[lace-chat] Germany, France Switzerland

2008-08-22 Thread Shirlee Hill
Next week my husband  I are leaving for a trip to Germany, France 
Switzerland.  We are going to be staying in Karlsruhe, Paris  Bern.  Are
there any great stores in these areas that we absolutely should not miss? 
Other than lacemaking, I am interested in jewelry  my husband is interested
in CDs.  It appears from what I've been able to find on the internet that
stores in these areas are not in operation on Sundays?
Shirlee in Tennessee

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[lace] Binche - How Difficult Is It?

2008-06-21 Thread Shirlee Hill
I must admit that I am drawn to many lace techniques, mostly those with which 
you can produce motifs such as flowers or animals, etc.  There is a book by 
Kumiko Nakazaki, Collection 1, which has some beautiful motifs done in 
Binche.  I am going to assume that this is not a book for someone just starting 
to learn the technique.  Is there a beginner's book for Binche  is this lace 
relatively easy to learn?  I've done Bucks  Torchon  various tape laces.

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[lace-chat] European Telephone Calling Cards

2008-06-19 Thread Shirlee Hill
  My husband  I are planning a short trip overseas next month ... to Germany 
or perhaps to Switzerland.  In any event, it is important for me to have a 
telephone calling card that will let me call my elderly father to check on him 
while I am away.  When my husband worked in either Italy or Germany a few years 
ago, he had purchased a calling card but he was unable to use it in pay phones 
or with his hotel room phone.  Does anyone know of a calling card I could 
purchase that would allow me to call the US from a pay phone or hotel room 
phone in Germany or Switzerland?  Any help with this would be greatly 

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Re: [lace-chat] European Telephone Calling Cards

2008-06-19 Thread Shirlee Hill
Devon ...
  I actually checked with my cell phone provider regarding making calls from 
Europe to the US.  I was told in no uncertain terms that it is not possible for 
me to do so  that if I even tried to make such a call then my service with 
them would be immediately cancelled.  I was quite taken aback as you can 
imagine.  That is why I'm looking into telephone calling cards.  My father, who 
is 90 years old, suffers from a variety of ailments including slight dementia.  
It is important for him to stick to a routine.  I have been calling him every 
day at 4:00 p.m. for the past 3 years.  It would cause him immense anxiety to 
not get his phone call each day.  My husband had received a rented cell phone 
while he was in Italy but it was all in Italian which was of no help to him 
whatsoever.  I actually had to call him at a prearranged time each day in order 
to talk with him.  
  I have found some companies offering phone cards for sale on the internet 
which indicate they can be used for calling from Europe to the US.  However, 
along with these search engine results I also received warnings about 
purchasing calling cards from companies who may not be on the up  up.  And 
again, my husband purchased a calling card while working in either Italy or 
Germany  was unable to use it at pay phones or his hotel phone.  I am just 
hoping that someone can tell me this card will work anywhere  then my 
problems will be solved   : )

  When I travel now, I call the provider for my cell phone, which is 
compatible with European technology, and have them put on a international 
package for the duration of the visit. As I recall it was quite cheap, $5 or 
$10 dollars. The calls were more expensive, possibly $1.99/minute to the US, 
less within Europe. (Memory is poor for the exact details.) But actually, you 
don't tend to make many phone calls because you don't have to keep calling home 
to find out if something bad is happening, since they can call you when 
something bad is happening.
  Before I had this phone, when I rented a car overseas from Auto Europe, they 
offered cell phone rental as well. The rental of the phone itself was 
negligible, as I recall, practically a give away. The calls were priced 
similarly to the cost of calls that I am now able to make and receive on my own 
cell phone. The odd thing was that the phone was sent to you in the mail before 
you left, then you sent it back when you returned, and its pricing was 
conducted as though in England. So, if you were in Germany and calling with in 
Germany, it was priced as though you were calling England to Germany. At the 
time, I had investigated some other companies that provided cell phones for 
rent and they all operated as though out of England, and mailed the phone. My 
theory that you could rent a phone at the airport when you arrived in Europe 
did not pan out. There seemed to be no alternative to having it sent to you 
before the trip. This was a few years ago, of course.
  The advantages I see from renting a phone, or getting the international 
package, is that people in the US can call you easily. (In fact I received a 
phone call, while touring the Beguinage in Bruges from my hamster's 
veternarian, who was boarding her, to tell me that the hamster had developed 
persistant head tilt and that they had changed her medication.) Also, when 
you are circling a walled city with no idea how to find your hotel within the 
walled city, you can call the hotel and they can direct you. If you are 
traveling with other people, you can use it to meet up, after separating. I got 
the international package on my phone and my daughter's phone, which is 
actually one service plan, and then she was able to go off to flea markets 
while her father and I toured museums, knowing we would be able to contact each 
  Don't know if any of this is helpful.

  Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Re: [lace-chat] European Telephone Calling Cards

2008-06-19 Thread Shirlee Hill
Devon ...
  This is the most confusing thing I have ever had to deal with.  My phone does 
indeed sell an overseas package but it is for calling from here to overseas, 
not the other way around.  I felt like I was going to have the CIA monitoring 
me after receiving the response I did from the phone company regarding making 
calls from Europe to the US!  Someone has mentioned unlocked cell phones so I 
will look into that.  I did have a phone card when I visited my husband in 
Germany two years ago  had no problems using it.  However, we were staying in 
someone's home at the time so I used their private line  didn't have to worry 
about hotel or pay phones.  Anyway, thank you again for your help  your 
  For what its worth, my phone is one from ATT wireless and they have been 
more than happy to sell me European compatible phones and to reap profit from 
international calls. If I did not put on the international package, my phone 
would simply not be able to call the US, so there is no need to threaten a loss 
of service by my provider if I try to call from Europe.
  I have found that when setting up the service, it is sometimes necessary to 
speak to different people at ATT since some of them may hide their ignorance 
by denying that what you want is possible. Also, different descriptions of the 
billing by different persons is not unusual. Sometimes, too, there seems to be 
a prejudice on the part of the persons with whom you are speaking, to the 
effect that they think you are trying to rip them off, rather than 
legitimately buy a service, and it may take some patience to get to someone 
sophisticated enough on their side to set up the service. Most of the people I 
spoke to at ATT admitted they had never traveled outside the country, and 
never considered the question before, and were quick to tell me that my phone 
wouldn't work there, as though the conversation could be terminated with that 
bit of information. But, a long patient talk with them would bring out a 
supervisor or someone who handled overseas communication. .
  I never had any trouble with the rental phone acquired in the US and designed 
specifically to provide service for Americans traveling abroad. Maybe there is 
a reason why they run it through England, unlike the Italian rental phone. 
  As for the phone cards, I don' t know. I have never had particularly good 
luck with them, myself, because, even if not fraudulent, you are trying to 
follow instructions on a foreign phone written in another language. Typically, 
I come home with virtually all my minutes on the card and it is then useless. 
Meanwhile, I have had to have the hotel place my calls which is especially 
expensive. I know we used to have a telephone calling card through our home 
phone which allowed you to call into a particular number and then place calls 
that way, but this is going back about 20 years.
  Good luck with the phone card, hopefully someone more clever than myself can 
give you the answer you seek.

  Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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[lace] Twilley's Gold Dust

2008-05-30 Thread Shirlee Hill
Is there a substitute for Twilley's Gold Dust that is easily accessible in the 
US?  It looks like this can be purchased from the UK but it would take a while 
for it to get here.  I have a box full of Kreinik Metallics - Balger Heavy 
Braid, Balger Fine Braid, Balger Very Fine Braid,  Ombre.  Would any of these 
be a substitute?  The pattern I want to do calls for this Twilley's for 2 pair 
of passives.  The other 2 pair of passives  the workers will be DMC 8 Cotton 

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[lace] Magnifiers

2008-05-25 Thread Shirlee Hill
Wow!  I did not expect the avalanche of responses to my request for information 
about magnifiers!  Thank you all so much!  I truly am overwhelmed!  I will be 
sorting all this information out in the next week or so  may be emailing some 
of you for further info ... but I truly am so thankful for the responses!  I 
have now heard about magnifiers that I had no inkling existed   : )  

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[lace] IOLI Library Contact

2008-05-23 Thread Shirlee Hill
I tried contacting Cathy with the email printed in the IOLI Members Handbook 
but it came back as undeliverable.  Has she gotten a new email address?  If so, 
would someone please email it to me?  Thanks!

