[LAAMN] GAP APOLOGIZES- AIM SOCAL doesn't ACCEPT- GAP must meet all demands!

2012-10-22 Thread C
UPDATE: McNairy the wanna be Designer of the MANIFEST DESTINY shirt-  removed 
his offensive tweet and all comments. Not sure if that was because he realized 
it was wrong or if he was tired of people yelling at him. He has yet to make a 
 oh wait, he made a comment found on the Robohontas page: The designer for the 
GAP Manifest Destiny T-Shirt has responded to criticisms of his Genocide 
Fashion statement.  From his Twitter page: MANIFEST DESTINY. SURVIVAL OF THE 
FITTEST!  (that is a pretty sick statement people- lets him put through some 
of the HISTORICAL TRAUMA we have been through as NATIVE PEOPLE- teach the 
little insensitive freak a lesson)
Gap knows about this now. Their response? Delete comments on their FB related 
to this issue. 
oh and we know that the Stockholders of GAP are getting wind of the controversy 
and NOT HAPPY with it this is RACISM and GREED - they should not be HAPPY 
they should be OUTRAGED AS ALL OF US! KEEP UP THE FIREthey are starting to 
after 3 days of slamming these insensitive greedy pigs, SOME WONDERFUL PERSON 
from WA was the 1000th person to sign your petition: GAP: Discontinue the 
MANIFEST DESTINY tshirt and issue a formal apology. GAP and the wanna be 
designer are going down.!  HELP US TO KEEP CIRCULATING PETITION!
Please sign this Petition and REPOST! HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
What is Manifest Destiny?
== Manifest Destiny: a belief that the US has a god given right to expand its 
territory from coast to coast... == == == == A.K.A. expansion ==Belief that 
the US should expand from sea to shining sea
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_manifest_destiny#ixzz29LWXtS2O
Manifest Destiny had serious consequences for Native Americans, since 
continental expansion implicitly meant the occupation and annexation of Native 
American land, sometimes to expand slavery. The United States continued the 
European practi
ce of recognizing only limited land rights of indigenous peoples. In a policy 
formulated largely by Henry Knox, Secretary of War in the Washington 
Administration, the U.S. government sought to expand into the west through the 
nominally legal (by United States law) purchase of Native American land in 
treaties. Indians were encouraged to sell their vast tribal lands and become 
civilized, which meant (among other things) for Native American men to 
abandon hunting and become farmers, and for their society to reorganize around 
the family unit rather than the clan or tribe. The United States therefore 
acquired lands by treaty from Indian nations, usually under circumstances which 
suggest a lack of voluntary and knowing consent by the native signers, and in 
many cases a lack of authority by the signers to make any such transaction. 
posted by Laura Lynch
GAP On your Make a Difference page, you state:Behind the label of any 
product is a deeper story about its social and environmental implications. Were 
the workers who made the product treated fairly? Were environmental 
considerations weighed during its design, manufacture and transport? What is a 
brand's commitment to creating positive change?
Did anyone ask these questions before designing, marketing, and selling the 
'Manifest Destiny' shirt? 
So, what IS your brand's commitment to creating positive change? Because this 
isn't it. I understand there's a lot of ignorance surrounding our history, and 
I don't really expect a t-shirt designer to have an education that would've 
given them a full understanding of what manifest destiny truly entailed. But, 
it has been brought to your attention now. This promotes the glorification of 
genocide and conquest that's the essence of manifest destiny. Not very 
positive. Unless the 'positive change' you're referring to, are the profits you 
make from such things.
-She Be Facebook AIMSoCal Supporter
Do your part- Make a difference- do not allow CORPORATE GREED to continue to 
RE-Post this information and SIGN PETITION!
CONTACT THE designeri...@markmcnairy.com

Contact GAPand/or write a review of this shirt on GAPS merchandise page
Gap x GQ Mark McNairy Manifest T | Gapwww.gap.com
San Francisco 
New York Product Development
55 Thomas St.
Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10011212-604-0020
or let them know on their FACEBOOK PAGE

[LAAMN] Malala’s Lessons

2012-10-22 Thread Cort Greene
Malala able to stand, write, thanks supporters: Doctors


October 20, 2012 at 10:30 am Maryam Namazie

The shooting of the wonderfully brave Malala Yousefzai by the Pakistani
Taliban has brought to the fore many of the issues that I have been banging
on about for a long time.

