[LAAMN] We Are Not Winning - Former Deputy Chief Stephen Downing's Open Letter to California Police]

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden


 AlterNet http://images.alternet.org/images/site/logo.gif

We Are Not Winning - Former Deputy Chief Stephen Downing's Open Letter to
California Police

By Stephen Downing, AlterNet
Posted on October 24, 2011, Printed on October 25, 2011

Dear Fellow Law Enforcers,

The federal government has put up another $72 million in
war-on-drugs-grants to redirect your police resources once again from true
public safety duties in order to extend their failed war on drugs; this time
with a savage assault on California's 15-year-old medical marijuana law. Are
you going to take the money and enforce federal law in lieu of upholding the
will of the people of California or are you going to honor your sworn oath
to uphold the laws of our sovereign state and send the money back?

August Vollmer, the police chief whose name is synonymous with the origins
of professionalism in American policing, would urge you to send it back.

In his work as president of the International Association of Chiefs of
Police (IACP) and the Wickersham Commission Vollmer contributed to the
successful campaign that led to the repeal of alcohol Prohibition. In an
address to the IACP he stated drug addiction is not a police problem; it
never has and never can be solved by policemen, but by scientific and
competently trained medical experts...

Unfortunately Vollmer wasn't around when Nixon decided to wage his war on
drugs against the American people in 1971. I was a police commander in South
Central Los Angeles at the time, and most of us believed Nixon's propaganda;
that it was a just war, that the druggies were evil and comprised a threat
to our communities.

We saw our resources dedicated to public safety bought off by Department of
Justice and White House grants so that we could leverage their political
priorities at the expense of our communities. Using their grant money and
the lure of budget dollars though asset seizures they co-opted our public
safety priorities and our role as public servants in deciding what was best
for our communities. Evidence based budgeting and responsible, prioritized
policing went out the window in favor of the war on drugs. We morphed from
public servant to drug warrior; blindly serving their interests and their
agreements with those who benefited most by a continuation of their war on
drugs. We helped them invade and occupy our poorer communities. Their money
allowed us to build war machines to batter down doors, purchase
sophisticated weapons, surveillance equipment and intelligence apparatus. We
arrested and imprisoned thousands and then hundreds of thousands, and while
most users were white, the majority we sent to prison were from our minority

Most of us stood proudly at the show and tells hovering over tons of drugs,
mountains of cash and hundreds of weapons as a compliant media snapped our
pictures and hailed our progress toward winning Nixon's war on drugs.

But, many of us came to see that we were not winning. We saw the gangs grow,
fueled by drug money, the cartels better armed, death squads trained by our
own military unleashed across Mexico and our border states. The bodies began
to stack up, the gangs became more and more violent, the cartels outgunned
us and many of our police officers, our public servants, were killed and
maimed for life while the communities we were sworn to protect and serve
huddled in their homes dodging bullets and watching their children die by
gunfire, night after night after night. For what?

That's what I asked myself when we lost our department's first officer to
Nixon's war. For what? And then another ended up in a wheel chair for life.
For what? So that we could continue the futile effort to keep a recreational
or medical cannabis user from getting what he or she wanted? So we could
continue failed programs keep an addict from getting a fix? So we could
continue to rake in federal funds and shape our budgets around asset
seizures rather than evidence based policing aimed at criminals who impose
actual harm? For what?

I answered that question for myself and took a hard look at all of it. I
came away from that look convinced that we were creating more economic and
physical harm for the people we served than we prevented by taking their
autonomy away and subjecting them to punishments far harsher than would have
resulted from drug abuse alone. We destroyed generations of young people by
labeling them as drug offenders, denying them education and job
opportunities, we fueled the violence in our communities by allowing a black
market to thrive, rather than providing the leadership to oppose Washington
and the federal drug warriors. We allowed our children access to dangerous
drugs by serving as catalyst that allowed an army of pushers to thrive
rather than regulating the 

[LAAMN] Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent Barbarism

2011-10-26 Thread Romi Elnagar
Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent 

by  Rick  Rozoff

Global Research, October 22, 2011
Voice of Russia and Stop NATO

“A brutal, gratuitous slaying” John Robles

Interview with Rick Rozoff, the manager of the Stop NATO website and mailing 
list and contributing writer to www.globalresearch.ca.

