I'm finally getting my life back in order after two four day weekends in a row and being ill between the two.  This morning I did the first roll out on the Gathering finances.  I was pleasantly surprised to find we came out reasonably well in spite of the low attendance.  I seem to be "Excel" challenged so I'll have John post the report to the Gathering web page in the next few days. Hopefully he won't find any major errors.

Beginning balance $4430.00
Ending Balance     $4188.48

I still have two small mailing amounts to deduct so the total will change slightly.  I also have several hats / shirts for sale and that could up the total slightly.  Thanks to all that contributed over and above the required amounts to help keep us in a good financial status.  I'll post a list of hats /shirts for sale in the next few days.

Larry Flesner

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