[LAAMN] Jimmy Carter: America's Moral Crisis, Paul Krugman: A Private Obsession

2005-11-22 Thread Ed Pearl


This is not the country that I once knew

Former President Jimmy Carter believes that a warring America is
abandoning its fundamental values

Sunday November 20, 2005
The Observer

In recent years, I have become increasingly concerned by a host of
radical government policies that now threaten many basic principles
espoused by all previous administrations, Democratic and Republican.
These include the rudimentary American commitment to peace, economic
and social justice, civil liberties, our environment and human rights.

Also endangered are our historic commitments to providing citizens with
truthful information, treating dissenting voices and beliefs with
respect, state and local autonomy and fiscal responsibility.

At the same time, our political leaders have declared independence from
the restraints of international organisations and have disavowed
long-standing global agreements, including agreements on nuclear arms,
control of biological weapons and the international system of justice.
Instead of our tradition of espousing peace as a national priority
unless our security is directly threatened, we have proclaimed a policy
of 'pre-emptive war', an unabridged right to attack other nations
unilaterally to change an unsavoury regime or for other purposes. When
there are serious differences with other nations, we brand them as
international pariahs and refuse to permit direct discussions to resolve

Regardless of the costs, there are determined efforts by US leaders to
exert American imperial dominance throughout the world. These
revolutionary policies have been orchestrated by those who believe that
our nation's tremendous power and influence should not be
internationally constrained. Even with our troops involved in combat and
America facing the threat of additional terrorist attacks, our
declaration of 'you are either with us or against us' has replaced the
forming of alliances based on a clear comprehension of mutual interests,
including the threat of terrorism.

Another disturbing realisation is that, unlike during other times of
national crisis, the burden of conflict is now concentrated exclusively
on the heroic men and women sent back repeatedly to fight in the
quagmire of Iraq. The rest of our nation has not been asked to make any
sacrifice, and every effort has been made to conceal or minimise public
awareness of casualties.

Instead of cherishing our role as the great champion of human rights, we
now find civil liberties and personal privacy grossly violated under
some extreme provisions of the Patriot Act.

Of even greater concern is that the US has repudiated the Geneva accords
and supported the use of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo,
and secretly through proxy regimes elsewhere with the so-called
extraordinary rendition programme. It is embarrassing to see the
President and Vice President insisting that the CIA should be free to
perpetrate 'cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment' on
people in US custody.

Instead of reducing America's reliance on nuclear weapons and their
further proliferation, we have insisted on our right (and that of
others) to retain our arsenals, expand them and, therefore, abrogate or
derogate almost all nuclear arms-control agreements negotiated during
the last 50 years. We have now become a prime culprit in global nuclear
proliferation. America also has abandoned the prohibition of 'first use'
of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear nations and is contemplating the
previously condemned deployment of weapons in space.

Protection of the environment has fallen by the wayside because of
government subservience to political pressure from the oil industry and
other powerful lobbying groups. The last five years have brought
continued lowering of pollution standards at home and almost universal
condemnation of our nation's global environmental policies.
Our government has abandoned fiscal responsibility by unprecedented
favours to the rich, while neglecting America's working families.
Members of Congress have increased their own pay by $30,000 per year
since freezing the minimum wage at $5.15 per hour (the lowest among
industrialised nations).

I am extremely concerned by a fundamentalist shift in many houses of
worship and in government, as church and state have become increasingly
intertwined in ways previously thought unimaginable.

As the world's only superpower, America should be seen as the unswerving
champion of peace, freedom and human rights. Our country should be the
focal point around which other nations can gather to combat threats to
international security and to enhance the quality of our common
environment. We should be in the forefront of providing human assistance
to people in need.

It is time for the deep and disturbing political divisions within our
country to be substantially healed, with Americans united in a common
commitment to revive and nourish the historic political and moral values


2005-11-22 Thread GABRIELA Network - Los Angeles Chapter

 Original Message 
From:gabriela_news [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Tue, November 22, 2005 4:46 pm

 My Groups | gabriela_news Main Page

 22 November 2005

 For Reference: REP. LIZA LARGOZA MAZA (0920-9134540)
 Tels: 9316268, 9315001 loc7230; Jang Monte (Public Information
 Officer) 0917-8226635


 GABRIELA Women's Partylist Representative Liza Largoza Maza today
 condemned the escalating fascist attacks that included pregnant and
 old women.