How are you today, Mr. Rozoff?
Rather distressed by the news of this morning. Or yesterday morning in your 
Ok, what is your first impression?
It was a brutal, gratuitous slaying of an almost 70-year-old man, killed 
after being captured. And if the intent of 216 days of NATO bombing was 
to kill him in the first place, which is clearly the case, with the 
multiple bombings of his compound in Tripoli, which in one case killed 
one of his sons and three grandchildren, it is clearly targeted killing 
and I suppose NATO can now claim success. It has got what it wanted.
President Barack Obama said that there is going to be a pull-out from Libya 
soon, so in your mind does that mean the objective has been met?
Yes, it has entirely. Regime change, take-over of Africa’s largest oil 
reserves, the incorporation of Libya, which hitherto had been the only 
North African country that was not a member of NATO’s so-called 
Mediterranean Dialogue, into what is now according to Secretary General 
Anders Fogh Rasmussen a military partnership with the North Atlantic 
Alliance…So in every sense their objective has been accomplished. It’s 
certainly nothing that is going to benefit the Libyan people.
You don’t see this as being justice for the oppressed Libyan people? I mean 
there are people saying that Gaddafi was a terrible guy. He killed 
thousands so he deserved to die.
There is just so much – what term do I want to use? – low taste, gratuitous 
reveling in the murder of this man, who was born 70 years ago in the 
very city he was murdered in on the 216th day of NATO’s bombing of his 
country. He was born under Italian Fascist occupation and he died under 
NATO occupation. I think the parallel there can’t be missed, including 
the fact that Italy supplied some of the warplanes that have devastated 
his country since the middle of March, since March 19th. If he was the 
monster they’ve portrayed him as being – and I invite your listeners to 
go to the NATO website and see some of the crude caricatures of Gaddafi 
they’ve posted over the last few days – wall graffiti and so forth – 
portraying him in a demeaning and belittling way, to further dehumanize 
him preparatory to murdering him.
Alright, I saw some television coverage of his naked body being thrown around 
like a piece of meat. I am sorry for the expression.
Yes, after they brought him to Misrata. This is sickening, barbaric and 
worse than barbaric treatment and it’s in a long line of similar 
travesties. This is true with Slobodan Milosevic in Yugoslavia and 
Saddam Hussein in Iraq, with any leader of a country that doesn’t 
kow-tow entirely. I am not putting all these people in the same basket. 
Let’s rephrase that. Any leader whose time has come according to the 
United States and NATO can expect death. Hussein was hanged, Gaddafi was shot. 
Whereas Gaddafi was considered to be – he was only nominally so, 
but he was considered to be – the head of state and even the head of the 
military, and the bombing of his private residences under the guise of 
their being command and control centers suggests that he was considered 
by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to be in charge of the Libyan 
military, when he was captured on Thursday his treatment was governed by the 
Geneva Conventions, but instead he was shot through the head and 
murdered. This is the new regime that is being implanted in Libya, and 
for all the West’s talk of the rule of law and humanitarian concerns and so 
forth this is a graphic image of its true intentions, just like the 
death of Slobodan Milosevic in a veritable dungeon in the Netherlands 
because he was denied proper medical treatment in Russia, and the 
grotesque hanging of Saddam Hussein. This is the image of the new world 
order, a world order in all its transparent barbarism.
What do you mean he was denied medical treatment in Russia?
Russia offered to make a deal with the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
former Yugoslavia to bring Slobodan Milosevic to Moscow for medical 
treatment, but he was denied that opportunity and he died shortly 
thereafter. Even more foul play may have been involved but the message 
is very clear.
Do you see a pattern, I am sorry to interrupt you there. Do you see a 
pattern here, I am sure you do, between Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and now 
Gaddafi? I mean, we have countries, for example, Hussein and Gaddafi, 
they pretty much stopped their weapons’ programs. They cooperated with 
the CIA, in this case from what I’ve heard, and it’s pretty much a 
given, Gaddafi was assisting the war on terror fight by the United 
States by 

[LAAMN] [Darenet] The Lobbyist

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden

Subject: [Darenet]  The Lobbyist
From:Michael Dare dar...@earthlink.net
Date:Tue, 25 October, 2011 4:40 pm
To:  thewo...@large.com

Hi, I'm Michael Dare, and since I don't live on a private island
surrounded by gunboats with a harem devoted to peeling my grapes, since I
haven't fleeced mankind with economic corruption and terrorism for nothing
more than my own personal benefit, since I'm not doing high dives into a
pool of gold like Scrooge McDuck, since I haven't abandoned the basic
precepts of human decency we're all born with for nothing more than my own
personal betterment, since I haven't turned into a corpulent slavemaster
whose soul can only be measured in micropayments, since this is the best
of times for money shufflers and the worst of times for the entire rest of
the human race, since I now find myself completely and utterly fucked by a
system that puts corporate greed over human need, since I'm now reduced to
stealing material not only from Charles Dickens but from signs I read in
the park, since the chasm between the haves and the have-nots in this
city, this state, this country, this planet, is so wide and so deep that
somebody, and it's not me, is looking to get pushed into it, because of
all these things, I am part of the 99%, I fully support Occupy Wall
Street, and I have been a member of Occupy Seattle since day one.

I had to get that out. Run-on sentences are no good for the public
microphone where I've been speaking lately. It's an acquired skill (It's
an acquired skill). You speak in short bursts (You speak in short bursts).
Everything takes twice as long (Everything takes twice as long). You have
to be an insta-poet. Ta da DA da da (ta da DA da da) Da da TA da da da (Da
da TA da da da) Writing's so much more simple, where my words only echo
endlessly in my OWN head, thank you very much.

From that first day where everything was a triumph, one of the most
exciting of my life, the park coalescing into little pods of discourse,
interactive amoeba, a big bang of expanding social evolution in front of
my eyes, to the fourth morning where I woke up to find a dozen Seattle
Police headed by an intimidating officer surrounded by media and lights
asking me to take down my tent, to sleeping in the park without a tent,
getting my backpack stolen, getting another tent, setting it up on the
night of 500, waking again to at least 50 Seattle Police on bikes and the
park surrounded by barricades, no way out, no way in, from the first rain
where we were forbidden to stand under the awning to the war of the
umbrellas where we were literally ordered to get wet, to seven blocks
away where I now mysteriously find myself the central facilitator of
Occupy Seattle South in that little building called city hall, I've been
completely convinced that the movement is organic, embracing all strata
of humanity, a living breathing frustrating disorganized mess that's the
most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Compared to Westlake Park, City Hall is the goddam Hilton. Westlake Park
is absolutely one of the worst places in the city to try to get a good
night's sleep. City Hall has a whole other vibe, peaceful, organized,
sanitary, a place where things got done instead of talked about.

Mysteriously, I was called a traitor. How dare I accept the Mayor's kind
offer of a place to sleep, bathrooms, running water, dozens of free
electrical outlets, no police, and a safe place to leave my stuff where I
can find it when I get back? Why was I giving in to THE MAN? I asked if
the Mayor offered them a room in the Hilton, would they take it, and was
told No way, man. He's the problem. It would be like accepting cake from
Marie Antoinette. It's all just a ruse. They want us where they want us so
they can surround us and BAM, round us all up.