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[lace] Christian Patterns

2008-05-20 Thread Shirlee Hill
I am just full of questions this morning   : )   Does anyone know if there are 
any books or patterns with Christian themes available?  Things like crosses, 
nativity scenes, etc?

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Re: [lace] Pillow Stand

2008-05-13 Thread Shirlee Hill
Wow!  Thank you for all of these suggestions!  I will be going out to run a few 
errands soon but will definitely look into all these possibilities when I 
  I asked about a stand with a drawer because I did have one a long, long time 
ago.  A friend of a friend (an elderly woman) passed away  my friend purchased 
this stand.  She then decided she really didn't need it  either gave it or 
sold it to me.  I enjoyed using it very much ... the little drawer was right 
below where the pillow sits  it was very handy for keeping tools in that you 
didn't use too often.  However, I had a bout with temporary insanity several 
years ago  sold all my lace equipment (with the exception of very few things) 
including that stand.  How sad that we must suffer for our past mistakes   : 
)   It was a floor stand, not a table stand.  
  Anyway, I am looking forward to checking out these suggestions!  I will let 
you know what I come up with.  

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[lace] Pillow Stand

2008-05-12 Thread Shirlee Hill
I'm looking for a nice pillow stand.  Can anyone tell me of a source here in 
the US or even abroad?
  Thank you!

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Re: [lace] Pillow Stand

2008-05-12 Thread Shirlee Hill
Clay ...
  Whoops!  Totally forgot about there being stands for different types of 
pillows   : )   I use cookie pillows, mostly 18  20.  
  I was thinking of using the stand just at home but a travel one might come in 
handy as well.  I am really hoping for one that has a little drawer in the 
front underneath where the pillow sits but know that is kind of chancey.  
  I did check out the van Dieren site but apparently he is not making stands 
very often anymore,  when he does they are not offered by mail.  

  Hi Shirlee -

There are a number of sources for nice pillow stands, but before we launch into 
long lists, it might be helpful if you could let us know what kind (and size) 
of pillow(s) you plan to use on this stand! What may be perfect for one type of 
pillow could be totally wrong for another. 

Another consideration is whether you expect to use this stand strictly at home 
or whether it needs to be portable so that you can take it to meetings or 
demonstrations or workshops... 

Let us know more about what you're looking for, and I'm sure you'll get tons of 


Clay Blackwell 
Lynchburg, VA USA 

-- Original message -- 
From: Shirlee Hill 

 I'm looking for a nice pillow stand. Can anyone tell me of a source here in 
 US or even abroad? 
 Thank you! 
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[lace] Glass Character Divider Pins

2007-10-27 Thread Shirlee Hill
Hi!  I'm wondering if any of you know where I can buy divider pins with 
colorful glass characters on the top of them?  I used to have a pincushion full 
of these beautiful divider pins that I collected over the years.  We moved last 
fall.  A few weeks later, I unpacked a few of my lacemaking things but not 
everything.  The pins were in their pincushion (a very beautiful  special 
one-of-a-kind pincushion) wrapped in brown packing paper along with everything 
else.  I remember unwrapping them  then wrapping them again  setting them 
aside.  I also remember unwrapping several items I needed at that time  then 
taking all the paper  stuffing it into a garbage bag  repacking the items I 
didn't need right then back into the boxes.  
  A couple of months ago I decided to unpack the rest of my lace items, but the 
pincushion was nowhere to be found.  I was,  still am, sick to my stomach when 
thinking about it because apparently I scooped up the wrapped pins  pincushion 
in with the other wrappings that one fateful day  threw it away  
  I am now trying my best to replace some of those pins although I know some 
are irreplaceable.  Holly Van Sciver no longer carries them.  I have tried to 
contact Snowgoose several times without any response (is everything okay 
there?).  They are the only two suppliers I knew of who offered these divider 
pins.  Is anyone else offering them now?

