[lace] Horror Kit?

2005-03-18 Thread Jean Nathan
Is this the 'Horror Kit'? I've noticed it on US ebay several times lately.


or search for item number 8178589103

Jean in Poole

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Re: [lace] Horror Kit?

2005-03-18 Thread Alice Howell
At 12:30 AM 3/18/2005, you wrote:
Is this the 'Horror Kit'? I've noticed it on US ebay several times lately.
or search for item number 8178589103

Yes -- that is the culprit.

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[lace] what's plonk

2005-03-18 Thread Jane Partridge
Margot Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
On Thursday, March 17, 2005, at 05:34  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Plonk is a term we use for the type of wine that you can clean a toilet 

Ooooh, I wouldn't go that far.  To me, plonk is not the greatest, but 
drinkable and cheap.  

We tend to describe it as paint-stripper - and it definitely doesn't
improve with age - drinkable to teenage daughters, definite yukk to us! 

Jane Partridge

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[lace] V A

2005-03-18 Thread Jean Peach
I phoned the V  A today, it seems they don't have a clue when the lace and
galleries will be open again.  Apparently because they had quite a few phone
they have had study days under security.  I have been told that they will
me when their next study day is, perhaps more people should email the V  A
ask when are the textile galleries going to be open.

There is a special exhibition of the Arts  Crafts.  Plus Customs owned by
Maude of Norway, they are in the costume gallery on the ground floor.  These
be on display until January next year.

Plus there is another exhibition City Fashion around the world.

So please find out what is happening at the V  A before deciding to go.


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[lace] IOLI Convention

2005-03-18 Thread Jean Nathan
This will probably sound really stupid to most of you (if so it'll give you
a laugh), but the last time I went out of the UK was in 1959, when I walked
out of a wooden shed, across the tarmac and up a short flight of steps onto
a 36-seater plane to go to Austria. That was the one and only time I got on
an aircraft - the trip was prearranged to fly there and train and ferry

I seriously considered going to Denver, but, apart from not knowing if I'd
have an RA flare up just before or while there, other questions arose.

1. Would I need something to prove that I have a steel knee joint? Would it
set of the metal detectors at airports? I assume they have them because I've
seen people in films, etc walk through an arch which sets of a detector if
they have anything metal on them.
2. What would be the reaction at US customs (or even the airlines) to me
carrying 11 different prescription drugs? Don't fancy being turned back or
3. Would I get travel insurance - I understand my only hopes would be Saga
or Age Concern ( or it might be Help the Aged)?

They're just the more sensible questions, so in the end I decided that it
was just too much hassle (at least in my mind) and I'm not going.

Jean in Poole

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[lace] Re bookmark tails.

2005-03-18 Thread Shirley
On Mar 17, 2005, at 8:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christina) wrote:

 My favorite project is bookmarks..but I have problems with the ends.
 My braids just don't come out right! Any suggestions on books that
 give directions on making nice braids and tassels.

 When I make tassels on the end of bookmarks I simply tension all but the two
outside pairs down into the center, then take the two outside pairs under the
others from left to right and right to left ( they are now on opposite sides
to where they started ).Now all you need to do is cross them at the front take
them around underneath again, bring them to the top and tie in a reef knot.
Works every time for me.

Shirley in Corio Oz.

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RE: [lace] Bookmark tails

2005-03-18 Thread Viv Dewar
I don't know about books, but I always end my bookmarks by
1)  work the last pinhole
2)  set aside the weavers from both sides, lift all the other
bobbins in one hand, cross the weavers. Lay the rest of the bobbins down
and tie a reef knot with the weavers.
Then I do one of the following (after doing a bit of untangling if the
bobbins look very messy - how much depends on how eager I am to start
the next project!)
a)  Split the bobbins into 3 more or less even groups and make a
plait with the threads
b)  take one of the weaver pairs and use it to make buttonhole
stitches (or half hitches) round the rest of the threads for as long as
makes a decent tassle or you get totally fed up! I use a fine crochet
hook for this
c)  continue taking the two weaver pairs and crossing behind the
rest of the threads, while knotting in the front. This makes a criss
cross braid.

With each of these when I get to the end I take all the threads and tie
a single knot in the bunch before cutting off. 