Well, first of all, that's not what the permit says. Second, no Mayor in
the history of Seattle has EVER offered the front plaza of City Hall for
occupation by a political movement, much less suspended the fees which
should be running up to $500 a day. Third, if there was any political
pressure on the Mayor to do something, it was surely NOT to offer us City
Hall, it would have been the opposite, to squash us like bugs. Fourth, if
the Mayor hadn't offered it to us, we'd be demanding it, and fifth, I
asked him if he'd ever heard of the Trojan Horse. When the Mayor invited
us to occupy City Hall, he surely didn't expect ME in the lobby.
Writing in the lobby of city hall, I try to figure out what to call
myself. Days ago, I was told that the night before they had a vote and I
was now in charge. I was uncomfortable with being called a leader so we
settled on facilitator but I'm not happy with that because it makes my
kids facilitator tots.

So I need a new word for myself. I'm in a goddam lobby. The city council
and the mayor are upstairs. I have been, and I cannot stress this enough,

The one 

[LAAMN] NYC Labor Against the War: 10.25 OWS Report: Show Down

2011-10-26 Thread MichaelL
NYC Labor Against the War
10.25 Occupy Wall Street Report:
Show Down

  [333]  http://nyclaw01.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/chicago.jpg

While the Occupy actions have become national  symbols of resistance,
the movement has also served to underline the problem of America's
massive  police state, which is used to suppress freedom of expression
and  assembly rather than as an instrument to safeguard those
liberties. Police State Targets Occupy Movements | The Nation


CWA and Occupy Wall Street storm Lower Manhattan protesting Verizon's
Corporate Greed
October  21, 2011. Thousands of CWA and OWS protesters rally at Verizon
Wireless  store. 20 Verizon workers sleep at Liberty Plaza/Zucotti Park
in  solidarity with the 99%.

Protest derails DOE meeting on curriculum after just minutes |
We want our teachers to be paid more, yelled a 7-year-old,
Anais  Richard, who attends P.S. 11 in Brooklyn. If these things
are not done,  then we won't be able to be succeeded. The
people's mic repeated her  statement, complete with the misspoken
final word.

Education Panel Meeting Disrupted By Occupy Protesters
The  chancellor moved the official meeting to the third floor, split
between  three different classrooms. The protestors continued to hold
their own meeting in the auditorium for  almost two hours, and discussed
their opposition to mayoral control of  schools and education budget
cuts. Many of the several hundred  protesters were public school
teachers. Some of them have been involved  and are even organizers of
the Occupy Wall Street movement. Other  participants said they were just
been inspired by the ongoing protest.  Some of the demonstrators are
planning another event in early November at DOE  headquarters in
Downtown Manhattan, called Occupy The DOE.

New York D.A. declines to drop charges against protesters
Prosecutors instead offered those arrested an adjournment for six 
months; if the individual is not arrested during that time, the case 
will be dismissed and sealed.

Many Occupy Protesters Won't Take Plea Deal, Lawyer Says
Protestors have threatened to take their cases to trial in an effort to
clog up the court system.

The fight for OWS continues
We're calling on Mayor  Bloomberg to pledge his support for the
First Amendment rights of the  protesters, and allow them to stay as
long as they have a voice to be  heard.


Police State Targets Occupy Movements | The Nation
While  the Occupy actions have become national symbols of resistance,
the  movement has also served to underline the problem of America's
massive  police state, which is used to suppress freedom of expression
and  assembly rather than as an instrument to safeguard those liberties.

ALBANY: Unmoved Albany protesters add Cuomo to their list of concerns
A day after it was revealed that Cuomo tried -- unsuccessfully -- to get
Albany officials to use police to remove protesters from the park after 
an 11 p. m. curfew, demonstrators wasted little time in adding the 
governor to their lineup of concerns.

BOSTON: Occupy the Hood comes to Boston
‎I didn't know anything about Occupy Boston before tonight. I
heard a  lot of chanting in the neighborhood and decided to come out to
see what  was going on. I think this is a wake-up call for everybody to
stand up  for 

[LAAMN] Duane r Roberts left a message for you...

2011-10-26 Thread Badoo
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[LAAMN] Oakland Occupy attack again

2011-10-26 Thread John Johnson
Police stormed the Oakland Occupy with tear gas and rubber bullets, 
many demonstrators were hurt.

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
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[LAAMN] Cuban Film Premiere in LA Long Beach: 'In the Wrong Body' - Get Tickets Today!

2011-10-26 Thread ANSWER LA

Subscribe  Forward this email  Donate   
This November 9  12
SoCal Premiere Screenings of the New Cuban Film
Get Tickets Today!
Los Angeles Screening
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 8pm
@ Downtown Independent
251 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 
(Between 2nd  3rd St., downtown) Long Beach Screening
Saturday, Nov. 12, 2pm
@ The Art Theatre of Long Beach
2025 E. 4th Street, LB, CA 90814
(Between Cherry  St. Louis) 
Buy tickets for LA Premiere of 
In the Wrong Body
 Buy tickets for LB Premiere of 
In the Wrong Body
Join us at the Southern California Premiere Screenings of In the Wrong Body, 
the new Cuban documentary film about Mavi Susel, the first transgender person 
to receive a sex reassignment operation in Cuba. This film has never before 
screened in the United States.
Both Mavi Susel and Director Marilyn Solaya are traveling to the United States 
to attend and speak at the Los Angeles and Long Beach Premiere Screening 
Events. They will also participate in the question and answer sessions after 
the film. A reception will follow the Los Angeles screening. 
Tickets are only $10 per person. This is a rare opportunity to hear about life 
on Cuba in general and for LGBT people. Please purchase by clicking on the 
links or buttons in this email. 
You can also reserve tickets by phone: 213-251-1025 or email: 
answe...@answerla.org. There is limited availability for these special events.
You can also click here to donate and help make the tour a success. Please 
help us meet the costs associated with sponsoring these screenings and 
bringing Ms. Susel and Ms Solaya to Southern California from Cuba.