 Reports from Human Rights Group from the Vizayas said among those
 killed in Palo Massacre included Eufemia Borra, 51 year old  and
 Alma Bartoline, who was seven months pregnant.

 In another incident,  former Chairperson of the League of Filipino
 Students (LFS)  from Central Luzon State University, Maribel
 Supera , 5 months pregnant, was found killed  with her  husband in
 Nueva Ecija.

 quot;These incidents are heinous considering that even the United
 Nations passed a resolution (UN Resolution 1325)  expressing
 concerns that civilians, particularly women and children, account
 for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed
 conflict.quot; Maza said. quot;This resolution reaffirms the need to
 implement fully international humanitarian and human rights law that
 protects the rights of women and girls during and after conflicts.quot;

 quot;We hold President Arroyo  responsible for these heinous political
 killings. Had she become hardened like the common criminal? Bilang
 babae, kilabutan naman siya at pati mga buntis ay binibiktima.quot; Maza

 Maza further said that massacres and killings are politically
 motivated and are prime examples of state terrorism. quot;As Commander
 in Chief, she has coddled criminals like Col. Jovito Palparan who
 has spawned clones across the country. The perpetrators of the
 massacre, members of the 19th IB remain unrepentant and are now
 spewing lies.quot;

 The Gabriela Solon joined calls for the immediate pull out of troops
 in Eastern Vizayas as she demanded justice for the victims of the
 massacre. ##

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GABRIELA Network - Los Angeles Chapter
A US-Philippine Women's Solidarity Mass Organization
PO Box 3032
Cerritos, CA 90703-3032
web: www.gabnet.org

*** GABRIELA Network is a Philippine-US women's solidarity organization
since 1989. GABNet provides the means by which Filipinas in the US can
empower themselves, functions as training ground for women's leadership,
and articulates the women's point of view. GABNet effects change through
organizing, educating, fundraising, networking, and advocacy.

GABRIELA stands for...
Binding women for
Leadership and

It also commemorates Gabriela Silang, known as one of the first and
fiercest women generals in the Philippines who led the longest series of
successful revolts against 18th Century Spanish colonizers.

GABNet-US is an all-volunteer organization of women with chapters in
Chicago, Irvine, Los Angeles, New Jersey/New York, Portland, San Diego,
San Francisco/Bay Area, Seattle and Washington D.C. ***

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[LAAMN] The Committee For Investigating the Obvious, more

2005-11-22 Thread Ed Pearl

Hi.  Talking with friends and driving the freeways today convince me
that Thanksgiving vacation has already begun.  So here's a bit of
meaningful fun for stay-near-homes. I just got turned on to this
hilarious site, of which the news conference is just one of many.
Click on these websites for a very full monte. Thanks to Deb Lagutaris.


or http://investigatingtheobvious.notlong.com

November 6, 2005
The Committee For Investigating the Obvious is called to order
At a press conference this morning, President Bushky announced he'd
appointed a committee to investigate everybody he ever appointed or ran for
office with, including the committee he just appointed.

I'm bound and determined to get to the bottom of all the reports that Vice
President Boss Hawg and Cooter Libby and Turdblossom were doing bad things
like lying and revenging an American diplomat and telling our soldiers to
fuck the terrorists and give them the rack, he stated firmly, with steely
resolve, because one thing I've learned is that Americans will say 'you're
doing a heckuva job, Bushky' when I act concerned and order investigations
and stuff.


Helen Thomas: Mr. President, how can your investigation committee
investigate those guys when you appointed Cheney, Libby and Rove to be the
entire committee?

Bushky: That's a good question, Helen. Just watch them and they'll show you
how it's done. But before they investigate themselves, they'll be
investigating who leaked the information to you that they were conducting
this investigation, since it's classified information.


Brian Williams: Mr. President, it's been reported by an unnamed source that
Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld have been a tag team in
every Republican administration and have been in the middle of every foreign
policy fiasco Republican administrations have been involved with over the
past 35 years. Is that true?

Bushky: Who told you that?

Brian Williams: Dick Cheney.

Bushky:  That can't be true, because when Dick headed my transition team, I
told him to carefully investigate my potential running mates to make sure
they never were involved in any potentially unethical things. And Dick
assured me, when he narrowed the list to only himself, that he was perfectly

And I trust Dick so completely that I named my daughter, Jenna, after him.


Tim Russert: Mr. President, I understand you've taken the bold and leaderly
step of sending the top officials in your administration to ethics classes.
And I really think that's super and visionary, don't you?