If you give a short time I'll put an example of each on webshots


-Original Message-
Sent: 17 March 2005 13:54
To: lace@arachne.com
Subject: [lace] Bookmark tails

My favorite project is bookmarks..but I have problems with the ends. My
braids just don't come out right! Any suggestions on books that give
directions on making nice braids and tassels. 
Christina in VA

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Fw: [lace] Bookmark tails

2005-03-18 Thread Antje González
Hi Cristina
Have a look at this site: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aplimouzin/torchon/ . In
the torchon course you will find a bookmark, with step by step explanations,
and also how to make the end, with the tail, etc.
Hope it is useful for you.
from Antje González, in Guadalajara, Spain

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[lace] Bookmark tails

2005-03-18 Thread Alice Howell
A year or so ago, I detailed several methods of finishing bookmark tassels 
for a new lacemaker.  If that person is still on the list, and has the 
file, please send it back to me so I can send it to Christina.  I cannot 
find it in my files right now.  It would be nice if I didn't have to 
rewrite it all.

Thanks so much.
Alice In Oregon
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[lace] for Canadian lacers

2005-03-18 Thread rick sharon
This is for our Canadian lacemakers.  Hampstead House Books  www.hhbooks.com
is offering Sandi Woods Special Effects in Lace for $8.99Cdn.  Shipping is
$4.99 for one book.  HH books has never before offered a lace book, this is
a first, but I have ordered many books from them before and their service is
excellent. I just about wet myself when I saw this one at such a price :) I
have no idea whether or not they ship out of country.  Sharon on rainy
Vancouver Island

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Re: [lace] free day at convention

2005-03-18 Thread robinlace
 I am beginning to think maybe we need a convention within a 
 convention,  sort 
 of a lace boot camp for people who want to live cheaply and work  
 at the convention to bring in the younger people.

I think that's what the Harrisburg group was trying to do, but they met with 
such fierce anger from some of the oldtimers that didn't want their 
convention tampered with.

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention -location, location - and price

2005-03-18 Thread Clay Blackwell
Devon said, 
 Actually, I think this thread is good because it illuminates the 
difficulties experienced by the convention planners and helps to control

I agree, AND I really haven't picked up a huge sense of immense
frustration, just some what about this kind of statements.  After what I
think many regard as a very disappointing convention last hear (where many
of us stayed away in droves...), I think we're mainly giddy with excitement
to be back to normal, with a few well-conceived new bells and whistles -
not the least of which is the Arachne Luncheon!!  

So it suggests to me that as a group, our informal group has a lot of
impact.  Last year, we spent a lot of time grousing about the arrangements,
and lots of people made up their minds about whether to go based on
information they had gleaned from our postings.  I don't think I'm being
naive to say that a lot of this year's organizers are also members of
Arachne.  So our complaints, compliments, suggestions, and opinions were
not falling on deaf ears.  Certainly, we're already seeing that someone was
listening - to us as Arachnids? - maybe... to us as members of IOLI?  not
as easily done, actually.  Our democratic process works, but I wonder if
our Arachne forum isn't doing more than we realize?

So I say, let's continue to speak up when we have ideas and suggestions. 
Let's don't muzzle each other.  And for heaven's sake, let's continue to
disagree when we want to!  But we need to continue to be nice.  Remember,
don't embarrass your Mother.  ; )

Lordy, I'm excited about Denver!!


Clay Blackwell

 [Original Message]
 To: lace@arachne.com
 Date: 3/17/2005 2:09:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [lace] IOLI Convention -location, location - and price

 In a message dated 3/17/2005 1:30:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

 May I  propose a new subject?  Favorite Lace Convention  Memory!

 OK. My favorite lace convention memory is when I turned to the person on
 left at the banquet and said, I can't imagine why they chose this hotel
 she said, It is the only hotel in town that has a room that can seat 300
 a  banquet. :-)
 Actually, I think this thread is good because it illuminates the  
 difficulties experienced by the convention planners and helps to control 

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Re: [lace] Re: Bookmark tails

2005-03-18 Thread robinlace
The way I end bookmarks:  I do patterns that come to a central point at the 
bottom, leaving pairs out along the two slanted edges.  I take the outermost 
pair from one edge and CTC through all the other pairs on that side.  Place a 
support pin just below the point of the lace, unwind enough of the remaining 
thread on that bobbin so it hangs of the end of the pillow/table, and leave it. 
 Take what's now the outermost pair on that side and CTC through everybody but 
the pair you just worked (was outermost, now is hanging at the center), lay it 
over the support pin and unwind enought thread for it to hang.  Do this to all 
the pairs on that side.  Then do the same thing on the other side, with another 
support pin for those pairs at they arrive in the center.