Sponsors: ANSWER Coalition, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, API 
Equality-LA, Coalition for Equal Marriage Rights, Students Fight Back. 
If you or your organization would like to co-sponsor the event, contact us: 
213-251-1025 or answe...@answerla.org. 
(In the Wrong Body, 2010, director Marilyn Solaya, Spanish/English 
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
137 N. Virgil Avenue, #201
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Get involved in ANSWER's work today!
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[LAAMN] South Africa: Support the March for Economic Freedom - Oct.26-27th

2011-10-26 Thread Cort Greene
 South Africa: Support the March for Economic
Written by Ali Nooshini Wednesday, 26 October 2011

*On September 10th during the celebration of the ANC Youth League's 67th
anniversary in Alexandra, ANCYL president Julius Malema declared “economic
war” against the rich minority and made a call for a “March for Economic
Freedom” to be held on Thursday and Friday, October 26-27th. The day has
come” he said “and on O.R. Tambo's birthday, we are going to march to the
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and take the battle to the monopoly capital.*

[image: Julius Malema, 14 September. Photo: Gary van der
Malema, 14 September.The demonstration will march on the Chamber of Mines,
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and on to the Union buildings in order to demand
a series of radical demands from the government. Among the demands of the
march are: Jobs, Free Quality Education, Proper Housing, Sanitation, Water
and Electricity. These demands alone address the most pressing needs of the
South African masses, but the most important demand is the call for the
nationalisation of the land and the mines without compensation.

The Youth League has called on all unemployed youth, underprivileged
students, underemployed youth, squatter camp dwellers, all communities that
are affected by service delivery protests, all landless people and people
without electricity to join the march. Furthermore, the Youth League, in
calling the march, state:

“...to all economic freedom fighters that total liberation and emancipation
of the oppressed and exploited people of South Africa will not only happen
in boardrooms and conferences. The people should rise and demand what
rightfully belongs to them. South Africa belongs to all who live in it -
black and white, and the distribution of wealth should begin to reflect the
reality that indeed South Africa belongs to all who live in it. It can never
be correct that so many people continue to live in absolute poverty
alongside wealth derived from our natural resources and political power to
determine their equitable allocation.”

Pressure from below pushes leaders to the left

The call for the March comes after several years of intensification of the
class struggle in South Africa. The country has experienced steady and ever
steeper rises in poverty and inequality. Although it is the biggest and most
developed economy of Africa, according to the Gini coefficient, it is one of
the most unequal countries in the world. The country, officially, has 24.5
percent unemployment and the same figure for township youth unemployment is
57%. Those living below the poverty line of $1.25 a day are 26.2% of the
population and 60 percent of children are pushed out of the schooling system
before they reach grade 12.

These figures, as disturbing as they might be, do not give the full picture
of the conditions faced by the South African masses. Poverty, misery, lack
of proper education, lack of access to basic utilities and massive
corruption are all factors that make every day a challenge for the vast
majority of the 50 million South Africans.

This situation has lead to a massive radicalisation within wide layers of
the population in the last period. Besides the hundreds of thousands of
industrial and municipal workers who every year go on massive strikes
(especially in the so-called “Strike Season” between June and August), tens
of thousands of workers and poor in townships around the country participate
in massive spontaneous protests that violently flare up on an almost monthly
basis. In 2011 alone more than 10 protesters have already been killed by the
police and security forces while participating in these militant actions.

The most important reflection of this radicalisation, however, has been the
evolution of the ANCYL that, under the leadership of its president Julius
Malema and Spokesperson Floyd Shivambu, has put forward an increasingly more
progressive programme, particularly when calling for the nationalisation of
the mining industry, an industry which makes South Africa the second largest
producer of minerals in the world

At the ANCYL congress in June the organisation passed a resolution that

“(...) The ANC Youth League resolves to:

   1. Amend section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
   to make provision for the expropriation without compensation of property,
   particularly land, for equitable redistribution in the public interest and
   for public purpose
   2. Nationalization of strategic sectors and the commanding heights o f
   the economy to realise the Freedom Charter’s clarion call that the people
   shall share in the country’s 

[LAAMN] The Stunning Victory That Occupy Wall Street Has Already Achieved

2011-10-26 Thread Ed Pearl
street_has_already_achieved?akid=7775.78931.jC3wNkrd=1t=5 rd=1t=5

The Stunning Victory That Occupy Wall Street Has Already Achieved

In just one month, the protesters have shifted the national dialogue from a
relentless focus on the deficit to a discussion of the real issues facing
Main Street. 
By Joshua Holland
Alternet: October 26, 2011  |   
Occupy Wall Street has already achieved a stunning victory – a victory that
is easy to overlook, but impossible to overstate. In just one month, the
protesters have shifted the national dialogue from a relentless focus on the
deficit to a discussion of the real issues facing Main Street: the lack of
jobs -- and especially jobs with decent benefits -- spiraling inequality,
cash-strapped American families' debt-loads, and the pernicious influence of
money in politics that led us to this point.

To borrow the loosely defined terms that define the Occupy movement, these
ordinary citizens have shifted the conversation away from what the “1
percent” -- the corporate right and its dedicated media, network of
think-tanks and PR shops -- want to talk about and, notably, paid good money
to get us to talk about.

Peter G. Peterson, a Wall Street mogul and Nixon administration cabinet
member, has reportedly dedicated a billion dollars of his fortune to the
effort since the 1980s. How successful have he and his fellow travelers
been? In 2009, the Washington Post came under fire for running an article –
in its news section, not its opinion pages – written by Peterson's Fiscal
Times, which the watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3991 described as “a propaganda outlet
… [formed] to promote cuts in Social Security and other entitlement
programs.” (It was Peterson Foundation employees, among those from other
outside groups,
a-advisors-want-to-know-whats-happening-on-his-deficit-commission/ who
staffed Obama's “bipartisan deficit commission.”) 

