[LAAMN] Fw: BREAKING: We're Prepared to Strike, Please Support

2012-11-13 Thread Romi Elnagar

BREAKING: We're Prepared to Strike, Please Support  
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Dear Romi,

Yesterday, a group of warehouse workers in Southern California decided they 
will strike this week if the retaliation at the warehouse where they work does 
not end.

You can support these brave workers. Sign our petition supporting all workers 
in Walmart's supply chain.

Warehouse workers like David Garcia were terminated and others have been 
demoted or had their hours dramatically cut just for speaking up for a safe 
work place.

There is good news: Since workers went on strike the first time this September, 
the company that operates the warehouse has been scrambling to rent fans, add 
water coolers and fix broken equipment. Now workers no longer have to pay for 
their own safety equipment. With your support, conditions are improving.

Unfortunately, the workers who risked their jobs to win humane working 
conditions are still being punished and retaliated against. For this reason 
workers are prepared to strike again. 

Retaliation anywhere in Walmart’s supply chain should not be tolerated, but 
workers are speaking up despite the risks. Walmart workers announced they will 
make Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the biggest shopping day, a 
national day of action to end retaliation at Walmart.

One way you can support workers in Walmart's entire supply chain is to sign our 
joint petition. Six members of the Walton family, who own half the company, 
have more wealth than the bottom 42% of American families combined. Walmart is 
the largest private-sector employer in the world. Walmart must ensure that all 
workers who help enrich the company are respected and not retaliated against 
for speaking up.


Warehouse Workers United
Southern California

P.S. If you are in the Los Angeles are, please join us in person. Rally with 
Warehouse Workers to End Retaliation Thursday, November 15. Like on 
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Warehouse Worker Relief Fund
 follow on Twitter | like on Facebook | forward to a friend | Donate 
Copyright © 2012 Warehouse Workers United, All rights reserved. 
Final sign on letter list from strike. 
Our mailing address is: 

Warehouse Workers United
601 S Milliken Ave, Suite AOntario, CA 91761

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[LAAMN] Fw: Breaking News: Trayvon Prosecutor foregoes grand jury

2012-04-09 Thread Romi Elnagar


This afternoon, Florida State Attorney Angela Corey made a surprising 
announcement: She decided to forego a grand jury in the Trayvon Martin case.

Her decision has put the responsibility of whether or not to prosecute George 
Zimmerman squarely on her shoulders, and hers alone.

Thousands of NAACP members around the country have marched on behalf of Trayvon 
Martin and his family in the last few weeks. Thousands more have prayed and 
held vigils in his name. Tens of thousands of you have appealed to Florida 
State Attorney Corey, asking her to passionately pursue justice in the case.

In light of today's news, we've got to redouble our efforts.

Please sign the petition to Prosecutor Corey today - and when you are done, 
spread the word to your friends and colleagues:


From day one, Trayvon's parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, have been 
pillars of courage. Even in their suffering, they have stood unwaveringly for 
justice. Their example has inspired a global movement for justice for Trayvon.

Clearly, the Sanford police mishandled the investigation into Trayvon's death 
from the beginning. But we now have an opportunity to ensure that justice 
delayed does not become justice denied. 
Our most important task is to act now to make sure Prosecutor Corey handles 
Trayvon's case with an eye for justice.

Join our call to Prosecutor Corey for justice for Trayvon--and all our children:


Thank you for your support. Together, we will continue our fight for justice.


Benjamin Todd Jealous
President  CEO

PS: The NAACP recently held a rally for Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. 
Watch the video of highlights from our Justice for Trayvon Rally. 
Donate | Join the NAACP | Blog | Take Action | Find Your Local Unit  

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2012-02-15 Thread Romi Elnagar

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Romi, I just wanted to give you an update on our activities in North Carolina. 
Just minutes ago, activists greeted employees at Duke headquarters with a 
message: We’re not going away until you clean up your act. Duke  its CEO Jim 
Rogers keep claiming they support using 
renewable energy, and yet they’re spending their time and money by 
investing in more dirty coal. 

