2008-10-12 Thread
 I had the world's worst experience with an FAA inspector.  His first 
statement was, "I don't have any experience with homebuilts and don't know what 
I'm looking at."  Then he proceeded to lecture me ad nosium...about something 
that he admitted he didn't know anything about.  After the inspection process 
was over, he wanted me to move my airplane to an airport 2 1/2 hours away to do 
the test flight program, while there was 4 rural airports within one hour.  
That's when I decided to change to a DAR so that I could do the 40 hours at a 
nearby airport.  Then the FAA inspector found out that I had circumvented him 
and launched an investigation. The DAR had made some errors in the paperwork, 
but he caught the flack, not me.  The $500 I paid the DAR was well worth it.  
Therefore, my advise is:  Don't, under any circumstances, use the FAA for your 
inspection.  And remember, they're not happy until you're not happy!


KR> 10G Pullout/Wing Stabl

2008-10-12 Thread
 This discussion reminds me of when I was a "nugget", flying T-28s out of 
Whiting Field, Florida in 1978.  Those of us that had survived Fam 1-15 were 
sent out to solo the mighty Trojan in order to practice our new-found piloting 
skills.  Someone in the group was talking about doing negative G pushovers and 
watching a pencil float in mid-air.  One of our buddies went out to try it the 
next day when he encountered a control problem.  It seems he hadn't secured the 
parachute in the rear cockpit, as emphasized in the NATOPS Manual.  He declared 
an emergency and landed at an outlying field.  After this guy landed, the duty 
officer climbed up on the wing and saw that the unsecured parachute was leaning 
on the stick in the rear cockpit.  "You're in a heap of trouble, enswine!" He 
growled.  Back at Whiting, he found himself doing a carpet dance in front of 
the squadron safety officer.  He got washed out of advanced training about 6 
months later.  
 So let this be a lesson to all KR drivers.  Unplanned manuevers can lead 
to a bad ending.

KR> Les Palmer

2008-10-12 Thread
 I talked to Les again today.  He relayed to me that he really enjoyed the 
phone calls he got yesterday.  Again, I encourage anyone interested in KRs to 
give him a call.  (972) 241-4387. 


KR> KR for sale

2008-10-12 Thread
 Les Palmer, innovator and KR experimenter, recently had a stroke and is no 
longer able to fly his KR-2S.  Therefore, he has asked me to list it for sale 
on the KR Net.  His KR is powered by a Subaru EJ-22, (150 hp), with reduction 
unit.  For more specifics, call Les at (972) 241-4387.


KR> First Flight

2008-10-12 Thread
It's not "crap".  I saw it...I believe it.  Mark really did it.  I heard the, 


KR> VW Woes

2008-10-12 Thread
You mentioned a weak spark.  That may very well be the problem.  You should see 
a bright blue spark.  


KR> Fuel Injection

2008-10-12 Thread
  RFI has come up with a "cut and paste" EFI system for aviation.  They 
have installed over 400 Subaru EJ-22 engines in their autogyros.  In fact, they 
publish a manual to aid in the task.  The problems aren't reliablity.  The 
problems are the weights of the intake manifold and reduction unit.  


KR> AS504x

2008-10-12 Thread
 What type airfoil does one have if he is using the Deilh wingskins?  Is it 
the AS 504x, or some other type?  Is this a stupid question?  Inquiring minds 
want to know?


KR> Fuselage

2008-10-12 Thread
 For any wannabees out there, here's an idea for you:  Purchase Collin's 
engine and my fuselage in order to get a jump start on your project.  I'm only 
asking $150 for it.  What a deal!
 By the way, I'd like to sell it by the end of April as I am heading north 
to Alaska to fulfill one of my career goals of becoming a bush pilot.  Eat your 
hearts out...boys.


KR> Fuselage

2008-10-12 Thread
 For those of you interested in the 2S fuselage that I have for sale:  1)  
It is located in southern California.  2)  If is made of spruce and is a skin applied.  3)  On April 15th the price does down to $100.  4) 
 If it isn't sold by the end of April, it gets busted up for kindling.  I know 
that sounds like a waste, but I can't store it any longer.