As I noted back in May, a study done by the National Journal that month
quantified what the Washington Post's Greg Sargent,
described as a “deficit feedback loop,” in which “the relentless bipartisan
focus on the deficit convinces voters to be worried about it, which in turn
leads lawmakers to spend still more time talking about it and less time
talking about the economy.”

According to the
nemployment-20110516 Journal, “major U.S. newspapers have increasingly
shifted their attention away from coverage of unemployment in recent months
while greatly intensifying their focus on the deficit.”

The analysis -- based on a measure of how often the words unemployment and
deficit appear in major publications -- portrays a dramatically shifting
landscape of coverage over the past two years, as the debate over how to fix
the federal deficit has risen to prominence and the question of how to
handle still-high unemployment has faded from the media's consciousness.

Consider the impact that relentless focus on the deficit – and declining
coverage of the jobs crisis and housing meltdown -- had on public opinion
until very recently:

Now fast-forward five months, and we see an entirely different media
landscape. According to the
_2011 Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism, the
economy dominated last week's news, grabbing 24 percent of the mainstream
media's “news hole.” Occupy Wall Street accounted for 10 percent of the news
hole, up from 7 percent the week before, and 2 percent the week before that.
(The death of Libyan leader Moammar Ghaddafi drew more attention to foreign
policy issues
_2011 this week, but the economy continued to be a dominant topic.)

Last week, Zaid Jilani of Think Progress
reet-ignoring-deficit-hysteria/ offered some data which tell the tale of a
dramatically shifting media landscape. He noted that “at the beginning of
August, when Washington, DC was debating the debt ceiling crisis, the
national debt dominated the airwaves.”

While it was appropriate for the media then to be covering the deficit due
to the debt ceiling debate at the time, there was a stunning lack of
coverage of the jobs crisis. A ThinkProgress review of the media 

[LAAMN] Happy 10th Birthday, USA PATRIOT Act.

2011-10-26 Thread Cort Greene

 Happy 10th Birthday, USA PATRIOT Act.
October 26, 2011
 tags: FOIA http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/foia/, Justice
New York Times http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/new-york-times/, Patriot
Act http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/patriot-act/
by Lauren Harper

The Patriot Act signed into law, just ten short years ago.

Almost *two-thirds of Americans
the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.
*Nearly half* http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1893/poll-patriot-act-renewal
of the USA PATRIOT Act. Fortunately, some of its laws flaws are receiving
some much needed attention on its *10th

The Patriot Act, which was enacted 45 days after September 11 attacks, was
designed to give intelligence agencies more power to collect information in
cases dealing with national security.

Signed into law by George W. Bush on this day in 2001, it has received mixed
reviews from civil rights advocates and constitutionalists alike.
Nonetheless, this May Obama signed a four year extension for three
controversial provisions of the Act (roving wire taps, searches of business
records, and conducting surveillance of individuals suspected of terrorist
activities but who are not associated with any known organizations).

Over the past ten years the Patriot Act has experienced some *growing
For example, between 2003 and 2006 there was only 1 terror-related
conviction as a result of the Act. Additionally, of the 53 reported criminal
referrals made to prosecutors as a result of the Act, 0 were for terrorism,
and of the 3,970 “sneak peaks” (secret raids of homes and offices) conducted
in 2010, less than 1% were terror-related.

Here’s an excellent infographic from the
the Act’s overreach.

From the ACLU. Check out http://www.aclu.org/reform-patriot-act

As *we tweeted* http://twitter.com/#!/NSArchive earlier this month, the
Justice Department *is being
*New York Times *and reporter Charlie Savage over its failure to disclose
its “secret” government interpretations of the Patriot Act.

The lawsuit originated from comments made by Senators Mark Udall (D-Colo.)
and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) when the Senate was debating reauthorization of the
Act. As Senator Wyden stated, *“I want to deliver a warning this afternoon:
When the American people find out how their government has secretly
interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.”*

To date, the Justice Department has failed to respond to the request or to
provide a lawful reason for withholding this interpretations.

As extensive as the privacy concerns caused by the Patriot Act are, the
existence of a  “secret interpretation” would be incredibly troubling.

Happy Birthday!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] FREE TICKET FOR 10/29-30 LA Green Festival! PLEASE COME visit us at Booth #814!

2011-10-26 Thread SIUHIN
FREE TICKET FOR 10/29-30 Los Angeles  Green Festival! PLEASE COME to Visit 
Immigrant Solidarity Network and Action LA  at Booth #814!
Please call: (626)695-3405
Dear all:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network and Action LA will be exhibit at the  
upcoming Los Angeles Green Festival Saturday - Sunday 10/29-30, 2011 at 
downtown  LA convention center.
We have some free tickets if you're interested to attend and visit  our 
booth at #814.
In addition, w're looking for volunteers to help us tabling (we'll buy you  
free food) for the event, for return we can share some of our space  for 
your tabling :)
If you're interested, please call me: (626)695-3405.
The LA Green Festival will be expect tens of thousands of visitors and over 
 hundred speaking events--it'll be a event you cannot be missed! For more  
information _http://www.greenfestivals.org/_ 
IN solidarity!
Lee Siu  Hin

National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
Action LA Network _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  
Peace NO War  Network _http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ 
Activist  Video Service _http://www.ActivistVideo.org_ 

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[LAAMN] Carter Center interferes with the Venezuelan Election Process Again!

2011-10-26 Thread Cort Greene
Carter Center interferes with the Venezuelan Election Process Again!

Venezuela's Presidential election is less than a year from now and true to
form, an all out effort is being made by array of characters from
international media to governmental organizations from many countries to
NGO's such as the Carter Center who are already on the attack to discredit
it and the popular President Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian revolution in

Many of you  know I am no friend of the Carter Center after its actions in
Venezuela in the 2004 recall vote ( see  below-The Carter Center, OAS and
the Recall Referendum in Venezuela ), even though some in the Venezuelan
bureaucracy praised its role only after President Chavez's stunning victory
in a effort to try to curry favors and legitimize an election that was not
needed to begin with and was nothing but a disgraceful display of groveling
before an arm of imperialist intervention.

