Howto connect to a terminal in an emalated linux-livecd?

2014-09-11 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi list,

after hours for searching in google-world, i didnt find any appropriate
for this problem:

I want to boot a live-cd (i.e. ubuntu 14.04.1-desktop) in qemu, which
starts with an graphical interface, done i.e. by

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 3G -smp 2 -drive
file=ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso,media=cdrom,if=virtio --enable-kvm

Now i want to access to the console of the ubuntu-livecd. At the moment
i can do this over changing to text mode via

sendkey ctrl-alt-f1

in qemu-console (Alt-2), then switching back to qemu-window (alt-1). Now
i have access to tty1 of my livecd.

But IMHO there should be a more simple way to access to such a console
with qemu, i.e. through a pipe, a serial console etc., but i didnt found
anything working. The best i got was with -chardev pty,id=myid, which
resulted in a char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label myid).  But
with a screen /dev/pts/0 i wasnt able to see any input or output.

ssh is unfortunatly not available at this time on the livecd (so i could
connect i.e. via -net user,hostfwd:tcp:10022-:22)

Any hints to connect directly to a console in an emulated linux?


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Re: lightscribe support

2014-02-15 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi Nerijus,

Am 14.02.2014 22:29, schrieb Nerijus Baliunas:

 is it possible to support lightscribe in KVM? Now Windows VM sees QEMU
 DVD-ROM ATA Device and labeling software shows No LightScribe Drives Found.

Normally kvm emulates the cdrom drive. If you want to use the native
functionality, you have to passthrough the drive (depending on the your
device usb or pci sata-hardware). If your drive is attached via usb, you
can try passthrough the usb-device, if it is connected via sata, you
have to passthrough the sata-pci-device.


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SOLVED [was Re: Controlling (WinXP-Guest)- Textmode via chardev pipe broken?]

2011-12-22 Thread Oliver Rath
Am 20.12.2011 13:08, schrieb Sasha Levin:
 Whats wrong?
 Are you sure that windows is using the serial device at all?

 You're not emulating a keyboard there, you're emulating input from a
 serial device.

HI Sasha,

Ive found a better solution:

It is possible to pipe the qemu-monitor:

qemu ... -monitor pipe:.winpipe/path

so Im able to send commands through the pipe via
sendkey-kommand, i.e.

echo sendkey r  .winpipe/
echo sendkey d  .winpipe/
echo sendkey shift-dot  .winpipe/
echo sendkey ret  .winpipe/

Its not very komfortable, but does its job :-)




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Controlling (WinXP-Guest)- Textmode via chardev pipe broken?

2011-12-20 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi List,

Im trying to control a winxp installation process (esp. the text-mode
part) via pipe through kvm. Im using the git-version of kvm from
yesterday (2011-12-19), build with these parameters:

~/qemu-kvm$ ./configure --enable-sdl
~/qemu-kvm$ make
~/qemu-kvm$ sudo make install

What works:

1. Generating ~/.winpipe/path.{in,out}via mkdir .winpipe; mkfifo
.winpipe/; mkfifo .winpipe/path.out
2. Creating emty image via qemu-img create win.img 20G
3. Starting kvm via: qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1G -hda win.img -cdrom
winxpsp3.iso -chardev pipe,id=mywinpipe,path=.winpipe/path

What doesn't:

1. Piping some text via echo R  .winpipe/ (i.e. for starting
repair console in winxp-textmode) doesnt have any effect
2. Reading from path.out via cat ~/.winpipe/path.out (nothing happens
except the vm ends, then the command cat .winpipe/path.out ends, too)
has no result, only waiting
3. There is no .pipe/ directory inside winxp, wether on C: nor on D:
(looked in via starting repair-console with R)

Whats wrong?



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setting motherboard serial number?

2011-11-26 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi list,

i have a little problem: a program of us is looking for the serial
number of the motherboard via

dmidecode -s baseboard-serial-number

which returns normally (i.e. Athlon Board) a 16-digits-number.

But doing this in a virtualized (i.e. Ubuntu-oneric-11.10) box, the
command returns the empty string.

Is there any possibility to set this number when defining the virtual



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faking vendor-id to guest for driver-install-triggering?

2011-04-27 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi there,

is it possible to announce the kvm-guest (i.e. winxp)  some arbitrary
vendor-id's in a way, that the win-client starts to install the driver
for this card?

I.e. the RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Card has the
vendor-id 10ec:8168 (taken from lspci -nn), so if i give this ID to the
kvm-guest, he should install the driver for this card.



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OT: Intel-Matrix for VT-capability?

2009-04-24 Thread Oliver Rath

Im looking for an abillity seeing vt-capability of Intel-processors by
there name :-/

I.e. T7200 has vt, T3400 has not. Exists a rule for the naming scheme
seeing vt-capability? Alternatively, exists a matrix anywhere in the net
for this?

Im tired searching for vt-capability for every new OEM-intel-processor.
On intel-site _did_ exist a pdf-table (not all processors, but most of
T-series), but it seems to be removed.