Now designate two bobbins from that hanging bundle to be the wrappers.  Lift 
them and cross above the others, then lay them outside the bundle.  Pick up the 
bundle in one hand, cross the wrappers underneath.  Continue crossing the 
wrappers above and below the bundle, pulling the wraps reasonably snug (you're 
not trying to imprison a person, but you want it smoothe) each time.  When I 
have enough wraps for my taste, I tie the wrappers together in a square knot 
and half (right over left, then left over right, then right over left) and let 
the wrappers hang with the rest of the bundle.  After at least 24 hours (to get 
the kinks out of the thread so it'll hang straight), I cut off the bobbins.

If (as often the case) there was a different-color edge pair or edge gimp, I 
use those to wrap.  Otherwise, it doesn't matter which two bobbins you use, as 
long as you continue using only those two for the whole wrapping.

You can be fancier about the final knot.  Before wrapping, take a third bobbin 
from the bundle and lay it atop the lace, so there's a loop from the bottom of 
the bookmark, down along the bundle of threads a little ways, and then back up. 
 When you're done wrapping, the loop should be below the wraps and the bobbin 
attached to that thread is above the wraps.  Drop each wrapper (in its 
appropriate direction) through that loop and lay the wrappers with the rest of 
the bundled bobbins.  Now gently pull on the bobbin that's sitting on the lace, 
to pull the loop up inside the wrapping.  The wrapper threads will be pulled 
inside there, too, securing them.  Cut off the bobbin you just pulled up (the 
one that made the loop) close to the top of the wrapping and there will be no 
knot in the tassle.

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA
(formerly  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

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Re: [lace] Mechlin terminology

2005-03-18 Thread Brenda Paternoster
Hello Julie
I don't have that book but I think I can answer some of your questions
   In Section 1, Thienpondt does not define the stitches.
 Linen stitch is a standard name, I assume it's cloth stitch CTC
 Half-stitch is a standard name, I assume it is CT
 Twisted stitch I assume is...is well, that's where I have a 
 I have no idea what twisted stitch is.  Thienpondt does define a 
stitch Plait of 4 bobbins(Ground stitch?) as CTCTCTCTT and the 
looks like half-stitch-colored line with two twisted-stitch-colored 
lines attached
to it.  So maybe twisted stitch is CTCTCTT?  (It was good that 
Thienpondt was
explicit about the ground stitch.  I feel all revved up to start the 
exercise, which is just a bunch of ground stitches.)
You are right that Mechlin round is CTCTCTCTT.  The extra twist just 
separates each short length of plait.  This ground is only found in 
Mechlin and so is the means of identifying Mechlin from other Flemish 
   In Section 1 Thienpondt refers to a ring pair.  What is that?  I 
she doesn't mean the gimp.
A ring pair is found in Binche, Flanders, Mechlin etc, and again you 
are right in thinking it's not a gimp thread.  Look closely at the 
designs and you will see cloth stitch motifs and the mechlin ground.  
Surrounding the cloth stitch areas there will be one double stitch - 
CTCT - with an extra twist between it and the cloth stitch.  The 
position of the extra twist will vary depending on whether that double 
stitch is to the side, above, below or diagonal to the cloth stitch, 
but the overall effect is that a pair (not always the same two 
threads) goes all the way around the cloth stitch motif.
  In Section 2, Thienpondt says:  b Making an in- or output with a 
(see techniques).
  Techniques are Section 1.  I looked there and saw on page 15 a 
thread diagram of a picot; it looked just like the picot I use in 
Bucks Point.
There were lots of twists, then an entanglement, then two twists 
  I looked carefully at all the loops by the gimp in the photograph of 
worked exercise on the first page of Section 2, but none of these 
loops looked
like picots.  They all looked to me as if the pair had just been 
twisted twice
and a pin put under it.  So where are the picots that Thienpondt 
referred to?
Not sure what type of picot is used for mechlin - it may be the double 
picot as used in Bucks or it could be a twisted picot as in most 
Binche, which is just several twists on the pair and both threads are 
looped around a pin in the same way as the first part of a Bucks picot. 
 Personally I've found that that will work for left hand picots, but 
for right hand picots the threads need to be crossed several times 
instead of being twisted, though I believe that Flemish lacemakers do 
use the twisting method on both sides.