*Not all Muslims (or those labelled as Muslims) support Islamism and the
likes of the Taliban.*

Many of them are its first victims and at the frontlines of resistance.

And because of who Malala is and what she represents, this ever-present
resistance and dissent is pushing its way into mainstream consciousness and
demanding to be seen and heard.

The far-Right keeps asking where the ‘Muslim’ voices of dissent are (and
this question has become the question of the day within many circles). Of
course, they ask this not because they care but because it implies that
Muslims are one and the same with the vile Islamists so that the far-Right
can justify its racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim agenda.

Well assholes, here they are…

On another related matter, what I find most ironic in all this is how the
Taliban’s propaganda is so close to the nice, lovely, liberals and
post-modernist and relativist Left who keep calling for tolerance and
respect of the intolerable (as if the Islamist perspective is that of all

I personally have lost count of the amount of times I have heard these
lovely people tell me that the demand for universal rights is a demand for
– shall we just put it in the Taliban’s words as they are one and the same
– ‘western culture’ …

Like the far-Right, this lot sees Islamists and Muslims as one and the same
but from another ‘progressive’ angle. Defending Sharia law, the Islamic
regime of Iran’s right to nuclear technology, the veil, and every other bit
of misogyny and barbarity is to them an act of anti-imperialism because
they see Islamism as a force of resistance against US-led militarism (when
it is in fact the other side of the same coin) and a defence of Muslims
from bigotry. I suppose, to justify their inhuman position, they have no
choice but to see Islamism as the representative of every single ‘Muslim’
no matter how many bodies pile up in prisons, in city centres, and
alleyways across the Middle East, North Africa and right here in Europe.

How shameful. How very sorry I feel for this lot and how angry. Because in
this colossal fight against the beast of Islamism, they knowingly or
inadvertently have decided to side with the beast and not the likes of

Hopefully, this can be a turning point for them, though I won’t be holding
my breath.

With or without them, the likes of Malala will bring – is bringing –
Islamism to its knees.

The fact that the Taliban has to shoot a 14 year old girl who merely wants
the right for girls to go to school shows how afraid they are of her and
the dissent she represents and how very potent and effective this
resistance is. Not bombs, not regime change from above, not economic
sanctions but people power and sheer human will and defiance.

In the meanwhile, our young hero, Malala, has been able to walk with help,
and has managed to converse in writing, even asking for her supporters to
be thanked.

Islamists – and your cowardly apologists – be afraid, be very afraid…
About the Author

 This is my personal blog. Any comments made by me here are my own and
don't reflect the various campaigns I work on (unless of course they are
attributed to those campaigns). Some of my activities include being
Spokesperson of the One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain,
the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Equal Rights Now - Organisation
against Women's Discrimination in Iran. I work closely with Iran
Solidarity, which I founded, and the International Committee against
Stoning on the Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani stoning case amongst others. I am
very much on the Left and am Central Committee member of the
Worker-communist Party of Iran

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] FW: Daniel Ellsberg: Progressives: In Swing States, Vote for Obama

2012-10-22 Thread Ed Pearl


From: Ed Pearl [mailto:epear...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:13 AM
To: Ed Pearl
Subject: Daniel Ellsberg: Progressives: In Swing States, Vote for Obama 

Great event yesterday evening's CSPG award night.  Actually, CSPG itself
turned out
to be awarded in detail by the winners as the largest, most in use achive
and provider
of poster art in the world, and actually has changed the status of the art
it that world.
Tom Morello is articulate, on point, and truly a great artist, in these
times on the level
of Woody Guthrie, in his long heyday.   Several people told me they attended
after my  
Saturday notice, and that's nice to hear. -Ed 

Progressives: In Swing States, Vote for Obama
My answer was: a Romney/Ryan administration would be no better -- no
different -- on any of the serious offenses I just mentioned or anything
else, and it would be much worse, even catastrophically worse, on a number
of other important issues: attacking Iran, Supreme Court appointments, the
economy, women's reproductive rights, health coverage, safety net, climate
change, green energy, the environment. 
 by Daniel Ellsberg on October 18, 2012
It is urgently important to prevent a Republican administration under
Romney/Ryan from taking office in January 2013.

