Re: KR> Gathering finances

2018-09-28 Thread Flesner via KRnet

On 9/28/2018 10:29 AM, Flesner via KRnet wrote:

I'm finally getting my life back in order after two four day weekends 
in a row and being ill between the two. 


Bank deposit confirmed my earlier count.

After the last two weekends I have one open weekend and then I do a 4 
day weekend at the AOPA fly-in at a local airport and then the following 
weekend another 4 day weekend with the EAA Trimotor fly-in at another 
local airport.  I'm concerned I'll be missing a few afternoon naps.  At 
my age that could be life threatening. Somewhere during all this I need 
to try out a new prop on the KR.

Larry Flesner

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KR> Gathering finances

2018-09-28 Thread Flesner via KRnet

I'm finally getting my life back in order after two four day weekends in 
a row and being ill between the two.  This morning I did the first roll 
out on the Gathering finances.  I was pleasantly surprised to find we 
came out reasonably well in spite of the low attendance.  I seem to be 
"Excel" challenged so I'll have John post the report to the Gathering 
web page in the next few days. Hopefully he won't find any major errors.

Beginning balance $4430.00
Ending Balance $4188.48

I still have two small mailing amounts to deduct so the total will 
change slightly.  I also have several hats / shirts for sale and that 
could up the total slightly.  Thanks to all that contributed over and 
above the required amounts to help keep us in a good financial status.  
I'll post a list of hats /shirts for sale in the next few days.

Larry Flesner

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KR> Gathering finances

2016-09-20 Thread Larry Flesner

Nettlers and Gathering attendees,

I was concerned that with the bad weather and lower turnout this year 
we'd be a bit short on the finances.  Good news!  With the help of 
two generous donations, one corporate and one anonymous , and the 
generosity of the banquet attendees, it was a break even 
year.  Starting balance was $4330 and ending balance is $4375.  I 
haven't double checked any of my entries or math but I'm confident it 
is close.  I'll send a complete report to John for posting in the 
next few days to show all income and expense.

Thanks to all that helped make this year a financial success.

Larry Flesner  

KR> Gathering finances final report

2012-12-02 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner

Second attempt.  I never received the post back.  Sorry if this is a duplicate.
Larry Flesner

>I have just e-mailed the final financial report for the 2012 
>Gathering to Bob Lee for posting to the 
>site.  Give Bob a couple days to get it uploaded.  Final number is 
>$5219.12, up very slightly over last year.  That is a very 
>sufficient amount if we can hold it there from year to year.  Thanks 
>to all that made it possible to increase the fund from year to year 
>to relieve the host from any financial burdens.
>I just mailed the last hat / shirt orders this week.  I have two 
>shirts left that will go to the first person(s) that respond.  They 
>are size 3XL.  $8.50 shipping (USA) for each shirt or same if both 
>go to the same address.  I'm guessing I won't hear from Langford on 
>this one. :-)
>I hope to get with Chris Collins soon and start the process of 
>setting next years Gathering date.  September / October is a very 
>busy time at Mt.Vernon.  E-mail me ( OFF NET ONLY at 
> ) with your preference of two dates in the 
>September / October time frame.  I'll do a tally and check that 
>against dates available.  If you simply hit reply to this e-mail and 
>clutter the net with traffic I will most likely use the "one button" 
>solution of "delete".  Thanks to all.
>Thanks to all and a blessed Merry Christmas to all..

KR> Gathering finances final report

2012-12-02 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner

I have just e-mailed the final financial report for the 2012 
Gathering to Bob Lee for posting to the 
site.  Give Bob a couple days to get it uploaded.  Final number is 
$5219.12, up very slightly over last year.  That is a very sufficient 
amount if we can hold it there from year to year.  Thanks to all that 
made it possible to increase the fund from year to year to relieve 
the host from any financial burdens.

I just mailed the last hat / shirt orders this week.  I have two 
shirts left that will go to the first person(s) that respond.  They 
are size 3XL.  $8.50 shipping (USA) for each shirt or same if both go 
to the same address.  I'm guessing I won't hear from Langford on this 
one. :-)

I hope to get with Chris Collins soon and start the process of 
setting next years Gathering date.  September / October is a very 
busy time at Mt.Vernon.  E-mail me ( OFF NET ONLY at ) with your preference of two dates in the 
September / October time frame.  I'll do a tally and check that 
against dates available.  If you simply hit reply to this e-mail and 
clutter the net with traffic I will most likely use the "one button" 
solution of "delete".  Thanks to all.

Thanks to all and a blessed Merry Christmas to all..


KR> Gathering finances

2009-10-21 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner

Things are pretty much rapped up from the Gathering and I've been 
meaning to post a report.  I've just not gotten around to it yet.  I 
will forward this years financial report to Bob Lee to post on the 
web for your review.

Bottom line indicates that, while attendance was down a bit this 
year, financially it was a break even event.  The dollar amount in 
the KR fund actually increased by about $55.  A special thanks to all 
those that contributed over and above the hat and shirt sales.  It 
has been the additional donations, both at the awards banquet and off 
line, that have helped us get to the point over the past six years so 
the host has no out of pocket advance money to plan the event.  I, 
like everyone else, buy my own meals, shirt and hat, transportation, 
etc.  I've always considered hosting the Gathering to be totally 
voluntary and not expected the attendees to pay my way.  That is as 
it should be for an event like the Gathering.

