[LAAMN] HS Says McVeigh not a Terrorist, but Peace Activists Are (InfoWars)

2008-10-15 Thread Romi Elnagar
Homeland Security Says Timothy McVeigh Isn’t a Terrorist, But Peace Activists 

Will Potter
October 14, 2008
This is what fighting “terrorism” in this country has become.
Timothy McVeigh is responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing, the deadliest act 
of terrorism in this country prior to 9/11, killing 168 people, but a Homeland 
Security official says he’s not a terrorist. Neither is Eric Rudolph, who 
killed two people and injured hundreds others in a bombing campaign against 
abortion and a “homosexual agenda.”
Pennsylvania’s Homeland Security Director James Powers said:

“Tim McVey [sic] is not a terrorist, just very angry with the U.S. government,” 
Powers said. “Whether a person is a terrorist or a criminal is irrelevant to 
You know whom he and the state police do consider terrorists? The Earth 
Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, and Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, 
even though actions by those groups have been “relatively minor,” by their 
admission. Those groups have never injured anyone, let alone killed hundreds, 
but the Pennsylvania state police is offering free, yes free, “risk and 
vulnerability assessments” for corporations to help protect their profits from 
pesky activists. [Sounds kind of like that leaked State Department 
presentation, doesn't it?]


Unfortunately, this is not an isolated, “news of the weird” kind of incident. 
It’s systemic.
The Maryland State Police have admitted classifying 53 nonviolent activists as 
terrorists, including opponents of the war and the death penalty, and tracking 
them in state and federal “terrorism” databases. Cops infiltrated organizing 
meetings and rallies, and spied on political email lists, similar to the 
government infiltration of the RNC.
The groups targeted, including the Maryland Campaign to End the Death Penalty 
and the Baltimore Pledge of Resistance, aren’t suspected of harming anyone, 
aren’t suspected of bombing anyone, aren’t even suspected of vandalizing 
Their crime? They’re “fringe people,” says Thomas E. Hutchins, the former state 
police superintendent who authorized the operation. 

“I don’t believe the First Amendment is any guarantee to those who wish to 
disrupt the government,” he said. 
Get this, one activist was described in police databases as having a “primary 
crime” of “terrorism-anti-government” and a “secondary crime” of 
“terrorism-anti-war protesters.” This wasn’t an isolated abuse of power, this 
is a coordinated campaign of harassment and intimidation. 
The gloves are really starting to come off, folks. Years ago, government 
officials were using these same tactics, but under the pretext of going after 
illegal, underground groups like the Earth Liberation Front. Now, they are 
openly, brazenly, harassing and infiltrating nonviolent activist groups with no 
connection–not even an ideological connection–to saboteurs. Why? This “War on 
Terrorism,” above all else, is an ideological war. 
In some ways, though, I think folks should take some pride in that. Considering 
what is mainstream government policy now, I’d much rather be in the camp of 
“fringe people.” As Billy Bragg said, “If you’ve got a blacklist, I want to be 
on it.”


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[LAAMN] OCC Hosts Congressional Debate Tuesday, Oct. 21st

2008-10-15 Thread gdjohnson2

Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences

2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa,
CA 92628- (714.432-5796)

Cordially invites you to a Great Debate

Tom Lash, Green Party
Debbie Cook, Democratic Party
Dana Rohrabacher, Republican Party
Ernst Gasteiger, Libertarian Party 

Candidates for the 46th Congressional District

 On Tuesday, October 21, 2008
  from 11:15 A.M. to 1:15 P.M 
   in Robert B. Moore Theatre

Debate Moderator:
 Robert Dees, President, Orange Coast College

  Dr. Richard Lara

Assistant Facilitator: Dr. Vesna Marcina

Panelists asking questions:

  Professor Ann Williams, OCC
  Fernando Vazquez, Coast Report, OCC
  Christina Scarborough, Student Leader, OCC
  Jeffrey Chang, Student Leader, OCC
  Nathan Wensko, Student Leader, OCC
  Alan Blank, Journalist, Los Angeles Times
  Steven Greenhunt, Journalist, Orange County Register

You all are invited

Click to become a master chef, own a restaurant and make millions.