The election is now just weeks away, and I want to urge those whose values
are generally in line with mine -- progressives, especially activists -- to
make this goal one of your priorities during this period.

An activist colleague recently said to me: I hear you're supporting Obama.

I was startled, and took offense. Supporting Obama? Me?!

I lose no opportunity publicly, I told him angrily, to identify Obama as a
tool of Wall Street, a man who's decriminalized torture and is still
complicit in it, a drone assassin, someone who's launched an
unconstitutional war, supports kidnapping and indefinite detention without
trial, and has prosecuted more whistleblowers like myself than all previous
presidents put together. Would you call that support?

My friend said, But on Democracy Now you urged people in swing states to
vote for him! How could you say that? I don't live in a swing state, but I
will not and could not vote for Obama under any circumstances.

My answer was: a Romney/Ryan administration would be no better -- no
different -- on any of the serious offenses I just mentioned or anything
else, and it would be much worse, even catastrophically worse, on a number
of other important issues: attacking Iran, Supreme Court appointments, the
economy, women's reproductive rights, health coverage, safety net, climate
change, green energy, the environment.

I told him: I don't 'support Obama.' I oppose the current Republican Party.
This is not a contest between Barack Obama and a progressive candidate. The
voters in a handful or a dozen close-fought swing states are going to
determine whether Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are going to wield great
political power for four, maybe eight years, or not.

As Noam Chomsky said recently, The Republican organization today is
extremely dangerous, not just to this country, but to the world. It's worth
expending some effort to prevent their rise to power, without sowing
illusions about the Democratic alternatives.

Following that logic, he's said to an interviewer what my friend heard me
say to Amy Goodman: If I were a person in a swing state, I'd vote against
Romney/Ryan, which means voting for Obama because there is no other choice.

The election is at this moment a toss-up. That means this is one of the
uncommon occasions when we progressives -- a small minority of the
electorate -- could actually have a significant influence on the outcome of
a national election, swinging it one way or the other.

The only way for progressives and Democrats to block Romney from office, at
this date, is to persuade enough people in swing states to vote for Obama:
not stay home, or vote for someone else. And that has to include, in those
states, progressives and disillusioned liberals who are at this moment
inclined not to vote at all or to vote for a third-party candidate (because
like me they've been not just disappointed but disgusted and enraged by much
of what Obama has done in the last four years and will probably keep doing).

They have to be persuaded to vote, and to vote in a battleground state for
Obama not anyone else, despite the terrible flaws of the less-bad candidate,
the incumbent. That's not easy. As I see it, that's precisely the effort
Noam is referring to as worth expending right now to prevent the
Republicans' rise to power. And it will take progressives -- some of you
reading this, I hope -- to make that effort of persuasion effectively.

It will take someone these disheartened progressives and liberals will
listen to. Someone manifestly without illusions about the Democrats, someone
who sees what they see when 

[LAAMN] Accomplices to Murder

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden

Excellent new piece from Arthur Silber:

If you vote for Obama or Romney, do so proudly. I want you to say: I
vote for Obama/Romney proudly. I am proud to be a knowing accomplice to
their murders, including the murders of innocent human beings. Say
that, and those of us who refuse to surrender our souls will know where
you stand.

This is not a complicated issue. It is stunningly straightforward. Those
who seek
to complicate and confuse it do so because they will not identify the
meaning of their support, either to themselves or to anyone else. When
they wish still to be regarded as civilized, murderers and their
accomplices will engage in endless irrelevant arguments and invent
complexities where none exist. Don't let them get away with it. They are
knowing accomplices to murder. Make them say it.Arthur Silber