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[lace] Shantung Lace?

2007-06-12 Thread Shirlee Hill
Has anyone heard of Shantung Lace?  If so, what can you tell me about it?  My 
sister-in-law purchased an old wedding dress from the 1930s  the owner told 
her it is decorated with Shantung Lace.  The lace does not look handmade to me. 
 It has what appears to be a net (honeycomb?) ground  then embroidered 
flowers.  No thick gimps.  
  Thanks for any help you can offer.

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[lace] Membership to IOLI

2007-05-26 Thread Shirlee Hill
Am I mistaken in thinking we can pay for our memberships with PayPal?  I cannot 
find any information about this on the IOLI website.

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[lace] Bucks Point DVD Query

2007-05-11 Thread Shirlee Hill
Is anyone able to compare both the Cathy Richardson  the Bridget Cook Bucks 
Point DVDs  suggest which ones might be better done in terms of sound  visual 
quality as well as variety of projects?  

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Re: [lace-chat] Lace magazine

2007-05-07 Thread Shirlee Hill
Sue ...
  I saw that photo  thought it was so cute!  
  Shirlee in Michigan

  I am so pleased, I have just received my copy of Lace and there is my
little dog in the pets corner sleeping peacefully in his usual place
head on pillow (lace that is).
Sue M Harvey

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Re: [lace] Finished Project!

2007-05-01 Thread Shirlee Hill
Lenore!  Your Hungarian tape lace mat looks wonderful!  Great job!
  Shirlee - previously from MI, now in VA

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[lace-chat] Question Re Stores in Germany/France

2007-01-22 Thread Shirlee Hill
  I am wondering if anyone is on this list from France or Germany and if you 
could you please let me know if department stores, bakeries, etc. are open for 
business in these countries on Sundays?  I know that most stores in Italy are 
not open on Sundays, but I do not know if it is the same in Germany and France. 
 I'd really appreciate it if someone could contact me with this information.  
My husband and I are planning a quick visit to these countries next month.  
Thank you.

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[lace] Russian Lace Bobbins

2005-08-14 Thread Shirlee Hill
Does anyone know where I can purchace Russian lace bobbins?

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[lace-chat] Lace Supplies in Canada

2005-07-04 Thread Shirlee Hill
Am wondering if there are any Midlands lace bobbin stores in Canada?

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[lace-chat] Cleaning Antique Bobbins/Spangles

2005-06-30 Thread Shirlee Hill
Recently I was lucky enough to purchase, sight unseen, a group of antique bone 
bobbins.  There are quite a few Haskins bobbins in the group.  One in 
particular is an amazing mother  babe made by Joseph Haskins.  It is in almost 
mint condition!  The only problem with it is it has some sort of soiling on the 
rim of the neck  the babe bobbin has this same soiling covering the entire 
head, neck,  a bit of the body.  I would like to try to clean this bobbin to 
remove the soiling but I do not want to damage it!  The babe is decorated with 
dots  gold foil.  The mother is decorated with colored dots  what looks like 
gold leaf.  Is there a way I can clean this bobbin without damaging it, or 
should I attempt to clean it at all?  
I would also like to ask about cleaning antique spangles ... should I clean 
them or just leave them alone?  Some of the antique bobbins I come across have 
spangles that are pretty filthy or all that remains of them is the wire with 
one bead on the end.  Is it appropriate to replace the wires /or 
clean/replace the beads?  If I want to clean the beads, can I just swish the 
entire spangle (still attached to the bobbin) in soapy water, rinse,  quicky 
dry (perhaps using a blow dryer) without causing the wire to rust?
Many thanks ...

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[lace-chat] Nebraska

2005-03-15 Thread Shirlee Hill
Does anyone here live in or around Lincoln, Nebraska or perhaps you have 
visited there?  If so, would you please email me?  Thanks so much!