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[LAAMN] Miko Peled: Pardon me but..., So. Calif. Library Election Film series

2008-10-15 Thread Ed Pearl
From: Sid Shniad


Pardon me, but I’m Jewish

By Miko Peled
14 October 2008

The racist discourse in America is alarming and often people don’t even
notice when it takes place. When the lady at the town hall meeting asked
John McCain if Barak Obama was an Arab he replied: “No, no he is a decent
family man.” Where is the contradiction here? Does Arab mean he is not a
decent family man? Well, pardon me but I am Jewish and I am over sensitive
and easily offended by these things.

To the claim that Obama is an Arab, the appropriate response is: “So what.”
To the question is Barak Obama a Moslem the reply ought to be: “I don’t know
but who cares.” Contrary to what many people say, the holocaust was not the
worst thing that happened to Jewish people, and it is not the recurrence of
the holocaust that we need to fear the most. The holocaust was the
inevitable outcome of centuries of European Christian indoctrination that
Jewish people are less than human. What took place in the holocaust was the
natural outcome of centuries where Christians taught hate. It is the
recurrence of that trend we need to prevent so that another holocaust will
never take place.

America is poised for a tremendous opportunity this November. It is far
greater than landing a man on the moon, or building this or that space
gadget or discovering this or that microbe. It is to show America that to be
American you don’t have to be called Jim or George or Bob; that you don’t
have to look like those white old guys who have their portraits all over the
place. No, you can be an African, or an Arab or an Asian and still be an
American because the truth is that it has been this way for more than two

But this is a formidable task. Making the next eight years the best in
America’s history will require strength and courage that are yet to be asked
of Americans on Election Day. On Election Day most of us like to go stick to
our old comforts and loyalties, to find the person who looks and speaks like
us or in a way that makes us feel comfortable. We want “our guy” or the guy
from “our team” to win. We are all human and that is how humans act. This is
ok under normal circumstances.

But this year the opportunity is so great that we must look beyond our usual
loyalties and comforts. This year we need to look at what America can really
be like in eight years and that is a hard thing to do. We are drawn into
despair by news of an economic crisis, by fears of impending attacks by
terrorists and by the possibility that our earth is on the brink of a major
natural disaster. It is only natural then, that we all cling to what we know
to be true that we cling to what we believe to be right and that we cover
our eyes and our ears to anything that might rattle our comfort.

America has done things that no other country has done, and this includes
acts of magnanimity as well as acts of great stupidity and cruelty. This is
the nature of great nations - that they have the capacity to do great things
and they have the power to make colossal mistakes. This election year
presents this nation with an opportunity to show its greatness, to show its
magnanimity and to show its true strength.

No one needs proof of America’s military or economic might. Just take one
look at the talented men and women who make up the armed services. People
who like me live in Coronado see these men and women daily. I have the
privilege of working with many families who have loved ones in the navy: The
are the best and the brightest and they are the most dedicated people and
parents one can hope to meet. We also know that America has brilliant minds
in the fields of economy and science and quite possibly every other field
known to man.

Every powerful nation has good leaders and bad leaders. Every powerful
nation in the history of the world has shown greatness and has stooped down
to pettiness; every powerful nation has had its time of glory and its times
of shame. The last eight years have brought this country to an unprecedented
low. It is up to us this year to determine what the next eight years be like
for America.

No one knows how long it will take to build the destruction that America
caused to Iraq, or how long it would take for the Iraqis to forgive America
for its intervention. From my knowledge of the people of the Middle East I
would venture to say that for the most part they are magnanimous and
forgiving. Iraqis will undoubtedly rebuild their country, but the sooner
America leaves the better things will be for Iraq and for the Middle East as
a whole.