The Carter Center in an open letter entitled “Declaration of the Friends of
the Inter-American Democratic Charter on the Venezuelan Decision Regrading
the Ruling  of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”( see below)  has
come out swinging and has compared the Venezuelan Supreme Court to those
of  Chile's military courts rulings during the fascist Fujimori regime
because of it saying that the ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights is lacking and unenforceable and thus  maintaining the prohibition
against the embezzler and coup monger Leopoldo Lopez in the upcoming
election and from holding public office until 2014( I for one think he
should not be able to hold office at all).

 The declaration is signed,  by the same old protectors of capitalamong
others such as Cesar Gaviria, Jorge Castaneda, Andres Pastrana, Sergio
Ramirez, Alejandro Toledo and Jimmy Carter.

Most countries including the United States have rules and
regulations governing elections and those who run in them and Venezuela is
no different. It is an absurdity for the Carter Center to interject itself
into the process at all considering their past performance.

As we get closer the the election we will see all kinds of charades from
these so called watchdogs of bourgeois democracy.



Declaration of the Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter
on the Venezuelan Decision Regarding the Ruling of the Inter-American
Court of Human Rights

We, the undersigned, regret the announcement of the Venezuelan Supreme Court
that it will not be feasible to comply with the decisions of the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of Leopoldo Lopez vs.
Venezuela issued on September 1, 2011.   The Inter-American Court together
with the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights constitute a human rights
system that serves as a model for the world.  Based in the American
Convention on Human Rights, the system is an achievement of Latin American
and Caribbean states (neither Canada nor the United States have ratified)
that should be jealously protected by all.

We note with concern that to our knowledge, with the exception of the
military courts rulings during the Fujimori regime, this is the only country
in the hemisphere where the merits rulings of the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights have been rejected by the Supreme Court in expressly declaring
them non-binding and unenforceable.

The failure to comply with the findings of the Court by a signatory state
under the jurisdiction of the Court, and departing from its international
obligations as dictated by the American Convention, threatens not only the
Court itself but also the collective defense of human rights in the

  *Diego Abente Brun
*Former Minister of Justice and Labor of Paraguay *Mariclaire Acosta
*Former Undersecretary for Democracy and Human Rights of Mexico *Nicolás
Ardito Barletta
*Former President of Panama *Jimmy Carter
*Former President of the United States of America *Jorge Castañeda
*Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico *Joe Clark
*Former Prime Minister of Canada *Humberto de la Calle
*Former Vice President of Colombia *César Gaviria
*Former President of Colombia *John Graham
*Chair Emeritus, Canadian Foundation for the Americas *Osvaldo Hurtado
*Former President of Ecuador *Torquato Jardim
*Former Justice of the Superior Electoral Tribunal of Brazil *Luis Alberto
*Former President of Uruguay *John Maisto
*Former U.S. Ambassador to the OAS *John Manley
*Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada *Barbara McDougall
*Former Minister of External Affairs of Canada *Robert Pastor
*Former Director of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs
National Security Council *Andrés Pastrana
*Former President of Colombia *Sergio Ramírez
*Former Vice-President of Nicaragua *Ronald M. Sanders
*Member Eminent Persons Group of the Commonwealth *Jorge Santistevan de
Former Human Rights Ombudsman of Peru *Eduardo Stein

[LAAMN] NYC Labor Against the War: 10.26 Occupy Wall Street Report: After Oakland

2011-10-26 Thread MichaelL

Occupy Oakland and the 'Post-Racial' Repression of Obama Era
The future  power struggles are not just going to be about fights
between one race  and another, said Lau. They're mostly going to be
about class, which  is a big part about what the whole Occupy movement
is about.
http://t.co/J2TQAGCi http://t.co/J2TQAGCi


New York Becoming a Police State? Occupy Wall Street Meets the
NYPD's  metal barricades have militarized the peaceable occupation at
Liberty  Square and contributed to the creeping homeland security state

Protesting stop and frisk
Activists are marching against the New York Police Department's racist
stop-and-frisk policies that target Blacks and Latinos.

SJP Conference 2011: A Chronological Photo Tour
A  street vendor's food stand reads From Tahrir Square, Egypt, to
Liberty  Park, New York. Students attending the National Students for
Justice  (SJP) Conference joined the Occupy Wall Street protests in
Zuccotti  Park.
http://bit.ly/tEQbDR http://bit.ly/tEQbDR

NYPD Shadows Muslims Who Change Names: Report
The  legal justification for the program is unclear from the documents 
obtained by the AP. Because of its history of spying on anti-war 
protesters and political activists, the NYPD has long been required to 
follow a federal court order when gathering intelligence. That order 
allows the department to conduct background checks only when police have
information about possible criminal activity, and only as part of 
prompt and extremely limited checking of leads.


Latest developments in the global Occupy protests

ATLANTA: cops remove Occupy Wall Street protesters - Chicago Sun-Times
Police included SWAT teams in riot gear, dozens of officers on
motorcycles and several on horseback.

BALTIMORE: City officials want Occupy Baltimore to clear out of Inner
City officials want Occupy Baltimore to scale back its presence at a
downtown plaza near the Inner Harbor.

LOS ANGELES: Officials want Occupy LA protesters off lawn | abc7.com
I  am going to stand my ground here because there are some changes that
need to be taking place, and we are tired that we're just being giving 
the run around.


GREECE: On the brink of social explosion
As another  48 hour strike begins in Greece Matthaios Tsimitakis
describes a  situation where despair and hope coexist in weird
combination and where  something seems to be about to change in the

PALESTINE: Truths, facts and facts on the ground
The  peace that Israel is proposing for Palestinians in fact evokes
another  memory, of how another country dealt with Jewish settlement,
namely the  Russian Empire under Catherine the Great and the creation of
the Pale of  Settlement in the late eighteenth century for Jews to be
confined to,  which they were for the most part till the early part of
the twentieth  century.

