KR> Removable Front Deck

2016-05-06 Thread Gary Shubert
I have been considering making my front deck and the area under it removable as 

There is a discussion of the pros and cons of this on the Flybaby web site.  
The Flybaby boat is very similar to a KR

There was also a write up of an instrument panel rework where a portion of the 
cockpit floor was removable thus allowing you to stand in the cockpit with your 
feet on the ground and it made life much easier

Has anyone else considered this?


KR> Rudder Stops

2015-06-10 Thread Gary Shubert
The 150/152 rudder stops on the rudder horn was in response to loss of control 
issues during training specifically spin training

The original stops were much smaller and could jump over the adjustment stop 
resulting in jammed rudder and several deaths

Regarding stress on cables as a former 152 owner I put enough stress on the 
rudder stop once In a cross wind landing I should not have attempted that I 
bent a pulley bracket

The A stated the cable was fine and just repaired the bracket

Looking back on it now maybe he did not want to rerun the rudder

That was my experience 


KR> Hiney placement KR2 - Single

2010-01-19 Thread Gary Shubert
I took a look at Brad Ankerstar's KR2 pictures and it has raised a question
(at least for me).

Brad's KR2 appears to be a single seat version with the pilot seat off the
fuselage centerline to the left with some type of storage compartment on the

I am doing a mock up of my cockpit of my KR2 (single place) at this time
(too cold for glass work) and I am planning on putting my hiney on the
centerline.  My thought process is related to balance in roll.

Now having said that I just realized that many of those who are building 2
place KR's tend to fly then solo a lot and thus they are off the centerline
with their hineys. 

So how big of a deal is it to have the CG left or right of the centerline?
Do those with wing tanks compensate by using fuel burns to balance?  What
about aileron trim tabs for this (I would rather not).

By the way from what I can tell I make about 2 Mark Langfords tipping the
scale at 240.

Gary Shubert

East Hampton, CT 06424

KR> info wing skins

2009-05-16 Thread Gary Shubert
I picked up a project that came with  new in box Diehl skins. 

I am in almost in the same position as Ray and I am struggling with the
following questions.

When placing Al tanks (AKA Mark Jones & Dana Overall) how are the tanks
supported relative to the spars?  Bonding small  Al angle pieces seams
appropriate but is anyone also strapping them in some how???

 Next :

Wing ribs?  What about (using the Dan Diehl skins) wing ribs over the area
of the tank?  I desire to make a longer skinnier tank similar to what Dan
recommends in the his installation instructions  (for the wet wing version)
but wonder about the skins ability to retain its shape while flying without
oil canning.  I can make ribs and then hollow out the center and install
over the tank and bond but is this necessary?  

I am thinking about making  "stiff" wing ribs for each end of the tank to
"lock" it in place laterally within the wing.  I have a KR experience CD and
in that CD Mark L. is demonstrating how he was fabricating  his wing tank
"skins" he mentioned that due to the stiffness in that area he was NOT using
ribs and apparently Dan was in the audience as Mark asked about his wing
skins and Dan (off camera) indicated that with his skins he did use ribs.  I
understand that ribs or something like them perform multiple functions in a
wet wing including baffling.  BUT are they necessary for wing skin
structural support?

It is almost warm enough here in CT now to get resin to set up.  Likely next
week it will be too hot and the stuff will go off while I am still mixing
it.  Nice place,  but building in a drafty unheated barn makes for a short
airframe construction season.

Gary Shubert

KR2 - Corvair

Last question

KR> Venturi on a KR2S

2009-03-01 Thread Gary Shubert
I just want to thank everyone who responded to my post.

There were a lot of "opinions" and some very good food for thought.

Glenda and WW's reply's must have taken 30 minutes to an hour to each to
generate.  Collectively the time spent to generate the various replies to my
question took several hours of effort from a group of people who have never
met me but share a common interest.

One thing I can speak to from personal experience is that it is HARD to find
time to work on my own project.  I am very grateful to any one who will take
time out of "their" busy lives to provide helpful information in response to
a question or even a dumb idea.

Thanks Again

Gary Shubert

KR2 - One step closer to finished

KR> Venturi on a KR2S

2009-02-24 Thread Gary Shubert
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009  John Gotschall wrote:

>You can try the method I used, ... Look for a link to "vaccuum system" at


Thanks that is exactly the type of information I was looking for.


KR> Venturi on a KR2S

2009-02-23 Thread Gary Shubert
>  I've been struggling to find a way to drive my vacuum pump on my KR2S...

I am also working on that one.  This subject might be better for the Corvair
group but here goes.

I want to put a dry pump on my Corvair powered KR2 (still building).  There
appear to be several approaches three are shown on Glenda McElwee's sight

My questions are as follows

Front Mount System - Has anyone ever mounted one in a similar location
"opposite" the harmonic balancer?

Revmaster Type System - You can buy this outright from Revmaster but what
are the thoughts on driving the pump with a pulley?

Dan Diehl System - Appairently this is no longer available from DD.  Has
anyone had actual experience with this system?

Also are there any construction details for any of these systems?  I am not
interested in copying something that I should buy, but if some sort of
construction information is available then that would be a big help.

Gary Shubert

Single Place KR2 -N325JG Some Day

KR> KR2 / Gas welding - Welding in Gereral

2008-11-23 Thread Gary Shubert
Since the subject has come up the following may be helpful.