The questions that Americans need to ask is how do we make sure we are not
drugged and mislead into another war as we with Iraq. If the surge did or
did not work is immaterial because there would have not been a need for a
surge had America not destroyed the order that was there to begin with. And
the issue is not what the generals recommend that the 

[LAAMN] Re: ACORN Responds to McCain's Smears

2008-10-15 Thread Carl Gunther
Dear Ed,

McCain, of course, is just desperate, and so will seize upon 

Of greater concern is the fact that the corporate media has been 
repeating the spurious charges that ACORN is involved in voter 
registration fraud.  Lou Dobbs in particular has been talking this 

My suspicion is that they are trying to drive a wedge between Obama 
and progressive community organizations.  Obama's election is 
basically a fait accompli, so now the focus has probably moved to 
controlling his politics.  Obama's voter registration drive is one of 
the most progressive aspects of his otherwise mainstream (i.e., 
corporate) campaign.


From:   Ed Pearl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Tue, 14 Oct 2008 06:45:31 -0700
Subject:[LAAMN] ACORN Responds to McCain's Smears
Send reply to:  Ed Pearl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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From: John Johnson
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:17 AM

ACORN Response to Senator McCain's Smear Ad

ACORN President Maude Hurd released the following statement today in
response to the McCain campaign's new ad claiming that, among other
things, ACORN is responsible for the mortgage crisis:

For almost a decade, ACORN, a community organization of 400,000
families in neighborhoods across the country, has been fighting
against the predatory lending practices that have robbed our members
of their homes, destabilized neighborhoods, and roiled the global

In his newest ad, John McCain's campaign bizarrely claims, ACORN
forced banks to issue risky home loans, the same types of loans that
caused the financial crisis we're in today. Nothing could be further
from the truth. In fact, ACORN has worked successfully to help 
class families get good home loans on fair terms from legitimate 
and has fought vigorously against predatory lenders who have ripped
off families in our communities. These predatory loans caused the

For more than a decade, ACORN members have held protests, released
reports, and advocated for regulations to protect homeowners from
predatory lenders. ACORN organizers and volunteers have been working
day and night to help victims of the GOP economic meltdown to save
their homes from foreclosure. In fact, ACORN has brought class action
lawsuits against several predatory lenders, and has lobbied the
Federal Reserve and Congress in support of regulations against
predatory lending. ACORN has even been successful in convincing many
lenders to treat homeowners more fairly and help families be able to
make their mortgage payments and save their homes.

Unfortunately, the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans
like John McCain have blocked the sensible regulations that ACORN and
others proposed that would have averted the mortgage meltdown. If 
McCain thinks that community organizers caused the foreclosure 
he knows even less about the economy than previously thought.

John McCain and the Republicans are desperately trying to shift the
blame for the economic crisis they caused with a philosophy of
deregulation and indifference to homeowners. All the grainy footage
and creepy music in the world can't cancel out some simple, basic
facts, and the facts about the economy are not on John McCain's 


Bogus Voter Fraud Charges Aim to Camouflage Voter Suppression

ACORN has just completed the largest, most successful nonpartisan
voter registration drive in US history. We helped 1.3 million
low-income, minority and young voters across the country register to

Unfortunately, just as in 2006, that success in bringing people into
the democratic process, have been greeted with unfounded accusations
to disparage our work and help maintain the status quo of an
unbalanced electorate.

After a similar spate of charges against ACORN in 2006, we learned
that then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had fired Republican US
Attorneys because they refused to prosecute ACORN and other voter
assistance groups on trumped up fraud charges. This was the heart of
the US Attorney-gate scandal that led Karl Rove, Gonzales and other
top Department of Justice officials to resign. Because the press
didn't catch on until long after the election, it was part of a
successful strategy to create an unfounded specter of voter fraud and
to suppress voting.

