Silk thread (was Re: [lace] Polyester thread)

2007-04-14 Thread Clare Settle
In answer to the question about reeled versus spun silk, reeled will always
be shinier.  It's also very tough (having a higher tensile strength than
steel).  Doesn't mean it won't break if you pull hard enough.  Reeled will
never get furry since it's a continuous filament.  As Brenda mentioned,
reeled is more slippery and likes to slip out of a single hitch, but not as
badly as rayon does :-).  

It's also likely that you will not find spun silk quite as fine as reeled
silk - the continuous filament allows a very fine yarn.  For instance, a
2/20 reeled silk is finer than Egyptian cotton 140/2.

The only source that I'm aware of for reeled silk is Pipers   On their website, they state: All our Fine Twisted
Silks, High Gloss Floss Silks, Twisted Semi-Gloss Silks, Twisted Gloss Silks
and Silk Gimps are made from Continuous Filament (Nett) yarn.  Continuous
Filament yarn is thread which is reeled off the cocoons and wound into
skeins or hanks. Over 1,000 metres can be reeled off one cocoon., in other
words, these are reeled silks. 

I've worked with their 2/20 when making Polychrome lace.  It's lovely and
incredibly fine.  They have excellent colors in silks as well - silk takes
dyes beautifully.  Usual disclaimer.

Milford, CT, USA


Subject: Silk thread (was Re: [lace] Polyester thread)

 I've seen posts expressing satisfaction with spun silk for making bobbin
lace. Has anyone compared spun to reeled for this purpose?

From: Brenda Paternoster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Spun silk is easier to work with - reeled silk being very smooth and shiny
is slippery and doesn't stay on the bobbins so well. Really it's down to
personal preference

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[lace] 98 Lace Group Website

2007-04-14 Thread Jean Leader

Just an announcement that the 98 Lace Group has now a website:

This explains the purpose of the Group and features some work from 
its previous exhibitions. In the fullness of time a gallery of the 
current exhibition at The Lace Guild convention will be added.

Jean Leader (Treasurer) and David Leader (Webmaster)
Jean Leader
Glasgow, Scotland, UK 

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[lace] Spanish lacemaker doll on Ebay

2007-04-14 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Spiders,

Here's an interesting Spanish doll offered on Ebay, who has her lace pillow
with her! This is not mentioned in the description so it won't show up on a
search. Looks like a wonderful addition to some lacemakers colletion. Wish I
had the funds and the space to bid on her!  Item number: 230117194446

Trish in a very soggy West Virginia

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[lace] French booklet given away

2007-04-14 Thread bevw
Hi everyone

I am pleased that the French translation of the LOKK book on 's Gravenmoer
has found a home in France. Thank you everyone who expressed an interest in

Bev in Sooke BC (on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

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Re: [lace-chat] Italian/Pompe

2007-04-14 Thread Bev Walker
Thankyou everyone for the enlightenment as to the quotation from Le Pompe,
as requested by Jeanette in South Africa. I, for one, enjoyed the
linguistic foray.

Thurlow, many thanks to your mom ;)

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

On Sun, 8 Apr 2007, Thurlow Weed wrote:


 I forwarded this business to my mother, whose Italian is meno moso
 (more or less still there -- she and my late father used to speak a lot
 of Italian; it was the only other language they shared that I couldn't
 understand.  Very useful for adult speak not for children).

 She informs me this is 16th century Italian

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[lace-chat] Frankly speaking...

2007-04-14 Thread RicTorr8

Grandma in the  Courtroom

Lawyers should never ask a  Mississippi grandma
a question if they
aren't prepared for  the answer.

In a trial, a Southern small-town  prosecuting
attorney called his
first witness, a  grandmotherly, elderly woman to
the stand.
He approached  her and asked, Mrs. Jones, do you
know  me?

She responded , Why, yes, I do know you,  Mr.
Williams. I've
known you since you were a young boy,  and frankly,
you've been a big disappointment to me. You  lie,
you cheat
on your wife, and you manipulate people and  talk
about them
behind their backs. You think you're a big  shot
when you
haven't the brains to realize you never  will
amount to anything
more than a two-bit paper pusher.  Yes, I know

The lawyer was stunned! Not  knowing what else to
do, he pointed
across the room and  asked, Mrs. Jones, do you
know the defense attorney?
She  again replied, Why, yes, I do. I've known
Mr. Bradley  since
he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and
he  has a
drinking problem. He can't build a  normal
relationship with anyone and
his law practice is  one of the worst in the entire
state. Not to
mention he  cheated on his wife with three different
women. One of  them
was your wife. Yes, I know him.

The  defense attorney almost died. The judge
asked  both
counselors to approach the bench and, in a very
quiet  voice,
said, If either of you idiots asks her if  she
knows me,
I'll send you to the electric chair.

Best to All! 
Ricki in springy Utah

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