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[lace-chat] Italy

2005-02-20 Thread Shirlee Hill
I will be going on a little trip to Italy next month.  I'll be staying in 
Aviano  visiting Venice, Vicenza,  perhaps another place or two.  I am 
wondering if anyone knows of any lace shops in the area where I can buy 
bobbins, thread, etc?
Thank you ...

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[lace] Need Spangle Help

2004-05-13 Thread Shirlee Hill
I'm trying to spangle some new bobbins  am having a terrible time of it.  What gauge 
of wire do you usually use?  Also, how can I tie the spangles so they don't flop all 
over the place while I'm lacing?

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[lace-chat] Thank You Debbie Mouzon!!!

2004-04-19 Thread Shirlee Hill
Debbie Mouzon was my Secret Pal!
Thank you, Debbie, for being such a great pal!  Looks like we have quite a few things 
in common other than lacing.  I, too, am 50 years old, married (28 years instead of 
29, though),  have two children!  My husband  I used to live in Florida  both of 
our children were born there (St. Petersburg).  
How lucky for you to have lived in England for 6 years!  John (DH)  I are planning a 
trip there this fall ... our first visit!  Guess what I'll be brining home in my extra 
suitcase?  Lol!
Thank you so much for the lovely spangles, the beautiful bobbin,  of course the bit 
of beachfront property   : )   
Do contact me via email if you'd like  let's keep in touch!  
Thank you again for being such a great Secret Pal!

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[lace] Hester Bobbins

2004-01-18 Thread Shirlee Hill
I used to have some bobbins, I believe they were by Matthew Hester?  Is he still 
making bobbins?  Does anyone have contact info for him?  A website, perhaps?

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[lace-chat] Thank You Secret Pal!

2004-01-16 Thread Shirlee Hill
Dear Secret Pal ...
You certainly brightened up a cold, gray, snowy day for me!  Thank you so much for the 
package ... so many wonderful things!  
Sorry to make this so short.  I must head out for an appointment but I wanted to thank 
you right away for the package!
Hope all is well with you!

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[lace-chat] Fountains

2004-01-01 Thread Shirlee Hill
Has anyone else received really poor service from Fountains or am I the only one?  

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[lace-chat] St. Nicholas Day Info Needed

2003-12-03 Thread Shirlee Hill
It is my understanding that somewhere in the world, children put out their shoes 
before they go to bed  St. Nicholas leaves treats in them if the children have been 
good.  Am I correct in this?  If so, when exactly do they put out their shoes?  St. 
Nicholas Day falls on a Saturday this year (December 6th).  Do they put out their 
shoes on Friday night  find goodies in them on the 6th, or do they put them out on 
Saturday night  find goodies in them on the 7th?  

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Re: [lace] Spangles

2003-11-20 Thread Shirlee Hill
I've never had any problems making sewings with spangled bobbins because, like Jean, 
you just need to make a larger loop for the spangled bobbin to fit through.  When I 
was in the Prairie Rose Lacemakers group in North Dakota, we had lots of lacemaking 
workshops  brought in teachers such as Holly Van Sciver, Judy Aycock,  Marni Harang 
(sp?), among others.  All of us in PRL used spangled bobbins.  Our workshops consisted 
of Milanese lace, Russian tape lace, Schneeberg,  more,  we all used spangled 
bobbins  no one, including the teachers, ever had a problem with them.

Jean Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Good morning All,
Several people have mentioned the difficulty of making sewings with 
spangled midlands bobbins in the course of this discussion. It saves a 
lot of hassle if you lengthen the leash on the bobbin that is hooked 
through the pin hole, so giving a much bigger loop to put the other 
bobbin through. I know it takes a little extra time to lengthen then 
shorten the leash, but that is offset against the frustration of 
struggling with spangles which get caught against threads. No contest.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.