Key Facts:

1. In order to help 1.3 million people register to vote, we hired 
than 13,000 registration assistance workers r. As with any business 
agency that operates at this scale, there are always some people who
want to get paid without really doing the job, or who aim to defraud
their employer. Any large department store will have some workers who

2. Any large voter registration operation will have a small 
of workers who turn in bogus registration forms, Their goal clearly 
not to cast a fraudulent vote. It is 

[LAAMN] STOP the ICE Raids! Meeting in LA! Wed Oct 15th 6:00PM

2008-10-15 Thread Ron Gochez
(ICE) is incrementing their Raids in our communities!!! We have to
build up the resistance so that we can eventually kick them out of our
streets! The countries economy is supposedly going down the tubes but
they seem to have plenty of $$$ for more ICE Raids!!!

If you are SERIOUS about organizing against the Migra (ICE), join the
Frente Contra las Redadas! We are currently organizing another
Community Forum to invite lawyers to come out and educate our community
about their rights! Come help out!! We are ALL busy people...enough
with our excuses! Let's get to work!? We have to organize in our communities!? 

Meetings are open to everyone! See you at the meeting!

What:??? General Meeting: Frente Contra las Redadas- South Central

When:?? Wednesday, October 15th, 2008 6:00PM

Where:? Santee Education Complex (1921 Maple Ave. LA, CA 90011) 
Washington/Maple in the Library

Who: Everyone who wants to organize against the Migra Raids is welcomed

Why: Because the ICE/Migra continues to terrorize our communities and we 
need to be organized to be
able to defend our communities from deportations/ family separations.

Ron Gochez

Social Justice Educator/Community Organizer

Frente Contra las Redadas- South Central

Union Del Barrio- Los Angeles

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[LAAMN] Re: Contact the fast for solidarity

2008-10-15 Thread dorinda moreno
On 10/14/08, Rosalio Munoz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Encampment at La Placita Olvera

 The encampment for the Fast will be located at the public area of La
 Placita Olvera. The encampment will include tents, a stage, work areas, and
 a rest area for fasters and supporters. For the duration of the Fast, we
 will have calendar of events that include a benefit concert, an interfaith
 religious service, Día de Los Muertos celebration, Know Your Rights
 training and a mock raid simulation, a march to the downtown detention
 center, student teach-ins, and many more.

 *If you would like to coordinate an action or event regionally or
 nationally with the Fast For Our Future campaign, please email

 Olvera Street is an historic monument and plaza known as the birthplace of
 the City of Los Angeles and is part of the El Pueblo de Los Angeles
 Historic Park. Many Spanish-speakers refer to Olvera Street as La Placita

 *Encampment Address:*
 845 N. Alameda Street
 Los Angeles, CA 

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[LAAMN] MUST READ: War Hero or War Criminal? (CounterPunch)

