[lace-chat] :) Fwd: bumper snickers

2004-09-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
From: C.B.
Constipated People Don't Give A crap.

If You Can Read This, I've Lost My Trailer.

Horn BrokenWatch For Finger.

The Earth Is Full - Go Home.

I Have The Body Of A GodBuddha.

So Many PedestriansSo Little Time.

If We Quit Voting, Will They All Go Away?

Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

Illiterate? Write For Help.
Honk If Anything Falls Off.

Cover Me, I'm Changing Lanes.

He Who Hesitates Is Not Only Lost,
But Miles From The Next Exit.

I Refuse To Have A Battle Of Wits With An Unarmed Person.

You! Out Of The Gene Pool - Now!

I Do Whatever My Rice Krispies Tell Me To.

Fight Crime: Shoot Back!

(Seen Upside Down On A Jeep)
If You Can Read This, Please Flip Me Back Over...

Remember Folks: Stop Lights Timed For 35 mph Are Also Timed
For 70 mph.

Guys: No Shirt, No Service.
Gals: No Shirt, No Charge

If Walking Is So Good For You, Then Why Does My Mailman Look
Like Jabba The Hut?

Ax Me About Ebonics.

Body By Nautilus;
Brain By Mattel.

Boldly Going Nowhere.

Caution - Driver Legally Blonde.

Heart Attacks... God's Revenge For Eating His Animal

Honk If You've Never Seen An Uzi Fired From A Car Window.

How Many Roads Must A Man Travel Down Before He Admits He is
All Men Are Animals;
Some Just Make Better Pets.
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: on electronic voting ...

2004-09-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
Lots of you - in the US - read Dave Barry's column in the various 
Sunday magazines (it's syndicated); if you've seen it already, delete. 
Those of you - in the US and abroad - who are not familiar with Barry's 
zany sense of humour, enjoy :)

From: T.H.
Every vote counts! Well, sometimes - by Dave Barry
Pretty soon, you, the American voter, will enter the sacred sanctity of 
the voting booth and cast your ballot for the next President. Or not.
It's also possible that your ballot will go back in time and 
participate in the election of 1848, or wind up in a distant galaxy, 
helping to elect an alien being with 73 eyeballs (slogan: "A Being of 
The truth is, you don't know WHAT will happen to your ballot, because 
you might be using one of the new electronic voting machines. These are 
supposed to eliminate the screwups we had in the 2000 election, in 
which the ballots of thousands of Florida voters were not counted 
because, due to poor design, many Floridians have the intelligence of a 
sugar beet. No, sorry, what I mean is: The ballot was too complicated! 
There were names and chads, and to figure out which name went with 
which chad, you had to follow an arrow, and