Classical economics  is only value-free on its surface.  In actual fact it
ignores power in the world.  In actual fact it ignores that its outcomes
ALWAYS hurt the lesser much more than they do the greater.  Economics is
not just the dismal science, it is the shameful fancy window dressing of
the exercise of naked power by the rich and the owners against the poor
and the workers.  It is the condom which makes safe and obscure the ways
we are screwed.   Wythe Holt 5/21/09
Solidarity is the path as well as the destination of socialism.
Solidarity grieves when a worker loses his job or sees her pension
slashed. Solidarity cheers when a union wins middle-class pay. Solidarity
rejects the greed of insurers as the distributor of healthcare and
demands single payer for all.  Solidarity smells the rat who divides
white from black, black from gay, native from newcomer, or America from
the rest of humanity.  By Phillip Bannowsky

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Eyewitness: Venezuelans vote for socialism

2012-10-22 Thread Ed Pearl

Eyewitness: Venezuelans vote for socialism

Sunday, October 21, 2012
By Pip Hinman http://www.greenleft.org.au/taxonomy/term/1093 , Caracas
About 3 million people march. 

Nothing quite prepares you for a first visit to Venezuela ¯ especially when
the country is polarised between two very different visions for the future.

This is how it was just before the October 7 presidential elections, which
socialist President Hugo Chavez won with 55% of the vote in the largest
turnout, more than 81%, in Venezuelan history. 

The polarisation was marked by the fact that Chavez, who ran on a platform
for a transition to socialism, and the opposition, whose right-wing
candidate Henri Capriles ran on a platform that claimed to support Chavez's
famous social missions, received their highest votes ever since Chavez was
first elected in 1998.

The mood was electric. Everyone had an opinion and they were not shy about
letting you know it. 

There was the old man who spat at me at La Bandera bus station mistakenly
presuming I was a supporter of Capriles. And there was the woman very moved
that Australians were interested in Venezuela's process of change. 

The atmosphere was like nothing I'd experienced in any election campaign in

The Venezuelan people are engaged in a huge social and economic challenge to
the old capitalist order. Call it what you want: it is anti-capitalist,
pro-socialist and profoundly democratic.

To live among it ¯ even for a few weeks ¯ was exhilarating, challenging and

Venezuela is also very loud. From the campaign anthems booming out from
personal PAs in car boots and front yards, to the huge ones stationed at
every major intersection of seven major avenues in central Caracas for the
final election rally, to the fire crackers that awakened the poll booth
workers at 3am to the victory fireworks that ended the day. The lack of any
volume control takes some adjusting to.

But the assault on my senses was not only limited to sound. I joined one of
the biggest international solidarity brigades to Venezuela, organised by
Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network (AVSN), to witness the revolution up
close and observe the elections. 

A highlight was taking part in the most memorable election rally ever on
October 4 ¯ along with 3 million other people who had traveled, in some
cases all night, to be a part of history.

The AVSN brigade was co-organised by Coral Wynter, a retired biochemist who
first visited Venezuela in the 1970s when Venezuela was ruled by the
right-wing Carlos Andres Perez government. She recently became a star after
two local TV stations repeatedly screened the documentary Chasing Chavez on
election eve. 

The film follows Wynter's attempt to present a copy of the book she
co-wrote, Voices From Venezuela, to Chavez. After these screenings, Wynter
couldn't go anywhere without being mobbed as the Australiana who supports

Mostly from Australia, the brigadistas included a Dane, a Greek, a Russian
and a Mexican ¯ all with different political views, but all interested in
the process in Venezuela.

Despite different takes, we all came away convinced that a very profound
political transformation is taking place, despite difficulties and

How else can you explain the huge reduction in poverty from 70% to 25% over
the past 10 years? Or eradication of illiteracy and the leap from 25% to 75%
secondary school attendance?

About 60% of the budget now goes to health, education and transport. A
network of state-run, heavily subsided food stores ensures people no longer
eat dog food, as many were forced to in the past. They no longer have to beg
to survive.

Today, the poor living in shanty towns, barrios, are steadily being
allocated new apartments: hundreds of thousands of which are being built as
part of Mision Vivienda.

Gilberto Rodriguez, from the housing department, showed us some he had
designed in central Caracas. All had been built on what were private car
parking lots requisitioned on the basis that housing is a human right. 

Victims of the devastating floods in December 2010 were given first choice.
We met some families who had been rescued and were still living in the
department of housing offices.