2008-10-15 Thread Romi Elnagar
McCain and Rolling Thunder 
War Hero or War Criminal? 
As character assassination attacks on Sen. Barack Obama have now taken over 
Sen. John McCain's campaign, and because McCain cites his military experience 
as of prime importance, now is the time to focus closer attention on a facet of 
the Arizona Senator's own character. This is related to his 23 combat missions 
for Operation Rolling Thunder - the Pentagon's name for U.S. bombing of North 
I will never forget how stunned I was when Gen. Telford Taylor, a chief U.S. 
prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials after World War Two, told me that he 
strongly supported the idea of trying the U.S. pilots captured in North Vietnam 
as war criminals - and that he would be proud to lead in their prosecution. 
An ardent opponent of the Vietnam conflict, Taylor spoke with me in the fall of 
1966 when I was looking into producing a documentary on this controversy for 
CBS News, where I was their National Political Editor. While he did not mention 
any pilot's name, then U.S. Navy Lieut. Commander John McCain who was captured 
a year later, would have been among the group Taylor wanted to prosecute.
Why would anyone have wanted to prosecute McCain and the other captured pilots? 
Taylor's argument was that their actions were in violation of the Geneva 
conventions that specifically forbid indiscriminate bombing that could cause 
incidental loss of civilian life or damage to civilian objects. Adding to the 
Geneva code, he noted, was the decision at the Nuremberg trials after World War 
Two: military personnel cannot defend themselves against such a charge with a 
claim that they were simply following orders. 
There were questions raised about whether the Geneva conventions applied to the 
pilots, since there had been no formal declaration of war by the U.S. against 
the Hanoi regime - and the Geneva rules presumably are only in force in a 
“declared” war.
Anti-war critics at the time claimed that despite the Pentagon's assertion that 
only military targets were bombed, U.S. pilots also had bombed hospitals and 
other civilian targets, a charge that turned out to be correct and was 
confirmed by the New York Times' chief foreign correspondent, Harrison 
In late 1966 Salisbury described the widespread devastation of civilian 
neighborhoods around Hanoi by American bombs: Bomb damage...extends over an 
area of probably a mile or so on both sides of the highway...small villages and 
hamlets along the route [were] almost obliterated. U.S. 
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara conceded some years later that more than a 
million deaths and injuries occurred in northern Vietnam each year from 1965 to 
1968, as a result of the 800 tons of bombs a day dropped by our pilots.
In one of his autobiographies McCain wrote that he was going to bomb a power 
station in “a heavily populated part of Hanoi” when he was shot down.
If Gen. Taylor tried McCain, would he have defended himself as “just following 
orders” despite the Geneva conventions barring that kind of bombing and the 
Nuremberg principles negating “just following orders?“ 
The targets McCain and his fellow pilots actually bombed in Vietnam and his 
justification then or now for the actions that led to his capture, are no 
longer simply old news. They are part of what must be taken into account today, 
as voters weigh support for him or Obama to be the next President of the United 
This is not about the hugely unpopular war in Vietnam. It is about the 
character of a man who seeks to be U.S. President, who perhaps was not simply a 
brave warrior, but a warrior who by his own admission, bombed and was ready to 
bomb targets in violation of the Geneva conventions and Nuremberg principles.
When I passed along Gen. Taylor's comments to my network superiors the program 
was scrapped: too hot to handle. Instead Air War Over the North was telecast, 
about “precision bombing” North Vietnam military targets by U.S. pilots. A few 
years after that broadcast, a Pentagon public information executive gleefully 
told Roger Mudd in The Selling of the Pentagon that he, the Pentagon official, 
not only had persuaded CBS to produce Air War Over the North, he even chose 
those to be interviewed and coached them about what they should say. This 
unethical collaboration and intercession by the Pentagon in the news media is 
sadly all too familiar a tactic repeated in the Bush-Cheney years.
Robert Richter was political director for CBS News from 1965 to 1968. 


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[LAAMN] Thurs. Oct 16 Fri Oct 17-Hit the Streets for Peace and Eonomic Justice

2008-10-15 Thread Cindy Henderson

Only 5 more days to register voters For the Presidential election,
Ever wished you could get out the message about reducing the military budget to 
fund human needs, ending corporate domination, and instituting single-payer 
healthcare?  You can. Join the Peace and Freedom Party and Nader/Gonzalez  and 
campaign for voter registration and outreach and education.  
We will meet at the L.A. Peace and Freedom Party office at 3:30am for a brief 
orientation, then go out in groups to nearby neighborhoods to discuss the 
issues, find supporters and register voters
SUNDAY OCT. 12, 11 A.M.
2617 S. HAUSER BLVD.  
(between LaBrea  Fairfax,  ½ block South of Adams Blvd)
 Let’s give voters and potential voters a chance to hear about real 
alternatives to corporate politics.  Nearly half of all eligible voters in Los 
Angeles are NOT registered.