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Re: KVM on Via Nano (Isaiah) CPUs?

2009-04-02 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi Jesse!

Jesse Ahrens schrieb:
  Via engineers have contacted me and confirmed that this is a problem in
  the processor.

 I'd like to clarify. Stepping 2 Nano processors do not support VMX.
 This should have been disabled by the BIOS. Support for VMX was not
 finished until stepping 3. If you have a stepping 2 processor with
 this enabled please let me know which platform it is on so we can have
 the manufacturer release a new BIOS.

What is the actual Stepping for Via Nano Processors? Is VT running fine
since stepping 3?



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Re: OT: No vmx-Flag in Via Nano CPU on Samsung NC-20 Netbooks

2009-04-01 Thread Oliver Rath
Hi Luca!

Luca Tettamanti schrieb:
 It seems that VIA processors are not fully compatible with Intel VT
 specification, quoting Avi: Via engineers have contacted me and
 confirmed that this is a problem in the processor.

 More info here:


Thank you so much for this info! Neither the Via Support nor the Samsung
support werent able (or willing?) to respond this question :-(

Maybe we should correct the wikipedia entry of the via nano in this way?

Best regards


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Name kvm ambiguos

2009-03-31 Thread Oliver Rath

Hi List,

it is interesting, that most people at name kvm first think for 
vga-hardware switches. If you type kvm in google, you'll never find 
this project at the first place. Maybe (i know thats difficult to 
realize) it is better looking for another name? Like kevim? Its only a 



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OT: No vmx-Flag in Via Nano CPU on Samsung NC-20 Netbooks

2009-03-27 Thread Oliver Rath

I took a look at the new Samsung NC-20 Netbook with Via Nano Processor.
Unfortunatly the vmx--bit looks to be disaabled on the Via Nano U2250.
Tested with the newest Bios 7MC. Does anyone know more about this
missing feature?



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Single Graphic Card only for KVM-Guest, not Linux?

2009-03-16 Thread Oliver Rath

what must I do assigning a graphic card pci-device to (i.e.
winXP-client) guest? In my case, the vga-adapter uses irq 16, so that I
think, it could be possible to mask out this irq, so that it is free for
using in the guest. Im deactivating _lots_ of linux-options so linux ist
not using the graphics adapter anymore, but no access. Is it usefull to
disable msi-reassigning?

Always i get the failure:

pci :00:02.0: power state changed by ACPI to D0
pci :00:02.0: PCI INT A - GSI 16 (level, low) - IRQ 16
kvm: failed to enable MSI device!
kvm: failed to enable INTx device!
pci :00:02.0: PCI INT A disabled
kvm: emulating exchange as write

What can i do? If some additional information is needet - email!

here my actual kernel-line (using actual kvm-git):

vmlinuz-2.6.29-rc6-x64-core2-kvmgit-00637-g9af6015 root=/dev/sda6 
panic=10 pci=nomsi irq_masq=0x0010

My kvm-call:

modprobe pci_stub
modprobe kvm-intel
modprobe tun
kvm \
-m 1G \
-hda /home/oliver/KVM/meineXP-Partition.image \
-hdb /home/oliver/KVM/NETKVM-20081229.iso \
-net nic,macaddr=00:01:02:03:04:05,model=virtio \
-net tap,ifname=win0,script=no,downscript=no \
-boot c \
-nographic \
-pcidevice host=00:02.0 \
-pcidevice host=00:02.1

Any ideas?



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network source redirection after kvm start

2009-03-11 Thread Oliver Rath

Im new to this group, so let me know if i do something wrong.

Im testing kvm here (runs almost fine), but there is a strange effect if
I start kvm with tun/tap-devices

I.e. a cups-server runs on localhost and accepts only localhost
administration. If I make an request, tcpdump shows something like this:

- snip 
# tcpdump -i lo -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 68 bytes  
14:52:40.811315 IP S
3637547705:3637547705(0) win 32792 mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp

14:52:40.811522 IP S
3651636684:3651636684(0) ack 3637547706 win 32768 mss
16396,sackOK,timestamp 273730[|tcp]  
- snap 

But after starting kvm like:

kvm \
  -hdb /home/oliver/nas.image \
  -boot c \
  -m 512 \
  -localtime \
  -soundhw es1370 \
  -smb /home/oliver \
  -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=win0,script=/etc/kvm/kvm-start \
  -net nic,vlan=0

the source of all runnig X-Programs is redirected to my (wlan)-Adress:

- snip 
# tcpdump -i lo -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 68 bytes  
14:55:19.678993 IP S
1826022862:1826022862(0) win 32792 mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp

14:55:19.679114 IP S
1839671451:1839671451(0) ack 1826022863 win 32768 mss
16396,sackOK,timestamp 321390[|tcp] 
- snip 

In this way, cups forbids administration after starting kvm. Whats wrong
here? What can I do here?



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