 ... Whew! As a Floridian, I'm getting a headache just THINKING about 
how complicated it was!
So this year many states are switching to electronic voting machines, 
which use computer technology - the same foolproof technology we use in 
the newspaper industry to (%$(AT)!(AT)hkjhou((7%$ERROR ERROR DELETING 
It turns out that things CAN go wrong with computer technology.
One big concern is that electronic voting machines could be tampered 
with by "hackers," as was the case recently when an 11-year-old New 
Jersey boy named Jason Feeblehonker, using only his Game Boy, was able 
to get himself elected governor of both North Carolina and Wisconsin. 
(He's actually doing a decent job, although some state police officers 
are not thrilled about having to carry light sabers.)
But aside from that, electronic voting machines are a great idea, 
according to people who make millions of dollars selling them.
Here's how this "high-tech" voting system works: Inside the voting 
booth you'll find a "touch screen," which is a computer screen coated 
with a thin, invisible layer of germs left by all the people who voted 
ahead of you.
When you touch this screen, tiny pieces of electricity called 
"electrons" go shooting into your finger, through your arm and into 
your brain, where they whiz around until they locate the name of the 
candidate you wish to vote
 for; they then transmit this information to Central Voting Command 
(located in India) along with any legally questionable thoughts you may 
have regarding terrorism, tax evasion or sexual fantasies featuring an 
 and Wayne Newton.
Electronic voting is fast and harmless, unless they get the voltage 
wrong, in which case an overhead sprinkler system will automatically 
extinguish any flames in your hair. So there's nothing to worry about!
Remember: Before electronic voting was approved for use on humans, it 
was extensively tested on laboratory hamsters (87% for Dennis 
Kucinich). So that covers how you're going to vote.
The other question is, who are you going to vote for? The best way to 
decide this is to watch TV ads, which present the issues with a degree 
of honesty, nuance and sophistication rarely seen outside of Vegomatic 
(On the screen, we see the CANDIDATE. Next to his face is the word 
"LEADERSHIP.") ANNOUNCER: "Leadership. It isn't just a word. It's a 
word that tested really well in our focus groups. And it's a word we 
want you to think about when you think about the candidate."
(Now we see the candidate's OPPONENT, in an unflattering photograph 
that makes him look like the world's largest
glob of earwax.) ANNOUNCER: "The opponent favors policies that could 
cause the Earth to rotate in the opposite direction, causing all life 
on the planet to hurtle into space and die. Is that really what 
Americans want?"
Yes, voters, by the end of this campaign you'll be so well-informed you 
may flee to Paraguay.
But I urge you to stay, because on Nov. 2, you have an opportunity to 
help choose the person who will lead this nation for the next four 
years: Jason Feeblehonker.

Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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[lace-chat] Re: A tale of two woes.

2004-09-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Sep 20, 2004, at 19:40, Lynn Weasenforth wrote:
I can laugh now, but not when it happened.
Those are *the best* stories... Like the time - at the Rome airport - 
when DH (American passport) was let through, but I (US "green card", 
which - I'd been *told* - was an equivalent but wasn't really, and a 
Polish passport. Valid, but without an entry visa) was kept on the 
other side. With a screaming 18month old (US passport; thankfully, we 
had the foresight to get him his own ) on the "let through" side, 
but all the diapers on mine... :)

It was *really funny*, for years, when retold at dinner parties (the 
"punchline", after hours of phoning both embassies was - from the 
Poles: "sorry, but we've just won a major soccer match against the 
Italians yesterday, so our name's mud. You'll *have to* get it 
straightened out via the Yankees or not at all"). But it wasn't the 
least bit funny at the time...

Then today, my other grandson decided to play with a  lighter.
  It was matches in my day but, since I'm a smoker, DS was taught 
very early on to leave alone all things to do with fire (lighters, 
matches, cigarette stubbs, ashes). By the time he was 15 months old, 
he'd toddle up to any of those, point an accusing finger and say "kgh" 
(his version of "eek", denoting disgust). *Exactly* the same sound he 
used when he needed a diaper change... :) He still (at 27+) has the 
same facial expression when he "meets" one of my ashtrays, but I 
wouldn't be surprised to learn that, if he has children of his own, 
he'll tell them: "play with fire now, douse it while you're asleep", 
same as I was. And, since it seems to be true (most arsonists have also 
been bed-wetters), it's a good way to keep a child from experimenting 
with that particular element...

Commiserations, all the same...
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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[lace-chat] A tale of two woes.

2004-09-20 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello Gentle Spiders,

Just decided to let all know my exciting  (not) happenings.  I can laugh 
now, but not when it happened.  A couple of days ago, I decided to remove 
the glass door from our entertainment center, I figured I'd better do it 
before the grandbaby broke it.  I loosened one screw and wham, I got it, 
right on my left foot.  The glass didn't break but, my skin and my big toe 
didn't survive.  :)

Then today, my other grandson decided to play with a  lighter.  Well it's a 
good thing that I was planning to recover my bobbin pillow, because it is 
quite scorched.  My daughter tried to whisper about it but, my DH, loudly 
said, "You had better tell her before she finds out on her own."  Oh the 
sweet joys of grandkids.  :)

Well that's my story, and I am still giggling about it.  Took my toe two 
days to stop bleeding.  Today, I stubbed it on the coffee table, need to 
wrap it with new gauze.  Oh well.