KR> Electronic Ignition

2008-10-12 Thread
 For those of you who are interested in electronic ignitions for your KR, 
you might want to investigate the Subaru EJ-22 engine.  It comes right out of 
the car with an factory EI.  I've flown mine for about 50 hours now, and it has 
worked well.  Of course, 50 hours isn't much, but RFI has used over 400 on 
their auto-gyros and they speak well of them.  Not only are they reliable, but 
the computer automatically adjusts the mixture for you, so you don't need a 
mixture control.  I could go on and on about the advantages and disadvantages, 
but I will spare you.  If you have any questions, you can contact me off the 


KR> Subaru Ignition

2008-10-12 Thread
 The concept of adapting the Subbie ignition to a VW seems to me that it is 
almost impossible.  Most of the sensors that make the Subbie EI so niffty are 
located on the intake manifold.  And the Subbie manifold is probably way to big 
to adapt to a VW.  On the other hand, why would you want to try to adapt it to 
a VW.  It would probably be cheaper and easier just to use the entire Subbie 
package.  The main concerns seem to me would be the addition of a PSRU, 
radiator and increased weight.  By the times you've done all of that, the 
Corvair seems like a better alternative.  I think adapting an EI to the Corvair 
would be one hell of an idea.


KR> Not KR Related

2008-10-12 Thread
 This story is a good example of how accidents are many times the results 
of multiple failures.  That's why it is so important for a CFI to include at 
lease a few simulated emergencies on each lesson.  My favorite is this one:  I 
point out the windscreen to the 10 o'clock position and say to the student, 
"Hey, isn't that the Blue Angels?"  They look every time, as I reach over and 
pull the throttle back.  We both get a good laugh...and they always remember 
their engine failure proceed after that.  


KR> Getting money Back...

2008-10-12 Thread
"She didn't want me to fly..." I came down with AIDS.  (Aviation induced divorce syndrome).

KR> Bubba

2008-10-12 Thread
Dave said; "Get used to Budda using you for his wife."

Hey Dave, let's leave Budda out of this.  

KR> Doug Fir

2008-10-12 Thread
"You can't increase the strength of wood simply by cutting it into pieces and 
gluing it back together."

Oh yes you can!


KR> Buying Wood

2008-10-12 Thread
The topic of what wood to use to build a wooden airplane has always been a 
hot topic.  Studies reveal that douglas fir is stronger than spruce, but 
slightly heavier.  The strongest, most stable fir is old growth CVG:  Old 
growth means more than 10 growth rings per inch - it really has nothing to do 
with age of the tree, and CVG means Clear, verticle grain. 
 If you examine any unit of lumber, you'll find some of the the boards have 
more than ten rings per inch.  That board could then be resawn, ensuring that 
the rings are verticle, deleting the knots, and be used for aircraft building. 
Since most mill-run construction lumber isn't dried, a builder would want to 
season it until the moisture content is reducted to a minimum in order to 
ensure that the fibers sabilize. And, of course, once the wood is built into a 
airplane, it should be sealed so it won't reabsorb moisture.  
 I recall reading about builders who used douglas fir for construction of a 
KR, and the added weight was less than 10 lbs.  Therefore, I think using 
douglas fir is a viable option for builing KRs...or any wooden airplane.  
  However, if you insist on using spruce, I have a KR-2s fuselage, built of 
spruce, for sale right now...for only $150.  Come and get it boys!


KR> Prop

2008-10-12 Thread
 I have a Props Inc. 52x48 that is just waiting for a Corvair guy to put it 
to good use.  It cost me $325.  I'll sell it for $275...and you won't be sorry. 
 Give me a call at (805) 455-7085 to fulfill KR dreams. 


KR> Control Surface Failure

2008-10-12 Thread
Harold...and other netters;
 That was one of the best flying stories I've ever heard.  I'm forwarding 
it to all of my flying buddies.