We need to get 50,000 letters to Duke by tonight and we’re almost there. 
Send your message to Jim Rogers right now and tell him to dump dirty 
Thanks, Robert

If you can't access this link, go to

Activists have taken a stand at a coal plant in North Carolina to send a 
message: Dirty energy is not the answer. 

Help back up these activists by sending the same message yourself to Duke 
Energy CEO Jim Rogers right now.
Just moments ago activists took a stand at a coal-fired power plant in North 

Duke Energy is looking to acquire the company that owns the plant, Progress 
Energy. If the deal goes down, Duke will not only be the largest utility in the 
country but also one of the dirtiest. That’s because both companies rely on 
destructive practices like mountaintop 
removal for getting their coal and neither is making very much progress 
toward renewable energy.  

 activists are there to send a clear message to Duke: Dirty energy is 
not the answer. But you don’t have to be at a coal plant to send the 
same message yourself. 

Help back up the activists and help us reach our goal of 50,000 letters to 
Duke CEO Jim Rogers in the next 48 hours by sending the same message 
yourself right now. 

 like Duke know they can do better and have invested a lot of money in 
convincing the public they are. Jim Rogers himself recently acknowledged
 that his company and other utilities are in a “unique position...to 
deploy solutions, to raise the capital and not raise the national debt, 
to do it at scale...” 

 their behavior doesn't match that rhetoric. Duke continues to rely on 
dirty old coal plants like the one these activists are at today in North
 Carolina. Polluting the air, destroying mountains, poisoning the water 
and killing the climate in the process. 

 Duke’s planned merger with Progress Energy seems to only be leading 
them down more dead ends -- more dangerous nuclear plants, more dirty 
biomass, and more coal-fired power plants. In other words, more global warming.

 can make a different choice if they want to. But that will only happen 
if we call them out. That’s why activists have taken a stand today at a 
coal plant in North Carolina today to get the message across, and it’s 
why you should take a minute to deliver the same message yourself right 

Quit Coal,

Robert Gardner
Greenpeace Coal Campaigner  
Click here to forward this message.
702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 |

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[LAAMN] FW: BREAKING: This Morning in New York City...

2011-11-15 Thread Cindy Henderson


Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 11:58:40 -0500
From: messen...@truthout.org
To: coz42...@hotmail.com
Subject: BREAKING: This Morning in New York City...

Last night, I watched lower Manhattan turn into a militarized lockdown. The 
park known as Liberty Square was apparently cleared by force, though I arrived 
20 minutes after the police barricades encircled a two-block radius, kicked out 
all media and prevented all foot traffic on public sidewalks surrounding the 
This was expected. The emergency text message went out at 1:00 AM and read, 
URGENT: Hundreds of police mobilizing around Zuccotti. Eviction in progress! 
prompting a mass mobilization of people like me, part-time protesters who 
signed up to converge on the park for the looming police raid on the physical 
heart of the Occupy movement.
The police were prepared for this flood of bodies. Many subway stops were shut 
down, as was the Brooklyn Bridge. My go bag had been packed for weeks, waiting 
for just this moment. I laced up my boots, and spent an agonizing 20 minutes on 
the subway from Brooklyn.
Upon arrival in lower Manhattan, I struggled for about two hours to get to a 
position where I could see into the park, to no avail. From a block away, I saw 
massive piles of what used to be supplies dumped into waiting trucks. People's 
major concerns were two-fold: first, the health and safety of the occupiers 
locked in the camp; and second, the 5,000 books of the Occupy Wall Street 
library. What a picture it would be (maybe it exists) of police in riot gear 
gathering boxes of donated books and loading them into garbage trucks. A 
perfect metaphor for what appears to be the intention of last night's raid: 
destroying the body of knowledge that had been collected by a movement just two 
months old, which was built by collective effort, literally from the ground up.
After four hours of wandering in groups and alone on the dark, empty streets of 
lower Manhattan, Foley Square, a park rich with the history of labor struggles 
in New York City, became the rallying point. After a short discussion with the 
handful of police on hand, Foley Square was determined to be a safe zone - for 
the time being.
Here I sit, watching the pulse of the Occupy Wall Street movement strengthen. 
Stories of arrests are being exchanged over a breakfast of apples and muffins. 
A sleepless crowd is beginning to be reinforced by New Yorkers from around the 
city as the morning news streams images of a camp turned back into a barren, 
soulless corporate park known as Zuccotti. But the drums are back. The spirit 
and the idea of the Occupy movement has only been strengthened. Today is the 
end of the beginning, and what has been built cannot be disbanded. Now, we 
stand at the beginning of the next phase, looking into the eyes of the people 
who created a new consciousness and a new politics.
Today is November 15, 2011, a beautiful day tainted only by the physical harm 
of those who left their blood and sweat on the cement of Liberty Park.
Please support Truthout as we cover this revolutionary history in the making. 
We're skating on the edge and we need you there with us. Can you make a 
donation so we can continue this vital coverage?

