us.- Original Message - 
From: "Craig Williams" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 4:44 PM
Subject: KR> Here's something to ponder

> More crazy ideas from the Sea Fury guy.  I got a million of them.  LOL
> I have been thinking alot about my tanks and the aluminum versions I got 
> with
> the plane.  Don't like them!  Heavy, no access once they are installed and 
> I
> don't want a header tank either.  Soo, what about using drop tanks on 
> my
> Seafury.  They 
> would be
> 10" diameter and 30 inches long and that will give me about 12-13 gal each
> side.  Hard points 12 outside of the WAF seem to be a good spot.  The RAF 
> wing
> is almost 48 inch chord at that point.  Flat plate area should be small so 
> the
> only issue I see would be handling.  And the fact that I am headed for an 
> O-235
> motor.  Which is what I will do If I need to.  My goal is still a 130kt 
> cruise.
> Craig
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Dj Merrill
On 11/20/2010 01:18 AM, Lee Van Dyke wrote:
> Not true.  Email me off line and I can give you examples...

Once an airplane has been operated outside of the LSA parameters (gross
weight, stall speed, etc), it no longer qualifies to be LEGALLY flown by
a Sport Pilot, even if modified to fall back into the LSA parameters.


Dj Merrill - N1JOV
Glastar Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ -

Please use Netiquette Guidelines
Kindly TRIM your email replies and post AFTER the relevant text

KR> Regarding retract gear KR

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Wright
I don't think this is correct if he switches to the fixed gear (major mod).  If 
I were him I would call EAA and explain what he wants to do and that he wants 
to fly it in the LSA category.  On top of that, the only one that even knows it 
has (had) retracts is the builder/owner.  I doubt that it is even shown in the 
logbooks that it has retracts.

The builder sets all the other parameters of his airplane also.  Max speed, 
stall speed, even the gross weight.  Just because the "specs" for an 
experimental airplane design don't meet the LSA requirements doesn't mean YOUR 
airplane won't do it.  YOU'RE the one who sets them.

Again, call EAA to verify this before making any decisions.


--- On Tue, 10/19/10, Douglas Cooke  wrote:

> From: Douglas Cooke 
> Subject: KR> Regarding retract gear KR
> To: "KRNET" 
> Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 11:17 PM
> If the aircraft has EVER been flown with the retract gear,
> it can NEVER be flown by a light sport pilot, even after
> locking the gear in the down position.
> Same thing goes for clean stall speed over 51MPH, in-flight
> adjustable prop, cruise speed higher than 120kts at sea
> level on a standard day, or gross weigh higher than 1320#
> (1430# for float/amphibian).
> Unfortunate, but true.
> Doug
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Scratch Built: the hard way

2010-10-20 Thread smwood
If you think your KR building might be somewhat rude and crude, check out 
this video courtesy of EAA.
Gotta give this guy an A for effort, but will it fly?
Resembles a CH-701.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA 

KR> KR-1 Plans - Plus Stuff (LONG)

2010-10-20 Thread
Over the years I have seen this kind of letter from many experimental  
aircraft companies before.  Few are still with us.  Good luck with  your 
advancement of the KR.

Kevin Golden
Harrisonville, MO

In a message dated 10/19/2010 10:12:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:


As most of you know, we took over operations from  RR this past year.  So 
can imagine there has been some growing  pains while attempting to get 
moving again.  Between a blown  out knee, moving in and out of hangars for
due to potential flooding, and  now with moving into a larger facility in
attempt to streamline and be more  productive, this has been a HUGE
undertaking.   We are working  diligently to get the remaining orders out
that we have and anticipate  having everything caught up by the end of the
year or shortly after  depending on temperatures for the glass work. (Thank
you for your patience  to those we have outstanding orders with)

Currently there is myself,  and my partner Eric primarily doing EVERYTHING
for production!  We do  not have enough revenue to hire employees as there
still is not enough  volume as we attempt to reenergize the KR design in the
homebuilt  community.  This IS NOT our primary method for making a living.
Eric  is still on active duty with the US Navy and lives a couple hours 
He  is instrumental in taking care of all website and administrative duties
for  nV Aero. He travels to the hangar to help with production, etc. when  
time permits based upon his current Op Temp.  Otherwise,  production is
basically me.  I do the ordering, stocking, fabricating  and any other 
jobs required.  We have some items contracted out  such as welding, 
machining, etc.  

Eric and I have a  desire to provide quality, affordable parts and materials
for people to  build their KR aircraft.  We certainly didn't get into this 
get  rich.  The first thing to understand is nV Aero does not own the  
to the plans for any of the KR aircraft. Jeanette has a price that  she 
the plans to us. Based upon that price we charge enough to cover  our
shipping and administrative costs (picking up plans from RR which is  40
miles away, and other expenses associated with packaging and  shipping.)  
to printing costs Jeanette has raised the price of the  KR-1 plans to us.
The drawings and additional copies she provides are at  current market rates
from the printers.  The book is the same as  everyone else has received for
the past several years but those are rapidly  running out so I anticipate
another increase once the current inventory is  depleted.  

This brings me to Mr. Caudle's post.  I do feel  he should have contacted me
first before posting to the net with his  "displeasure".  I think I 
it fairly well above but let me be  clear, WE buy the plans for $95.  We 
at $114.95.  We found  that is easier for flat rate shipping for our 
cart system due to  the various destinations in the US and abroad.  So, $25
for "shipping"  less up to 6% for credit card processing if a Corporate card
is used. This  leaves us $108.05. Subtract $5.70 for Priority Mail with
delivery  confirmation leaves $102.35 less $95 for RR leaves us $7.35 for 
time to  pick up plans from RR, print packing lists (The packing list was
with Mr.  Caudle's registration page), registration pages, package and get
them to  the post office or however we ship.  Clearly we are making a TON  
money for the hassle.

I am a little displeased myself with Mr.  Caudle's post given our original
correspondence.  Nothing was  misleading when he inquired about the plans 
their quality. I guess I  should have been VERY specific as to the 
pages showing the new  dimensions from the KR-2 changes with drawings 
of photos. You can  see my email to him below.  

"Dear Mr.  Caudle,

Thank you for your inquiry into the KR-1.  I have not seen  the Corby 
plans so could not comment on how they compare however,  there have been
several hundred KR-1's build over the years.  The KR-1  plans were drawn in
the 70's and have a builders manual with approximately  64 pages. The full
size drawings are for the airfoil only.   Dimensionally the additional 
and measurements in the manual are  pretty clear.  One positive thing
regarding the KR series is the  builder support is outstanding.  The KR-net
has about 600 members and  answers to most of your are readily available.  
course you can  contact us as well.   I will work on converting a copy of a
page  from the plans to send to you."

Keep in mind these plans were  written a very long time ago.   To answer the
various questions  posted regarding the KR-1 plans.  The pages that have 
removed  from the back of the manual were outdated and did not reflect
current  building recommendations.  There also was engine info from  
as well as parts and kit availability that is 

KR> Retractable gear

2010-10-20 Thread Dan Heath
That is a pretty KR, but if I had it, the first thing I would do, would be
to get rid of that retract gear, and the next thing would be to put in dual
sticks.  Nice KR.

I am sure that the covers were not part of the plans, and there is a reason
why the re-design of that gear mechanism took up most of the content of the
KR Newsletters and why you don't see them on KR's, much anymore.

Many headaches and expense for no benefit.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN
There is a time for building and it never seems to end.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-
I feel like sticking up for the retractable gear.