It is estimated Venezuela will need to build at least 300,000 apartments a
year to satisfy demand over the next six years. This is part of the Chavez
government's plan for its next term.

We were invited to visit a new apartment block and met some of the happy
first-time home-owners who were unpacking as builders put the finishing
touches to the building.

A new owner had already struck a problem: her front door key wasn't working
and she had now found the closest person to officialdom she could to
complain. Rodriquez heard her out and they talked about a communal strata

[LAAMN] Quotes

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think
things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and
taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government
he live! s under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable...  - H.L. Mencken

I'll tell you what they don't want-they don't want a population of
citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well informed, well
educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in
that. That! doesn't help them. That's against their interest.  -  George

It is the minorities who have made the history of this world. It is the
few who have had the courage to take their places at the front; who have
been true enough to themselves to speak the truth that was in them; who
have dared oppose the established order of things; who have espoused the
cause of the suffering, struggling poor; who have upheld without regard to
personal consequences the cause of freedom and righteousness. It is they,
the heroic, self-sacrificing few who have made the history of the race and
who have paved the way from barbarism to civilization. The many prefer to
remain upon the popular side.  Eugene Debs

When you invite people to think, you are inviting revolution -  Ivana

When the people liberate their own minds and take a hard clear look at
what the 1% is doing and what the 99% should be doing, then serious stuff
begins to happen. - Michael Parenti

The press, or at least most of it, has lost the passion, the outrage, and
the sense of mission that once drove reporters to defy authority and tell
the truth. - Chris Hedges

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.
-  Joseph Goebbels

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[LAAMN] Longtime Indigenous American activist Russell Means dies at 72

2012-10-22 Thread Cort Greene
 [image: Leonard Peltier Defense Offense

Incident At Oglala – The Leonard Peltier Story

Leonard, Peltier, rally, Russell, Means, Fargo -
  ► 10:08► 
 www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUl5fifMUf8Nov 28, 2008 - 10 min - Uploaded by
*Russell Means* speaking at Nov. 28, 2008 rally for *Leonard Peltier* at
federal courthouse in Fargo, ND where *...*
   Longtime Indian activist Russell Means dies at 72

   - Article by: DIRK LAMMERS and KRISTI EATON
   - Associated Press
   - October 22, 2012 - 3:42 PM

 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Russell Means spent a lifetime as a modern American
Indian warrior. He railed against broken treaties, fought for the return of
stolen land and even took up arms against the federal government.

A onetime leader of the American Indian Movement, he called national
attention to the plight of impoverished tribes and often lamented the
waning of Indian culture. After leaving the movement in the 1980s, the
handsome, braided activist was still a cultural presence, appearing in
several movies.

Means, who died Monday from throat cancer at age 72, helped lead the 1973
uprising at Wounded Knee — a bloody confrontation that raised America's
awareness about the struggles of Indians and gave rise to a wider protest
movement that lasted for the rest of the decade.

Before AIM, there were few national advocates for American Indians. Means
was one of the first to emerge. He sought to restore Indians' pride in
their culture and to challenge a government that had paid little attention
to tribes in generations. He was also one of the first to urge sports teams
to do away with Indian names and mascots.

No one except Hollywood stars and very rich Texans wore Indian jewelry,
Means said, recalling the early days of the movement. And there were
dozens, if not hundreds, of athletic teams that in essence were insulting
us, from grade schools to college. That's all changed.

AIM was founded in the late 1960s to demand that the government honor its
treaties with American Indian tribes. The movement eventually faded away,
Means said, as Native Americans became more self-aware and self-determined.

There were plenty of American Indian activists before AIM, but it became
the radical media gorilla, said Paul DeMain, editor of News from Indian
Country, a national newspaper focused on tribal affairs.

If someone needed help, you called on the American Indian Movement, and
they showed up and caused all kind of ruckus and looked beautiful on a
20-second clip on TV that night, DeMain said.

Means and AIM co-founder Dennis Banks were charged in 1974 for their role
in the Wounded Knee uprising in which hundreds of protesters occupied the
town on the site of the 1890 Indian massacre. Protesters and federal
authorities were locked in a standoff for 71 days and frequently exchanged
gunfire. Before it was over, two tribal members were killed and a federal
agent seriously wounded.

