[lace] Our mail list software

2020-03-27 Thread brido11
Dear All,


Firstly I have no idea about programming or software etc.  This note to the
list is purely based on a discussion being held currently on another list I
belong to (Jackrail; Harpsichords and clavichords) They are considering
changing to a modern "mail list" programme.  


I suspect that our programme is quite old by now, so I offer this to those
who know better than me.


I am not sure about this following statement so please forgive me if I am
wrong:  "I think that our current list costs money to run and we have a
generous benefactor".


I think that "Discourse", the programme Jackrail is considering moving to,
is free. (see below)


Next reason is that besides the proposed new software being 100% open
source, it provides for drag and drop photos. (The one thing that made me
stop and think about writing about it to Arachne!)


The programme is called  Discourse and you can read about Discourse here if
you have a special interest in it.




With that suggestion, I leave it to those who are far more knowledgeable
than myself to pursue if it is worthwhile.


I can put anyone especially interested and technically capable,  in it in
touch with the Jackrail convenor.


I share this with the best intentions and the last thing I want is for it
causes a furore in our happy band list users.  We will not be able to
compete with Facebook, but perhaps we enjoy improved features?


Like I say, I have no idea about the technicalities.


Jean and I are in voluntary lockdown being in the mid-80s + risk group.  All
of you take care.


Special thanks to all of you who are health carers from an old "RN" who
worked through the isolation hospital era!!


Take care.


Regards  Brian

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[lace] Arachne Meetings

2020-03-27 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I hope everyone is well, and safe from this terrible virus that is doing the

During this summer over here in Australia I have been wearing my Arachne 2002
souvenir t-shirt  with a hedgehog and spider on it. – and I can still fit in
it too! 😊  The Arachne navy polo shirt I also have still fits, as
well!! 😊

And now it is starting to go chilly in the evenings, as we head towards
winter, I have been pulling on the Arachne socks I was gifted at last years
Arachne lunch in Spokane. They are grey, with black spiders webs on them and
gorgeous sparkly mauve little spiders on each web!!! I don’t know who gifted
them, but a Very Big Thank You. They are a good fit, and come up over my
ankles perfectly.   It is not cold enough  to go into my winter, fluffy
slippers, yet, but these socks are doing a good job!! 😊  I think about
the fun of meeting many of you, every time I wear them.  Arachne lunches are
such fun.

Stay safe and well, everyone.  At least, confined to home, we will not get
bored!  Just think of the Output of Lace that will get done!

Regards from Liz. L.
Melbourne, Oz.

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