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[lace] Myras Threads

2005-03-18 Thread Janice Blair
A friend wrote to me with this question:
I have a problem.  I am trying to contact Mayra's Threads and they do not 
Have you heard anything on the internet?
Does anyone know if Mayra is away or has computer problems?

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] IOLI Denver

2005-03-18 Thread Janice Blair
Jean asked:
1. Would I need something to prove that I have a steel knee joint? Would it set 
of the metal detectors at airports? I assume they have them because I've  seen 
people in films, etc walk through an arch which sets of a detector if they have 
anything metal on them.
Probably but I bet they are used to things like that by now.  They would 
probably wave a wand around your knee to verify that is where the detector has 
found something.

2. What would be the reaction at US customs (or even the airlines) to me 
carrying 11 different prescription drugs? Don't fancy being turned back or 
Prescription drugs are okay.  Pack them in your carryon so that they don't get 
lost.  Maybe bring a prescription with you in case you mislay them.

3. Would I get travel insurance - I understand my only hopes would be Saga or 
Age Concern ( or it might be Help the Aged)?
Can't help you with that question.  My MIL used to get her insurance through 
someone else at her retirement apartment complex.

They're just the more sensible questions, so in the end I decided that it was 
just too much hassle (at least in my mind) and I'm not going
Jean, this might be the best year for anyone to come to the US with the dollar 
being so low, visotrs from England are always astounded at how cheap food and 
clothes, etc., are over here.  I have a trip to France in May and another to 
England in June and am sure we will be complaining about the costs of 
everything whilst we are there.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Re: Horror Kit?

2005-03-18 Thread Tamara P Duvall
On Mar 18, 2005, at 3:30, Jean Nathan wrote:
Is this the 'Horror Kit'? I've noticed it on US ebay several times  


or search for item number 8178589103
Yup, that's it, though tarted up some (the one I contemplated and  
passed up 16 yrs ago, didn't have the nice photo g). The price is  
pretty horrific, too, and that's before postage, Pay-Pal charges,  
etc... Buying a decent kit from a reputable vendor (Van Sciver, Lacy  
Susan, Lacemaker, Snowgoose, to name a few in no particular order of  
preference) might cost twice as much, but would give you 4 times the  
value, so it'd be a much better bargain.

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace] IOL Convention w/prescription drugs

2005-03-18 Thread Dmt11home
Jean writes

2. What would  be the reaction at US customs (or even the airlines) to me 
carrying 11  different prescription drugs? Don't fancy being turned back or  

When I used to travel with prescription drugs I was told it was important  
that they be in the bottles in which they come from the pharmacy  and to which 
the label is affixed naming the drug and prescription info.  Putting them in 
another bottle or container was frowned upon.

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[lace] Re: lace-digest V2005 #89

2005-03-18 Thread Addicks
A student came up with (accidentally) an interesting method for the ending braid 
on a bookmark: she unwittingly worked 10 stick, well known amongst Honiton 
devotees, and it was lovely. See Sue Thompson's book if instructions are 
required. Just reverse every now and then, make to the length desired, knot and 
cut off. Bookmarks are great, and I always have at least one of April Linds' 
Torchon designs ready for gift giving.
Alison Addicks
Rice, WA

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Re: [lace] Jean to USA/IOLI

2005-03-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
From: Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Would I need something to prove that I have a steel knee joint?  

 Nah, they'll check you carefully and may look for the operation scar, but if 
you're concerned, just get your doctor to write a note on his letterhead that 
you have one.  