The American Welding Society (AWS) has local chapters all over the country
(Similar structure to EAA Chapters).  They work to promote welding from the
welding operator to the design metallurgist.  Check out for local

A big push is to work with high schools in the Vo-Tech area.  If you are
lucky you may be able to contact the local chapter and find a Vo-Tech school
that may have a might class where you can work on your tanks as your
"project" under supervision of an instructor or an instructor who would be
willing to take your welding project as a class learning exercise.  I could
see how a tank or engine mount could be a great learning exercise .   Just
don't expect it to be quick

.Material selection (How's & Why's)



.Testing (Non Destructive & Destructive opps they might need to make

I believe Mark L.  discusses taking a vo-tech class to learn how to paint
his car on his web site.

One more thought, some welding supply houses host "How to's (I know that
ABCO here in the north east does) about 2-4 times a year.  The objective is
to sell you something BUT if you check it out they usually have experts from
the various welding equipment and material suppliers on hand who ARE experts
and want to show & teach you how to do what ever so you will buy their
stuff.  Some times they have free samples (hats, gloves and some time
welding rod).  These are great chances to see and make hands on comparisons
and usually there are free hot  dogs.  My advise here is to find one of
these demos early and ask questions of the local store staff.  If they know
some one has questions about welding 4130 or 5000 series Al then the
"Factory Rep" WILL be prepared to answer those questions and will likely
have some type of specific freebee targeted to the person with the question.

Just some thoughts. 

Gary Shubert - Connecticut

KR2 - Single Place

Too cold to work in the barn.  Instrument panel in the dinning room AFTER

KR> eBay Motors: DRAWINGS of small double plane KR2

2008-10-16 Thread Gary Shubert
This subject pops up on this and other lists from time to time and I have
resisted writing this type of email but I believe that in this world of
"experimental" we should understand that intellectual property "IP" is just
that "property"  and it is subject to the rules of law of the various

First: I need to point out that I am not a lawyer and I do not play one on
TV.  However, I do review IP and spend most of my working hours in
discussions with various IP attorneys as part of my job function for an
aerospace corporation.

Second: I am an airplane addict.  I fly, I build and one day I will finish
what I am building.  Previously unfinished projects include:  Baby Ace, BD5,
Flybaby and now an orphaned KR2.

Third: I am very grateful for the wisdom and knowledge that is shared on
this network and others as well as websites that educates me in my areas of
interest which is currently a KR with a Corvair.

Now my rant which I hope does not backfire because if it does then all of
the great sources of information will suddenly go away and I will be forced
to learn about belly boards, new airfoils, safety shafts and 5th bearings on
my own and I am sure that the KR will end up like my other projects .  Which
would be in some form of un-airworthyness. 

So here goes...

When some organization or individual has a great idea they can basically
choose to do one of three  things with that idea.  1)  Keep it to themselves
(Secret) or share it with the public or seek some form of protection for the
concepts of the idea for a limited time this protection is granted so that
creative individuals will share their knowledge this is what a patent and IP
is all about. 

When some one applies for and is granted IP (intellectual property)
protection by virtue of a patent, trademark, copyright or other method they
have rights to prevent others from using that property without that persons
permission.  What is unfortunate about this situation is that the burden for
identifying the potential misuse of that person's property rests with that
person.  Big brother DOES NOT police IP for us.  What this means is that Ms
Rand (assuming she owns the rights to the KR builder manuals) has the
responsibility to keep track of what is going on in the world of cheep
copies of this material.  Same goes for WW and others who produce and claim
a copyright and want to have some control.  Similar statements could be made
for patents and Trademarks.

What really stinks is that it costs time and money to police IP and even
more time and money to seek redress for damages via the courts.  What it
boils down to is that often it is JUST NOT WORTH IT.  Considering  the small
numbers of individuals that are doing this type of "ripping off of others
IP" the equation of cost vs. reward for the IP owner is often not favorable.

What can we do IMHO:

1)  Be thankful for people who are willing to share their experience and
knowledge with others at what really is little or no cost.

2)  Where we believe we see misuse of others IP (such as the ebay
listing) contact the IP owner and let them know.  They can chose how they
want to deal with it.  If you want to contact Ebay feel free but any real
resolution to the problem will need to start with the IP owner.  BTW the
location on this Ebayer was Brazil...  Who knows what the laws in that
jurisdiction are

3)  Be honest ourselves.  If we want to copy something,,, do what MaMa
taught us.  ASK FIRST my experience has been that when I ask I have never
been turned down and often I get more help or assistance than I expected.
Remember that most of us who have been afflicted with the experimental bug
are really great guys and gals.

4)  Be willing to pay for something even if the "info" is free.  In
looking at the concepts for 5th bearings there is no way I could develop or
copy any of these ideas for under $3K with my skill and resources.  When I
can find a reference to what the costs may be for these possible fixes the
price tag appears that it will be much less.  Dan Weseman even offers to
loan you the tools to install his version of a 5th bearing for just a
refundable deposit.

I hope that this is not taken the wrong way.  I am NOT supporting the type
of thing in the Ebay listing.  One way of not supporting this is via not
buying it.  I know that this seller will likely sell a few copies of this
stuff.  However I do not think that any real builder of a KR will likely be
a purchaser.

Don't even get me started talking about use of others IP for "experimental
use or archiving".

Thanks again to all those who have or are going before me.

BTW as Oct-16-08 10:38:37 PDT someone hit the buy it now I sure hope it
wasn't a true builder 

Gary Shubert


N325JG - One day a KR 2 but now in the boat and spar stage with 3 Vair
engines to choose from