KR> IFLY 720 for sale

2016-09-29 Thread Larry Flesner
At 07:06 PM 9/29/2016, you wrote:

>I'm looking to upgrade some avionics and will have an iFly 720 for 
>sale with soft case , ac adaptor, dc adaptor, and suction mount.

It also has a remote control unit.

Larry Flesner 

KR> IFLY 720 for sale

2016-09-29 Thread Larry Flesner


I'm looking to upgrade some avionics and will have an iFly 720 for 
sale with soft case , ac adaptor, dc adaptor, and suction mount.  It 
is a fully functioning unit in like new condition with a screen 
protector always used.  I will know tomorrow at this time if it's for 
sale or not but I'll honor first offers if it goes on sale.  Price 
$450  I have a current subscription and could send it with a complete 
current update.  The 720 has WIFI capabilities and with the right 
equipment can show traffic and weather.

Larry Flesner

KR> Ifly 720

2016-06-13 Thread Jeff Scott


Sent:?Monday, June 13, 2016 at 11:23 AM
From:?"Mark Langford via KRnet" 
Cc:?ml at
Subject:?Re: KR> Ifly 720
Brian Kraut wrote:

> Ifly 720. I powered it up over the weekend and noticed that it
> took probably a minute or so to boot up and operation seems to not be
> very fast on it. I kind of expected that on their dedicated hardware
> that it would zip right along or at least run as good as it does on my
> phone that is also running 100 other processes at the same time. I also
> noticed that the touch screen requires a harder touch than my phone or
> tablet

Right on all counts! Mine probably takes well over two minutes to boot,
and the touch screen isn't as sensitive as in iPhone, which may be by
design. And the absence of an on/off switch is unforgiveable, as is the
absence of at least a tiny battery to get you through cycling other
power on or off for a few seconds. The other biggie is the super glossy
screen. It just doesn't work well in a plane with a canopy. I had to
buy another touch screen for mine for $120 after relatively little
usage, but the previous one had a non-glare sheet over it. I may have
even bought the non-glare thing...I forget, but I'm looking for another
one now.

Other than these nits, it's a great unit, but the conclusion I've drawn
is to run it on an iPad, which can be bought used for under $100, and
you get the best of both worlds. iPad hardware is pretty dang reliable
and trouble free. I'm using my daughter discarded after many years of
hard use, and everything on works like the day it was new. And what a

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at"[]

I had the exact same issues with my iFly 720.  Painfully slow boot up.  
Insensitive screen.  Mine also needed the screen recalibrated regularly. I 
liked their software, but the 720 unit seemed to have a few problems.  Mine 
finally lost it's mind about a year ago and needed the OS to be flashed onto it 
again.  I asked them to make me a deal to trade for an iFly 740.  All of those 
issues were addressed in the iFly 740.  It boots fast.  Has a much brighter 
screen that is more sensitive than the 720, but not overly sensitive like my 
Android unit.  And it has an internal battery that will run it for ~15 minutes. 
 And the WiFi on the 740 seems to work much better.

I also fly with an Android running the same iFly software.  I find it to be a 
bit overly sensitive when I'm flying in rough air, so it's easy to get the 
wrong things keyed in.  It's not nearly as bright as the iFly 740, but about 
the same as the iFly 720.  The android also seems to be susceptible to RF 
interference that knocks the WiFi off line, so it drops the connection to my 
ADS-B gear.  Yesterday, the Android overheated and shut down for ~30 minutes 
while sitting in the same bright sunlight right next to my iFly unit, so I 
would say the iFly unit is a bit more hardy in real world environments.  I 
never had my iFly 720 or 740 shut down due to heat, but the Android has quit 
twice requiring it to cool for about 30 minutes in front of a vent and out of 
the sunlight before it was functional again.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

KR> Ifly 720

2016-06-13 Thread ml at
Brian Kraut wrote:

> Ifly 720.  I powered it up over the weekend and noticed that it
> took probably a minute or so to boot up and operation seems to not be
> very fast on it.  I kind of expected that on their dedicated hardware
> that it would zip right along or at least run as good as it does on my
> phone that is also running 100 other processes at the same time.  I also
> noticed that the touch screen requires a harder touch than my phone or
> tablet 

Right on all counts!  Mine probably takes well over two minutes to boot,
and the touch screen isn't as sensitive as in iPhone, which may be by
design.  And the absence of an on/off switch is unforgiveable, as is the
absence of at least a tiny battery to get you through cycling other
power on or off for a few seconds.  The other biggie is the super glossy
screen.  It just doesn't work well in a plane with a canopy. I had to
buy another touch screen for mine for $120 after relatively little
usage, but the previous one had a non-glare sheet over it.  I may have
even bought the non-glare thing...I forget, but I'm looking for another
one now.

Other than these nits, it's a great unit, but the conclusion I've drawn
is to run it on an iPad, which can be bought used for under $100, and
you get the best of both worlds.  iPad hardware is pretty dang reliable
and trouble free.  I'm using my daughter discarded after many years of
hard use, and everything on works like the day it was new.  And what a

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at"

KR> Ifly 720

2016-06-13 Thread brian.kraut at
I have been using the Ifly GPS app on my tablet and phone for over a
year and love it.  I recently got a new project (Murphy Rebel) that came
with an Ifly 720.  I powered it up over the weekend and noticed that it
took probably a minute or so to boot up and operation seems to not be
very fast on it.  I kind of expected that on their dedicated hardware
that it would zip right along or at least run as good as it does on my
phone that is also running 100 other processes at the same time.  I also
noticed that the touch screen requires a harder touch than my phone or
tablet (which may be a good thing bouncing around in the cockpit)

Can any of you that run the 720 comment on this?  I am wondering if this
is normal or if mine might have some issues.

Also, did they hide a power button the unit somewhere that I just have
not found yet?