2. What would be the reaction at US customs (or even the airlines) to me 
carrying 11 different prescription drugs? 
 The last time we were in England, it was for 3 months so I had to take lots of 
medications 'cause I require many prescriptions - I had a special small bag - 
sort of a big purse with medications, prescriptions, and medical info such as 
doctor's name, diagnosis, etc. (we nurses are sticklers for detail)
Be sure all your medication is in its proper prescription bottle and any OTC 
(over the counter) drugs are in their original containers.  Have a paper copy 
of the prescriptions on your person.  Carry all drugs in carry on baggage.

3. Would I get travel insurance - I understand my only hopes would be Saga
or Age Concern ( or it might be Help the Aged)?

 When our relatives and friends come from England, they always get a health 
insurance policy from their travel agency.  It is relatively inexpensive, so 
I'm told, and should you get ill and require medical treatment in the USA, it 
is VERY expensive.  And it is possible that one may not be allowed to leave the 
US if a bill is owed.

They're just the more sensible questions, so in the end I decided that it was 
just too much hassle (at least in my mind) and I'm not going.

Aw come on Jean, I will be looking forward to meeting you!  Go for it, Girl! It 
won't be difficult, you'll see!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke Virginia USA

Jean in Poole

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Re: [lace]Comments re Convention

2005-03-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Yes, Clay and Others,

I very dismayed at last year's planning for Convention and chose not to go (I 
think the word used was boycotted).  I complained to the Convention 
Committee, posted to Arachne, and most important of all, wrote to the IOLI 
Board with suggestions concerning a change in the By Laws that gives the IOLI 
Board more control over the Convention organization. I am pleased to say that 
there is now a Convention Oversight Committee chaired by IOLI Vice President.  
Any changes made in the Convention plans will have the approval of our IOLI 
Board (through the V.P.) and we can't complain with that.  Hooray!

My main objection to last year's Convention was that one might want to take 
classes only offered the first of the week, have to pay to shop the other days 
of the week, and loll around the hotel to attend the IOLI Business meeting at 
the end of the week.  Very poor planning in anybody's opinion.

We have officers that we elect to head IOLI and I know they listen to us.  They 
may be on the List or not, and I'm sure they don't want to have to go look at 
the Handbook to see if a commenter is a member of IOLI.  Therefore, IOLI 
members write/post to our officers if you have a plus or minus to say.  
Remember, they appreciate our positive comments as well as the negative. Hey, 
they run the show without monetary gain, just our undying gratitude.  

Can't wait for Convention this year...And, I like it the way it is...

Happy Lacemaking 
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay wrote:
 After what I think many regard as a very disappointing convention last hear 
 (where many
of us stayed away in droves...), 
So it suggests to me that as a group, our informal group has a lot of
impact.  lots of people made up their minds about whether to go based on
information they had gleaned from our postings.  
Certainly, we're already seeing that someone was listening
 - to us as Arachnids? - maybe... to us as members of IOLI?  not
as easily done, actually.  Our democratic process works, but I wonder if
our Arachne forum isn't doing more than we realize?

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[lace-chat] Piecework and surnames

2005-03-18 Thread Scotlace
I've just picked up the March/April issue of Piecework from my newsagent.  
I haven't had time to read it but I have flipped through it from front to 
back.  The last page is a feature, called Portrait.  This month features 
Wilson Nguyen who is an embroiderer and owner of Thistle Threads.  the name 
seemed familiar and then I read a message from arachne member Sylvie Nguyen.  
Is this combination of interest in textile crafts and surname purely a 
coincidence or are you related?

Patricia in Wales

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] what's plonk

2005-03-18 Thread Eve Morton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jane Partridge wrote:
 We tend to describe it as paint-stripper - and it definitely doesn't
 improve with age -

Moving to chat.

Grappa deserves the accolade of paint stripper, smells like it too.

London, UK.

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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: The golf match

2005-03-18 Thread Tamara P Duvall
Splutter! went my my drink all over the keyboard, when I saw this one 
:) Enjoy!

From: R.H.
Shortly  after the Pope had apologized to the Jewish People for the 
treatment of  Jews by the Catholic Church over the years Ariel Sharon, 
the Prime  Minister of Israel, sent a proposal to the College of 
Cardinals for a  friendly game of golf to be played between the two 
leaders or their representatives to demonstrate the friendship and 
ecumenical spirit shared by the Catholics and the Jews.  The  Pope then 
met with his College of Cardinals to discuss the proposal.  