Bushky: Good question, Tim. Yes, I felt a remedial.. I mean, refresher
course would be good for morale, by reminding my staff that even if they've
made an error or two, they've been following a majority of the commandments,
which is pretty good compared to some people I was raised with. And in an
effort to streamline the ethics regulatory process, I even narrowed the Ten
Commandments down to eight.


Judith Miller: Mr. President, since we're winning the war on Iraq, and
Afghanistan is a democracy now, where else do you think we should bomb next
to force the barbaric natives to vote for people you pick?

Bushky: I was thinking it should be California, Judith, because it appears
the natives are thinking about replacing their elected leader with a shadowy
figure who tries to invade the governor's stage. And everyone knows he's
been linked to bombs and his wife is an environmental terrorist.

And then I think we'll attack Virginia, because, after letting Bin Laden
slip through our hands, I'm not going to rest until we get Hitler, too.


Bob Schieffer: Since you mentioned the environment, sir, is there truth to
the rumor that the House is planning to pass a bill to allow oil companies
to drill the oily sebaceous glands on the faces of the pimply adolescents in
Miss Fringle's seventh grade classroom in Springfield?

Bushky: Well, Bob, it's important to end our dependency on foreign oil,
Bob, and yes, the House leadership is convinced that the gallon and a half
of oil available annually there could significantly lower gasoline costs for


Bill O'Reilly: Good morning Mr. President. Despite the wonderful job you've
done in Iraq, there are now some disloyal ingrates who are reporting there's
something crooked about Halliburton's excellent rebuilding adventure in
Iraq. And some particularly anti-democracy traitors are saying that Vice
President Cheney has been profiteering from his old company. What would you
say to discredit those liberal terrorist-huggers?

Bushky: As you know, Bill, I've long said that Halliburton's no-bid
contracts and windfall profits, and Dick's former CEO position with them was
nothing more than a coincidence. But Dick has now convinced me it's the
perfect example of the existence of Intelligent Design.


John Adams 

[LAAMN] Fwd: JUSTICE GULF: No Home for the Holidays: Stop Katrina Evictions

2005-11-22 Thread LiberationZone
No Home for the Holidays:  Stop Evictions of  Katrina

By Bill Quigley.  Bill is a  professor at Loyola
University New Orleans School of Law and can  be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sabrina Robinson  lived her whole life in New Orleans.
When Katrina and the floodwaters hit her  house, she
and her three children swam to a dry bridge where they
lived  for 2 days.  “We watched people die,” said Ms.
Robinson.  Now her  family and 52 other families from
New Orleans face eviction from the Houston  apartment
complex where they lived for the last month.  Tens  of
thousands of other Katrina evacuees also face  holiday

After a bus took the Robinson family to Houston,  they
slept on the floor for a month.   On October 2, the
family  received federal housing vouchers from the
Disaster Relief Center in  Houston.  Quail Chase
apartments in Houston agreed to accept the  vouchers. 
Ms. Robinson and 52 other families from New Orleans
moved in to  Quail Chase.   After the families lived
there for several weeks,  Quail Chase changed their
mind and refused to accept vouchers.  Quail  Chase has
now given eviction notices to all 53 families.  Now
they  face the streets again.  “There is nothing else
available,” Ms. Robinson  said.  “All the decent
housing is taken.”

In the  same spirit, FEMA announced  November 15 it
would quit paying for  housing for  most of the nearly
60,000 homeless Katrina families who are  residing in
government paid hotel and motel rooms.

In  Texas, where 54,000 people are living in 18,000
rooms, Republican Governor  Rick Perry said these
evictions will “fuel the cycle of evacuees moving  from
one temporary housing situation to another – if they
can secure  housing at all.”  

The story is being repeated across the  nation.  In New
York, 487 Katrina victims, including 115 kids,  have
been told their hotel rooms will no longer be paid. 
In the  Carolinas, between 400 and 600 Katrina families
in hotels face eviction even  as local homeless
shelters are already full.

Back home  in New Orleans, legal aid lawyers estimate
there will be 10,000 evictions  filed in November
against Katrina evacuees  – more in one month than  are
usually filed in an entire year.

At this holiday  time, resolve to stand in solidarity
with the hundreds of thousands of people  victimized by
Katrina and the floods that followed.  Katrina
evacuees  in your community need your support.  Stop
the evictions in your  community.  

