KR> BID definition

2016-03-18 Thread Sparky Sparks
Yep, that is what I used in my first Kr-2 BID 35 years ago.
Sparky Sparks

-Original Message- 
From: Sid Wood via KRnet
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 5:49 PM
To: krnet at
Cc: Sid Wood
Subject: KR> BID definition

BID is a short-hand call-out for Bi-directional fiber glass cloth;
approximately the same number of fiber strands crossing each other at 90
degrees in the woven cloth.  (Lots of weave patterns for fiber glass cloth
on the market: plain weave, Crow Foot, Satin weave, etc.  The Aircraft
Spruce catalog has a good reference for the home builder.)  The BID will
have approximately the same strength and stiffness in 90 degree directions.
Most plans call for the BID to be applied at 45-degrees fabric orientation
to the main spar to enhance torsional strength of the wing.  The Diehl wing
skins use this same 45-degree fabric orientation when they are constructed
at the factory.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

> "The Diehl wing skins are a sandwich with inner and outer
layers of 2 BID on a foam core.  I have talked with other builders that
used the Diehl skins and not used the spar extensions; they just use the
rather stiff skin as a monocoque stressed skin.
The Diehl skins extend the horizontal stabilizer and elevator span
each side for an increase of 6 inches more than the KR-2 plans."

Thanks for posting that info on the Diehl tailfeathers & skins.  I never
knew the stabilizer had three inches extra.  Nor do I know what BID is .
. . but I can Google fu and find out.  Whatever it is it sure holds up
well.  They literally still look like new after thirty years, tops and
bottoms.  Whatever BID is, it's good stuff.


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KR> technology in an airplane

2016-02-01 Thread Sparky Sparks
I'm with you,Larry!!

-Original Message- 
From: Larry Flesner via KRnet
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2016 3:57 PM
To: KRnet
Cc: Larry Flesner
Subject: KR> technology in an airplane

At 02:22 PM 2/1/2016, you wrote:
>So As much as I love the bright glass instruments I am really second 
>guessing when is there too much of a good thing.
>Joe Horton, N357CJ

I installed and calibrated dual SkyViews in an RV10 for a friend but
I love my old round gauges,  hand held radio, reliable old engine
with minimal monitoring, and looking out the window for traffic and
weather.  At this point, and at my age, flying is still an event, not
a challenge.  Even with my old and simple technology, I too make my
share of mistakes.  To each his own

Larry Flesner

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KR> TruTrak Autopilot $999

2015-12-22 Thread Sparky Sparks
WOW, what is next? How they can do this is beyond me!
Got zapped again today 13 more to go.
Streets flooded in North Santee.

-Original Message- 
From: Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 4:18 PM
To: krnet at
Cc: laser147 at
Subject: KR> TruTrak Autopilot $999

Since I'm a real fan of TruTrak I'm not sure why I'm only finding out
about this now, but it's only just started shipping in any case and I'm
still too busy with the Cavalier to spend any time on my KR but what a
nice thing to find out about.  Oh how I've longed for at least a wing
leveler - something that would allow me to take my attention off the
stick for more than five seconds without winding up in a climb or dive
and a radical course deviation.  This thing weighs nothing, has heading
and altitude hold and will track a GPS course.  If the GPS can be
programmed to follow an approach procedure I can imagine this thing would
do the approach.  I just learned of it and I imagine they are ironing out
wrinkles and will be doing so for a while I'm sure.  The tabs that come
with the unit are sized to the particular aircraft . . . so they either
have or will have an insttallation kit for KR's at some point.

Ally Bank, Member FDIC
Consistently competitive rates, 24/7 customer care, Member FDIC

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KR> KR Gathering

2015-09-11 Thread Sparky Sparks
Thank you Marc'  Sparky Sparks

-Original Message- 
From: Marc Baca via KRnet
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 8:58 AM
To: KRnet
Cc: Marc Baca ; Steve G.
Subject: Re: KR> KR Gathering

I typically maintain a low profile on the net and simply listen and learn 
but today I'm compelled to talk about something I know a little about.
Throughout the last couple of years i've seen a few individuals lob some 
subtle and often less than subtle suggestions that Steve Glover has indulged 
in some impropriety.   One such comment is the folowing..
"Hopefully there will be a full accounting to close those Gathering 