KR> Weight and Balance

2008-10-12 Thread
  After one has "done the math", and you think you have the weight and 
balance close, apply a practical test to the situation.  Taxi on to a long 
runway.  Power up and go roaring down the runway.  Gently apply forward 
pressure on the stick in order to get the tail up.  Once the tail is up, apply 
gentle back pressure until you get the mains off.  Fly about 5 feet above the 
runway for a short distance and make a subjective judgement concerning the 
correctness of your balance.  If you can fly comfortably in ground effect, you 
will probably be OK to fly your KR out of ground effect.  You may want to do 
this several times before you commit yourself to a trip "around the patch".  
Caution is the key.  Don't rush into flight after having spent several years 
building another great KR!


KR> Fuselage and Prop for sale

2008-10-12 Thread
  I have an unskinned KR-2S fuselage and a new Props Inc. 52 x 48 clockwise 
prop for sale.  I am asking $150 for fuselage,(the wood is worth much more than 
that), and
$250 for the prop, (it cost me $325).  If interested, please contact me at 
(805) 455-7085.


KR> Aviation Products/Tail Wheel

2008-10-12 Thread
  Not only is Aviation Products still in business, but a good friend of 
mine is the expert machinist that builds the tailwheels in question.  Small 
world, isn't it?


KR> Comments on ELSA

2008-10-12 Thread
  I enjoyed Colin's discussion on how the FAA works.  Which brings to mind 
an old saying:  "The FAA is not happy until you are not happy".


KR> Flight Controls

2008-10-12 Thread
 My inspector checked the deflection of not just the elevator, but the 
ailerons and rudder also.  And...he insisted they be adjusted according to the 
 Also, I use full aft stick on landing in order to hold the nose gear off 
as long as possible.  If I didn't have the full 30 percent up movement on the 
elevator, I couldn't hold the nose gear off as long.  If you aren't getting the 
full 30 degrees up and 20 degrees down, I would find out what needs adjustment 
and then take the time to adjust it accordingly.


KR> Midget Mustang

2008-10-12 Thread
The midget mustang was the predecessor of the Mustang II, even though they 
don't look much alike.  As I recall, it was originally designed to be a racer.  
A friend almost bought one...up and running for $10k with an IO 360.  The owner 
claimed it would do 220 mph flat out.  
However, if the seller claims it is 90% done, you have to assume it is 90% to 
go.  I guess the question here is:  how much is the seller asking.


KR> Belly Boards

2008-10-12 Thread
 Before I installed my manually operated belly board, I was wondering about 
3 issues in relation to it's operations:

1)  How hard would it be to pull the handle?  I found that it wasn't much 
harder to pull the handle at 150 mph than when I was sitting on the ramp.
2)  What effect would it have if I forgot to raise it while doing touch and 
goes?  Almost unnoticeable since,I'm getting about 130 hp on takeoff from my 
Subie EJ-22 with PSRU.  It would probably have a bigger effect if I was using a 
smaller engine.
3)  What effect would it have in cruise flight?  It cost me 10 mph in speed and 
my water temp goes up about 10 degrees F.

By the way, I am trying a new belly mounted radiator.  I'll let all of you know 
how it works. I'm hoping it runs cooler and causes less drag.


KR> Belly Boards

2008-10-12 Thread
 My SB is 6 x 30" and it deploys 30 degrees.  The main difference I notice 
in landing is that there is much less float with the SB deployed.  I haven't 
checked it on descent...since I don't use it on descent.  I just pull the 
throttle back with no worries about cracking heads, since I'm water cooled.  
However, I suppose I'll give it a try.

> From: larry flesner 
> Date: 2004/08/25 Wed PM 05:30:33 EDT
> To: KRnet 
> Subject: Re: KR> Belly Boards
> >2)  What effect would it have if I forgot to raise it while doing touch
> and goes?  Almost unnoticeable since,I'm getting about 130 hp on takeoff
> from my Subie EJ-22 with PSRU.  It would probably have a bigger effect if I
> was using a smaller engine.
> >3)  What effect would it have in cruise flight?  It cost me 10 mph in
> speed and my water temp goes up about 10 degrees F.
> >RV
> RV,
> What size is your speed brake and what angle will it deploy to?
> Mine is 9" X 30" and deploys to very near 90 degrees.
> With the modest effect your brake seems to have on your climb 
> and cruise I wondering just how much drag you are getting on
> landings.  Any noticable differance?  Mine will knock 10 mph
> off my approach speed and requires me to carry a bit of power
> to keep from dropping like a rock.  I'm getting an additional
> 300+ fpm decent rate with the brake out.
> Larry Flesner
> ___
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Foam vs Mahogeny Plywood