That brings me to my final point.  Several have suggested that the 
Gathering fund is getting large enough, $4,800, that we might ought 
to think about having a treasurer or at least have two people signing 
checks.  Personally, I do not have a problem with forwarding the 
funds to Dana for next year but this is not my money, it's your 
money.  Those that have attended past Gatherings have invested in 
future Gathering and I'd at least like to get some feedback.  Keep it 
off net if you would and I'll report back with number of e-mails and 
opinions received.  E-mail me direct at

I'm already looking forward to the 2010 Gathering.  Fly or drive, it 
will be my 21st consecutive Gathering.  Y  H

Larry Flesner

KR> Gathering finances update

2008-10-12 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner

Here is a quick update on the 2006 Gathering finances.
I've spent several hours counting cash and going over
the numbers this morning and I think these figures are
correct. I will be forwarding the info to Bob Lee so he can
update the Gathering web page.  These are not the final
totals as I have a few un-cashed checks for some shirts to
mail as well as having approx 18 shirts left that I will
make available in the next few day.  Several of you have
indicated you want another shirt and I will prioritize your
request.  Give me some time to catch up on the details.

Larry Flesner

Beginning Balance   3575.26
Hats / shirts total 2909.16
Misc 72.09
Banquet expense966.00
Airport facilities usage   250.00

Banquet ticket sales1380.00
Hats/ shirts sales  2730.00
Banquet donations 580.00


Total Expenses  4307.98
Total Income4690.00

Current Balance 3957.28*
*We may have several hundred dollars in additional
hat and shirt sales.

KR> Gathering finances update

2008-10-12 Thread Larry H.
Thanks for keeping up with all that stuff Larry. It is a lot of aggrevation and 
work, but I bet you like being aggrevated !
 : )
Larry H.

 Gathering finances update

Here is a quick update on the 2006 Gathering finances.
I've spent several hours counting cash and going over
the numbers this morning and I think these figures are
correct. I will be forwarding the info to Bob Lee so he can
update the Gathering web page.  These are not the final
totals as I have a few un-cashed checks for some shirts to
mail as well as having approx 18 shirts left that I will
make available in the next few day.  Several of you have
indicated you want another shirt and I will prioritize your
request.  Give me some time to catch up on the details.

Larry Flesner

Beginning Balance3575.26
Awards  110.73
Hats / shirts total2909.16
Misc 72.09
Banquet expense   966.00
Airport facilities usage   250.00

Banquet ticket sales1380.00
Hats/ shirts sales2730.00
Banquet donations  580.00


Total Expenses4307.98
Total Income4690.00

Current Balance3957.28*
*We may have several hundred dollars in additional
hat and shirt sales.

KR> Gathering finances correction

2008-10-12 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner

>Beginning Balance   3575.26
>Current Balance 3957.28*
>*We may have several hundred dollars in additional
>hat and shirt sales.

When I went to make the bank deposit I was off by $80.  They counted
it three times and I brought the whole thing home and counted it
again.  Sure enough, I was in error.  Sorry about that.  The new (corrected)
balance is $3877.28   I guess that's what happens when you use both
fingers and toes to count and don't take off your socks. :-)

It also crossed my mind that I need to correct some line items.  We had
92 meals at the banquet but four were "guest", Jeanette and Susan, and
the county board chairman and wife.  The totals will remain the same but
I'll adjust the amounts in the banquet tickets and hats / shirts entries.

I should have the info to Bob Lee for posting to the Gathering site in the
next few days.

Larry Flesner

KR> Gathering finances / aggravation

2008-10-12 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner
At 11:56 AM 10/5/2006, you wrote:
>Thanks for keeping up with all that stuff Larry. It is a lot of
>aggrevation and work, but I bet you like being aggrevated !
>  : )
>Larry H.

My wife is the one that's aggravated.  She officially GROUNDED
me after the Gathering was over until I get some much needed
work done on the house.  My KR is still at Mt.Vernon and it looks
like I'll miss a local hamburger cook fly-out this weekend.  Oh well,
it was fun while it lasted.  :-)

Larry Flesner

KR> Gathering finances / aggravation

2008-10-12 Thread Larry H.
You just have to sneak off while she is not looking !  : )  
Tell her you had to fly to another town for supplies for the house !  hee hee
Lots easier to get forgiveness than permission !
Larry H.


My wife is the one that's aggravated.  She officially GROUNDED
me after the Gathering was over until I get some much needed
work done on the house.  My KR is still at Mt.Vernon and it looks
like I'll miss a local hamburger cook fly-out this weekend.  Oh well,
it was fun while it lasted.  :-)

Larry Flesner

KR> Gathering finances / aggravation

2008-10-12 Thread Joseph H. Horton
 Same here. I have not even mentioned flying. I just come home
every night and go straight to work on something.
I did start to check on readjusting the aerocarb for winter temps
and discovered that the retaining nut that backs up the needle had come
out  and that explains the constant fiddling that I had to do with the
carb mixture over the weekend
I may sneak up to my Dad's Sunday morning to buy his birthday
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

> My wife is the one that's aggravated.  She officially GROUNDED
> me after the Gathering was over until I get some much needed
> work done on the house.  My KR is still at Mt.Vernon and it looks
> like I'll miss a local hamburger cook fly-out this weekend.  Oh 
> well,
> it was fun while it lasted.  :-)
> Larry Flesner

KR> Gathering finances

2008-10-12 Thread larry flesner

I've managed to sort through the finances for the 2005 Gathering this
morning and the indications are as follows:

We should end with a balance in the Gathering fund of 
approx $3375.  We started this years Gathering with a
balance of approx $3000.  This will be adjusted  by a
couple hundred dollars yet as I pay the last small bill
on shirts and then receive payment on additional shirt
sales.  I hope this "ballpark" figure is correct as I ran out
of coffee before finishing the count. :-)

The final results , in detail, will be available on the web
page in the next week or so.  Feel free to e-mail me
any questions you have at that time.

Thanks again to everyone that helped out.

Larry Flesner
2005 Gathering Host