After a trial that lasted several months, a judge threw out the charges on
grounds of government misconduct.

Other protests led by Means included an American Indian prayer vigil on top
of Mount Rushmore and the seizure of a replica of the Mayflower on
Thanksgiving Day in Plymouth, Mass.

But Means' constant quest for the spotlight raised doubts about his
motives. Critics who included many fellow tribe members said his main
interest was building his own notoriety.

Means said his most important accomplishment was the proposal for the
Republic of Lakotah, a plan to carve out a sovereign Indian nation inside
the United States. He took the idea all the way to the United Nations, even
though it was ignored by tribal governments closer to home, including his
own Oglala Sioux leaders, with whom he often clashed.

For decades, Means was dogged by questions about whether the group promoted
violence, especially the 1975 slaying of a woman in the tribe and the gun
battles with federal agents at Wounded Knee.

Authorities believe three AIM members shot and killed Annie Mae Aquash on
the Pine Ridge reservation on the orders of someone 

[LAAMN] First race card mud slinging Presidentail campaign]

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden

Though this bloggers refers to the position as electing the Commander in
Chief, I still find many of his documented other facts, correct.

The electoral system in 1787 removed our individual votes from electing a

First race card played in 1787, as well as immigration phobia. I also note
it runs on the average of every 6 years that race card is played to elect
someone, and then the laws are almost universally defunded, leaving the
immigration/race issue to be a useable tool in the future (fix nothing
that gets your man elected).

Federalist = supporter of the most moneyed.

Republican/Democrat = supporter of the most moneyed

Some people seem to think we lost our representation as citizens in the
1900's instead of the 1700's.

Hamilton, the most vocal representative of the moneyed during the American
revolution, it was his block of people in the Continental Convention that
stopped funding George Washington, leaving him and his men in Valley Forge
over the winter without pay or food.

Hamilton was our first Treasure.

1796 Hamilton introduced the first nosy sex scandal into an election.

Hamilton introduced our first negative campaigning, by pseudonym or proxy,
instead of being out in the open about his mythical accusations,
circumventing people being able to be confronted by their accusers.

Hamilton introduced the first item about accusing a competitor of
cowardice, without proof.

The first instance of some non Corporate/Big Business Party being blamed
for a Corporate party loss.

The newspapers were used like they are today, trial in the press without
proof of charges, and removal of enough whole facts people could make
independent decisions on their own.

It is interesting to note that Washington wrote about his disgust of the
minority representation for only the most powerful people, while he
himself was after land the American Indians had, the whole of the Ohio
River Valley, whom he treated as less then living beings.

The 12th Amendment of course, continued to move voting away from the white
landed people to the even more power factions within the country (which is
why Jefferson was accused of being non white, it would have disqualified

Ever wonder where the phrase, a Burr in your side came from?

And here we are today, nothing changes if nothing changes.

Anyone fine with the FEAR THE OPPOSITION voting system should read not
only this but study how effective it is at removing data, facts, knowledge
For the lazy, just compare 200 years ago here, with today.



Inside America’s first dirty presidential campaign, 1796 style

Posted 10 hours, 43 minutes ago.

By Scott Bomboy


Shocked by the discourse of this year’s presidential campaign? Wait till
your hear what happened in 1796, when the U.S. had its first contested
election for commander-in-chief.

On October 19, 1796, a mysterious editorial from a writer named Phocion
appeared in the Gazette of the United States, a popular Federalist
newspaper in Philadelphia.

At the time, Vice President John Adams was pitted against another Founding
Father, Thomas Jefferson, in a race to succeed George Washington as
president. Phocion’s letter was what we would today call an “attack ad.”

The letter in the Gazette written by Phocion said, in terms understood by
most readers, that presidential candidate Jefferson was having an affair
with one of his female slaves.

Bestselling author Ron Chernow chronicled the incident in his biography of
Phocion–the person also known as Alexander Hamilton.

In a Batman-complex moment, Phocion also accused Jefferson of running away
from British troops during the Revolution, unlike his brave friend
Alexander Hamilton.