Nationally, 54 members of Congress, including all  the
members of the Congressional Black Caucus, have
co-sponsored HR 4197,  the Hurricane Katrina Recovery
Act.  Ask your representative to  co-sponsor this bill
and to take action to force FEMA to assist those  still
left behind.  

There are also many other great grassroots,  regional
and national efforts underway to provide solidarity
with Katrina  evacuees.  Many are listed at

People displaced by Katrina do  not want charity. What
is needed at this holiday time is solidarity.   Resolve
to stand with the victims of Katrina as they search
for  justice.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] So. Cal. Library: Dynamic Speaker on Displaced Afro-Colombians

2005-11-22 Thread mwelsing
Secretary General of the National Association of Displaced Afro-Colombians 

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 7 p.m. @ The Southern California Library


Born in 1973 in Choco, Colombia, Luz Marina has worked as an activist for 
Afro-Colombian rights since the 1990s. In 1998, Luz was displaced by 
paramilitary groups and fled to a refuge in Bogota. Since 1999 she has been an 
integral part of the Organization of Displaced Afro Colombians (AFRODES) and in 
2002 was elected General National Secretary. She has become a recognized leader 
for the National Colombian Women's Movement, the National Women's Afro 
Colombian Movement, youth issues, labor and workers' rights, indigenous issues, 
and displaced Afro-Colombian rights. Luz is especially dedicated to working 
with the women and children of Afro-Colombia. Speaking tour sponsored by 
Witness for Peace Southwest.


  @ The Southern California Library
 6120 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles
  (323) 759-6063 • www.socallib.org



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[LAAMN] Jerry Mitchell given journalism award for civil rights coverage

2005-11-22 Thread Michael Novick

November 22, 2005

Mitchell given journalism award for civil rights coverage

Clarion-Ledger reporter, 46, is accolade's youngest recipient

The Clarion-Ledger

An interview with Jerry Mitchell will be aired today on Fresh Air with Terry
Gross on Mississippi Public Broadcasting. The hour-long program begins at 3

Clarion-Ledger investigative reporter Jerry Mitchell has been named the 2005
winner of the John Chancellor Award for Excellence in Journalism from
Columbia University for his 16-year effort to bring Klan killers to justice.

At 46, Mitchell is the youngest recipient of the award, whose previous
winners include veteran Mississippi newsman Bill Minor as well as several
New York Times correspondents; Jim Wooten, who filed stories for ABC News
from 40 countries to report on upheaval around the world; and the late Mary
McGrory, who reported on Washington for more than five decades.

The $25,000 annual John Chancellor Award, administered by the Columbia
University School of Journalism, recognizes and rewards a journalist whose
reporting over time shows courage, integrity, curiosity and intelligence and
epitomizes the role of journalism in a free society. Mitchell will receive
the honor Nov. 29 at a black tie celebration at the University's Low

Mitchell for 16 years worked to uncover evidence in the unsolved killings of
civil rights activists.

His reporting has led to the conviction of four Ku Klux Klan members,
beginning with the 1994 conviction of Byron De La Beckwith for the 1963
assassination of Medgar Evers.

Most recently, Edgar Ray Killen was found guilty in June for orchestrating
the 1964 slayings of civil rights workers James Chaney, Michael Schwerner
and Andrew Goodman in Neshoba County.

Jerry Mitchell is deserving of this award because of his dogged pursuit of
the truth, said Clarion-Ledger Managing Editor Don Hudson. He has done
strong, hard-nosed journalism throughout his career at the newspaper. Just
look at all the civil rights cases of the past. Jerry has played a key role
in putting a lot of criminals away.

Mitchell has a heart for people and a tremendous sense of justice, said
Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew. While so many were perfectly willing to turn
away from civil rights atrocities, something inside Jerry wouldn't allow him
to do so.

David Halberstam serves on the board of the John Chancellor Award and was
part of the selection panel.

Mitchell pursued these stories after most people believed they belonged to
history, and not to journalism, Halberstam said in a news release.

But they did belong to journalism, because the truth had never been told,
and justice had never been done.

As each of the guilty convictions was finally handed down, it has been news
of the highest order, and Jerry was there still covering the story.

The John Chancellor Award, established in 1995, honors the legacy of the
television correspondent and longtime anchor for NBC News.

This award doesn't belong to me, Mitchell said. It belongs to those who
fought so that all Americans could be free. It belongs to those who never
gave up hope and never gave up their belief in justice. It belongs to those
who work with me and all those who have made Mississippi a better place.

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