PALESTINE: Martha Frintzila Refrains From Performing

[LAAMN] Landau: Afghanistan Calling!

2011-10-26 Thread Ed Pearl
Weekend Edition October 21-23, 2011 
http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/10/21/afghanistan-calling/# 3 
The Exterminating Angels

Afghanistan Calling!


Ten plus years ago, the United States (oops, NATO) invaded Afghanistan and
quickly won the war against the militarily (technologically) inferior
Taliban government. Taliban fighters fled to Pakistan. Washington and allies
followed their victory by quickly losing the occupation challenge. As W.
Bush and allies invaded Iraq, the Taliban crept back from Pakistan and undid
the US war victory. So, some 250,000 troops (mostly US) and contractors
(US-paid) still occupy that much-invaded but never truly conquered country.

Alexander the Great invaded twice (330 and 327 BC) and soon died in Iraq of
“Baghdad tummy.” Some 20+ centuries later the English unlearned Alex’s
lesson. They marched (big mistake) on Kabul. They took losses and finally
withdrew in frustration.

In the 21st Century, the Soviets spent a decade of failure trying to subdue
CIA-backed Afghans. Washington cheered and its generals thought they could
do better than the Soviets. But after ten years of occupation, the UN
reported higher civilian and military casualty rates than in preceding years
— and with no clear road to meeting any realistic goals. The West set out to
build “our kind of third world nation” – one with a bare façade of
democracy, like elections that pass minimal scrutiny.

Similar to the Vietnam scenario of the 160s and 70s, US forces trained vast
numbers of local cops and troops – some of whom don’t enjoy fighting
potential brothers; others occasionally use their training and weapons to
kill US and NATO soldiers.

Once again, (Vietnam?) nation-building re-entered the US vocabulary.
Fighting goes with making an infrastructure and inculcating modern values
like women’s rights, but the military comes first, so Afghan women wait –
and their babies die prematurely at world record rates for lack of care
(funding). Some still get stoned for offenses (acting like women) that
confound westerners. Indeed, Afghanistan has always confounded the invaders
from afar.

We obviously have a more rational society. Look at the facts. Despite
overwhelming public disapproval, Congress between 2001-2008 allocated some
$100 million a day for military purposes in Afghanistan. But all the NATO
countries combined to cough up a whopping $7 million a day for non-military

Congress feeds $120+ billion a year into the Afghan operation – far more
than the Afghan national budget — so that we can show results: Tens of
thousands of wounded and dead. No NATO control. Our President there (Hamid
Karzai) may win a place in the Guinness Book of Records for corruption.
Under his supposed rule elections proved his country had copies US
democracy: low turn out and vote-rigging – like Florida in 2000.

Our ten years of paying for and training Afghan cops and spooks have also
produced other dubious results unless one favors hanging detainees by their
hands, beating them with cables, and twisting “their genitals until the
prisoners lose consciousness.”

The NY Times, citing a UN report (Oct. 10), stated that such torture occurs
systematically at “these sites run by the Afghan intelligence service and
the Afghan National Police.”

NATO officials admit they knew of the abuses and in the summer stopped
sending prisoners to some of the torture sites. But they did not make it
public. US officials denied knowledge and continued to pour money into the
very system that produced the routine torture.

Did US trainers close their eyes and ears? Or did US complicity coincide
with possible benefits “from information obtained from suspects who had been
tortured?” (New York Times, October 11, 2011)

The UN Convention Against Torture prohibits the transfer of a detained
person to the custody of another state where there are substantial grounds
for believing that the detainee is at risk of torture.

“Use of interrogation methods, including suspension, beatings, electric
shock, stress positions and threatened sexual assault is unacceptable by any
standard of international human rights law,” the report said (Alissa J.
Rubin, New York Times, October 11, 2011). Did 

[LAAMN] Cheat Sheet: What's Happened to the Big Players in the Financial Crisis - ProPublica]

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden


Cheat Sheet: What's Happened to the Big Players in the Financial Crisis

by Braden  http://www.propublica.org/site/author/braden_goyette/ Goyette
ProPublica, Oct. 26, 2011, 2:56 p.m.


Widespread demonstrations in support of Occupy Wall Street have put the
financial crisis back into the national spotlight lately.

So here's a quick refresher on what's happened to some of the main players,
whose behavior, whether merely reckless or downright deliberate, helped
cause or worsen the meltdown. This list isn't exhaustive -- feel welcome to
add to it.

Mortgage originators

Mortgage lenders contributed to the financial crisis by issuing or
underwriting loans to people who would
-sub-prime-frontline.html have a difficult time paying them back, inflating
a housing bubble that was bound to pop. Lax
ation-before-financial-crisis.html regulation allowed banks to stretch
their mortgage lending standards and use aggressive tactics to rope
borrowers into complex mortgages that were more expensive than they first
appeared. Evidence has also surfaced that lenders
-scandal-may-date-back-late-s/#.TpSdTf5Fu8M were filing fraudulent
documents to push some of these mortgages through, and, in some cases, had
been doing so as early as the 1990s. A 2005 Los Angeles Times investigation
ofAmeriquest - then the nation's largest subprime lender - found that they
forged documents, hyped customers' creditworthiness and 'juiced' mortgages
with hidden rates and fees. This behavior was reportedly typical for the
subprime mortgage industry. A similar culture existed at
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/28/business/28wamu.html Washington Mutual,
which went under in 2008 in thebiggest
n-finds-fraud-wamu-lending/#.Tp7lzN4UoqQ bank collapse in U.S. history.