I'm hoping that comments like these are simply an abrupt choice of words and 
that they does not translate into  Steve Glover (who organized the 2014 
Gathering) having to deal with yet another layer of popular 

I'm almost positive that Steve Glover will NOT give a "FULL" accounting of 
the expenses for last year's gathering.  I'm sure that he won't bother 
anyone by commenting about the the numerous days he took off to get the 2014 
KR Gathering locked in, the amount of $$ he spent out of pocket for the guys 
he had to pay to clean and arranged a production hangar for the 
worshops.  and out of sheer consideration for attendees the 
constructions and installation of a new toilet (for older folk) and sinks, 
the siding so that the hangar would look presentable and functional  for 
people, the renting and purchase of amenities like the Public Address 
system, chairs and tables, the loss he took purchasing items to make sure 
the workshops were useful to people, the gasoline from driving around to get 
things done.Because the 2014 gathering appeared seemless, one might not 
know the amount of time and effort it took to deal  with the administration 
at the airport, discussions with insurance companies, the coordination of 
the cadre of volunteers and contributors that he had to convince.  I'm 
certain there's alot more that  did that does not come to mind at the 
I often see a posts that suggest that he is running a KR business that is 
non responsive and have even seen the suggestion of fiduciary impropriety. 
Many people don't know that he has invested several thousands of dollars 
into a business (perhaps $75K or more) that keeps premade KR Parts available 
at a significant loss to him personally year after year. I can see Steve's 
frustration building year after year as some of these posts add insult to 
the financial injury.

For those of you who have been swayed with a question about his character, 
I've seen Steve almost every weekend for the last 4 years during which time 
he's taught me to build aircraft. In the 4 years I've known him, I have not 
witnessed even ONE incidence where Steve has indulged in any monetary 
discrepancies. People never find out about the finicky buyers that cost him 
fees after rescinding their orders due to the unfounded comments and ideas 
transmitted through emails and such. Moreover, the last couple of years I've 
witnessed people's expressed anxieties about plans and parts on the KRnet. 
Most of the time the delays were caused by things that were not under his 
control. I wont bore anyone with details but consider this  Steve Glover 
has made a great contribution to the KR Community 75% of the time at his 
own expense  as there is  little financial gain in the KR parts business 
and almost all of the time there is negative financial gain.  Every month, 
year after year, despite the cyber wallops lobbed at him, he keeps the 
availability of pre made parts, kits and innovations for the KR coming.

Once again, I'm not interested in stirring up  a discussion about this... My 
comment is for the purpose of precluding a discussion about people's 
anxieties   as I personally witness the weekly operations at the NVaero 

I also want to tip my hat to those individuals who assemble these 
gatherings  as I've witnessed that it is a Herculean effort.
Marc BacaEast L.A.N13UG

 On Friday, September 11, 2015 6:09 AM, Steve G. via KRnet 

Yet again, nobody contacted me.

Steve Glover

Sent from my electronic leash.

> On Sep 11, 2015, at 05:40, Flesner via KRnet  wrote:
> I received the following personal e-mail and felt it necessary to reply to 
> the group as I'm sure others have the same concern.  E-mail and reply are 
> below.
> Larry Flesner
> At 11:29 PM 9/10/2015, you wrote:
>> Guys, is it really necessary/appropriate to be having this 'discussion' 
>> on a public forum?
> I felt it necessary to put the info on the net because of the situation it 
> created. In spite of Steve's co

KR> kr2S for display

2015-09-07 Thread Sparky Sparks
Yes, Ken was killed a long time before the 2S was developed.
Sparky Sparks

-Original Message- 
From: Flesner via KRnet
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 12:19 PM
To: KRnet
Cc: Flesner
Subject: KR> kr2S for display

Seems to me that Ken was killed several years before the 2S plans
were developed.  Along the same lines, I sure wish someone would fess
up and give the "REAL" performance numbers in advertising the KR
aircraft.  Takeoff in 350 feet, land in 650 feet, 180 mph cruise,
really?  Really.??? I've been to 25 of the last 26 KR
Gatherings and have yet to witness such awesome performance.

Larry Flesner

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