Phocion also paid compliment after compliment to Adams and claimed
Jefferson would emancipate all slaves if he were elected president.

The “slave” letter was one of several dozens written by Hamilton during
the campaign, all attacking Jefferson.

The incident was one of the first instances where the “race card” was
played in a presidential election.

It was the first presidential race in America with two political parties:
the Federalists (led by Adams and Hamilton) and an opposing group, later
to be called Republicans, or Democratic-Republicans (led by Jefferson and
James Madison).

Washington was so popular that he won his two elections without meaningful
opposition. But Washington said in September 1796 he wouldn’t seek a third
term, giving Americans about three months’ notice to find a replacement.

Adams defeated Jefferson by three electoral votes in the short but nasty
1796 election, which shocked contemporaries in its use of dirty tactics
and back-door maneuvering. Adams gained an electoral majority by just one

The ever-scheming Hamilton, says Chernow, caused more problems for 

[LAAMN] Special Half Price Tickets for the Artivist Awards Ceremony on Sunday, November 4th, 6:00 PM at Barnsdall Theatre in Hollywood ~ Honoring S. Brian Willson, Maria Bello, Devon Franklin Chris

2012-10-22 Thread Frank Dorrel

Thursday, November 1st thru Sunday, November 4th   

At The Barnsdall Gallery Theatre in Hollywood 

4800 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles 90027 - (Near Corner of Hollywood  Vermont)

For Complete Schedule go to: www.ARTIVIST.com 


Award Ceremony is Sunday, November 4th, 6:00 PM:  

Honoring S. Brian Willson, Maria Bello, Devon Franklin, Christine Devine  
Winning Films.

Judd Nelson Will Be the Host of the Awards Ceremony  Will Present the Award to 
S. Brian Willson


Get Half Price Tickets for the Awards Ceremony by using Special Discount Code.  

See Instructions Below. 


Here Are the Steps to Take to Get the Discounted Ticket Price:


1) Go to this link: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/281878

2) Near the top of the ticket listing is this line:  ‘Enter a Password or 
Discount Code’. Click on this.

3) A box will appear, with the prompt next to it saying; Password or Discount 

4) Enter Dorrell then click on Show Available Tickets

5) The discounted ticket price will appear. 



9th ANNUAL ARTIVIST Film Festival is Here!

Join us in ‘Raising Awareness for Humanity, Animals  the Environment through 
Film' at the 9th ARTIVIST FILM FESTIVAL. Please SHARE this post  get your 
tickets here:  http://ymlp.com/zchb4S http://ymlp.com/zchb4S



Join us in supporting Peace and the end of War through Film at the 9th ARTIVIST 
FILM FESTIVAL.  Please SHARE this post and get your tickets here: Anti-War, 
Pro-Peace Film Program: http://ymlp.com/zlwGuQ 



Join us in supporting Environmental Preservation through Film at the 9th 

Please SHARE this post and get your tickets here:  Environmental Film Program: 



Join us in supporting Child Advocacy  Human Rights through Film at the 9th 
ARTIVIST FILM FESTIVAL.  Please SHARE this post and get your tickets here: 
Child Advocacy  Human Rights Film Program: http://ymlp.com/z4piti 



Join us in supporting Animal Advocacy through Film at the 9th ARTIVIST FILM 
FESTIVAL.  Please SHARE this post  get your tickets here: Animal Rights 
Program: http://ymlp.com/zJRiFC 



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Issue 10/ 3/ 2012



Film Festival  Awards

Limited Tickets Available - Reserve Your Space Below!










Director: James Kleinert




November 1st • 8:00 PM

Barnsdall Theatre - 4800 Hollywood Blvd. LA, CA. 90027


Wild Horses  Renegades • Director: James Kleinert

This is not just a film about wild horses; it is a film about what is 
happening to our planet at the hands of corporate greed. Michael Blake, author 
of Dances With Wolves.

Wild Horses  Renegades features Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Viggo Mortensen, 
Raoul Trujillo, Daryl Hannah, Dances with Wolves author Michael Blake, former 
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, U.S. Congressmen Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), and 
Pulitzer Prize winning author Scott N. Momaday. There is nothing more symbolic 
of the freedoms of America than the wild horses that make their home in the 
wide open spaces of the West. Under 'federal management', these horses and 
their pristine environment are being devastated due to corporate interests in 
mineral extraction and cattle grazing.