Countrywide, once the nation's largest mortgage lender, also pushed
customers to sign on for complex
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/26/business/yourmoney/26country.html and
costly mortgages that boosted the company's profits. Countrywide CEO Angelo
Mozilo was accused of
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/business/17trial.html misleading
investors about the company's mortgage lending practices, a charge he
Merrill Lynch and
idUSTRE77M0E620110823 Deutsche Bank bothpurchased subprime mortgage lending
outfits in 2006 to get in on the lucrative business. Deutsche Bank has also
been accused of failing
tml to adequately check on borrowers' financial status before issuing loans
backed by government insurance. A lawsuit filed by U.S. Attorney Preet
Bharara claimed that, when employees at Deutsche Bank's mortgage received
audits on the quality of their mortgages from an outside firm, they stuffed
eviews-in-a-closet-literally/ them in a closet without reading them. A
Deutsche Bank spokeswoman said the claims being made against the company are
unreasonable and unfair, and that most of the problems occurred before the
mortgage unit was bought by Deutsche Bank.

Where they are now: Few prosecutions have been brought against subprime
mortgage lenders. Ameriquest went
419320070901 out of business in 2007, and Citigroup bought its mortgage
lending unit. Washington Mutual was bought by JP Morgan in 2008. A
Department of Justice investigation into alleged fraud at WaMu closed
-washington-mutual-investigation-with-no-criminal-charges with no charges
this summer. WaMu also recently settled
tml a class action lawsuit brought by shareholders for $208.5 million. In
an ongoing lawsuit, the FDIC is accusing former Washington Mutual executives
Kerry Killinger, Stephen Rotella and David Schneider of going on a lending
tml spree, knowing that the real-estate market was in a 'bubble.' They
deny the allegations.

-acquire-countrywide/#.Tp7g0N4UoqQ of America purchased Countrywide in
January of 2008, as delinquencies on the company's mortgages soared and

[LAAMN] What Would Jesus Protest?

2011-10-26 Thread scotpeden
This is Reverend Jack Zylman's response to the above subject line. The
original article is below it. I felt this was one of the best historical
outlays that also reflect what is happening in the bit of the world today,
we can extract from what the media does allow us to know about.

I am forwarding this along with Reverend Zylman's permission.


This is my answer to “What would Jesus Protest?”

In first century Israel, the nation’s leader was not King Herod, who was
appointed by the Roman Emperor, but the priesthood of the Temple of
Jerusalem, led by the Chief priest, Caiaphus.  With his disciples and
other followers in a remarkably democratic movement, including many women,
 gathered at Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee, he led a great march South
upon Jerusalem and the Temple, to tackle what was to them the basis of the
economy, for the Temple was Israel’s Wall Street!
The most powerful instrument in the Israel economy was the sacrifice
industry, and industry it was.  The peasant farmers of Israel contracted
with the Temple to raise animals for sacrifice, for they had to be
specially raised, being blessed, for pay, at every step of the process. 
To do this, the poor peasant mortgaged his tiny tract of land, his small
farm, to the Temple, which would be repaid when and if he got his money at
the end of the process.  If he couldn’t pay, it would be foreclosed on and
repossessed!  Yep, Wall Street Israel and the Temple were one had the
same.  The economic dominators have never changed!
We know from the story that his aging mother, at the end of her days at 50
or older (life expectancy was about 50) was with him on this long and
arduous march.  I suspect that she wasn’t home because it had been
repossessed!  And where had Jesus been when he disappeared from the story
from the age of  12 until he was 30?  Very possible sold into slavery to
help her maintain possession of Joseph’s bit of land.
It’s easy to see why Jesus was marching on the Temple; it was the same
reason that Wall Street is today occupied by young people and their
supporters.  Indeed, when this band of revolutionaries arrived at the
Temple, they occupied the outer court, where commerce, including banking
(money exchange) and the sale of the sacrifice animals took place.
Jesus and his band were not violent, and they did not attack anyone. 
Instead, they released the animals from the cages, in what may have been
the first animal liberation movement in history, and used whips to drive
the animals out, destroying the basis of the economy!  Not only were the
animals free,  but they were made impure and couldn’t be used for
No wonder the Chief Priests wanted this revolutionary dead!  This was a
non-violent revolution, which Occupy Wall Street can become!
Caiaphus held a trial and convicted him, of course, but execution wasn’t
enough for Jesus – he wanted it a huge public execution, so he called in
Pontius Pilate, because only the Emperor could crucify and make the
execution public.  Of course he agreed, without caring, and the
revolutionary was beaten and marched off to carry his own cross and die
upon it – a Roman execution ordered by an Israeli high priest!
The situation on Wall Street is remarkably similar, with mass arrests and
violent attacks by the police – was there a centurion named Tony Boloney?
While the main stream media carefully ignores the occupation, The last
week of Jesus life is being enacted before us!  And we must stand with the
movement as well as we can, wherever we are.
This mass resistance can be the beginning of the public struggle that can
bring Wall Street down, bring down corporate capitalism – the system we
have that rules the world and that was copied by a collaborationist Jew,
Milton Friedman, from an Italian dictator – this is the Roman Empire of
our era!
Do not fear a collapse of the economy, it is necessary to free the people
and  bring us in equality to rule by all.  The depression the banks may
well impose on us, as they did in 1929, will not be brought by the
Occupation or by the people, but the very banks that dominate the world
We must, like the people of Jesus time, free ourselves and the human race
from the dictatorship of the banks and corporations, and carry us all to
freedom and human unity!

Rev. Jack Zylman

1321 16th Avenue South

Birmingham, AL  35205-6020

cell:  205-821-0650

Occupy Wall Street!

Occupy Birmingham!

When I feed the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why so many people
are poor they call me a communist.

- Dom Helder Câmara


 Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 3:09 PM
 Subject: [libertyundergroundtalk] What Would Jesus Protest?

 What Would Jesus Protest?
 By Reverend Anthony Wade

 It started as most age-defining movements do, somewhere in the wind. Some
 unrest, some recognition of what is right and wrong. Some people willing