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[LAAMN] 10/16/7PM/Step up to the Plate: Ending the Food Crisis

2008-10-15 Thread Williams Camacaro
Step up to the Plate: Ending the Food Crisis 

As U.S. food pantries face long lines and
empty shelves while food protests rock the globe, it is clear that we
are in the midst of a food crisis at home and abroad. The crisis is
long in the making, yet even as it hits both headlines and wallets, it
has been largely ignored by the current administration and the presidential 
In response, food, farm, labor, and justice organizations from across
the US are joining together to call on our leaders to address the roots
of the problem.  
Join WHY and our partners at the historic Great Hall of Cooper Union for the 
national launch of an urgent Call to Action to end the food crisis.  Learn 
about the real causes and solutions to the crisis from special guests:  
Alice Waters of Chez Panisse and founder of Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley , CA 
Frances Moore Lappé, best-selling author of Diet for a Small Planet 
Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved:
 The Hidden Battle for the World Food System 
Ben Burkett, president of t the he National Family Farm Coalition 
LaDonna Redmond, president of the Institute for Community Resource Development 
Pat Purcell of the United Food and Commercial Workers union 
Leader of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers  
Musical guest Toby Lightman
part of the solution! Join us in sending a strong message to the
presidential candidates and our current political leaders that they
need to step up to the plate to end the food crisis.
When: World Food Day, Thursday, October 16th, 2008 at 7 PM
Where: Great Hall of Cooper Union, 7 E. 7th Street (at 3rd Ave. ), New York City
RSVP (encouraged): [EMAIL PROTECTED] Seating is first come, first served.
Sponsored by: WHY (World Hunger Year), in
 partnership with Food First, National Family Farm Coalition, Grassroots
International, Agricultural Missions, Pesticide Action Network of North
America, Small Planet Institute, Food and Water Watch, Coalition of
Immokalee Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500, Rainforest 
Action Network and others. 
Supporters: Food Systems Network NYC, Just Food, New York Citizens Trade 
Coalition, World Neighbors, Global Policy Forum, Community Food Security 
Coalition, Take a Bite out of Climate Change, Anna Lappé , Edible Manhattan, 
Hunger Action Network of NY State, Sustainable Table, New York City Nutrition
Education Network, Sustainable Connections, Alberto Lovera Bolivarian
Circle of NY, The FGE Food  Nutrition Team, Cornell Global Labor
Institute, Mazon, Council on the Environment NYC/Greenmarket, New York City 
Coalition Against Hunger, GreenThumb, East New York Farms!, Added Value, and 
If your organization would
 like to support this event, please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


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[LAAMN] Rich: The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama

2008-10-15 Thread Ed Pearl

The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama

Doing nothing is not an option.

NY Times Op-Ed: October 11, 2008

IF you think way back to the start of this marathon campaign, back when it
seemed preposterous that any black man could be a serious presidential
contender, then you remember the biggest fear about Barack Obama: a crazy
person might take a shot at him.

Some voters told reporters that they didn't want Obama to run, let alone
win, should his very presence unleash the demons who have stalked America
from Lincoln to King. After consultation with Congress, Michael Chertoff,
the homeland security secretary, gave Obama a Secret Service detail earlier
than any presidential candidate in our history - in May 2007, some eight
months before the first Democratic primaries.

I've got the best protection in the world, so stop worrying, Obama
reassured his supporters. Eventually the country got conditioned to his
appearing in large arenas without incident (though I confess that the first
loud burst of fireworks at the end of his convention stadium speech gave me
a start). In America, nothing does succeed like success. The fear receded.

Until now. At McCain-Palin rallies, the raucous and insistent cries of
Treason! and Terrorist! and Kill him! and Off with his head! as well
as the uninhibited slinging of racial epithets, are actually something new
in a campaign that has seen almost every conceivable twist. They are alarms.

Doing nothing is not an option.