2008-10-12 Thread
 After I flew off the initial 40 hours on my KR-2S, I noticed that the wing 
roots, (fiberglass over foam), weren't holding up too well. (the outer portions 
of the wings were built with Deilh wings skins and looked just fine). I 
mentioned this to an experienced builder.  He suggested that I use mahogeny:  
1/4" for ribs and 1/8" for the skins and redo the wings roots. I did.  It looks 
much better and has to be a lot stronger.  The weight difference is negligible. 
Any comments?


KR> West Coast Gathering

2008-10-12 Thread
 I, for one, would be interested in attending at West Coast gathering.  

Ron vogt

KR> Ask me how I know

2008-10-12 Thread

Ok, Justin, how do  you know?


KR> SB: Holes vs No Holes

2008-10-12 Thread
 I am in the process of changing my 6 x 30 inch speed brake.  It has 12, 2" 
holes in it.  It does ok in terms of slowing the KR down, but it doesn't do 
much to lower the nose attitude on approach.  Has anyone compared the two type 
of SB with respect to nose attitude on approach?  If so, please enlighten me.


KR> Bad Manners

2008-10-12 Thread

Can you guys image what the response would be if one of us made a comment on 
the KR Net about a female builder's genitalia? I do believe that Ms. Glyniss 
has a bit of a chip on her shoulder.  A chip that has to be at least twice as 
big as her...brain.  I guess she feels that because she teaches, (hopefully not 
flying), she has the right to insult the good members of our beloved KR Net. In 
my humble opinion, I think not. Banish the wench forever!


KR>Joe C.

2008-10-12 Thread
I demand to see a birth certificate.  Otherwise, how do I really know that you 
are Joe C.?  

KR>Flight Characteristics

2008-10-12 Thread
Mr. Monday;
 Single-engine land.  If he is a private pilot he can fly a KR.  Whether or 
not the insurance company likes the fact that he is flying a KR is a different 


KR>Wankel Rotary

2008-10-12 Thread
 After listening to all of the debate regarding the rotary engine, I am a 
little confused.  My question is this:  What is the best rotary engine to use 
on a KR-2S?  I think 120 to 130 hp would be about the correct hp.  Any comments 
or answers to my question.



2008-10-12 Thread
Attention Netters:
 I just came across a KR-2 fuselage.  It is simply the structure with no 
skin.  It is well made and could give someone a headstart on building their 
dream plane.  If anyone is interested, drop me an email off the KR net.


KR>More Info on Fuselage

2008-10-12 Thread
 The afore mentioned fuselage is located in Santa Barbara, California.  The 
lucky individual who decides to buy this gem gets to come to SB and haul it off.


KR>Current news

2008-10-12 Thread
 A hardy slap on the back is in order for my man...Justin.  Getting his 
license at his tender young age is probably due in part to the influence 
exerted by his more elderly pals on the KR net.
 Also, I would like to add...N4027Y, the EJ-22 powered KR-2S, has recently 
passed the 40 mark and is now free to roam the skies without undue restriction.

Ron Vogt


2008-10-12 Thread
 This has been the best discussion I've read since joining the KR Net.  Now 
I would like to add my 2 cents.  I don't think I am as knowledgeable in the 
realm of engines as some, but I do have one advantage:  I'm flying a KR with a 
modern auto converstion.  After 7,000 hours and professional flying I can say, 
I have never flown an airplane that is as much fun as my KR-2s with Subaru 
EJ-22.  Aside from the fun factor, I would like to add 2 points:  1) my 
airplane has a trouble light on the instrument panel that identifies the 
malfuncion.  2) My PSRU has TWO belts.  
 And, I would like to add...pilot error, (usually involving fuel starvation 
or mismanagement), is the major cause of aircraft accidents.  

Ron Vogt