Click here to donate.
(Truthout is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 20-0031641)
You can also donate by check, made payable to:
Truthout, P.O. Box 276414, Sacramento, CA 95827
(Please include your email address on your check.)
Or call in your donation:
In solidarity,
Matt Renner, Director of Development and Communications
Support Truthout with a tax-deductible donation by clicking here. 

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[LAAMN] Fw: BREAKING: House votes to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding

2011-02-18 Thread Romi Elnagar

Planned Parenthood Online

#yiv1611876722 img {display:block;}

#yiv1611876722 img {display:block;} 

Dear Romi,

Minutes ago, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to bar Planned Parenthood 
from all federal funding for any purpose whatsoever. That means no funding to 
Planned Parenthood health centers for birth control, lifesaving cancer 
screenings, HIV testing, and other essential care.

By far, this is the most dangerous legislative assault on women's health in our 
history, and it cannot go unanswered. We need you to stand united with us now. 
We need you to stand with Planned Parenthood and with the three million women, 
men, and teens we serve, who are now at risk of losing access to basic care.

We've drafted an open letter to every single representative in the House who 
voted for this cruel, unconscionable, unthinkable bill, and to every senator 
who still has a chance to stop it. Will you sign it — and share it right now?


To the members of the House of Representatives who voted for the Pence 
Amendment to H.R. 1:

How could you?

How could you betray millions of women — and men, and teens — who rely on 
Planned Parenthood for basic health care? 

How could you condemn countless women in this country to undiagnosed cancer, 
unintended pregnancies, and untreated illnesses?

Your vote was not only against those who seek care at Planned Parenthood health 
centers, but against every one of us who has ever sought care there, and 
against every one of us who knows that when we are healthy, when we are in 
charge of our lives, we thrive.

It was a vote against me.

To every senator who will soon consider this legislation:

I stand with Planned Parenthood to say to you: STOP THIS. 

I stand with Planned Parenthood and the hundreds of thousands of people from 
every walk of life and every corner of this country who join me in signing this 
letter to tell you that we will fight this bill and we expect you to do the 

I stand with and for the millions of women, men, and teens who rely on Planned 
Parenthood, and I expect you to do the same.

To every member of Congress, know that we stand together today against this 
outrageous assault, and together we will not lose.

Romi, this fight will continue next week when our legislators return to their 
home districts, and when the vote heads to the U.S. Senate the following week. 
Your voice, your strength, and your unwavering support are absolutely critical, 
now and in the weeks ahead. I am so glad to know you are with us during this 
very challenging time.


Cecile Richards, President

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

P.S. Thank you also for your patience as these ongoing threats to Planned 
Parenthood require us to communicate with you so frequently.

visit plannedparenthood.org

© 2011 Planned Parenthood Federation of America | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use

This message was sent to bluesapphir...@yahoo.com.