All's fair in politics. John McCain and Sarah Palin have every right to
bring up William Ayers, even if his connection to Obama is minor, even if
Ayers's Weather Underground history dates back to Obama's childhood, even if
establishment Republicans and Democrats alike have collaborated with the
present-day Ayers in educational reform. But it's not just the old Joe
McCarthyesque guilt-by-association game, however spurious, that's going on
here. Don't for an instant believe the many mindlessly even-handed
journalists who keep saying that the McCain campaign's use of Ayers is the
moral or political equivalent of the Obama campaign's hammering on Charles

What makes them different, and what has pumped up the Weimar-like rage at
McCain-Palin rallies, is the violent escalation in rhetoric, especially
(though not exclusively) by Palin. Obama launched his political career in
the living room of a domestic terrorist. He is palling around with
terrorists (note the plural noun). Obama is not a man who sees America the
way you and I see America. Wielding a wildly out-of-context Obama quote,
Palin slurs him as an enemy of American troops.

By the time McCain asks the crowd Who is the real Barack Obama? it's no
surprise that someone cries out Terrorist! The rhetorical conflation of
Obama with terrorism is complete. It is stoked further by the repeated
invocation of Obama's middle name by surrogates introducing McCain and Palin
at these rallies. This sleight of hand at once synchronizes with the
poisonous Obama-is-a-Muslim e-mail blasts and shifts the brand of terrorism
from Ayers's Vietnam-era variety to the radical Islamic threats of today.

That's a far cry from simply accusing Obama of being a guilty-by-association
radical leftist. Obama is being branded as a potential killer and an
accessory to past attempts at murder. Barack Obama's friend tried to kill
my family was how a McCain press release last week packaged the remembrance
of a Weather Underground incident from 1970 - when Obama was 8.

We all know what punishment fits the crime of murder, or even potential
murder, if the security of post-9/11 America is at stake. We all know how
self-appointed patriotic martyrs always justify taking the law into their
own hands.

Obama can hardly be held accountable for Ayers's behavior 40 years ago, but
at least McCain and Palin can try to take some responsibility for the
behavior of their own supporters in 2008. What's troubling here is not only
the candidates' loose inflammatory talk but also their refusal to step in
promptly and strongly when someone responds to it with bloodthirsty threats
in a crowded arena. Joe Biden had it exactly right when he expressed concern
last week that a leading American politician who might be vice president of
the United States would not just stop midsentence and turn and condemn
 that. To stay silent is to pour gas on the fires.

It wasn't always thus with McCain. In February he loudly disassociated
himself from a speaker who brayed Barack Hussein Obama when introducing
him at a rally in Ohio. Now McCain either backpedals with tardy, pro forma
expressions of respect for his opponent or lets second-tier campaign
underlings release boilerplate disavowals after ugly incidents like the
chilling Jim Crow-era flashback last week when a Florida sheriff ranted
about Barack Hussein Obama at a Palin rally while in full uniform.

From the start, there have always been two 

[LAAMN] An Evening with Academy Award Winners Barbara Trent David Kasper - Saturday, October 18th, 7:00 PM - At the Dorrel's - See Clips from Their New Film SEIZING POWER PANAMA To IRAQ

2008-10-15 Thread Frank Dorrel
An Evening with Academy Award Winners

Barbara Trent  David Kasper  


The Empowerment Project

 http://www.empowermentproject.org/ www.empowermentproject.org 


Saturday, October 18th, 7:00 PM

Frank  Jane Dorrel's  

3967 Shedd Terrace, Culver City 90232


See Clips from Their New Film in Progress 




The Trajectory of US Militarism 
(15-min. extra from the re-release of The Panama Deception)


$10 at the Door

Desserts and Drinks Will Be Served - 


 RSVP: 310-838-8131 - Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



Seizing Power, a work in progress, reveals how the United States is being
transformed into an authoritarian system of government that views the rights
of the individual as dispensable in favor of the security and power of the
state.  It shows how the civil rights of citizens are being systematically
dismantled, as repressive measures are put into place to control dissidents
and institute a system of autocratic executive control that contemptuously
disregards the Constitution.  It investigates illegal detention, torture and
domestic surveillance committed and authorized by government officials, and
explores the likelihood of war crimes prosecutions.  Seizing Power is a
clear warning of what lies ahead if the United States continues on the
course its government is taking.  