Talk to you later,

Clarksburg, WV

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[lace-chat] Luton Lace Treasury II

2004-09-20 Thread Carolyn Hastings
Just a note that as I am now unsubcribing from the lists, will anyone
else who wants a copy of Sally Barry's Luton Lace Treasury II mailed to
them from the UK, payable in GBP, please be sure to email me privately.
Otherwise, I won't see your request.  Likewise, if you notice such a
request on the Lace list, would you be kind enough to let them know (I
have already unsubcribed prior to departure for UK)

Thank you,

Carolyn Hastings
Stow, MA USA

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[lace-chat] SP Thanks

2004-09-20 Thread Sonja Sillay
Dear Kiwi SP,

Your parcel to me arrived this morning.
Whooow what a lovely selection of goodies you sent to me.

NZ Lace Society magnet is already on the lid of my pin tin - I love all
different badges, club pins etc.

The napkins are always handy to have and I like the motif you chose for me.

Notepads with Kingfisher the bird that is my favourite after the Puffin.

The "book" is perfect and I will use it for my divider pins.
It  jogged my memory as I have one like this before all in wood with leather
This book/block  is an old tradition from an island in my old homecountry.
You hang the "book" above the door on top of  the doorpost and if you  can
see the "book cover" from the outside stay away, if you can see it open  you
are welcome.
On mine you can read glasses, false teeth and legs are all good friends on
the side showing you are welcome.
I can scan and show it to you when I know who you are.
You gave me a really good idea for making Christmas presents - thank you

Also how on earth did you know I was looking for a small soap!!!
I need it for something else than washing myself and I will tell you about
it after this SP months are over I think I will write too much here

Once again thank you very much !

   / Sonja

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[lace-chat] secret pal thanks

2004-09-20 Thread Anne Nicholas
Hi Secret Pal in Australia,

Thank you very much for my parcel that arrived today. It was very good
timing as today is my birthday and it was like having an extra birthday
pressie !!

I have to say that I have eaten the chocolate already !!
I came in from work craving chocolate so couldn't believe my luck when I
opened the parcel and there it was !!

The bobbins are lovely and the kangaroo will remind me of my Australian
Secret Pal.

The address book is a very handy size and I love the needle case also.

Many thanks once again,

Anne Nicholas

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[lace-chat] MSN instant messages

2004-09-20 Thread Jean Nathan
DH, very foolishly, chatted to someone he doesn't know, who contacted him
this morning via MSN Instant Messaging. The person claimed they were from
the Phillipines, and DH tends to believe people are who they say they are,
unlike me. This person now knows at the very least that they have a live
address, which could generate all sorts of things. But my worry is that they
could also have our IP address and download one of these diallers or some
other sort of nasty software. We're up to date on anti-virus software, but
don't have a firewall - when I tried setting that up it stopped everything!
We've got premium telephone numbers blocked, but not international as we do
phone people in the USA and Australia.

Has anyone else had this sort of thing happen? Any idea what they might have
been up to? I'm quite worried.

Personally I have nothing to do with Yahoo or MSN messaging services and
switch them off whenever I'm using the computer.

Jean in Poole

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[lace-chat] engagement bells

2004-09-20 Thread Helene Gannac
We have some exciting news. DD1 became engaged to her boyfriend last 

Congratulations, Yvonne! And best wishes to the happy couple! You're lucky
they're not getting engaged after having had 2 daughters, like my stepDD!!
At least she's now engaged to the father of the first daughter (14 years
old...), so she's not creating a 3rd problem :-)

I hope you had started on the lace veil already...You don't have much

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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