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[LAAMN] Fw: BREAKING: Fake photos on BP website

2010-07-21 Thread Romi Elnagar

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Steven Biel, MoveOn.org Political Action 
moveon-h...@list.moveon.org wrote:

#yiv1631176761 , #yiv1631176761 td, #yiv1631176761 font {font-size:10pt;}
#yiv1631176761 td p {margin:0em;}
#yiv1631176761 p {margin:1em 0em;}
#yiv1631176761 td div p {margin:1em 0em;}
#yiv1631176761 .X0uMP p {margin:1em 0;}

Clicking here will sign your name:

Congress: We need an investigation to find out why BP posted a fake photo of 
their crisis response center—and
what else they're hiding.

Sign the petition

Dear MoveOn member,

It's just been reported that BP posted a fake, Photoshopped picture of their 
crisis response center on their website.1

This is hugely troubling. If BP doctored a picture on their website, what else 
are they
lying about? And why did they fake this picture in the first place? What are 
they hiding?

This also fits a pattern of stonewalling and misinformation by BP throughout 
this crisis.
The public needs to know what's really going on—and a scandal like this can 
really increase the pressure for
more transparency.

That's why we're calling on Congress to open an investigation into BP's faked 
and any other information they may have hidden or doctored. Click the link 
below to add your name to the petition:


The petition says, Congress: We need an investigation to find out why BP 
posted fake
photos of their crisis response center—and what else they're hiding.

Then, please forward this email to your friends and post on Facebook and 
Twitter so we can spread the news faster.

From the start of the disaster in the Gulf, BP has hidden information on key 
issues. They refused to divulge the results
of tests on the health impacts of exposure to evaporating oil, blocked access 
to the affected area, hid video of the broken
wellhead, and more.2

If the public doesn't have access to information, BP could be shielded from 
accountability. And we know BP is preparing to fight tooth-and-nail in court 
against claims made against them. Just last week, it was reported
that they've been offering huge signing bonuses to scientists at universities 
around the Gulf Coast to help them fight lawsuits.3

Now that they've been caught actually Photoshopping a picture, the federal 
government must stop trusting BP to share critical
information with the public. We need a full and thorough investigation into why 
BP faked this picture—and what else
they're hiding.

Click here to add your name to the petition:


Thanks for all you do.–Steven, Marika, Jeff, Duncan, and the rest of the team


1. BP photoshops fake photo of crisis command center, posts on main BP site, 
AMERICABlog, July 20, 2010


Altered BP photo comes into question, The Washington Post, July 20,


2. BP withholds oil spill facts—and government lets it, McClatchy Newspapers, 
May 18, 2010


3. BP buys up Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community, 
Mobile Register, July 16,


Want to support our work?
We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no
corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our
tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.
Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized 
by any candidate or candidate's committee. 


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[LAAMN] FW: Breaking! UCSB Students Protesting Iraq Shut Down Highway 217! (Update 3)

2007-02-17 Thread Ara Amirkhanian
Breaking! UCSB Students Protesting Iraq Shut Down Highway 217! (Update 3) 

by VoteHarder http://voteharder.dailykos.com  

Thu Feb 15, 2007 at 04:17:03 PM PST

I just got back from the antiwar protest at UC Santa Barbara, where 3000
students took part in the rally coinciding with today's strike against the
war in Iraq (see my last diary for details). Forgive me if this diary seems
rushed and nonsensical but my head is spinning right now I'm so happy!

The cops are currently blocking the freeway and 300 students are sitting
there, waiting to be arrested (I left at 3:05 or so, so they might already
be getting cuffed).

The rally started at 1 on the west side of campus by the Pardall bike
tunnel, as planned, as speakers took turns decrying the war in iraq,
congress's total lack of SERIOUS action to stop the war, and the UC's role
in the military-industrial complex among other things. A crowd of 2000-3000
students blocked the bike tunnel.

Read More About This Event Here:


Untainted News on Real World Issues

On 90.7 FM KPFK Or 98.7 FM Santa Barbara

http://www.kpfk.org/ blocked::http://www.kpfk.org/ 

http://www.commondreams.org/ blocked::http://www.commondreams.org/ 



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