Barbara Trent  David Kasper have made two of the very best documentaries I
have ever seen. 

They are The Panama Deception and Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair.
You will be able to buy copies of these films at this event. You can read
about them below.

THE http://www.empowermentproject.org/pages/panama.html  PANAMA DECEPTION
- Watch the  http://www.empowermentproject.org/trailer-panama.html trailer

A riveting Academy Award winning documentary, this special extended version
is made all the more timely by recent U.S. invasions and the current war on
terror. THE PANAMA DECEPTION documents the untold story of the December
1989 U.S. invasion of Panama, the events which led to it, the excessive
force used, the enormity of the death and destruction and the devastating

http://www.empowermentproject.org/pages/panama.html Acclaimed filmmakers
Barbara Trent and David Kasper uncover the real reasons for this
internationally condemned attack, and reveal General Manuel Noriega's
longstanding relationship with the C.I.A., the D.E.A, and George Bush, Sr.
Utilizing devastating footage, expert commentary and eyewitness testimony,
the film shines a spotlight on this pivotal moment in U.S. history. Network
news clips and media critics contribute to a staggering analysis of media
control and self-censorship used to deceive the American public--a film
hauntingly relevant today. 

The Panama Deception was re-released early this year and new DVD Features
include : Follow-up Interviews with filmmakers Barbara Trent and David
Kasper. The Politics of Demonization and Fear; The Future of Panama and
Latin America ; Panama to Iraq; The Trajectory of U.S. Militarism; Panama
after the Invasion, with former Panamanian Diplomat Humberto Brown, Phyllis
Bennis (Institute for Policy Studies), and former CIA analyst David
MacMichael; Trailers from GoodFilms.org; A Resource Guide with live web
links; Filmmakers Biographies.
 http://www.empowermentproject.org/pages/panama.html Read more, Watch the
http://www.empowermentproject.org/trailer-panama.html trailer  


Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair 

Is the third feature-length documentary produced by the Empowerment Project.
The shadow government of assassins, arms dealers, drug smugglers, former CIA
operatives and top US military personnel who were running foreign policy
unaccountable to the public, revealing the Reagan/Bush administration's plan
to use FEMA to institute martial law and ultimately suspend the
Constitution. Strikingly relevant to current events.

Coverup exposes several of the most disturbing chapters in the history of
U.S. covert foreign policy. It presents a tale of politics, drugs, hostages,
weapons, assassinations, covert operations and the ultimate plan to suspend
the U.S.Constitution. Coverup was the first film to reveal the 'October
Surprise' hostage deal (the Reagan/Bush campaigndeal with Iran to delay the
release of the 52 American hostages until after the 1980 election), and is
the only film which presents a comprehensive overview of the most important
stories suppressed during the Iran Contra hearings. It is the only film that
puts the entire Iran Contra affair into a meaningful political and
historical context. The 1988 film is updated with information from recent

[LAAMN] Thurs. Oct 16 Fri Oct 17-Hit the Streets for Peace and Economic Justice‏

2008-10-15 Thread Cindy Henderson

Only 5 more days to register voters For the Presidential election, Ever wished 
you could get out the message about reducing the military budget to fund human 
needs, ending corporate domination, and instituting single-payer healthcare?  
You can. Join the Peace and Freedom Party and Nader/Gonzalez  and campaign for 
voter registration and outreach and education.  
We will meet at the L.A. Peace and Freedom Party office at 3:30am for a brief 
orientation, then go out in groups to nearby neighborhoods to discuss the 
issues, find supporters and register voters
SUNDAY OCT. 12, 11 A.M.
2617 S. HAUSER BLVD.  
(between LaBrea  Fairfax,  ½ block South of Adams Blvd)
 Let’s give voters and potential voters a chance to hear about real 
alternatives to corporate politics.  Nearly half of all eligible voters in Los 
Angeles are NOT registered.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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