Both an animal advocacy and an environmental protection issue, the debate on 
the failed management of American western federal lands, and the underlying 
role of corporations, has become a growing national embarrassment. With 
stunning vistas and interviews with notable contributors, Wild Horses  
Renegades brings to light the people fighting to save these animals and our 
environment from extinction.




Return to the Forest • Director: Patricia Sims

Narrated by William Shatner, Return to the Forest is the heartfelt story of 
the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and its mission to return captive Asian 
elephants back to the wild; saving them from abuse, exploitation, and 


Tickets Will Sell-out!
Reserve Your Seat Now: Click here 
http://t.ymlp201.net/qemapabwwhagamjagauesj/click.php !




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[LAAMN] Palestine:UN cuts Fatah calls for boycott of Qatari emir's visit,PFLP critical, PSF declines invitation

2012-10-22 Thread Cort Greene
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — When the ruler of Qatar arrives in the Gaza
Strip on Tuesday, he will hand the Palestinian territory's
their biggest diplomatic victory since taking power five years ago.

The first head of state to visit Hamas-controlled Gaza, the emir will
deliver more than $250 million in aid, a move that will deepen the Islamic
militant group's control of Gaza and which reflects the rising influence of
the Muslim 
the region.

The Brotherhood now governs Egypt, and Islamic parties have made gains
elsewhere in the region since last year's popular revolts that became known
as the Arab Spring. Qatar has been a key ally of the movement, which
includes the Palestinian offshoot Hamas..

*Fatah calls for boycott of Qatari emir's visit*
 Published yesterday 22:04
[image: Font-] [image: Font+]
  GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Fatah on Monday called on Palestinians to boycott a
visit of the Qatari emir to the Gaza Strip.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is expected to visit Gaza on Tuesday to
inaugurate reconstruction projects worth $254 million. He will be the first
head of state to visit the Hamas-run enclave since Israel imposed a siege
on Gaza in 2006.

Fatah's office in Gaza said the visit would entrench the division between
the West Bank, governed by the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, and the
Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

Looking for a political power in the region at the expense of the
Palestinian people and their rights and unity is unacceptable, Fatah said
in a statement, adding that aid to the Palestinian people was not a gift
but a national and holy duty.

Fatah said all aid to Palestinians should be channeled through the
Palestine Liberation Organization and its leader President Mahmoud Abbas.

It said those using Palestinian suffering for their own narrow goals
should look for ways to support Palestinians to achieve their rights

Earlier Monday, Fatah leader Yahya Rabah told Ma'an that Fatah had not been
invited to meet Sheikh al-Thani by Qatar or Hamas.

Spokesman of the Hamas-led government Taher al-Nunu insisted that Fatah had
declined an invitation to attend the welcoming celebration for the emir.

*Popular Struggle Front leader Mohammad al-Ziq said his party had declined
an invitation from Hamas to join the welcoming ceremony.

Al-Ziq said the emir's visit would further the division and legitimize the
national split while the PLO was trying to win state membership of the UN.

The Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine also criticized the visit.

We are surprised that emir of Qatar will visit Qaza at this time, PFLP's
general leadership said in a statement. This visit is serving the Israeli
occupation and will enhance the geographic division between Gaza and the
West Bank.

PFLP said the millions of dollars donated to Gaza by Qatar would not mask
the real political reasons behind his visit. *
UNRWA staff to strike over cuts
 Published yesterday 20:17
[image: Font-] [image: Font+]
  BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- UNRWA staff employed in schools, clinics and offices
in refugee camps across the West Bank will strike on Tuesday in protest
over cutbacks in services.

UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, is cutting health services
and other emergency programs, and firing 130 employees, a spokesman for
refugee camps in the West Bank said Monday.

Imad Abu Ismail said in a statement that medical operations had been
canceled due to a financial crisis in the UN agency.

He said a general strike will be held on Tuesday and protests will continue
until the austerity measures are reversed.


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