Re: [lace] Teachers and teachings

2004-03-20 Thread Ilske und Peter Thomsen
Dear Lynn,
There are no stupid questions between lacemakers. There are only people 
who know a bit more then others, and therefore we have the list where 
we can ask and get answers.

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Re: [lace] Teachers and teachings

2004-03-19 Thread Laceandbits
In a message dated 19/03/2004 03:23:28 GMT Standard Time, 

 although like everything
 else in lacemaking, some people find them difficult, and others do not. 

In one class I was teaching, one quite experienced lacemaker had managed to 
avoid tallies with her previous teacher, and with me until she had been in my 
classes for a couple of years.  When it was *essential*, because of the piece 
of lace she had chosen to do, there was blue smoke around her for several 

Later in the term another student, a fairly new lacemaker, also wanted to 
learn how to do them.  Her first one was nearly perfect, her second just as good, 
as was the third.  Student one (who by now could produce passable tallies, 
but still with massive concentration) was watching this with envy.

The whole class collapsed with laughter when student two asked, in all 
innocence Yes, but when am I going to learn to do the *difficult* tallies that 
*** has so much trouble with?

hiding indoors today from very wet and windy weather.

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Re: [lace] Teachers and teachings

2004-03-18 Thread Ruth Budge
Lynn, just in case Tamara's not on-line at present, I'll answer.

A tally is a little woven decorative shape, usually (but not always) worked
instead of a Ground Stitch.  Two pairs of bobbins are used, with just one
single thread being woven backwards and forwards through the others until the
desired size and shape is achieved.  Tallies have a reputation for being
difficult because there is always the danger of pulling the tally out of shape
by tugging too hard on the weaver thread.  However, once you understand what
happens when you pull on this or that thread, they're not nearly as

Tallies are also used to work the leaf shapes seen in some laces, such as
Bedfordshire lace.

I believe it was an English lace teacher who once said that you had to make a
thousand tallies before you felt happy making them, although like everything
else in lacemaking, some people find them difficult, and others do not.  

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)   --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hello
 OK Tamara you are making me nervous.  I am new to this lace making stuff :)  
 What in the world is a tallie.  Another stupid question.
 Lynn  :)
 Clarksburg, WV
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[lace] teachers and teachings

2004-03-17 Thread Wildgun004smate
I have been following everyone's conversation in this matter (snoopy Lynn) I 
have not taken any classes however, I do have people from this group helping 
me.  A certain one who has taken me under her wing, so to speak, she sent me 
books, and she sends me drawings of what I need to do.  I just love this group, 
I get so much good input when I show what I have done so far.  Even my 
daughter has told me that she is proud of me, because I usually give up.  So for all 
you teachers out there, please don't be discouraged if a student doesn't do 
what is supposed to be done.  If he or she doesn't do it, it is there own fault. 
 I think to myself ..what could I do if I had someone in person showing 
me.  For now, the Internet is my link and you all are my teachers.  Sorry if I 
am using you.  :)

Thank you, 

Clarksburg, WV

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