Your  Holiness, said one of the Cardinals, Mr. Sharon wants to 
challenge you  to a game of golf to show that you are old and unable to 
compete. I  am afraid that this would tarnish our image in the world. 

The  Pope thought about this and since he had never held a golf club in 
his life asked Don't we have a Cardinal to represent me?  None  who 
plays golf very well, a Cardinal replied. But, he added, there is 
 a man named Jack Nicklaus, an American golfer, who is a devout 
Catholic. We  can offer to make him a Cardinal, and then ask him to 
play Mr. Sharon as  your personal representative. In addition to 
showing our spirit of  cooperation, we will also win the match.

Everyone  agreed that this was a great idea. The call was made. Of 
course, Nicklaus  was honoured and he agreed to play as a 
representative of the Pope.  

The day  after the match, Nicklaus reported to the Vatican to inform 
 the Pope of the result. This is Cardinal Nicklaus. I have some good 
news  and some bad news, Your Holiness, said the golfer. Tell  me the 
good news, Cardinal Nicklaus, said the Pope.

 Well,  Your Holiness, I don't like to brag, but even though I have 
played some pretty terrific rounds of golf in my life, this was the 
best I have ever played, by far. I must have been inspired from above. 
My drives were long and true, my irons were accurate and purposeful, 
and my putting was  perfect. With all due respect, my play was truly 

How  can there be bad news? the Pope asked.  Nicklaus  sighed I lost 
by three strokes to Rabbi  Woods

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: Microsoft TV Dinner

2005-03-18 Thread Tamara P Duvall
Another splutter... :) And  bit of smugness, as I own a Mac (and a 
whole different set of problems g)

From: M.A.
Instructions for Microsoft's TV Dinner:
You must first remove the plastic cover.  By doing so you agree to 
Microsoft rights to the TV dinner.  You may not give anyone else a bite 
your dinner as outlined in the TV Dinner Piracy section of the user
agreement.  You may, however, let others smell and look at your dinner 
are encouraged to tell them how good it is.

If you have a PC microwave oven, insert the dinner into the oven.  Set 
oven using the command line:
Then enter:

If you have a Mac oven, insert the dinner and press start.  The oven 
set itself and cook the dinner.

If you have a Unix oven, insert the dinner, enter the ingredients of the
dinner, the weight of the dinner, the desired level of cooking, and 
start.  The oven will calculate the time and heat and cook the dinner
exactly to your specification.

Be forewarned that Microsoft dinners may crash, in which case your oven 
be restarted.  This is a simple procedure.  Remove the dinner from the 
and enter:

This process may have to be repeated.  Try unplugging the microwave and 
doing a cold reboot.  If this doesn't work, contact your hardware 

Many users have reported that the dinner tray is far too big, larger 
the dinner itself, having many useless compartments, most of which are
empty.  These are for future menu items. If the tray is too large to 
fit in
your oven you will need to upgrade your equipment.

Dinners are only available from registered outlets, and only the 
chicken XP
variety is currently produced.  If you want another variety, call
MicrosoftHelp and they will explain that you really don't want another
variety.  Microsoft Chicken XP is all you really need.

Microsoft has disclosed plans to discontinue support for all smaller
versions of their chicken dinners.  Future releases will only be in the
larger family size.  Excess chicken may be stored for future use, but 
be saved only in Microsoft approved packaging.

Microsoft promises a dessert with every dinner after Chicken XP.  
that version has yet to be released.  Users have permission to get 
in advance.

Microsoft dinners may be incompatible with other dinners in the freezer,
causing your freezer to self-defrost.  This is a feature, not a bug.  
freezer probably should have been defrosted anyway.

No other company is allowed to create items to be used with Microsoft
dinners without first partnering with Microsoft.  This is solely to 
the consumer and is not intended to impede progress and creativity in 
dinner industry.  This includes, but is not limited to dessert.

You may not play a game or use an application while you eat your 
dinner unless that game or application was designed by a Microsoft 
and is certified by Microsoft to be 100% compatible with your Microsoft

You are only leasing your Microsoft dinner, you agree to not reverse
engineer your Microsoft dinner or send it out of the country.  You may
store one backup Microsoft dinner for personal use.
Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line:
unsubscribe lace-chat [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to