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[lace] Spangle Question

2003-11-18 Thread Shirlee Hill
Is there a general rule about the weight/size of a spangle?  I used to get spangled 
bobbins from Springetts which were made with a size 10 or 12 mm bottom bead  then two 
size 8s  two size 4s with metal beads as spacers.  I've also purchased spangled 
bobbins from other dealers with size 8 mm bottom beads  smaller side beads.  I'm 
thinking the answer might be do whatever makes you happy, but I'm wondering if there 
should be a certain weight to the spangle or if the weight matters at all ...  is 
there really that much difference in the weight of a spangle made the Springetts way 
as compared to one with a size 8 mm bottom bead, two size 6s, two size 4s,  a couple 
of metal spacer beads?  
Shirlee Hill

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[lace] Springetts/Fountains Bobbins

2003-11-18 Thread Shirlee Hill
Are there any dealers who sell the formerly Springetts/now Fountains bobbins besides 
Shirlee Hill

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[lace-chat] Attn: Alice Howell

2003-11-18 Thread Shirlee Hill
I'm sorry to post this to the list, but my computer crashed over the weekend  I no 
longer have my [EMAIL PROTECTED] email account.  I thankfully can use my husband's 
computer  access this Yahoo account of mine.  I lost everything including all the 
email addresses I had stored in the pickles account.  Would Alice Howell please 
contact me?
Thank you ...
Shirlee Hill

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[lace] Stuart Johnson Bobbins

2003-11-13 Thread Shirlee Hill
Could someone please give me the name/contact info of someone who sells Stuart
Johnson bobbins or can I contact Stuart directly?  I know Van Sciver handles
them but is there anyone else either in the US or UK?

Thanks ...


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[lace-chat] Thank You Secret Pal!

2003-11-12 Thread Shirlee Hill
Dear Secret Pal ...

Here I was this morning, taking everything out of my kitchen cabinets, sorting
through what to keep  what to throw away, washing the shelves, etc. (getting
a jump on the Christmas cleaning) when I heard the mailman  went out to find
a package from you!  Thank you so much for all the goodies!  (I'm eating one
of the chocolates as I write!)  Yes, replenishing my lace supplies is going to
be quite a chore ( an expensive one at that!), but it will be fun, too!
Right now I'm working on a card edging  I am totally lost.  I've unlaced it 
relaced it twice already but still think I'm making a mistake somewhere.  Ah
well, this is how we learn ... or relearn in my case   :)

Thank you so much for such a generous package  I hope that you  yours will
have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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[lace] Finished Projects

2003-11-06 Thread Shirlee Hill
So far, in my attempt at relearning lacemaking, I have done 4 snake bookmarks,
a horseshoe,  I just took a spider bookmark off my pillow.  You can see them
in my Bobbin Lace album in my Webshots account ...


My old lace projects are in there, too, but the first three are the ones I've
done in the past couple of weeks.  Nothing fancy but I'm getting the knack
of it back, I think   :)


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[lace] Italian Lace Query

2003-11-05 Thread Shirlee Hill
Just got word that my husband is going to Italy for a 4-month temporary
position starting in January.  I will be able to visit him for maybe 2 weeks
during that time  of course am wondering about the possibility of lace shops
in the country, especially those selling midlands bobbins.  Is there any
chance of me finding such shops?  John will also be traveling to Spain 
possibly to the Azores while he's there,  he will be living on a military
base not too far from the Austrian border.


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[lace] Thread Help Request

2003-11-01 Thread Shirlee Hill
Thanks to those of you who recommended Brenda Paternoster's book on thread
conversions!  I have ordered it but have no idea when it's going to arrive.
Probably not today,  I am wanting to start a new lace project, so could
someone please help me?  Like I said in my initial posting, I have all sizes
of tatting threads.  Would any tatting threads be comparable to Fil a
Dentelle?  Also, I have a pattern calling for Mez Effektgarn fine metallic
thread.  I have several skeins of DMC metallic floss  am wondering if a
strand or two of this would be an appropriate substitute?

Shirlee Hill

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[lace] One More Thread Question

2003-10-28 Thread Shirlee Hill
Sorry about the proliferation of posts tonight   :)

As far as threads go, I seem to remember someone telling me once that if you
want to tell if a thread will work for a particular pattern, double it over 
hold it up to the pattern  see if however many pins' worth of this thread
will cover the pattern nicely.  Am I remembering this right?  Does this make

Shirlee Hill

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